Democratic Senator (((Barbara Boxer))) introduces bill to abolish Electoral College
Democratic Senator (((Barbara Boxer))) introduces bill to abolish Electoral College
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Contact your representatives, faggots.
This will never pass under a Trump presidency.
Nice death twitches, flies.
I wonder if they realize the vote monster this creates when people have a system that actually counts their votes vs levying them in some archaic college system.
49% of the voting populace didn't vote. If it's simply a matter of winning the most votes. #1. Voter fraud is going to become a real concern esp in these libshit strongholds that have a lot of non-poz voters. #2. Voter ID laws will almost certainly get passed. #3. Post-Trump America, that is to say illegals deported, will have vastly fewer blue voters than red voters.
This could all work in our favor.
good luck with that
It won't work.
You need a constitutional amendment for that and the Republicans have almost every damn state under lock and key, so much so that they can almost pass whatever constitutional amendments they desire without democrats being able to do a damn thing about it.
IIRC, not all of the amendments were actually approved constitutionally.
Contact your representatives, but don't come out against it. Say that you like the idea, but that it should be researched thoroughly. But - and here's the kicker - it should be tied to a "comprehensive voter fraud" bill that also researches how much voter fraud occurred – specifically how many illegals voted in states like California – and that any resolution must be tied to a complete elimination of voter fraud, esp from non-citizens.
See how (((Boxer))) like that idea
Could this help neutralize califorbias huge 55 votes?
technically a conspiracy theory, but may have some truth to it
no, it would make it worse. the Electoral College benefits rural states
No Moishe, we're not doing that.
no, only their secession will do that.
they are what won Hillary the popular vote.
shit what the fuck am i doing?
Senate and congress ARE the electoral college they aren't going to give up their power especially to a democrap which have no control anywhere right now. Tell me IF it happens then we civil war.
not true retard. the electoral college is just based upon the number of representatives, not the representatives themselves. read your constitution
yeah, wtf are you doing? did you read my whole post?
Who the fuck do they think they're kidding? They can't even into optics, the saxons learning to hate and they're parading around as the biggest sore losers imaginable.
Bankers running the world is also technically a conspiracy theory
Not really, not when random jews freak the fuck out on twitter at the mere mention of it and implicate themselves.
Yeah, I'm sure that'll get far.
i think thats a bad idea; its too risky
The question is, why did paul, the cuck traitor, ryan get reelected as speaker of the house?
Its actually kind of awesome, because we will now be assured that, in a worst case scenario, should Democrats come back to power, we can take to the streets and demand the avenues they employed to win are abolished, and they'll have no ground to stand on.
… I know, too rational for a representation of such peoples actual thought processes, but it made me chuckle.
touche, sir. touche.
nah, you have to call their bluff. plus, its not like what you say matters – you're trying to meme this idea into the head of your favorite politician so they can use it later. It's not like you're an actual policy-maker.
The best part is that researching and fixing voter fraud doesn't require a Constitutional Amendment, but abolishing the Electoral College does. Therefore, chances are, the latter will be scrapped but the former can go forward. Make sense?
Thinking they'll give us fair and equitable treatment is silly user, you know they'd try to destroy us if they ever regained control.
you're technically not in debt to the bank, but to the creditors, the majority of which (in the US) are actually US citizens. The central bank conspiracy made more sense before these banks were nationalized and/or heavily regulated. Not saying they still aren't full of shit, but just for different reasons
It still blows my mind, that California situation and the fact that these people are actually legitimately arguing that the popular vote means ANYTHING at all.
This is hilarious, and now we've got a kike Senator coming out to back them?
Jesus Christ, they're not even trying to hide this shit anymore.
That's a really good idea since fraud in one state would have a larger effect.
What a hideous nose job. Who does she think she's fooling?
That's what gets me too…
These people would not have a FUCKING THING to say about the electoral college IF THEY'D WON.
And everyone fucking knows it.
And what's more, we fucking well know that if the roles were reversed, the "Trump rioters" would be decried as sore losers who supported a literally Hitler, and the media and basically the entirety of the Left would be heartily laughing at us and talking about how to eliminate us permanently, getting ready to do so.
But the roles aren't reversed, they didn't win - and so the rioters are called 'protestors', the Left works to backstab via any route possible while promoting blatant falsehoods and engaging in blatant subversion, and White America continues watching and waiting for a sign of what's going to happen next.
Odds of this even getting far enough to make any noise?
Last I checked, the majority of states had strong republican governments, and would never approve of such a measure. This is bill is already dead; she's introduced it as a piece of political showmanship for her constituents.
I'm going to make a nate silver prediction. This thing has all of the chance of winning.
so that means its not gonna happen
are we now using triple parenthesis on non-jews?
Commiefornians and Jew Yorkers deciding who is president. Callege system is superior.
Can I ask what braindead nimrod puts two labels and types of votes into the same system? Every fucking time an election goes sideways on one group, they always pull popular vote through electoral college data and bitch.
Why not get rid of popular vote? Just seems like a fucking pointless point of contention where stupid fucks think they have an argument.
Dumbfuck liberals
I'd rather not have cityfags dictate my life thank you, electoral college is better. It was invented so rural areas have a voice.
It's likely just suckass politicking for her next run to be useless.
Oh, looks she's retiring. Pants on head it is then.
The citizens of countries in the end aren't creditors, they are still the debtors.
We need Term Limits, Lobbyist reforms,and restrict politician's income to the median wage of the country.
Trump has talked about all of that.
He hit on Term Limits pretty much as soon as the election dust settled.
Sure, it's certainly not like the higher wages have kept them any less corrupt.
You wouldn't run a business by letting your janitor have the same vote as a ceo. Why should you run the country the same way. The popular vote would elect democrats till the end of time because the immigrants they import ALL vote democrat.
especially in particular states. but, look, the most important part of this – and Trump should do this anyway – is that investigating voter fraud at this point will legitimize Trump's Presidency, solidify his mandate to rule, and validate his immigration policy.
If I were Trump, my first order of business would be to investigate voter fraud, particularly in border states, or states with large hispanic (or black) populations. He could simply say he's going to do some "test cases" to see if there should be a larger inquiry and just "happen" to pick California and Florida or something like that – whatever states we think its happening in.
that's where you're wrong dipshit. The mass of citizens are debtors, yes, but the wealthy citizens are the creditors. Read a fucking book moron
3/4ths of the states need to agree?
They could realistically get what, MAYBE ten states (the usual suspects of liberal hell, CA, NY, HI, MA, IL, etc…) to agree on it.
It's a stupid idea to begin with but it wouldn't do dick diddly even if it did pass, which considering the republicans just won like fuck is pretty unlikely even then.
Hey yeah. In fact, since democracy is so great, let's just abolish legislators and pass all of our laws by referendum. We can start with a referendum to repeal Hart-Celler.
Really makes you think… For what possible reason would she want to do this?
No, but I have seen White Nationalists start to use reverse parentheses, like )))this(((. Not sure if I like that; after all, the Jews thrived for years by hiding in plain sight.
I wish Coulter was going to be the head of immigration.
fuck these ((( ))) are so good. never knew but totally explains her psychopathic behavior
Good luck kikes.
removal of the electoral college wouldn't be so bad if there was strict voter ID laws and voting machines were banned in all states
also millions of illegals are being removed, Trump will win re-election with or without the college
You are retarded.
THis and you need to make insider trading illegal for them. MOst of them become wealthy because of inside knowledge of companies who are about to jump in value.
Kek good luck with that Commiefornia and Jew York.
No it would still be a horrible idea to remove the electoral college. You'd get a few urban areas being able to completely dictate policies of rural communities. You can already see a microcosm of this in many states, Virginia for instance.
they could at least get rid of stuff like electors, so no one can flipflop and vote against the state in december for (((reasons)))
Barbara Boxer is born of jewish and therefore jewish. You're an idiot.
left out a word
Statue is superseded by constitution you stupid fucking whore
Democrats supporting a popular vote is the stupidest decision they could possibly make, as it would ensure a Republican presidency for the next 50 years.
If a popular vote system is in play, what happens to campaigning? It shifts to the biggest cities. Where do Democrats currently have their biggest margins? The biggest cities. The current popular vote lead the Democrats have would instantly vanished as Republicans started appealing more to the cities. Of course, the Republicans would still control rural and suburban America by a long shot.
End result: every Republican candidate winning by 20+ point margins. every. single. time.
True but it has never been a problem it is almost entirely ceremonial like the Republican delegates picking who runs for them remember El Rato and the Neo Cons trying to turn over all the delegates votes and how that failed miserably.
Kek yeah it's just salt nothing more.
I feel like something similar happened before.
THAT'S assuming they ALL get deported.
I think deporting the vast majority would work, because undecided voters would see their communities safe again, and the remaining illegals would be too scared to show their faces.
This is assuming voter ID laws and ink-marking laws.
Most are not illegals.
Why is she so perfect?
It's not even a large majority of the popular vote Clinton is up ahead by 0.4% which is still a large amount of people but it's not like she won 60% and Trump won 40%.
When did Trump say he was deporting nigs and white traitors?
Your mistake is thinking illegal spics are the root of the problem instead of Jews, nignogs and brainwashed leftists
Surely they can get it done with a rep congress and rep majorities among state legislatures and governors.
Every time they do this, another shit-load of people spot the pattern.
Trump COULD get all of that done.
But why not just keep the EC?
even king nigger doesn't have the audacity to do that shit
Also removing something from the original constitution would negate it's historic value entirely.
Why not have a vote if you have a passport
It wouldn't matter.
Good luck with that. Even if by some miracle they pull it off, illegal immigrant votes will be gone, gibs votes will be gone (when Trump puts the negros to work picking the crops the illegals used to pick), and liberals will have dug themselves even deeper into nasty progressive hole that made people sick of them this time.
Leftists want to do away with the Constitution, (((they))) have written about it.
Hypocritical hag. If popular vote counts, let California allocate its electors according to the population instead of winner take all. Disgusting women needs go take a vacation in a hot oven.
Republicans in California don't even bother voting because it's winner take all and leftists minorities and illegals in LA and SF control the vote.
It's always the usual suspects
Yeah, stuffing the shitskins into NY and CA and committing voter fraud in just a couple of places would save a lot of time and money. Good thinking, rabbi.
OMG! The electoral college system did work out exactly 4 times in 200 years! Fuck those poor rural folks let the rich urban population centers control every election! It's only fair you bigot!
Sure… when you cunts stop trying to rig elections not going in your favor. Dead people and illegals shouldn't get "one vote" nor 3/5ths.
She should be arrested for treason. We are a Republic, nothing is more unAmerican than direct democracy. We need to get rid of the reapportionments act of 1929 to fix the electoral college AND the house.
Direct democracy is fucking cancer.
It would take a constitutional amendment to do that, not a Senate bill, and Republicans control 2/3rds of state legislatures, plus they control the US House and Senate, so this is just another futil tantrum on the part of loser Democrats.
(dubs confirm hideous nose job)
the important story here is that they know their little petition isn't going to work. This is their plan B. Basically confirmed that yes Trump will be signed in by the electoral college.
it's just a byproduct of counting the votes. They don't even count the absentee ballots if there's not enough of them to make a difference in a state. For all we know, Trump might actually have the popular vote, but since it doesn't matter they aren't counting them all. p.s. he does have the popular vote when you subtract voter fraud
Boxer should know that it takes years to amend the Constitution. Getting rid of the Electoral College now won't do anything to change Trump's legal election to POTUS.
You people need to look into NPV. It is underhanded way to make electoral college irrelevant. It is a state law that has been passed in 10 states that add up to 163 electorates. If they get the 270 electorates needed it will force the electorates to vote for the winner of the popular vote. Check to see if your state has passed or thinking of doing so and call up your state reps to get rid of it or not allow it to get through.
that's a constitutional amendment All states need to vote on it and most of them need to agree
Also fun fact the organization trying to push NPV is tied to Open Society aka Soros.
I was readin' about this the other day. Some leftie pointed the site out to me:
Trading the electoral college check and balance for promises to stamp out vote fraud is a horrible idea.
Then there's this new theory that Soros is also trying to bribe electors. He really is just a squealing rat at this point isn't he?
How has he not been assassinated?
Dropping this here for posterity since the original thread got slid by Schlomo.
Take the political red pill
what a fucking hack. shes been in the senate about a hundred years, why hasn't she tried to abolish the electoral college until now? that's a rhetorical question but i'm sure there's tons of hillbots sperging out on faceberg about this right now.
No. Fuck off.
are you stupid or is this b8?
How many times do I have to say it? America is NOT A FUCKING DEMOCRACY. It's a constitutional republic and the EC is part of the constitution.
Aint never going to happen.
Amending the constitution was purposefully made a giant PITA just so no one would go and willy nilly try and fuck with it.
As for me I like it the way it is, the only one in the world as well.
Isn't it funny?
People are so quick to destroy the U.S. the moment they don't get what they want.
"Oh my guy lost. Quick everyone! Let's destroy the U.S. as a republic and turn it into something else! While we are at it, let's just go ahead and secede from the U.S.!"
I can see why it got slid, it triggered the shit out of CIA goons. the next post after yours is a guy trying to send us to some honeypot site
honeypot, do not click
get the fuck out you NRx faggot
This would make about 45 states irrelevant to presidential elections
There wouldn't even be reason to visit these states while campaigning
This won't happen
Tell your Reps its likely 3 million of the votes were illegal aliens, which means reduce Clinton's count by 3 million. So she lost the popular vote.
The problem with importing spics into sanctuary cities is that no matter how many they get they cannot effect the outcome to much. 50million spics imported into commieforna will not effect the outcome with the EC.
EC should only be removed once we deport and secure out boarders and introduce proper voter ids.
I'm sort of torn on this. the Jewess Cunt knows it will never go anywhere and that it's just political posturing, but this might not be a bad idea. given the number of spics and CA cuckolds moving into Texas, only a matter of time before that turns blue, and then we are a one party state.
In the long run, this would be good for us and at least give us a chance. That is, assuming the purge of the Republican party that needs to happen in the next 4 years does indeed take place, and "True Conservatives" like Ryan are gone.
I hope Trump agrees, but ties it to congressional term limits in the same bill.
Imagine her exhausting all her kike connections to somehow get it to barely pass only to have Trump veto it.
Guess she should try introducing a bill to bypass that part of the constitution too.
Impotent kvetching is delicious
People need to know what the county by county map looks like, even 'commie'fornia was geographically red
I just read they are going to do a "end around" at the state level.
They have a bunch of states lined up and all they are going to do is have their electors vote for who won the popular vote nationwide as opposed to their state totals.
Nothing happened
Really nothing happened