How long until they kill Trumpo and get some asssmad commie as a fall guy?
How long until they kill Trumpo and get some asssmad commie as a fall guy?
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What if "Enough is Enough" is referring to Trump using snipers to kill people?
polite sage
I have all the cards that were released.
the Illuminati card game was actually 400+ cards that was supposed to be released. but because the company was selling a card game. they were going to be in booster packs.
so not every card was created.
the company that produced the card game didn't even know anything about the significance of the cards, they were just making a card game. the secret service raided their company and stole all the computers that had all the digital cards on the hard-drives. so not every card was created.
after a court battle the company was awarded $250,000 in damages. the company was almost going to go into bankruptcy due to the cards.
you got all those images uploaded anywhere?
What if its against Soros?
link it you gotdang neegrow
Nobody stopped it, it wasn't much but you had two people on a somewhat normie talk show agreeing that their is an active conspiracy by Jews in the media to work together towards something Jews want.
The suspense is making me fucking insane! Upload already ffs.
That face does look more like Soros than a yelling Trump tbh.
Illuminati cardgame is faggot shit though.
Its not a crosshair over a person, its just arrows. I'm just wondering if its implying trump has had enough and makes the call to take out someone like Soros.
Nothin personal kid
Them trying to pull a JFK would be the dumbest move on their part, 90% of the population harbors conspiracy theories regarding JFK most of which touch on the deep state. If they really want to drive normalfags in their arms, that would be the way to do it.
They can't kill Trump
he is protected by kek
this is the normalization of memes they were scared of
The way Trump is playing thing probably never. If they kill him now it will be civil war now gas the kikes, hang the global elites from the streets. On top of that he is taking the fight to them and sending his campaign manager to France to help Le Pen win the election. The tide is turning.
stop being gigantic faggots
Was this game created by some sort of insider or is human nature that predictable.
You assume they reason.
We can meme it anyway we want it. We are the Thule Society and we are growing stronger.
Fucking let them, Pence is 10 times more dangerous to gommies and kikes than Trump
you are the faggot.
Aids Clinton, this is too real.
But what's stopping (((them))) from killing pence too?
Lol. If they do kill trump they can kiss their faggot friends goodbye
If trump dies. Pence goes into ultra high security.
Trump has nothing to do with it, Pence has always been an extremely hard-line guy and if he's president he WILL have homos rounded up and zapped until they turn straight or packed to the chair to get zapped for real
A magician and initiate into the higher orders created it
Eh, I think it's clear they're setting up the stage for a race war. Or rather, a phony race war. It's not like you faggots are going to be going out and shooting niggers lol.
spirit cooking.
Thank you.
Trump time traveler confirmed
sweet, thanks guy
have another
oy vey
Omfg kek vs. molech
I need the complete series in printable format. Then a way yo print onto cardstock and cut them out uniformally.
Yes but he's the Teflon Don goy
these cards are very rare, i doubt i have all of the ones that were actually printed. my set is from a old online game.
there are around 400+ and they are rare cards to find.
O.P. is badly mistaken, and needs to lurk more.
Never. If they kill Trump, it's full on civil war, RWDS and all. See pic related for why they really don't want that. Plus, they know we can pin the blame squarely on them and we know that the libcucks will be even more pissed about Mike Pence as president than Trump.
tl;dr the Jews have way too much to lose from this and little enough to gain from it. No way they'll try something so risky.
Good point, the people want Mr Trump and that's the difference. He isn't the obvious choice of the globalists, like with Pres Kennedy.
Fucking safety pins
Were the actual rules of the game ever released?
Neat. It honestly looks like a fun card game to play.
we wuz Egyptians n sheet
if trump starts talking about pepe watch out.
Kek was a main force in deconstructing the overwhelming and seemingly unstopable rise of political correctnes and extreme-leftists.
These cards really scare me sometimes.
Dat Obongo face.
i have read the principa discordia… i 've know bout the church of subgenius since the late ninties… how the fuck do they play into the grand scheme? are they in the background like SA goons are? just causing havoc or are they a deeper actual occult group at the core? i have never understood their intentions. maloclypse the younger (in the principia) i think said if the religion wasn't taken seriously people were missing something. as in there is a deeper level of activity.
That seems likely, but I've never understood their intentions either.
So herein lies the dilemma ('dilmena' for those of us from the berensteinverse), if Trump really is a renegade, it'll be a unique moment in history. I don't mean this just in the sense that nothing like it has happened before, but we really can't predict it with any certainty.
I'm of the belief that technology far superior to what we know exists, and I wonder if they will exhaust all means that exist in our frame of reference now before introducing the more exotic-based technologies. Should prove interesting, and don't think we're living in happy concession land, these are literal psychopaths at the top of the pyramid. What does it matter if they nuke the atmosphere, causing an EMP that ruins our electronics for a year or so? These are the people who killed Russia for 100 years, they do not mind watching us starve. In fact, that's too easy.
That's a CIA front lol, it's completely misdirection.
gnosticism, psychopathy
That's a strange combination.
black project government has technology that is 1000 years ahead of our current technology.
they get their funding from wars and other sources.
let's say we need to build a spy plane for 2 billion each. it will really cost 100 million or less and the rest of the money will go to black projects.
Because he pulled it out of his ass.
I respect occult groups, even if they seem silly, I just wish I understood them better.
So how does that translate to political goals?
Do they have real world goals?
they are misdirection group against conspiracies.
Oh, that makes sense.
Because if they could do those things they may have done them already. I am not saying you are wrong but their is a possibility they are afraid of something else. Maybe Trump really is a time traveler and they have not attained the ability or more accuratly Trump prevented them from ever being able to acquire hell it doesn't even have to be Trump who did it. Meme mgic and the rise of Kek to oppose them might also be a possibility. Or We just overcame the odds and beat a machine that was so rigged against us insiders were giving Trump a 2% chance of winning.
Yeah he most likely did.
I'm sure the drug trade plays a huge role as well.
You got any explanation then? They are psychopaths without empathy. You cannot deny this, so I'm not going to dwell on that. As for the 'gnostic' label, I don't mean to suggest these people live as ascetics, just that they form a cult-like hierarchy that relies on ritual and esoteric knowledge; and that's gnostic by definition.
yes, drugs are a huge part of it.
They use anti-gravity tech to ship drugs into countries undetected.
If that's true, why haven't they used this to conquer us all by now? Why are they relying on such a faulty method of white genocide as the slow subversion of white nations? All the work they've fought for for years will crumble within seconds once Trump gets into power, so why haven't they used some of this advanced technology to end the white race once and for all?
buddy, without the new world order, where the fuck would we be?
By 'conquer the world', I mean 'eliminated all resistance to their rule'. Since we elected Trump successfully, I think we can conclude that they haven't.
because we are just a game to them. they have off world colonies and a breakaway civilization.
we still outnumber them.
even the president isn't informed of anything.
They just don't make em like that anymore.
They even have shitposting Australians
You saw how pissed they got over Trump's win, though. I maintain that if they really had this super-advanced technology you think they do, they would have wiped us out for opposing them too strongly.
If the kikes took away their factories and banks and governments and programs and whatever else, everyone in America would be screaming to have them back. They took over the country 100 years ago, and then perfected our enslavement, it's clear as day, but so normal as to not be questioned. You think people are going to start hunting if the government collapses? They'll starve.
If Trump is true opposition, our government shouldn't really be giving off as good an illusion of stability as it is right now. If Trump is opposition, a good thousand people or more in DC are going to have to be indicted, he'd have to set of a specific court specifically for the prosecution of these crimes as having taken place under an occupied government, and it would include all the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, etc. I just think the deep state would kill him and Pence first, much easier, especially since they fly all over. I would not step on a plane until January 20th if I were him. If they kill him before the election, they can manufacture whatever phony event they want.
and let the world know they have such technology. which would only anger the public and overthrow their governments?
first they need a war, disease, or "alien invasion" so they dont have to deal with the karma.
They're going to be overthrown anyway and they must know it by now. Your arguement relies on the fact that the kikes don't want the public to know they have super-advanced technology, but if they did have such technology they wouldn't need to fear us in the first place. The public barely believe us about anything anyway, so why would the Jews need to fear them finding out about anything?
the kikes are not in control. They are only a small faction.
Ebola… Zika… HIV… vCJD… man, that's only what we know can be weaponized
"Gnostic" is certainly esoteric and it's only esoteric because most people react as you do: fear and/or revulsion and even mass murder – something driven by ignorance. This goes for anything involving ignorance mind you since the reaction is always the same as stated above when dogma (what is accepted by a few and foisted upon the rest against their will) is confronted by heresy (what is discovered by a few in spite of the dogma). "Gnostic" is just science of a spiritual nature (no not Spirit Science) where one applies knowledge (typically from blood memory) to discover more truths and eventually gain liberation. Some esoteric stuff is nonsense or misdirection and some isn't; some simply doesn't resonate. Ultimately one needs to discover on their own or by great, electrifying movements and events spurred by the gods (collective unconscious).
That said, Freemasons and all that "secret society" shit are just shabbos goyim. It's a horde of white traitors affirming themselves.
Turn people into a mundane, amorphous slave horde that they may easily rule over forever. Their goals are childish and insane but very dangerous. Perhaps the worst of this is the intent to eliminate blood memory.
How does that benefit anyone, even them?
They don't fear us, what made you think they did? The idiots on CNN are the ones who fear us, but it's not like they're anything but useful idiots.
I was using two adjectives (psychopathy and gnosticism) to describe the behavior of the elites from my perspective. I didn't suggest that the two conflated in anyway. I'm well aware of the positive effect of meditation and self-hypnosis, I'm not exactly living under a rock, to suggest that I'm willingly trying to mislead people into think spirituality was bad is kinda stretching things.
first reply meant for
First paragraph, last sentence. There are two major types of people: those who rebelled and those who were neutral who ultimately were hypnotized to fight against their rebellious brothers. WW2 was a resounding echo of an ancient war.
Oh wait, sorry I'm a bit drunk. I see what I did. I do mean to suggest that their psychopathy ends up having an effect on their understanding of gnostic tradition, in that they are self-indulgent to the extreme, at the expense of everyone else.
Have you seen the movie "The Andromeda Strain"
there is a scene at the end which is chilling.
I can't find it on youtube for some reason.
Did you know, there was once a golden disc in the middle of the Black Sun?
The allies stole it.
They control the mainstream media, most of the governments around the world and a shitload of money. I'd say they control the world pretty deeply, but not enough to conquer it.
Why have they always tried to wipe us out in any way they can, then? We are the polar opposites to the jews, the one thing most effective at countering them, and they know this. They can't effectively stop a loosely affiliated group of anonymous people who are favoured by Kek himself. They would have to be beyond retarded to not fear us.
huh, I always wondered why there was a depression there.
the jews are only a small group, they are insignificant.
Yeah, but I dunno what scene you're talking about, that whole movie is very layered and definitely a must-see.
They don't fear us because of their ability to wipe us out. Intellectual battles and the valiance of truth are romantic and all, but mean nothing compared to 100 megatons on every city or a hemorrhagic fever turning our organs inside out…
After they do that, they can tell the survivors anything they want.
How can they be insignificant if they apparently have all this futuristic technology you're talking about?
im talking about the last scene where they store the virus in the space station. and it is found out there are literally hundreds of different viruses just as deadly made by secret projects stored on there and one of them somehow made it on earth when a capsule fell to earth.
Jews dont have anything. they are given special privileges for following orders.
If they don't fear us because they can wipe us out, then they would have. We've thwarted their plans time and time again, I'd probably be about to the point of global ethnic cleansing by now.
How can you be so sure that trump is on your side?
Are you seriously trying to argue the existence of ayyliens controlling the jews to control us?
I would just guess they'd be under some mountain in Nevada.
there are jews, and then there are jews
and then there are archons
Picture very related.
buddy, this place is about as reputable a source as weekly world news
It may be Ayyliens, or it may be that they were from here before us.
the ancients claim "Alien gods" created us.
Discordians are basicaly crazy anarchists/hobos controlled by alphabet soup. Think mind-controled assassins and suicide bombers. They are pawns, not players.
Who's jewing who? Please explain in semi-formal and gramatically correct English what you meant by this post.
EMP bomb maybe?
I'm not about to write a book… sorry, but your average jew in Israel is just as much a slave as you and I, they just get better concentration camp amenities.
That's called a nuke.
the magic isn't technology, it's magic like the KEK frog.
Fuck right back off to cuck-chan, fagget. It has been proven time after time again that you can't stump the trump.
That card reads like a re-casting of the 'veil' worldspell.
I am the OP of that thread. I swear on the Fuhrer that that exchange happened exactly as written.
There isn't much I can think of to prove it, but feel free to ask me anything you want, if you want.
That was the second best day of my life: the first is now 11/8/2016.
I know a growing group of Holla Forumsacks IRL, funny since when I tell them the story, about half saw the thread, but I never really see the cap posted.
Everything according to plan though, at least so far.
You should read or listen to The Iron Republic.
It was written by a guy who claims he's not a writer but wanted to tell the world of his experience. the book was later changed by publishers to make it seem as if it was science fiction. 1902
Holy shit, sage within the first three words.
Definitely some strong memetics going on here.
Nigga, Trump in control of the US military is the grand scheme equivalent of the cherokee revolting against the french. The moment we leave the defensive, shit will get real. Hitler ALMOST pulled it off with the backing of some entitis like the Thule society, factions of the vatican and the rotary club. Trump probably already is making allies as we speak.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd " There is Land BEYOND the South Pole "
Trumps dynasty is now Jewish. His kids are with Jews. Ivanka is a practicing Jew.
I was in that thread and I was about to cast doubt again, but OP arrived so I'll take his word.
But if Trump didn't even know about Brexit back then, he wasn't really able to actually think too into it as a legitimate concern because hostile leftist regimes would still be letting in these people by the bus even without war. Now that it seems populist leaders in Europe might finally get their time in the light, he really may have to do just that in conjunction with at least France…
I really don't know what to make of Trump so I'm just having fun on the ride. Until this pedoring is uncovered, I'm not going to be able to rest or settle to be honest.
Well, people are comparing him to Reagan. Reagan took a bullet 2 months into his first term.
Though conspiritards think the actual target was Brady.
How serious was he? Like dead fucking serious? Or just a stern tone?
The fuel-free bit isn't quite accurate, but it's close enough.
there have been many perpetual motion machines invented, the creators either get killed or bought out.
Nigga he's larping.
This makes me sad.
Holy fuck that's a safety pin in her cheek, kinda like the ones those faggots are wearing on their clothes.
looks like bitcoin pin on his shirt..
oh wait, wrong maniac
OP posting his hat in the image has doubles. I don't think the guy in this thread is the same one, but I know that thread was real.
I would disagree that Brexit is essential here.
First, forcing Germany, etc to pay their fair share (2% GDP) to NATO would hurt their ability to maintain their already struggling welfare state.
Add on to that that Trump was always talking about making Germany, Japan, etc reimburse us for our military expenses in their countries. That is yet another (huge) hit to their ability to maintain their growing welfare states.
Second, as President Trump can single handed kill PC culture across the globe – and by kill it, I mean make it ok/acceptablle/not literally Hitler to not play along on the PC game, politicians included. He has an incredible amount of influence over the Global culture for the next 8 years. And he knows it. So many people can point to something being ok just because the US President does it. Just look at how things went with Obama in office.
Absolutely dead serious. Like I said in the screencap, it was just like he knew EXACTLY what I was talking about. Like on 60 minutes when asked if the wall was still happening, he instantly responded "Yes". But even more so that that, the speed fo response was the most similar thing. He also looked me right in the eye when he said it. It was INCREDIBLE.
Iowa most definitely snows in January… the dubs when I posted the sign hat in the pic trump these dubs, sorry faggot.
I remember reading this book saying that it was impossible. But i don't trust this guy, maybe you are right.
Don't forget, he suggested he wouldn't accept people from countries with a history of terrorism (to expand on his muslim ban remarks). He could really exert pressure on these fools in western europe by fucking with our visa relationship on Germany or France, for instance, which is huge. I mean, I don't know how crazy he is, but that's enough to start forcing people to begrudgingly accept reality.
Meningitis. Weaponized. Goatrider.
Well that's good. I'm glad he might really be the real deal, but the filthy jews and Soros are planning on bribing the electors to vote cunton. If they do this things will go hot within 3 hours..
Fukken saved.
michio kaku is a government sellout. a piece of trash you shouldn't trust to wipe your ass.
so are these 2 clowns.
Isn't it easier for them to just kill Trump and Pence? If they die before inauguration, the electors can vote for whoever they want (does anyone smell a Bernie?)
That wouldn't end well at all. They can't get away with shit like that anymore when everyone know's who's responsible before the act is even committed.
Why not? They could just consolidate power by throwing a mock coup before anyone even has a chance to react. Then they just silence opposition.
Also critical, Trump said, in vid related:
Jump to 50 seconds for the gold.
Also I have to add, when Trump starts deporting people, that will make it FAR more acceptable on the global stage to do so.
So European governments can deport their dindus to the coalition safe zone Trump erects, probably in Syria, since Assad has spoken warmly about wanting to work with Trump (just check his twitter page, the last couple posts).
Assad will surely let us manage a safe zone there in exchange for helping him take out ISIS, and us stopping funding the "moderate rebels", essentially giving him his country back.
We also already know the narrative Trump will push, including pushing it onto Europe, making deportations even more ok: that these displaced people would rather be back home, and it is the humane thing to do to let them go back. He talks about this often when he talks about safe zones.
This is a good starting direction. Trump is sharp as fuck and has to be able to come up with a better plan than me, to make things even better.
EXTREME VETTING. For anyone who didn't see his recent immigration speech, it is a MUST see here:
He is a bit cucky in the first 20 minutes, but goes extreme hardcore after that, don't worry. He basically implies that only immigrants from Western Europe will be welcome, at least that is my (somewhat hopeful) interpretation.
I'm not worried about the electoral college, personally. They would need to flip over 10% of electors, something I just don't see happening.
A coup with what? A bunch of numale faggots and niggers? The Spics? All of them cowards who will eat eachother, and the spics/nogs are not easy to control once left off the leash. I don't see them doing a coup when people would flip the fuck out in response. Not to mention what Trump could do with his Generals
I don't see it either. Seems like a really desperate and retarded move on Soro's part. Pride before the fall perhaps?
Jews ALWAYS overplay their hand. All throughout history. They just don't know when to stop. The most recent example is the media over the last 3 months. They will never recover.
Fred Trump used to tell people his parents were Swedish (might have had something to do with WW2), Donald Trump then did, too. In the Art of the Deal, he doesn't say he's german, he says he's swedish. In later editions, I believe he changed this saying he was getting good publicity in Sweden and wanted to include his entire ethnicity.
I don't think this is incriminating of anything, but an interesting anecdote. Might mean something for his current view of being German, and Germany.
I'm suggesting that they'd be behind both a revolutionary coup and almost immediately after a counter-revolutionary coup. Their plane being shot down would constitute a coup, and before anyone can organize a counter-revolutionary coup, they'll probably already have one set up. Remember, Obama cucked the military, and it's not like they need all that many people to carry this out.
Honestly, I just doubt the revolutionary spirit of the American people. I think people are too drugged up to give a shit, and conspiracy theorists are to easily ignored/suppressed.
But I'm hopeful ._.
im not so scared of this happening as pence will become president :)
That's the Kek/Pepe dichotomy alright.
not even surprised at this point. As I've always felt - gas 'em all
who /gettingyounger/ here?
This really is a battle for control over the memes.
Battle? More like a one-handed, blindfolded beatdown.
Not long. Mike Pence is a good goy and their backup plan. This needs to be discussed so that they know we are not unaware of their plans.
Meme some meme magic security so it doesn't happen in the first place.
early in his campaign at a couple rallies, he said once he is in the white house, he won't be leaving much. said there is too much to get done. no vacations.
For sure, if they know he won't rock the boat and fuck up their shit.
There's like, declassified audio tape of LBJ talking about 'giving you your war' if some faction makes a move on something.
There were a bunch lined up against JFK in all different areas that were sick of his 'shit'. CIA, MI-complex, Fed and political opponents.
A lot of these people are in bed with each other. That's why the 'right' people are elected so they won't stop these fucks from robbing the nation blind.
LBJ was on board with Vietnam, JFK wasn't. That was a big one for them. Same way 9/11 was for the Neo-Cons and god knows what's coming up next besides the proxy wars in the middle east.
We are the holders of the Screaming Meme. And with that, you've just invoked enough meme magic to protect us until the Jews make a successful meme (never)
security detail showed up on cryptome …
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