They are eating themselves alive lads.
Is this even real?
@lucabreu96 is reporting that he knows the man and he is a liberal Hillary supporter with aspergers who may have been confused and thought it was a Trump rally
They are eating themselves alive lads.
Is this even real?
@lucabreu96 is reporting that he knows the man and he is a liberal Hillary supporter with aspergers who may have been confused and thought it was a Trump rally
Other urls found in this thread:
Even shitholes dont allow downies to vote…
Dems allow everyone to vote, Holla Forums, even the dead.
We call them democrats
I have to watch it again rofl lmao
This election in 42 seconds.
Look at the cunt trying to break up the fight. Why do females always do that? If they feel that they are immune from a punch to the face, then they are wrong.
someone has to make a webm of that fucking btfo, that was amazing.
based sperglord
That slapping sound of hipster flesh hitting linoleum at 4 seconds in is really satisfying.
watch it at 0.5 speed
I want that guy dead really bad for some reason…
Heroic stair safety manager removes terrorist sypathizer and is beset by revoltards.
these people are fucking pathetic
Between this and that girl throwing herself in front of a speeding car yesterday it seems KEK is blessing us with his Chaos.
You and me both brother.
It's like hearing just that - and his whole shitty life was apparent to me; and I hate him.
Keep the narrative going,
Turns out hes autistic and a hillary supporter. The other guy is a Bernout.
Don't let the msm lie about it, I wish I had the tweets but I'm not home
He was wearing an anonygoys mask
That was just fucking excellent a sperg lord blindsiding a bernout.
Total chaos ensues
Uh, user… I am autistic too.
Imagine the conversation with the police
Why are leftists so obsessed with Game of Thrones?
Check the catalogue faggot. Vid was posted yesterday with a better OP
uh oh, here comes the board police
i love you OP, my day has gone to shit
Did anyone else see that kid with the user mask make the hasty exit when the police move in?…look again
this whole thing is too theatrical
OP is a major faggot that's shilling to get jewtube views
use this thread
That's not a very good thread. The OP isn't descriptive and it's only half-way down the page that the truth comes out.
That alpha display of tard rage made her so wet she couldn't help but to throw herself at him. We need to take rights away from women to prevent this dysgenic behavior.
Dubs confirmed, women are wet for tard rage.
both of these hipsters are in on it. Just a jackass stunk to get views. They promote in on both pols…don't waste your time with this obvious attention whoring false flag.
Sometimes, an autist is just an autist.
This is hilarious but it looks too scripted to be true. Pretty convenient for the rally to be set up where anybody could just come at the speaker from behind.
not just their rage, check out the Frankie thread
Even weirder is that they chant the same thing the retard mob did, it's almost if the devil is seriously fucking with their lack of self-awarness and I love it every time they do that, makes me feel like a patrician.
is there a thread on that?
Here you go
Are they really uniformly shouting "Shame"?
Dear god, it really is as if this people are stuck with the mind of a 10y/o
Where do you think you are?
Kek'd. What were degenerates chanting at the end?
I thought the same thing. This video was depressing.
Chanting "shame"? Is this some children of the corn shit? Do they realize they are the least cool and most faggoty people on the planet?
Just found out the chant is from Game of Thrones. I didn't realize it could get any more faggoty than it already was.
I thought they were all shouting 'Shillary! Shillary! Shillary!' but that's probably just me spending too much time on Holla Forums.
Is it? OWS faggots were doing that too. I think it's a lefty standard.
Bump. This video is fucking classic. I just wish the aspy hurt the cuckold, really hurt him. From one angle it seemed like he may have really fucked him up. and not a thing they can do he was a shillary supporter, probably had his autism triggered bc was trying to study and that cucksucker wouldn't shut up.
I thought the aspies were our people
Autists and tards have incredible brute strength and will not hesitate to use it if they're triggered
Kek bless the autists
Can confirm. I'm probably a high functioning autist, also a gymfag. I get lost in the stacks to get as far away from people as possible. If I were deep in concentration and being interrupted…I could see myself screaming and ranting, and if he still didn't stop, possible knocking him out.
fucking arrest record for a fight like that cost me law school at Harvard, Yale, or Stanford and had to settle for # 11 LS in the US despite my fucking 177 on LSAT and 3.9 gpa.
"Shame". Literally shaming a retard.
Oh look, this thread again.
Plot Twist
The downy retard is a registered Democuck.
It's like the subhumans are competing in their inferiority at this point.
Was it Chris Chan?
If not, what is it with mega autists and striped shirts
Accents their manboobs.
nope, these days he's a tranny with an 80's professional wrestler mullet.
Why are you bumping the duplicate thread?
Sometimes when i've responded to all the threads on the frontpage i just go to a random page and respond to random threads.
Sorry if it was a mistake.
Well, shit, I searched the catalogue for "push" and this came up, go tell the real thread he's a registered Democrat.