Pence Purges all lobbyists from transition team
Oh god it's actually fucking happening. Wojak is holocausting everyone.

I'm really really starting to warm up to Wojak.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuckservitives are getting long knived.

It's fucking happening.



This better be real.

More and more by the day he's looking better in my eyes. Give 'em hell, VP Wojak.

The upcoming winter is going to be so goddamn comfy.

You better bet that it's fuckin real, lady.
Ya wanna see my donut collection?

I think Trump handed that order to him to set the tone early, in public Trump shows his VP isn't a traitor and in private it tells everybody that fuckery will not be tolerated. You will heed my instructions Mr Wojak, or else

lol Holla Forums be like..
b-but bernie 2020

Better not get stabbed in the back with muh mojority illegals vote and putting hillary on the throne in december.

wew lad

Also the media is flipping the fuck out about Steve Bannon, Twitter is mass banning right wingers, and CNN is giving fucking cuckchan primetime news coverage.

I honestly think that the establishment is crying out in extreme pain.

I hope this does happen, because it would literally cause a civil war and the likely extermination of the leftist resistance.


Things are certainly getting quite strange. Soros' chimpout ultimately accomplished nothing. Wonder what they've got boiling in the cauldron, we've obviously caught them flatfooted, but that can't last forever.


I can't believe Pence stepped up to the plate.

The memes are reaching a breaking point.

weeeeeew. Great news.



Maybe Trump knew something about Pence that we didn't. Maybe Mike was just waiting for an opportunity like this to come fully off the chain. I mean, I know liberals piss themselves over Pence, but now, if true, lobbying faggots among the Republicans are getting thrown the fuck out.

I told you faggots, this is what happens when you push a wojak.

Also it means that if they kill Trump they get lobbyist holocauster Pence.

Man is better and better insurance every single day.

There's a smile on my face for the whole human race


That's not accelerationism; we've already won. Sore losers attempting to start a civil war (that they're guaranteed to lose badly) would be even better.

Shit really freaks me out fam. How is Trump not a time traveler? Pence looks exactly fucking like Wojack, and the archetypal relationship between Pepe and Wojack had already been established long before Trump even announced his candidacy… How many synchronicities can there be over the course of one presidential campaign? Not to mention, the Cubs finally "breaking the curse." The omens have been stark.

We President Now



Seriously. Both sides have a reason to fear him now. The fact that Corey may end up as RNC chair is fucking hilarious too.

Pretty much all the police and Military would be on our side bar the CIA.

They have no leverage.

You'd think the kikes would just throw in the fucking towel already. For a race of turbo autists with hooked noses and high IQ's they really don't think anything through.

Always a great combo

why are liberals so scared of pence?


Satan is right, Back to the Future predicted the Cubs winning with only a one-year margin of error, and fucking Nate Silverstein of all people accidentally predicted that they would win and then 8 days later Trump would win.

Either Trump can see the future or he is being led by a higher power.

Nice digits.
There will only be more and more synchronicity as this continues, my friend. Eventually all the synchronicities will be entangled to the point where the glorious Singularity will occur and show us the true face of Kek

Because he realizes wanting to fuck somebody who is the same gender as yourself is not normal.
No, I don't give a fuck if the Spartans did it. That was like 2000 years ago.

He's a Christian theocrat. He'd make 'merica a Christian republic a la the Islamic Republic


He's actually doing it. Holy shit


gotta check your satan trips

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

You are in for one Hell of a mindfuck, nigga.

In an alternate future Trump was already backstabbed by the neocons. He's jumped back to this timeline and plans to make sure it doesn't actually happen.

It's a fun myth and it explains their undoing. In order to maintain a faux-government where you staff everyone with yes men and stooges you need idiots that will obey you and are slaves their baser instincts, vices, and degeneracies.

I've been reäcquainting myself with the mythos. Seems to be relevant to the weird shit that's been going on of late.

Seemingly connected to the Zones of Thought cosmology from Vernor Vinge. We might be rising out of a deep, long minimum of ambient "astral" energy. At least, it would certainly be nice to think so.


He did say he was just a messenger. Given everything I've seen so far, I'm more inclined to believe that is not false humility, Trump was 100% telling the truth.

One kike less.

Damn down to the second.


Shocked it took this long. That walking ball of lard is a fucking sell out. Hope that yid lover Giuliani is not given shit either.

Peas of a pod




lol I bet all the cucks on reddit were cumming from calling all the trump voters dumb for voting for trump since christie had a few lobbyists in the transition team. Now like 5 hours later Pence ganked the cucks and now we're one step closer to MAGA

How many donuts did the lobbyest give him to get on the transition team?


This is probably bullshit. Pence is a piece of shit christcuck.
Trump should purge him as soon as possible before he stabs him in the back.




It couldn't be the president's ability. Could it?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he made Alex Jones press secretary just to fuck with the Media.


How the fuck am I supposed to believe all of this shit?

There are so many bullshit articles what the hell?

C-can he keep it up?


You have 8 more years of being completely shitter shattered

Does the mean Corey Lewandowski is out ? He was a lobbyist for a while.

God god Kek really is beating Moloch to death if he hasn't killed him already.

I'm never underestimating imageboards again.

Is wojak active on twitter, we sould really flood him with "Thank you" messages, show support, don't let them feel disconnected, let them know the public stands behind them.


About the only legitimate (i.e. keeping the system intact without revealing the man behind the curtain) weapon they have left is to make up bullshit rumors about Trump's cabinet to give the false impression he's already going back on his campaign promises and cucking out and getting a mole in there to sabotage everything.

This doesn't surprise me. I would take any news about his administration that doesn't come from the Emperor himself with the amount of salt we mined from leftists since last Tuesday. This is their last chance to exert what little power over public perception they have left before he ascends his throne and purges them all.

Never lose faith in him. If he wasn't a brilliant strategist and a fine judge of character who wasn't a million steps ahead of everyone else, he wouldn't have won. It's gonna be a bumpy ride til January but boy will it be worth it.

Most of these (((reports))) of problems are by unnamed sources.

I almost wonder if its not a few of Trump's guys just trolling the news media to waste their time and keep them from digging on Trumps real picks. . Watch out of no where Chris Christie is AG and his 1st order of business is to LOCK HER UP.

But then the Secretary of State becomes president. Trump is literally going to make it so they have to kill everyone in the executive branch to remove White Nationalism.

And yet, still one post in between, somewhere…

I would have waited until after I'd ringed the White House with three divisions, myself….

I don't think Pence has any initiative of his own and only does what Trump tells him to do, as terrible as that sounds. He's a human version of Yes Man in many ways. I'm sure when Trump is done, he'll program Pence to have more initiative.

Those posts have the same ID retards. Their browser probably fucked up or something.

This means Christie is going to be indicted and they don't want anyone related to him within 100ft of their cabinet. Sucks for Christie, although him fucking with peoples day to day traffic just to fuck with a neighboring Mayor is slightly fucked.

You know how I know you can't read?

The press is in double down mode.
They'll keep it up, and Trump will have all the evidence needed for Nationalizing the media.

Jesus, it's actually fucking happening. What makes this all the sweeter is that we had to put up with a full week of these faggots claiming "their trusted source" informed them that it will be business as usual.



Speaker of the House becomes president I think. Sec of State is much later. All the more reason why Ryan has to be replaced.

He made the common mistake of using a small, thick bottle for a Molotov.
That would have worked far better if it was a thin wine bottle, those things break really easily.

e86d86 and 8c0f68 are not the same thing. How about you learn to read nigher?

A: IDs are not the same.

B: Posts aren't even 100% identical (second one lacks the period), so it can't have been a duplicate post.

Cucks and shills BTFO.


You must be black.

Ask me again on my deathbed. I can't see myself ever tiring of this.


Nah they didn't assemble the molotov right, you're supposed to leave an air bubble in the bottle and put a heavy bolt inside the bottle so that when you throw it it impacts the surface on both sides.

It's the press concern trolling while also trying to explain away his draining of the swamp. It's not swamp draining, it is Trump "not knowing what he is doing". All the shit about him being surprised at having to fill all staffer positions is bullshit too. Trump was probably impressed and pleased that he would get to fill them all.


Holy fucking shit. The madman hired Christie to get an anti-list of people to fucking blacklist. "Hey, corrupt shit-sucker I actually hate. . . would you mind telling me which thrashed whores would make good appointees?"

"Sure fella, [list of names]"

[sound of chattering machine guns]

"Got anymore? No? Well okay, into the ditch you go too, fatso!"



I didn't make the other post.

The absolute madman
Love you Wojak.

Or he could have just used a fucking breakaway bottle. Those things shatter extremely easily.

You are correct SoS is 4th in line.

I'm really starting to like him now.

It's happening. I've had like three dreams in the past week of getting hired by the Administration. Holla Forums TURKS now.

I've lost count.

His punishment must be more severe


eheheheh. If anybody thought the transtemporal chess was going to end at the door of the White House, they just got BTFO

I bet picking every single little position is a bit of a task and I guarantee that other President elects have been coached through it or given party advice/commands. Maybe it is tough because he is not sure of who to pick yet, despite being damn sure of who it is NOT going to be. He could really be doing it all on his own, and I actually hope he is.

Keep in mind him winning gives the slobbering slavish leftists exactly what they all subconsciously crave, to be the downtrodden. This gets them off. Their self-righteous complaining will be nonstop, even if things are made objectively better for everyone. The media will criticize Trump for things multiple presidents have done in the past. Hell he will probably catch heat for pardoning the anti-semitic, racist turkey on Thanksgiving.

Corey Lewandowski resigns from CNN after visit to Trump Tower


Not even inaugurated yet. Trump really is going to make us tired of winning all the time.


Holy shit user, I didn't look at it from this angle! The motherfucking glorious bastard; he thinks of everything. everything!
4d doesn't even begin to describe what he's playing. We're reaching levels of chess that shouldn't even be possible.

Revelations talks of a group of people casting out the merchants and the con-artists of the world that corrupted it.

If you want to talk about synchronicity in biblical terms then we're moving on to the 1000 years of peace where none of the people have to die before the coming of paradise.

Look at shit like the pedofiles and pizzagate and it really starts to add up.

It's getting crazy in a biblical sense user.

I still think this is why he hired Reince, while having Bannon be in a position to overrule him. Reince is out of the way so now Trump can push for someone he wants as RNC chair and thus giving Trump full control over the RNC and who is backed and all that. This bends most of the parties politicians to him with little effort now.

4000 decent people is a tall order. Some cracking of whip will be necessary. Pence will be the whipmaster.



I'm counting on it. They haven't realized that doubling down on their bullshit is what got them a Trump POTUS, a republican congress, majority republican governors, and majority republican state legislature. Keep going. Most of the politiciansare still cucks. More change and upheaval is necessary.

Accidental sage

I don't see Trump filling 4,000 spots. Once he realizes how redundant government is you'll see that number come right down to something reasonable.

I said in another thread, he's going to use up Giuliani in Justice as a bone crusher against BLM, then he'll shift the blame onto Rudy and let him take the fall for his "racism" and go on to win 2020 and preside over a peaceful Volk for once.


Wojack confirmed for falling into line with the new Holla Forums administration.

Chris, get on the plane and go home. Go home Chris. The plane is over there.

Maybe he even lurks here.

Who knows?

It would be an honor to be called a nigger faggot by Wojak himself.

4,000 seems like a low estimate to me, once you realize how many people who have totally reneged on their ethical and professional responsibilities to this country there are in Washington.

Hehehe. From Kek's lips to Holla Forums's shitposts to Pence's orders.

/christian/ maybe, but not here.

underrated meme

Are you tired of winning yet, user?

Good Luck Wojack.


Did not even think of that. The Master is wise beyond us, fam. Soon, he will draft a list of appointees to your local school board. It will be the best possible list of appointees and resistance to them will be annihilated without mercy.

they tried to take his plane down, and they probably poisoned the poor dog.

Not gonna happen, if it was, they wouldn't have pushed a bill to abolish the electoral college.

you need to brush up on your memetics 101 book, moishe

translation: Trump knows exactly what he's doing and the media is losing their shit.

this user gets it

You can always count on the loyalty and ruthlessness of true believers.


They also fall apart in intense sunlight

criminally underrated post

It is real.


We was geometry and sheit.

2016 was the year the white man hit back.

As a recovering libertarian, I am very concerned with the amount of winning that has been going on lately, yes. I'm just not used to it.

the winning is necessary


but not yet sufficient. I'm nowhere near tired of it.

Kek what does it all mean!

Kek. The best part is that when the Saxon learns to hate, he gives no sign. Your cattle just mysteriously sicken and die, leaving you with nothing for the winter, followed by famine and the critical weakening of your whole race so we can conquer it with like eight guys and three horses.

We truly are a race of aristocrats. We don't smash shit in the street and throw faggy tantrums - we exterminate the foe in such a way that the future cheers for us when they read the history books.

You know I never understood why anyone would want money more than glory. What does money compare to glory? Does the name of Crassus compare to the name of Caesar and Augustus?

Fighting for justice and being a true believing righteous fanatic just feels fucking good.

This is a really good sign.

I've worked in the casino and high rise hotel development industry for over a decade now (an ex boss of mine is actually friends with Trump). Any superstar in the industry i've met has always said the same thing about HR/hiring/firing. And that is:


If someone isn't going to work out you cut your losses immediately. The moment the arrangement no longer benefits you, you end it immediately. I had one boss who would go through three to four people per position before he found the right person. I expect Trump to operate in a similar fashion.


Holla Forums is wrong again, they truly are the opposite of us.

It really does feel like things are changing for the better. I can only hope and praise Kek

…because you CAN fire three quarters of Washington overnight. Contrary to what everyone would tell you…

You're actually probably right. Read the first three chapters of "Trust Me, I'm Lying" and you'll see that's a pretty common tool for media manipulators to create news only to get certain reactions


I find it impossible to believe Trump didn't know the pile of shit he was stepping into with Christie. He did it on purpose, as part of a larger plan to smoke out the crooks Christie would pick. Now he knows who not to hire. . . ever.

Checking those beautiful Awakened Saxon dubs.

Also I love winning so much. All day the shills, media and Holla Forums shit on everything Trump does then we get treated to a comfy night of nothing but winning and salt. Truly this will be a comfy winter for us and a COLD winter for our enemies.

kek, that really is the perfect metaphor here. But in a good way, not a shitty K Street lobbyist way

The Polish Enforcer is back.

For what? What the fuck?

Krispy Kreme suicide when? He's gonna be well out of a job.

Charming. Sauce?


IT'S 2016

We need a good name for Pence. Something to do with electrocuting people, I just can't think of anything catchy.

ehh I don't care for weebcuckery. I thought it looked cool because of the guns and european armor, but if it is gookshit I am not interested.

Fuck anime

We Jacksonian now?


its actually made by frogs and is quite good. the budget limitations show, but its still worth your time

Alvin York

it's called the luegenpresse newfriend

Don't forget that it will also be drafted on time, under budget, and mexico will pay for it.


>1000 year reich occurs

m-mein fuhrer?

it's kinda boring and unintuitive IMO

Mike "Sends them to the Electric Fence" Pence


Electric Mike Pence
Mike "Shock the Fags" Pence
Mike "Jolt the Queers" Pence
Mike "The Raging Storm" Pence

Sing a song of Veep Pence
bury foes in lye.
Four and twenty leftists
couldn't make it fly.
When the jobs were open
we Holla Forums began to sing.
And wasn't that a tasty gift,
to give to our first king.

No such thing.


Neocohens and their cucks getting BTFO.

Lurk moar newfags


I can't call myself a fanatic but when I see corruption for what it is and see that it's a cancer among our fellow men I know it must be rooted out by whatever means we have save for the illegal.

Many of their numbers are useful idiots and I believe the path to redemption for most of them are to be shown the error of their ways and then turned against those that rotted their brains to save even more.

Gamergate gave a good example of this happening. Ian Miles Cheong was a hardcore SJW in the midst of it's beginnings. The deeper he got into it the more he realized how bad things where. Eventually he got so fed up he basically woke himself up and embraced rational discussion again.

Since then he's just another stand up guy with opinions people either agree with or don't. No more of the marxist mind rot that is pervading our peoples minds.

Deus volt

its certainly repetitive (hence my saying its budget limitations were obvious) hell ill even admit i havent finished the campagian for that reason although i feel the repition would be lessened if i hadnt pirated and did the multiplayer thing but i hate multiplayer so nbd i dont see how its unintuitive though.

He said he was going to drain the swamp
that also means cutting out the dead flesh.

Mike Kuwabara Pence

Mike "Pincer Attack" Pence


Oh shit.

I don't understand the overall goal. It's been a while since I played it, but I remember not knowing exactly what the rules were and how the game worked


Last night I had a dream that Moonman was running for senator

Mike Pence the Prince

We REALLY need to fill them, I'm betting most of them are judge positions. Most of the important cases get blocked in the circuit courts and district courts, if you can fill those with actual conservative judges, you'd see a HUGE shift in fedreal law. A lot of Bill Clinton's appointment's are still sitting in the bench.

David Duke lost, unfortunately

only good one here is


what a waste of quads man


Probably the bridgegate thing. I do think Trump will pardon him since he rewards loyalty but at the same time pardon the people under Christie who some feel Christie threw under the bus during that whole thing. After that though, Christie will be on his own.

Electric Pence

I believe Cheong was a nazi before a sjw, many wondered why he was brought to heatst with such a past that, and considering Louise Mench recently, controlled opposition is the likely scenario.

Mike "Pike the Kikes" Pence

Need a glowing eyes edit here not on my home computer right now.


Eating meat isn't normal either, yet I don't see you meatcucks stopping anytime soon.


We are great apes. We thrive on a plant based diet. Deny this fact at your own peril.


"Iron" Mike "Shock the Gay Away" Pence

Now they will all know that feel.


It's catchy

Well he's admitted to be an edgelordfag back in the day and occums razor points towards that being the case.

If he's a plant then he's playing a very long pointless game.

It's more likely he just got sick of their shit based on what he's said before on twitter.

Check'd, comin' up.

You apparently have really shitty posture, double dubs.

Fucking Wojak invited everyone to a party but went Red Wedding on them.


ur a fagit

hope so, was a quick turn around from nazi to sjw to current state, perhaps he goes where profits are forecast-ed to be best.

Kek has rewarded your display of butthurt with doubles. Please come back again.


But why would Pence of all people do this? He's establishment. Something's not right here.

Chimpanzee eat meat. Now your turn.


we are capable of digesting meat
we are meant to eat meat

>>>Holla Forums

That's perfect.


Oh god please YES.

Danke, fam.

Enjoy the colon cancer, m8.


Just what is it you think chimps and gibbons eat you Mongoloid? What a waste of double dubs.

Anytime famalam.

whatever's on the ebt list

Kek I proved you wrong and that is the best you can come up with. Get out of here cuck.

Woe to Africa
Their "refugee" invasion into Europe
Colonized the globe
White, ruddy skin
We were Titans
PC white genocide
They are in our lands
Listen up!
God's Spirit is restless against the invaders
in Christendom
It's always darkest before the Don
18 months of gore
Anglo-Germanic race
No more moslems, Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, all the Church's ancient bishopricks restored.

Maybe Trump and Kristie have a secret deal where Kristie gives him the list of names and steps back in exchange for a pardon for that Bridgegate shit.

I want to believe this is true.

That's exactly why he said nice bullshit about Killary but didn't say whether or not he was going to prosecute her. He's going to let Gowdy or Giuliani get their hands dirty while he sits back and plays the nice guy.

Mike "The Best Defense is a Good" Pence

All this subtle programming.My spidey sense is tingling!
What could it mean?

Watch when Trump gives his speech after he wins the presidency. Look how he treats everybody up on stage compared to Christie

Christie as AG would be a disaster. The man has no integrity and isn't pro 2A.

Is that why we have canines? To chew grass?

No thanks.

It's French you fucking idiot.
I'm pretty sure that image is fanart, as well.

Plus he's lying about the great apes. Chimps are omnivores and looooooove their meat.



Cheong is a rat who now rants about how Trump is controlled by Hitler.

Well that and he didn't want it to be used against him by protesters. We all know what he really meant.

That's how all games used to be mate, the real unintuitive parts are the research system and chargen. Sure the english is pretty garbled but you can make your way through alright

Hitler Putin

2016 best year

Fucking madman. I can't even fault him for it - he's taking to this with the gusto of Lord Vetinari as Patrician. He's like the anti-Hillary; he's just as manipulative, but actually seems to be putting the good of this nation and its people first.

I know, I just said being gay is weird :^)


cheeky cunt

Like I said, opinions that are wrong but otherwise eh.

I have the same feeling about Guiliani. Bolton, even. Bolton used to troll the UN like a boss. He's been a douche in the past, but he's an attack dog. He'll follow orders so long as he gets to draw blood.

Not fucking Bob Corker. That faggot better end up 1000 miles from the white house.

It's like something out of an anime. Trump is making anime real. Katana fight with Soros when?


Took me a second

That article was total bullshit if I remember, there was no actual source

Katana fight with Soros on top of the white house while Pence fights a Metal Gear.

Gorillas actually have tiny (3-6 cm) microdicks.

Pence was hiding his power level and sucking off lobbyists all so he could push against degenerate faggots. Now that he no longer needs lobbyists he's unleashed.

I was hearing rumors of Laura Ingrahm which would actually be quite awesome (she came out sieg heiling at the RNC) but AJ in this role would be hilarious.

Lynch yourself, nigger. What do gorillas use their canines for?

Also, this is a Pence thread, not a meatcuck thread. Stay on topic.

I don't think he will bring Bolton on. If he ever did that, that would mean Hillary and half of congress would be executed that same day since that would be the only thing to calm people down.

You obviously haven't been paying attention.


No source for that claim unfortunately, but between WebM related and the debates I wouldn't rule it out totally.

Those words still echo in my head.

Dubs demand it.


It's their primary weapon. Do humans go around biting shit to fight it off?

They are fucking terrified of Wojack. It's also funny that they haven't realized the rape charges were dropped.


I had to read that twice. What an ass. I love him.


Well, this has to happen now.

Current year is becoming better and better. Can't wait for current year + 1.


Aren't we already in the current year +1?

It does but 1. Kikes can't fight for shit and 2. Soros is a disabled old man who couldn't even pick up or swing a weapon.

Unless the demon's he worships intervene of course, but Trump would still decapitate him

Actually, 2015 was the Current Year. 2016 is CY+1. Next year is CY+2.

In celebration of Wojak's good deed, here's a Pepe posted by an user shortly after the Emperor's victory. Feels good man.

2017(5777j) will be CY+2.

Whats the matter, afraid of a little electroshock therapy?



Here another compare a picture of Rudolph Hess and Pence, the facial features and expressions are remarkably similar.

Pepe please deliver me a new pair; I already wore out my old sides.

He knew.

Without even knowing it.

You know Trump wants to bring him on but is biding his time until the electors vote or he is sworn in.

Katana fight? Psh, Trump would be Armstrong and would be nano-augmented to hell and back and he'd be fighting an army of Soros-funded libtard drones.

And if you take too long or set your system's clock ahead by two weeks, Soros dies of old age.



wew, lad

As much as I hate protestants, they're better than the alternative of atheism or god forbid, islam

And this is coming from an agnostic who was raised Catholic

Then he'd be worthless.

Haven't hear of that one before.

other than their arrogance they're generally good people

Nice until their NOT!!

First they take the White House
Next they take Jerusalem

Holla Forums is a Kekite board.

For the first time in my life I truly believe we are all being led by a higher power. I really think Kek, and all of the numerology, and all the other wierd stuff going on is God's voice.

Not all Atheists are cuck shitlibs.
Some of us understand the importance of white isn't in some "divine mandate," but in our genes and memes as the Sons of Europe!

Can someone explain the picture to me?

We deus vult now.

Der (((Spiegel))) already speaks of 'Stalinistic Cleansings'.

If you were a true atheist you wouldn't care if the majority of society was Christian or not. You'd treat it as another environment to adapt to, not to whine about for victim points.

money is a tool.
some people become tools of their vices.
…and some share in god's righteous will.

the game has katanas

I honestly think that Trump is going to depose Merkel at this point.

WW3 might actually be America, Russia, and Britain teaming up to take down anti-white Germany.

Wojack was sitting alone on his birthday because

So his friend pepe went over with a NatSoc gf for him, hidden in a nice HDTV box, so what he thought was a nice gift is actually a wonderful gift. That's why pepe is smug at the end because he knows the "trick" he's pulling will make him even happier in the end

Not sure if I should respond to this, but I will fight for Christians and Celtics if they go crusade.

What makes you convinced that those genes and memes were not a divine gift?

Trump will be the ultimate Cohenite.


what is a cohenite? ultimate good goy?

No Defence Against The Pence

He thinks they're not, you think they are. In this life it really doesn't matter which is right, we're all on the same side.




The recent narrative on Pence is kind of fascinating. Supposedly because Trump is completely incompetent and never wanted to be President anyway, Pence will be the one in charge, and since he was governor of Indiana while some mild freedom of association law was passed, the real President will not be insane fascist child rape/murderer Trump but rather a calm Christian theocrat fag burner (wow just wow, dae see Red State???).

Wants a theocracy

Hey man Germany always fucking looses whenever we have a world war so we just have to make them the standard bearer of the cucks.

Perfect plan.

I love this jackass

I don't care what he does or what he says

Fuck is this what idol worship is like?



True but our German brethren should be spared. It is the shitskins whom need to be purged.

Nice Canadian Tuxedo.

Not sure who I want to go away more, Elizabeth Warren or "Megyn" (obnoxious spelling btw) Kelly.

Take the hint you horrendous cunts. Nasty, nasty women.

It's only a matter of time now, establishment Republicans better start updating their passports.

> Author:

> 52 year old trustfund dyke



The European genetic code is the code from which the European person and his mind manifested. The European mind is the womb from which The Greatest Civilization was born, and his body is the shoulders upon which it rests.
Nature forged us in the harshest of winters, to develop a code with an edge over competing codes. This code must be kept clean not because it's a gift or mandate, but because it is to our and our descendents' advantage!


we're designed for hunting, faggot.

You think the true nature of the kike is really this dumb? I was considering it earlier too. At their core, the jew is mainly banking and the Talmud. It truly isn't much.

Consider that Pence might be the real 1488 fundamentalist on the team.
While perusing kikebook i've noticed there seems to be much more consternation from 'sane' liberals over Pence as opposed to the ones throwing tantrums about Trump.


We're group based persistence hunters more than anything. Whites back in ancient times were very close knit because tribes that didn't band together and had constant power struggles died out. It's why niggers are still niggers after thousands of years while our very ancient ancestors learned to cooperate if they want to get that deer.

I don't give two fucks about Christie. He supports expansion of NSA Surveillance State programs, and also supported amnesty.

No, no, the guys with the chink swords are the bad guys t. commander rimanah



The fuck are you smoking?

Just realized that Trump could use all the powers of Obama to be President in perpetuity by declaring martial law.

Most non-kike neo-cohens were more in it for their careers and personal interests, the Jews only hold them by the purse. So we will see a lot of people hiting back at their old masters.

aka God Emperor

Mike "ECT the POC" Pence

That's because he's actually playing the glass bead game.


Kelley unfortunately is going to whore herself out left and right since no one on the right will bother with her and the left still hates her and only pretends to like her (preferring instead a rainbow-haired minority instead). Even cuckservatives at some point will avoid her since she is intertwined with Trump in their minds that triggers them.

Warren and many democrats are in for a special surprise if Trump brings charges on Hillary since in her efforts to secure the nomination, she has made dirty everyone in the party by direct association. I still think they will get a hobo to run for the democratic nomination since that is all they will have left.


First Elliot Cohen, then Mike Rogers, now the lobbyists. Oh, almost forgot.


C-can we stop winning for a moment? Seriously my sides can't take this. My cheeks hurt too. It's like you haven't moved for centuries and suddenly you run a high energy marathon.

I think 2019 is gonna be a fun year user's.

Bannon is a civ nationalist cuck

sorry to kill the buzz

Actually, you fail to realize, Trump is cucking the Right because he was really Holla Forums's candidate all along :^)

Holla Forums is natsoc now.

This isn't about Bannon

Pence is a loyal, devoted dog to Trump, and it's a beautiful thing.


…we're gonna retake the four lost cities of the pentarchy aren't we?

The flags of Orthodoxy and Coptic Christianity will fly over Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem.

well wojak does mean warrior/soldier in Holla Forumsish

Makes a lot more sense.

Maybe he's Malcador.

all it takes is for a Trump plant in the media to continue saying 'Trump is Hitler' and doubling down to keep pushing people rightward and discrediting the rest of media…

Is this a training video?

You are correct. Mike Pence will do anything to make Israel happy and everything to hurt Trump and stab him in the back.


Lest anyone misunderstand you, let us ensure understanding: Pence is a Dog of War.

holy kek that article

This is a good meme. The guy's most likely still a standard Judeo-Christian, but our enemies are the people who thought Bush 43 was establishing crusader states in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump doesn't eat vegetables and is the most high energy man on the planet. Go shove your soybeans up your ass, faggot.

You have to go back

Not realizing that all of this had to be said to calm down the kikes and fool them.

This is what it feels like to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

He's agreeing with you retard, or do you just hate snek?

(checking my own digits)

Step it up niggers! ==WE IMPERIUM IN 2019!!==


nice digits

Look I had my misgivings about Pence too but if you're still not giving him a chance after this you need to rethink things. Is it really out of the question in your mind that out of all the potential neocons in Washington that Trump couldn't find one that was just hiding his power level for funding?

Stop avatarfagging you worthless shitter.

You've been visited by Pence The Purifier

Swamp draining and the crusade against the gays will happen but only if you reply with:





So Bill Kristol(#NeverTrump, Renegade Party, David French, Communist Neo-Kike) pushing Mike Pence forward as someone to run for Governor of Indiana was just "happenstance"?

solid advice. I got fired from a job at a 3D printing service after 7 workdays because I was honest with management that I wanted just a smidge of creative work I'm addition to my wagecuck duties. I had already started looking for a new position, and I'm certain my manager knew it'd be best to cut me sooner than later. Good on him, TBH. Temporary NEET status was indeed better than the wagecuck lifestyle I was about to subject myself to.

what would you propose be done, anyway?

if they planned all of this in order for Trump to betray whitey, then they're doing a good job



Hey, guys. How are things?

They put Pence in there so that some "violent nigger" can shoot Trump in the head and then they have Good Goy Pence in power. They had the same plan with good goy Tim Kaine and Hillary.

The Jews were planning to assassinate either president to get their puppet in as VP.

What part of "hiding his power level" do you not understand?

Nigger Kristol is a fucking idiot. The man is wrong about fucking everything and only has any influence at all because his daddy founded neo-cohenism.

The average Holla Forumsack is much smarter than Kristol.

I too doubted Pence. But it's awesome how much he frightens idiots.

Wojak IS your guy. Pic related, a Christian meme that's triggered many a lefty scrub.

What part of Bill Kristol is responsible for the creation of Neo-Conservatism do you not get?


What part of "Bill Kristol is only famous for being retarded" do you not understand?

I understand it I just consider it irrelevant that Pence fooled him.

This is true.

Kristol was nearly in tears when Trump won. In fact, I think he actually cried. That's some supreme acting.

I think he's just a retard that feels he is good-intentioned. Neo-cons were like the "good Masters" with the left being "bad/abusive Masters"

Of course, the Jew must be the master over the goyim, but the Right-wing Jews wanted to be benevolent overseers - to the degree they're retarded.

Rationalize all you want.
We are FUCKED because you all refuse to criticize the kikes orbiting Trump.

White Lightening

same, keep that salt flowing.



You just saw Pence purge lobbyists from the transition team.
The left is scared shitless of him. Trump trusts him.

What fuck else do you want. You've got actions, you've got the fear of the enemy, and you have the trust of your leader.

Pence at this point can do nothing else but continuously earn the trust.

CTR, please.

That was just mean any I look at it. Who does something like that?

No man Kristol is literally fucking stupid and everyone makes fun of him behind his back for being wrong all the goddamn time.

Semites and Negroids hate dogs on an instinctive level. Dogs are the white man's best friend.

The media loved Trump at one point as well. Benji Shapiro even suggested Trump would be good for the republican party before. Does that mean all is lost? Come on. Kristol was in Pence's corner because he thought he was a good goy. I doubt he would be now.

Bill "Dan Quayle's Brain" Kristol is a fucking moron who's spent his whole life coasting on his father's political connections.

Hey look you are greentexting and putting words in my mouth. Typical jewish tactic. See: CNN/MSNBC/FOX

1) Republicans act like they are getting in line.
2) The Bushes release the #PussyGate tape.


jezebel (read:gawker) apparently. sjws also have a history of attacking horses during blm protests. although that might have been only one time.

Careful, our enemies say and believe the same. Don't let your zeal cloud your judgement; temper that and refine it. You have to be level-headed and composed with your allies and any who could become so, or you risk sharing the fate of the countless who have fallen for their failed cause before you.

But no seriously this shit-show is wonderful to watch. I can't wait to see what comes of Trump's desire to sodomize the MSM over their behavior. I think they made his case for him in that regard.


That is fucking amazing! I know this is a super low-information voter, but please tell me Wojack actually did this and it's not just a projection from insane liberal filth. I honestly cannot think of a funnier troll than this. Maybe forcing families to observe the due date as if it was actually a birthday, to remind whores of the life they passed up, but in a way this is funnier.


Mike "The Wall is Hot" Pence


From what I can tell the Republicans are bitching and campaigning about Trump's policies while trying to infiltrate his administration.

Also Pence refused to get crowed King by Ryan and stood against the coup.


Hang on, is killem all man the Kek worshipper?
Is he the one who has frogs on everything?

Inb4 JIDF still tries to push the "Trump is with the Jews" D&C still. The purge has begun. This is how nationalist governments are born.


I'm quite knowledgeable about Kristol and laughing at him.

I understand that he looks like wojack and that looks like a blessing from Kek, but Mike Pence is going to ruin everything we have memed for.

Pence is a danger to Trump.

If Bernie had any instinct of self preservation at all lol socialists he'd shut the fuck up and keep his head down in Vermont.

Singles show it's not true. Even the faggots at snopes said it's mostly false. Says the bill has the baby buried or cremated but the whore isn't charged for it and the facility is the one who has to deal with it.

If they attempt anything of the sort they will be utterly crushed. Don't forget that we already have them massively outgunned just on the basis of being pro second amendment. And that's not even counting the fact that Trump now controls the military and police.

We've taken power and we are NEVER giving it back. I'd sooner destroy the Republic and become an Empire than see it fall back into the hands of the left.

You can't just make statements that are indistinguishable from concern trolling without making a logical or persuasive case.

You reek of a shill.

The word genius doesn't describe this. Was crispy cream always an idiot that would pick lobbyists like this? I thought he was good. He was even on the stage at Trump's Winning speech on election day.

by far the most retarded of all the 911 theories. so retarded, in fact, i wouldn't be surprised if the government are the ones behind the theory.

"Mongrels." BBC puppet show. Too good to last on that shitty network.

(polite sage for off-topic)


No I was illustrating the two-faced nature of the Neo-Cohen. They act like they are on your side up until the knife is in your back.

Typical 8pol (((poster))):
>Unless they are orbiting Trump. Then they are our best friends!

Gotta heil.

Can we make it true maybe?


Well you've outed yourself as not from here, I'd switch IPs if I were you. Tell your bosses that I could do an infinitely better job than you do for less pay.

Your autism is showing.

Too late.

I dunno Hitler I think you just proved it true with your statement

Also is anyone noticing an incredible amount of dubs in this thread. Kek is with us brothers Shadilay.

This is the best timeline I remember cautiously optimistic Holla Forums, but holy shit is this something else. This man has just been elected and won't take office for another 2 months. Without any official power Trump has purged the scum of the GOP. Sam Francis can rest easy knowing a dagger has been driven into the dark heart of the Stupid Party.

lel your mask slipped.

They can't even get their narrative straight.



I think you're well intentioned but its looking more and more like Pence just managed to fool the kikes and us. Trump was smart enough to find the perfect man for VP.


Pence said he grew up in a comfy small town. He could easily be playing the kikes.

- Connections to Cohens.
- Video where Pence averages 1 Israel per 7.74 seconds for 3 minutes.
- Bill Kristol is shilling for him.
- His Israel message is extremely consistent.

What more do you want me to say?
Seems like you are doing the "shill-tactic" where you throw out all the arguments a person has made and say they have no arguments.

- Heres another video of Mike Pence being a cuck.
- Heres a picture of Mike Pence at Yad Vashem, Israel's holocaust memorial.


Thanks for correcting the record.



Found the bill
Wew lads
They do get cremated and buried, however the parent doesn't have to pay extra for the burial unless they want it buried in the non standard place. This also applies to any miscarriage babies.

proof please thx

Listen here new-faggot.
If you want to call me a shill call me JIDF.
The election is over. CTR was only being paid during the campaign. They are no longer shilling for Hillary because their pay checks were being paid by Brock / Hillary for America.

Again, what say you to the fact Pence just purged all the lobbyist kikes from the transition team?
What say you to the fact the left is fucking terrified of him.
What say you to the fact Trump trusts him?

You're just another "muh wait for Hitler" faggot with zero new arguments to make.
Pence shilled for Israel. Great, find me a guy that didn't this election cycle. Even Trump himself.

Actions speak louder than words. The reactions of the enemy speak louder as well

Le up vote

you can whine all you want about Pence but there's literally nothing you can do about him being vice president. The only thing you can do is try to warn Trump.. which means him actually caring. and if he cared, it means he already knows, so your kvetching about it is pointless

They have other donors. They are still operating. Their goal now is damage control.

That money always flowed from Soros.

Of course he knew, he's already seen everything.

But how can Trump govern without our (((advice)))?

Whatever, Jews are going to shill here no matter what. CTR is what new-faggots call them. That poster was not contributing anything of worth, just calling people shills and moving on.

Yea, thats what I am trying to do. I am trying to snap you faggots out of your election-high so that we can counter meme the assassination. If we are all screaming they are going to assassinate Trump to put Pence in they won't do it because we have preempted the assassination with a prediction.

Why is so Israel important compared to the subversive kikes at home?
Israel is an openly nationalist ethnostate. If people admire that, then that's good for us.
I don't give a fuck if semites do what they've done best for the past few thousand years: Killing each other. What I want is an end to middle east interventionism, no war with Iran, no support for terrorists in Syria and Libya and no saber rattling with Russia.
If that ends us up with a Greater Israel or Iran dropping a few megatons of ordnance on Tel Aviv, so be it. For now, I'm happy the neocons are getting purged.

1. CTR is still operating.
2. Every time someone comes up with a good counterpoint or counterargument, you ignore it and refuse to address it, instead shooting for easy to refute comments.

You are either a shill or a nitwit.


This chortled my pants.

This is just fucking sad

No, CTR is an actual thing. How can you be this ignorant?


Trump also supported Israel in his campaign. Your point?

2022 mate.
That happens in 2022.

Get the fuck in the oven Jew. You just confirmed my observations about Pence.

This place is infested.

What part of "under budget and under time" do you not understand?

Assuming that Kojima still has the ability to tell the future, the closest parallel to this would be Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, which is set in 2018.

because he's an actual "christ cuck" is why he's earned my support. I thought he was a rank and file neocon until we looked into him actually being a fag hating god fearing man that will stick to his beliefs over anything else

I say if Trump is the god emperor then Pence should lead the Inquisition to purge all heresy

No. You're a fucking idiot or shill.


Dude I was even nice and told you to change IPs but you keep tripping all over yourself. Seriously get me in contact with your supervisor, your ass needs reprimanded.

Nobody's perfect, user. He's better than Hillary, at this rate, already, so the least you can be glad for is that you aren't dust in the wind, unless you wanted to die, in which case that can still be remedied.


Would explain all the chris cuck threads >_

luckily at this point I think you're an idiot.

I don't know who that is.

My appetite has only been whetted, the flavor of victory is still fresh and delicious.



Acute or obtuse?

watch out, donnie, or you might get swallowed whole

- Right after I detail the payment structure of Correct the Record and mention David Brock the shill claims I said "CTR does not exist.".
- The shill will then correct the words he put into my mouth.


Fuck off David, you lizard ass motherfucker.

Your shilling for Pence is going to keep getting harder Moshie.

please keep talking ,you're just confirming how retarded you are, even more

The under budget part.

What do you want, user?

Be honest.

Reported for spam.

You are a Jew. You have been exposed.

Trump would have lost the election if he'd put Duke in the VP slot. You know that.

Uh oh! That goy goes above and beyond just "good".

more please lol

Don't talk badly about David Duke he's based as fuck, the only reason people are afraid of him and call him KKK is because they know he'd be way too appealing otherwise, he's a brilliant guy with a PhD in history for a reason

China's already at human testing phase of a superhuman project. Maybe it's time for America to unveil nanomachines to counteract the threat.

you can enjoy your ban too m8 :^)

No, he's as subversive sack of shit.

Again, putting words into my mouth.
Of course Duke is cancer to be tied to Trump.

You asked for someone who didn't shill for Israel. I provided you with an example. It was more for keks than anything else.

David Duke opens his fat mouth anytime anything happens and acts as a scapegoat for any politician effecting real change. Remember what happened to the Reform Party?

Duke joins, boom, the party collapses.

Trump is a businessman, and knows what and when to fold, and where.

I think you can assume he'd know how to handle his dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Neither. Holla Forums is always right

Duke doesn't compromise or appease the kikes and hes still successful.
Gas yourself.

Good one regardless.

He lost.

Maybe if Duke didn't appear to purposefully destroy everything he touched, I would have less shit to talk about him.
Maybe he just has bad luck, but either way, he does not appear to be a friendly force to, well, anyone.

This is the problem with you people. You are unable to be pragmatic and use this in our favor.
When Trump mentions The Wall, we invoke Israel.
When Trump mentions "extreme vetting", i.e. no shitskins, we invoke Israel.
When Trump mentions nationalism and anti-globalism, we invoke Israel.

We both D&C the kikes and protect us from their smears. They'll be forced to make a decision, which either way hurts them: They can either be globalists, or pro-Israel.

Duke didn't even run for POTUS.

Mike "Electric Fence" Pence

He's a deadly barrier to those of our enemies who try to get too close to God Emperor.

It wouldn't be the first time I was banned for questioning the kikes orbitting Trump.

This place has just bent over, lubed up, and readied itself for the circumcised cock of schlomo since the election began.

Fuck your safe space. Holla Forums needs to cut the "God Emporer" shit, come down from the clouds, and get to work on keeping Trump on the straight and narrow.


Time to face reality snowflakes.

A right triangle of course, well 4 of them.

So because he sticks with his principles he's subversive. Next you'll say Donald Trump is a puppet for the democrats to ruin the republican party forever >:(

That isn't his fault it's the Jews fault, his support is growing though because people are realizing he isn't your typical braindead nigger hating Southerner and that anytime he makes a point he's quick to cite sources to prove them and has studied history thoroughly to know direct implications with everything. Go watch his alex jones interviews, I wouldn't be surprised if David Duke was one of the smart anons on here that redpills the rest of the dolts on here.

you're full of shit, he had a successful term in the house of representatives as an open white nationalist

No, he's subversive because he literally tries to fuck shit up every opportunity he gets.
Maybe he's just a blithering retard, but he's not helping. He should fuck off.


hope you're b& again m8

He seems like a good guy but he's kind of a sperg. Not great for electoral politics.

Are you autistic or are you trying to do some sort of "if I make an person posting anime while saying something that makes me look like an outsider they will hate anime" thing? I'm still iffy on pence even though I enjoy the memes from it, yet I don't think that pence will assassinate trump. If there was a assassination, they would want pence to be president so they could win the next election easier. Or am I just being baited?

Hi David.

The memes are becoming real. All of them.

Good for him, but I meant from the presidential candidates.

Have you ever listened to the man speak when hes not on a youtube video about the Zionists?
He is extremely intelligent, well spoken, and inspiring.

He is an absolute nightmare for the kikes.
He doesn't back down and he doesn't compromise.

you're not baited, you're responding to a retard that doesn't know he's harming what he's trying to protect

And again, you ignore all pertinent points made against your point and ignore the fact that Pence is actually doing something good, actually following orders. For some reason this is a cause of alarm. That said, you said this:

Look at their twitter right now and tell me that they are dead and that they are no longer shilling for Hillary. The fact that they started another website to push anti-Trump stuff shows how ignorant you are of things and instead of owning up to this ignorance, you put on a song and dance of how ignorant you are. Again, you are either a shill or a flaming nitwit.

Please hang yourself David.

Look at Trump, he didn't ruin trump he just emboldened people that actually want a future for white america

He's as plagued as Robert Byrd was, but guess who was a slave to the Jew

The fact that the world hates him is proof he's doing something right

Because we're not a bunch of hipster contrarians that will shoot themselves in the foot the moment we are making progress?

Trump and Pence praising Israel isn't the problem. Foreign aid is the problem. Foreign interventions are the problem.
Tackling both will hurt Israel without revolving around it exclusively. It's the same with our spic/nigger problem. Cutting welfare will hurt both groups, without explicitly being about race.

…. The Vice President will not pull the trigger. Thats for a patsy to do. The Jews have made sure that the right guy is next in line though. Did you honestly think I was suggesting Mike Pence would kill Trump himself? You understand the Vice President becomes the President when the President dies right?

I fell for the bait

Oh I see. This is Sinead. Fuck off Sinead.

I'm convinced people who think Duke is a subversive have only been refilled since Trayvon Martin

He is not required.

Pence, head of the transition team, is already trying to load Trump's cabinet with Cohens and Rosenblatts from wall-street.

Bob Corker, Tennessee senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush
Newt Gingrich, Republican former U.S. House Speaker
Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq
Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City

Rudy Giuliani
Jeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigration
Chris Christie, Republican New Jersey governor
Pam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney General
Trey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya

Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump's campaign finance chairman
Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican congressman and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer
Tom Barrack, founder and chairman of Colony Capital Inc

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser under President George W. Bush
Jon Kyl, former Republican senator from Arizona
Jeff Sessions, Republican senator from Alabama and early Trump supporter, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
Kelly Ayotte, outgoing Republican senator from New Hampshire and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
Duncan Hunter, Republican congressman from California and early Trump supporter, member of House Armed Services Committee
Jim Talent, former Republican senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee

Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate
Newt Gingrich
Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive and former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor

Michael McCaul, U.S. Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee
David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff and vocal Trump supporter
Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who campaigned for Trump

Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute who is overseeing environmental policy on Trump's transition team
Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors
Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general
Carol Comer, commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management

Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil and gas mogul, CEO of Continental Resources Inc
Larry Nichols, co-founder of Devon Energy Corp
James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush
U.S. Representative Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota
Robert Grady

Sarah Palin, Republican former Alaska governor who ran for vice president in 2008
Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor
Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil
Harold Hamm
Robert Grady

Linda McMahon, former world Wrestling Entertainment executive and two-time Senate candidate

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn
Mike Rogers, Republican former representative from Michigan who chaired the House Intelligence Committee
Pete Hoekstra, Republican former representative from Michigan

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn
Stephen Hadley

Kelly Ayotte
Richard Grenell, former spokesman for the United States at the United Nations
Peter King, Republican representative from New York

Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp

Jeff Miller, retiring congressman from Florida and chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee

Reminder that even Duterte cannot talk shit about Israel.

Subversive or not, he should get far, far away from any movement he actually supports. He's a leper who goes into his friends houses instead of going into quarantine (or attacking their enemies).

And you don't think Trump is aware of this danger? And you don't think Pence's actions now have made him incredibly undesirable to cuckservatives and jews now?

I think he's trying to be helpful but I don't think he's actually accomplishing anything productive. He's like that old man at work who can't keep up anymore but has nothing else going for his life and won't retire to go fishing.

Hey Carson's in there

Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate

When they say "Israel" instead of "Jews" it means they were saying the bare minimum with an Uzi at their backs. Don't worry about it too much.

Christians kept Holla Forums going before Kek arrived. Why shouldn't we see to it that you're never the whipping boy for Jews and Muslims again?

Let me post, Kikewheels

How is this list Pence's fault exactly?

I think he will play the trusted advisor to Trump right up until he is sworn in. Then Trump will be dealt with and Mike "Israel First" Pence will be sworn in 46th POTUS.

Mike Pence is in charge of the Transition Team.
This is the List from the Transition Team.

Wew. Carson is not even in contention for a number of those positions since he stepped down from any federal positions. Bannon wasn't on a list and he showed up as well. And finally, that list was made before Pence was put in charge of duties. You are terrible at this.

You have aboslutely no pulse on the actual country. You are so disconnected from common people. You are a retard.

These are just a few names of people that have left the team (Carson), refused an offered position (Giuliani) or have only been mentioned in rumors (Bolton).

Right after Pence purged the team of lobbyists and the last head of the transition team (Christie) was also forced to leave.

That would be an unfortunate turn of events.

The list is obviously slightly dated, copy pasted from:

That wasn't Pence's list. It was Christie's and only barely, because a lot of the names were only mentioned in rumors.

The list predates Pence's appointment. This is like saying the 19th Amendment is our fault because we inherited it.

You aren't important. Leave.


Again, you ignore that if they could kill Trump they would have already or would have done so earlier. The jews are not gods.

We'll see. I have a feeling the cabinet is going to be a whole hell of a lot of 'more of the same'.

Gas chamber is this way >>>Holla Forums

You're an idiot. That list was put together before Pence was in charge of the team. Why are you so bad at this?

Go back to TRS

Why are you responding? Instead of arguing with someone let's wait and see if that something actually happens.

Its not Christie's list, its the rest of the transition team that was already there. If I was to be suspicious of anyone for being mostly at fault it would be Kushner.

No, Pence came on afterwards. You were wrong.

Kind of hard when a number of people got tossed or stepped down.


that's what he needs to do. he's not saying anything original and his pansy ass fear mongering only serves to try and make people become fearful schizo pansies with him


Jews see all white people as Christians because they project their own values of being both an ethnicity and a religion onto the white man.

This is pure, Jewish, ethnic hatred.

On one hand, this is true. On the other hand, Trump bullies the fuck out of him so he won't do something he is outright against.

Can I just say that:

666 = Time

So these are fitting digits for this post.

Remember we are dealing with more than just the kikes here. We are also dealing with all the corruption of the deep-state.

Its purely cohencidence that ISIS is being absolutely OBLITERATED by U.S. bombing this week.
The U.S. Government is mopping up their mess before Trump starts getting the real security briefings.

Have (((we))) tried calling him a daddy's cummies faggot? Maybe that will work.
Again, kikes know only how to name-call.


Trump also listens to him a lot and trusts him because he views him as family. If there's one weakness Trump has its that.

Get out Schlomo. Holla Forumsacks don't need you to dictate the ideas that they consume.
Kikes always seek to control the flow of information.


Call me when we're bombing Riyadh, dumbass.

No he's right. You're not saying anything special and just fear-mongering and concern trolling. Telling people to watch out for jews is redundant around here. It's also pretty silly to act as if they are gods with special ayylien powers that can kill people with their minds. Trump is aware of all that shit.

Trump trusts him to an extent because he has been useful to him. Trump screams at him and so on and refuses to play along with things he doesn't agree with.

did you really hop proxies just to continue your faggy, low testosterone vegan shilling?

sir im going to have to ask you for that webm back

leftypol just wants to be cool like the big boys

alex soros in an effeminate faggot

ITT: butthurt losers and the people who argue with them instead of filter and reporting

At this rate I don't even care if the world ends

Having concerns does not mean you are concern trolling. Encouraging people to not question or as you call it "Fearmongering" is called groupthink and it is cancer for any movement. This is how movements die, when they become an echo-chamber that pushes out and shouts down any Ideas that don't (((conform))).

Shame on you.

Renegade are FBI shills.

Their site used to be packed with flat earth bullshit, they deleted it all and pretend it never happened.





I'm using this one.


There is no reason to post a link to an image on an image board.

Report this faggot.

can we please gas Pence?

Brace yourselves.

He got his PhD from little Israel, aka Harvard, conducted a survey of Iraq's air defenses after Desert Storm, worked under Paul (((Wolfowitz)))under the SecDef's staff, and was a member of the "Committee for the Liberation of Iraq" in 2003. He co-founded Project for the New American Century with (((Kagan))) and (((Kristol))) in 97, and was put on the ultra-Jewy "Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee" after a recommendation from the old villain (((Richard Perle))). In the Wall Street Journal, Cohen called for "World War 4" on terrorism and a war with Iraq in 2001, talking about evil Saddam's misdeeds on CNN with (((Wolf Blitzer))), saying

The Iraqi National Congress meaning Ahmed Chalabi, who ended up supposedly being trouble after he turned out to be lying about WMD. Chalabi got rich working with Paul Bremer in the provisional government, we feigned a lot of anger at him but he was like the "Syrian Human Rights Observatory," a low effort bullshit "information source" for the Jews to pretend they had any reason but Jewing to launch a war.

In response to claims that the neocons were "chickenhawks" who agitated for constant wars while all avoiding their own service in Vietnam, Cohen responded

Ah yes, because World War II was such a wonderful event for mankind.

When Walt and Mearsheimer came out with the Israel Lobby, meticulously avoiding any "anti-semitism" as they described AIPAC and other lobbies' stranglehold over Congress, Cohen nevertheless wrote in WaPo that

Fuck's sake, look at this. You guys might remember McCain and Lindsay Graham hammering Chuck Hagel when he was nominated for Secretary of Defense, since he too had criticized the Israel Lobby. Here's what Cohen had to say

Imagine Israel's Minister of Defense being criticized for not being nearly ready enough to launch a multi-trillion dollar war on behalf of the goyim after having already launched multi-trillion dollars and a world war to save the goyim.

So when Victoria Nuland, wife of Cohen's fellow PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan, toppled the democratically elected government of Ukraine to put in a patsy for U.S. Commerce Secretary billionaire Jewess (((Penny Pritzker))) to organize the buyup of publicly held Ukrainian assets, Cohen let us know who the real villain is:

Agitating for yet another war.

This kike should be fed to fucking vultures.

"sticking with your principals" means jack shit when you have a decade long career of fucking loosing. You have the exact same mindset as the cuckservitive "true conservatives"

Victory matters more than anything else.

Not when it's right-think. You're here too early. Come back after forever.

Some more:

Exactly the "isolationist" charge I wrote about in that article a month or two ago.
Most neocons are kind of shitty, beady-eyed rats who shift and sneak around, this guy basically says outright "shut the fuck up, goyim, and give me your money while you bleed in wars for Israel, heh heh heh." The fact that he's still breathing is a mark on this republic, but at least he's good material to show people who are skeptical about the JQ.

Holla Forums's narrative is always being right, no matter the cost.
We didn't get to this place by sucking each-other's cocks for months on end.
nice >reddit spacing that explains it.

"Arise Peter, kill and eat."


Wait, what? When did Renegade drop the flat earther crap?

If he strikes at Trump, yes.
I'm simply saying he is a snake in the grass.
Snakes tend to bite.

If all of Holla Forums is agreeing and circle-jerking, it is the DUTY of the Holla Forumsack who notices this to play devil's advocate and argue the unfavorable view.

Calling your concern trolling out, especially when you are peddling disinformation like the list being made by Pence when this is not true is not discouraging people to not question and why trying to claim it is, by ignoring your own faults and act as if you have some sort of high-ground is appalling and, wait for it, deplorable.

Shame on you.

Why? He's doing as he is told.

entitled priss, out.

Jim Stone (the IP owner) has been pro-Trump since wayback.

All of Holla Forums thinks Hitler was a pretty cool guy and was not in the wrong. Are you telling me it s your job to act like a nitwit and say otherwise? You're trying to make your concern trolling seem like it is more than the angry retarded gruntings of an idiot.

nice desu

Ah shit, that's the best shitpost in awhile

Pence already went through Holla Forums's justifiably paranoid scrutiny. Remember how tense people were when he was announced?

No one can argue that purging lobbyists is harmful to America. He's doing well so far. There's no need to be contrary for no good reason.

Interesting fact, true herbivorous behavior is incredibly rare in nature, and mostly unheard of among any mammals at all. Even animals like deer and cows, which you would think of as pure herbivores, have been shown on many occasions to have no problem eating meat, including live bird chicks. It's not that they don't see meat as food, they do, it's just that they are not well adapted to hunting down difficult prey like some other animals are. If you lay some helpless little morsels in front of them and they're looking for a meal, they won't think twice.

Wtf is with is avatarfag's obsessions with reddit spacing'

Same fag from another thread

Last night I had a dream a fight broke out over Trump being president, then Trump and his police force appeared and choked out all the anti-Trump people.

Nice reptile mind.



thank you

rofl'd at that mp4

actually german won WWI before Balfour and would have WWII shouldn't even have happened.

i like this one

fixed. although we would be years behind in technology if not for the war.

I really should have watched the celebration.

I think God may intend Mike Pence to be President, tbh.

Then isn't it fucking fantastic that Trump gave this Kike the finger?


Long have I waited for this day.

really? haven't you heard, it's right on up there with the ateo supremacista and the rest of 'em


Good for him and good for murica.
Will remain critical of him because of his jewish ties.

Quick reminder that the Trump critics are not shills and want him to succeed on what he has promised as much as Trumpfags.

Scully is mai waifu



what's that pic on the right from

Whites are already pissed over racial issues. What do you get when you throw in religious issues? Double-pissed whites.
Watch out, heathens!

Lol no joke at least they have me pegged!


Ok this is fucking based. Thanks Mr. Pence

They didn't. There's no Spartan art depicting homosexuality whatsoever, unlike with the Greeks, and writings from the time period show only a society hyper-focused on baby-making, even hinting at hostility toward homosexuality. Spartan buggery is a kike myth, so be at ease.

Famous last words. Have an archive of the post though?

Get back to packing your bags, Moishe.

All Greek and Roman "muh fags" is bullshit. It's not the same.

They had a clear separation of the act and fetish, and the "culture" behind it. People don't understand that and seem to think that a Roman that stuck it in a ladyboy is the same as a modern faggot.

It's not the same in the slightest. Men were expected to have wives and carry on their line regardless of what weirdo debauchery they got onto.

Mike '100 Amps to the Nipple Clamps' Pence
Mike "Give a man head, I'll fill you with lead" Pence
Mike "use sodomites for Christmas lights" Pence
Mike "no tomorrah for Gomorrah" Pence
Mike "if you like gays I'll shock you for days" Pence
Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence
Mike "If you don't like twat, prepare for a gigawatt" Pence
Mike "ass deflowered? The chair gets powered." Pence
Mike "If you can't pray the gay away, you need 1.5 volts from a double A" Pence
Mike "set phasers to straight" Pence
Mike "ass full of juice, face full of Zeus" Pence
Mike "if men make you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Mike "It's only a phase, now here's a taze" Pence
Mike "Dead gay a day keeps the faggotry at bay" Pence
Mike "Fucked a guy? Time to die" Pence
Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
Mike "309 Electoral Volts" Pence

you realize spartans are greeks, right?


Red Sun, The Hot Wind Blowing, and The Only Thing I Know For Real are best songs though

Soros' plan is just the setup phase. When it's time to release the jackals, they will blame sniper fire on Trump and start a civil war.


The Polish Hammer Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

I just remembered who Pence reminds me of.

Bolton is a neocohen

I'm a faggot and I suck cocks. Here's the non-thumbnail image.

Now give us more!

Resident of Indiana, I know all the feminists and SJWs were super upset with Pence. Bill's legit kinda, another user already explained bill 1337.

They started a #PeriodsForPence because they "wanted to make sure he knew all about their bodily functions" or some shit. They were so fucking triggered and I just sat here and laughed and laughed.

Studio which made E.Y.E is currently doing SpaceHulk Deathwing. Mechanics will be practically the same but the Warhammer universe and estetics Streum made will be glorious.

And to think there was a time were we prefered Crispy over Pence as VP. What the fuck were we thinking?


Yeah, he was a director of PNAC who were pushing for all those wars in the Middle East for greatest ally.

You know who was their chairman? Bill Kristol.
The bigshot neocohen who tried to stab Trump in the back and spoil his run, and got snubbed by Ted Cruz.

This man is fucking scottish mafiosi. I legit believe that this guy is feared by kikes like merchant trading sailors fear the storm. If he isn't in Trump administration, then he is his shadow influence.

No more Mr. Feels Guy now. He's come for retribution now.

you WEREN'T thinking, pol is totally infiltrated by leftypol, reddit, and various other normal faggot/ marxist groups who HATE pence because he doesn't worship the pagan tree of sodomy
this includes the alt-kike

Dangerously unchecked digits.

Hope so. Seems like a dude who actually gives a shit and knows how to get things done. Also, high energy as fuck.

And crush her, he did.

Rest of the Greeks*, then. Happy?

I'm saying there's no evidence of Spartans performing homosexual acts at all, much less fetishizing it. It's debatable even for the Ancient Greeks at large, but there's just no archeological evidence at all for homosexuality in Sparta. And as for written accounts, most of what we know of Sparta comes from Plutarch and Xenophon. To give you an idea, this is one of the only remarks Plutarch had to say about anything that could've possibly resembled pederasty:

"Affectionate regard for boys of good character was permissible, but embracing them was held to be disgraceful, on the ground that the affection was for the body and not for the mind. Any man against whom complaint was made of any disgraceful embracing was deprived of all civic rights for life."

Doesn't sound like any form of buggery was too acceptable to me, especially considering Sparta had a warrior culture steeped in heavy Stoicism. Then there's how Sparta routinely shamed its unmarried men by exempting them from public festivities or making big, ritualistic displays to mock them before the women. Even Aristole's commentary on Sparta leads us to believe that the society was hyper-focused on heterosexuality to that point that even wife-sharing was practiced.
I forget exactly where the "Sparta was a buncha fags" lie started, but it was in the last century or so. It's a modern myth. This myth may extend to the rest of Greece and Rome, even, but I'm still in the process of uncucking all this revised history I was taught.

Finally I know how it feels when someone posts your picture.

Trump got Pence to pull the trigger because Pence is perceived as "one of them". This is truly a multidimensional chess move.

This says that one of their own are "willing to change" and that those in the GOP who resist the Emperor's will are actually trying to hurt one of their own.

Trump said he wanted Pence to be more involved running the country than a typical VP so he can be out there rebuilding America.

Pence instantly kills Milo's co-op by the way.



lel Wojak shits on femen

You can't make this shit up.

I was just worried because I wanted Flynn, since his comment about disarming Israel got me all exited. But then I saw him at the RNC, and well, when he started dropping all his fucking spaghetti I got second hand embrassment. I mean, i'm glad the dude still got in somewhere but he's really spergy and doesn't know how to talk in public.

But that was eye-opening to me, Trump really does know what he's doing and probably knows better that most of us when it comes to politics and business. All of the guys we wanted have been show to be spergs, faggots or just corrupted messes that bring in bad press. He made the right choice with the choices he had to pick. Crispy was a complete mistake, Flynn was too spergy, Ben didn't even want to participate, and the rest were NeoCons even worse that Pence like gingrich.


Watch late campaign speeches by the guy his Charisma improved exponentially.

Apparently just being around Trump improves people's charisma.

Don't blame me I wanted Flynn.

This is interesting actually. I was kinda disappointed that they probably wouldn't RICO the death of that father whose ambulance got blocked by Soros' mercenaries because of the shit Krispy pulled in NJ. But now, they can rightfully prosecute both!

Yeah, I wanted him too, but Pence is better for this political shit and Flynn will serve better on a defence position, he has lots of experience with that.

Maybe it was just that he wasn't prepared for the RNC. He got really autistic there, kinda like Jeb but more aggresive instead of passive. I still fucking remember
Do you have any of the speeches where he was less spergy?


user, I appreciate your research and hope you continue your uncucking of our forbearers - make a full thread on the subject with sources and all when you finish, and do it in a format that can be easily screencapped/turned into pasta so that other anons don't have to independetly retrace your steps.


Normalfags have shitty VP memes compared to us.

The dyke as MSNBC had a piece today about this and she claimed that it was all a setup so that Jared Kushner could publiclly humiliate the fat man for what he did to his father when he was a prosecutor in NJ.

Video of show

Im not gonna webm it either, its 20 plus fucking minutes. So maybe it was a genius move for Trump or a play to have (((Kushner))) pull some support for his father in law if he returned the favor to Christie. It wasn't enough to make him be Trumps bitch but to also humiliate him so openly like what was done to his father. I don't think the jew liked that Christie jew'd his father so hard to help his own political ambitions.

Either way I never liked Christie so him getting kiked doesn't bother me.

I mean he packed the transition team with lobbyists.

This IS Wojaks true form user. The ultimate cucking of mother nature, an Albino nigger. Genes en Cuckus.


I can't believe Illuminati guy predicted DAMAGED too.

I think Trump gave the fat man a chance to do something and Christie fucked it up, causing public embarassment for Trump so Trump had to make a point out of him. In the 60 minutes interview you could tell Trump was a little thrown off and upset for having to answer about the people Christie picked. Few days later Wojak gave them all the axe.

Did you know that niggers in Africa literally eat Albinos because they think doing so will give them magic powers?

They might not be wrong though :^)

Trump was called Hitler.
Now that he's carrying out purges, he's Stalin.
Make your mind up lugenpresse.

Mike "One in Five won't Survive" Pence

That's just their scapegoat to satisfy their hunger. Fucking Africans will eat anything.

I don't even understand that because Hitler did night of long knives.

They can still make the Hitler analogy but that would reveal that the Nazi party didn't have uniform opinion and was really a nationalist coalition party more than a cohesive ideology.

Eating an IRL Wojak should grant you some magic, yes.

little disapointed tbh

I honestly want Trump to tell Obama that he's fired to his face at some point.

It was a campaign promise.

They called Trump Hitler. Now that he's starting a purge, they call him Stalin.
Make up your mind, lugenpresse.

To be fair it's not like it'll make any sense since Obongo just served his time in office.

He said that during many speeches in 2015 nigga

He also said it during the debate between him and Yeb! when they were on the topic of 9/11


right here faggot

lol, Protestants have throughout its existence been far more based than Catholicism though, why would you hate it. Catholicism is one of the main tools of the Jewry, has been for hundreds of years.

Doesn't matter man

Just when I think I couldn't possibly love & respect a president more, Trump goes a step further, and I find I can!

This just keeps getting better & better & better & better…

wrong vid, it's here you cocksucking faggot

Everything is better than Autheism.

Still wrong.

You're one scared little bitch who overestimates Bill Kristol. Kristol was literally CRYING on live television, on Morning Joe, when Trump won. He had a fucking episode on live TV. The guy is a complete retard and a bitch.

Kek feels sad by the loss of Duke.


Milo never had a chance. He is a scammer, a foreigner, and a poor analyst. He's also a degenerate Jew who cannot be trusted to keep his word. In short, don't hire him.

I still say Alex Jones as Press Secretary just as a big fuck you to the elitist media.

Just imagine the humiliation they would feel.

Has any one heard of Kris Kobach as a possible pick for trump's immigration team? He's pretty based.

holy fuck, maybe he could tag team the press with Ann Coulter

Put him in charge of the CIA…

God I can't wait.


Honestly the CIA niggers deserve the humiliation.

Pence is starting to grow wings.
Bout time.

Google, the real beast, is flexing muscle user.

Wouldn't that be something.

Warm user, but not hot.

Dimensional traveller.

Just another form that the Emperor took to prevent mankind from destroying itself yet again?

Something tells me that is not the 1000 years of peace.

Trees grow when seeds are planted.

Like the elves from LOTR of skyrim.

Are you fucking retarded?

Just like jesus planned.

Warhammer 40k would be a better example.

What the fuck are you even trying to say

Or Commander Jupiter

I meant aesthetically.
Probably like it, but more advanced.

With that sense of divinity.


It wouldn't be surprising:

Day 1 Of ‘Bridgegate’ Trial: Christie Knew


"Prosecutors implicated New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in the “Bridgegate” scandal during opening arguments in the trial of two Christie aides Monday. The aides, Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni, stand accused of orchestrating the plot to close several lanes of traffic on the George Washington bridge to punish a Democratic mayor who did not support Christie’s reelection effort. Both are charged with conspiracy and fraud.

Christie has always maintained his innocence in the scandal, which nonetheless helped torpedo his presidential aspirations in 2016. Prosecutors suggested to jurors that Christie was in fact aware of the plot, as it was hatched or as it unfolded (…) "

Two Former Chris Christie Aides Found Guilty In Bridgegate Trial


"Two former aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were found guilty in federal court Friday for their roles in the so-called “Bridgegate” lane closings of 2013. Christie’s former deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, and Bill Baroni, a Christie appointee at the Port Authority, were convicted on all counts. Both were accused of being involved in shutting down lanes to the George Washington Bridge in order to retaliate against Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich.

The New York Post said the “jury of seven women and five men returned the guilty verdict after five days and 20 hours of deliberations in the Newark federal court.” According to NBC, “both face up to 20 years behind bars after being convicted of the top charge in a nine-count indictment handed up in connection with the politically motivated lane closings at the nation’s busiest bridge in September 2013.” "

The prosecutors are on roll and they'll be going after Christie next.


We all know civilization 5 with the brave new world expansion pack is the best game (for now)

There are some people on Holla Forums that haven't even leveled up, sad!

You know i'm wondering how the echoes of Trump's victory will effect games journalism.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if we destroyed CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC but gaming journalism stayed the same?


You are cancer. Play some crusader kings 2 or victoria 2 instead.


I agree.
Something has not been right in western countries for days. People are acting weird and the "synchronicity" argument doesn't cut it from me.
Here's some crazy ideas I had:
I had a strange idea it was substances in our water supply.
Possibly mild traces of illicit substances, maybe through ground water sources that chemicals could "leak" into after.. say.. millions of lefty degens started hitting drugs after losing the election. What happens to their waste in urine?
Or sabotage by merchants and foreigners.
Best time to heist is when citizens are distracted and on a high.

Trump is his own grandpa?

http ://
Honestly this sounds more like Kushner trying to get revenge on Christie for jailing his dad


Even Jesus is face-palming right now.

No he's just a good boy.
So far..

Might as well just throw him in the Middle East so he can die for Israel if you're going to ruin his life like that.

I love these stories and you even got repeating digits, you're hired.

coming back to
I might have hit the nail on the head..

As (((they))) probably planned.

Assange head of CIA.

Meant NSA and meant to check the digits.

u dun goof'ed.

He's a foreigner, I doubt that he's even eligible.

I have little patience for superstition but I would happily march into hell for a heavenly cause if it meant retaking Anatolia.>>8262517

Its a meme you dips
Although I agree it should be a gift instead

This. Whatever good the Church has ever done was just a happy accident. Catholicism is rooted in lies about the Bible. And liars inevitably attract (((liars))). Catholics even consider themselves separate from Christians. Just ask any Catholic or ex-Catholic turned Christian.

The republic?

Evangelical prots suck israel cock like no one's business, but I would agree that catholics are way worse with their embrace of non-whites.

To the average collegefag that's too busy getting a gender studies degree they are, but not to the Donald.

Cause we were so complacent before the election amirite?

Fuck off, Holla Forums is missing something here.
I'm seeing a battle of 2 global syndicates at work.
One connected to Hollywood, on connected to Trump.

This is the biggest worry yet.
We've changed nothing.

I cringed reading that. I'm getting a reddit vibe from you.

It's not like the Philippines has power to throw around in the world.

Says the cuck typing as if he was a fucking toddler/grandma using Microsoft Word for the first time.

Get real nigga, seriously.
Fucking faggot.