Good jews

ITT, we list the jews who helped us fight the globalists.

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List of Good Jews

Well that was a short list good thread OP.



Pick one and only one.

OP, don't you know what civilization has always been about?

The only good Jew is a dead Jew.



This is my list:

Go back to reddit, faggot, the election is over

daily reminder that there are no good jews

No good Jews, but there are few good Honorary Aryans – generally mischlings.


Here is what a good jew looks like.

Nice clickbait image and template thread faggot

Libertarians are the worst Jews on the planet. At least Commie Jews you know where they stand. Zionist Jews are Commies and they lie about their true intention but at least once in awhile they produce propaganda that makes pleb Jews want to save the white race.

You need to re-evaluate your brainwashing. We have all been bluepilled. But it's up to you to deprogram

Gays should be above Mexicans I think. And where are the Arabs? Is this from Howard Stern?

"Good" Jews are always apologists to the bad ones, so as a result they are not good. Take a look at Milo fighting against SJWs, but downplaying the Jewish influence in it. This whole "good jew" idea is not a healthy idea to behold.

As for the actual list, I can only think of brother Nathaniel.

Learn to sage, newfags. This is the only time I'll spoonfeed you.

Type "sage" in the email field

Milo actually admits the Jews control everything.

Maybe pic related is a 'good Jew'. And maybe David Cole deserves recognition for helping to expose the Holohoax. But no, otherwise there are no good Jews. Lurk more.

We already have a list of jewish celebs for and against Trump, though most of them even would still fall into globalists.
Take Steven Seagal, kinda sorta technically Jewish, on the record as being anti-Obama, but his various multinational business investments definitely disqualify him from being anti-globalist.

Whenever I see Trump's Jewish connection, it reminds me of that episode from Family Guy where Peter gets his son to convert to Judaism because it'll give him all that Jewish privilege, which is why so many of his wife, sons, daughters. Well, you get the idea. It just proves he knows full well of the whole nature of Jewry but instead of going against them righteously, he choose to join the little evil kikes and their inbred manlet tribe. It's a shame but maybe he'll wake up enough since he's already redpilled to the truth, it's just that he choose to join them.


at most certain Jews can be tolerated if their interests are congruent with our own, but they seems to always end up with ulterior motives.

It's in their DNA to be sneaking crafty bastards.


I've seen a lot of threads about "good jews" lately

what are you afraid of rabi? that we will be coming for you?
we will come for you sooner or later.
and it looks lite it will be sooner

we will pay for all you've done. and just the way you like it, with interest

not a jew myself but have many jewish friends who don't like SJWs and supports Trump like me. I just think it would be unfair to put all jews in the same category. There are bad people and good people. Jews are no exception.

sage, you fucking faggots

Cole defends the hoax now, just on a slightly smaller scale.

Fischer was the one good jew.

This is a cuckchan faggot

Does he? Jews just never stop Jewing, do they?

Sticla te-a stricat!

He says that jews were gassed, just not in Krema I or gas vans, and not with Zyklon B, but with diesel exhaust.

thanks for providing a proof that not all jews are bad

Damn Jews.

Fischer was one of kind, literally. 'Not all Jews' should not be present in your mind, because all have ulterior motives, even if they appear to be on your side. Like Brother Nathaniel for instance, he names the Jew, yet shills for Jewtin.

Those who died of starvation or Typhus in 1944

normal people are normal people. not mater what.
but shilling in here to crate a pro-jew message its to obvious
they fear the backlash of their action till now. and they deserve it

ALL Jews promote race-mixing among the other races. It's what they do. By this, they work to destroy every Nation they infiltrate.

Benjamin Friedman

However, the exception makes the rule.

He's only notable because every other jew is bad.

He was one of the better ones. But even ones like him had, I suspect, an ulterior motive. Fischer maybe is the only one who was truly self-hating.

Hello, and welcome to Holla Forums, fresh blood after our recent victory, I highly recommend you read just two books before posting. It will take a maximum of a month to read them, even if your schedule is busy, and you can prevent huge amounts of frustration and gorespam from the rest of us trying to purge you for making the Same. Damned. Arguments. over and over.

If we do not handle the entire Jewish threat, it will come back, just as it has 109 times before. This is in the Jewish DNA, and in their very nature. Any effort that could be spent trying to fix a broken and parasitic race is better spent fixing our own people and our own problems.

I do not care how many Jews helped Trump get into office. Trump is a start, not an end. Even if we keep winning at this rate for the rest of our lives, it will be our grandchildren who get to see the better world, not us. Dig in and get ready for a long struggle.

For your convenience:

like the list of
prominent jewish sports figures

How about no

Then show your proof, faggot.