Since only white people are capable of being racists…
Since only white people are capable of being racists…
I wonder if they'd still be crying if they hadn't been whipped into a frenzy by the lugenpresse. Such free thinking and tolerant individuals and their endless peace and love.
Time for us to start wearing these.
whites are afraid, they are afraid their job is going to disappear and they will be unable to feed their children
Yeah, that'll accomplish a lot.
What fucking racists
All those signs have on them. Visiting the site takes me to a page about the magazine.
Why don't we have anything like this? People wake up to the idea that things are wrong and then fall into the trap of merely reading breitbart. I really wish we had something like Der Stürmer.
You're projecting yet again Holla Forums
This is why you lost.
On a related note, can you still buy MAGA hats?
It's the same in America. They wan't to protest but their parents won't pay them the gas money to drive outside of Portland so they do it in the bluest counties in history.
Productive whites have jobs and don't have time for DUDE WEED LMAO protests with a bunch of lazy niggers.
Fucking this.
Some just break down crying at the sight of me in my hat and clean suit jacket.
One simply fell to the floor, inconsolable.
Afraid my ass.
On that note, in Finland someone was eating in a hamburger fast food joint while wearing a MAGA hat a few days ago. An employee of the restaurant tweeted from her Twitter that she would want to spit on that guy's burger. Her name was found out and she was fired.
Maybe it's time for us to make minorities afraid again, they're foreigners after all. They can follow our rules or go back to their countries.
it's called egg salad
No, this is egg butter. It's nothing but butter and eggs.
We could still be doing a better job of getting our propaganda out. Not that we've done poorly - our memes encircle the globe - but we could do even more. Daily Stormer is one of the only traditional news media sites that carries our message unfiltered by Jews.
The CBC constantly fellatiates Trudeau, so them taking a brief break to shill the globalist kike's typical rhetoric is not surprising.
Make the media afraid again. We'd not even have all this trash in the country were it not for them poisoning white minds, nor would there be organized riots if they weren't being manipulated and encouraged.
A long time ago there was an idea to start an online mag. I think they wanted to call it "The Happening" or "Happening!". It was a pretty neat idea but it never got off the ground
supplies are running out, but you still can
Butter in a bowl is salad to an American.
Deus Vult
But why?
Why does that exist?
Why can't you just make egg salad without adding actual butter?
Why is that a thing?
Who eats this?
Why don't you just eat an egg you fat cunt?
Egg butter is the gift from gods. Try it with new potatoes and some salmon, you will orgasm.
You're banished, fucker.
A spread?
What makes you think I'm fat?
You're on the internet, aren't you?
where can i buy one of those. thats dope
He fucking got you there, lad.
Not really.
You don't have to be fat to use the internet.
Should I assume you're one of those hawaiin shirt and cargo pants retro/aesthetic/futurefash lads?
Just to be clear, The Daily Stormer is no where near the NSDAP Der Stürmer publication in terms of quality.
That said, aside from propaganda, most people just want an honest new source, and most journalists feel that they have to report events as part of a narrative. Perhaps that would be the first thing to get sorted.
that's the issue, m8
This will have the opposite of the intended effect. All the whining about racist or other buzzwords just made people resent them more.
That's why someone should create one. It's not exactly difficult.
Even SNL kinda shat on them a little and pulled a little DR3 on the SJW class.
dolan stahp
I miss Dolan
They're terrified, they know a similar movement will come to Canada.
Let's hope epic weed man fucks things up enough for it to gain traction
found it I think. 218 dollarydoos
I'm loving the sales pitch
When it comes to finger dexterity, Koreans are world number one. Even though there are some peoples in Asia who use chopsticks, only Koreans can pick up a small grain of rice or sesame with iron chopsticks.
"Make X people scared." So, they're terrorists.
You spread it on stuff. Mostly just used with Karelian pastries pic related.
Nothing satisfies these people but the complete genocide of white people.
All over the world they celebrate this INSIDE THE WHITE COUNTRIES
They don't give a shit who knows
Pretty good imo, the more they become radicalized, the stronger the reaction, and they are going nuts first, is this keeps escalating, and Trump is a good leader, then an eventual purge would be view as neccesary.
Great WHITE North
Are the left capable of making anything fucking original?
this is excellent. let them triple down on white genocide it will only strengthen our cause
I bet your pants aren't even hemmed properly you mong
nah, you should hijack the movement with "agree and amplify" like in the OP and start wearing hates like "murder the fascists" and "make whites afraid again" and all that. They'll eat it up and agree whilst completely destroying themselves at the same time.
You've gone too far.
Spotted the manchild. Fedoras are classy and cool right?
Don't bother to vote, but make a hat?
How dare they!
Holla Forums continues to be right again in the popular model of:
and jews are +15 int
Fucking this, this should be our new tactic from now on. The left is very emotional right now and primed to explode. We know exposure to chimpouts and protests makes people more right wing and racist so escalation should be our goal. Make them forever discredit themselves and set up the conditions for a nationwide Kent State massacre. Basically FBI/cointelpro them into committing or wanting mass terror and violence. look at me, I'm the jew now
B. Dolan is a kike. What a surprise!
White dress shirt with a tie are also useful if you ever have to go to court. Judges tend to appreciate them over other colors for some reason.
Jews have -8 Wis -2 Str but have +4 in bluffing skills. Them being more intelligent is as true as the holohoax.
You mean like this? Students from Wisconsin-Madison U were selling this
do you have a jpg to prove that claim
Fellow Canadians, be very cautious. It may seem quiet up here, but the ideological subversion thrives. When the right conditions arise, the brainwashed will be activated. The same zombies we see rioting in America exist up here in even higher percentages. The trouble is, these people may never get over the election results. They will try to sabotage us until the day they die. They will sabotage Canada as well, because they have already been doing it for years, plus, any Canadian leader that even mentions Trump without the word "racist" in the same sentence will be seen as a Trump collabator. The demand ideological purity. I've already seen them turning on Selfie Man after the election. That's how deep the brainwashing goes.
I'm on my phone so no infographics but their claim is that they are somewhere around 115 IQ. Israel's average IQ is 95 and the account for roughly 45% of all kikes. You'd have to have a shitton of kikes outside Israel which have around 135-140 IQ to be able to hit the average they claim to have. It's statistically highly improbable.
No, but you can wear a white dress shirt for more than just funerals and weddings. What the fuck is wrong with you? It looks good under a suit jacket with MATCHING pants.
Why is everyone trying to sell Trump apparel?
lmao it's the ashkenazi jews that are that intelligent the rest are stupider
Holy shit this next 4 years is gonna be great.
They just give you the "triggered" look or whisper something to themselves while they go past. The left is a bunch of lisping sissieboys and they know it.
Will I get attacked if I wear a MAGA hat on my trip to Toronto?
Probably, people in Toronto are unstable.
Travel with a friend, we can wear them together if you like. I had no problems on Saturday night.
Are they really uniformly shouting "Shame"?
Dear god, it really is as if this people are stuck with the mind of a 10y/o.
Can I legally beat anyone that tries anything funny, or will I get arrested for "antagonizing" the poor liberal?
wrong thread, in to the ovens I go…
You'll likely get some smug cuck taunt you, but Toronto is pretty pussified. Remember to never relax around black though.
I can almost guarantee you will find something like that for ~50 $ on aliexpress.
Yeah but don't bring weapons with you. It is much better to just travel in groups so that lone libs don't try to smack your ass or anything.
Oh you didn't know? These are people who literally forgot to vote and are now holding a tantrum about it. They don't deserve to even live in this country, to be honest.
Need ideas for signs to trigger lolberals with, pls help.
Ok this meme clothing looks very comfy.
Make a T-shirt with Santa having a Donald Trump head saying "White Christmas"
P.s. Noice Id
You will get insulted in most big cities in Ontario with a MAGA hat; urbanfags are mostly at a Trudeau level of cuckoldery. Expect insults even in quiet hwhite neighborhoods, since the lack of emotional stability is not always proportional to the level of diversity.
i am 12 tons and what makes you think im fat
vast majority of israel is ashkenazi
I dooo
Also Jews are -2str -4int +5(((barter))), with the [satanic] debuff
In the future when attempting to dispute any of our proof please read the entire sticky (you didn't), all relevant info (/polarchive/), and this handy dandy reading list.
They're also sexual degenerates and more likely to be pedophiles.
I dooo
Also Jews are -2str -4int +5(((barter))), with the [satanic] debuff
In the future when attempting to dispute any of our proof please read the entire sticky (you didn't), all relevant info (/polarchive/), and this handy dandy reading list.
Good shit, might want to include a source on that first one so normies automatically skip "source?" And go to "biased source" instead. Saves time
I dont like this idea that Jews are entirely dumb because what the fuck are we if we got tricked by retards?
Media has been shilling nonstop against Trump. They're afraid of a little Communist shit like Trudeau being dethroned by a strongman. To the rest of the world Canada is like America only nicer and without guns, so I suppose that's why all the bullshit is going strong here, like we're the only beacon of common sense on the North American continent. It pisses me off.
Would be nice, I just don't see a billionaire doing it. We'll probably need an insurrection because this country has way too many comfortable cuckolds.
They're very cunning but not intelligence (creative). They repeat patterns. Our problem is not learning the first time or fighting against those who have. Every group has their retards and we have plenty especially thanks to the world wars/communism which have culled millions of the best and bravest.
Backstabbing, lying, and cheating aren't exactly attributed to intelligence.
I found the study when I first saved the pic from some user, but didn't think to bookmark it. Can't find it now. Reverse image searches show nothing as well.
Support it so it pisses off relaxed whites.
Judenhass was and is one of the building blocks of the Zionist state.
You best not be talking shit mate.
You sound like a fag giving fashion advice.
to be fair they're less afraid now a pro-worker president is in
you have to go back
well, they ruined that car.
that's actually a crime in canada now.
lel, I'm gonna crop the right one and trigger some pro-hill friends who are starting to question the "protests".
It's like someone badly fucked up making a hollandaise (primarily just eggs and liquid butter) and just called it something else to cover their shame.
I find this funny since turd was first in line to congragulate trump, and about a year ago, when asked to shit on trump by king nigger, he laughed then changed the subject pretty fast. I suspect he might like trump, genuinly. Which would make my year.
Why are you all so jewish?
Another because one of you kike shills will say ">muh pants"
The jews don't like aesthetics. They like ugly art for the same reason fat feminist gamers like ugly dykes in videogames. It won't hurt their feelings.
Canada is a joke.
Where can I buy them ?
Remember that kikes are, as they always do, already attempting to subvert the emerging right-wing movement in America.
All over places like r/The_Donald (which will proudly claim themselves to be red-pilled) you will see the sentiment that being anti-Israel is a leftist stance, and anti-semitism is a leftist trait. It's important to make burner accounts and spread anti-semitism to these places to normalize in their minds, else we'll have to fight the civic nationalists in future.
I don't mean to bring the mood down, but would mainstream media report anything positive Trump did without turning it into something ominous or "racist"? Does the world at large know he's already stopped TPP and why that's a good thing? They have been fellating the token black president for the last 8 years no matter how much damage he's done. won't they just do the opposite with Trump?
Also, as soon as Trump is out, all his good policies will be immediately repealed, because no one will contest getting rid of anything associated with teh ebil white Trump administration.
Well, at least the next 4 years will be fun.
found the first one
Because socialism is socially accepted while national socialism isn't. The writers will become outcasts if they use their real names and the readers will become outcasts if they order hard copies to their homes or are seen reading articles of "that evil natsee website".
Yeah yeah I know, but I can almost guarantee you the vast majority of Holla Forumsacks don't want to lose friends, their jobs, their education, or be imprisoned in the more SJW countries like Canada.
You don't know what the Supreme Court is do you?
The only reason it is so easy for Trump to remove Obama's policies is because Obama used executive privilege to enact them. With a stroke of a pen his policies were enacted and with a stroke of a pen, they will disappear. Trump will be pushing his policies through congress. Even if he gets ousted from presidency after four years, if anyone wanted to get rid of his policies they would have to go through congress. I doubt the dems will have both house and senate by then.
anti-white bigotry
I usually wear a shirt that has a swastika on. Boy oh boy, those antifa and leftists always talk online about "smash the fash" and shit, but when they see that shit irl their faces are priceless. Scared like rabbits
Dear god, drop a nuclear bomb on this shit hole country. I am sick and tired.
And this for Murican niggers which have a lot of white DNA. Pure niggers from Africa have an IQ of 65-70.
Start lifting
Who give a shit about Turdeau?
The reason why Obama's presidency provided fertile ground for a nationalist and worker's candidate who promised openly to "send them all back" and who in 2012 called for immigration to be 90% European is because Obama was a nigger.
Trudeau isn't a nigger and there aren't enough white-anglos willing to team up in Canada anymore against a perceived French subverter. At the very best the Canadians will get a Conservative prime minister who will reduce immigration somewhat- not difficult since Weedman wants to increase it further. If Canada somehow uncucks itself it will only be because of the ripples of America uncucking itself and minorities in Canada being a danger to the Conservative party's existence (this isn't really likely since the existence of the NDP and divide between socialists and liberals in Canada splits the leftist vote, meaning that the 35% of minorities who are conservative is easily enough to give the Conservatives a victory for the moment and thus doesn't scare them like it scares Republicans in America) will cause them to adopt similar strict immigration laws to what Jeff Sessions has cooking in the works for America.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 107, not 115. Jews overall are around 100. Israel has muslims dragging it down.
Stop being so insecure.
Say "homophobe" is actually a crime on France.>>8260957
So they are admitting they are racist terrorists?
let them just file bankruptcy again
Or niggers.
Those fucking monsters.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
This. And amplify to the extremes.
Or he's a faggot looking to get fucked and then cucked by a superiour alpha male. Would explain why he bent over and smelt poppers so fast. That info went in dry.