Jamelle Bouie is right about one thing: the racial social contract we’ve had is over. Whites aren’t content to let everyone but them get special treatment any more.
Jamelle Bouie had an article in Slate following the election titled “White Won.” It is a powerful, at times beautiful piece about his shock and dismay at Donald Trump’s surprise victory. He describes having to leave the CBS News studios for a walk and a call to his wife as he realized the impossible was happening. He rightly concludes that the most direct national appeal to white voters in decades had not only been made, but won. As a white person, I cannot fully understand what Trump’s victory means for people of color. I have my own strong reservations about his presidency, but they do not involve fears related to the color of my skin. In trying to better understand the fears of minorities through Bouie’s essay, one section stood out to me as a particularly astute description of the current racial moment in America. Bouie writes:
This admission that what he believed to be a consensus was really a détente is extremely important. While a consensus means questions have been laid to rest, a détente means disagreement still lingers, but a deal is struck to keep those disagreements from flowering into open hostility. From the 1970s through the beginning of the current century, America existed under such an agreement. Bouie is correct that this has been shattered, but he is wrong to suggest Trump is the only, or even the primary, reason for this.
The rules of the deal were pretty straightforward. For whites, they stated that outright racist statements and explicit appeals to white racial identity were essentially banned. Along with this, whites accepted a double standard about the appropriateness of cultural and political tribalism. For obvious and reasonable historical and economic reasons, black and brown people explicitly pursuing their own interests was viewed differently than whites doing the same thing.
The other side of the deal was that so long as white people were sufficiently punished for acts of outright racism, minority leaders and communities would be cautious with accusations of racism. The key here was that once leveled and proved, the accusation of racism was a blow most whites could not come back from. From Jimmy the Greek to Michael Richardson, being labeled a racist was a black mark that did not wash off easily.
This was the basic agreement that set our cultural norms, a set of rules with relatively clear boundaries. Under those rules, many of Trump’s words and actions would have been immediately disqualifying, but they weren’t, because the rules are no longer in effect.
The clearest example is the Judge Gonzalo Curiel drama. By the rules of the détente, saying a judge cannot fulfill his duties because of his race or nationality counted as a firing offense. Indeed leaders on both the Left and Right assumed Trump could not overcome it.
But not only did many white voters break the rule of disqualifying a person based on a racist statement, they broke the second rule too. They began to ask why Trump couldn’t say a Mexican judge might be unfair, when we hear all the time about the danger of all white juries and white police officers. The white acceptance of legitimate racial double standards had dissipated, and without it the détente could not stand.
Hudson Hall
As if shit skins know what it's like to be white.
Jayden Adams
The Beginning of The End
There is a misconception that political correctness was responsible for the breakdown of the racial détente. This is incorrect. Political correctness, as loose a term as it is, was the means by which we continually renegotiated the terms of the deal. After all, the primary rules for whites had exactly to do with what was acceptable to say.
Privilege theory and the concept of systemic racism dealt the death blow to the détente. In embracing these theories, minorities and progressives broke their essential rule, which was to not run around calling everyone a racist. As these theories took hold, every white person became a racist who must confess that racism and actively make amends. Yet if the white woman who teaches gender studies at Barnard with the Ben Shahn drawings in her office is a racist, what chance do the rest of have?
Within the past few years, as privilege theory took hold, many whites began to think that no matter what they did they would be called racist, because, in fact, that was happening. Previously there were rules. They shifted at times, but if adhered to they largely protected one from the charge of racism. It’s like the Morrissey lyric: “is evil just something you are, or something you do.” Under the détente, racism was something you did; under privilege theory it is something you are.
That shift, from carefully directed accusations of racism for direct actions to more general charges of unconscious racism, took away the carrot for whites. Worse, it led to a defensiveness and feeling of victimization that make today’s whites in many ways much more tribal than they were 30 years ago. White people are constantly told to examine their whiteness, not to think of themselves as racially neutral. That they did, but the result was not introspection that led to reconciliation, it was a decision that white people have just as much right to think of themselves as a special interest group as anyone else.
Christian Bailey
Blame and Destroy Whitey
The unfortunate place where we now find ourselves is one in which blatant attacks on white people, often from white people, are driving them further into a tribal cocoon. Samantha Bee’s awful and irresponsible berating of white women as the evil force behind Trump’s victory, while condescendingly describing magical people of color as the only ones who can save us, is a clear example of where white defensiveness and victimization are coming from.
Furthermore, the ever-present drumbeat from the Left that every conservative victory is the death throes of bad, old white people who are about to be swept away by waves of brown immigration is making many whites dig in. On a certain level, how can you blame them? They are explicitly being told that their values and way of life are under the sword. How do we expect them to react?
The détente was far from perfect. It often allowed quieter racism to lurk unchallenged. In some ways, it was a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. But Band-Aids have a role to play in treating bullet wounds—the body heals itself better when the wound is clean and free from infection. This is true of discourse’s ability to heal our body politic, as well. Under the détente, there was still racism, but Steve Bannon, whose publication Breitbart has traded in vile explicit racism, could never have been considered for White House chief of staff.
Christopher Brown
It’s Time for New Negotiations
Whether the old détente was better or worse than current conditions is probably a purely academic question. It is not coming back. It was created in a cauldron of a very specific historical moment. Its creators had known and experienced racism in ways we simply have not, and they were more willing to compromise to keep the monster at bay while, hopefully, new generations naturally became more racially accepting.
Cultural and political white tribalism in its current form is likely here to stay for some time. Perhaps the best we can do now is forge our own new agreement. We are very far from achieving that. But we can all take a concrete step toward that goal. We can listen to each other without immediate judgment and with trust in people’s good faith. That trust will not always be rewarded, but without it a détente can never be.
If a generation of Americans who lived through the racism, riots, anguish, and terror of the civil rights movement were able to trust each other’s decency and create cultural codes and norms to punish abject racism, we should be able to do it, too. But the truly scary thing is that, at this moment, it doesn’t appear we want to.
Blacks don't have any real backbone. The moment they face any real resistance they fall apart.
Christian Scott
The civil rights movement was a cakewalk run by a sympathetic media and government. If nogs keep it up vigilante violence to just keep them from dragging people out of their cars will kill more of them than the KKK ever did.
Henry Morris
A well reasoned piece. Never named the actors or leaders though.
Christian Jenkins
Good find OP.
Logan Barnes
This essay is the very definition of bargaining. He admits the behavior of the left has been inexcusable for the past 50 years yet still demands that Whites should shut the fuck up and keep enduring the abuse.
Yeah, too late faggot. The horse is out of the barn.
The agreement is non-Whites will stop acting like animals or face the consequences. The time for negotiating is over.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Surprisingly reflective. Have the left branded the author a traitor yet?
Evan Rivera
Interesting article for a leftist, probably the only one I've seen that is at least in the same ballpark as reality.
One thing I think he overlooked is that tribalism in whites is inherently different to other races. Not due to oppression or anything of that nature, but rather the fact that whites are just better and every other race only exists in our countries because we allow them to, they have no real power.
Charles Adams
Is the Federalist actually a leftist site? I was under the impression, given the name, that it was more libertarian. Oh wait, then of course it's leftist Nice find OP.
Henry Allen
heh, in theory, white privilege is right, you let whites be whites and they will be superior. EAT SHIT jews, you fucked yourselves again.
Brayden Bell
Seems like you can say anything about Steve Bannon without any basis to back it up. They really want to use him to chip away at Trump, so he caves and they go again.
If Trump fires Bannon, he can forget it, still birth Presidency.
Thomas Sanchez
We're not going back to this bullshit. Some of us never accepted it to begin with. We're acting in our own self-interest, unrestrained by any guilt nonsense. Consider 2015 your high water mark Jamelle.
Zachary Miller
Have any of them compiled examples of Bannon's so-called racism?
Easton Robinson
It will only be a matter of time. The left is consuming itself like never before. I can only see it getting worse. When the inauguration comes around there will be another wave of protests/riots and kvetching. Same with the deportations and the wall. They will probably get progressively worse, or better from Holla Forums's perspective, because they saw how ineffective they were previously. The few who still have enough clarity to write something like this will be ostracized unless some overarching big names call for introspection to try and save the left. There have to be those who understand that it's dying. I hope they take a page from Trump and dont back down, double down because most are too blind to see that they've been doing it for a decade and this is what it's come to. Despite this article being clearly more sane than most, the author can still only say I'm not sorry we did it, I'm sorry we got caught. They're like a petulant child trying to negotiate their punishment. Not this time fuckface.
Hudson Rivera
No, because that would require effort.
Jason Reyes
Jackson Clark
The most hilarious part of all this is that what all of Trump's "white supremacist" policies amount to is "I'm going to actually help white people instead of literally actively working against them as a demographic, telling them this straight up to their faces and relying on it as a cornerstone of policy, and then screaming at them when they do anything other than prostrate themselves and blindly accept it with no resistance".
As much as Holla Forums loves to shitpost about the rise of the Trumpenreich, I think the Don genuinely DOES just want to make life better for actual Americans regardless of who they are. He's just a realist and he's the first politician in decades to say "I'm going to work for all Americans" and actually include whites instead of saying that to get them to shut up.
But the left hates whites so much and have grown so accustomed to power this is like anudda Shoah to them. All their kvetching and chimping is only going to guarantee and vindicate a REAL Third Reich to eventually rise up and all whites to go full 1488. They don't know how good they have it. They will BEG to have Trump back.
Eli Edwards
Here are your negociations, get the stupid apes and the semites our of our civilization, vertically or horizontally.
Evan Hill
What did the KKK ever do other than being a coons boogeyman?
Aiden Hall
This article is surprisingly well written and fair. The author seems to actually have a solid grasp on what's going on.
Unfortunately for them the left is populated by ideologues and easily manipulated idiots. Sensible leftist thinkers will be branded traitors and either destroyed or driven into our ranks. The left is a sinking ship and those few remaining leftists with any sense can see it and they're panicking.
Ryan Jones
That's the Trump truth as I see it.
Dylan Brown
The scary part is that the left and globalists could have had it all but they went way too hard and way too fast over Obama's presidency. We should be lucky that they got arrogant enough and pissed off enough people to allow for Trump's rise to the presidency.
Aaron Wood
These people can't stand a white cis gendered male in the white house. They will only accept a protected class.
Anthony Scott
Jesus Christ spoiler that shit user
Zachary Foster
We should also make sure we don't do the same mistakes in the future. Slow and steady wins the race war.
Daniel Taylor
they claim racism on this one and it could be interpreted as it to. Although from my perspective the Mexican judge could be biased since trump has made controversial statements regarding illegal Mexicans.
How hard is it to analyze something so simple
Isaac Smith
They just want us to believe that a Mexican judge would never be biased in favor of Mexicans, and show no skepticism about the idea. What a joke.
Dylan Harris
Peace? There will be no peace. White people bowed their head for the better part of six decades in order to make 'amends'. Niggers spat on our faces instead.
Liam Wood
Jordan Martinez
I feel the same. I think Trump is truthful with who he is and what he wants as POTUS. He is a civic nationalist through and through. Finally after four/five decades of neoliberalism and neoconservatism, someone is in office to change direction.
Carter Nguyen
^This Besides, any appeal to moderation on their side is a problem. We need them to withdraw into nonstop no-holds-barred retardation. Leave a lot of no man's land on the left and a nice open path to us.
Ian Adams
Exactly this, thank you. A rising tide lifts all boats. Whites just happen to have the biggest, most productive boat, so helping whites will help minorities stay afloat.
If, of course, the marxist left learns to shut the fuck up and stay out of our way.
Samuel Gutierrez
Sensible leftist thinkers is what happens when you have a white person in middle class who has never seen a nigger in his life, but saw the sanitized nigger archetypes on TV and leftists media. This is always a temporary state, because sooner or later sensible leftist thinkers will be at an impasse with reality. Then they'll be forced to adapt in two ways. One is complete ignorance until increasingly frequent confrontation cannot be ignored anymore. Other is acceptance of truth as is and shifting to more natural, more NatSoc-ish world beliefs piece by piece. The first is a false circle and it will always lead to the acceptance of truth option. I am sure many of Holla Forumslacks used to be left-leaning until they saw how people are, their unspoken needs, how shitskins truly are inferior on beyond-cultural level and so on. After all, the leftists really do think they are doing a good thing for people they consider theirs. It's just that they are brainwashed to the point that they fail to see reality or consequences of their actions. Most leftists are still just normalfag sheep that follow latest (((trends))), though.
Jordan Gonzalez
If that's the case then it didn't take them long to fuck that up, stupid niggers
Luke James
The left can only poison itself with hypocrisy so much before the intellectuals leave the movement. The people who see the value in respecting the democratic process and not throwing a fucking temper tantrum when your candidate doesn't win will be forced to see their people throwing fucking temper tantrums. The intelligent will leave the left, the old media will die, the universities will crumble, and the movement will be no more.
Kevin Powell
Kevin Rogers
Joshua Hill
It wasn't even them that fucked it up. Sure there were niggers like jesse jackson and al sharpton, but they weren't taken seriously. They called everyone and everything racist. Then there began a wave of whites and (((whites))) calling white people racist on behalf of niggers. This was before sjwism and feminism were mainstream. I'd never heard of bullshit like critical theory. They were liberals out of academia heralding the rise of the left.
Grayson Stewart
Don't be fooled, author is an anti-white Jew named (((David Marcus))). This conciliatory tone is quite new for him.
Brayden Collins
What I find most astonishing about the essay is he's able to pretty clearly define the offending behavior of the left - but then concludes by essentially calling for more of the same, albeit slightly less aggressive political correctness. I don't think you have to worry about a descent into retardation if this moderate is any indication. The entire left is in headless chicken mode.
Luke Kelly
He is a child trying to negotiate his punishment after telling his parents he's sorry for getting caught
Dominic Wood
Trump IS the "new agreement" the author is alluding to. Rather than launching race war on nonwhites with a certain chance of victory we are being gracious and offering a moderate vaguely pro-white president so they can go back to living in how america used to be a, a country run by whites with token minorites inside it while leftism was officially shut down. They can take that or leave it, but they won't be getting what they want ever again.
Mason Brooks
What a fucking nigger.
Robert Smith
Ryder Richardson
He's a kike who realized they turned up the heat too high, and wants to lower the temperature back to a slow boil. He is smart but also dangerous, and fortunately in a minority of their thinkers.
Oliver Phillips
Is this real life ? those comments would be downvoted to oblivion years ago.
Lincoln Jenkins
They tried to protect the nation from papists
Levi Reed
Here's some more
Benjamin Foster
The Federalist is a right-leaning outlet.
James Carter
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn't object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Lucas White
Or more truthfully put, they're cuckservatives. Crypto-leftists. Sock-puppets. Controlled opposition. So they won't be called out for it. They'll be largely ignored and left to their own devices in their own little cuck bubble.
Tyler Foster
This doesn't surprise me. The entire theme of the article is that racism was not cured, merely surpressed through PC fear, but boy I hope we can get that PC fear back in control again someday. That's literally what he wants. Not an understanding, but a new detente. What a piece of shit.
Jaxson Ross
That is the only thing that would make me regret voting for Trump, but I think the Trump presidency will make it easier for Hitler 2 to rise to power.
Gavin Harris
I love the statement it never existed, he's conflated tolerance with acceptance.
I recently found the following phrase positive discrimination to describe affirmative action programs… >tfw the left's rhetoric is filled with oxymorons like positive discrimination and legitimate double-standard
Owen Reyes
It's that simple, niggers are inferior. All they can do is keep you down so niggers don't get mad.
Brandon Morales
Its more level headed than you usually get from them but its more of the same overall. Fuck the left and fuck keeping quiet while we get pissed on.
Justin Jackson
Yeah, that's why they did not try too much to shut it down, they know the next time they would not get away with it.
Isaac Bennett
Swiss "Raclette" ftw.
Michael Reed
Let's reset, bro!
Brayden Martinez
Those comments are terrible. Typical cuck behaviour: And then they claim they don't give a damn? But who gives a shit? They for one, fucking cucks, obviously do.
And it seems cuckholdry is spreading on Holla Forums as well. Just take this chump, for example
There's literally nothing wrong with "double standards". People are not equal. I will always care more about the well-being of myself and mine before the well-being of others. The alternative is pathological. Without reciprocation there can be no common rights. There is no reciprocation, therefore "double-standards" are necessary.
Kevin Murphy
Overwhelmingly this is what I'm hearing: >this is for your own good Author is incapable of acknowledging that multiculturalism is something whites do not want nor need. In his mind, it simply must happen, there's no negative downside to it whatsoever. Whites becoming a minority in their own country, having no say in their government & eventually being wiped from existence entirely is an ultimate prize that everyone must strive to achieve.
Also seems to say: Author wants to continue the disenfranchisement & eventual genocide of whites. He is only upset that whites are becoming aware enough up to reject it. He is only upset that he cannot control whitey & get them to genocide themselves.
Colton Walker
Again, moronic comments – cannot happen without reciprocation. And reciprocation is not possible, because whites, Europeans (and western Europeans in particular) are uniquely predisposed to an interest in the commonweal. The European disposition for cooperation is very different from the Chinese or Arab, or Congolese one.
When only one subset "plays fair" they're only setting themselves up for parasitic exploitation and nothing more.
To assume that an individualistic, colourblind framework is possible in a multicultural setting is to set yourself up for your own demise.
Cooperation is impossible without reciprocation. Cooperation is impossible without reciprocation. Cooperation is impossible without reciprocation.
This cannot be emphasised enough.
Kevin Davis
Well yeah, why would he or really most anyone in their 70s who lived a rather sheltered affluent be race realists? They never had to live with the realities of integration like all of us have, the blacks they know are the best of blacks the Ben Carsons and David Clarkes. That being said, the more non-whites and commie Jews agitate against whites and against Trump, the more I think he'll be pushed closer to our views.
Brody Rodriguez
the masses aren't moved by higher thoughts and intellectual definitions of moralty in that the author is projecting his own liberal snark onto the masses There are two main reasons why trump is arising now and one reason why it was inevitable
first the decay of wealth generation, back in the 80's and 90's when everyone was getting rich, one just needed to listen to authority get a degree and a decent job and the good life awaited, there was both legitimate hope in a better tomorrow and a reason so obey the general weak demands of said authority but with the entire wild ride starting since the crash of 2001 that ended, the social pact of shut up, work and pay taxes and you will live good has been broken, this was the most efficient form of control the elite had over society and they destroyed it in their own immeasurable greed so now when nobody is getting richer and there is no payoff in following orders people start to give less of a fuck
second reason: the total breakdown of the rule of law, essential to the functioning of a nation, but this too the (((elite))) (who everybody here knows trancends the faulty left/right paradigm) destroyed in quite obtuse hubris, when niggers can get away with acting like animals on the streets people start to notice, especially the feeling of for something that if i did it i would get publicly crusified, they get away with it, another massive failure of the ruling powers always hide the inequities and decadancy of the privilegde classes as much as possible
of course the reason this was inevitable was that we have truth on our side, the shitskins if left to their own will chimp out and any close proximity to them will turn the regular masses into our viewpoint, to counteract this the elite needs to use constant reinforcement and propaganda to fool the masses otherwise, an unstable situation at best
also the current american left lost all higher thought since the election of king nigger, since then it has been don't vote for our candidate, don't like the policies of our candidate: you are a racist,missogynist, homophobe running a protected class to deflect all blame was the end of all politcal discussions, if hillary won i could garantuee you the next candidate would be gay
Joshua Powell
This. No immigration without assimilation.
Josiah Brown
Positive discrimination is not an oxymoron. Discrimination is value neutral. It is merely the delineation of categories. Instead of crying like an imbecile that "positive discrimination" doesn't make sense (when it obviously does in the context it is used, i.e. by the criteria the categorisation is done) accept that it does and attack the legitimacy of the FUCKING CONTEXT. Because that's the problem. That has always been the problem: the context.
If you assume that subset X is being oppressed, and tat oppression is bad, then resorting the categorisation in such a way that it liberates X from oppression, that is by definition valid. Attack the fucking framing: no one is oppressing X. They are down due to their own virtues, or lack thereof.
Ryan Brown
You are absolutely right. But don't worry - this guy and his cunning plan of a false truce while the Left regroups are not going to carry the day. The Left doesn't want to hear that, and frankly, they shouldn't. They still control the schools, the media, and the permanent unelected civil service (the most powerful part of the government). They will fight Trump, his voters, and whites in general with everything they have, and they have a damn good shot at winning. I expect impeachment hearings within his first year in office. Every Pres since Nixon has committed worse crimes than Watergate - it's expected and shrugged off - but you can bet it'll be a huge deal when the God Emperor inevitably commits some crime.
The Left seriously underestimated the resistance this year (observe how Current Year Man literally begged Trump to run for the comedy material), and we got in a good sucker punch. Don't get me wrong; it's great, and I'm as happy as anyone about it. They're still in a much stronger position than us, and they have not yet begun to fight. This detente guy is a Leftist defeatist - the main bulk of the enemy is not going to do what he wants.
Chase Harris
The Federalist is total shit. Read this and get mad. archive.is/jSAgC
William Allen
Saying that 'this guy wrote a very sensible article' is like a middle class person in Russia in 1912 saying 'that Lenin fellow wrote a very moderate article in Iskra'. These people are insane, bloodthirsty maniacs. Therefore, everything they write or say is garbage and they must be completely annihilated by any means necessary.
Robert Baker
Like I said, it's a cuckservative outlet.
Carter Taylor
He's not a defeatist. He's a good strategist. He is signalling the regroup/tactical retreat order to his cuck legions.
Ian Thompson
Carson Thompson
Matthew Reed
That judge is an active, card-carrying member of National Council of La Raza and NCLR Lawyers Association. He even has links to all that shit on his website.
Levi Cruz
William Williams
Most of the 'whites' who sell this shit are kikes. Seth Meyers is the latest I've seen.
We have a big fucking problem when we have an alien race purporting to speak for us.
None of you faggots noticed, did you? There was no mention of the J word; the massive fucking elephant in the room.
Even if we see some widening of the discourse and are able to raise subjects that have been taboo in the past, don't expect the kike question to be among them. Expect the majority of them to hide behind 'white' identity more frequently. They'll use it as a platform to attack whites and white identity on the basis that they can't be racist towards whites because they're white.
In short: authors is a kike, anons. This ain't what it looks like.
Joshua Phillips
It's pretty uncomfortable reading stuff like this, here of all places. The amount of posters willing to keep repeating the same mistakes, willing to stew, willing to slow burn, just for a temporary respite is depressing.
Nathan Harris
like it was mentioned 5 times shit for brains but even if it wasnt everyone reading can know just by how the author wrote that it wasn't white
Robert Sanders
yeah that guy was a cuck. I don't know about you but I don't want to be surrounded by shit
Hunter Mitchell
Megyn Kelly tried last night and it was utterly embarrassing. They clearly just went through Milo's history and plucked out a few "controversial" sounding headlines they figured would impact an electorate that just soundly rejected precisely these types of games.
If that was the best they could do then there's absolutely nothing to be worried about.
Justin Davis
They are almost there.
Owen Nguyen
They haven't changed at all. They're still going to elevate the next nigger that disagrees with them as a fucking messiah. Because for all their talk about "I DON'T CARE" they really fucking care and they want to "prove them wrong" and they'll try really hard to do it. These "color blind" types of comments have always been upvoted on "right wing" sites. Pretty much anyone that brings up MLK to praise him can be safely assumed to be a pleb with little independent thought.
Kayden Johnson
Are they saying white people aren't allowed to be agoraphobic? Seriously? I hate crowds, whenever I find myself in one my first priority is to get out. That's now allowed anymore because I'm white? These people are subhuman.
Jonathan Lewis
It was tolerable up to this point. There is no going back to the "treaty" the way it was before. You kikes started this race war, we're going to end it.
Alexander Hill
nigger what
destroy shit like affirmative action in colleges and jerbs and then we'll talk you goddamn entitled niggers
Ian Scott
"Color-blind" Conservative types just believe in equality before the law and equality of opportunity. They're still in Plato's Cave. They're missing two important details: that minorities will never agree to equality under the law; and that the reason for this is that they, themselves - blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, all of them - honestly believe and know in their hearts that without stacking the deck against whites in all walks of life, they have no chance. They can't compete. Hell, even with preferences in education, hiring, and all government programs, plus the Jew media, the legal system and the liberal financial elite on their side, they still don't do very well against us.
Jack Sanders
I think these media kikes are all wrong, I don't think there has been any sort of white awakening. Not that many more people voted for Trump than usually vote for a republican. More niggers and spics voted for Trump than for Romney. The rust belt voted for Trump because Trump is the first that promised to unrust them. Race had nothing to do with it. Holla Forums loved Trump for demographic reasons, but we're atypical. Most white Trump supporters aren't like us at all.
I think they only perceive this as a race thing because of their own confirmation bias (which we, Holla Forums, are actively feeding. We amplify our voices with memes and social media, and these kikes mistake us for the majority), and because they tried to make it about race to stop Trump and Trump supporters didn't care because Republicans are ALWAYS called racist. Trump is the first to shrug off the accusation instead of throwing a cuck-fit and empowering their attack.
However if these media kikes keep on keep on pushing the white angle, I think they might just meme it into reality. If they keep on signalling that whitey has awoken, they're going to actually wake people up. Their neurosis has led them to believe it has already happened, but in truth it will be that neurosis which is responsible for it.
How do we encourage them to keep on pushing? If they keep on pushing, we keep on winning.
William Young
yep. The (((privilege theory))) backfired under their big noses.
Zachary Wood
That is the white awakening this Marcus guy is talking about. The fact that Trump and his voters didn't fold up and cry for mercy after being called the dreaded r-word is, in his mind, a breaking of the "detente." Yes, it's true, they always call the Republican candidate a racist, but not usually so loudly and so often as this year. Usually it's a few of the more extreme Lefties shouting about it with the mainstream outlets making more subtle and restrained accusations.
Obviously, whites could get quite a bit more awake than they are, and they will need to if they are to retain control of the country. Kek willing, they will.
Jordan Martin
thanks, glad to hear they ain't got shit on Bannon
Benjamin Collins
Juan Allen
Coulter says we need death squads.
Nolan Allen
I don't think that was anything new about the voters. I think that was something Trump brought to the table. Romney bent over like a limp noodle when the (((media))) hit him with the "binders full of women" nonsense. Clumsy wording does not make the man a sexist, yet they sure acted as though it did, and Romney did nothing but apologize which legitimized the attack. That's foolish leadership from Romney. The people didn't cuck out on Romney, Romney cucked out on the people. Romney was asleep, not the people.
Trump has never bent over to those sort of fabricated attacks. Not on gender, not on race. It's not because Trump is a turbo-sexist or the next Hitler, it's just because Trump recognizes the game and how to play it. The people haven't changed, they've only found a leader who doesn't walk into media traps. But if the media keeps on pushing, the people will become more like their leader. That will be their awakening.
Leo Martinez
It's not perfect, but this is one of the better racial analyses I've seen come out of the left in a while. Unfortunately, things start falling apart with the band-aid analogy. The unspoken rules behind the detente didn't keep the wound clean; if it had, we wouldn't have seen the rise of that damnable privilege theory. The author comes close to the truth, but, catching the first glimpse, turns away not wanting to accept it.
We have a generation of young white boys growing up who cannot count on the school administration or the law for help when they come into conflict with racial minorities, as the members of faculty either feel that he deserves it or they are too cowardly to take the stand. These youths know that the establishment doesn't have their back; they know that the media is lying to their very faces. The article might draw in the more optimistic, but it falls too short. It fails to provide a meaningful plan of forward action. Meanwhile, Holla Forums stands in the wings with National Socialism and the message that "if we work together, we can build a future for ourselves".
They most certainly will. These people crave to be victims; it legitimizes their worldview. As such, they'll act in subtle ways to bring this about. That's the reason why they appear so keen to antagonize the very people they believe to be a threat.
Hunter Jones
Do not let these people draw you into emotional discussions. They have no argument against the facts, and the facts are clear as day.
Anthony Ross
From those I've heard in Mississippi, they especially hated being talked down to as a bunch of white trash and stupid rednecks for wanting Trump. There is a racial component to some of Trump's support in the wider Republican base.
This is mostly because people are recognizing that Democrats purely want to pander to minorities at the cost of the rest of society.
These idiots are pushing more people towards seeing the pure anti-white bias present in the media and become disgusted by it.
Michael Clark
We will not go quietly… And in fact, we won't go at all.
Zachary Price
Coulter should be SoS.
I've yet to see someone name a better choice, or a better role for her in the administration.
John Gray
The first step is rejection of modernity, user. The path to race realism is ahead of them. All it takes is exposure to facts, and time.
Jace Mitchell
You're an idiot. "Colourblindness" is a preceding step to unadulterated anti-white sentiments. All you're advocating is walking up the slippery slope a bit, when what we have to do instead is GET THE HELL OFF IT ENTIRELY!
Fucking cuck.
Jacob Butler
They will keep pushing. They must keep pushing. They must continue to double-down on their fiction. The only alternative is to admit that they're wrong, that they've been lying to everyone for a hundred years.
Zachary Nelson
And this is entirely true. Newfags should keep this in mind. Equality of opportunity is just as impossible as equality of outcome, because people are different and they are different in innate ways. A man with Down's Syndrome will never have the same opportunities as a normal one. This is so damn obvious it's mind-boggling how people can deny it's true.
The average black will, absent any external barrier against him, will still have unequal opportunities, due to internal barriers against his own achievements. Fate is a cruel master.
Cameron Nguyen
My personal evolution was from colorblindness to race-realism. It's certainly possible, if we present the colorblind with the right facts.
"Actually no, all the races are not equal, despite incredible equality of opportunity. There's a genetic component to IQ. Here's a TON of data to back that up."
"Have you ever thought about the phrase 'All men are created equal'? Notice how there's no substance to it? It's just an unfounded assertion. Isn't it strange that we've built modern society from this essentially dogmatic statement?"
Nathan Perry
Then why is the phase "I'm colorblind" labeled as racist?
Owen Wright
When considered earnestly, this question alone is capable of destroying the Left.
Blake Hernandez
Get used to more negotiation and calls for detente now that we've won.
How refreshing right?
But go read a few "it's not enough for Trump supporters to lose they must be humiliated and unperson-ed" articles that were written when they thought they had victory.
Your altruism will turn to disgust in this context.
Samuel Bell
There has been. Its why you see the white youth shifting over six points to Trump compared to Romney. Its why you see white men as a whole voting heavily for Trump. White women really didn't turn out for him, two million fewer of them voted Trump than Romney.
What we're seeing is the ones who have been most under attack are responding accordingly. Then not recognizing this the stupid kikes go and blame white women putting them under attack as well, which will drive them our way. They are fucking up horribly right now and I couldn't be happier to see it.
Liam Taylor
Because "colourblindness" is insufficiently leftist in the eyes of the contemporary left.
Aiden Bell
I wish I could believe it's because young whites are waking up, but I believe it's just because of jobs. White people don't want gibs, they want jobs. That's just in our blood. In our cultural psyche. We don't want handouts, we want to contribute and be recognized for our contributions. Young people are swinging Trump because young people are hardest hit by the job situation.
I think that the "white awakening" is largely an illusion created by Holla Forums and many european right wingers on social media. But I think this illusion is being signal boosted by the media, and could become reality if they keep it up. Amplified memes can define reality. These moron jews are acting as our megaphone.
Logan Miller
The left calls anyone who isn't dark "white", even white Hispanics. It's a joke. Their arguments are based on no substance.
Grayson Moore
Don't make the mistake of extrapolating a trend from your singular case. Colourblindness was the norm a couple decades ago. What did it open the gates to: "race realism" or an anti-white culture?
Anthony Rogers
That's what I've found as well. The Declaration of Independence claims these truths to be "self-evident", but then again, so does every other religion. They don't bother to prove equality to be real, but merely assert it to be so, as some sort of moral statement. The problem I have with this is if this statement has no correlation to reality, then it's as dangerous as any other religion, no matter how "moral" it claims to be.
Luke Nguyen
No, they're shifting his way over all the college safe space institutionalize racism bullshit they're having to deal with.
Mason Garcia
That I can also believe.
Zachary Allen
That is a good point.
What I find is that the people who were "colorblind" in the 90's are the ones rejecting privilege theory today. It's a stance of "we can't go any further in this direction". An anchor against cultural momentum. They were once considered liberal, but the left has left them behind. The SJW movement was not spawned from the stance of "colorblindness", but was a way for the next generation to "rebel against not doing enough".
Leo Robinson
They need to fall in line and deal with it or end up in a shallow grave. I agree
Ryder Morris
To add: whites were more likely to be colorblind if they thought there was anything in it for them. Now that SJWs have decided that "it's not enough", more whites are throwing their hands up and saying, "Fuck it, if there's no appeasing you, I'll just be racist then." That's what I saw in those comments.
Caleb Morris
You realize that that is a white awakening right? Its not full 1488 tier obviously but standing up and refusing to take blame for being white and insisting that there's nothing wrong with being white is an awakening. They'll never be able to be "colorblind" as their parents' generation is as it will constantly be shoved in their face.
Jack Fisher
Maybe, I'm skeptical. Do the supposedly awakened consider themselves to be awakened white people?
Landon Brown
Owen Powell
If they don't, they can - and they will. We've done it before, we can do it again.
Holla Forums has been given the floor. Make good use of this time.
Easton Campbell
Leftists ALWAYS put the cart before the horse.
They're too blind to see the cause of anything they don't like, so they blame the first obvious effect.
Luis Campbell
Exactly. If you're going to be called a nazi no matter what you do, you might as well take the opportunity to wear Hugo Boss.
Ian Rodriguez
A former La Raza judge who only stopped being a La Raza member because whiteys laws made him and he probably still is one under the table
Blake Sullivan
carl run back to your trailer park, they are about to cut of your lights lol
whats the matter carl lost your factory job, cant find work for how many years? all you know how to do is clean your guns, hunt and hate on the government and minorities awww too bad carl too bad. whats that you say when your hero trump gets in office he is going to give you a job as a scientist although u know nothing about science ok carl u keep that dream, dream a little dream tonight carl hold on to that. lol
Noah White
Here's your (You)
Grayson Cox
Trump has 306 electoral votes, m8.
Gavin Roberts
Exactly. At this point they've gone too far and we see the writing on the wall. If we become the minority to PoC we will not be treated well at all, and the hostility will continue and grow. I remember as a kid in the 80's if someone of another race did something bad to a white person it was a huge deal. Now we're just open game to every other race. Niggers and beaners attacking elderly white people without remorse, assaulting white women, etc.
The democrats, the media, and everyone else on the left keeps beating the racism drum but no one's listening any more.
Evan Brown
My dad was a hippie in the 60s. The pendulum swings back.
John Ortiz
We fucking tried to warn them. It's too late now. They didn't listen.
Oliver Parker
This. Whenever a liberal tries to be "open-minded" they always end up writing or saying something like:
They are so arrogant that they never actually entertain the idea that their fundamental beliefs are wrong. It's why they STILL go around shouting
James Perez
And they're calling wolf on Trump and are wrong again. They're going to be fucking terrified when an actual white nationalist runs and the shaming tactic doesn't work.
Owen Walker
You have three attempts to guess who they inherited this incredible arrogance from.
Oliver Green
I think if Trump lost this time, we'd see someone even more reactionary. And you're right - shaming would absolutely not have worked. Especially after four years of a Clinton presidency.
Grayson Gonzalez
Literally what I heard a british politician say last night in the gym locker room
Dylan Hughes
I kept saying this to people
"If you think Trump is bad, wait for the next guy"
Zachary Baker
I've seen some shit, but this almost made me puke.
Cooper Foster
Are you a slant? Because only a lactose intolerant slant would be disgusted by cheese.
Sebastian Johnson
✔ ✔✔
Robert Gomez
Let me guess, you'd rather eat the pink slime in McDonald's meat.
Ayden Brown
Nice anime pic, you fucking degenerate weeb faggot.
Logan White
Kikes teaming up with mudslimes against Trump. Kikes always need muscle and a beard.
And then Carl shoots the fucker with that gun he was cleaning, because he's tired of taking shit from some nigger who can't even capitalize a sentence or pick his nose without assistance. Carl and his friends outnumber you by orders of magnitude and have better aim.
Caleb Ortiz
I can't wait for the next election. Either Trump does a good job and everyone wins or he fails and we get a literaly hitler for real.
Life is good.
Anthony Harris
Scared much, Holla Forums?
Keep up this attitude and carl will end up raping yur sister in frot of you before blowing both your heads off.
Keep pushing.
Austin Russell
TIL Kikebart is anti-semetic? Who knew?
Jaxon Bailey
Yid flips lid: the post.
Austin Robinson
When has black leadership lead to anything good? Rhodesia, South Africa, and King Nigger
Noah Foster
When they wuz kangz, of course.
Luke White
He realizes that without white males he and his emographic are out at sea.
Jason Reed
It's like they forget what happens when whites get really, really pissed off.
Isaiah Sullivan
If Trump doesn't appoint Bannon I'm going to be very disappointed.
Andrew Perez
As long as we were polite about getting replaced collectively, they wouldn't ruin our lives individually. What a great fucking deal that was.
Nathaniel Reed
These faggots care more about David Duke than Holla Forums does.
Levi Wright
Your beret is showing, Pierre :^)
Brandon Rogers
The butthurt rises.
Lucas Myers
As long as Soros, International Jewry, and their radical mind-slaves keep up their anti-white rhetoric and behavior.
Noah Reed
Do these retards not realize Bannon's appointment does not depend on congressional approval?
Hudson Morgan
Dude its a giant pile of fucking molten cheese, that is unhealthy as shit and gross. It would taste nasty as hell.
Bentley Gonzalez
Will someone explain this cheese to me and tell me where to get it?
Brody Young
These people do not take defeat well. They'll double down and intensify the hatred against whites and that works in our favour.
Hunter Hall
I imagine the knife is just really hot and that's why the cheese melted like that.
James Watson
Wew, so salty, I think I'm getting sodium poisoning.
Justin Taylor
Am I crazy for thinking Trump is good for race relations and never did anything racist?
Adam Torres
>They are explicitly being told that their values and way of life are under the sword. How do we expect them to react?
Sounds like a faggy Jew
James Johnson
Aaron Wright
Once you get to Holla Forums you can officially be certified as crazy He's always been extremely respectful to everyone, including minorities. I think that can be used as a redpill on the media. They say he's racist, yet it's always taking his shit out of context and going into maximumoverimplication mode like what they're doing saying that banon is a white supremacist.
Chase Kelly
Can David Duke fuck off? What has he ever accomplished for whites?
Juan Long
You forgot. Carl doesn't own guns to hunt game. And all those Asians who think they got it made? They forget it was the Jew who let them into our country, and they can be thrown out just as easily if only that.
user raping the lesser races is abusive, death is more humane.
Parker Hall
Whenever I read or see a remotely intelligent introspection by a leftist, they always immediately snap back to their original position as if some kind of automatic wrongthink corrector goes off. I suspect the ones who actually get past this mental inhibitor just go full white nationalist like so many on here attest to.
Dylan James
even "Iron Ann" you could tell thought "oh shit I hope I don't eat this statement."
Elijah Foster
I thought she looked more like she was suddenly uncertain of voicing her opinion, when the crowd started laughing.
Noah Phillips
It's a good redpill in the future but this: is the current psyop, I believe. I see that promoted on faceberg, yet nobody talks about neocon John Bolton.
Leo Rodriguez
If they had just shoplifted a candy bar there would be room for forgiveness and a stern rebuke. They've robbed the liquor store and shot the clerk in the head.
Jayden Butler
Da left is good boys, dey dindu nuffin!
Jacob Lewis
As someone who is a former leftist, and actually led a university "racial dialogue" class, which was really just about explaining to white people how they are racist without knowing it, this article is extremely gratifying.
I believed in "white privilege" and all of the other stuff that accompanies this. I thought that bashing white privilege, and trying to privilege minorities to make up for lost ground was the right thing to do.
Luckily my sexism was stronger than my racism, and by examining the flaws in feminist arguments I was able to wake up and realize that I had been wrong about race as well.
Of course, prior to college, I was "colorblind" and truly did my best not to take someone' race into account when evaluating them. Then I learned that not taking race into account is racist and an example of my white privilege.
I'm so glad my liberal thought delusion only lasted for 3 or 4 years rather than a decade or more like some people. Even though the author of this article is a leftist, clearly, at least he understands what is happening.
I agree that we need a new racial agreement. This nation is so multicultural now…it's impossible to make it all white again. Our best hope, aside from balkanization and forming an ethnostate within the continental US, is a situation in which people are realistic about race. Ideally we halt all non white immigration except the extremely educated, and we encourage the white population to grow and prosper again.
Liam Murphy
Trump isn't racist and will try to be good for race relations but that ship has sailed.
Eli Murphy
Stopping feeding them, separate them, let them kill each other.
Austin Stewart
You're still not getting it.
John Butler
Come on lad, don't be pessimistic. Ethnic cleansing and resettlement are both things that have happened many times all over the world. The US doesn't have magic clay that makes everyone nice to each other, otherwise leftists wouldn't be rioting and attacking blonde/blue-eyed people while insisting they aren't motivated by racial hatred.
The wall and upcoming mass deportations of illegal beaners to Mexico will reduce their numbers as a whole; afterward, continued enforcement paired with the knowledge that their precious sanctuary cities are getting defunded will deter them from trekking to the cities since they'll have nowhere to hide. They'll bitch and moan, CNN will make comparisons to the Holocaust, Univision and Telemundo will produce tear-jerking telenovelas about illegals getting deported back home to the country they supposedly love so much. And I won't feel guilty about any of it, because they're gone and that's what we all want.
Muslims are about to get banned from entering the US if they come from countries with a history of terrorism. Every Muslim country has a history of terrorism. Every single one. Terrorism happens in Muslim cities more often than rain or pigeons crapping on car windshields. By extension, if we ban anyone with connections to terrorism via extreme vetting, that'll block a whole bunch more ragheads who want to try to establish their shitty caliphate in my country. This stops the Democrats' favorite religion from spreading like cancer, and ensures that they only shoot and blow themselves up, which is what we want.
Blacks are a lost cause. They'll continue to murder each other, abort their kids, and go to prison at higher rates than any other race. Their death rate cancels out their birthrate and makes their population growth flat. They're influence will wane. I'd prefer them to mass emigrate to Liberia, but we all know that blacks won't go anywhere that the Evil White Man won't provide welfare. As long as they stay in their own shitty neighborhoods and stop being allowed to commit crime and riot with impunity, they can call white people racist as much as they want. I won't care, because I won't have to deal with them, which is what I want.
And all of these people are going to pass word to their brethren back home, where they should all be to begin with, that the White Man is back and you're no longer welcome in America if your life plan is to murder white people and openly call for our genocide on Jewish TV.
As for the white birthrate, incentivizing industry to return from China and Mexico will do wonders for turning the Rust Belt back into the Steel Belt. Reforming the H1B system (or canceling it) can stop the shit that companies like Disney did a couple of years ago where they fired 500 people in Florida and replaced all of them with H1B Dotheads. When Whites know that it's not going to be fucking impossible to find a job that pays a decent wage, a lot more of them will settle down and have kids. Government can do its part by offering tax credits to new parents, while stopping the practice of paying welfare niggers more money for every JaQuevious or Airwrecka they decide not to abort. We can also reinstate Prop 187 at the Federal level so that asshole Democrat judges can't force us to give illegals welfare and schooling anymore.
The only racial agreement I'm interested in is one where beaners go home, Muslims can't come in the first place, and niggers start getting lynched when they try to rape white women again. You either act like a civilized fucking person or you pay for it. We did everything the left wanted for 50 fucking years, and all it got was us called racist and minorities thinking they could steal our country and impose communism.
So, no, no more agreements. Minorities can't be trusted to uphold their end of the bargain. Since we're all racists, we're going to be racists for real, and these dark-skinned faggots are going to see what the R-word actually means.
Chase Sanders
Ahaha, when hell freezes over or all nogs forcibly get half bred with white genes thus ruining their genetic heritage. And no way in hell Holla Forums will go for the latter.
Ian Robinson
Of course they cannot help but act like animals because that's what they are and that used to be universally understood by Whites. That's where all this bitching about institutional racism comes from. There were corrective measures built into the system to preserve the lives of innocent Whites and they fucking hated it so the system was dismantled. It's being rebuilt now.
yes, I know you know this but had I had to rage
Isaac Allen
A nice analysis and quite thorough.
Kevin Diaz
I'm really just being realistic. Especially if you don't count Latinos as white…any type of ethnic cleansing would not only be met with fierce resistance it would be downright impossible.
And I think it would be impossible for multiple reasons. One reason is the sheer logistics of it. There's over 100 million non-whites in this land, that makes Hitler's extermination of 6 million jews (which science proves was impossible anyway) look like a walk in the park. Killing or kicking them all out might literally be more trouble than it's worth. I don't want the United States to become a giant all white version of Bulgaria or Romania. I want us to remain prosperous and dominant on the global stage.
I agree with many of your ideas. Ending H1B visas, cracking down on illegal, or even all, immigration to the point that Latinos tell their families and friends not to come here. That is great and should be done. But I think you fail to realize the reality of the current situation.
More than 50% of children in elementary school are non-white.
What that means is, if current reproductive trends continue, and all non-white immigration is halted. That whites would still be a minority in a number of years. We can completely end all immigration and shoot anyone who tries to enter our country and whites will still become a minority. Whites are ALREADY A MINORITY IN THE LARGEST STATE which is California.
I think we're going to have to look at everything and make some compromises. We can end non-white immigration, encourage assimilation, and maintain our dynamo economy and be a the most dominant player on the global stage.
If kicking out all non whites were even possible, the sheer number of people leaving would mean that our economy would collapse. And yeah we could be an all white country, but would become poor like an eastern European nation.
If any type of ethnic cleansing happened it would have to be extremely gradual.
I think the best course of action is looking at race realistically. Allowing segregation if a community wants it. And doing everything possible to incentivize white reproduction.
I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just realistic. It's far easier to remove people in a small European country where the population is much smaller, rather than in the USA which has 330 million people, almost half of whom are non white.
Austin Campbell
I agree. They haven't fucking seen racism. I can only imagine how sweet the tears will be when they cry for things to go back how they used to be in the good ol' days. They'll be crawling and begging, and the only thing they'll get for their troubles is a fat loogie hocked in their face.
I once considered such things unthinkable. They are the ones that have driven me to such thoughts, and that makes me hate them even more. It's not in my nature.
Colton Campbell
Hell, I will point out that the system protected all lives without racial or religious bias, as long as you acted like a civil human being. They cant help but act like animals, and they ruin it for the ones who do try and act like decent people. Ones who have tried to grow, to evolve beyond primal actions to be civil. They have set back the evolution of blacks by 500 years.
Gabriel Watson
Isn't georgia ~50% black and didn't they go 75% trump?
Luke Gomez
I think if people at large want to return to racial detente, whites will have to put on their tribal hats temporarily. That doesn't necessarily mean RaHoWa, which will never catch on until things get Rhodesia-tier desperate. It's only possible if whites win the demographic war, at which point the process starts over again. I think has the right idea to some extent.
Stop the bleed by making immigration a top-3 priority in politics. Stabilize the financial situation, create economic growth, and allow Americans to make smart investments so that intelligent, future-sighted whites don't see chaos when they look to the future; this should incentivize white procreation. Trump's been pretty good on all of this.
Welfare must end. Now. All of it. Fuck the whiny shitlibs. You'll never win that war if you try to scale it back, or try new methods to make sure they spend gibs on wholesome things, or renovating inner cities to include wholesome grocery stores. Hell, reconquista the inner city through whatever methods possible. Encourage hipster gentrification. Send the virtue signaling faggots wherever minorities congregate en masse. Let their cancerous communities fracture into rural and low-income suburban neighborhoods. Think of it like trying to dissolve something in a stew. You have to break it into bits.
Furthermore, end the propaganda. Cut out any endowments for the arts. Encourage boycotts of conglomerated media. Set up censorship-free payment methods and crowdfund the things you want to see. We must win the war on the mind, at least to reintroduce politically incorrect ideas that people think but are afraid to say. No, you're not going bonkers. Minorities are openly hostile to whites. Yes, blacks and browns kill each other at astronomical rates. No, that isn't the fault of police. Yes, they must take responsibility for their situation. And so on.
Hunter Jackson
When do whites get recognized as a protected class? Can't discriminate, right?
Adrian Turner
they arent leaving. the modern definition of "intellectual," is just "communist."
Brandon Rivera
I mean come on people. Are you serious?
William James
Parker Hill
Jason Ross
Kevin Hall
And you know what the saddest thing about this whole scenerio is? The fact that niggers, the far left, and regressive brought this entirely on themselves. By pushing their nonsense and unnessarily demonizing white people, they've forced white people like me to go on the defensive and to become more and more racist. To be honest I never was a few years ago. Race was the furthest thing from my mind when dealing with an individual, and sometimes still is, depending on the situation. Race meant nothing to me, as I still believe and wish that it really ought to not determine an individual's destiny. I'm not even a fascist like many of you or even right politically. I'm slight left and down, mostly due to social reasons. But these fucking niggers act like animals. These fucking cunts on the far left act like I'm the devil and that I ought to be on my knees, castrating myself for crimes I never committed and that my ancestors never committed. They shun all historical facts and blame whitey for fucking everything. I'm fucking feed up with it. I still deeply believe that there's a difference between a nigger and a black person, because I have met truly decent black people who didn't act like niggers. But at this point I'm fucking sick of it. They've destroyed my deeply held ideals, as they have have with many Americans. The majority in the US blacks prove to be niggers. And the regressives only agitate the problem. They couldn't just leave it be and let white people be. If they had, many millions of white people in America would have been content with just equal relations. But they don't ask for equal relations to white people, they ask for minority supremacy. Social Justice and political correctness asks for me and people like me to just lay down, take it, and die because of the color of our skin. This is why the rise of the right is perfectly fine to me. This is why if the race war happens, I will not mind executing and shooting a few niggers. This is why I'd be perfectly content living in a white ethnostate. The poorly thought through and rash political offensives of the left will be the death of them and peaceful race relations. They've created a mass amount of disgruntled white people everywhere. They've created this.
Ryder Martinez
Yeah that 2 million difference voted for someone because of their genitals, not because of any issue.
Elijah Ramirez
We need to charge all white traitors with felonies so they can no longer vote.
Dominic Sanchez
Modern progressivism is little more than racial and gender communism. From each according to his ability/privilege to each according to his need/underprivilege.
Kevin Smith
Trump has awoken a sleeping giant
Ayden Flores
Obviously it isn't full redpill. It's The Federalist, not The Daily Stormer. But it could be very thought provoking for normies
Juan Young
this one triggered me: that ellipse… is ovenworthy all by itself the actual reason is white genocide, as we have sourced.
Thomas Gonzalez
no and no.
They were more like 60% Trump and it's probably more like 40 or 45% black.
Elijah Bailey
And if they think Breitbart is the epitome of explicit racism, I wonder what they would think if they discover what exists under the log they have yet to turn over.
Angel Jones
Colton Sanders
James Hill
F U C K Bi Tc He S Ge Tm O Ne Y
Fuck Bitches Get Money
Adam Martin
Yes let's "compromise"
1. All post 1965 immigrants and their descendants must be deported 2. All anchor babies have citizenship revoked and deported 3. All jews must leave 4. Being an avowed socialist is considered unacceptable in US political discourse
Jack Lee
Amerikaner plastic cheese is filth, traditional cheese is awesome.
Aiden Richardson
You might have a point, but it's still on the darkies for welcoming all of that rhetoric with open arms.
Luis Jackson
What's it like having shit taste user? Have you eaten anything more sophisticated than a Big Mac?
Austin Williams
Yep, you get a cheese wheel, cut it in half, and then heat up a butter knife in the microwave.
Easton Perez
Joseph Sullivan
Can confirm, this is how they do it in Switzerland. Be sure to let the butter knife go in the microwave for at least 2 minutes to ensure that it's hot enough to melt the cheese, and use a glove when you handle the hot knife. Safety first!
Jace Russell
Wtf, an actual thought out summary and slight response to an article on 8ch? I must be dreaming. Good job OP.
Thomas Hughes
Isaac Bennett
…aaaand the thread is about cheese
John Cruz
Welcome to imageboards mr trips man.
Carson Turner
How do people type phrases like this without killing themselves?
Ryder Rodriguez
I tend to think that many of them saw the writing on the wall before Zer0 was elected, and they saw his term as their last chance to "break through", leading them to drastically overplay their hand.
Jose Ortiz
Actually, it was a terrible way to negotiate an already terrible deal. The whole package of this (((communist))) shit was bad, no exception. It was a train wreck waiting to happen, and here we are.
Lincoln Phillips
opposite. they embraced race (shitskin) and sex (female) as all-that-you-need-to-know to judge and rank, exponential doubling down required each time ensured rapid approach to cusp of change. while some of (((they))) definitely thought it was the cusp of victory, others of (((they))) definitely knew and seek to exploit the calculus. some of whites knew as well, which is what is making the cusp stick and not require another round.
subverted definition and meaning long since rendered useless. note they don't say agreement. they say compulsion. as if compulsion can lay disagreement to rest. when you need exponential debntz prostitution to ensure continued compulsion to enforce still more compulsion against others, you reach an immediate cusp reversal all-in, or a capitulation. which one is selected exhibits differential based on race alone. note that sex is irrelevant, females never care in any lasting regard either way anything ever falls or rises.
juden waz french now? disagreement still lingering but a deal struck… to keep disagreements locked down? well, that might very well be honesty from a kike. this election doesn't mark the end of the juden's compelled disagreement lockdown, however. it was never locked down by them, it was selected by whites taking the path of least resistance.
what's been done has not been a shattering. what's been done has not been a doing of any sort. the parasites themselves ticked away; time and mathematics.
this entire article, and all OP, is word salad. it is not, as others have suggested itt, any muting or consolation of tone or position. rather, it is nothing, superimposed on taking the +1 of feels and signalling of trying to regain the feeling of faux-rationalism peer credits, and sending the -1 into the eyeballs of the net.
bouie is not french.
Benjamin Cruz
Summary of the article:
The left pushed. And they pushed. And they pushed some more.
Then one day they pushed too hard.
Dylan Ross
this marks nothing, and is not an end, of the world's parasites' feigning peace as compulsory capitulation.
Josiah Turner
"Since modern Homo sapiens emerged 50,000 years ago, “natural selection has almost become irrelevant” to us, the influential Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould proclaimed. “There have been no biological changes. Everything we’ve called culture and civilization we’ve built with the same body and brain.” This view has become so entrenched that it is practically doctrine."
How the fuck do people this stupid become Harvard professors? HURR EVOLUTION WORKS ON ALL ANIMALS, BUT NOT US HEY. How the fuck, would evolution not be acting on humans right now when there are such radical differences in fertility between different groups and between modern times and earlier times. In fact this is probably the greatest period of evolutionary change we will ever see, and it's not going to be pretty.
It kind of reminds me of what is happening in left wing sociology circles now. One person just "proclaims" something and everyone else just cites it with no critical thought from this point on. So the whole structure is built on false foundations.
Jose Reed
FAK, wrong thread.
Christian Young
This is a great post that I largely agree with, but also think you are a little off on one important point.
There are major signs of a white awakening, and they have been ongoing since at least 2010, and probably much earlier. However, there are obviously many different levels to this. If you mean the type of people who would read and agree with most of the arguments of a Jared Taylor or Kevin McDonald, you are still talking a tiny minority. However, I would suggest that this minority is growing rapidly. If there were 500,000 Americans who thought like this in the 2012 election cycle, there are probably 2 million of them today. Those numbers are made up, but the rate of growth is probably pretty accurate, based on observing dialogue on the internet, for example. You would never notice these numbers from election figures, as anyone racially aware in 2016 probably did not vote for Obama in 2012, even if they weren't back then.
What the author in OP is talking about is much more subtle, where tens of millions of whites are dismissing being labeled a racist, and see liberals as the "real racists." That's hardly a redpill, more like a crack in the current paradigm. It's very encouraging, but it's not a white racial awakening, just a preliminary step. We seem to agree there.
William Watson
What the author leaves out about this whole "deal" is that it wasn't something freely entered into because it was seen as a good idea by the vast majority of whites. It was something foisted upon them many decades ago by the people who controlled media and public policy. Jews of course, but also non-Jewish academics, media personalities, celebrities, the Church, popular political pundits across the spectrum of left and right, and almost everyone else.
If you didn't get in line, you were shamed and your life could very well be destroyed socially and financially. What seemed like modest demands to most people in the 1960s (don't call blacks niggers as it's hurtful, make sure they have similar opportunities to excel) turned into utter craziness as the years passed, while the ramifications of not playing along remained as bad and even got worse.
Ethan Harris
Btw, the other side of this discussion are cuckservatives who go ballistic when you tell them that maybe, somehow, in some small way, Trump's victory had to do with whites having some tiny smidgen of racial awareness and self-esteem.
With some, like Coulter, they have to dismiss this because the Overton window does not allow an open discussion of white racial interests. Fair enough. But then there are the cuckservatives like Steven Crowder….
As a side-note, this is an amazing thread, with great commentary. Big thanks to everyone in it.
Luis Torres
Every time you use the term "regressive left" you engage in leftist apologia. The term was invented by leftists as a red herring. Stop pushing it around. The left has always been regressive. The entire telos of the left is the complete destruction of western civilisation. There is no other left. Everything else consists of unprincipled exceptions to that goal.
Alexander Taylor
and leftists will say this is somehow evil whitey but we will ignore them and MAGA
Colton Bailey
Have to agree, "regressive left" is a bullshit term, meaning "we are the real progressives!"
Aside from Sargon and a few others, it is mostly used by Zionist friendly political commentators who criticize Muslims solely on the basis of their admittedly shitty religion.
Wyatt Lee
I unconsiously shout out "Fucking kill him!" as he was delivering the knockout blow.
I'm kinda scared of the level of resentment I've built up over time.
Aiden Smith
Heh. Good song though, for a wanker.
Eli Martinez
Yeah, I'm just trying to redpill the people I care about at this point to encourage them to group together.
Easton Morales
I have that thought too, but I accept it. I've spent too many years being told to shut up and let hostile minorities and foreigners make all the decisions about what happens in my country. These faggots are spray painting "Die Whitey Die" on walls and defacing the monuments that record our history. The anger doesn't come from nothing.
Lincoln Martin
Liberals are so stupid, we could defeat them and they would blow away if we just stood up.
Trump is only the beginning, he is not a racist, but only a total moron could not see where this whole thing is going if whites don't stand up.
Kevin Anderson
bullshit i never signed up for the last (((agreement))), and neither did the majority of white americans. it was forced down our throat our children were brainwashed to accept it the media blasted it just about 24/7 now as we cough and choke and spit up this shit in rejection you want us to do it again? fuck you what do we have to lose from getting rid of you and all the shitskins what the fuck do we have to lose? we can only benefit fuck this (((journalist))) fuck the kike media fuck niggers fuck muslims fuck spics and especially fuck all the race traitors i'm fucking done and the rest of white america is too
Any user here should at least be at 7 and shifting towards 8 of 9
Jaxon Phillips
We just have a large influx of cuckchanners and redditors who think they're too good to lurk recently. Call them out, shame them and make them assimilate by force, they'll eventually learn. They're the same kind of fare whod come onto old 4/pol/ thinking we were just attacking Jews and praising Hitler as an edgy joke; enough time spent lurking here will expose them to enough reality to know why we hold the "extreme" beliefs that we do.
Jeremiah Mitchell
He doesn't shy away on the JQ. He called them out on the senate debate on C-SPAN with tens of thousands tuned in just 2 weeks ago. Trump is just step one, redditor.
Jackson Brooks
Let me sum up this article:
Bentley Rivera
The Declaration claims that people have the right to strive for "life, liberty and happiness". Nothing about equality, except equality under the law. Today's concept of equality would be considered stupid in their eyes.
Justin Powell
Do these people just read up shitposts here and make them into headlines? Because it sure sounds like it.
Jacob Young
It's not so much that evolution ISN't working, just that humans are always slow growers due to long generation cycles, and the reduction of selective pressures by the successive advents of advancement in tool making, medicine and agriculture slow the process even further.
Angel Taylor
This has happened to me several times in my life. My mother insisted that I not be racist directly afterwards and the school administration sat down to council me many times that this doesn't mean I should develop in group preferences.
Black girls liked me, too, so I was targeted because of that as well. Despite growing up in a neighborhood where I didn't get to leave the apartment because it was overrun by crackheads everyone said I had it easier. When I got beat up by fucking older niggers, everyone treated me like the ticking murderbomb, despite some of them actually ending up in prison for murder.
I really tried to be egalitarian and understanding, but there was nothing to understand. They're mostly just a bunch of retards and even the smartest ones still think tribally or go for white women but do fucking nothing original, merely parrot kikes or intelligent white people then are given accolades just for understanding any higher level subject.
Asher Myers
This. I believe the author left this information out specifically so that he doesn't take his fair share of the blame.
Something else I think that has been going on is the change in demographics of academics. Whenever a nigger goes to college, what subject do they major in? African studies or racial sociology, or black liberation anthropology or some other crap where they can cry about whitey. Well, considering the expansion of student loans, and the increased opportunities to get a degree, I think that the number of non-white, non-kike sociologists has increased over the past decade or so. With that increase, the narrative has spun faster into anti-white rhetoric than the Jews want. Now instead of Shlomo keeping the slow boil on the frog, Jamal has barged into the kitchen and cranked it up the stove to 10.
Ryder Robinson
I lived in Arizona during my teenage years, so my initial wake-up call was with Navajo redskins instead of blacks, but similar paradigms existed. The teachers and administrators in the schools bent over backward to coddle the Navajo kids and give them lenient punishments, in the event they received any. They loved starting fights with the White kids and each other. Suspension didn't do anything to them; all these red kids got straight D's and F's. I heard two of them talking one day:
"I heard you got suspended." "Yeah, two weeks." "Were your parents mad?" "No, my parents didn't care, they let me do whatever I want."
What amounted to a punishment to us White kids was a fucking vacation for them. They always instigated violence and were never punished for it. When the White kids fought back the school raked them over the coals.
Josiah Brown
I'm glad you posted this. Thank you. It's one of the more sensible things I've seen come out of the left in response to the election, which is saying something, given how far short it still falls. I'll bet Marcus is catching all kinds of hell for it.
Easton Ross
I'll fully admit I'm just a 7
Juan Campbell
I agree with this completely. The best part is:
Hopefully that will incentivize the procreation. I'm less in favor of ending welfare because that will affect poor whites very strongly, but I see your argument.
We need to win the demographic war
Zachary Peterson
That's a wrap folks. Humanity ends with whites winning and being the final victor before humans become irrelevant. GG no re.
Elijah Cruz
What about whites? My family is Polish.
who will clean the toilets?
Cameron Bell
At my far-left college a few years ago, I remember an administrator sent a private message to someone basically saying "can we stop injecting race into everything. I've always tried to be colorblind and treat everyone equally". The message was leaked to the campus and she was publically lambasted for a week or two as an example of blind white supremacy. I think there was a petition going around for her firing.
Jose Ortiz
In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".
You're just saying that because they're White.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Ian Turner
subvert and amplify from now on, use "racist" instead of "white" in ordinary conversation speaking normally, as if it was an evident use of the word this will make normal people grin to the gaol humor and the libcucks and numales will stare without knowing how to take it
Joshua Mitchell
All that really matters is the culture war. We've had the facts behind us for so long and that never mattered. The whiny libtards are fed up just like us. That's why they're lashing out against the only enemy they know (us).
Good post
Ayden Hill
Yeah but hopefully we'll win this time.
Owen Taylor
Do you think working on (((The Daily Show))) made her and her white husband Jew-wise, Holla Forums? Is she a sleeper agent for us?
Joshua Hill
Just a few more steps. . .
Jose Roberts
Nathan Thompson
37% of racists voted for Hillary. Obama is half racist (on his mother's side).
We could do alot with that if we can get it popular and relentlessly keep it from falling into disuse. Some powerful meme magic potential there.
Adrian Hall
Because if you're susceptible enough to think colorblindness is a virtue then you are probably dumb enough to be made to grovel and prove how not-racist you are to the High Lord Social Justice Inquisitor and validate him.
Sebastian Jackson
Daniel Cooper
You can have equality or not, regressive fucks. If it does not cut both ways it is not equality.
The use of political correctness as a weapon spurred it on. Like it or not, regressive fucks, but you caused this.
Except you left the bullet in yourselves, regressive fucks. Acceptance, tolerance, love - all those words you throw around and seem not to understand - work best in reality when they are reciprocated.
I dunno mayne, you seemed pretty fucking happy to pine for it.
Guess what, regressive fucks? You fought the monster you hate only to take its throne and a new name. But that monster you hate? You have taken up its likeness and power. And you are utterly blind to this.