EFF Leader Julius Malema is calling for a nationwide race war in order to reclaim "the land stolen from the by the...

EFF Leader Julius Malema is calling for a nationwide race war in order to reclaim "the land stolen from the by the whites"



Get ready lads, South Africa needs a Second Meme War urgently.

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user, you can't have "meme wars" with niggers who don't use internet and who have 65 iqs and are utterly incapable of shame. Have been warning friends in ZA that Zim 2.0 was coming for a decade now and to get the fuck out.
I feel bad for the ones still there. My biggest surprise is that Zuma/guptas didn't manage to have Malema killed. And if you listen to one of the few interviews he gave (as in the one with that coal burner where he talks about getting fat from "drinking Heineken"), he's retarded.

Mugabe was/is a true nigger demon, but the Eternal Anglos were nice enough to put him through Cambridge and even give him a Knighthood. Malema famously failed woodshop in school.

also, you can thank Zuma and the chinks for the fact that Rhinos are now all but extinct, and elephants will be in the next 5-10 year.
Why? chinks think Rhino horn powder makes their dick hard. They are also close to having many shark species extinct, which they catch, cut off their fin, and drop back in water to die since they eat it in soup.
and none of these "militant environmentalists" will dare name the chink, but more than happy to blame Whitey for his "carbon footprint." Hypocrite scum all.
So, if you want to see the African Savannah, now is your last chance before Chinese colonial africa begins. And wait until they complain to the chinks about "white privilege" and see their response, which will be a whip.

This is the white mans future unless we stand up


I just don't know why SA's government is so obsessed with sucking off the chinks. They'll even name Israel all day there and in its official capacity SA the government already called Israel an apartheid state and rightfully so but they don't dare name the chink. It's like they're the new kikes.

Anyway SA is doomed. Take back Rhodesia. Kill the nigger.

Then we need a meme war in the western world to redpill normies on the south african genocide. I bet most don't even know what's going on there.

how many fucking times did he said "honorable member"
fucking niggers

It's because all of the white areas are nice and everywhere else is a shit hole.

It's uncanny.

They should put some Rhinos into Australia.

Are whites not allowed to leave or something? What's stopping them from evacuating from that shithole of a continent?

a lot do.

I'm at a loss for words. This is meant to be farcical to a degree, but in places where blacks have a supermajority (ZA, or Detroit City Council), this is exactly what it looks like, with everyone goofing off and doing stupid shit. Blacks pass laws advantaging blacks (ZA's black affirmative action with a 92% black population) and ignoring everyone else.

I wonder where DW Griffith managed to get all those black actors for a film that didn't exactly portray them in a great light.

The catering table had watermelon and fried chicken

Tell you what Africa, we'll trade all our niggers for all your whites. Good deal?

Already have moved a few there actually, but there is only one left of the White-Rhino species that has a 247 nigger guard, but the said nigger guard already had 1 killed on his watch (used to be two).

Mate, do you not get how it works? They have no problem with giving the big niggers in charge a few million dollars in exchange for mineral rights, land, they can de facto do whatever they want.
And unlike the West, there are no Jews with their fangs in their chinks neck to call them out for "exploiting the coloured brother." Just wait for Chinese colonial africa.
Lots of people here love "Empire of Dust" simply because it gives a glimpse into how the chinks are running Africa now. This has been ongoing for 20 years now, they have taught them Mandarin, etc..
Within ~20 years, the entire fucking savannah will have been paved over. It's a meme but it's true; chinks have no souls. Thus the reason they eat dog, aborted fetuses (before you call bullshit, I have proof of all this, which Dr Pierce documented when it was much harder to even get info on such things).
The lügenpresse know to keep quiet about such things and to keep the pictures away from the lemmings, but you can find them if you know where to look (though much has been censored in recent years as the chinks take more care to protect their reputation).
Took a 5 hour ride in a canoe with a motor up the Napa river (an amazon tributary) from ecuador into Peru. You cannot imagine what the Chinks are doing there. Royal Dutch shell is bad too, but the chinks are the worst.
You can see as you pass, trees being cut down, various shit being burned and black smoke going into the sky. That trip really woke me up.

*my point is that the chinks are destroying the amazon where they have some degree of oversight by a few Whites in the area who care. In Africa, no one gives a fuck so long as they pay.


for a minute I thought the Electronic Frontier Foundation was calling for a race war

I'd go further in that the China connection is all part of the plan of the Jews.

at 1:53
wtf is this?

It's the new Che Guevara, dontcha know

Chinks have a certain admiration for the protocols in the same way they admire Art of War, or playing Go.

It plays into the risk mindset. Chinese philosophy is based on probability (i-ching/taoism) rather than causality, hence the obsession with gambling. Most westerners see gambling as blind luck. A poker pro does not. Most Chinese see things more like the poker pro.

The Jews and their protocols are, therefore, something to admire and aspire to. Chinks are obsessed with Rothchild's, for example.

Chinks have overrun West Africa. I hang out there now and again and its been obvious for years it belongs to them now. We westerners tend to try to blend in and take advantage of carefully cultivated long-term relationships. The chinks don't give a fuck. They roll in en-masse with CAT's and infrastructure projects. They take payment in commodities instead of unserviceable loans (fair play to them). It's been something to behold this last decade. We're done there. We'll be at native level in no time.

Still not memeing for white SA's though. They made the rest of us look bad. They handed over the country freely. The nigs have been running it for decades. Still they wanna kill whitey. So let western whitey see what happens if it happens.

"So let western whitey see what happens if it happens."

Bitter SA-fag here. Just want to give you a chance to explain what you mean here before going radioactively cynical on your ass.

Will the Chinese invasion of Africa actually worsen, or improve the place?
Will the nogs eventually start killing chinks left & right?

more about them here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Freedom_Fighters
can we get some anons to take down their website, they have emails there too


A short step from that and they're killing us in the streets.

Alright so what Jews are behind EFF

They use email?

Needs some frontier justice.



The amount of chaos the simple comment "he should not dish out medicine if he is not prepared to take it himself" caused in their parliament, jesus.
Some of those names, it's like listening to a drunk trying to whistle with his tongue out.

South africa has probably 4 years before going tits up

thing is, it's the EFF political party
black supremacy+left ideology=EFF
they're currently in top 3 and rising due to good funding

Just think, everything from Rhodesia down could have been cleansed of shitskins and made into a beautiful nation by now. Instead, white guilt happened.

Painful to listen to.

The took the fucking medicine comment literally fucking kek.

Is there a crime map available?

Guys please don't meme a race war in ZA. I'll be out of here soon enough. I just want to make it to the US without getting fucking shoah'd by nogs first.

The meme engine cannot be stopped friend. Get out fast.

friendo, you were supposed to be the country all whites retreated to but the timelines have changed and now you're going to serve as another example for white genocide to red pill the people in the USA

you are in a race against Kek. If nothing else, maybe you can die honorably, taking out nogs while you're at it. Band together with whites if you can't escape.

It wasnt white guilt it was burgers and brits attacking the south african goverment with sanctions and condoning communist niggers until the goverment had to conceed.

maybe the timeline is still the same

If any race deserves extermination its burgers you started this white guilt bullshit fgts

Really it's jews that did that, but it was the boomers that bought into it, true. I think by electing Trump we have started down the atonement path.

Good luck my friend, I wish you well. Remember, if you see signs of danger or people grabbing your attention in a bad and not normal manor, run.

this reminds me eerily of american public schools.

What do you know about the role that westerners are playing in helping the Chinese on the ground in Africa? I was reading about Erik Prince (the former Blackwater guy) and how he got out of the mercenary business and is now:

Seems like westerners haven't really gotten out of the colonizing business entirely but instead are more like consultants/investors. Kind of like all the major property developments all over the world. Most of the time if you look up the people behind a big project in the Middle East or whatever, the architect, engineers, etc. are always U.S./Europeans. I reckon most of the machinery/equipment and materials that are used in these projects are probably from western companies, as well. So I just figure that the colonizing of Africa is something similar.

A nigger that really wants their head speedholed.

The United States should accept all these oppressed white people under the Donald Trump administration to bolster the dwindling white populations. This seems like a great thing.

(((White guilt)))

(((burgers and brits)))

Another to express support of the "kill whitey" movement.

And then cut ALL aid to those nations as well as criminalising citizen donations to any charity working in them.

another way*

I thought op was referring to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and was disappointed it's just rowdy niggers rather than fashy hackers