Rand Paul: Will Donald Trump betray voters by hiring John Bolton?
Rand Paul: Will Donald Trump betray voters by hiring John Bolton?
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If John Bolton is appointed as SoS, I will personally fly to the United States to murder him.
No, he's choosing Giuliani. Bolton was just floated to get people to be less pissed about the Giuliani pick. Also if Paul hadn't been such a dick to Trump all election we could have had him as Secretary of Treasury and caused kikes to have a rectal ragnarok but instead he has to act like an old jealous man that Trump succeeded where he did not. Sad.
Honestly it is what I would do.
Yeah that sounds more realistic also everyone loves Rudy.
The Paul's are post-Left
Never trust the Post-Left Jew
(even though they are better in theory, they are still demoralizing and crippling your Nationalist militant protectionism against the mudslides of the 3rd world)
That goes for you too Asian, anons
That actually seems plausible. Giuliani having little experience in that department would have been a big deal but now most people will breathe a sigh of relief, assuming, Trump chooses either one and doesn't get someone unexpected but safe like Sessions.
Not really, there's plenty of people on here that rightfully dislike him over 9/11.
His spurdo-tier blabbering at Ron Paul during the 2012 Republican debate soured me on him
I just hope he makes Michael Scheuer the head of the CIA.
Nothing will ever say fuck you to the establishment and internationalists like that guy.
He better goddamn pick Sessions
Maybe if you weren't Holla Forums or filter-tier during 9/11, or were still a child and don't remember.
Everyone who loves Israel and 9/11 at least.
o I am laffin
How the fuck do you know he is asian?
unless you are Ikikempfy or realcoonman
The Pauls want to audit the fed and cut off aid to Israel. That's already better than everybody in the US government not named Sessions or Trump.
It's true. I saw Rand the day after Trump won (also the day he won reelection and both the country and his state won R majorities in all houses), and he seemed downright pissed, despite what a good night it should have been. There was no smile on his face. You would think he'd be excited at the new possibilities, being such a famous, old-school-style legislator.
But no, he's just mad he's not president. How ungrateful. Ever since 2012, he thought he'd be able to walk out after masterfully "playing politics" with the GOPe and scoop up his father's supporters. But honestly, I think now that that would have been a long-shot even without Trump. Rand simply doesn't have charisma, and he's funny looking, too. And he spent his whole campaign trying to focus on black voters. It was never going to work, even with no Trump.
And that should be fine with him, because he works so much better as a senator than anything else. But nope, it's clearly not.
11 and shit was already fucked in my life at the time so yeah I don't really remember.
Rand wanted to be the next Obama while thinking he could inherit his father's memes. Trump kept him at a distance because he could smell the ambition and willingness to do anything and kill anyone to become president on him.
Why would you want a singer as Secretary of State?
Checking those big, beautiful digits to confirm.
For what nation there faggot?
Having Bolton in that position would be as bad as having Hillary. Even if Trump leashes him tightly, there's no guarantee he won't go rogue and start shit.
No way Trump is picking him.
I'd rather have Rudy than Bolton, that's for sure. But what can you do with a country like the US? It's whole identity and history is partly made up of cucking for the jews. It's hard, if not impossible to find politicians that are not total shabbos goyim.
Everyone has that type of picture, fuck off
What about these pictures
Looks like the Rudy dick sucking squad showed up ITT. Both of them are terrible choice for SoS.
It's called Jewyork for a reason.
Then leave that cuck in Jew York.
Filthy fucking kikes. They attacked Trump over the course of his entire campaign, and now they're lashing out because he's not willing to let them get back into his administration.
I'm glad Rand is speaking up. But his confrontational approach to Trump in the primary was such a mistake. His opinion could be in Trump's inner circle instead of this blog no one visits.
But what about all those Detroit republicans?
convinced the entire bolton thing is kikes trying to use their media to "meme" him into the administration. If there was any chance, Morning Jew (which is watched by all political types) completely savaged him and Jew-li-ani this morning.
I suspect his pick will come completely out of left field and the Jews will shriek and tear their garments. Look how they are reacting to Bannon, and he's considered a cuckold here.
The same thing happened with Newt as a VP choice.
except we also had people shilling Newt for VP here as well
And he'll manage to take the complete opposite position tomorrow and say Trump's insane for not considering someone with "deep experience" like Bolton. Scarborough might be the biggest fucking snake in all of media and that's saying something. His seamless transition from "David Duke is disqualifying" before Super Tuesday to "I told you so" the day after was extremely revealing.
Need to worry about Iowa Republicans first
Yesterday Joe tweeted that Bolton was an "alt right" choice because he's associated with Pamela Gellar
Oh here you are right in spades, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, his Jew producer corrects him whenever he goes too far off script and he changes his tone the next day.
I wouldn't spit on Scaborough if he was on fire, and no one ever talks about the dead female intern that turned up in his office while he was in congress.
I'd like to make him and his slut sidekick drink bleach, but at least this morning they were useful re: Bolton. One has to recall just how out of touch the Jews are to where they can't even shill correctly anymore.
You mistake a correct analysis for shilling. I implied that a lot of people have issues with Rudy and in my next post outright said it. Giuliani will be secretary of state, I'd happily place a wager on it if you want.
Well, he's kind of right. If Bannon and Kikebart are Alt-Right, than Gellar surely is. Everybody but those mean old 1488ers, right?
you might lose your shekels user. He went before a WSJ forum last night and basically said that the post of Attorney General was "beneath him" and he'd only take Sec. of State.
From his history, you try to put Trump in a corner and he will fuck you.
One point of order– Bannon is not a twisted Jew demon as Gellar is, which you seem to be ignoring.
They're really going to push this "alt right" shit. By the time they're done "alt right" will be synonymous with Israel first conservatives.
What's more to say?
Bolton would be the end of the illusion of things being any different under Trump.
Giuliani is still neocohen but less so than Bolton at least. Still not good.
Hence less pissed. That really should have made it clear that Giuliani is just marginally better.
I don't think Trump has sold his soul yet, so I don't think your analysis is right. Also there's no point in gambling without insider information, if you have some then say so.
Dave Weigel [email protected]/* */
how about a tip instead: search engine. "WSJ, Forum, Giuliani, Sec. of state."
The clip was on Morning Jew today, you can find it quite easily.
Bolton would be an unmitigated disaster, and Rudy's personal relationship with Trump seems to be the only upside as far as him becoming SoS. What exactly qualifies him for a top position in international relations? He happened to be Mayor on 9/11?
If he's going to be involved then it should be limited to domestic issues which you can at least argue he is qualified to handle. But the country's top diplomat? Please.
Reaffirmed in new WaPo article. Rand can block these appointments in committee unless Democrats defect.
Watched it, I really don't have the same interpretation as you on that. Only thing I see is him saying that he wouldn't be attorney general, that might have less to do with hubris and more to do with Trump and him already having dismissed that as ever being an option due to how pissed the liberals are over stop and frisk.
What's that supposed to prove? The complaints about Giuliani has nothing to do with niggers.
You can make quite a lot of money gambling, its not like events in real life are just random outcomes that are flips of the coin. Any Holla Forumsack that's not profiting off of sites that allow you to place bets on political outcomes is a fool at this point when we're much better at predicting things than mainstream media and odds get tilted in our favor since most bettors are going off of the info in MSM or predictions by people like Nate Silver.
It comes down to this: America isn't gonna be a Jewish bitch anymore. We just won't stand for it.
You should know who your bookie is, as in personally. Betting on clearnet websites that will steal your money one day when they close up shop is dumb.
I still think your analysis is wrong and you're pretending to be a wise guy after winning a few hundred bucks after betting on Trump and are now going for more and more exotic prop bets. You are gambling in a place where everything is already predetermined for the most part now, if you don't have insider information, you are very likely to be burned eventually. Gambling is a hobby when you don't have insider information, as in you pay money for entertainment.
Put your money where your mouth is then.
I don't bet on things that are predetermined but unknowable there sucker, I thought I made that clear.
When you lose all your GBPs that you won with Trump and Brexit call 1-800-848-1880 and go back to betting sports.
If Trump and Putin share a “phenomenally similar” outlook on foreign policy, then why is John Bolton's name even floating around in the first place? Is he trolling us?
Holla Forums wasn't a thing in 2001
Are you so awful at predicting what's going to happen in the world that you're wrong more often than right?
And you can't predict it before they do it? You seem incredibly lacking in confidence on your own perception of the world if that's the case.
Not even 4chan existed in 2001.
He meant Holla Forums or filter-tier, not someone that browsed Holla Forums in 2001.
Because everyone that's not a complete neocon hates Bolton. Floating Bolton's name is straight out of Art of the Deal.
I just remember anons betting on the VP pick based on "analysis" like yours. Betting on Brexit and Trump is easy because you can look at polls, see that they are improperly sampling for propaganda reasonings, and bet accordingly. You are basing your bet on
and then bragging like a faux-wise guy about your picks. Post a screencap of your ticket so I can make a reaction image of it in a few weeks time.
No, he's a goy traitor who supports her - much like Bolton.
Trump doesn't.
Only the media is floating Bolton right? I haven't heard Trump mention Bolton myself. He'd better not put that kike there.
I beg you fucking pardon? You don not liberate; You wreck everything you touch.
4D Chess. Russia doesn't want Bolton either, Russia wants cooperation. So what will give to ensure a crazy like Bolton does not get into the White House. I wouldn't put it past Trump to be pulling shit like this right up to the last minute. But I also don't entirely trust Trump yet either.
What makes me doubt about Trumps foreign policy is that he wants to increase defense spending (that doesn't sound very isolationist now does it?).
So either Trump is trolling us with Bolton, or he will have a hawkish foreign policy.
I think Rudy has Trump under his spell. Either way, he's pretty much a neocon like Bolton.
Who cares if Paul is "loyal" to Trump? We need someone to go in and do their fucking job.
Actually increasing defense capabilities is a cornerstone of being isolationist. You have to have strength so you don't get bullied.
dammit, nobody better bump me out of the berenstain timeline, I'm getting real cozy here…
Butthurt til the end, eh Rand.
Doing the Media's job?
Fucking shameful.
Your daddy must be proud.
These were my thoughts. I always liked Rudy, but he doesn't know much about foreign relations. Make him AG or DHS instead.
if Rudy is gonna be getting this, we need Trey Gowdy for AG.
Do you like Dominic Suter and the dancing Israelis too?
Says the guy who cucked out to Romney.
He wants to increase the budget to refurbish/renew/replace the material base. It's probably Peter Thiel's influence in action. One of Thiel's companies works in developing military software, so he has a pretty good idea about the states of things. He even said during the RNC speech that the US military uses outdated, defective technology.
You realize not everyone Trump appoints is going to be full-on 1488 redpilled, right? Rudy is tough on nogs and slimes, and he supported Trump all the way. I wouldn't mind him getting some title, like Hillary's special prosecutor. SecState just isn't the right fit for him. He's still an improvement compared to what we've just had!
Those are arguments for why he'd be a good Attorney General or Secretary of Defence, not a good Secretary of the State. His pragmatism when it comes to nigger violence is irrelevant in international diplomacy, where he has previously expressed neoconservative, interventionist views.
Do you get it now?
You're probably replying to an astro-turfing shill. They did the same thing shortly before Pence got selected as VP even though nobody was shilling for christie or newt either. They are trying to make you think Trump doesn't know what he's doing.
Of course, but I think it's reasonable to expect him not to appoint anybody who was involved in 9/11.
sorry for double post but what I mean is they will try to convince you that Rudy is just as bad of a choice as Bolton (who is still only a twitter rumor) would be.
Oh shit guys, (((rumors))). That's it, I'm retroactively changing my vote to Hillary.
When Trump was picking his VP, there were a bunch of rumors about Newt, Flynn, and many others, and then Trump surprised everyone by picking Mike Pence. Trump usually hints at a decision and lets lugenpresse run with it and go into speculation mode and then surprises everyone at the last second to make them lose credibility, and also to have the element of surprise so his picks are not preemptively (((compromised))). He did the same thing with his immigration speech, by hinting at softening his stance for a while and letting MSM concern troll with that for a while, and then blowing them the fuck out with his speech in Arizona re-affirming everything. Roger Stone has claimed to have talked to Trump and apparently he is still getting familiar with the White House and its inner workings and wrapping his head around his security briefing from alphabet soup. Source is shit also, I intend to disregard all concern trolling and MSM and start being critical after the appointments are finalized, if the appointments are actually shit. If anyone is really concerned you can get #StopBolton trending or send feedback on greatagain.gov if there is enough backlash it will help.
Where does the Bolton rumor comes from? Trump could pick anyone, and a nobody too, a current or a former ambassador for example, and it would be better than a neocon liar like Bolton. The Secretary of State doesn't have to be a political celebrity.
I think Donald Trump once Tweeted that. I saw the screencap once, I don't have the link
picking a literally who like he did with Mike Pence might be great.
A lot of the times it comes from the man themselves. Bolton had his people call a news agency and they told them his name was being floated to try to get his name into the hat.
Its all speculation at this point.
Yes. I agree.
John BOlton would be a terrible choice. He is a neo-con unending warmonger. Not that I'm against war it is just real wars are fought without mercy and ended fast.
A cucked, impotent dog will never have what it takes to be a non libshit president though. But then rand paulberg was selling out anyway…
Why not have the FBI to investigate the treason,and press charges when needed?
fuck you kike
Why not have Scheuer be the head of the FBI instead to investigate treason,and press charges?*
That would be great, but as Trump repeated how he loves Israel so often, i don't see him appointing an Israel critic.
Normally I would agree with you but not in the case of the US, which in terms of military strength is completely untouchable.
That's a possibility but let's assume that what you say is true, couldn't Trump roll back on foreign bases for example, and use the money saved there for renewing the material base without increasing defense spending?
Good. My biggest fear would be the same kikes getting into Donald Trump's administration. I know I'm not the only person who shares those great concerns.
Rand criticizes Bolton and Giuliani, vouches for Bannon
Look up operation millennium challenge. The military is not as invincible as they would like you to believe.
Ya'll need to recognize what this is right quick: This is the media trying to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters. They're attempting to undermine the legitimacy of his presidency and his mountain of political capital before he even takes the oath of office. Leading up to the election, every single story about Trump was some combination of:
Now that he's won, every single story is:
The media spent the past 16 months trying to convince you that he could never win. But the Democratic party just went from the ruling regime of the world's only superpower to a a coastal regional party with control of maybe six states. They are absolutely stunned by the enormity of that loss, and will say anything to gain some semblance of their dignity back. That means they're going to spend the next 16 months convincing you that his victory didn't mean anything. Don't you believe it.
I sincerely hope you are right. So far, Trump has not let me down, and so I continue to believe that he won't.
Yet, I would hate Bolton to be Secretary of State. Guiliani I could tolerate because I know he will be loyal to Trump, but I'm still not that big a fan of him either.
We have to make it known to Trump that his supporters do NOT support John Bolton.
How exactly was Rudy in on it?
hasn't Rudy Guliani retired from holding offices ever since he got diagnosed with the Cancer?
Pretty sure the voters are tired of that balance being tipped in the kike's favor.
Jim Webb would be so much better:
Jim Webb Won’t Say Who He Voted For, But It Sure Sounds Like Trump
"(…) Webb ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination. At an American Conservative event on foreign policy Tuesday he said his run taught him “the power of pay to play and political machines.”
Webb pointed to the 1965 Immigration Act, which got rid of previous immigration quotas, as another thing that hurt America. He said that he supports affirmative action for black Americans, but that this influx of immigrants benefiting from it has been detrimental to poor whites.
Webb used two recent foreign policy decisions to show how administrations run by both parties have been out of touch with the American people: the Bush administration’s decision to launch the Iraq War and the Obama administration “unilaterally intervening in Libya.” The intervention in Libya was conducted while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and was a policy she championed.
Webb, the former Secretary of the Navy under President Ronald Reagan, was later asked whether he would serve in a Trump administration, the former Virginia senator did not definitively answer this. "
I don't want bolton either, nor the rnc head as the whatever position that picks the cabinet, both of those are horrible selection that "keep your enemies closer" doesn't justify.
I don't think Trump will do it. Not now that Ron Paul has advised him not to. He respects the shit out of Ron.
it's a 4d chess move, he knows what he's doing
These "rumors" are seeded by the likea of Bill Kristol and repeated by kike media. I have seen no indication of this being true.
He will never surpass Ron "fuck bankers" Paul
Priebus was a smart choice. He is not ideological and can act as the go-between for Trump and the cucks.
Giuliani would be a decent pick. He likes Russia, which is a good litmus test.
Correct. The media has moved on to concern trolling. Notice that all are saying Trump will not deport (even though he said repeatedly that he intends to get that going on day one and has guys like Bannon and Sessions in his inner circle), will not build the wall, that he has already reneged on his promises. Classic concern trolling.
No, it's not.
Yes it was. You don't know shit about politics. Trump needs men on the inside or he would just be shut out from all the levers of power. Priebus is a good choice because he is a not ideological.
No, it's not. You're talking out of your ass with your personal assessment of Priebus.
who the fuck do you think built the national get out the vote infastructure that won Trump the states he flipped?
fuck I don't like the cuck either but you're almost as retarded as the jews on cnn if you dont know basic shit like how trump actually won
The election is over so now it's time to drive the agenda, not sit back and assume Trump will do what we want. So far every candidate for a foreign policy position has been an uber hawk. Not one opponent of the Iraq War seems to be under consideration. That's expected since Pence is in the middle of the transition team. Rumors or not, it's important to speak out against these people. Personnel = policy.
In fact people should be pushing for a realist instead of settling for some 85% neocon ("At least it's not Bolton!") for the next 4-8 years.
you are mistaken in thinking that trump trusts rinsed pubes. he doesnt, Trump is no fool.
And by that same token trump wont throw a man by the wayside who knows whose who in the beltway
You didn't deserve those dubs, you well-poisoning kike.
This is disinfo, pic related.
so you don't think he'll appoint Bolton? What about Giuliani?
Shut the fuck up, Rand.
Now they're talking about Romney as Secretary of State?
is that an actual possibility or is Trump just trolling mainstream republicans right now?
95% Trump is just trolling.
Yeah, good luck superman
Can anyone explain to me why Bolton is a horible, wretched choice aside from what's mentioned in the OP? OP just states he's bad because of his foreign policy, I want more ammunition than that. My dad said just this morning that he really likes bolton and thinks he should be in the cabinet and i think thats because he doesn't fucking know the first thing about bolton.
what else aside from bolton being an establishment warhawk is there to cement the idea that he's a terrible fucking choice?
If you're looking at him as a possible secretary of state then thats what you care about you dingus