Do we serve God Emperor Trump no matter the cause and bathe in the blood of the dead or is there a line? What is that line? What lengths will we go to serve our God Emperor? I know what I will do. What say you children of Kek?
Are we a cult Holla Forums ?
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Trump serves us.
You have a very limited understanding of Kek and our faith, my friend. Lurk more and you will learn.
We serve Kek and Trump has been gifted with his soul. Join me.
Accusations of cultism can be leveled at literally anything.
Come back when there's an argument.
Fuck off back to cuckchan and take the rest of the altistic-right with you. It's annoying having to explain this to every single autist who hasn't been around long enough to understand.
Trump is and always has been a means to an end for us. He does not represent the pure interests of Holla Forums. He has not advocated for european ethnocentrism and he has not called out (((them))).
don't lurk more. just leave.
Ahh, didn't mean to pick the first one sorry lads
The only thing I can tell you is not to let others tell you what to be.
i love externalizing all my responsibility onto others like a true cuckchanner. so yeah, trump is my god emperor and i support him at every turn no matter what for all time.
We are disciples of Kek and Kek alone, Trump is merely one touched by Kek's divine grace, and as such we are devoted to him. If Kek turns him away, so too do we.
This, Kek could change tactics at any time, it may seem chaotic but there is a method behind it that we can't understand in the moment.
I wondered about this for awhile as well, but I don't think so. Cults by their definition don't allow for socialization with people outside the cult. They also generally have some person occupying an overt leadership position. The cult members look to this person for guidance and spiritual fulfillment.
If anything we're more of a coalition of jesters. Mischievous in the extreme with no real regard for societal norms. As for kek I think he falls somewhere in the realm of the Warhammer definition of magic and gods.
What I mean by this is that kek is not an independent entity. It is not some consciousness influencing world events. Rather kek is a manifestation of our collective spirits, all of our faults, all of our fears, and all of our mirth united under a name and a face.
TL;DR: We've basically created Slaanesh light edition.
If there is an identifiable culture then yes there is a cult. You cannot separate the two
cults are more about worship.
ethnicity is about culture.
We don't like Trump because he makes funneh tweets and was a reality star. He calls out globalists (and the media corrects him by calling them Jews), promised to return America's demographics to the 50's levels, and recognizes that illegals are a problem. No other politician running for president would have dared to even breathe any of these words. Trump knows what is up.
If he cuck'd out we would abandon him. But I truly believe that he knows what he is doing. Just look at what he has Pence doing right now! Kicking out lobbyists and neocohens. It is beautiful.
14 = hand
Trump serves us. If he doesn't prosecute the kiddy fuckers, then he's obviously fucking useless.
Trump will need to be put on a tight leash. Once he's in office I expect Holla Forums to be his harshest critic. If he continues all the ass kissing to Israel and sucking circumcised dicks you can be sure I'll give him shit as much as I gave King Nigger shit for being a fucking race baiting coon.
Despite the fact nobody is forcing anyone to be here through indoctrination, threats of estrangement, emotional blackmail, and physical punishment. As a matter of fact, those last three things are more likely to happen to us for being here.
People are so fucking desensitised to any sort of extremism nowadays that they assume anybody must be indoctrinated automatons when they show any sort of uncompromising attitude on anything. That's where "rite-wingers r jus as baed as ess jay double yoos!" shit comes from. The average person just want to be comfortable in their perfect mediocrity until they die, and anybody who rocks the boat, left or right, threatens that.
We're not a cult, we're memewalkers.
OP is a faggot.
Most of us love Trump because he is doing a service for our people, and thus, our future. We don't serve the man, we serve the idea. The idea that brings about a rekindling of the Aryan spirit, and of Western civilization. The majority of Holla Forums longs and yearns for a greater ideal, and sees Trump as a means of accomplishing that ideal. It is about serving the higher aspect of man, and the divine in man, instead of the bestial lower order of the common pleb, the liberal, or the Jew. We want to see man reach for the stars, not bury his head in the sand. We want to see the absolute best out of people, not mediocrity and decadence. We want medicine, not more poison. We want the zeitgeist shining pure and white.
He is not the means, he is but a step in the right direction. Trump has too many Jews around him to be blindly trusted and to be given the status of savior of western civilization, let alone the status of "God Emperor". Doing so would be the same as when kikes gave King nigger the Nobel prize for peace.
I agree with what you said, but he is still a "means". He is a stepping stone. He obviously isn't going to be literal Hitler, but he is the step in the right direction, and the shift of the overton window that could bring about our Fuhrer. No, I am not one of those to think that Trump is the endgame. He is a huge step in the right direction compared to king nigger though. We can't stop with Trump, but as long as he serves our interests and is able to accomplish them, we back him. It is really that simple.
yeah my bad, 5AM posting isn't the best. I associated means with endgame. I'm still wondering if accelerationism wouldn't have brought the shift faster. It really will depend if he only reduces the heat on the boiling pot or if he turns it off totally and puts the pot on a cool counter.
No problem user. Have you noticed how much more civil Holla Forums has been since post-election? I really like that I am not getting attacked by hordes of redditors and CTR for every post now, and the same people I have spoken to for so long are the ones replying. Thanks, user. As for the Donald, only time will tell. Things could have only ever happened the way they have. Whatever happens next is what is going to be. Enjoy the ride, and remember Vincit Omnia Veritas. We will win in the end.
This is now a KEK thread
No, we're a religion. It's a matter of numbers.
dubs will summon the great one
Cults are all about creating an in-group that mentally crippled people draw emotional sustenance from. They aren't actually about faith or beliefs or anything that religions offer. They are about power. Granting power to a small group or a specific leader by convincing susceptible victims to invest all value from their lives into the cult.
Kek, meme magic, dubs, etc.. Nothing at all to do with that.
Well except that we were a cult…
but now as the saying goes…with numbers like these who needs fallacies.
I've always wanted to be part of a new formation of my own cult.
Praise kek, praise his holiness.
The religion of pure whiteness will prevail.
Race - Nation - Memes
The trinity of the God of Kek.
Gas Kike! Burn the Nigger! Shoot the Gook! And now roll me a winner!
Praise KEK!
I'm really sick of this Kek shit, to be honest.
You can't stop it. We will have our pyramids in the antarctic soon.
t. totally not leftypol
Take this as a sign. Kek wishes us to absorb everything. Intergration until our final form is complete. Chaos beings are made of a everything.
The Lord of Kek comes in many shapes and forms.
honestly how dense are you
this you fucking nigger
No, we're hermetic.
Which grew into scientific.
Basically, we look into what science missed.
But apply the same amount of pessimistic critical analysis.
No he's fucking right.
I will scrutinize him in real life.
If you don't praise kek you might as well leave faggot
God save our Gracious Memes
Scatter our enememes and make them fall.
Bring him victorious.
Happy meme glorious
and make him whole and one with us!
Go-od save our memes.
Our Lord Our meme arise~
Scatter the seas and skies
'Till we stand tall
Confound their politics.
Destroy their scheming tricks.
And make us all now one with thee.
Death to the timecvcks
We are the descendants of Shem. It is our destiny to defeat the descendants of Canaan. Those worshippers of Baal and Moloch. We are the good and they are the evil. Trump is our leader for the coming purge.
Nice try heretic.
Nigger do you even etymology? They're from the same root. You literally cannot have one without the other. These words don't get to lose their connection just because you and many others don't understand them.
In the ancient sense of the term, yes. Aphrodite had a cult; Apollo had a cult; Dionysus had a cult, yet they shared an overall culture and ethnic binding. Kekism is definitely a cult in that sense, in my opinion, and is more native to and relevant to imageboard culture than any other religion ever developed.
We are the vassals of Kek.
We are the cult of Kek.
No. We are anonymous members of an imageboard, free to come and go as we like. Cults don't allow you to leave without punishment.
It's being used to slide the board.
Daily reminder that mods = fags and 8ch is compromised and has been ever since the DDOS stopped
The things we did can't compare to the things the Eldar/Elves have done so of course what we made isn't evil but still delightfully twisted.
Fuck no, and fuck you. Kek would be Cegorach the laughing god if anything. Chilling in the web(way) and causing mischief for the hell of it. Holla Forums and the web and large is basically the black library
Chaos is chaos.
It has no good or evil.
Just chaos.