Google will soon ban fake news sites from using its ad network


>Today, Google announced that its advertising tools will soon be closed to websites that promote fake news, a policy that could cut off revenue streams for publications that peddle hoaxes on platforms like Facebook. The decision comes at a critical time for the tech industry, whose key players have come under fire for not taking neccesary steps to prevent fake news from proliferating across the web during the 2016 US election. It’s thought that, given the viral aspects of fake news, social networks and search engines were gamed by partisan bad actors intending to influence the outcome of the race.


>Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher's content, or the primary purpose of the web property," a Google spokesperson said in a statement given to Reuters. This policy includes fake news sites, the spokesperson confirmed. Google already prevents its AdSense program from being used by sites that promote violent videos and imagery, pornography, and hate speech.

>The issue of fake news on social media grabbed national attention earlier this summer, when Gizmodo reported that the team at Facebook responsible for its Trending Topics news list was suppressing links from conservative sources. The controversy called into question Facebook’s role as a primary source of news for tens of millions of Americans. The episode reportedley “paralyzed” Facebook, according to a recent report from The New York Times, leaving its leadership unwilling to make any drastic changes to the News Feed to curb the viral growth of fake news.

>In fact, earlier today Gizmodo reported that Facebook had developed a tool to identify fake news on its platform, but chose not to deploy it for fear it would disproportionately affect conservative websites and cause more right-wing backlash. As it stands, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has denied his company’s role in influencing the election, calling the idea “crazy” and downplaying yet again the characterization of Facebook as a media company.

>Google appears to be taking a more active role, and for good reason. Just this past weekend, a fake news link rose to the top of Google search results for the question “who won the popular vote,” falsely claiming the answer to be President-elect Donald Trump. Now, it seems those sites that have learned to game the search and social network algorithms of Silicon Valley’s most influential companies may lose a crucial source of funding going forward.


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Don't they know about the Streisand Effect? These fucking pedo kikes have completely lost the plot, lol.

What constitutes "fake news"? Alternative news sites are in danger.

Filterman saw this coming and is now trying to build a vitamins/nootropic empire. and FactCheck

Guys, is it still the current year?

Surprisingly, reddit is leaning that way.

do no evil lol

lmao msm is so cosmically colon crushed that their narrative had no purchase among the public this election cycle

They even have their pet nigger stumping on the topic.

anything that is not


Something like that

But Trump won the popular vote though…

More difficult when you have monopoly over the distribution of information. Streisand Effect assumes free-ish communication, but if Kikebook and Google are going full 1984 information control mode, it'll be harder for things to trend, particularly if they're collaborating (we've seen the staunchest examples of censorship collapse in the face of alternative social networks blowing up a story). The only saving grace is that they don't know what to censor ahead of time, but you only need to refer to how Twitter instantly and comprehensively crushes trends they don't want trending to see the standard for information control in this day and age.

Google, Twitter and Facebook have shown themselves willing to use shadowbanning, artificial manipulation of trends, bypasses of their trend/news systems to deliver information and actual formal bans to control information and communication. Furthermore, we've seen the vast majority of news sites disable their comment systems, which should also give people pause for thought.
This is all out war on free speech. I'd put money that they have task forces dedicated to tackling free thought as it occurs.

their forced historiography is about to fall apart, that's something they will not be able to rectify

Heh, I just though about the whole googles and skypes meme that was pushed so hard here in an effort to fuck with google's hate speech algorithm and how "real news sites", reported on the matter almost the next fucking day.

Did you see the current year man episode on Trump's win? Part of that section had a chart showing 'le Republicans make up 38% of their news articles' while democlappers only made up 19% jej.

No one wants to listen to that nigger anymore.

This is extremely troublesome and almost impossible to combat. It's not like anyone would want the government to step in with power to control anything that could be turned around.

What's made up? I don't fucking get it. Most the times the fact checkers are just attacking straw men that are willfully ignorant interpretations of the statement, out of context, or other mischaracterizations.

TOP KEK I just came across this.

There have been a shitload of fake news stories coming out of those "conservative" clickbait websites, like the one a few days about about Trump announcing his plans to investigate 9/11 and calling out Building 7.



MSM is fake news hope for some government over reach and abuse on these corporations.

Exactly this. So Google is gonna do their "social responsibility" to "clean up" news that goes against the official narrative.

Well, good thing congress is about to change huh?

Pic related.

When do we clean up google ?
I'm pretty sure a good amount of us wouldn't mind having our browsing history completely gone.

Is this screecap true ?


The fucking guts on these assholes, I can't believe it.

that stinks of projection.
I'll bet just about anything you'd like that a true factual analysis of web based news wouldn't disproportionately affect conservative websites at all but would in fact weed out the bullshit the left is spewing out and expose the true source of lies.

Looks like instead of playing their game we need to build our own Arenas.
Are you game Anons?


The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.


I'm impressed by the sheer depth of BS in the we already had a tool to do this but… line
Traditional media has shown it's true colors to more people during this election cycle than ever before and the internet is accelerating that process.

So they've settled on that. It's not going to work.

I'll be happy to see this.

Do you know how I know we are winning?

If we can meme it…


Trump said that at almost every rally.
I always wondered why he would say that term and how no one bothered to explain what she did and or correct him on the term.
The other thing when he first said she bleached the server he used to say it is extremely expensive and Bleachbit is open source and a free d/l.

It's part and parcel of the push to crush independent thought and political dissent.

The MSM - in the form of TV and print news - is dying, and online sources are filling the void. In order to continue to control the flow of information, and given the lack of public interest in "official" control schemes (see Feinstein's proposed "authorized journalist" law push from a few years back, the next obvious step is to get (((sympathetic third parties))) to use their prominent online presences to do their work for them.

Just like we all saw (or at least heard about) Kikebook's censoring of news in the run-up to the election, and have seen how Twatter will nix topics that don't fit (((the agenda))), it was only a matter of time until this methodology gained wider acceptance. JewTube's Rat Patrol program (whatever it's called) was a dry run for more widespread implementation. As with any online community (present company excluded), (((college))) students, left-leaning NEETs, and CTR-style propaganda organizations are going to run around flagging and reporting everything that doesn't adhere to Multicult gospel.

It's a way for the Jewish communist/globalist players and their agents to maintain a measure of control over social institutions while they're not currently working the levers of political power.

It really is too bad that McCarthy wasn't successful with his attempted purification way back when. Their visions of Communism were too clouded by the Red Menace that was Russia of the time; they went after cultural icons instead of culture itself. It's like they knew the name of what they were looking for, but didn't know what it looked like.

I see. Now explain how does Trump fucks their shit up, please.

You can thank Roy Cohn.

Who wants to place bets on whether or not The Onion will be considered fake news or not?

oh, also this just happened, I guess

the onion wont be taken off search results. they'll pass it off as "well, the onion doesn't pass itself off as true, so it's fine!" it's controlled opposition to make the truth seem ridiculous and farcical to normies, an important tool in the brainwashing pipeline.

Good, I prefer news websites that don't shove popups and advertising into my face. Maybe I won't even need this when google's done.


ublock origin is better

Filterman doesn't use adsense.

i can't think of a single site i use that uses adsense, either.

Is there any way that Trump can crack down on Google and Facebook?

In my opinion both companies are utterly evil and need to be shattered and scattered to the wind.

What are some good browsers you guys could recommend?

Apple Safari

Good job Jewgle! :D

Fuck off.


please kek
I have to have facebook for organizing groups at school I hate it so much

if dubs facebook is kill forever

It's better than that

i guess that means they'll have to get rid of CNN :^)

Besides, safari is literally no longer available on anything not apple related anyway..



what's that show/movie from?

The problem with using that monopoly is that Trump is president now.
and according to this, Trump wants to break up news monopolies.

And we all know he has a personal beef with them.

Google is owned by Alphabet, not the government.

That's why antitrust laws apply to them.


epiphany is garbage tbh

They literally call it alphabet.

*george carlin voice* as in alphabet agency

Mozilla firefox is the only mainstream browser that is not jewed. Use duck duck go as search engine.

Get over yourself. This is bigger than you.

imagine a world where the internet is completely censored:
irl redpilling galore
asians, blacks, women, priests… none are beyond my reach.

startpage or searx

They fired their CEO because he donated to a christian charity years ago. That said it's still the best choice I know about but get a fork like waterfox.

Wait, is ixquick also cucked?


iirc ixquick merged with startpage.
could be wrong, I don't keep up with many Holla Forums things as of late

Everytime I try to use any of these other search engines I just get fed up at how fucking slow they are.

The fuck is with that image?

Lurk more, young one.

And this is a bad thing, how?

reported for antisemitism
enjoy prison, bigot.

Who decides what is 'fake'?

Fuck you.

Says satan (checkkked)

google is for the most part an advertising company, everything they do is orbiting around this fact.
they didn't make base android free for nothing, their gapps packages track the hell out of you and so does any site that uses any of their services.

the guardian article about it

1984 is now reality.

What the fuck is she even going on about? If by "creating fake news" she means "digging up hidden info" then I guess but she makes it sound like we are weaving a complex tapestry of a narrative using fake social media assets like Arab Spring to create the far right.

she's just playing dumb


Well, no. Why would anyone think she's the leader?

Intentionally provide incorrect information, and they will trip over themselves to correct you, damning themselves in the process.

They are getting weirder and weirder.
Soon they'll call not sacrificing babies to the blood god "heresy"
oh boy that would be a mix of funny, terrifying and angering

Yeah I never figured that shit out, how can they operate when they have pretty much eighty-ninety percent of the market? Is it because "it's free"?

Eggs are the default avatar on Twitter.


You've been reading lies, goyim. All of these sites post fake articles.

Add Melissa "Mish" Zimdars to your trolling hitlist.

No, you use SearX or (the .com is just a copy of

In all seriousness, I think we need to be on guard about this. Not just Google's faggotry, but the whole "fake news" meme in general.

It's not just being parroted because of Google's attempts: recently the term "fake news" has been popping up everywhere with almost as much frequency as "Gamers are Dead", and probably for much the same reason. Scott Adams (Emperor Trump's court wizard) observed that the media is clearly given persuasive talking points to try and control the narrative; like how Trump was "dark" for a couple of months in every news story discussing him. They're definitely trying to engineer a false narrative that THEY were the ones telling the truth during the election season, and all the facts were actually lies.
"Fake news" could be the lugenpresse's last attempt to try and regain control of the narrative, and it's potentially dangerous. One of the things you'll often hear from Hillary-zombies when you try to explain actual facts to them is "don't believe the internet, if it wasn't from the REAL news it's not real".
How do we combat this?

truly a messenger of KEK

Glad to see the legacy media is lashing out to survive in it's final hours.

There are virtually none. Firefox is pretty much all there is, maybe use icecat for a slightly less jewy version of it

One SJW published a list of fake news websites and the entire silicon valley is going to use it. Just look at what google did with JewTube, and how twitter acted in the last few days. Now (((QuantCast))) is blacklisting "fake news" websites as well.

Remember goyim, if it's not on CNN it's fake news and reading docs from wikileaks is illegal. Just put on your VR and let us tell you what you need to know.

Directly from my text document

Here are some more basic no-real-work measures:

1) Get Firefox or a functional fork

2) Install the following addons:

There are other variants but this will suffice. The only thing that will require some adaption is NoScript. Read up on it, it's the most important one. Go to addon preferences for NoScript and remove all that is whitelisted and not FF-related - especially Google shit.

3) If Firefox, modify the following:

Enter about:config in your address bar

Change the following:

pdfjs.disabled (true)

browser.urlbar.trimURLs (false)

browser.pocket.enabled (false)

geo.enabled (false)

dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled (false)

**There are more but these are basic measures)

4) Get alternate browser for your social media accounts - if any

This includes only your legit accounts, not fakes. I recommend Pale Moon because all of social media shit works fine on it either way. Avoid Chrome. Do not combine with your general browsing.

Palemoon or Firefox-esr is the best for now. Disable the useless nonsense and install ublock and pentadactyl.


Motherfucker, when I was your age, you had to own a set of encyclopedia or call a librarian to find out anything you didn't know.
If the library didn't know, you could try the newspaper or university (which might be an expensive long-distance call) or just ask everyone you knew until someone had some sliver of knowledge to impart.
You can wait an extra 2.75 seconds.

Probably cost her $10k


I think the 'Privacy Settings' add-on can take care of most of those (except turning off javascript for PDFs)


it's simpler than to manually modify Firefox

LA times is the worst of those listed. They had accurate polls on Trump,

*Least worst

Slate, Mother Jones and Huffpo curiously absent

The Washington comPost did an interview with a guy who creates fake news for his click bait website(s) and he thinks he's partly responsible for putting Donald Trump in the White House:


"In an interview with The Washington Post, Horner attributed his success to Trumps’ particular base of supporters. He is the man behind such viral headlines as “The Amish in America Commit their Vote to Donald Trump” and “President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning the National Anthem at all Sporting Events Nationwide” — neither of which were true.

“My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist,” he told The Washington Post.

Horner’s fake news articles — published on sites designed to mimic the look and feel of well-known, legitimate news outlets — had enormous impact this election cycle. Even members of Donald Trump’s inner circle, including Trump’s son Eric and then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, shared links to Horner’s content. Horner’s stories also made their way to Google News, known to feature stories from reputable news sources.

“Honestly, people are definitely dumber,” Horner told The Post to explain the popularity of his content, which he suggested he sees as satire akin to The Onion. “Nobody fact-checks anything anymore — I mean, that’s how Trump got elected. He just said whatever he wanted, and people believed everything, and when the things he said turned out not to be true, people didn’t care because they’d already accepted it. It’s real scary.” "

IT'S REAL SCARY GUYS!! I write fake news on the internet for a living on websites designed to mimic the look and feel of well-known legitimate news outlets and sometimes some people believe they're true!! OMG!! And in case you didn't get the message the first time I repeated it at least three times: Trump followers don’t do any fact-checking! They believe anything! They're suckers! They're stupid! They don't read the Washington Post!

Oh and get this:

A: …His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist.

Q: Why? I mean — why would you even write that?

A: Just ’cause his supporters were under the belief that people were getting paid to protest at their rallies, and that’s just insane. I’ve gone to Trump protests — trust me, no one needs to get paid to protest Trump. I just wanted to make fun of that insane belief, but it took off. They actually believed it.

HAHAHA! Can you believe they believed that people were paid to go to organized protests against Donald Trump? And sometimes to provoke violence too? I mean come on! That's just insane! Who could possibly believe that??

O’Keefe Video Sting Exposes ‘Bird-Dogging’ — Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Hidden Camera Video Shows Democrats Sent Agitators To Trump Rallies

"Foval points to Shirley Teeter, a 69-year-old woman who dominated the airwaves after she said she was assaulted at a North Carolina Trump rally. “She was one of our activists,” Foval said to the undercover reporter, while introducing the phrase “bird dogging.”
Creamer told an undercover reporter, “And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that.” “Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events,” Creamer added. Two of Creamer’s underlings in the video, Zulema Rodriguez and Aaron Black take credit for organizing the March Chicago protest which made Trump cancel his rally and left police officers injured. "

Dem Operatives Admit on Hot Mic They Started Chicago Riot That Shut Down Trump Rally

" “So the Chicago protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer) than me because that's not supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don't want it to come from the party.” "

Undercover Footage Shows Clinton Operatives Admit To Inciting "Anarchy" At Trump Rallies

"According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.” "

Report: Dem fired for bragging about staging violence at Trump rallies

"A top staffer at the progressive advocacy group Americans United for Change was fired from his post on Tuesday after he was caught on camera claiming the organization paid mentally ill people to instigate violence at campaign events for Donald Trump. "Americans United for Change has always operated according to the highest ethical standards," AUC President Brad Woodhouse said in a statement obtained by Fox News. "Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change." "

Two Democratic operatives lose jobs after video sting

"Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives, have left their jobs after video investigations by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas Action found them entertaining dark notions about how to win elections. Foval was laid off on Monday by Americans United for Change, where he had been national field director; Creamer announced Tuesday night that he was "stepping back" from the work he was doing for the unified Democratic campaign for Hillary Clinton. "

Doubling down, doubling down, and the same outlets that first reported on Benghazi being a reaction to some youtube video, then told people the investigation was some conspiracy shit, then finally told after the election in 2012 that it was serious, then tried to bury it, is now telling us that Trump won because fake news from a single source, even when Kikebook censors or remove Trump supporters from the website, now they will take the word of a clickbait faggot who lied constantly as a gospel of truth, even when it's suspect that google, facebook, and youtube is purging "fake news" after the election.

I feel the right wing equivalent of literally shaking right now. We need huffpo and motherjones on that list, minimum

Equality is the biggest lie of our time and you see it in every major news outlet. This will end like wikipedia where everything to the right of the fact checker will be looked over with a microscope to find the most minute issue or technicality, while leftists are given all the lenience in the world.

I use Firefox but I know they have caved before at SJW. During GamerGate they realized they couldn't choose a side so they were kinda neutral in the end.
Duck Duck Go is as horrible as Google, only shittier.

Most of those sites do it because they're dying from such low traffic and bad ratings on TV, and if you ever notice, it's often the "MSM" doing it too.

Oh no you fucking didn't, that shit is ultra hard news.

Lew Rockwell's has been around for nearly 20 years, they are the least clickbaity, least fake news website around.

Fuck you bitch, you just got trigged when a libertarian autismed your argument to death.

What news do you think they are going to call "fake"? Leftist media conglomerates or fringe pizzagate digger sites? Anything that goes against their narrative will be squashed.