Give me one good reason why you don't have any Monero
Give me one good reason why you don't have any Monero
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Because I'm not a fucktard, I win real money, and I save in in gold/silver.
I'm not a fucking autist buying some random ponzi scheme/ultra speculation crypto on the web with my "parents allowance".
Pick one faggot
I like the idea of decentralized, anonymized digital cash that blockchains offer, but are there any that aren't deflationary Ponzi schemes by lolbert classcucks?
i don't have $2000 in gpu's to mine it
Oh, and that's the other thing, no retarded waste of electricity, just issued on demand at a controlled rate.
I literally said that I keep my money in gold.
Never said anything about fiat. I was talking about what I'm making out of my work, where you get your money from your parents.
So this worldwide IQ drop is not a fairy-tale after all.
Because I value my time looking at anime titties. It's the same reason I'm not grinding for gold in WoW. I also don't have refrigerated shipping containers full of GPUs cranking away in Africa while living in Japan doing pilates and yoga in a gated community while espousing the greatness of crypto to impressionable youths that barely understand how badly they've been fucked by everyone that had come before them.
You have a better chance becoming a multimillionaire by building an empire anthropomorphizing ducks and mice than you do waiting for your moar cores to solve a hash.
smug anime titties
lol. Just lol.
i gave up on becoming wealthy and turned to marxism
i want to steal your computer coins for tech stalin
Shit OP. At least enlighten everyone here to the advantages that Monero has over every other crypto.
There you go.
Lending some cloud computer power from Amazon is much cheaper. Especially if you consider mining difficulty to increase over time.
lel, digital currency is becoming more and more saturated. What is there like 10 different competing cryptos now? Enjoy your ponzi scheme
Nice logo.
Greetings from Turkey.
Can anyone in the software community make an original logo anymore?
Because I don't buy into memecoins like a retard.
I have hundreds, OP. Dumped my BTC and BCH into it months ago. Very happy with the results, have almost doubled my returns while Bitcoin has gone up like 25% in the same time frame.
This coin is legit as fuck, it is everything Bitcoin was supposed to be.
Over 800.
There's probably more but I didn't bother clicking next page after.
No light software client. Their light client is web.
Even though those weren't my words I will agree it does appear to be a ponzi scheme yes. The people who get in first stand to benefit the most while everyone that jumps in now will be fighting for scraps. Guess I'm of the Semitic persuasion now that I'm not buying into a currency that carries the potential to price everyone out, even at the smallest dividable scale. Can't wait for $25,000 Monero satoshi or whatever the fuck it's called for this particular iteration of crypto can't wait to be rich :^)
I've traded my pieces of paper for equipment that'll net me magical digital pixie dust I'm very happy with this decision it was totally worth it. I wonder what those fine fellows who got my pieces of paper are doing now. Probably framing them for display in the Smithsonian museum as relics of the past. Definitely. That's exactly what they're doing.
Lol bitcoin closes ovrer 8k usd and n00bs making same wild accusations as when it was @ 75 usd. Smh. Im making a killing in crypto with casual speculation, laffin at these doods
remote nodes work if you do not want to sync up with the blockchain. in fact this is how the android wallet works by default. would not recommend web wallets unless last resort
cryptocurrency without light desktop client (that still gives you control over your money) is useless
Monero without Monero-Electrum is shit
You need to look up what currency is and how it works.
Legitimate cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Monero don't promis returns on "investment", and don't exist to proft the devs. It's exactly the same as a foreign or private currency.
Why do you need a light desktop client? Do you understand how cryptocurrency works?
To not pollute my hard disk and internet with dozen gigabytes of shit, yet at same time have control and ownership over my coins?
Yes, why asking?
Cryptocurrencies are highly speculative and their practical value ranges from questionable to non-existent. Actually, I'd wager that the majority of the market are speculative investors. This usually doesn't end well.
Because I own ether, brother.
You are entitled to your opinion. Did you know money has value because people say it has value? Get the fuck outta here, nigger. We have heard this reasoning already. Nobody cares at this point and for good reason. A new asset class seems speculative (it is not anymore), would you imagine that. You will be left in the dust; I fucking guarantee this.
is that really viable? i always thought trying mine in the cloud, and especially amazon's expensive cloud, would cost way more than the coin generated. that's why those scam mining contracts are so common.
So you don't know how it works. Services like MyMonero give you full control over your keys. it's all clientside.
I already deal in tulip bulbs. You should all be using it, since people investing after me will make my investment grow.
When you see threads directly or indirectly enticing you to buy a certain asset, it's a very clear sign they are trying to make money off you.
I'm jewish y'know? I don't need that.
I am not a gambler.
I really like the idea of crypto generally and see the value in the distributed ledger. Hate the energy utilization and cannot wrap my head around a randomly mined token being 'worth' anything. It's make believe. Versus, say, a box of ACTUAL TREASURE.
When PMs and cryptos marry properly (which seems to be happening) we have something. An allocated, openly audited, redeemable gold/silver based crypto that can be spent like cash .. now that's fuckin' sexy. But until then (and even then), physical is hard to beat for long term security and reduced counterparty risk.