Dear Holla Forums
Are Libs going to left alone in the deep dark?
Dear Holla Forums
Are Libs going to left alone in the deep dark?
More e-celebs will become redpilled due to their excessive consumption of free information on the internet. See: reviewbrah and pewdiepie
Not to mention generation Z is getting heavily influenced by Holla Forums and it's derivatives so they have a large enough group of edgy right wing teens to sustain themselves.
WTF? Do you have pics? isn't he a swedish cuck? I must see this dude!
newfag, please spend more time lurking and less time posting.
He was anti-gamergate for a while, but then became more neutral after actually looking in to it if I recall. I'm sure that drew plenty of ire from leftists on the internet and maybe even irl so he's probably at least redpilled on sjws
He hasn't come out in explicit support of Trump, but he has worn MAGA hats in a few videos and has never condemned him, so I'd say he's redpilled but not out in the open about it just like Trump
We're cool, we're edgy, and we manufacture all the funnies on the internet via our meme mastery while the left come across as a bunch of boring supreme no-fun-alloweds.
The future is ours.
Holy shit, JonTron
You're using barely inappropriate reaction gifs, excessively using greentext, and write like a redditor.
Another God damn nobody
No MORE TWEETS!!!!!!!!
Leftist have real celebrities. Post Howard Stern or something, shit
There's literally no reason to be sjw friendly either. You give them an inch they'll take a mile and if you aren't a sociopath you're prey.
He was never anti. He actually knew Quinn from Game Jam and got drawn in during the early days of the controversy because he, quite separately, called PS Plus 'retarded' and he said that Zoe Quinn is nobody to start a controversy over and that 'wasn't a compliment'. So, SJWs shit on him from day one.
Egoraptor, on the other hand, is a massive bluepilled faggot who actually met with Anita and claimed to enjoy watching her videos.
Jihad Johnny has always been an odd one to be honest but it's surprising to me that he's more politically incorrect than Aryan Hanson. Since you know Aryan Hanson was a Holla Forums user, although he also frequented Holla Forums and Holla Forums has been infested with aids since like 07 due to all the "Holla Forums is love" cancer.
The left as a whole is absolutely fucked. At least half have learnt exactly jack shit and are doubling down, the rest from normies to libertarians and etc. are being shut down for pointing out the obvious and trying to save the movement. At this point no matter what Trump does they're fucked. You're gonna see a whole lot of people who were presumably left stranded in no man's land, where they go depends entirely on whether they have a spine.
I'm glad to see Jon appears to have one, I'm not particularly proud of it but I've laughed pretty hard at some of his stuff.
The signs were there. Hanson's always been pussywhipped by his Martian wife.
these yt goyim will help us win gen Z
Wtf is this post? Are you okay, bro? Having a little freak-out?
Eh, after he left I saw him being more PC due to the Shekels and Dan "the Jew" Avadan. After all him and Jihad Johnny would always try to push the barriers on what's "correct" for a monetized kiketube show. Hell multiple times they would say racist shit that would have to be edited out or bleeped out.
But who knows, maybe Aryan Hanson really is a sniveling pussy worshipper being strap on fucked by his FAS wife? Hell I still remember the shitty confession he had up on NG for Suzie, and how he had to shoehorn her in after she started bitching about not being popular like him or his crew. I must say though the bitch has some wide hips.
I agree that the left is in disarray, it gives me hope for 2020.
you need a safety pin dude?
Are you saying that you would a Suzie?
What even is Howard Stern?
As a Bong all I know about him is that he's some afro'd radio jew who has porn stars on his show all the time for some reason.
Is that really all he does?
he originally posted on Holla Forums way back when. Even though his fans are cancer and he takes what oppurtunities he can to milk them, the man probably has seen some Holla Forums was right threads.
She also has some widely spaced eyes…fucking ugly FAS looking bitch.
Maybe I'd pork her if she kept a paperbag on at all times.
Pre retard tattoos with her head chopped off or out of sight yes. Otherwise no, not at all. this man gets it.
Snorted beer out my nose reading that, you bastard
Some faggot radio celebrity that has gone to war against 4chan and internet pirates multiple times. Needless to say he has lost multiple times and has made the FCC look like even more of a shitty joke. A joke that has to be taken care of, but none the less a joke.
Keked, nice double 254s as well.
It's not always pornstars he has on.
The God Emperor knows him well and has been on his show… 3? Times I think?
I actually enjoy his interviews, Because he always delves down and asks the guests personal questions, so whatever way they respond and what they say during the interview gives you more insight into what their personalities are actually like, unlike most interviews like Kimmel or Norton where they don't go very deep into their personal lives and just talk about their work mostly.
The one with John Csna is great, even if it is just Stern talking to a disembodied voice
Pew is a Holla Forumsirgin who has been acting retarded for money for years. Holla Forums hates/hated him for being a swedecuck and selling out. Recently though he has been less and less politically correct.
It's only a matter of time until he just drops the fake internet person.
Don't know shit about reviewbrah nor do I care since he's not from any of the chan imageboards I give a fuck about
Hasn't he always been screaming RAPE or something for years? I'm surprised he wasn't made a target yet.
He was, actually. As far as I recall, he apologised and said he'd tone it down, and kept doing it anyway.
Man, that is one of the most beautiful pussies I have ever seen.
Don't remember to be honest, since I never liked him. I do know he spawned around the time Holla Forums was ironically beating the word bro to death. IIRC it was during the "Broseidon God of the Brocean" sticky on Holla Forums that he made his first videos. It would make sense too since the brofist maymay was still popular on Holla Forums during that time.
this sandnig motherfucker was raging against trump in one of his videos a couple of months ago
this is just a liberal that is le enlightened centrist - embarrassed at what people do if they follow radical egalitarian ideas to their logical conclusion
Yeah, that's because he openly claimed to support Clinton in one of his recent videos, which popped up on my sidebar for some reason. It's the first time I ever watched him and I found that out. You people seem to be semi-fans, so why don't you know? PewDiePie is a Swede. He's an eternal cuck. Of course he supported Clinton. Whether far removed from their heritage in the US, or in their homeland in Sweden, those horrid genetics will always produce cucked filth.
He's 90s culture
If not for Howard Stern lipstick lezbians wouldnt exist
I remember they would actually make racist jokes in Game Grumps (one time laughing hysterically about how tails screamed as he fell into water right after Jon said "look at these blacks"). A lot of these jokes were censored by their editor Barry.
Then after Jon left the show went extremely PC, and the fandom has devolved into just about pure cancer.
He's what they call a Shock Jock
Doesn't make him any less of a faggot
Along with a wide everything else
Spreading redpills and sowing seeds on Holla Forums and other boards does have uses after all.
ayy lmao
As much as I'd hate to defend a kike, Dan is actually fairly funny and interesting. Egoraptor recycles jokes constantly and gives zero fucks about their show. Also, Ironically, Dan has said more racist and funny jokes than Arin has in the past few years. Still, that doesn't change the fact that Dan is a burnt out degenerate that got lucky.
I'l give pewidiepie the benefit of the doubt, as golenone already mentioned several times, in certain parts of sweden it could be very dangerous to support trump
He no longer lives there, I don't think. I remember reading something about him getting kicked out of his flat in Brighton, England because of noise complaints.
I like him
I hope you shamed the faggot good!
Jontron is a pretty cool guy.
He still has family in sweden thou, wont be nice finding out your mom got beaten up by retarded muzzies
the EEEEEEEEEEGGGGK man does it again
egoraptor on suicide watch
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Shock Jocks are such trash
Is anyone over the age of 15 impressed by this shit?
they still have TB, I heard that literal cancer of gayming went full retard with Trump victory, can't confirm because I don't follow him in any way
He commented on the Jon Pie video saying that it was a massive revelation for him or some shit and that his meltdown was a mistake. I can't find it now since it's been buried somewhere in the comments.
Seriously, niggers? You two are giving the redditfag "horseshoe theory" shit some relevance here.
His life was a mistake
oh maybe chemo brain then, but like I said, don't really care, I just heard the rumor
That's putting it lightly, he even accused his wife of "letting the new Hitler happen" because she voted for Mr. Aleppo.
Calmed down since then, though.
I fucking knew Jon had it in him.
Pewds too, has it in him. Just wait and see.
death is at the door for him, karma is a bitch i guess.
Isn't Jon a Bernout?
How was you able to image this shit behind a mocking thread?
To the left they think GG is still going.
I've seen people blame GamerGate for Trump getting elected.
You never know. The Swedes have one of the most sophisticated NS organizations in Europe after Golden Dawn after all.
She was weird to look at before, but she's dangerously approaching Lena Dunham-tier.
You mean these?
These people will blame gamergate even on ttheir deathbed! Mental illness is just like that…
Here you go bruh.
He "Quit Reddit" and is no on suicide watch.
He's lolcow tier now.
His wife seems like a reasonable woman. Even if she did vote for fucking Aleppo.
Holy shit lmao
The doublethink of these people astounds me.
you know the best part about these "america is giving into fear!" faggots?
they're openly admitting that non-whites are dangerous
they just think we should all bend over, cuck ourselves, and ignore any and all problems
Reminder Barry is jewish
Jon is persian I believe.
Arin deserves a mercy kill.
Don't forget Jon has had our backs since Gamergate. He is a gentleman and a scholar unlike Totalcancer apparently. He and the guys from the Sleepycabin (Spazkid, Ricepirate, Stamper) are my favorite game related e-celebs that called leftists out on their bullshit.
Honestly, I have been seeing people flip that I never would had expected, people flipping to our side that is. Shit, I witnessed someone renounce islam and change their name (back) after a decade of being a wannabe mudslime. Weird days man.
>Then after Jon left was replaced by a Jew the show went extremely PC, and the fandom has devolved into just about pure cancer.
Reminder of who they work for
>Makers Studios is owned by Disney Interactive
Fucking kill yourself.
This fucking sucked for me because I had been watching TB since Blue Please in like 2010. But he revealed himself to be nothing more than a contrarian asshole with this election. If he truly had an intellectual tradition he would have realized he was aligning himself with all the people he was opposed to during Gamergate. He is now on the same side as Anita and all the rest, he has betrayed us. Feels bad because he actually has some alright taste in vidya.
meant for
He used to make un-PC jokes on GG when he was on it.
At one point he just starting saying "I'MMA BUST A CAP IN A NIGGA" and another time he said "Look at all these blacks"
Damn, I never gave JohnTron a real chance but I'm gonna go sub him on jewtube. The absolute madman!
God why
Impressionable attention whore celebs.
If I had fame, I would name the jew as often as I can.
No subtlety.
No Machiavelli.
Blitzkrieg the fuckers.
OC Pepe coming through.
its weird to watch how genuinely shitty people seem to become physically distorted over time
Needs a pine tree
And that's why they had to let him go
Watch more of his videos, he goes full on my soggy knees about female inclusion in vidya. He even says that the Fury Road vidya is my soggy kneeist.
is reviewbrah based ? he had the book of a rogue cartoonist