Former presidential candidate Ben Carson says he won't join Trump's Cabinet because he has no government experience
Good or bad?
Former presidential candidate Ben Carson says he won't join Trump's Cabinet because he has no government experience
Good or bad?
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Can you imagine if he fucking won?
This alone proves you can't take the jungle out of the nigger no matter how many PhDs he gets
Id say bad since he seemed to be in the 1% that werent globalist puppets. Keep in mind this is LATimes and as Roger Stone said, this is a period where there is not much news until the transfer of presidents so a lot of shit is made up to make money.
they need to put him out on the stump in the inner cities for dindu outreach purposes
Cmon sleepy negro, it would be nice if you were in the government. The fact you dont have experience in gobbling up taxpayer money and signing useless laws is not a bad thing, bro.
Maybe some friendly funny nosed figure told him to drop it, it makes no sense to me.
Not a bad idea. I suspect theres much better ways to make use of him.
Black America has a fuckton of problems, he's lived them and gotten past them.
dub-dubs of truth. Kek wills Ben Carson on the cabinet
If there was a single blck person in this planet i would like toi see in government it was Dr. Carson. Oh well, i guess if he dosen't want to do its not that big of a deal, still, not really bad, but surprising to be honest.
Dr. Carson is probably the best nigger in the land, but there still is probably a more qualified white candidate for Surgeon General.
I dunno. A lot of these news stories seems to be pure speculation. I dont know if any of these media outlets have anyone who would be privy to this kind of information so theyre making it up. I saw a story yesterday saying that an inside source said Trump didnt know he had to hire 4000 people for the White House staff and you know thats bullshit. The motive is to sabotage Trump even before he is elected.
I have a hard time believing that Carson would run for president and then turn around a say "I cant do it" when offered a position. It doesn't make sense.
Very bad.
He is one of the very few upright persons around Trump at all.
Also it's a big mistake to think political experience is needed to be a good politician.
Ironically, the opposite is true.
Maybe the jews have been throwing around that JFK tape lately?
Agreed. Trust no "news" on the council unless they are the emperor's own words.
Ben Carson supports mandatory vaccinations. No oil in the legions.
He seemed like a stand up fellow and was on the Trump train early when it really mattered.
Id much rather have him than some corrupt money grabbing "experienced" politician.
It certainly isn't good, but it isn't a really bad thing either. Surgeon general is one of those positions with a high turnover rate. Despite them being confirmed for a 4 year term, Obama and W both had 4 different surgeon general's.
Fuck off, kike
sleepy time trips checked
based ben is honest enough and bright enough to not want to cripple Trump. He politley moves out of the way. i like Sleepy Ben
So, don't let Jews make the immunizations?
translation: he was expecting a bigger position than he was offered, and when it didn't come (because he's an incompetent, AA nigger who was sued multiple times, including for leaving a sponge inside a patient's brain, and probably killed hundreds of others) he decided to walk.
The idea that AA went so far that they let this nigger actually do BRAIN SURGERY (even though he can be assured he had a White guy as his handler) is truly scary. Look at the AA numbers relating to Med school.
Basically, if you are a nigger and you take the requirements without outright failing, you are in. They are literally sacrificing lives on the altar of PC diversity. And no one is safe. Imagine you are driving home one night on a highway near a nigger area and an illegal going wrong way hits you and you need brain surgery.
Not even dying that scares me so much as ending up as a vegetable and unable to even be able to even put a gun to my head. that's my fucking worst nightmare.
oh oh it's magic, ya knoooow.
pic is my favorite Carson. just off in the background like "haang on i'll be there buddy" but he falls asleep on the way.
Really fucking bad.
One of the key concepts behind "drain the swamp" was to purge the system of career politicians by bringing in outsiders. If Sleepy Negro really refuses any sort of cabinet position, then he's working against everything that the campaign has been fighting for.
I hope the (((Establishment))) didn't get to him.
The kikes haven't let up one inch in their attacks and lies. There was perhaps 48 hours of stunned disbelief after Tuesday but then they went straight back into deceptive coverage as if they've learned nothing. I'm beginning to think it really will take putting some of these fuckers in jail before they start reporting accurately.
unrelenting lib butthurt checked
Be more retarded.
Doctors frequently get sued. A law suit is not proof of malpractice or negligence. The court decision is.
Further, you have several people in an operating room responsible for a multitude of things. In a grand managerial sense he might be responsible for leaving a sponge in a patient, but the person who actually loses the job is the surgical assistant that actually leaves the sponge in the patient.
I wouldn't have minded seeing him in some medical related Federal post even if it wasn't the cabinet. That aside it's no big deal. There are thousands of talented White men lined up and ready to take whatever position he declined.
Look who's call who a fucking Jew Jamal. Did I make up these fucking numbers, you nigger loving piece of shit? Oh, better guess– you ARE a nigger?
this guys is right,
you should blow your brains out
He posted on Facebook, press lied again.
my fucking hairy ass. I had to sit in a top 10 law school with an LSAT in the 170s next to negroes, one of hom had a 153 (!). We were affiliated with a big, prestigious med school and hospital and the med students and frequently interacted with med students and a few residents.
Simply don't believe he was capable of performing brain surgery without a white handler, and I never will. I've seen too fucking much with my own eyes, first in UG, then LS, then at at my work.
They will take a completely incompetent bigger and give them a position where they can lose serious money just for "diversity." It's fucking obscene.
Should that offend you nigger-loving, cuckservative sensibilities, kiss my ass. I've fucking seen it in action.
Thanks for the info.
How could he not be Secretary of Health and Human Services or at the very least Surgeon General?
Barely any blacks make the cut != it is impossible for a black to be a capable or exemplary surgeon
Try providing the right proof for the argument you make. Although to do that you'll have to do a review of each and every black surgeon, after either attaining a vast medical background yourself or getting surgeons to do that extensive review. And then probably compare their performance with that of White surgeons.
And if I'm understanding you correctly you'd have to be looking for the best of these black surgeons to be generally below and around the worst of white surgeons.
Best of luck.
here's an easier method assholes– his lawsuits are a matter of public record on martindale-hubble or one of the other data engines we have at work.
I've looked over his suits (the ones that were not settled out of court). Then, I can compare that to another average White brain surgeon, let alone the fucking head of pediatric neurology at John Hopkins.
He was an AA nigger hire. The lawsuits show that very starkly. He can think he he is a nice guy, he helped out Trump, fine with me. But based on his performance simply from the lawsuit data I can access at work, he did not earn his position.Period.
No. With the left ramping up the victim complex and the amount of demonization still coming out against Trump and the right in general he has a point. You can notice that there seems to be an up-tick in unnecessary and over the top aggression lately coming from posters LARPers.
Wether this is just people annoyed at the continued lying and hypocrisy or these are just posters who struggle to control their emotions I couldn't say. This place isn't a secret. look at the user count for the board. Currently it's at the same as after the Paris bataclan attacks.
lead in your own way, and call it what it is.
nice formatting, fag
Thank you. Reminds me right out of High school applying to be a postal carrier and being told laughingly I was the wrong race when I showed up to HQ to take an application. I am a white male btw, and that was in 1997! ==TRUE STORY==
We seriously need to consider how to treat any media information sources at all now. Its going to be 4 years of media disinformation like this.
That makes a lot more sense.
Fucking lugenpresse strikes again! Jesus Christ, just round up the propagandists. They've been doing non-stop concern trolling about Trump since he won and now this.
Ah, so it's just the Lugenpresse being lying faggots as usual.
lrn2redtext, gramps
He's an honest man, but I'm not sure if he's the most qualified or the most able, so it's an understandable decision. The real question is who will Trump put in his cabinet, and will they be any good.
This is not surprising. When he was considering running for POTUS it was only if nobody else stepped up to the plate.
Also giving this attention:
And thus we have our eternal problem summed up in a sentence
It's a crux.
They don't. The fact he got in and made it through is impressive enough, seeing as how if he was not talented, they would not have taken him in the first place since some programs would rather let a position go unfilled than randomly taking someone on. Even more so for a field as selective and competitive as the one he specializes in.
There is a reason why in the states where they introduced an apology clause, letting doctors apologize for actions under care without opening themselves up to lawsuits that malpractice suits went down. You don't know what you are talking about and are abusing the fuck out of statistics here.
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What does this picture mean user? What's the jester thinking about?
He made enough selling his book on his donor funded book tour. He chilldawg now.
fucking lugenpresse
I was really hoping Carson would be put in charge of education or made the surgeon-general.
Education especially would have been good because it would have been very difficult for the left to make much headway criticising him for demanding that black students pull themselves up by their bootstraps and actually fucking study rather than relying on identity politics.
That moment is still my favorite from the at least the primary election season hands down.
It is the jester and only the jester that pays heed to the loss in a recent battle and the fate of the kingdom. Everyone else is too busy partying, drinking themselves into a stupor and celebrating old victories, not wanting to see that they may well be defeated soon. All these statesmen are living in their own little reality, and it is only the court jester that realizes the gravitas of the situation.
Sounds familiar?
I should have read the whole thread before posting
Fucking Media back at it again.
Have you actually seen Carson speak? Does he seem like someone capable of performing brain surgery to you? No alarm bells ringing at all?
Fuck dammit.
Time to give even more energy, looks like shit can still go down. The work to out-meme the kikes shall be non-stop.
Moly and Filterman were already predicting that the (((media))) would do everything to plant the seeds of doubt and demoralize the population to go against Trump, something thats already happening according to this thread and other (((news))).
Half the people in the Republican primary were just there to sell books.
Ben Carson is terrified of going through the Presidential Cabinet vetting process. The Trump camp, if they investigated Carson at all, would find out that Carson is addicted to benzodiazepines. Then Trump and his advisors will not select Carson for whatever job he chose.
It's better for Carson like this, for him to fade away, one zanny bar at a time.
Why did he run?!
Top kek m8
Brain surgeons are some of the most autistic people I've ever seen. He functions a lot better than most of the ones I've seen and worked with.
He originally admitted to only running to comment on the overly pc culture of the times. He has said he didn't have faith in himself to run but other people urged him along. That and he has done well for himself financially. He is leaving on a high note rather than mired in controversy. Since the media would destroy him if he left later or on poor terms with Trump, this is probably the best thing for himself. The worst thing or most notable thing anyone will remember is that he seems sleepy and was a surgeon. Smart move in the end.
fuck off, nigger-lover. No non-white belongs in government under any circumstances.
Blow your fucking brains out, you CIVIC cuckolds. Carson is a nigger and thus has no place in America, letalone the American government.
slit your goddamn wrists.
Jesus. I fucked that last one up hard.
Your posts are really valuable to this thread.
You type like a low-test faggot.
kek, to be fair he is standing next to a giant.
Tallest guy next to the shortest guy, wonder if that was an accident.
Your posts are really valuable to this thread.
Why the fuck anyone is still listening to the fucking mainstream media at this point is beyond me. Did people learn NOTHING from this election?
Bad. Disappointed tbh.
His blurb literally gave no reason other than 'I-I'm so much more valuable on the outside!!!!' which he also gave no discription of. He's a nigger lying out of his ass. I don't get why there's so much circlejerking over him.
thanks for correcting me, you are clearly more knowledgeable on this. Leaving a sponge inside a child's brain counts as "poor bedside manner."
This place is now the epitome of cuckold central bc you've found an uncle tom you can claim to like and thus be "not racist." Hey, maybe he can "rap" too, then you wiggers will really love him…
"Ben Carson Was Sued for Malpractice at Least Eight Times"
One woman, suffering from multiple sclerosis, claimed Carson failed to review her MRI before performing a risky neurosurgical procedure."In his three-decade-long career as a neurosurgeon, Carson, the newly minted leader of the ever-fickle Republican polls, faced a total of eight malpractice claims in the state of Maryland, according to the Maryland Health Care Alternative Dispute Resolution Office."
He knows his limits.
That's worthy of respect.
Each time you post, you show you don't know shit about medicine. The scrub nurse or scrub tech is generally the person who handles such and does a check. Some surgeons are anal and check things themselves but often the scrub nurse or tech deals with that since often times, someone else closes the patient up instead of the surgeon. That wasn't incompetence so much as it was letting them close up on the patient. The worst part is that the staff will often try and push for someone else to close up on the patient. And all that is assuming the sponge was left in due to an actual mistake and not some weird treatment he was trying to pull. And that is assuming he was only sued because he was the attending doctor for that given case. We don't even know if this is occurring in a teaching hospital. You're leaving all kinds of bullshit out and acting surprised when I'm calling you out on it.
Ah, so that's what's pissing you off. Someone says something nice about a black person and you get butthurt. Deal with it. The guy is a decent surgeon and is a lot smarter than some people here. He knows more about medicine than you since you keep showing off your ignorance. You don't have to like niggers to point out when someone is showing off how ignorant they are of medicine, like you are doing now.
And again, I've covered why that doesn't say much. You have to look at how many cases he lost or was found responsible and negligent. If he was truly negligent he would have had his license taken away. This never happened showing he was never found truly negligent.
None of that makes sense. Her having MS means nothing in regards to the surgery outside of post-op treatment or unless the MS was not previously diagnosed. Do you know what the procedure was? Do you know when the MS diagnosis was made? Do you know what form of MS it was? Do you know what sort of procedure was being done? Do you know what pre-existing conditions the patient had aside from the MS? Do you know what her past medical history was? Social history? Do you know how much he communicated with the patient and vice versa? You're ignoring all kinds of shit without considering all the things that go into mere medical treatment let alone surgery (what are her labs and so on). A lawsuit in itself says little when you can sue someone because you're mad and have the malpractice lawyer upgrade that an actual charge by finding fault in the methodology (heavily influenced by insurance companies in real life) when there is none in practicality.
Do you have the one where Trump is fighting the other candidates (and shooting Jeb)?
I was gonna say the surgeon general.
Im not American and I dont really know what that position involves but surely a neurosurgeon would fit in there?
I appreciate you're post user, but with all due respect that's a yuge understatement. Dr. Benzo Carson went out literally on the top of his field. When he retired, he was generally considered by his peers to be the world's top neurosurgeon–a field that's already filled with many amazingly talented men.
Wasn't he running for President for crying out loud?!
That's not how it works dipshit
I thought that the Surgeon General position was just a fancy title for a public health advocate, which would be great for Carson, but apparently it's a military role that heads an entire bureaucracy.
RIP, he was a good man and I was looking forward to his involvement in the next 8 years
Tiny, tiny car.