Story Time
Just found these amazing comic series made by a very talented artist here.
29 chapters and counting. lets go
Story Time
Just found these amazing comic series made by a very talented artist here.
29 chapters and counting. lets go
Is the artist a meatcuck?
why sage the thread, dumb nigger?
It's a poorly-drawn comic made by a muslim shitskin who begs for donations on Patreon.
why are you triggered by his drawings?
you're muslim or something?
If we wanted to read your comics we would go to your site.
We know that you're the artist user. Just because you're now posting pretending to not be the artist doesn't mean we can't recognize you. And you know, I used to like your work too, but seeing you shill it here almost monthly has really turned me off to it.
Are you a meatcuck, or are you not a meatcuck, OP?
if you've hated the comics you wont bitch to the mods about it, dumb nigger
saging the thread doesnt exactly make you look calm and composed
get triggered more cocksucker
youre the meatcuck, dumbass nigger
Are you trying to trick me?
lol, nah, m8
nah, you're just a whiney bitchy dumb nigger
thats all.
sage my thread more, fuckface
You really think being an asshole to anyone who legitimately questions you will make people want to read your comic? You might want to rethink your shilling tactics for next month.
Also you've already used the "just found this amazing comic" line a few times now so it's getting pretty repetitive. Consider better bait from now on.
Can I commission you to do a drawing of Vegan Gains fucking leafy in the ass?
We told you to fuck off the other 28 times, I'm not sure what you expect to be different.
saged and reported. no one is giving you money, shitskin.