Other urls found in this thread:
was the kid white?
If true, not only did these protester cunts fuck themselves and the left but they may end up with murder/wrongful death charges on their heads. Hell, Soros could be slapped with charges at this point since he is knowingly funding this shit. This might as well be considered terrorism.
It should be legal to run these fuckers over.
The bad PR just keeps stacking up for soros. Hopefully there is enough of a stink some of those cunts get charged with criminal negligence.
Soros is above the law. As long as he keeps stocking up on adolescent organs, the most effective means of ending his influence will be at the end of a rope.
It's horrible regardless of what race the child is. If you want to do real damage to the left, spread this everywhere
Come on guys.
When it turns out to be a hoax it'll end up backfiring.
what do you expect to hear about it on (((cnn))) lol
It's time to start doxing every last one of these motherfuckers and destroy their fucking lives
Hahahahahahaha. I don't think you're from around here, friendo
yeah then we'll be really screwed with libs and jews thinking we're lying nazi racists when before they just thought we were lying nazi racists
Unlikely. It will just be forgotten. I do think it will raise the concern in people's minds.
Gas yourself, faggot.
We don't do disinfo here, go back to cuckchan or wherever you came from.
At this rate all of western civilization will be National Socialist by 2050
I've seen more credible evidence in the fucking pizzagate thread
There's only a screencap of a faceberg post on infowars, and if the original post still exists jewgle hasn't crawled it yet.
That in mind, this can still be useful to poison the well for all the "trump supporters raped my dog because Trump was elected president" faceberg screencaps.
You're not welcome here yid
I give month until someone gun down large group of them
This. Though I don't hope for it to happen, "yet"
Neither are you.
I give it three days before the rioters all go home.
Soros is paying them too much for that.
Does he have a timeclock? I'm tempted to take his money and then go home.
If the kid is white I'm genuinely sad but if not good riddance.
These protesters need the Brock Samson treatment.
You do realize if it was a niglet we could still use it against them.
what if it contain people you do not like
I don't care who's side you're on. This is absolutely horrifying. I hope the poor car is okay.
libtards in action
Nah Chaim, you're a confirmed outsider.
Of course. I'm just having a laff at 9521e2 because he's an obvious outsider trying to pretend he's a fellow ebil internet nazi.
It is legal on highways. At least in many states, you are allowed to drive over anyone who blocks the freeway by walking onto it, because they could be a criminal trying to stop you and then take your car
Have a better 1px, faggot
Anyone else notice this is the new shill tactic? When someone asks for sources they come out of the woodwork, acting like they're from here and telling the ones asking for source to gtfo.
A bit of a pathetic strategy, don't you think? What do you hope to accomplish? Do you think Holla Forums will stop caring about evidence, stop asking for proof for everything? It won't work.
Anyway to confirm this is real?
We need a solution to these protesters. A "final solution", if you will.
What state do you live in?
But that poor girl. Growing up with one her parents missing will likely fuck her up good or maybe she'll grow up to seek revenge on the leftists that murdered her daddy.
indeed, still waiting for filterman to put out the source of the 3million illegal voters too. skepticism is always healthy
Why doesn't somebody just Molotov these fuckers already?
I would if not for the fact I don't even live in North America.
I'll even tell you how to make an easy one
Some notes:
>when lit, make sure the fuse of the bottle is always facing upwards, especially when throwing
1568 Battle Over Salt at Masumoto Castle:
There is a stone on Honmachi street, in Matsumoto, Japan that celebrates the delivery of salt! What you say? The stone with sacred festoons is called "Usitunagiishi" which means “a stone to tie a bull to”. Warlord Imagawa and Warlord Takeda were at war. Warlord Sizuoka, who had the sea on his border and salt, favored Imagawa, and stopped sending salt to Takeda at Matsumoto castle planning to starve the people into submission. The people of Takeda suffered greatly and Takeda almost surrendered. A Warlord named Uesugi also had the sea on his border, and even though he too was fighting with Takeda, he couldn't see the people suffering for lack of salt. It was dishonorable to him as a warrior and Warlord. He did not wish to conquer his enemies by making common people suffer. He sent salt via oxen and the stone commemorates where the oxen were tied.
Hitler would be ashamed of some of the people in this thread. It is easy to pretend you are superior to a nigger, but given the chance would act exactly like one.
They everyday man with a camera is more a journalist than (((they))) are on the tv.
because we don't want to give our lame duck president any reason to declare martial law/cancel the election
OP got buttblasted when he was asked for source so it's probably fake
what an absolute fucking faggot
You're talking like a leftist. Hurr durr, why doesn't anybody here set a crowd on fire with a molotov cocktail, that'd be kewl right? lolol
Nobody here is going to do that for the same reason you aren't going to do that. Because prison is bad.
Butthurt subhuman detected
Those beautiful dubs
these monsters…
He couldn't be black. If he was, why was he with his daughter?
i don't mean to be that guy, but infowars + anonymous tweet isn't really the best source…
Yeah it mentions in the article it hasn't been verified yet and I'm not one to count my chickens before they hatch, but if it's true…
libshit morons are so used to no repercussions for their actions
Vid related So-Cal cheerleaders block I-405 to protest Trump's election..(original:
people are saying to dox the little girl's family?
If the source is a social media post, what the fuck do you think revealing it would lead to with the typical leftist response to shit?
>being THIS fucking dense
That is a shit comparison considering it was japs vs japs and none of them were trying to exterminate entire ethnic groups off the face of the planet. When your enemy offers no quarter you give none.
I don't know
What do you think would happen?
damnit, didn't mean to embed the youtube vid.
If possible, we need to get this trending.
"Peaceful" Protestors murdered 4 year old's father.
cuckchan faggot detected
fucking stacys
Nothing screams daddy's money like expensive and unreliable cars (minus the ford). California needs to be nuked.
That's when you get out of your car and use that bat in the passenger seat to break all of their lights and smash their windows and then slash their tires.
If they'd impede an ambulance carrying a dying nigglet they'd gladly impede an ambulance with anyone you'd care to mention.
are you serious
This webm made my day. Thanks user.
Do you want to know how I know you aren't white?
Well, they technically are ahead compared to the others listed.
I'm willing to bet one of those dumb blondes left their key in the ignition.
I'm pretty sure all those cars have wireless key fobs. But leaving the vehicle while it is still on doesn't usually kill the engine or prevent someone from driving.
the cars were unlocked at 2:00 you can see someone getting in one the cars through the passagers' side
paul ryan go
washingtonpost. com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/12/02/racists-getting-fired-exposes-weaknesses-of-internet-vigilantism-no-matter-how-well-intentioned/
At least get it to the median and then destroy it.
Legality doesn't matter. Kill these fucks as you see fit.
t. FBI
But seriously, they took someone's father from them because of hurt feelings. Fuck them, fuck the law, kill them all. jk NSA im just trying to rile up more of the goyim hehe
You're not doing it right.
the ones mentioned aren't even in that graphic
He's causing too much scandal to be ignored. We had Trump vs Clinton.
Now its Trump vs Soros, the big boss man.
fuck you Yakob
they have a massive propaganda value
You don't make propaganda to already red pilled audience you 400 pound ass cracker. This stuff is like fucking subversion 101, how fucking dumb can you be
Park them like pic related, turn them off, then shift them into drive. Dumb cunts probably couldn't start them up again because they have no idea what a neutral safety switch is.
Audi is mentioned in the graph. If you read it, it tells you Audi == VW.
LandRover isn't in the graph because it would have made it impossible to read. As of reliability, their parent company is Jaguar, also very unreliable. Jaguar, in turn, is owned by Tata Motors (Pajeet).
No is asking to dox the little girl or her family. People want to prove simply that an ambulance was stuck trying to get to a hospital and was obstructed by the protest.
Possible that someone just shoots Soros in the face? Or does he surround himself with the undead as bodyguards
Additionally: An artist's interpretation of if LR was included in graph.
Sage for off topic
Land rover driver, can confirm.
It is actually legal to hit them since they're obstructing traffic, you were just going too fast to slow down in time. :^)
well, on highways at least
If the doctor would appear in media, he would lose his job.
Yeah, this just one motivated WHITE man pissed at his government.
What actually happened
Did she died?
Not sure. Looks like she was just clipped, so pretty lucky. If the car had side swiped the whole line it would have been more effecive.
There should be a plow attached to the front of emergency service vehicles because of shit like this.
They should legally be able to ram through "protesters" in an emergency.
Are these the same animals who blocked the ambulance?
It's amazing how disgusting you moefags are. You edited an image of an actual blonde child to look like a jew because he's freaked out by one of your beloved uguu anime creatures just to try to prove a point. This is leftist tier, and just shows your butthurt.
isn't an argument, and won't save you forever.
Fuck moeshit.
You are all fucking retards who want some sort of concrete evidence or you've been paying no attention to how leftists have been behaving
No he isn't, that's why he's trying all this desperate shit. He knows full well that if Trump takes office the FBI investigation will continue eventually leading to the destruction of Hillary and his' pedo ring and all the corrupt politicians they have dirt on. Hell, the guy literally funds everything that goes sideways for the US - there's plenty of room for treason charges already but nobody is doing it because they are spineless and/or blackmailed.
better dead than red!
We, uh, still need some more proof that this even happened lad.
Niggers are a virus, the only way to permanently removing the disease is by wiping them off the face of the earth
See my post 8258551
It didn't happen. Someone is using this event to spread disinfo. Infowars is unreliable, take that as a given.
If Hillary finally gets elected, not only soros is above the law, he will then makes the law
Why the fuck aren't the police teargassing these fuckers off the highway? Better yet, bring in the scoops.
thats a waifu for laifu
November 8th was a week ago, bro.
They drugged you right? Must be some pretty powerful stuff if you just woke up and you think you still have to correct the record.
I suddenly imagined the girl's father flipping out and opening fire into the protesters, and they all died because the ambulances were delayed by anti-trump protests elsewhere.
Aren't they still make her 'win' by a fraudulent popular vote?
That isnt even possible. There is no grounds for it and she has formally conceded. They have no case and Trump is officially the President-elect of the United States of America.
What about the electoral college? I'm not American so your voting system still seems a bit alien to me. I hope Trump doesn't become JFK 2.0 if he gets to be president.
Electoral College is a based system, it adds weight to rural areas while taking weight away from urban areas. Trump is locked in, and the people who say otherwise are just uninformed on the matter.
When you cast a vote you are casting a vote for electors, even though the ballot says "Trump/Pence" (because in essence you are voting for Trump/Pence), you are voting for Trump electors to vote Trump. A vote for Hillary would be a vote for Hillary electors to vote Hillary. Trump is officially locked in.
Paramedics need 50 cal machine guns mounted on top of the ambulance
I see. Thanks for putting up with me.
You're not from around here, are you?
There is nothing stopping electors from doing their own thing, but that doesn't happen too much
How long until some red hats come out and pelt them with rotten eggs?
Look at me
Time to sign up as Corpsehaulers boys, those donation tables aren't gonna keep themselves going.
Your molotov sucks.
Not that I'm recommending you go throw molotovs at anyone, I'm just telling you how someone who isn't a complete fucking idiot would make them. Molotovs would be counterproductive and burning these idiots would just give them sympathy and make them martyrs for the media to cry over.
If I didn't have a life ahead of me I'd honestly do it
hahahahahhahhha this guy
Can't wait to take dipshits like you into the forest and put a bullet in you. People like you are why we lose.
kill em all
what game is that?
Need verification and then match it with the video of the nigger commentator mocking the 65 year old White male Trump voter being attacked and nearly killed(dragged outside his car at 60+mph) by a pack of niggers, posting them to all the pleb venues.
Retarded comparison, Japanese having empathy for their racial kinsmen is not at all comparable to whites who need to make a last fucking stand to have any country for themselves or face genocide.
Blacklivesmatter the game
nice try, kike!
i'm not going to cooperate with the extermination of my race just for the sake of confirming to your kike ideas of good sportsmanship - and that's a very good thing, since my race is objectively the best in the world, and has done the most to improve human life for everyone, including worthless niggers and kikes like you. :^)
Please Trump call upon your Loyal RWDS to clear the streets of the protesters.
we await your commander God Emperor!
Doesn't fucking matter. We aren't fucking savages like those shits. And fuck anyone on our side that, outside of a civil fucking war, would dare to do that garbage.
These fucking libshits need to sent through a wood chipper. The mulch needs to be used to grow a nice and stately grove that will forever remind these fuckers of their place.
Absolute garbage.
Feminists first
If I lost a kid like that there would be nothing in this world that would stop me from pipe bombs and killing Soros's son
I don't get how people just move on. But i'm not a father
I fantasize about this. Trump looks directly into the camera
"Unleash hell."
The ONLY time to show honor in war is in brother wars whites vs whites and even then its debatable.
No, it's not. It's only horrible if the kid is white. Otherwise, it's propaganda.
There is not a single logical scale that could compare the Japanese people and their (old) code of Honour, to the life of a nigger.
Father died, not the kid
Nobody is saying anything out equality, you nigger.
I'm talking empathy - you know, the thing you claim sub-humans don't have and we have in spades?
I don't (generally) wish forthe death of all blacks/chinks/whatever - I just want them out of the west. Let them chimp out in their own shithole countries.
I posted this to YikYak (I use it as a tool to reach out to normies on campus), some nigger said "Philando Castille had a 3 year old daughter." Holy fuck am I pissed off now.
The child is 4 and he still around.
I'm shocked the ambulance would actually go around them. Not so much that they didn't plow through (like they should've), but break and then go like 5mph or something while blaring the siren and don't give a fuck if the idiots still refuse to move.
Ding dong, the bitch is dead, m9.
First she lost to a community organizer and then to Donald fucking Trump. Don't get me wrong, I voted for the guy and I'm fucking glad he won, but if you could go back 10, 20, 30 years ago and tell someone Trump would be president, they'd laugh at you and think you were insane.
Don't ask why, it just.
I do, because I want as many communists to die as possible.
It aint gonna happen. The only time "Faithless electors" is a joke that has never worked and abolishing the EC would take years or even Decades not months
You are meant to tie it AROUND the neck of the bottle or hold it in place with the cap, not stuff it inside.
Are you a nigger?
You sure your not the nigger?
Пошел нахуй, фашист.