So now that the Trumpenreich is real are there any Europeans that want to come over? Trump back in 2013 explicitly called for more European immigration and we really need to prop up white demographics.
Pls come we need white people.
So now that the Trumpenreich is real are there any Europeans that want to come over? Trump back in 2013 explicitly called for more European immigration and we really need to prop up white demographics.
Pls come we need white people.
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No more running.
This isn't running. The United States can not afford to lose a white majority, whites as a people can not afford to lose the United States. We would gladly take white South Africans if no one from Europe wishes to leave their homelands.
German here. Will be looking for opportunity to move. Since lefties will be self deporting you are going to need well educated hard working whites to fill population gap.
What's a good red state to move to?
Recently? Michigan.
Just went red for the first time in 32 years and has been one of the most important major Battleground states forever basically. I live in Michigan and the more white people we get in this state, the more red it will turn. The longer we hold Michigan the longer we will have Right-Wing governments for essentially. It is that important of a State.
No, we need our people.
Please move to California, it's full of faggots and basically hell on earth, but it really needs more whites.
Unfortunately through the last 50 years or so politicians have made it almost impossible for Europeans to emigrate to the US. The best shot is to marry an American woman. Trump really needs to start reforming immigration law.
yes i'm moving from the uk
Come to Michigan!
deciding between east tennessee and northern idaho
want somewhere white, christian and mountainous
western montana in consideration as well
Look at the figures. Before the sixties, almost all immigration was from europe. Now it's only 8%.
northern michigan and wisconsin look nice i'll admit
but the problem with michigan is all the kebab - i grew up around somalis, pakis and arabs, I want to get as far away from those subhumans as possible
to be fair they might just be confined to the detroit-dearborn area though idk
Straya here, heard on the news that our left wing major party leader who called Trump barking mad back in the day now wants to cut down on work visas even though they've been rising during his time in office and steadily falling when the cuckservative, ex goldman sacks jew led party came in power. Also the unemployment got so bad the (((statistics))) will no longer include people who have given up finding a job as unemployed.
This cucked, politically apathetic, no funs allowing country can go fuck itself. As soon as I finish my engi degree and get some experience in the field I'll start looking for a burger company to sponsor me a visa and try for the greencard lottery in the meantime, too bad I missed this year's sign ups.
But why? What programs or laws have been put in place that caused this?
It was literally Jews.
The 1965 immigration act?
Dearborn is the largest Muslim area in the US. But no they do not ever go outside of their city and none of us have any intention of moving in and reclaiming it just yet. You will be hardpressed to find a single muslim outside of that though. In Northern Michigan you won't be able to find even one I guarantee. And best of all, our governor is not bringing in anymore because they have caused so many problems. Moving into the UP (Upper Peninsula) right now would be a huge help in swinging this state back to the right.
Bosnian here.
I could consider moving to usa. But only if i'm guaranteed to not live in a nigger neighborhood, and job guarantee. Otherwise I'm good living here in my own native country.
This was definitely predicted. Europeans the world over are watching Trump and America very carefully, don't be surprised if there's an exodus in the next 4 years.
Yep fuck it. See you there m8. Maybe we can start with the still-reversibly cucked blue states, like Washington, Minnesota, etc.
But Europe can? No. Europe will always be more important. America was created by Europeans. It's an idea. It can be recreated again if it's ever lost. Europe was created by God, and once it's gone it's lost forever. Europeans need to stay in Europe and have a lot of unprotected sex.
Jesus fuck, how have I never heard of this before? Did they sneak this thing past the public or something?
Look forward to having you here Germanbro. What are you looking for in a state? Weather? Mountains? Desert? Plains? There are so many great options.
The Dakotas are very sparsely populated and very red with lots of good hunting, very low taxes. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were two of the hero states last week that flipped, they are solidly white and have a significant German populations, they both have tons of lakes and forestland. Out west you get very sparsely populated states with dry climates, like Idaho, which used to have a robust white nationalist scene and Wyoming and Montana. They offer lots of drylands, big big rocky mountains towards the west of the state and pine forests, but not much in the way of lakes, though there are some major rivers. That all region is known for it's "big sky."
West Virginia is very white has a moderate climate with a full four seasons and has much of the scenic beauty of New England and none of the cultural marxist rot. If you want much warmer / tropical climates, South Carolina, Alabama, north Florida, and Georgia have a lot to offer. These states are very segregated, so, although they have much higher nigger populations than the states mentioned before, entire areas of the state are simply all white. They are known for their southern hospitality.
Or, you can try out some of the great plains like Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma…there are a lot of options.
Now that's a bad idea
Fuck you. You guys have the lowest birthrate in the world and you want to abandon your country? What about YOUR population gap?
America is the most powerful country on the planet Earth, it could steamroll all of Europe if it wanted to. You're a complete dipshit if you think Europe could survive once America went minority white.
don't use this phrase, newfriend. It screams of "I'm a retarded millennial."
I hope to god I live to see the day when the current year man and fucking waleed get strung up by their lying guts.
You're one to talk, faggot.
I'd like to actually because I want to be hasguns, what's the most /k/ state?
We can not leave Europe, if we leave Europe then America becomes the last bastion of defense and that is a situation we must avoid at all costs. If Europe gets islamised or falls into chaos , the US will have to go full National Socialism in order to survive int he long run, but with so many non-whites and other problems on the horizon, I do not see it happening any time soon.
I want to but I'm poor, and don't qualify for that immigration lottery because I'm British. Currently in college for carpentry.
Im 23 studying geo engineering. My gf is 21 studiing media design. We planned on coming in 2-3 years.
did you miss your orientation date?
Swede here, Im willing to come if Im allowed to and hopefully, bring my family as well.
I can work, I can weld, I keep to my own and I dont bother anyone.
I would abandon my values(the few left) if needed of me.
I want to eat turkey on thanksgiving, and candy on halloween.
I want to eat glaced ribbs, barbeque and steak.
I will drink your shitty beer and lousy booze and not complain and I want to keep and shoot guns.
But above all, I want to be FREE.
if not soon it will not happen at all friend
Nigger have you seen Germany? California looks like Rome compared to Germany. Can take a shit without the government telling you what paper you can use and how to wipe yourself. I am sick of the state taking 46% of my pay to feed the roaches.
You have the luxury of free speech and 2nd Amendment we have fuck all. If you are so high and mighty let's swap places.
Forgot to add. Im of norwegian heritage, she's german. Both white and blonde. I got blue eyes she green.
Do we qualify?
USA should accept German Bros for their acting against the white race in WW2.
Dueling dubs, I pitith thee, for you are both right where none of you are wrong. Let us say that what has been shall be until such time as it is changed.
Through subversion, some will always remain, for we are not a monolith but a colour, a race.
Cali is shitty for guns though.
Are you in the highest bracket? I also think the tax laws are a fucking joke but I'm not there (yet hopefully)
The US has far, far more nonwhites than Europe and needs an immediate white baby boom. The nonwhites in Europe are leeches. The ones in America are planning on staying.
I know these feels. I'd be so happy to call America home.
what is the whitest part of america
I'd mass import slavs at this point m8
New England, The Midwest, and West Virginia.
(choose white pop in the dropdown menu on the left)
^This. Some people have no idea.
Europe must see that they collapse without us. I am currently in Eastern Europe, but tbh I'd be more helpful for the cause in America. I just really love the homogeneity and inherent traditionalism here.
I would love to help in America with all their freedoms… But then again I really like it here. I am split.
Yes I am. Single, childless, man below 40 with income of over 65k.
Do you want to legally own .50 rifles, Flamethrowers, and Tanks?
Then come.
I`m torn, one the one hand I don`t want to run and leave this place to the filth. But then again my 3.14 qt waifu with large titties gets verbally abused by subhumans at least once a month and I fear that it is only a matter of time before it becomes an assault. When me and the Waifu talk about having kids we are both in agreement that we`ll have to move. I will not let my kids grow up in this multiculteral hell hole. My government is hostile to me and my kind, the taxes I pay are doing nothing but cucking me by going for my demographic replacement. My wish is that the Trump effect gets right wing governments elected in Europa which can clean out this place out!
I would still very much like to live in a quiet mountain town, be it Scandinavia or the States and start a family there. We`ll have to see what the future brings.
German/slav here, for the love of god don't import slavs, just about all worthwhile bloodlines have been purged by the jewish bolsheviks, all that's left now is the proletariat cattle.
I understand the feeling mate. I'd move to the United States if I had the chance. But here in Britain I like my homeland. I'd rather stay and see it grow back to what it should be. Same with France, Germany and other European states. However if it collapses you'll see me immigrating to the US and reading the constitution to assimilate better.
Poland is literally the safest country in Europe and the second safest on Earth.
I want as many Cheeki's as possible. Not to mention slavettes are nice.
Nice gesture but for the love of God don't start with the guilt ridden mindset of muh reparations. We have enough of it in Germany and its cucky as fuck. You won fair and square don't ever apologize for it.
Hnnnnnnng I'm coming alright
Poland's ok but once you start going east into Belarus and Russia you start to have some issues with genetic stock.
Nigger quality over quantity. Find the right spot for you and you can have traditionalism and freedoms.
Don't care gibe Slavettes.
I always imagined the 50 cal sniper to be an american invention. A symbol of american military.
This is the only correct answer.
I do, but I also want to be able to marry a traditionalist slavic waifu without being robbed of everything if we divorce.
Women here are something special, and marriage laws here don't allow them to cuck you out of existance…
To make it clear, I am not Eastern European, my country is just 100% shit if you want to find employment as a conservative millennial.
I am assessing what might be the best choice. And I am doing it carefully.
Slavettes are amazing.
Not really. Why do you say so? Eastern Slavs are hardy and stoic, even if a little too impetuous and rustic for their own good.
The Emperor understands.
Why would I leave my over 90% white country in favor of your less than 50% one?
You have literally niggers rioting on your streets, and the anti-white violence is at all time high.
Sure, I'm happy that Trump one. But he will not solve anything demographic wise. We can't start believing our own memes.
3 million illegal Mexicans is a drop in the bucket.
Too early.
His all jewish staff and jewish intermarriage in family are huge red flags. He is not even inaugurated yet, and for all we know, civil unrest may (((coincidentally happen))) before then, which signs are pointing to, and King Nigger does something crazy.
How difficult is it to set up a business in the States?
I have a UK business but would be interested in setting up a subsidiary in the USA and moving there to run it…
Yeah, i'm surprised the emperor lets these riots grow..He needs to stop them ASAP.
Fuck jew and the jewnited states.
Come to Australia, Euros. It's more white and already kicking out rapefugees and sending them to the jewnited states.
pls come (whites only)
What do I need to emigrate? Can I just apply somewhere?
Do it, bongbro, the beer here is top-notch.
How the fuck is he supposed to stop George Soros funded Riots when he's not in office and the Establishment still has complete control for 2 more months?
The fuck is he supposed to do?
No funs, cancer causing rays, IRL shitposters everywhere and everything wants to kill you.
Yeah, nah thanks m80
Dubs confirm.
Who knows since Trump is going to rewrite the immigration laws. Most likely to increase European immigration.
Fuck off ya bimey cunt.
Now America is the least cucked Anglophone country.
Because in addition to what you said they're also insanely materialistic, have a short fuse due to living in a high stress environment and overall highly prone to degenerate lifestyles complete with drugs and alcohol. The quality of life is fucking abysmal and the problem is largely internal, they're happy to to live in shit and will never try to absorb the western way of life.
If you want a tiny glimpse of their mindset just have a look at car crash compilations and you'll find that people often collide with other cars on purpose and spitefully get in the way of drivers who want to change lanes.
That has been improving lately. We must give them time. Such are the wounds of communism.
Oy vey.
looks comfy as fuck
My parents who lived in the soviet block also believed that things will get better so even though they had an opportunity to emigrate they decided to stay start a business. Pro tip, it never did get better, cops came in and on trumped up charges took most of their assets, I had to fight off the bullying churkas for most of my childhood and my father drank himself into an early grave because the jews and then Putin's oligarchs stole whatever future he might have had.
The wound that jews left on Russia was a mortal one.
Nigga, pls
.50 cal is for babies
Try 20x110 Hispano rounds
looks just like a 50cal man
I'm sorry that happened. But those things take a really long time to heal.
I understand if you feel they don't deserve time, because they truly do not deserve your time due to what happened to you.
If you where to fire that into a crowd of nogs from a mile away, who would care?
I live in eastern yuro and can't move to US, because I have no money to do so.
I'll try going to scandis though, maybe I can save something here.
Eurofags, if you guys come over here, be sure to do everything in your power to ensure that the POZ'D don't leave, even the weak leftists who are starting to see what's going on in their home countries and the shitskins that are raping their daughters, still don't 100% realize it was their own doing and the fault of the policies that they supported.
The second they're safe and comfortable again, they'll start being faggots again. It happens here with Commiefornia run-off.
How hard would it be for a frog canuck to emigrate to Maine? I love in Beauce so it would basically be the same and I might get to vote Trump in 2020
Even shit tier Commiefornia is still better then any european state, because you can just buy gun without good goy approval from goverment.
t. Polack who want be American
leftists in europe are saying they will never visit america because "white raycists" and because you can buy gun at walmart
and you elected donald trump so america is like nazi germany
What about Minnesota user-san?
As a kebab, you can find your rat nests in pretty much 3 areas of the US: St. Louis (lots of nogs), far north Chicago (less nogs; near Evanston), and W. Kentucky (some nogs and rednecks).
I rather to stay in Australia and fix the problems. I want the gun rights, Papua New Guinea and White Australia Policy back. I can't just abandon my country as that will make me a traitor. The liberals and Labor is shitty and need to be remove from the power forever.
No, I'm staying to fight for my king and fatherland.
I will come visit and eat some burgers, though. Help out the economy and such.
Move to Texas!
Our economy is booming, our food is great, and our craft beer industry is fucking awesome.
Plus we have good (though not the best gun laws).
5 guys burgers and fries is actually delicious.
On the topic of Gun Laws does anyone else find it weird that the commie state of Vermont has among the best gun laws in the country?
Fucking New England is so unique and strange.
Pro and side with.
Maybe Poles are different, I'm British and all Slavs I knew were poles. The girls were hot but turbo sluts, so I can't imagine Eastern Europe as some traditionalist bastion. Slav women are just more racist and thinner.
Don't forget Texas has a large German community in the hill country and surrounding areas.
This, a white nationalist America could ensure a white Europe forever. A minority white America would ensure the white race is wiped out. Goal number 1 should be to turned the most powerful nation on earth into a white nationalist one. Solutions for Europe can come later.
Do not fucking move to California.
Sorry Trumpens but I prefer my own country.
Dubs confirms.Texas was my first thought tbh but you guys have shit Australia-tier mosquito weather and lots of spics.
However you have great gun laws, lots of ranches and open space and a strong financial sector.
Strong European Roots
Frankenmuth(Little Bavaria also they have a Christmas store open all year round)
Nature fucking everywhere
Beaches fucking everywhere(can only be used in the summer though)
Snows if you like winter shit
A ton of History(fuck you cost states the war of 1812 was fought on Michigan soil as well)
It is shaped like a mitten
Hunting and fishing
Easy as fuck to buy a gun
Open carry state
Great self defense laws
Too many niggers(just don't move to a major city and you'll be fine they generally mind their own business)
Same with the Mudslimes though I live on the West side of the states and you almost never see any except behind gas station counters
Winter might last a little to fucking long
Europe is more important than America. It has more whites than America is the homeland of us all. Stay and fight you faggots. The best thing der Trumpenfuhrer can do for Europe is to start supporting our nationalist movements and help us in taking down the EU and the leftist elite.
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
I still can't leave as I can't bear to apart my sweet homeland. Maybe USA would conquer Australia and Canada? We are insanely rich in resources. I wouldn't mind to help USA and Russia to become powerful European Russo-USA alliance. I am sorry that I refuse to leave my home. My white Aussies come first.
Dont you have the worst track record for clean environment? I remember a thread a while back about nature and there was a map posted with Michigan and north-east in general having a shitty eco system.
Lol, you're dumb.
First from the left: 50 cal
Second from the left: 20x110 Hispano
See how tiny 50 cal is in comparison?
The middle of the state is fine. Harrisburg a shit but we ignore them. Basically more whites needed to out vote the nogs in philthadelphia
That's because it's mostly White.
Pennsylvania? I used to visit them for family time. The people is nice but the city people is different just like Brisbane. They are reserved and keep it themselves. Cities should be illegal as it cause the people to become apathy.
Absolutely not.
Yes and no. East Michigan is well known for shitting up everything on their side of the state. It happened a little on the west side but not to the same degree. Northern Michigan is almost untouched aside from agriculture. The Upper Peninsula is Wilderness.
I second this.
Michigan has strong white rural communities, and good community colleges for education.
We have a lot of work here as well. Outside of the big three, we have plenty of warehouse, factory, and trade work.
Yes, we do have liberal strongholds here (Ann Arbor, Detroit, Parts of Marquette) but the majority of whites don't like niggers, and don't like spics. We have plenty of cute white girls that go to church and want white children.
Move into a small town the rural area in Macomb county (Lile Armada or Richmond) or somewhere on Holt, Saint Claire, Alpena area, or Monroe County so you'll have access to the community college.
Avoid Oakland unless you have money, I went to a private boarding school there. Wayne County is shit, except for Gross Pointe.
No. This is the best time to Make Europe Great Again. Trump will make waves across the world and will help lead the way to Nationalist parties finally gaining power and ground in Europe.
Running away. Stand your ground and fight.
We're going to Make Michigan White Again damnit. Also holy shit their are a lot of people from Michigan on this board. We should have a cringy as fuck Frankenmuth meet up.
You need too stay and fight though. When civil war starts, we will come and help you.
But you need too begin getting /fit/ and preparing. Do not surrender our ancestral homelands to hordes of savages.
Is it possible to impose the childless tax on white Michigans?
Cities not run by nogs and jews are fine. Pittsburgh is not bad but it's getting poz'd. Tons of spedshul snowflakes and homos plus they host a furry con. If shtf, that would be a fun place to go wild
But aren't you literally drown in niggers and spics ?
Are they from commieflornia? Because they flee to somewhere to only fuck it up exactly as they have done to their former state.
I want to leave Europe because:
A) I am a Euromongrel of German, English, Lithuanian and Irish descent. Nobody considers me 'one of them', so in return I don't consider any - ANY - European my brother. Keep your warring nations, there's a reason America has destroyed you politically if you're so hostile towards your European brothers but willingly let your countries be raped by savage hordes.
B) Europe is overcrowded, there is zero free space and no freedom of opportunity between the 30 different languages and sets of red tape to deal with. Completely worthless for any man to live in such a place.
C) Americans have land and guns. Europeans have filled up absolutely every last piece of land we had with apartment blocks, niggers, and factories. I HATE this fucking continent. Just because it spawned a good thing doesn't mean it has any value left now.
May Muslims be a second Black Plague for Europe to be decimated by. Then may America cleanse Islam off the face of the earth.
Europe need to prop up its white demographics too.
Typical coward cuck behaviour.
and civil wars.
yeah this is exactly it for me (except i'm english-scottish-irish)
I want guns, free speech, a house with a few acres of land, and a nice white christian town in flyover america
Fan heller, du stannar här och slåss tills du antingen stupar och kommer till Valhalla eller vinner och det blir lagligt att döda kebbabar och (((vänliga handelsmän))) runtom i landet.
When America turns minority white, it will seize being the most powerful country on Earth. The US is not magic dirt that confers military power on its people.
Can confirm, I'm from Columbus Ohio and we have had hordes of commiefornians, muds, pajeets, africans, and spics come in over the past 10-15 years. They are already turning what was my nice and quiet city into a liberal shithole.
Many honest whitefolk are considering moving out into the countryside, myself included. Hell, even some of the native niggers are starting to get upset about the demographic shift, well the nigs that can actually rub two braincells together are. But, at some point we need to consider a way to kick a lot of these people out of our cities. I know the common LARP answer is RWDS, but we need policy that can remove them, as I don't think we have the numbers to truly make a difference at this point in time.
I second this. Someone make a Michiganian Meetup thread and discuss ways to help the Emperor in our State and to Make Michigan White Again.
These guys are natives. They are the Kotaku crowd. I help out with a particular org and half the exec board got their panties in a twist when i asked why we don't collect sex data of participants for marketing. They relented to asking for gender and that people can enter their own non binary options.
Dude, thou dost not knoweth what thou art speaking about. Get out of the city you're in.
I do not understand why they never learnt a lesson about why they had to leave in the first place. They just want to live in peaceful area but are somehow still unhappy with the conservative lifestyle so they change them for themselves. It is very selfish thing to do.
Typical subhuman mutt. Daily reminder that mutts hate Europe the most.
If I'm a mutt then so is the entirety of white America, you mongoloid
Pic related
And you want us to lose our blood. But you can take them. They have always been worthless. The condition is that you have to keep them forever.
Be careful what you wish for.
Oh, pray tell. How will a shithole oversea affect the largest concentration of "hwhites" on the planet?
you are assuming they spend that much time thinking about it. All they know is they love their liberal shitholes, they just want to move some place that has jobs and less violence. So they move to where those things are, and find that they are not liberal shitholes. So, not understanding there is a link, they start trying to make their new home liberal shitholes.
its the same reason why these retards think that you can take people from the 3rd world, plop them in western countries, and they will magically follow all western values and be contributing members of society.
But you are a fucking mutt.
Is the genetic defect at it again?
Daily reminder that the founding father of the EU was an Europe hating mutt (Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi).
Hes all yours America
who are you low quality posters and what are you doing on Holla Forums?
If I'm a mutt for being a mix of northern European races, then so is the entirety of white America, you double nigger.
double post just to congratulate those two guys again on being so terribly low quality anons.
Is not even about "hwhiteness". This filth is complaining about people exercising the right of association.
And it even lies about Europe not having beautiful untainted countryside, so we can safely consider it's "opinions" to be worthless.
Who the fuck are YOU, mongrel? Where do you even live to even contemplating spouting this retarded shit?
Blatant fucking lies.
Reminder that in Germany hunting with semi autos with interchange magazines (limited to 3 rounds, GASP, just like every hunting season in America) is legal again. The gun lobby is growing big time in Europe.
No wonder why all of us hate you. You are a subhuman and you belong in an oven with your friend Kalergi.
quit it with the meaningless "mutt" insult, he's of 100% european ancestry like everyone white, he just proves he's ignorant of reality outside of liberal shitholes
dude, in most european countryside it's not crowded, you won't see a shitskin or nigger for days, the red tape is mostly ignored or sidestepped because it's only used to manage the liberal multiculti urban herds, and it's extremely easy to have your own hunting rifles
try it sometime
look, you made a dumb point, attacked me because YOU didn't get the post you were replying to, and now you're continuing your aggression to cover up your mistake. THAT is why you're a low quality reddit-tier poster. Go away.
Moving in Europe means moving to a different culture where you don't speak the language and have a hard time integrating, unlike in the United States. There's much less freedom to just go where things haven't been pozzed up yet. In the Netherlands? No chance. Full up.
Tut was ihr wollt, mir geht as am Arsch vorbei. Ich habe die Nase voll von 46% Steuerquote die die Kanacken finaziert und die Regierung die mich wie ein Leibeigener ausbeutet.
Ich wünsche euch ein herzlichen Glück mit eurem Putsch wann auch immer es stattfinden soll.
die Putsch-chan nehme ich mit
I lived in USA and I don't try to bring the trashy people nor did I try to change their state cultures. West Virginia is very poor and yet it is way better than Commiefornia. Commiefornian attitudes toward the midwestern americans greatly irrritated me despite the fact that I am from Australia. Just cut Commiefornia off and reconquer it again to cleanse them out. Commiefornia is a literal giant fat Melbourne so why keep them alive for? No reason.
m8 we may be more white, but you can't gloss over the fact that we're a soft-orwellian country.
Fuck off
Widerlich. Die haben gegen echten Nationalismus und FÜR Kommunismus gekämpft und du machst trotzdem Ausrede für die.
Und wir haben dies nicht erfahren? Aber wir sind keine scheißer Feigling wie du. DU bist der Kanacke hier, du kleines Stück Mist.
Natürlich. Du bist kein richtiger Deutscher. Du bist nur ein Köter. Ich kann mich nicht vorstellen, dass du etwas original von dir selbst produzieren kannst.
It is true that most white americans are mixed and it is increadibly easy to spot the difference between mutts and more pureblooded people. Racemixing with people that look "similar enough" is still racemixing.
You are the type of idiot that thinks there is no exterior difference between nonmixed russians, brittains etc and you probably even believe that italians and greeks are white as well.
There is no such thing as "hwiteness". All Europeans have inherent pale skin. Our uniqueness comes from our different cultures and histories.
Thinly veiled true D&C? Even then, I dont think Italians and Greeks care about what some mutts think of their "hwhiteness".
I'm not surprised since without European immigration, Trump wouldn't have got his wife.
Get Trump to help. He's more than enough to do something even if it's just a little it'll help a lot, now more than ever since Farage is close to him.
On the first picture, They are not white and the reason that they are marked as the white because it make the non-white people look terribly bad. FBI knew about this. The white criminal population is actually lower than non-white criminal population.
I'm seriously considering it. Swissfag.
I was in training to be an electrician but didn't finish (3 out of 4 years). Since you Muricans don't really have a qualification system like Europe, could I work as an electrician there ?
I can't stay move ot the US, family will never move with me, they can't align 3 words in english,their fields of work are extremely narrow (bankers, I'm not a jew), they will feel homesick pretty quickly and beg me to go back in France in no time.
Best I can do for them is move them to Britanny while I go to the US alone.
Not my fault if you're buttblasted I said mean things about Europe. Your points are retarded and your aggression is embarrassing. You made several mistakes and misinterpreted what you were arguing with in the first place. You're really just a worthless poster who doesn't belong here at all. Go away.
It is just to show what kind of "hwhites" the jewed states of amerishits have.
Your 60% "hwhite" statistics come from your goverment. Let that sink in.
Im not a subhuman mutt who said this
This means that EVEN if I were somehow wrong, I would still be better and more valuable to the cause than your filthy mongrel ass in every possible way, you subhuman mutt.
No wonder why you were stuck in some libshit city and people hate you.
TN user here. Don't move anywhere near Nashville or Memphis. Knoxville is beautiful but full of libshits too. Chattanooga is alright since it has the VW plant and if you're German it's probably east to get on there. Also don't rule out NC and SC. Mountains and ridiculously nice people throughout both.
once you're wrong you don't keep doubling down on how wrong you were. That's how leftists operate.
I am from Australia but you are right about statistic came from the corrupted government.
Du machst mir die Entscheidung leichter in dem dass ich mehr Distanz zwischen mir und Spasten wie du setzen kann.
Schmore in deinem unfähigen Hass. Aus dir wird sowieso nichts
Why would anyone immigrate? Hes only a civic nationalist at best.
This is amusing. Ok, mutt. Lets rubs your neurons together and show me where I was "wrong".
Ok. Mach eine Ami Sau schwanger und verpiss dich endlich. Auf Nimmerwiedersehen, Volksverräter.
Defeatism shilling. But then we are also in dire need of exporting leftist trashes and traitors to our enemies.
Cali is like 30 percent white germany is like 80
Nix für ungut, aber pic related.
The Appalachians states like like Tennessee and North Carolina are pretty good choices and ones that have areas similar to parts of Germany.
Voll ironisch. Das ist ein Amikäfer.
Du bist der Spegkraut der /k/ mit seinem Shitposten voll verdorben hat bis kein Deutscher dort posten kann, nicht war?
pic related
Do you know why they are good? Because It's nigger free zone!
America belongs to the Anglos and the Anglos only!
I thought its because horsephucking is still not illegal there. Sort of like the New Zealand of the States.
If you run, you are a disgrace to your ancestors, who fought and died for the soil you are so quick to abandon.
Also, Americans, while I support you in your fight to remain white, always remember that America is just an idea. Europe is the land of your ancestors, and it cannot be lost.
I thought about moving to NC if I would immigrate to the US. Gun laws are ok, low tornado count near the Appalaches and little mud.
Ich finde es immer lächerlich, dass eine Person so viele NEETs und Hahnreie angepisst gemacht hat.
Nah, Untermenschen wie du können noch. Oder? Ich habe keine Ahnung.
It doesn't help for Whites to move from one nation to another. There'd still be the same number of Whites in the world. For every based German that flees Germoney, the Germans left there are more vulnerable. The only exception is South Africa, because that's a machetecaust waiting to happen.
No. New england belongs to the anglos and anglos only. It was strong irish hands and german hearts that made this nation great you immigrant loving leftist faggots and dont you forget it.
Haha, I think it's illegal. Niggers won't move to there because it is poor and shitty, which is good because it mean the crime rate is low but don't expect to be crime free because there is not enough jobs there so hence the reasons many of the guys had military experiences as they send the money to their families there and family unity are tightly knitted. I feel guilty for not spending a or more days over there to improve the tourism and create the jobs.
Also du gibst zu dass du wars es. Du mieser kleiner Pisser.
If Trump makes America great again, me and my (US citizen) wife will move. But there needs to be affordable healthcare and jobs, ofcourse. Depends on the outcome of upcoming elections in Norway (and others).
Nothing short of genocide will help Germany, Sweden and UK.
Its not. Look up kentucky
Yea look at Trump. He is a Kraut you nigger
Well, I promised a friend who has both US and British citizenship that is #Brexit passes we'd both move to the UK and share an apartment, and if Trump wins we'd do the same in the USA.
We flipped a coin, USA won.
I plan on moving to AZ.
Hope you don't mind cunts from down under.
Czech 'em here. I am somewhat split on moving. Maybe we don't have the shitskins, but our governemnt is maximum cucked and secretely import them in small amounts. Even though I see people being angry in comment sections of news articles, I think they are just the vocal minority. The majority still watches tv news (who spread liberal propaganda, especially our state tv, which is funded by taxpayers, fucking awful) and generally don't care, because they haven't seen how the west actually is. Our prime minister is a total EU cuck, who does everything they tell him, while our president is pretty based, but sadly he doesn't have much power here.
I'll have to wait and see next year, when the elections kick in. I am a bit hopeful after Trump won though.
Even if shit went south, I am not really sure if I would be able to move, never really travelled anywhere on my own in my life, and my english isn't that great either, so I'll probably stay and try to fight.
Seriously, I am sickened that so many here are willing to abandon what their forefathers fought for. Are you true nationalists or aren't you?
Just move to mexico while you are at it.
Move to southern utah instead same climate but the people are white
The defeatism in this thread is sickening
Europe may be ill now, but it is still the cultural capitol of the world and the epitome of the achievments of our species. It will not fall as long as there are people willing to die for its values. Remember the state Germany was in when Hitler rose to power and if our societies even come close to that point I promise you that the weak governments will be the first to feel the wrath of the people and their subhuman pets the next.
Hail Victory
Oh mate I feel sick.
Anglocucks when will they learn
I have a lot of friends up in Flag which is why I was considering it.
Go to America
That clustermap you saved from one of my posts literally says the opposite that you do, most European ethnicities are very different from one another and if your concept of "white" exists then that means that, if Greeks are white, Turks are also, because those two ethnicities are closer to eachother than Greek is to any western-European ethnicity.
"mutt" is not meaningless, he is literally a mutt, what you said is like saying that a street dog "mutt" is not a "mutt", because it's 100% dog like any other dogs.
Sieg heil, kamerad.
They're "white" nationalists, they don't care as long as they can be some huge mixing pot of vaguely European-bred mongrels.
Yeah I spent my teenage years in fagstaff the population of AZ is changing fast its next on the list to be a spic majority state
As much as I'd appreciate the offer assuming it also extended to me, the only reason I'd be moving is if it benefits this place, like joining the RWDS over there and using the experience upon returning by removing shitskin in bulk. Nationalism and whatnot.
And this is why white nationalism needs to stay the fuck in the colonies. Ameritards are trying to spread it here in their misguided belief that they're always right, and now look.
Spergkraut go and stay go.
Aussie here considering moving to EU / US after graduating from University…
I'm in a communication field but I am very interested in working for large tech companies, basically all of which (English speaking ones) are over there.
White blonde and privately educated, though not married.
I'm thinking somewhere in the south might suit, possibly Texas.
Thoughts Americunts?
Perhaps this will change with Trump?
Seriously though, to those of you who have not visited the USA it's by far one of the most picturesque places I've ever seen.
The beauty of America is unparalleled in this world.
That depend on your state. What state are you from? No state in the USA exactly same just like Australia so it is important for you to assimilate in with ease.
[citation needed]
Schön Hochdeutsch, du Kanacke.
Europe WILL be muslim in just a few years unless we can wake up the masses and deport or genocide them all - better to work from the US when we become vastly outnumbered and outright invade Europpe. Then we all return to Europe of course.
Texas sucks ass move to the midwest
And thus state-wars shitposting begins
Are finnish shitposters welcome?
My own experiences. Granted I have not seen enough to compare to all of Europe, but what I saw in America beats Australia bigly.
I still love the green of England and I miss it a lot but there is something special about America. The very land itself makes you feel free.
Cali would litterly be a paradise if all of the people there died
Yes but dont listen to the texans
I am not German.
Ik ben niet Duits, kankerdebiel.
Everybody who opposes your genocidal mongrel fantasies is some strawman called "spergkraut", isn't that right?
Sterf in een vurig autoongeluk, amerimormel.
(18), just stop trying to shill your mentally handicapped nonsense to us old-worlders, won't you?
Entirely agreed, the concept of "white" nationalism is something that should only exist in the colonies, it is only useful as a term in a foreign, mixed up land, there's no point in pretending every race that originates from Europe belongs to some huge conglomerate race called the "white race".
I grew up on the south east coast (NSW) but I studied in Melbourne.
Familiarity is good, but I want a change, hence the desire to leave…
Any cities in particular? Unfortunately due to the nature of my current work I need to live in a densely populated area.
The UK is still 87% white, America is at 62% and white babies are now a minority majority. So your assertion is retarded. And that's before addressing the fact that Europe is the land of your ancestors, and can never be abandoned. America is an idea, not a nation.
Fair enough, my only experience of the US has been spic and nigger infested areas. And one should always be proud of their home country.
Absolutely agree, though I wouldn't mention it, since there was a thread about it not too long ago and there was a lot of shit-flinging.
Same but Welsh. How do you plan to leave? Brits can't even enter the greencard lottery.
Keep deluding yourself.
Aw. Du armer Spasti. Zeig uns ob es mehr Sperkräuter hier gibt.
Are you very religious? If no then go to northern Midwestern USA, they are religious but not frantically.
Do you like the snowy winter? Go to the Midwestern USA.
MAGA was your fight
MEGA will be ours
We will hould our grounds burger, and God bless you!
I find it funny how they think their name calling work outside of their containment board.
You are the only one I consider white brother. Your people are our true friends.
No sorry for the Bicyclehoax though :^)
Idea is all it matter.
You must be retarded then. If there is no one to fight, there is no idea.
You're retarded.
Just don't live anywhere below the red line.
The South may be fucked by spics, but arent those states the best to live in if you want to farm and shoot?
I was brought up protestant but I'm not very religious.
I love cold winters, skiing (besides swimming) is basically the only sport I'm really good at.
I'll check out some places in the mid west, thanks.
Nah, we're gonna reclaim the home of our people, and are not looking for the easy way out… it's a struggle remember?
Yes. I would reverse those lines as i don't care to associate with niggerloving cucks. That is just me though.
No problem, just don't live in the cities. They have the same problems as we have in Australia. I like West Virginia and Pennsylvania. They are friendlier and less materialistic than commiefornians.
To be honest it is one of the most important things facing Europeans on this board, the Americans here are constantly agitating for us to move to America and they're constantly trying to move to our countries poland is so based i'm gonna get a slavic qt :^), they absolutely do not understand that we do not care in the slightest bit how "white" they are, I don't care whether your skin is radiating translucent ivory white, it's not a race and it does not belong here.
So I suppose it does make sense that people are finally starting to speak out against it, with the realisation that it might actually be a dangerous delusion for our side.
Germans are our true friends, regardless of the differences our peoples have had over the years you're the only ally I can say has never betrayed us, tried to attack us, and has never formed a danger to us.
I could not imagine a world where the Germanic countries would not be allied and befriended, you've always been at our side.
inb4 some american brings up ww2
invasion was 100% necessary to circumvent france, no hard feelings
pictures related
Yes, I'm retarded. As was retarded all that escaped from stagnant Europe to conquer new world, where they have opportunity to be the best they could, finally rebeled against monarchy and designed best, most free and just state in history. Retards, they could stay and be good little king's subject living in poverty, because muh fatherland.
It's a hard choice.
Live in North
Live in the South
Choose your poison. Also the South's climate fucking blows. I like my cold weather, and the South is one big hot and humid swamp almost year round.
I could come. I'm an educated business / system analyst with experience mostly in banking processess (7 years experience, currently a senior BA) - fluent in english. However I'm from Poland - and we even need a fucking visa for tourism. How real for me is it to find a job there?
The problem with White America is that Americans have been mixing with White blood of different nations for centuries. Everyone there seems to be one eighth polish, german, italian, swede, etc. I wouldn't want to move to America simply because it'd be impossible to find a girl with the same blood purity as mine.
If you want farm and shoot midwest is your place.
Is meadhall still active? With the way things are changing, we can see the rise of several beer halls :^)
Why? The South is where all those guns companies and gun rights are, am I correct?
I feel so sorry for you that you still believe in "democracy". How does it feel to slurp up our failure?
How does it feel that even at our lowest point, we are still better than you? How does it feel to never produced a decent piece of art?
Tennessee or the south as a whole, since we don't have unions lots of Germans are moving here for work in the auto plants or CEO positions as a whole
just stay away from coontowns
Does the dust bowl really lives up to its name or is it just a meme?
Do you belong to any group? What is your experience with this in fedrelandet?
Didn't Trump say something about loosening immigration restrictions for people who are deemed to be "fitting to American values and can integrate easily into America". Wouldn't that mean that english speaking whites would get a easy chance at getting in?
Yes but it hasn't happened in a while. The legendary one during the depression had a storm so bad it carried dust all the way to the East Coast.
you mean like Obama getting one for doing literally nothing and then proceeding to destroy 3 countries during his presidency? Those don't mean shit anymore
It's where all the farming takes place in America. The only thing that's grown in the South is tobacco.
Also another Dust Bowl won't happen, don't worry. I promise. :^)
Pedro, your spic genetic is getting into your head again.
tbh I dont hate you people that much, just the cuckservatives, the patriotards and your leftist government. If my fatherland was secured, I would consider moving to the Midwest to ranch and live my days out
Sure thing :^)
That remind me of Queensland dust storm in 2009.
The Dutch one is extremely active, I don't think the other ones are.
Things seem to be going very quick now, I hope Trump is not controlled opposition, that would take the wind out of our sails extremely quickly.
If they can direct the anger of the people to some kosher candidate/cause successfully, we're in for a world of pain.
Nope, I'm actually just a Dutch guy with a love of love for my fellow Germanic countries, especially Scandinavia, I just saved those pictures because for some reason Nasjonalsamling has some extremely beautiful propaganda posters.
It's good to see other anons waking up to this. In time, this could prove to be as damaging to our fortunes as the Jews, as it could still result in the eradication of European cultures.
Nice to see Vidkun Quisling getting some love too.
Read up on Codreanu. You know nothing.
I reject republicanism. At the head of races, above the elite, there is Monarchy. Not all monarchs have been good. Monarchy, however, has always been good. The individual monarch must not be confused with the institution of Monarchy, the conclusions drawn from this would be false. There can be bad priests, but this does not mean that we can draw the conclusion that the Church must be ended and God stoned to death. There are certainly weak or bad monarchs, but we cannot renounce Monarchy. The race has a line of life. A monarch is great and good, when he stays on this line ; he is petty and bad, to the extent that he moves away from this racial line of life or he opposes it. There are many lines by which a monarch can be tempted. He must set them all aside and follow the line of the race. Here is the law of Monarchy.
- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
And cotton and sorghum and rice and citrus and most of the meat.
Moving from Europe is pointless, Europe has hope. Canada however is a lost cause, outside of (MAYBE) Quebec but Montreal and Quebec city are already filled with non-whites.
We share blood. We'll make sure White people always have a home in America. You secure the Fatherland and Mother Europa.
I´m australian, and am definately more keen on a holiday there, if that helps.
How hard would it be for me to go hunting? I´d love to get a deer, and also some squirrels. (have heard they are delicious).
Alright then, Heil og sæl
Wew laddy, you're a fucking retard.
USA was not democracy but republic.
I dont even know who you talk about. I'm not American and i have no idea who you are. If you want to talk about failure, compare level of living, wealth creation and personal freedoms in America and European states thrue history and now. USA is in bad shape because 100 years of socialism, but they are still better then Europe. Europe is dying - economically, demographically and politically. Some burocrate decide about every aspect of my life, I cannot buy a gun and they can lock me up for thoughtcrime. To feed this parasitic cast they take most of our income and dumb population aplaud this, because it's "social justice" and they get breadcrumbs too.
Fuck your fatherland.
Canada is rightful American clay to begin with. Trump will take Canada after the wall is finished and our deportations complete.
Honestly the South and the Midwest aren't very different in terms of farming and gun laws. It's climate and attitude towards niggers that are different and personally the South is much better on their handling of Niggers then the Midwest.
Let Michigan spearhead it we are ready!
It seems to me that we should at least make some attempt to retake Europe before simply abandoning it and absorbing the best and brightest. That being said, if Europe does turn out to be a lost cause we should be able to fill the population gap here with frustrated Europeans. There are some major downsides to this though, here's the major ones I can see.
1) We would essentially be repeating what happened to Constantinople on a massive scale. Surrendering our ancestral homelands to a bunch of violent ignoramuses.
2) We would be confining ourselves to an even smaller portion of the world, reducing the material resources within our reach.
3) We share a border with Latin/South America.
4) There's no guarantee that this would actually address our reproductive issues.
All that being said, I do think if defeat in Europe becomes inevitable we can rebuild the West in North America. There's a shit ton of available land in Canada and the United States we could make use of. However, this would effectively be a band aid solution to a larger problem. Long term we are going to need to find a way off this planet, or we will eventually be overrun, it's only a matter of time.
Personally I think Canada need to get balkanised for the sake of White Canadians but then annexation would be a much better option than balkansation.
I saw more coalburners in the 2 days I visited the south then the rest of my life combined.
tbh I wouldn't mind this too much. You have better gun laws. Just get rid of all the non-whites please. Especially the chinks.
Exactly, though it can be very hard to convey that point from time to time it's amazing to finally see people talk about it.
Do you happen to know a decent source for information about him? I've read pretty much all there is about him on sites like wikipedia and even wikipedia makes him sound good-hearted, so he must have been an absolutely great man
That's a beautiful quote, I could never word it better myself.
Heil en zegen, kameraad.
Do be careful of the mods though, they tend to dish out bans for attacking white nationalism.
Sadly, no. All I know is, he launched a coup to stop the socialist government from inviting the Soviet Union into Norway.
I wish I could be half as good as he was. Codreanu was something else.
I think the new white heaven should be east Europe, you burgers should do the travel back you ancestors did.
we will fix our shit first, kick out the immigrants and after that we might help you doing that to your own country, but i will not let my homeland get fucked up by these subhumans just because there is a cool leader in the USA. Blut und Boden is way underrated and it might be something you americans might wanna look into, as you might not be as bound to the land where you were born as the native europeans.
neither can europe
Why would you corrupt the ethnic and cultural integrity of Eastern Europe? Just because they're white doesn't mean they aren't unique or don't want to preserve this uniqueness.
Thanks for the warning, I haven't been banned yet but I'll try to keep it civil.
Yeah, that's the only esoteric thing that's not on wikipedia that I know about him, and that basically makes him a hero, he always seemed to consider the good of his people before anything else.
There are a couple of leaders during the "fascist"/Hitler-aligned rise in Europe that were just absolutely amazing in some or all aspects, like Mosley on consumerism and Hitler on absolutely everything, Codreanu seems to have been exceptionally good at balancing the traditional and the new, he seems a lot like an old-style traditional person to me, the only difference being that he cared about his people first and foremost.
I hope you realise that have of Europe are what you would consider "mutts". I would even go so far as to say there doesn't exist a single "pure" European ethnicity at all. There has always been mixing between each ethnicities in various degrees and quantities. Your superiority complex is unfounded and petty.
Literally no-one in America considers arabs white, you disgusting little jew. What the government decides is "white" in order to skew statistics has no basis in reality.
you're right on this, but there must be better ways to prevent that than weakening the european white demograph. you might wanna look for whites out of europe who have the heart in the right place. canadians who are sick and tired of JUSTin trudau, afrikaners who see their life threatened everyday, colonial remains all over the world. and remember kids,
Stay in Europe you faggots, I mock and ridicule burgers who wan't to run away for the same reasons, and I will you as well.
If you run from Europe, you'll run from america as well. You are nationalists, act like it you cowards. A nation isn't some ship to jump off of like a rat.
I know that feel bro…
You sound American to me damnit.
Let's be honest… no european forced this shitty burger meme.
Even in last year there were "i want to move to europe" threads but no "i want to move america" threads.
Now as Hillary hounds don't watch, the slavs could make a pretty bloodbath!
I know you
I don't know what the Kraut is.
I wonder if the ameriburgers realize the first batch of fucking people that are going to be going there will go from cuck contries and cuck families and that the rats are always the first to abandon ship
You are getting the quitters, you are going to, probably, import a future problem, that is, more cucks, for every 10 people you import, in 20 years, 6 will be massive incredible faggots, and 2 will already be faggots
Just the fact that europe is way more cucked has you losing in this enterprise, you have no idea what you are asking for
Adding to that, the whiter they are, at least in europe, the more of a faggot they are, and this is a fucking FACT OF HISTORY
just depends, netherlands is very active on meadhall
some day i will build a big longhouse where i can live with my white wife and children and host meadhall meets
Lagunanon, I know your feels. You have the most beautiful clay in the state. Unfortunately only 30% of your city voted for Trump. Newport Beach was at 55-60 Trump as was Dana Point. So at least you are surrounded by good company.
I am european but not white and i am considering moving to usa
What do you mean?
Unless of course you meant ancient Rome
Also this
I'm really happy for the americlaps but we need to restore decent values in our homelands too
Brexit was a good start
Le Pen winning in France will be the next step
I think ausbros almost elected "literally hitler" in the last elections
As a French and White, do you think Trump would accept me as a construction worker on the big beautiful wall ? or will it be Americans only ? which of course I would perfectly understand.
The Carolinas and parts of Georgia are nice, just stay away from the major cities.
So you are not European
I already live in euro-trumpland so why would I?
You would be allowed, without a doubt.
Stay in France. And drop the retarded capital 'W', you're not American.
Orban is overrated tbh, though Hungarians are fighting the good fight. What's with the ethnic Turanism though?
There is no excess European population growth available for importation into the United States. You are just going to get lots of arabs and africans with european passports.
?? only White american have the right to have the capital W ? nice D&C, you sure are an (((American))).
Orbán is the true emperor, you heretic.
I need to take a look on how the country will develop in the next few years. If Trump actually comes through on what he says and the course will stay set for future generations, I will happily raise my white children in a country that is truly free.
You're not white. You're French, with Gallic and Frankish heritage. White is a skin colour, nothing more, which is why it's only applicable to the colonies where the whites are all intermixed mutts. If you equate race with skin colour, you're playing into the Jew's hands.
Meh. He's not that great, he just realised that he needs to be anti-immigration to win. He's been tough in his rhetoric, but not much more. Jobbik are better, but they seriously need to drop the Turanism.
I think he meant that capitalizing the w is kinda retarded
how's the quality of life in Hungary anyways?
Frankish and gallic… why the fuck not just say west germanic? Oh that's righf, because almost all of europe north of spain and italy is germanic.
Honestly? A pretty good chance, everyone here is wasting their time here on liberal arts degrees (I talked with a coworker recently who is studying a "Mulatto and Chicano studies degree" all I heard was "Nigger and spic degree that wont get me anywhere" kek. Sadly though, with a field like that you will have to move to a city, I may be biased but I honestly recommend the Northwest. Why? Yes it has a shitty liberal population in the city, but literally a 20 minute drive away and you're in an all red county. The forests are beautiful and the coast is only an hour a way most of the time. Not to mention decent summers and winters. But there is a good chance with a degree like that and experience under your belt. If you'd like, I can scout some places for you. I'm moving up to Portland in a couple weeks (I lived there for 17 years, moving back again) and I'm more than confident I can find a place like that. The liberals are retarded enough to let in immigrants, you having a degree only furthers that cause.
I will probably watch you being happy and make your country great again from far away in my multiculturul marxist shithole.
Tempted to attempt emigration to Trumpenreich but I am conflicted.
Should stay for the liberation of Europe.
There's still hope. If you study abroad it's pretty easy to get settled here. On top of that there is a shit ton of scholarships and grants for migrants studying here. However, the legalization process takes longer. If push comes to shove and you can't take it anymore? Join the military. You get free citizenship as long as you serve.
Jobbik is dead. Their leader just said he admires syriza, the greek leftists and he woold vote for them.
They also boycotted the anti-immigration amendment to the hungarian constitution while the us elections were happening so it didn't make news outside of hungary. But jobbik has lost all support from right wingers. They are cucks, and they are dying.
I'm gonna study abroad in America in not too long. I want to take a few lessons from you and try to apply them back in the home country
The point is, you're not part of a singular 'white race'. Advocates of this concept wish for nothing less than the destruction of the individual European ethnicities.
Also, seriously, stop capitalising the W. It's autistic.
Shame. But maybe now you can get a proper right wing movement going that doesn't believe in retarded ethnic Turanism.
I'm not American. In Europe, there is no singular white race. Equating race with skin colour is exactly what the Jews want us to do, because that's exactly what they teach in schools.
W-We can be amis mon gars.
Correct. There are external differences between europeans of different white lineages. Americans have no concept of this since white americans are a stew of different whites. That means that they have sort of regressed to become a kind of general white person and since they have never been to Europe they think that eurowhites all look similar.
How long do you serve ? 5yrs ?
The Reich would've been more powerful if it had won WW2. There's a reason it had to be pummeled so hard from all sides. Pre-1945 Germanics in Europe were the most genetically superior.
This is true, but I think the reason why people focus on just white is because in the United States all of the white are being attacked (same with Europe really too), so it's just easier to lump each other into the same category. I think maybe just recognizing a white alliance would be better, it may be hard to get people on board with that though.
That feeling when you're an American who is half British, a third Irish and a stew of a shit ton of other European races I agree with you still though.
Three years is the minimum. I had a South Korean friend who had his visa run out so he decided to join the Army for quick and easy citizenship. I respect the guy, we was smart a hard worker and genuinely love the United States. He joined as a Chemical and Radiation Technician or some shit like that. Chances are, he'll never see combat, but still get all the benefits. I'd recommend joining the Air Force first due to the highest chances of receiving an education and the Navy second. Army and Marines are a waste of time and though I do respect the intentions of those who pursue combat jobs and the like, at the end of the day they are fighting for (((them))) and I do not approve of that. If I were you I'd recommend looking at schooling options first. School is expensive as fuck here, but community college isn't that bad. That and to be really honest, women here fucking faun over French men. I have no clue why. I had a friend who was from Paris and was studying abroad here to do accounting. He NEVER wore deodorant you could fucking smell it. But you know what? He still got laid every night with a different woman. I'm not even exaggerating, they just love the accent. Just fucking wear deodorant if you stay here please
The anglosphere is the ground zero of sionism and globalism. You are moving from the pot into the fire if you go from Australia to USA or UK.. You either have to move to somewhere in non-anglo Europe and learn a new language or stay put in Australia because you have your extended network of family, friends and relatives there.
That 62% include lots of non-europeans. An educated guess would be that USA is
You lie and you bait.
Gas yourself.
Your logic is appalling. We need more fucking whites, not those running.
You'e already indirectly gassing yourself.
True, and in America I would encourage it.
We cannot do this though. The individual European ethnicities must be preserved. I get Americans here who don't understand why we don't want Poles in the UK, and some even say we should take them because 'they're whiter than you'. Lumping all whites into one big race is not only biologically incorrect, it endangers the individual European ethnicities.
I agree. An alliance is what we need, we are brothers after all. But we are not the same race.
Can you explain why does it seem like the other german speaking anons seem hostile? And explain pic related?
Lads, I could be wrong here, but if we lose Europe, wouldn't a crusade to take it back be most fitting?
Then, we could retake Jerusalem…
I agree 100% with you. It's difficult explaining that to someone who isn't a Holla Forums user. Normies are told to think race=color and nothing else, making this a difficult task. In Europe this is a much more feasible solution at the moment for obvious reasons. I think language plays a gigantic role in this. If all the European Americans were encouraged to study the language of their heritage, it would show the difference in our cultures and help drill the idea of an alliance much rather than one homogeneous group.
Who is white though? White is a racial category for Anglo colonies. In the case of the USA, it seems to be pretty ambiguous. First it was only WASPs, then it was all Europeans including jews, then it was all Caucasians. Now it's whoever fits the narrative. Also don't you guys use "Hispanic" as a racial category too? That's extremely dumb, it should be mestizo, castizo, etc.
I'm never leaving Europe in any case, I'm going down with the ship. There's no where else I could be happy but in my nation.
What the world needs now, desperately, is what Obama is currently in Europe preaching against; a populist uprising with people voting in governments that actually represent the will of the people.
Please, European brothers - try and hang in there in your kebab-infested hellholes for long enough to try and elect a government that will bring about change and reverse the destruction of your countries.
…But if that doesn't work, THAT's the time to come to America, get some guns, and train for the day the next crusade starts and we all march to retake our ancestral homeland.
Calling for it is one thing, actually making it possible another.
Also, USA is far from the ideal place for living and raising a family. I'd move because i live in one of poorest countries in Europe that's under US control anyway (and that includes all the shit that comes with it), but i don't see why would most other Europeans move there.
And where do you hail from, mutt?
It's tough in America because you don't want to d&c the whites, since they all need to stand together. But it needs to be understood that race =/= skin colour. I think the best solution is encouraging Americans to celebrate their genetic heritage, but they must be white Americans first and foremost.
I agree 100%, the issue is A) Having those of European descent understanding that here and B) Having people acknowledge their history and heritage. Sadly, a lot of European-Americans have no clue what their heritage is. I recommend DNA testing, but that only does so much for someone. Thankfully for my case my aunt is a genealogist and I was able to get my own blood tested so the picture was painted very well for me. I still don't want to give up of course the. The USA with balkanize, it's only a matter of time.
We need to keep our own back home to hold ground. We have no people to export. Noone has. This is the end result of subreplacement local native birth rates and non-local-european immigration.
We have a fondness of whiskey for a reason you know.
You are right. We need to raise the white/european birth rate and ban the non-white/european immigration.
If that was your argument I apologize, I interpreted it differently. >You either have to move to somewhere in non-anglo Europe and learn a new language
threw me off I guess.
Nope. I wonder if Americans have a hard time grasping what nationalism is in Europe. It has nothing to do with being "white". It's about your people, your language, your history and culture, and there's dozens of them here in Europe. All unique, all valuable.
My ancestors came here after the last ice age. No way in hell would I ever run away.
Dutchfag here, I'm willing to move. Europe is awakening too slowly for me.
He was really salty, so assumed his physique.
hier blijven kankerlijer, bloed en bodem
This exactly. Have you ever heard an average European call himself white? I haven't. It sounds ridiculous. You're just X nationality. And national implies ethnicity by the way. If you say you're German, Italian, English, French, Spanish, etc. everyone knows what you mean. Civic "nationalism" has failed completely in Europe.
Because I called him for what he is, a coward piece of shit. It is much easier to move to a better place in Germany than fucking oversea. Simple logic, duh?
If you flipped that image it would be great for checking dubs
Aw snap czecked
I also have been wanting to ask this, but haven't ran into the appropriate thread yet. How does Europeans think of European Americans moving back to their homelands? I haven't really seen this been discussed yet.
i think it's great, not only are they going back to their roots, but they also add to the immigration number, taking up the space of some subhuman that had the same plan.
Ik wil iets opbouwen in Amerika om vervolgens Nederland te helpen. Als Trump uitvoert wat hij zegt dan is een kapitaal opbouwen een stuk makkelijker en sneller daar. Iets wat hier moeilijker gaat, bovendien werkt een Nederlander zich nu alleen kapot en de rest van dat geld gaat naar de "vluchtelingen" die ons moeten vervangen. Dat vervangen is een plan van de eeuwige jood, dat weet jij.
This. If Trump wants European subjects then let he annex Europa. This is where I'll be buried.
Ladera Ranch checking in
Learn the fucking language. It's quite annoying getting amerifags who don't speak the native tongue at all or very poorly because they're too lazy to learn it (many people speak english…). And there's sometimes some disdain or arrogance towards Mericans because MUH MERICAN!
How does anyone afford the costs of moving to America and getting an education and covering living costs? Unless they land a job in under a month.
I agree with you on learning language, I know how you feel when I'm surrounded by bean-beans who cant speak a lick of English despite living in the US for two+ decades. Despite me living the the USA my whole entire life, I have NEVER met a single full-hearted patriot. I'm not even one, I fucking hate the United States in the sense that is just feels like a country made from a poorly designed cultural experiment. I've thought about moving to the UK since I was a child, still debating it as an adult since I'm one of the few who actually care about heritage. I can wrap my heard wound foreigners moving somewhere and being incredibly patriotic towards their previous country, it seems almost hypocritical.
They get a job to stabilize themselves then knock out one after the other. Most foreign students either have their parents helping them here or they have taken out loans.
Yes, I mean isn't this what the marxist multiculturalists are trying to force upon us? That a somali is just as much of a swede than a swede is? That the people coming from the Middle-East can be the "new Europeans"?
Also, no offence to the other Europeans, but if you came to my country, you'd be just as much of a foreigner as any other foreigner is. We need to co-operate and stick together, but we are all different and that's what we are trying to preserve.
Europe has always been multicultural and diverse, and it's exactly what they are trying to destroy by flooding us with people from outside of Europe.
You are leaving the UK?! Well then you should go to Dearborn MI, you will love it there; great climate but in most other respects you will feel like you never left London. |:^)
you know what i mean
I am and i coming to enrich you
holy shit. checked
Is there any place you can legally get equipment like that?
25yo 2nd gen German in Sydney. Work in I.T/sys admin and after winning big in the election I want to make the jump. What would the best state for me be as far as employment goes?
Bong here. Im already making plans to move to Kansas.
Ive fought for Britain, but it would be a lie to pretend i feel anything for it. I've wanted to move to the US since as young as I can remember. I just hope I have the skills though.
Truth is whether Web win or lose Europe I feel as though Britain is a zombie culture anyway and is destined to fall.
Please stay in Turkey.
I could definitely see myself moving to the US now that Trump is going to be in office.
Where in the US is the best place to move to start a business and raise a family?