Great Women in Comics

We Bitch and Complain all the time about all the various women in comics, both Characters and the people actually making the fuckin things, who are ruining the medium.

While this is always fun, I think it might be good for us to praise those ladies who make comics that are great to read. I'm rather new and I'd like to know my fellow Holla Forumsmrades opinions on what gals do good work in the industry and Characters who have good stories to tell.

Lurk more. Very few female writers are good. Just look what they did to Batgirl.

Cameron Stewart's a man, believe it or not

I know about the shit ones, unless you got one thats good, try taking your shitty posts elsewhere user.

The only good female comic writer I can think of off the top of my head is Louise Simonson. Her run on Superman: The Man of Steel was great. I'm sure there might be more I'm not recalling at the moment, but writers like Gail Simone, Maugerite Bennet, Kate Leth, and that piece of shit writing America for Marvel are cancer.

Fuck off newfag

How about Kim Yale, who was married to John Ostrander? I think she 'co-created' Oracle

The previous writer may have been bad, but at least it wasn't "Check your privilege whitey" bad. This current run of Batgirl is just fucking cancerous. I almost wanna see her paralyzed again.

I'm not sure about runs, but I do like Storm and her character in general in Marvel.

Seen as a God, Queen of Wakanda, one of the most powerful mutants.

Yeah it was. The previous run of Batgirl is probably one of the worst things I've ever read

Ironically, the better run of the most recent batgirl was by Gail Simone, the current writer for Red Sonja.

She had a history of SJW-tier crap in the past too, but the first half of Nu52 Batgirl wasn't bad. Mainly because she was writing as if the Nu52 never happened.

Her name is Gabby Rivera.

You must know your enemy to defeat them, user.

Simonson also created and wrote the Power Pack.

She hasn't written Red Sonja in a while.

Every single fucking comic they write, they can't help but go full retard and virtue signal every single piece of globalist propaganda they were taught to express in (((college))). They do not care about the readers or the characters, they just want to brag to their fellow brainwashed friends about how they spread their professor's diversity messages. From the very beginning of it, feminism was a mistake that has done nothing but ruin everything that was good in the world. Singling out one or two good female comic writers would only serve to benefit the SJW retards who give us fresh cancer every week. Fuck you OP and fuck this thread. And ladies, get back in the kitchens and spread your legs, you have a lot of babies to make, to make up for the bullshit you have put out and are putting the world though. Yeah and don't think we haven't noticed that when women joined the work force, the popularity of socialism rose right along with it. Lazy bitches don't ever want to work for anything. Just fuck off and stop acting like we owe you something for being a born with a cunt.

Just close your eyes, and whisper this name:

Cassandra Cain

Off top of my head I think of Karen Berger, the Vertigo editor

spotted the dropout

Casual taste you newfag.


I guess you've never gone to an american college then.

Spotted the faggot.

Jon Bogdanove's writing and art for the series were pretty good too.

Gurihiru is also a pair of women.

my department literally had an endowment from Goldwater himself

Spotted the pod person.

Women in comics who I don't hate?
Ann Nocenti, Marie Severin, Louise Simonson, Elin Winkler, Cat Yronwode, Amanda Conner, Antoinette Ryder, Nina Paley, Cris Dornaus, Kate Worley.

And Blaire Wentworth, even if she turned out to be a literary hoax. I want to believe!

Starfire's one of the few reboots that still feels entertaining. She's stayed true to her character rather than becoming a prude, but they modernized her and made her more of a Bayonetta or Sailor Moon kind of sexy girls can enjoy as well rather than simply cheesecake (though there's nothing wrong with cheesecake). If other cheesecake characters need to be rebooted to be more girl-friendly, comic creators should be looking at Starfire to get ideas.

I think it also depends on what people go to school for. I'm a poli sci major in the state capitol's college, and I've noticed a difference between teachers.
English teachers act like they're public school teachers ('ask to go to the bathroom' 'no computers allowed in class' kind of teachers) and are more likely to be SJWs, Poli Sci teachers are more likely to make fun of all parties and just try to teach students to be well-rounded and knowledgeable, and Law teachers tend to be the worst.

I had a class called 'Philosophy of Law' last semester, and the class after Trump got elected, it became a kind of group therapy session for the teacher and the obnoxious feminist student. The rest of the class just kind of sat there in horror and disgust as the teacher and this student began crying while talking about the fake hate crime attacks from twitter as if they were real. The student in particular had started to cry when another student who's in the army explained he voted for Trump because he and the rest of his army family were scared Hillary would deploy them and start a war, or at least a proxy war, with Russia. She kept telling him 'I can't believe you'd do this to me!' because she's (((Jewish)))*.

After the class ended I went to go get food and I walked in on a school event that was essentially a group therapy session about Trump again. Poor, unlucky me. No crying this time, but a somber feel as a bunch of black girls cried about how oppressed they are as liberal arts students with free or nearly free rides. It was supposed to end with the president of the Republican Student Union shaking hands with the president of the Democratic Student Union. The Democrat student refused to come, so someone else had to shake the Republican student in his stead. The Republican student then grabbed the mic and told everyone that he 'hopes we can all work together to make America great again,' and everyone freaked out and said how much they hated him and his hate speech. Like, no joke. My friends were bitching that they wanted to beat him up.

And this happened a few weeks prior to some fucking fatass Mexican-Americans who insist Mexico is a great, safe country when they've never been got fucking triggered about 'hate speech' because someone wrote 'BUILD THE WALL' on chalk on the sidewalk. They tried to tell the Chancellor to do something and tried to get the guy kicked out of his fraternity. The Chancellor basically told them to fuck off and that it wasn't hate speech.

Uh. TL;DR: American colleges are hell unless you're a select few majors. Even then, you can still witness the hell.

cool story

That shit looks cute

Shit, how could I have forgotten her? I have her DC Sequential Art book, for fuck's sake.

Jesus fucking Christ.

As far as characters, I'm a fan of Amy Racecar.

Creatorwise, I legitimately enjoyed Becky Cloonan's indie comics (The Mire, that kinda stuff). She writes for Marvel and DC now and I don't really read it, but I like her art.

Studies showed that dropouts today are smarter than graduates.

Even smarter is people who chose to never go to college, because they realized there's no reason to go thousands of dollars into debt for a worthless piece of paper that in no way helps you get any job anymore.

You do realize that saging every post you make undermines your participation in threads, right?

The sort of people that go to school makes the biggest difference. My university is mostly working class and immigrants. School is dominated by STEM and Business, with women's studies and sociology being universally disliked, even by African American studies department. University requires everyone to take one sociology class, and people are constantly trying to get departments to let them take history or psychology instead. The further away you are from sociology the less of SJW crap you see, and it disappears completely when you get beyond literature and English.

Only major thing that happened after election was a rally to which about 50 people showed (school has about 10,000 students). Other than that, you have Latino students jokingly calling each other "bad hombres."

Could you share it in the vola, user?


I was kinda meh towards that run. It felt like a slice of life comic that just happened to have starfire in it. Not that its bad but I kind of expected some super hero stuff.

Jesus man that sounds awful. They had a protest a few months back at my school just because of Donald Trump, thankfully I wasn't there because I had to work at my internship.


If you want extra information about these friends… They are no longer my friends. Because I had offended one by asking the both of them to take out their tons of trash at our apartment. When I refused to apologize for my non-offensive wording and instead tried to leave, things ended with me being physically assaulted. Two of us ended up in jail because I had tried to defend myself and there weren't any cameras and she had a mark on her face from me trying to get her off me. No charges filed against me by the state, but my entire March was wasted with this shit.
These kinds of people are really fucking dangerous, though I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here. But really. Before this, I hadn't gotten invited to her 21st birthday party because I'd pissed off one of her friends when I hadn't ran to open the door for said friend at 1am.
I know it's my fault for having led this along for so long, though I'd been drifting away from them for a while. But really. All of you should know better than to tolerate an SJW or any kind of person even remotely SJW-ish. Don't fucking do it. Even if you don't discuss politics very often, they'll get violent with you over something at some point. They're easily offended and think they're the victims in every situation, and that means they think it's okay to assault someone for something small.

Which fucking explains why they all clap and cheer about physically assaulting someone like Richard Spencer over just stating his goddamn opinion.

Jesus man that's horrible. Hope you're doing better now.

I knew American education was shit, but this bad? US should test some nukes on themselves.

Are you talking about the characters or the female artist/writers/workers bringing comics to live?

The workers, responsible for shit like the panel I posted and they get to get away with it by with it for simply being women. Isn't this best for everyone? Tracer art and feminist dogma, boy howdy they are maximizing their use of their double standard cards.

Goddamn, I fucking hate when otherwise amazing artists can't draw hips to save their lives. I understand men probably find it easy to draw what they see in the mirror, but I fucking wish more of them would learn. I'm sick of seeing upside-down triangle figures.

I thought we were in agreement as a society now that the best kind of girl is the kind of girl that's

Have some Serpieri ass to make up for it.


Characters and the works who bring the comics to life.

Well thats Adam Hughes for you. He draws his women very top heavy.

There was not a single good comic creator in the entire western hemisphere ever and nothing they created is actually great to read.
The ones you think are good only seem so because they're half-decent in an era where mediocrity reigns and your taste has been numbed by the low quality shit being published over the past two-almost-three decades.
If they were male they'd be irrelevant as wordshitters who created the gutter trash of '90s forgettable crap and would have disappeared without any controversy, letter campaign or PR debacle that happens in this goddamned age of PC.
Not that there's any male creating great work these days either, but at least they have done in the past.


What was it Hyung S. Kim said about Masamune Shirow? Oh yes, a wall fell on him during the Tokyo earthquake, leaving him unable to draw anything but girls with NAMBLA-approved boyish hips.

is not THAT bad.
