Once hemp is legal to grow federally, it could be used to construct the wall along the border of Mexico and the United States. The Hemp could be grown on site, requires a lot of sun, and little water. This would be a good way to tackle both the immigration problem, as well as the global warming problem, as well as providing a low cost solution for building the wall. It would create jobs and showcase a material that has practical applications in sustainable construction products both now and in the future. "The hemp plant absorbs a very high level of atmospheric CO2 as it grows, and because the production and application of hempcrete is quite a low-tech process, the end result is a material which, even accounting for the production of the lime (a relatively high embodied carbon material), transport, and the energy use during construction, still locks away a net 110 – 160 kg of CO2 per m3 of hempcrete for the lifetime of the building." - ukhempcrete.com
Industrial hemp is possibly the most versatile crop and never should've been lumped in with reefer madness. But I don't see what you're trying to get at here.
No Pablo, we're not going to legalize weed just so you can build a wall out of fucking grass clippings and cardboard.
hemp is actually pretty bad for the environment, it's okay to legalize weed sales and cultivation, but it is not a very sustainable crop.
I don't want dumb beaners trying to smoke the Wall
That if hemp were legal to grow it could be used to solve many problems the world faces today. Imagine an organization like Habitat for Humanity using hempcrete to constructs the homes they build for people. You could grow the hemp on site in 90 days, requiring little water and sun. It can be used for floors (not the foundation), roofs, walls. The buildings would last 100's of years if done properly. It would provide a healthier living environment for the occupants, at very low cost (low cost to build, lost cost to repair, little need for repair). Once it's legal I plan on buying a large amount of land and doing just this. I wanted to see what other ideas people had, or what they know about this material. Thanks.
The material absorbs c02 and petrifies over time, through a process called calcification.
You can't smoke it. The hemp is mixed with lime.
Troll harder.
Hempcrete is pretty badass, there is a house not far from me that was built with the stuff. It has some serious potential.
They would die, solving yet again another problem (if you consider liberals a problem).
Hempseed milk + cheerios is pretty good
We're talking about the kind of dumb shits who easily fall for the bananadine ruse.
Actually, industrial hemp has a lot of uses. As long as you keep the manufacturing of hemp for weed illegal, while manufacturing for all other uses legal, i don't see a problem. It's not raw ressources you should ban entirely, but specific products and the trade of it.
Why the fuck do you clump me in those posts? I do know that hemp has a lot of uses and isn't weed, I was just saying that dumb beaners will still try to smoke it up.
Refer to post No.8254584.
substitute (if you consider beaners a problem) for (if you consider liberal a problem).
Fuck em. If they are that stupid let them die.
As long as the legislation to legalize/decriminalize it doesn't give a monopoly to some (((lobbyist))) and their (((friends))).
I'm okay with this.
Once it sets though it will be hard for them to smoke it, if not impossible.
Fucking no, if anything it should be solid granite, you don't build world wonders out of cheap shit.
hahaha never will hapen weedfag.
in your dreams.
Popular Mechanics and others did not know, at the time it was passed, that the "Marihuana Tax Act" was a prohibitive tax designed to put hemp farmers out of business. "Negros smoking weed and raping white women" was a smokescreen. DuPont had just invented a new chemical process to extract the cellulose out of trees, and new machines to get cellulose from hemp were a competitive threat. Hemp produces four times the cellulose, per acre, compared to trees. The market for industrial hemp products is a thousand times larger than for the drug varieties of the plant, and that's why it was outlawed. This book outlines the history of the subject. The print version is half photocopied references. hampapartiet.se
It's not cheap as related to quality, it's cheap as related to cost!
You can blame the (((Media Moguls))) for that one. Straight up propaganda funded by globalist cunts who didn't want anyone to cut into their bottom line, so they vilified the plant to destroy public perception of it and mislead gullible politicians.
As it turns out, the strain for hemp grows the nastiest, shittiest weed, so it's not fit for smoking or medicinal use. The strain that grows good weed grows shit hemp. It's a non-issue to decide which would we should be able to grow.
I was trolling a little, waiting for someone like you. Marijuana (hemp) cultivation is already permitted under current law, provided the grower has obtained a DEA registration.
I was trolling a little, waiting for someone like you to reply. Marijuana (hemp) cultivation is already permitted under current law, provided the grower has obtained a DEA registration.
But only if State law says it okay. "Federal registration by DEA is based upon the applicant's compliance with applicable state and local laws. Applicant should contact the local state licensing authority prior to completing this application. If your state requires a license, provide that number on this application."
Good luck getting that. We're still importing cannabis products to the USA from Canada. I'm waiting for the first hemp farm to spring up in Oregon, and if I had the money to invest, that's what I'd be doing right now.
You might only need to register with the department of agriculture in your state. "To grow or handle industrial hemp, a person must be registered with the State Department of Agriculture as
a grower or handler." Wouldn't hurt to give them a call.
I'm pretty sure they have developed a strain with such a low THC(?) contend that is can be grown without problems in a number of countries where growing "weed" in not allowed.
Filthy degenerate.
This thread has some really obvious shilling going on in it. Really obvious. No, you are not blending in.
Dude, gasoline.
americans are mostly consumer cunts who wouldn't understand environmentalism even if they were boiled alive
Good idea. Infact, great idea. Have a bump for one of the more creative threads lately
Also, lol
Just use rammed earth with some minor reinforcement.
I don't jack off nor do I make myself stupid with the herbal Jew. Where is your Marx now?
industrial hemp is legal dude
why the fuck should we care how much the wall costs when Mexico is footing the bill? Let's build it out of high-grade stainless steel 300 feet high.
Karl Marx once shoved 21 dildos up his ass.
i see all the benefits, but is it actually sturdy enough? would it be possible to weaponize it? (not sure if it's the right term, but i mean putting steel braidwork in the concrete to make it sturdier) wouldn't it be possible for some drugboss to ram his truck into the wall to create a hole?
We will do it to smoke it.
Fucking fund it.
user, the wall is going to have mounted miniguns along it and be 1000ft within the border. Anyone that gets close dies and Mexico won't be able to do shit because it's our land.
OR, you know, we could NOT legalize weed, and we could use CONCRETE to build the wall. Much faster than waiting for hemp to grow, you don't need to grow concrete, you just make it.
Why would I want to waste weed building a wall anyway?
Need it to keep my hands steady when I go to minority neighborhoods.
it's not legalising weed, it's legalising a plant related to weed with psychoactive ingredient levels so small that smoking it will only result in bad coughs. besides that, it's the same as concrete with added mass. i'm not sure how it will do for the wall but in housebuilding i see a lot of potential
I find it hilarious that the puritans think this has been a victorious time for them.
Moralists will hang.
People ignoring the important questions
Fuck off 4chan yid. Fuck the herbal jew, fuck jews, and fuck you.
I work on a (legal, obviously) pot farm and I'm on break.
If anyone wants to ask me anything, I'll answer you once I get home sometime in the afternoon or early evening.
Weird coincidence but I learned just yesterday that the first trans-atlantic telegraph cables used hemp as an insulator and to give the cable flexibility.
I don't think you realize but
Industrial hemp is a different strain of the plant than the drug (weed) one and you cannot get high on it. So you don't need to worry about banning the creatio of it for smoking reasons anyway.
This is retarded.
The best binder for concrete is stones and or pebbles, how do you get cheaper than rocks?
How many of the people here flipping out about weed are ok with alcohol?
Well where do you think rocks come from. Quarrys requiring maasive costs in excavation, haulage and huge scars across a landscape sometimes completely ruining an enviroment.
Hemp is Cheap to produce, easier to haul and process. Labourers could even haul large quanities at site without the need for expensive heavy duty machinery. Hemp fields could also make a profit from by-products, further reducing the cost of the wall. Extra jobs could be created in farming and security (to protect farms from liberals who will likely torch farms to stop the contstuction). Yes you take jobs from quarry workers but you can easily rehome them in the farming / construction sector.
Get a few landcrawler cranes and you could have prefab sections installed in no time.
Politically its a sound idea, gives a moral high ground on global warming issues, appeasing the librals whilst also giving them the middle finger.
I like how this is ignored.
Hemp is already completely legal and used in many industrial applications. No need to legalize your featherhead laugh cigars, OP.
Have fun putting your guts back together after I swiss cheese you with a .50 cal for trying to stop me from making high quality cannabinoid concentrates.
This is why we need eugenics to save people from their own stupidity
Which strain? Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, or Cannabis Ruderalis? All three contain cannabinoids and all three get me high as fuck.
"Industrial Hemp" is a term used by (((governments))) to describe cannabis that has been breed to have lower than 0.3% THC, even though it often goes above those levels.
Because alcohol has been around for thousands of years so no body cares about it, and when people try to care about it they don't get very far. Pot is 100x safer than booze tbh and anyone who thinks it should be illegal is a kike
Well, we now have our next Cheech and Chong movie.
well that just means they'll put chunks of it in their tequila
Bravo, Trump
they don't even care at this point, gotta stop muh ebil nahtzis
Industrial hemp was made illegal to keep the wood pulp paper and some forestry industries from going under.
This tbh
Kek nailed
t. live where that shit's legal and it's a hellhole.
No, industrial hemp was made illegal to produce a monopoly on fiber-products.
3D printing will do more for cheap housing than hemp, lad.
C. Indica, C. Sativa and C. Ruderalis are all different subspecies, not "strains" (cultivars). C. Ruderalis also has extremely low levels of THC (