Please vote on what I read next, can't decide

Please vote on what I read next, can't decide

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i like the Japanese cover a lot

Rolled 4 (1d4)You mean out of these books?

They all look horrible, but I'll roll 4 u

Dune is pretty fun.

Dune for fun and destiny.
Wikileaks for a bitter pill.

Looks like it'll be dune and wikileaks chapter by chapter thanks bros

daily reminder that the "Golden Path" is the real red pill and is the true dialectical understanding of the world.

Are you sure you're not a tankie?

If you are going to read Dune make sure you have a canteen because its really dry.

Read Dune.


anything but dune

Dune, of course.

Always good for a laugh.

Ah, you must be talking about this…

No, he clearly was talking about the Black Book of Communism.
fuk u bitch nigga

Dune is shit even as far as science fiction goes.

you are fucking shit. What do you read fantasy?

You should read this.

The sad thing is since OP is part of the "anarchy lives dude lol" liberal posse this stuff might actually be on his reading list.

What is the Wikileaks book like?


how come bookchin burned so many lechaoslifestyleanarchismm'kay asses? was he that alpha?

On the contrary, his critique of contemporary anarchism essentially amounted to, "UR ALL LIFESTYLISTS BECUZ I'M MURRAY BOOKCHIN AND I SAY SO". Bob Black pretty thoroughly rekt him for that shit.

And really otherwise Bookchin mostly just repackaged classical anarchism with some ecology stuff.

this guy is like, super sharp or something

Why are anti-communist never well read? I doubt you have even read those two.

OP read the Gil Scott-Heron and tell us if it's good. I had genuinely no idea he wrote a book.


Chose either Bookchin on Wikileaks, dependent on what you want to learn: geopolitics of the current world (wiki) or org. strategy (Bookchin)!

Why read Dune when you can read Foundation?

my nigga!



This is next on my list once I'm done my current book.

Read "The Eighteenth Brumaire
of Louis Bonaparte" by Marx after.

Such a good reading. fucked up the last one gg