Europhile Martin Schulz On Track To Become Next German Foreign Minister

The current president of the German Federal Republic, Joachim Guack, who was booed by crowds earlier this year due to his pro-migrant stance, has decided not to seek a second five-year term. If current Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is able to become the preferred candidate the space in the foreign ministry would need to be filled quickly. Given that the choice for successor falls to Sigmar Gabriel of the Social Democrats (SPD), pro-migrant Schulz has come to the forefront, reports Kurier.


Jesus fucking Christ. The kikes are really outdoing themselves with the pro-white genocide agenda now that the tide is slowly turning.

That kike is one of the first I want to see on a pike. Trump better lets Germany do its will and close his eyes on the whole "US owns Germany until 2099" thing, at the very least the time it takes for native Germans to purge all these traitor kikes.

Don't fucking come here and complain
Kill him

You pussy faggot. Your country is already done. So do it

I'm sick of you Eurofaggots and Australians coming to America's internet and bitching. Kill him. You're not getting your own Trump. You're a fucking coward and your loved ones will be raped and killed by Muslims in the next 10yrs

t. American war criminal

Germany is American property but your Jewish masters will never tell you that. The only reason they are forced to have cucks ruling over them is because they can't vote for their rulers. If they revolt, ZOG will drop boots there to "liberate" Europe once again from those "evil German gnatzis". I hope you choke on the next burger you eat.

Let this crazy dumbass become foreign minister. In 2017 it's over for the SPD anyway, and he will speed up the downfall of his party and Merkels (C)DU even more.


I did some research on that quote some time ago. It is from an israeli online news paper. The (((Journalist))) claimed Schulz said that. I still think Schulz is an evil kike, but Lügenpresse gonna lügen.

Pic related is probably false too. Came out long after Churshills dead.

2 posts in and the d/c derailing begins in yet another thread about Germany.

Except that was 80yrs ago. You want me to take credit for grandfathers that never fought in the war like some nigger who wants me to take credit for Yankee ancestors who never owned slaves

Fuck YOU



It's the same in every Canadian thread. Alphabet soups really love to jump in those threads as fast as they can.

Kill them!

You pussy. America won't fight random acts of violence. Dress like a Muslim, Jews do it

You Europeans millennials with your tiny little faggot States are just cowards and pussies who come here and talk shit. Larping faggots who have no idea what America or the rest of the world is because propaganda has made you all into Low-T homosexuals.

If Americans could kill a few people we would, but our country is too large and too many States.

Woe us! They forced us to suck their dicks which is why we were allowed to become so economically relevant and they are also behind us dropping our conservative stance they themselves were fine with during the 60s!

Which we also don't vote for directly.
Zog puts a Zog puppet into office, and the German people is somehow cucked for that?

Have you killed you communist kikes who have infiltrated everything in your country? No you fucking didn't and you have more guns than people in circulation in your country so shut the fuck up tubby.

Our tiny little faggot states are much more densily populated.
Texas has only a quarter+a bit of germanys population.
Also we are much more authoritanian then you guys when it comes to holding opinions.

And you voted a Nigger into the white house.
You are in no position to call anyone cuck, Ami.

hahaha this Eastern German PIECE OF SHIT… hahahahaha check'em boys, the day Germany went full RETARD. FULL RETARD.

Wew. Rootless cuckservative much?

i hope this kike does.
he will only damage the establishment more by the retarded (((shit))) he spews.
the SPD will have 10% in the next election if they keep this going

If you meant Schulz with your post > he ist from Würselen / West Germany.

We need to find out something really fucked up about him and expose it to the publilc. Maybe even fabricate false evidence

I always thought he was an Israeli trying to pass off as a German.

Because preaching German slavery isn't fucked up enough?

Obviously not, nigger, where have you been all these years?


Here and real life, where I'm from that shit inspires disgust at the kike and I'm supposed to apparently be in one of the most cucked part of an extremely cucked country, according to Amerikikes.

He can't do harm if he's dead.

I have yet to see how SPD manages to get above 5% next elections.
Pic related. This is Pöbel-Ralle, your greatest ally.

You know what? Good.
Let him be foreign minister, he will be water to the raging sea of oil ablaze that is the fire rising. I can feel it, I can feel the anger growing, the memetic power thriving. With every anti-"hate speech" law they launch, with every outlander they take in, with every smug sneer at the people and their growing resentment of the current political atmosphere, the rage boils higher.
And one day after pissing of the peoples of Europe once more, the dreamer will wake and shower them with fire and brimstone.
It will happen, mark my words.

Reminder Schulz is a school dropout

And our foreign minister was in Special E.D.
You don't want smart slaves, now do you?

how fucking dare jews talk about silent majorities

(((They))) always pull shit out of (((their))) asses and make it pass as a WELL KNOW fact. One of the oldest tricks in the book.

This kike will no doubt be assassinated if he gets appointed. There will be a civil war and blood in the streets.

Spot the difference

I came here to post that too. Fuck, op, could you be a bigger retard?


Maybe he meant pro European Union.

I, for one, am tired of krautcucks and their incessant whining. If you're not gonna do shit because you're a feminized cuck then at least shut the fuck up and let the rest of the world enjoy it's unpozzing.

Sleazy kikes

Probably the cringiest post I've ever seen on Holla Forums. What's to guarantee he won't get banned for posting unrelated pornography, either?


D&C shill detected..

Daily reminder that neither America nor Trump is the grand scheme. Trump is just a useful pawn, the point is reviving the white homeland - 1000 year Empire Evropa.

Fuck off burger

Who are you do to deny the will of the Fuhrer?

Shut the fuck up, Hitler didn't want a multicultural and multiracial European empire

Who said anything about multiracial? Everyone non-white will be deported to Africa.

That was copy-pasted from the article you retard

These are the sort of people I would revel in torturing for hours on end. I would try and make them scream as loud as I can, forcing them to watch everything they've worked so hard for destroyed like it was nothing. Killing their loved ones, mutilating, flaying, drowning, burning, and throwing acid on them until they are nothing more than a red pool of agony.

Sad D&C, even sadder that some here took the bait.

Why are there so many butthurt Germans who still think that America is some evil oppressive force that utterly controls your country and is the only reason why Germany is cucked? You do know that Trump has repeatedly said that Merkel is the worst fucking leader in the world right now, don't you? Obama loves got along with her but now we've elected a full nationalist government.

At this point you should be happy that Trump's America is going to be occupying your country rather than the kiked to all hell EU army that Merkel wants so bad.

And you elected a barren women. We also elected Trump.

Ami master race

You do know that your ZOG is basically running the former Axis countries as puppets?

What about "we just overthrew our old government" do you not understand?

Did you miss the last 80 years, you subhuman mutt?


it isnt january yet, so you are still an americuck (and probably will always will be)

Trump also said that "the central base of world political power is right here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people."

You can't deny that America has, in the past century, had a tremendous influence in the favor of ZOG. Particularly in Germany, whose current constitution with its prohibitions on "hate speech" and barriers to an anti-EU referendum was written by Americans.

In any case neither the US army or the "EU army" belong there, the EU must ultimately be abolished as the destructive multiculturalist organization it is.

Fbi detected

Reported for kike.