Guardian feminist cunt has noticed us. She thinks radicalisation of young white men on the internet is as bad as those getting radicalised by ISIS propaganda.
Here is the headline:
Here is author tweeting about her rubbish article:
Guardian feminist cunt has noticed us. She thinks radicalisation of young white men on the internet is as bad as those getting radicalised by ISIS propaganda.
Here is the headline:
Here is author tweeting about her rubbish article:
Other urls found in this thread:
Try and stop us.
She's right though.
Holla Forums radicalized me.
I use to be a basic bitch "live and let live" lolberg egalitarian who thought weed being illegal was an affront on liberty.
Now I'm a fashy white ethnonationalist who wants all Jews to be either gassed or forced into their own shit countries and exposed to the same diversity and degeneracy they've pushed onto us.
She ain't seen nothing yet.
I'm not that young.
I was a race realist and hated degeneracy & egalitarianism even before I started browsing Holla Forums. Most rational people will hate feminism and multiculturalism because of it's inherent flaws. The problem is most rational people cannot speak freely about what they think due to the leftist speech codes.
Fuck the leftist cunts, they will always be my enemies. Reconciliation is not an option.
I'll admit, I wasn't that savvy back in my bluepilled days. I always thought the male/female double standards of treatment was retarded, but I didn't think much more of the whys and hows. I made the occasional racist jokes because I thought they were funny, but in the back of my mind I convinced myself that actual racism was the worst evil a man could commit.
Thank God I found Holla Forums though.
Hail victory.
The fucking Leftists are the ones who've been radicalized, but are too blindly full of themselves to see it.
Now, the Soros riots. Soon, flying bullets. People will die. Lots of them. All because of Leftists so thoroughly self-justified that they are blind to the pain and misery and heartache and strife they cause.
It would be ironic, if it weren't so serious. Prepare yourselves, my fellow 'radical white men', they will try to kill you off completely. All the fears and injustices they accuse you of, they will instigate.
Nothing will stop our march
I also believed that most women don't really understand the things they believe in ahd that they learned it from their brothers/bfs/fathers and haven't really thought through anything.
It's funny how similar leftist thinking and female thinking is. The virtue signaling, playing the victim for social capital, thinking emotionally instead of logically etc.
I was OK with multiculturalist bullshit because what I grew up with was what American was known for: being a hodgepodge of European cultures that all combined to create an "American." I always viewed black people as a separate people with a different culture, not really American, because even as a kid I knew they hated America and hated white people. Beaners were hardly ever seen in large numbers, and the presence of Mudslimes was non-existent. I had no knowledge of the Jew and no reason to suspect them of being up to no good because I didn't know any IRL and most of the ones on TV try to hide their ethnicity and religion.
I started becoming "radicalized" through the simple act of living in a culture where being male is bad, masculinity is bad, white is bad, Christianity is bad, Europe is bad, black is good, etc. The Internet had fuck-all to do with my not wanting to tolerate bad treatment and slander, especially by foreigners. All the Internet really did was open my eyes to the Jew and show me that I was far from alone in my sentiments.
The Judenpresse is, I think, trapped in their bubble to such a degree that they really are clueless as to how pissed off they've made people over the years. I mean, just read this article. No acknowledgement in the slightest of how or why feminism demonizing men for 50+ years lead to shit like MGTOW happening. It's just the usual "a bloo bloo sexism! The patriarchy! Muh feelings!"
They don't really think the other side exists so they don't care we are angry. We're just a nebulous other to them and will remain so until they find to their horror that we are dismantling all they worked for and are dragging them down into the ruins. Don't correct them while they are making this mistake user.
What the absolute fucking, tap-dancing, idiocracy runs the fucking left? Does everything need to devolve into a "muh dick" fucking argument?
Shit gives me conniptions.
Inshallah brother
Leftie cowards getting triggered by what they see on cuckchan. Imagine how they will react when they see the content here. Pic related.
Don`t forget to eat your vegetables!
I hated niggers and spics since I lived in a liberal city with open busing schools so we'd get the filth from the low income areas.
For a long time though I thought it was just a matter of educating/culturing them. That their problem didn't come from their fucktarded genetics but from the fact that they didn't have the proper environment to learn. During most of my early life I played football. Peewee football to high school. I had a lot of black/latino teammates that I was "friends" with since we had played together for a decade. These kids spent the majority of their life around whites, in white schools, and got the same fucking education. 4 of out of the 5 blacks I was close with ended up in prison, the other was a muslim whose parents emigrated before he was born, and the latinos were around the same percentage. They were given every fucking opportunity and probably more than any white and they all fucked up.
Probably would have still been cucked though without Holla Forums in 05 which really made me more aware of shit. Then /n/ of course. anyway I am incredibly radicalized at this point and VERY high energy
I can't believe these are the people we have to fight in the civil war. They're utterly clueless.
Before I discovered Holla Forums I always had a disdain for niggers and thought there was something seriously wrong with advertising and the media. The move that pushed me over the edge was people like Anita Sarkeezian and Gamergate stuff, and basically the rise of PC culture.
The FBI must have a field day tracking me.
haven't heard that word in a while
is that redpill movie big yet?
"The Red Pill" documentary extended sneak preview [ OCTOBER 2016]
Cassie Jaye
1 year ago273,844 views
Sadly I can't say I wise to the way of the world before I started browsing Holla Forums, while Imkampfy will always be a faggot, this board has improved my mind in more ways than one.
We don't hate women, we just hate dumb feminist cunts like her.
that german article says:
"danger from THE RIGHT."
More and more kindergardens seek help because of right-wing parents.What do you do when their ideologies and discrimination intrude into the kindergarden.
Welcome to germany aka cuckistan.
Look at this comment here. This hero wants to end anonymity and that will stop the right!
Today, on things that never happened!
kek, he mentions gamergate in the same breath as neo-fascism.
Even those extremely good goys are too extreme to exist in the eyes of the liberals.
I'll say this: The author is pretty qt. She doesn't have that SJW look that a lot of these bloggers do.
Abi, come to the dark side. Your analysis was not bad, but you did mistake MGTOW for NatSoc. We're mostly pro-white women here. Anti-feminist does not mean anti-women. Look at the birthrates and you'll see that your liberal ideology will not survive for another two generations. When the white man dies, so too will his forms of government.
GTFO white knight moron.
Those eyes look pretty crazy to me
Can't have that, right?
She's most likely a coal burner.
For at least the past year worldwide (((media))) and memers have been trying to drive in the narrative that Holla Forumstards are the equivalent of ISIS/other similar shitskin movements on the basis that Holla Forums types are just as radical as the goatfuckers. The sandshits themselves on the other hand are meming that ISIS is a 100% American-Jewish effort, which is only half true, completely forgetting that it also has legit Muslim members and backers ie the Saudis. Just because the Jews made the shitskins do it doesn't mean the shitskins aren't guilty of the actual field operations.
Another media angle that has spread even to Asian shitholes is worshipping alphaniggers and alphaspics but condemn similar masculinity in white males.
In other words: why are you surprised that cucks, kikes and sandshits have double standards?
What is a forum
And also HOW?
Why do they let women write articles?
With a universal online profile, of course.
I agree that young white men have been subjected to online radicalization. Case in point, Christian Weston Chandler, who went from having the barest interest in politics to calling for the assassination of the POTUS.
The comments on that article are made by turbocucks or trolls. Not sure.
Wilkinson is a jewish surname from bongland.
Repeat it after me,
you're jumping to assumptions m8
This. Examining my beliefs before Holla Forums, I now see the roots of a lot right leaning thoughts, but the fact that I was the only ever thinking them, i just sort of doubted myself. I assumed that perhaps I don't have all the information I need to make an accurate assumption about national politics. Even when I didn't hate other races and wasn't convinced that the reasons were genetic, I still knew a black neighborhood was far more dangerous that a white one.
It is like tending a garden. Some need to have the seeds planted. Others need to be watered for the seeds to take root. We all need to light of truth to be shown for those seedlings to blossom.
Japan and Singapore have the most stable successful democracies outside the west and they've been basically one party states for the last 50 years or so
Lefties want socialism which is why they can't accept nationalism with it. That would be national socialism after all.
National Socialism isn't socialism, a middle-wing stance is taken on economic issues.
This beta bitch can't identify crazy eyes what a cuck. You can see the emptiness into which she guzzles college professor cum.
those dont look like crazy eyes
those look like dead inside reptilian wearing a flesh prison eyes
Who cares? The kike ain't talking about us but about MGTOW faggots. He's right they're a bunch of pathetic losers and so are the jew loving alt right.
yeah she has crazy eyes. still cute, but crazy af
she's broken. she is too far gone. she feels no peace, ever. and she will never feel peace until everyone around her has died. a corrupted spirit.
Simple. Quit proving Holla Forums right.
Or they could keep screaming the same "muh patriarchy" and "muh racism" crap they been spewing for the last 8 years that has been driving more and more working class whites to the far right.
Ironic, the left has become the greatest recruitment tool Holla Forumsacks could ever ask for.
dont have to do anything but wait with open arms?
I sure hope you're not entertaining the prospect of complacency fam
Based Hitler ruining the term for the left forever.
Exactly like feminism.
…which is the result of the online radicalisation of the left through fringe movements like SJWism which alienates everyone else more to the far-right. Yelling racist, bigot, sexist, or whatever buzzword is a good way to lose votes so much to the point that the majority of white women would rather vote for Trump. It didn't help when the US government under king nigger promoted lies like the gender wage gap or niggers being shot more by police than other races (Natives and Whites get shot way more, proof from a lefty hyper anti-Trump source
No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows
Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds
Not to mention the US government under his administration endorsed insane fringe leftist bullshit in official capacity which the only response to by the people is to elect the opposite of that government to try to restore balance and express their outrage.
tl;dr It's your own damn fault.
Yep NatSoc economics is actually pretty middle of the road. It's not crony capitalism aka actual de facto socialism and yet not muh global free trade (((capitalism))) either.
Not sure I'm with you on that meme. Is it supposed to suggest women should have been doing the fighting in numbers equal to men?
He was the savior their movement needed. Highly akin to Dylan Roof and proto-BLM.
I sure wonder who came up with this (((solution))).
Anything to keep whites from reproducing I guess.
The most important thing in the world right now is to have white babies. As many as possible. The world has been turned against us, but we're not dead yet. What's the point of surviving in a mud-world? That's what MGTOW causes: survival perhaps, but a cowardly solution, and without white people around, you survive around muds and have to live as a second class citizen.
Any man with self-respect would rather die than live in such a world. Therefore, we have to keep reproducing no matter what.
I love how they use ISIS propaganda and recruitment to insult people they disagree with when they'll turn around and say #notallmuslims and defend ISIS because it's your fault they've been radicalized.
It's just the "you're 12 yrs old" argument being revamped.
considering the revelations of pizzagate i find your comment a tad disturbing fam
You can have children and keep them from that sort of thing, you know…
1. We don't need you to post every small kike whore who writes something
2. MGTOW is anti- Holla Forums and anti-white
Yeah I I know
Its actually made me more open to adopting white kids as well as raising my own biological offspring
considering what the elites do with them
Indeed, swede btw. I'm basically living in a conceptual exile, my body is here but my mind isn't. I don't participate in society or culture anymore. I am to aware by know, can't watch tv, movies, listen to radio etc. It's nails on chalkboard for me.
If you want to invest in civil society or partake in cultural activities you will soon come to learn there exist no sphere or institution that isn't rotten from within with cultural marxism. If you don't bend the knee, you become an apostate..
Every public place is full of strangers who speaks a different language than you. There is no trust, kindness or shared values to be found there. Our public space is a hostile place. Decency is gone, everything has become ugly. A culture of death that celebrates our demographic demise as something good and virtuous. We have an anti culture, it gives no context or richness to life, it seeks rather to destroy and degrade.
Amphibians like frogs are the first to disappear when the waters are poisoned since they have sensitive skin. The frog in some indigenous culture of Canada became a symbol for bad times ahead or a chaotic future. We were the first one to disappear when our society became poisoned. Meme magic is real. Bless lord KEK.
Holla Forums restored my faith in some greater and transcendent. Holla Forums did radicalize me. Holla Forums is always right.
But no mention of the radicalisation that SJW studies courses do on campuses and online. Hypocrite.
The greatest irony in all this is that the support Hillary Clinton, someone confirmed to be supporting ISIS. Meanwhile they're against Donald Trump, the guy who is going all out against ISIS the most.
The left is always doing the same old tactic of accusing others of what they're doing themselves.
Too bad they can't use Rules for Radicals like we can anymore. We're much better at it now.
2b honest, famalam, MGTOW is pretty fucking cringy and gay. almost as cringy and gay as the "3dpd" shit we see here non stop. Those goyium need to be purged.
Im sick of seeing autistic anime shit here nonstop. I think the MAGA hat anime girls are entertaining too, but its hard to tell if these people are being serious with the whole "never talk to women" bullshit.
if youre over 20 and youre a kissless virgin that encourages other men to stay away from women, you should stay on v9k or some shit. Thats poison to a nation.
There was this doctor that proposed males should be given testosterone increasing medicine to counter their clinical depression.
Of course all the feminists went batshit crazy over this idea.
Two sentences in and the misinformation already starts. By no means a record, but you'd think they'd try to bury it a little more.
And this is the reason most women do not identify as feminists.
The author is a liar. You can't surf the alt-right, and not get that white genocide is an issue that connects the alt-right, but she refuses to mention that, nor Rapingham.
Why the fuck do these people think that they have any power when their retardation just long them control of every single fucking branch of the federal government?
Good thing we're not the alt-right.
Still sounds too dangerous for reverse subversion.
But user..
**once we destroy the enemy, this place will become a behavioral sink.
What a fail spoiler.
reminder: the majority of white women voted for trump
you have no excuse now and they're waking up
Yeah, you just know that the side has become insane when they start opposing science and medicine.
You don't say..
Women (and male leftists, who are basically women) aren't really capable of making connections like that. When asked to articulate the position of people on the opposite end of the political spectrum conservatives get closer than liberals do, despite the meme that liberals are more empathetic.
Look at those dead eyes.
She is not awake.
She is dead inside.
That cartoon was simply subversion wasn't it.
It's called the 1000 cock stare.
And probably that's what triggered her to write that.
That said, someone should find this cunt and hire some niggers from calais jungle to rape her for being a stupid cunt.
She's obviously an SJW, but I'm not seeing it in her looks. Most of them have a poisonous stare. There's a curvature to their jawline, and a fake smile. It's like they're fake humans.
Anyway, appears that our stronk independent womyn stole her article from a PoC.
Once you stare into the abyss.
Satan is apparently a patriarch btw
Depends from which pov though..
We should start a campaign to send all insufferable virtue signaling leftist women to live in the Calais jungle for a month without bodyguards.
And that's where you stop reading. Why do you even post this, shit like this is written daily.
..the meek really do inherit the earth.
God dammit.
every one writing articles must be identified and written down, when the times comes, if not them, then their children will be removed from a white society.
Must be british SJWs then. And that's only one photo nigger.
Or, we plant new seeds, nurture them and break the conditioning.
If they can be conditioned into thinking 2 + 2 = 5, then we can teach them it = 4.
Plagiarism is illegal, is it not? And stealing from a shitskin no less. She's going to lose her good goy points for this.
I'm glad OP's link is archived. Such obvious clickbait. It should be a bannable offense to post bare links to the fucking guardian.
I am not a newfag mate, of course I archived it. I despise the Guardian. Funny seeing them beg for money this month. They are going bankrupt!
This is true. My wife basically follows my politics like she's on a leash.
I liked the "video game-loving teenagers" , must put that gamergate connection there. Something tells me she talked with Anita more than a few times.
Go watch TRON again
probably wanks to her speech at the UN aswell
Whenever a leftist starts by saying "we need to talk about x", I immediately know it's not going to be an open discussion, but an obnoxious, arrogant lecture where the libshit talks down to you, thinking he/she is intellectually superior and you are a misinformed, misguided baby.
Plagiarism is something jews generally whine about, because they don't want competition in it.
In mathematics there is no such thing as "copyright". If you manage to prove something you move on to the next problem. If you manage to make society better, you get rewarded accordingly.
The whole concept of "copyright" is unnatural and flawed.
This shit looks like something straight out 1984.
I love how beaming with pride they are in that they think they've finally cracked the case
I keep hearing people got in through libertarianism, but not for the same way I did. I was into libertarianism because it would lead to niggers starving to death, is this true for anyone else?
Why the fuck hasn't anyone asked this person to reveal their full name, face and disclose their address then?
If they aren't willing to be an open book, why should anyone else?
Look at the curvature and the soulless smile. It seems to cross racial and hereditary lines – like there's some epigenetic factor that triggers being deluded. There's something very off about them. Tbh fam, SJWs are the best argument for the ayylmao hybrids that I've seen.
Put some little light article to diffuse, put some "scientist" opinion article.. serious shit, and then your 2 brainwashing >we articles.
Nah. I went from non-pc old-school communist to libertarian with sympathies towards pro-white policies, yet still in the "we can all work together if we get rid of the SJWs and marxist indoctrination" camp, to hard-right white nationalist fascist.
eh if someone can get me the blood of a shit load of SJW's I could check for epigenetic markers
maybe incite a feminist protest and pick up the used tampons in a biohazard bin with tongs
You're going to hell user.
The libertarian window into nationalism goes like this
Libertarianism is an umbrella for Fascism. Humans would normally be fascist, or to be more exact: whites. We are the only ones that can survive and not only that, but progress, by being free. The only reason Fascism is not adopted by every white person now, is because he is being enslaved and brainwashed daily. Libertarianism is a taste of freedom that once experienced..
In the 90's it was called "disenfranchised youth"
What happened? This is getting fucking out of control.
Not us, but the perception of us.
We've barely changed - seriously, check out some of the music of the time.
Fascism to me is basically moral Libertarianism protected by a central authority
You forgot the final stage
Hence we use rhetoric and memes against them since they can't be persuaded by logic and facts. They operate on a purely emotional level, dialectics is of no use. We don't need more debates and discussions with them. We have already won on the intellectual level, they are defending an increasingly dysfunctional and broken society. The real fight is over the emotional, collective unconscious. Our memes are powerful, since they speak through archetypes residing deep within the soul of our people. No wonder why the cuck meme became so successful. It conceptualized in one simple to understand term the behavior of a whole society and it's establishment. When cuck is put in context of a visual medium, an image. It delivers a knock out punch on the unconscious level. Something instinctual is awakened. Self preservation is biological and can't be extinguished only temporarily forgotten. It's a fire deep within all men, we are feeding the fire. The fire rises.
They're right to say we have been radicalized. You've all been radicalized, I've been radicalized, there is no denying it. Hell, I'm fucking proud of my 'extreme' world view.
They seem to keep doing this, whenever they bring up the radicalization angle - the idea that we've all been groomed into our beliefs, that we've been intentionally misled by others for their own machinations.
This alone convinces me that these people are fucking retards who aren't doing anywhere near the level of research they claim to be doing (several years my fucking arse). I radicalized my self because I exposed myself to information and came to my own conclusions. Everyone did. There is no ringleader, no one behind the curtain, no leadership. They're just so used to the jewish idea of there being shadowy head honchos pulling the strings that they genuinely cannot grasp the idea of a leaderless movement.
Until they can understand this, they will never be able to beat us.
Oh it weren't normal for me I've been interested in history since I was a kid
If you ever needed proof that the soul exists.. you can look at whores and their 1000 cock stare that tells you their soul left their body.
It's a matter of changing your whole thought process. When you're a libertarian you think in terms of universal principles. The thought-process goes like this:
After a while ones through process changes to one defined by right and wrong, truth and lies, instead of "principles". The nationalist begins to think like this
That really couldn't be farther from the truth.
Funny enough, Fascism is not the end form, but libertarianism. But you need fascism first as a form to organize and eliminate anyone that in a libertarian society would create problems.
Men wouldn't need to radicalize if feminism didn't turn women shitty. :^)
They're all noticing us, user.
To any newfag/normie who's either got wood or who's about to microwave his RAM, this is nothing to get too excited about. Oldfags have ridden this wave before: CP, /suicide, GG, attention-whoring script kiddies - we're still here.
That said, this IS a little different. Signs are that we're being conflated with the alt-right and are being incorporated into a narrative about the alt-right infiltrating the US government. Yes: This is fucking absurd but these people (((literally))) have shit for brains, so they'll try to run with it.
Take this reply to the Guardian femicunt on Twitter:
"I mean…trump is bad news with credible opposition, but if his opposition just spends the next 4 years babbling about……pickup artists and racist frogs and evil gamers and such, then trump may as well fucking crown himself king already"
Big Stank Dick Dad - @theLOTDreport
Big Stank may be one of us. Either way, he fucking gets it. And so should you.
The MSM have cast their eye over the chans, anons. Now is not the time to seek a low profile or to point out how absurd they are. Now is the time to raise up shitpostery to hitherto unseen and unfathomable levels.
Give them racist frogs and evil gamers. Drown them in fuckery. Make sure that if they want to cover us, they'll have to make themselves look even more retarded than they do already.
Agree with them that we've infiltrated the WH and are on our way to world domination. Accompany your responses with dank memes. Normies will assume that the MSM have lost their tiny minds.
And if they don't, and some more normies find their way to our ethereal realm, they get redpilled and become good honest national socialists anyway. It's a 360 win as the fat prophet who sometimes speaks in tongues would say.
exactly. Libertarian has no self-preservation mechanism unlike fascism, as it completely rejects the use of force. By rejecting the use of force, it rejects the very means by which it would ensure its own propagation.
Reminder: Elliot Rodgers killed more men than he did women & his manifesto was more anti-male than anti-female.
I mean, the glass got flooded when Hillary mentioned alt-right bullshit and ADL pepe, now little dogs are picking up the scraps. There were some articles that even said that the "deplorables" would scatter after Trump loses. I can't even imagine what happened to the ones that wrote that when Trump won.
I transferred to an urban private school from a suburban/rural public school at the beginning of 7th grade. From the beginning it was completely obvious that there was a degree of self-segregation among the students. Blacks not only hung out with blacks, but also liked the same kind of music as blacks. Latinos tended to hang out with whites there aren't that many Latinos in the city in question, compared to blacks, but there were plenty dumb idiots that called everyone of ultimately Iberian descent, whether or not they had intermixed indigenous American blood, 'Spanish.' We had a large group of South Korean exchange students who pretty much exclusively associated with themselves and teachers in the math, science, and music departments. Some of these Koreans had white friends, but I'm not sure I ever saw them hanging out with blacks. They also all spoke Korean almost all the time and hardly spoke English.
I went to a SWPLy college, muh diversity everywhere, all my white friends complained about white people but almost exclusively hung out with white people (but we had gay and two Asian friends so it's cool!), everybody liberal…
Two years in I took LSD, read the Book of Acts, discovered the ultimate ontological necessity of the truth of Christianity, and started to question liberal presuppositions about morality. From these questions, I questioned their presuppositions about economics, governance, sexuality, etc., all of which are subordinate to morality. Naturally, an acceptance of an idealist ontology overrides all commitments to materialism, so a lot was already off the table.
I started posting on half/pol/ not long after that, then GamerGate happened. My liberal friends refused to even consider that they may have been factually incorrect about the (non)existence of morality beyond emotions, and refused to consider that they may have been making tactical errors in emphasizing transgender bullshit and silencing anyone who didn't just let BLM do whatever they wanted to whomever they wanted, or even asked about what their concrete policy goals were and how they meant to pursue them-this is all 'respectability politics,' apparently.
Why should I stand by these people? Why shouldn't I oppose them where I stand opposed to them? Why shouldn't I adopt their tactics (tumblr has radicalized more people than Holla Forums, which is actually a hard place to spin an issue as being worthy of anybody's time) to stop them from destroying themselves and the people they love, the country I love, the future I deserve as much as anyone, and which they have failed to even consider?
The idiots, the Last Men! What have they lost in this election but their minds?
I'm still a registered Democrat. But I voted for Trump and I voted for every Republican I could a week ago. I'm probably going to register independent when I update my polling information. Fuck Barack Obama and his failed racial and sexual politics.
I think she is a cutie 😊
She's worse: she has that petty bourgeois Twitter moralist look.
She looks autistic, reminds me of my eyes except in a female body of course.
No they're not.
It's a fucking meme.
Men used to think like we do now.
Then it became a thought crime/wrong think thanks to universities and the shitty media.
It's a form of radicalization in the context of modern societal views.
I do agree though, the fact that these sort of ideas are even considered radical now is pretty fucking retarded. Says a lot about the current state of this jewified society.
pretty much
alot of ancaps and libertarians wake up and support fascism/nationalism once they realise they wouldnt be able to exist without the protection of some form of military and ruling structure
militias are all well and good when you're not facing enemies with conventional modern armies, drones, ICBM's and state of the art weaponry
Yep that's me too kek
Is "manosphere" just a shill word? Who used the phrase first? I just now realized I've never seen it used outside articles like this, nor have I ever seen it defined.
And isn't that disgusting.
We're radical for being men.
In fact, they're radical for being women. That is, how women used to be, where men protected them and they looked after the home.
Fuck this current society.
I mean the one we may have just gotten rid of.
They can't admit that it's a grassroots movement. It must be compared to a cult in order to pre-remove any credibility our ideas could have.
They don't see the majority of us. We hide our powerlevels quite well, and we're nice people, generally. We work day jobs and pay our taxes. I have a calm, respectful demeanor, so really anyone who met me would hardly call me "radicalized". I just happen to hate the system that feminism has built, and I'll be glad to talk about it if I'm asked.
The moment anonymous forums disappear, this world is doomed. We are on thin ice as a globe.
God dammit this is getting fucked.
There's too big of a market for anonymous forums. They'll always exist in one form or another.
Eyes of a puppy.
I almost want to preserve them.
Why does the phrase "calm before the storm" come to mind?
Stupid fucks are swinging at shadows, we rightfully shit on MGTOWs.
we arent a hydra, we arent a spiders web of lies with a fat spider sitting in the center, we arent a colony of ants
She's fine but asymmetrical.
Didn't the resident cunts at the guardian made at least one article bitching about how there was no such thing as a "male feminist", since literally every man who adopts the cause is actually just in it to gain some pussy?
These faggots are the radicals and fruitcakes, not us. We're normal human beings, just like human beings have been for thousands of years. I just want a society that was something like how it was in the, say, 1950's.. i.e. not completely and utterly batshit insane and broken. Leftism and liberalism is the aberration of history - all their beliefs would be utterly alien to anybody across 99.9% of human history.
She's getting attacked by niggers for plagiarizing their 'work'. This is why we'll win, anons. They're hoisting themselves by their own petards. All we have to do is give them a gentle nudge in the right direction.
This. Mgtow faggots should commit collective suicide.
We're simply men user.
Probably the last to exist on this planet.
But we might have planted a seed to turn us into real men again.
I think I see what Jesus tried to do.. save mankind from becoming an abomination.
hopefully they'll be a nudge away from the path of a speeding bus too
Manosphere is a word used exclusively by female mgtow's.
you mean childless spinsters whose wombs are as barren as their hearts?
Poking nests can be silly user.
But so is letting the nest devour everything.
Kikes have no shame at all. "oy vey you're happy and have a well-adjusted family you must be satan!!!"
They certainly are like arachnids.
This is like the misuse of the term 'domestic terrorist' to try to conflate white people with muslim terrorists.
Pure sophistry.
MSM's grip as the master explainers and filter through which the normal population views the world is slackening before our eyes. This 'expose' piece belongs inthe 20th century. It's not accomplishing anything or changing anyones minds.
Hope you all have to change careers soon.
They're a few years too late tbqhwyf
Have we ever generalized?
I always targeted the stupid feminist ones.
And pitied the manipulated kind ones.
This is a tactic:
We need to save the redeemable women. They need an antidote for the poison among them.
Assumption that everyone on here are men…
Understand that the New Testament is/was a revolutionary document. I'm not being metaphorical here: That's what is was.
The Judeans had returned to Judea and Samaria after exile in Babylon. The Pharisee's had incorporated the Babylonian Talmud into the state religion, so that Judaism became what is today called Rabbinic Judaism.
Christ and his followers (or whoever wrote the books of the New Testament, if you don't want to believe in Christ) wrote the New Testament as a repudiation of Rabbinic Judaism. They argued that Rabbinic Judaism was a corruption of Judaism; quite literally, a (((Satanic))) corruption (the New Testament is quite explicit about this).
The Christians weren't the only 'Jews' who rejected Rabbinic Judaism. Others, including Quairite Jews, Samaritans, etc. rejected the Babylonian Talmud. They insist that the teaching of Judais should be based on the Tanakh (analagous to the Old Testament, or the Books of Moses) only and neither the Babylonian Talmud or the Torah (Rabbinic oral tradition). They're miniscule in number and considered to be heretics by Rabbic Jews (mainly Ashkenazi). These groups also consider Christians to be heretics, since Christians added their own written and oral traditions to the Tanakh.
Christianity is a revolutionary philosophy EXPLICITLY DESIGNED to counter the philosophy of Rabbinic Judaism (Babylonian Talmudism) which is equated to Satanism. Even if you don't believe it conveys any spiritual truth, that is what its intent.
Christ was a revolutionary and he was revolting against the very things we are revolting against now.
Think about it. Try to come up with some counter-measures to modern leftist thinking. If you can come up with something as effective as the New Testament of Jesus Christ, you can be the next God Emperor.
Now imagine that you code, and you want to write this thing down using the most effective method available. At that time, you would have to use the most effective natural language, which was (and still is to this day) Ancient Greek.
OSI model - 7 heavens - the protocol stack
Kernel - God
Demons - Daemons
Consider yourself redpilled.
This account's Tweets are protected.
There's plenty of women on Holla Forums so that particular train of thought doesn't really work.
Exactly. They have no self-awareness in the fact that they are the real extremists and regular people are sick and tired of it which is how Trump got elected.
Part of learning the nature of women is learning that all women have the capacity to be crazy, feminist cunts. The next part is learning that men can prevent women from acting this way by being strong, competent leaders in their relationships. Women have an innate desire to submit, but they won't submit to a man they deem weak.
Women who have a healthy positive father figure will understand this about themselves and not feel the need to act out. Ask any woman about her relationship with her father before committing to her. If her answer is anything but positive, she's not worth your time.
well not all of us
but anonymity created a great way of discerning femanons from anons n a way which is simple, fair and justifiable
You get that from famguy fam?
Haha, I have seen that, but it's true. On certain topics, Seth Macfarlane has demonstrated a profound basedness. Not all topics, mind you, but certainly on this one.
MGTOW doesn´t have any non-Whites?
It is right about there being a small group of ringleaders part.
MGTOW/PUA didn´t just happen on its own anymore than man-hating feminism or Social Justice in general did, it was (((made))) to happen to give muh sojiny fodder to feminist propaganda and of course, turn White men against White women just like feminists seeks to turn White women against White men.
MGTOW is full of niggers and gooks. Quite understandable why too, their women are shit. If you are white and a MGTOW you are a cuck.
These people wildely exaggerate the danger MRAs pose to their own agenda.
Rough sex with the same dominating partner until mind and undeserving sense of pride are broken.
Well they are Satan for their goals, the base of their shit is to undermine the family ties.
Individuals are easier to ,amipulate and dont have anything to fall back on when shit comes down.
To add, I deeply regret the time that I spent trying to fix broken women. I refused to hold a higher standard for the women I dated, because I didn't believe that I was worth any better. Years wasted on women who had BDP, Bi-polar, depression, etc. None of them had good father figures. They all cheated on me. Because I grew up in a divorced household where my mother cheated, I figured this was the norm and I had to adapt to it.
Then I met the woman who would become my wife. QT aryan chick, redpilled as fuck on race. Her family was intact. Her mother and father still genuinely loved each other. This shit blew my goddamn mind. Everything about my relationship with her came so naturally. I didn't know things could be so good. I married her last year, and her family has accepted me as one of their own. I can't express how thankful I am for that.
If I could give Holla Forums one piece of advice it's this: meet a woman's family before you commit to her. The family you meet is the family you will become.
The negro is the natural MGTOW, their whole job in life is bang a nigress until her belly grows and then disappear into the night.
>the old new order has been defeated, this is their world again
FUCKING LOGIC anons. Turning into male feminists is fucking retarded.
There is a simple solution to this. It's as old as fucking time!
What does this mean? It means, if you're a 6, then you should be prepared to settle for a 5. Marry her. Put babies in her. She won't leave you. She can't do better. She'll stay loyal.
In the meantime, you're perfectly free to cultivate a mistress or two; pu barren colleagues on business trips; fuck a hooker or 4, etc. (These should all be at least a 6. )
Hot girls do not make good wives. I 'lucked' out 3 times in my life (one was even a model). Each and everyone of them was a fucking nightmare. You want that raising your kids? Fuck no.
It was good enough for your ancestors. It should be good enough for you.
Can you really blame them though? Negresses and gooks are fucking disgusting, bot physically and spiritually.
Oh come on.
All people have the capacity to drink arsenic.
The trick is to teach them not to.
First honest article from her and also propably the last one.
Don't be weak then.
So they literally are a death cult?
Yeah, that's why I said men can prevent women from acting this way by being strong, competent leaders in their relationships.
So was Jesus Talos or Lorkhan?
Or both?
Protip: Men and women are tethered to each other, with neither in control.
Jesus was neither. He was a radical who fought against the Jewish order in every way at every turn.
I like stand alone complexes actually.
He was a meme wizard before it was cool.
I didn't say men control women, I said they lead women. A good leader does not seek to control his subordinates - he seeks to control and master himself to such a degree that subordinates are naturally inclined to follow his example. It's an important distinction, because you get far better results from your subordinates when they want to follow you.
The thing about "as above, same below" the keys to the kingdom is the quality is different macro-cosmically compared to micro-cosmically.
my guess is that you may find genetic dammage or lack of specific markers for mental health
it's been a long time there wasn't a culling selecting for greatness, the wars of the 20th century have mostly destroyed the worthy young men
Just incite them into protest by hanging up their used hygiene projects like the feminist gov in worst korea did.
I know I know, just pointing it out.
So, where's the threshold?
I don't think there is one. Other than "to avoid as much death as possible" and "for the sake of ego"
Or alternatively, "to bring as much death" and "to destroy ego".
In fact - I think the best solution is to preserve humanity's "human-ness"
No worries mon.
Ego can be a powerful tool, and like any other tool it can be used for good or for evil. The soldier who trains hard after being inspired by a strong leader does so to appease his ego. "I admire my leader, and I want to see myself as similar to him, so I can admire myself." Is he being selfish? Of course, but he's also adding that much more strength and competency to his side.
What if he want's the compete with, but not dominate, his leader?
What if he ignores the reality of certain things, but retains other things?
Oh wait I better not look into the abyss too much.
A good leader handles competition by being the very best at his craft he can be. That way when his subordinates try to challenge him, the leader smokes them. Then the leader must be a good leader, and he encourages the subordinate to keep practicing.
If the subordinate ends up winning the competition, the leader congratulates the subordinate on the victory. "You'll make a great leader one day." That acknowledgement, from the subordinate's perspective, will feel like a kid on Christmas morning.
Did South Korea ever jail or figure out who the rest of their crazy "8 Goddesses" were?
They can't fathom the fact that there are mature, successful men who've spent years dealing with Western women and have concluded they're fucking worthless at present. I'm looking forward to many more articles from these clueless dopes where they try to explain what went wrong.
Then the "subordinate" proceeds to claim some clay and tell people to sod off.
Discrimination can be learned. You need to deprogram yourself to be able to tell what a "I just killed your children tee hee hee" look is. Get yourself passed "I'd sleep with her she's pretty" to "oh crap there's the threat, we should shoot this one out of a cannon."
I think we misunderstand each other. I was assuming friendly competition among a cooperative group, not legitimate attempt to win power.
Looks calm and not full on autism. Wud waifu
On the same level as Jessica Valenti, and that picture "Why do they persecute me so?"
It's like they can't comprehend that things they do get back to them in one way or another.
Gamergate was a reaction to them poking their fucking noses into the last mental refuge of most educated, young white males. Gamergate directly contributed to the rise of the Alt Right and the Trump movement. They dug their own graves on this one and it's glorious.
TL;DR: Decades of marxist bullshit and government control are being undone in a few years by a bunch of pissed off NEETs who just wanted to gain brozoufs.
Jesus, if she thinks this is bad she should take a paid vacation to Saudi Arabia for a weekend. I here those guys really know how to treat an up-and-coming girl.
No I meant "you keep your clay, I keep mine"
Trump is an means to an end for me.
The radicalization of young white men is a terrifying thing. The thing is, you can't tell from the outside. You never know if a young white man in your life has made a Hitler meme, collected Pepes or, scariest of all, called someone names on Twitter. Horrifying things that make ISIS look like some edgy kids just having fun.
Attached is a picture found on one of these sites. As you can see, this isn't all fun and games. This is serious and we have to stand up to literally violence, bigotry, and frog worship.
It always interests me to see the hatred people on here have for other races, especially niggers. I dont live in the US and I've never visited or been interested in visiting. Though that's changing since The God Emperor won. I'm unsure where I stand on race realism as I'm a caribbean mongrel mixed with negro, indian and white, but fuck me if the situation is as bad as you guys say. I keep thinking that there must be blacks worth keeping around but Holla Forums doesn't hate without reason. It's just that the collective hate of the negro race is astounding to an outsider.
This guy is so late to the party it's not even funny.
I used to not mind blacks until I had to live near the worst of them. If you're just an upper middle class whitey and only interact with blacks occasionally in college or white collar work they seem ok. That's because these are their very best. If you ever have to live or work with normal blacks you'll very quickly discover racism is a survival necessity.
Gook males are usually more MRA than MGTOW, they have some faith in the most horrible of sluts till the very end, its very sad.
Warning: Paintful to watch cucking ahead.
This is why they were pissed about the word "terrorism" being associated with Islam. They wanted it to be reserved for any dissenters of media fabricated national public consensus. They ingeniously sidestepped that issue by using another meaningless label to describe us by using the word "extremist"
I can't believe I live in a time where liberals are actually beginning to openly state how being white is a hate crime and voting Trump is an act of terrorism. If I was more optimistic I'd say they've crashed their own ideology with no survivors, but white people are probably gullible enough to be gaslighted by the ridiculous allegations. Well, at least Trump won, that's 4 years of security and piece of mind if feared I might not have had. Hopefully we're witnessing the death of mainstream liberalism right before our eyes, and not the revivalism of a much more militant brand driven by an ever growing white-hating minority population
I personally hate ALL women but I understand why others on here don't feel the same way about them as I do.
they're learning
that's honestly a lot more than I expected from a normalfag
hahahaha, that random speech
reach 500 already and sink this shit. I don't care what Mr. Nobody says
Exactly this. I hide my powerlevel constantly and I'm probably considered one of the nicest, smartest guys of the groups of people I'm around.
I'd absolutely be willing to discuss the problems of feminism and the culture of irresponsibility and recklessness it pushes forward if asked, but I can't say what I think. So I just stay silent.
They silenced their opposition and when they threw a statement into that opposition and only got silence in return, they painted that as victory.
I'm very eager to see a return to where any and all ideals can be questioned, and that means ALL ideals.
That or letting the left eat itself to death. Either or.
It's definitely this.
When people trash slut culture she takes it as a personal attack and defends herself the only way she knows how: by calling everyone sexist, racist virgins.
She's a ho who's grinded through hundreds of men yet can't find someone to stick with her due to her awful personality, and she blames everyone else for her problems just like she's always done.
It's ironic that her little anti-white man diatribe is her way of asking for white cock deepdicking. Too bad she's kosher and the only man who'd ever marry her whore-ass is pic related.
Subconsciously they realize they realize the same about themselves and it makes them feel icky so they try to project it onto others.
Then hide the thread and read one you do care about.
Capitalism is not a free trade, capitalism is a private taxation. Human don't need pay to a Capitalist his "share" or obey capitalist employer to make a really free unregulated trade.
Even god?
Not Jesus' god btw.
The guy you quoted is right in a way. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'fascism'; (though it certainly is for many) but it is true that anonymity leads people to logical truths that have the most evidence/proof. It used to be a huge thing on 4/pol/ years ago; everyone would say that the board was a battleground of all groups and all ideologies, and that the fighting doesn't stop until one side wins through logic and evidence; and that meant that the Holocaust was proven to be false in many ways, that the stated/taught causes of WW2 were misleading and incredibly simplified, we learned the truth about money/debt, international banks, jews, muslims, crime statistics and its relation to race, physical/mental aptitude and emotional/political belief and its relation to gender, the effects of homosexuality on society, the effects of welfare and its relation to single-parent families, the effects of a single parent on a growing child; and so on.
Truth, or the closest as we could get to it rose to the top. As a consequence we started to become increasingly 'right-wing', increasingly concerned with objective outcomes, and totally obsessed with the truth. As such they label us as racists, sexists, islamophobes, homophobes, and really just bigots in general. Bigots because we have looked at the information and come to the conclusion, based on all the logic and evidence available; that not all things are equal, that some things have terrible consequences, and that for the most part our ancestors had the essentials right (even if they did not as individuals understand why they detested things like race-mixing, multiculturalism, divorce or faggots; our conclusions proved they were right). Now to them anyone who has the power of 'discernment' is a bigot because they dare to acknowledge reality, and so they call us 'fascists'. Fascist is not always right, but we certainly do become 'bigots' in the sense that we care about the truth, the consequences of political decisions, and where it is damaging to society or the individual; we oppose it.
So would anyone who truly looked at the evidence and used logic to try to ascertain the truth. They fear anonymity because it encourages the pursuit of truth. No longer can the authority of CNN or the BBC preach their "truth" from on high with no need for evidence or logic; when we're anonymous we need to actually examine the information instead of just accepting the word of our 'superiors' on blind faith.
Dogmatic authorities are the enemies of all truth and knowledge. Anonymity is the greatest friend of the truth. The internet has given us the potential for anonymity in a way never before possible; and as such those 'dark corners' of the internet where there is anonymity are the greatest threat to the mainstream theocracy. And so they hate us.
It makes me want to burn this disease.
But Trump is easing the pressure.
It's not a perfect world, but it's getting a little better.
It'll transform into the old form I think.
But only when it's feasible to obtain clay off this rock in space.
Or a space ship, like cowboy bebop.
I think this is the best part of all of this. Our movement makes such strong and persistent usage of memes on the internet that when the left tries to seriously and unironically report on it, it just pushes normies and moderates away.
They don't give a shit about internet memes and see real life and online as two totally separate worlds; at the end of the day it only ends up discrediting the left and making them look like a pack of blithering retards.
Basically the same. I thought:
1.) I don't like the (((government))) telling me what to do with my guns and speech
2.) Foreigners would stop crawling in without welfare
3.) Niggers would starve to death
I'm not a libertarian (morality, rights and NAP is bullshit), but I don't like being told what to do because I don't like being told what to do. Only I myself decide what I do.
A man chooses, a slave obeys.
who told you to you dont like being told what to do?
Same. But if we have no choice for space, then we have no choice.
I'd rather death than spend another second on this stale rock.
Strong not protecting the weak - they enslaving the weak. If someone can tell you what to do and enforce it - you become his slave.
That a biggest unsolvable problem of untermensch - you can't know what you like from yourself - someone must told you what you like and dislike. You can't make your own chooses, because there is no "I" inside your body - you only a biorobot, executing programs.
As far as I know Big Stank Dick Dad is a /k/ommando.
I was a liberal for most of my childhood. Once I started college about 3 or 4 years ago, I learned to hate feminism, and somewhere along the way I ran into hate-facts about race. Although, I only really hated niggers and arabs back then. The only thing that Holla Forums I found this place from With Open Gates has really done to me is knowledge about jews and a better opinion about my own race.
Looks like a faggot who likes it in his boipussy, but is he just quoting or something?
MGTOW is a movement that says that, for some reason, women use the legal ability to strip their spouse or boyfriend of money andcheat on them. To prove this rediculous notion wrong, insult their ability to pick up women, despite the fact that they no longer want to. Also, support the people who say that being cheated on is an honor, something that many people disagree with, and something the people who support MGTOW know is retarded. In conclusion, fight against MGTOW, who don't want to let me cheat on them and take their money. I'm going to call that kind of negative behavior towards me rediculous, racist, and sexist.
At one time I found mgtow to be useful since it had helpful information that I had not seen anywhere else, and i think that is the reason is for its success. It can help you limit your risks and liabilities, tells you that marrying foreigners is a bad idea, keeps you aware of the ways that you can lose your money, helps mentally prepare you for future disappointments that may or may not occur, suggests that you avoid official marriage, alerts you to common-law/automatic marriage, exposes the lies of feminism.
if this information were to be extracted, re-branded, re-spun in a positive way, and redistributed, i think you may see mgtow dry up.
They don't care about you beta cuck. Women are attracted to those who call them out on their bullshit. Dont fret though, they keep you as an orbiter. Just don't pull any moves on her.
And when you show them why they're wrong and expose their pathological altruism, you're labeled the racist radical. The only things they understand are BuzzFeed articles and twitter memes.
It's one of the few accepted forms of dissent, libertarianism acts like a pressure vault for white reactionaries. I think that is why it has been allowed to exist in the realms of accepted thought. It was seen as troublesome but benign, since it's proponents still agreed on globalism, the propositional nation, degeneracy and open borders. Economics has been at the heart of libertarianism because the adherents believe it can solve everything. It's very one dimensional ideology, the right wing equivalent of Marxism in some ways. Libtardism fails because it doesn't at least until Hoppe, take in to account group competition and the realities of race. We should not forget it was dominated by kike thinkers. Mises, Hayek, Friedman and Murray "Sell your kids to slavery" Rothbard.
I've always found it hilarious that the "Men Going Their Own Way" movement spends all of its time discussing women.
the biggest most positive thing ive learned from mgtow is not to stick dick in crazy, becuase worse shit will happen than i could possibly imagine
Probably pent up from years of disinfo. Like why Holla Forums talks so much about Hilter. We get it, but shit the amount of lies about him is unreal.
Now write an article about the radicalization of young Jewish Zionists.
but it's the opposite
kek confirms
Classic female sophistry.
Kek double confirms. good luck
That's the moment live studios will be taken over and call to arms will be issued. The only thing holding back mass shooting is the little freedom of speech that is left.
mgtow rationalizes failure by blaming all problems on women. It is the male form feminism, menism. The adherent of this movement wish to turn their involuntary celibacy in to a choice. It's a face saving move. When in fact it's about them being unable to compete on the sexual market. Instead of doing something about it they whine and point fingers. They make a virtue out of their weakness, to protect their fragile egos.
i was a nonmarxist anarchist before i realized without a strong, national socialist government we would regress because of nonwhites and cucks. the end of my original philosophy was just everybody being self-sufficient and respectful of the land other people worked, but that ends up leading nowhere. we need specialization and a nation to lead to more advanced innovation and efficiency.
The only successful multicultural society.
Holla Forums is, but you sure as fuck aren't
Yeah, it isn't.
Oy vey, dem whyte men ah extreeemists!… Please ignore the steets full of non-Whites chanting for the death of Donald Trump, the police and White people in general - those are just good-natured exemplaries of the strength of diversity.
These people deserve death.
Stronk woman with a comment about events that totally happened.
I always had a subconscious inner dislike of nonwhites and degeneracy but kept it down through leftist justifications (mental gymnastics). Went to college and the Marxist antiwhite stuff made me shift to become a Republican who secretly listened to Skrewdriver. Then I heard of Stormfront but it was boring. Someone on /fit/ posted holohoax infographs and eventually I learned about the existence of Holla Forums which helped me evolve what my subconscious knew into a cohesive ideology and worldview.
Truth and nature are on our side. That's why we will triumph.
For a non-Jew, this traitorous young twat sure seems to care about Jews a lot.
Like, A LOT.
Is she fucking a Jew or something?
good post, capped
I think she is just a goy who gets a kick out of virtue signaling.
I'm looking at her twitters, is any of you faggots the cuck that tries to explain things to these pieces of shit?
Ehhhh, maybe.
Well, they are correct about the modern sexual market being their problem as they would probably be married to a fattie if they lived in the 1800s.
This isn't the same chick as the one that had the ALPHA boyfriend, which resulted in both of them coming to the chans and begging us not to expose her to her dad, is it?
This is why women shouldn't vote. Their pathological levels of empathy and natural inclination towards communism is what brings successful nations to its knees.
More than that they shouldn't vote, they shouldn't be allowed to be free persons.
This woman has convinced me of it, just now.
See, this is never going to stop. Ever.
Women are, as you say, largely the source of all this madness - and their 'empowerment' is going to be the demise of Western civilization UNLESS we stop them.
I don't see any other way out of this - women MUST be forced, FORCED, to abandon this shit, FORCED out of the workplace and back into the home.
Unless Western men are prepared to engage in force to bring about this result, our civilization is doomed.
she's a (((freelancer))) , she saw some niggers tweets about some dumb conspiracy white supremacy shit and made a story out of it after she read the first google results about alt-right
i bet she's taken miles and miles of cock by now
This is a literal prostitute, who has made a career kvetching and concern trolling about FUCKING ANYTHING she can bitch about, decrying her own people for their unwillingness to be destroyed.
This woman should be dead by now, but she is not.
#Triggered, how can a woman write about issues concerning men? We don't need her femsplaining to us. Can't even.
Share mantras bro
You say that after the majority of white women voted for Trump. But I'll admit it's a bit late and women voters are fucking things up a lot in Europe for some reason. You better redpill them quick before it's too late.
I hereby dub these people:
The Path Alt
Just as they have sought to pigeon hole us with a name, we shall do the same - no longer are they 'progressives', they are 'path-alt'.
Short for 'pathlogical altruism', obviously.
Wew lads, 1 thread on "National Socialism"!
Literally shaking right now
First off, all we've got is exit polling to work with at present, all numbers are estimates.
Trump won White women 53 to 43, which comprised 37% of the vote.
Total voter turnout was 141,860,524.
37% thereof is: 52,488,394.
43% thereof is: 22,570,009.
22.5 million White women who voted for 'muh vagina' and the demographic demise of the US based on fee-fees.
I don't care if 30 million voted for Trump, because 22.5 million voted for Hillary - and without them, she wouldn't have stood a chance.
Traitors, all.
Given we have such a large degree of traitors in our midst (college-educated White women went to Clinton, for example), they simply cannot be allowed franchise.
only 1? cuckchan really is a nest of rats only now.
And in case you were wondering as I was, "Who the fuck is Matt Adams"?
From what i remember about that video, it caused anal ragnarok with the natives, the girl and her family got doxed and her social life destroyed.
What do you make of this?
I can't find any ethnic info on this cunt anywhere, but he fucking well doesn't look native British to me.
Lucky you. Over here in Europe we have German and Swedish women literally revolting against their men for refusing to let in more refugees. In Austria, women ruined the presidential election because they prefer to vote for "stability", AKA voting to continue the massive transfer of wealth from men to women.
Nothing makes me laugh harder than when these cunts pretend they aren't glued to their laptops (or more likely smartphones) 24/7
There's nothing a woman loves to talk about more than herself
Women's suffrage was a mistake.
Unless it is corrected, the West is doomed.
Because, in the case of Western women, that's all she really cares about.
When i first saw it i thought it was fake, i never saw a guy get cucked that hard in my entire life.
She is literally carried away like a spoil of war by a man of another race to their breeding ground as her "boyfriend" looks on with impotence and confusion.
There's much to be learned from such awfulness, no doubt; about women and about Asiatic men (which modern Western men look like more and more with each passing year, in terms of mannerism and behavior).
And that isn't true because………….?
Bitch why you lying?
Stop fucking lying…
Where did you find that fourth image? I can't find it via reverse google search.
The meek only inherit the earth because they're left behind.
Is funny that the mentions isis when young snackbars are practically pampered by western cucks and can literally go full-sandnigger in the street of any yuro city without consequences. Cunts who get raped by them are then blamed by authorities for not walking around covered from head to toe. And despite all this young snackbars still go back home to rape and cut heads off, then come back and get "rehabilitation" from taxpayers
On the other hand you got white males being blamed for all the sins of the world……… are these situations similar?
We got huge potential in our hands
Christ almighty is it this easy to slay in asian countries? What's a good one to vacation in?
Just looked at me fb and found out a load of my "friends" are jewish. no surprise on their character
in case anyone was looking for more proof that Holla Forums is pro feminist and against men's rights and male sovereignty, here is an entire thread.
last time I pointed this out you faggot cowards proved me right by banning me
True, they would and I agree that's something to avoid. It still reeks of defeatism and escapism. Shit hand has been dealt for us, but we don't ever succumb to seeking relevance through victimhood. That is what everyone else does, fuck that mentality. It is leftist and poisonous. Bitterness will destroy you from within. I don't care for that approach, it never yields any results.
Women are needed for the continuation of civilisation you mongoloid. Women are fairly competent and capable when trained well, and whilst many lack the instinctual morals of men; its not like we actually need them to have any role in justice, politics or decision making.
We are anti-feminist to the extreme, but that does not mean we hate women. On the contrary we love women; without them we would have nothing. The problem is simply that we let them have power in positions that they were not suited; take that power away and return them to where God and nature intended them to be; and all shall be well. I love women and you're a faggot.
They already are, they're just doing it really slowly and bitching the whole time.
Too fat troll
What the fuck are you talking about?
So you like when someone make threat of violence to you?
Why do they always do that ?
Especially when they're the only one talking.
We need to talk about you (jew)..
Because they don't have the balls to come out and say what they wanna say, they gotta be passive aggressive and say shit like "We need to talk about X" or "Can we please stop doing x?"
Lefties use a lot of question marks and "umm.."s in their speech because they're fucking weak.
Probably here user.
I bet this is the first time It has been used. and funny how they make new inherently sexist words to create the reality they claim already exists.
If you're not from the internet, don't come to the internet.
Oh for fucks sake you idiots. It's corrective ROPE.
Its to imply that whatever they were talking about was supressed before they came along with enough courage to begin the "conversation".
This is one of the main reasons someone like Trudeau can barely speak. A very low mental aptitude certainly doesn't help but constantly having to edit and adjust yourself lest you say the "wrong" thing must be fucking exhausting.
underrated post.
I mean there are camps, there is a message, people die because of it.
Where is the article?
It's baby speak.
Bernie, we need to talk about your grades. Me and your stepfather are worried.
what's best about these people is that they totally believe their own lies about "the enemy" thereby making all their projects completely ineffective. its glorious
highly underrated post.
The author here is a member of the tribe, it benefits her people and she would not write for the Guardian anymore if she went against the narrative.
This awful cunt always pops up in one of my twitter sjw sock accounts timelines, I cant bring myself to follow her because she's so fucking irritating.
A lot of bong sjws are super fucking annoying, they have the condescending know it all thing down perfectly, pic very much related
Christ, it's like she's on their payroll! This is the most bluepilled person that I've seen in my life. Wow.
my exact feelings after dating an sjw
I hope I never run into this nigger enabling cunt in real life. I would fucking lose it.
Share mantras. We need encouragement too.
I'm a spic and I hate most races and niggers like you. What is hapenign to the white world is reaaly depressing and terrifying, and everything else is coming down infecting us as well. I hate the spic faggots that flood white countries and the ones that are so shit that they're on the same level as apefricans.
so fuck you nigger
nice digits
jesus christ she is playing with fire! some kool-aid drinking numales are going to read this and get an immediate red pill enema
Same. Wifey has been on the Trump Train with me from day one, went to a rally with me, bought me a MAGA hat for my birthday, and the day after Trumpen won, she shit all over a faggot on FB who said "i won't be able to hold my husband's hand while walking in public."
most nu-males get a painful enema until they fall in love with a slut and they believe that they can have a family and a nice realtionship with them. I used to be like this in fact. The only males that are unsalvageable are the ones that only think with their dick, so as long as they get pussy they'll be the beta bitchbois and the male feminists. I can assure you many young males are trapped in the SMES or single motherhood emasculation syndrome. Many guys are like Jake Rapp, they just wanted a nice family and a good girl, but (((society))) told them that that was patriarchy and that patriarchy is the root of all evil in the world, they where taught to take all the shit a woman throws at them and that being masculine is a crime. Sometimes the best redpill is to have you shit fucked uo by a cunt. Then you either an hero or find your balls
I love this meme that white men who voted for Trump are stupid. The idea that voting for your own self-interests is stupid paints a crystal clear picture of the cucked mindset of the left.
It is most certainly consider as bad. All UK teachers are to undergo anti-radicalisation training.
Thought it would entail spotting heavy backpacks and mohammods but more than half of the training was to spot someone becoming a National Action tier faggot.
One is a threat to national security and the principles of the nation and the other is a nuisance.
Fucking bongland
Well said.
I grew up as a minority in my neighborhood in commifornia. Getting chased, jumped and robbed by blacks, so for me Holla Forums was just the last glimmer of light I needed to make order out of chaos.
Voted for Ron Paul in 2008.
Voted for Ron Paul in 2012.
Wished I could vote for Hilter in 2014.
It doesn't matter how you feel about it or how it may affect you, the facts are the facts. And as for why Americans have such a problem with blacks, it's because we actually have experience with them and other nonwhites, unlike Europeans (until recently).
To add to that, why Americans don't like blacks
sage for doublepost
Fuck off, shitskin.
Implying looks and genetics haven't become mislead by improper upbringing and kikes ill wrought plans of destruction for the white race. Sorry nigga but whites have always been good looking, but they won't stay good looking if we mullatto aka JEW now.
I have a good story to share with you. So a friend of mine told me some of his family ancestors from Germany used to write surprised at the ill spoken of niggers in the U.S.A. Finally one day the ancestors visited and my friend drove them through some predominately nigger areas. The visiting ancestors were appalled by what they had witnessed that day.
Funny because so many Whites in the U.S. have failed to understand why Germany had a issue with Jews…..
/r/ing more noghate
My question is: Who is doing the recruiting? Notice how she didn't mention one shred of evidence for this. This bitch acts as if David Duke himself is trolling these forums for recruitment.
The truth is, and what this stupid bitch fails to realize, that what these young have done is open up a rabbit hole. The rejection of feminism is a slippery slope. It starts with being bitter towards sluts and ends with these same guys watching George Lincoln Rockwell speeches online.
The same path can be taken with just about anything that involves a community of people being honest of the direction our society is going right now. It doesn't have to be women. It can be being bitter about our economy. Or our immigration problem. Something is not fucking right and it's kind of hard not to notice once you open up the can of worms.
She also neglects to realize that there might not be anybody doing the recruiting. It's more likely the case that much of what Holla Forums is today and how it came about is nothing more than emergent behavior.
user, you missed out David Duke actually came to my house with a Ouija board to summon George Lincoln Rockwell and Adolf Hitler to recruit me.
lulz and checked
you forget that young white males have an important place in their societal hierarchy, namely as sexless worker bees
young white men radicalizing to them is equivalent to a slave rebellion to a plantation owner
Kek is saying that this can be done.
Yeah, I mean they pozzed up everything in real life where men could gather. Where the fuck else should guys radicalize themselves if not online?
Here's what I got
Is it me or does the term 'manosphere' seem a little outdated, like something from 2013?
It doesn't even require hatred, per se.
I don't like spiders. Lil house spiders, totally harmless.
I don't like them. Sometimes they bite, or crawl on you and creep you out.
I find them unpleasant to be around. I do not want them in my home, though I have no problem with them being where they belong (outside).
I have no emotional investment in this relationship, between myself and houes spiders, I simply do not like them.
Its much the same for niggers.
Excluding any emotional investment in the relationship between blacks and Whites, between Whites and any other racial clade, there is still dislike.
They are cognitively deficient as a whole, elevate our crime rates, consume large sums of tax-payer money, make our inner cities unsafe and creepy to be in, they drag our schools down, they interbreed with our folk and muddy our genetics, they're just generally dislikeable, and it has nothing to do with hate, nor any other emotion.
Emotionality implies irrationality - that's how this whole 'racism is hate which is bad' thing got any steam to begin with.
I am racist as fuck, and it is entirely rational.
There is an improvement of about 10% going from Africa to America. What accounts for the difference? Better infrastructure and opportunities? I really don't know what to expect of Africa; I have thoughts that its an undeveloped shithole like best korea and with lots of stealing and civil wars
At least even the ghettos are more stable here, and with gubmint handouts, Jerome doesn't need to steal to survive. There are still a few very smart blacks according to the chart.. Are they ones that come from a well off atomic family?
tldr how to stop niggers from chimping out in the ghetto and be engaged in education and contributing to society?
I remember when I took the redpill.
No one forced it down my throat.
No one threatened me or those in my life (other than the juden)
No one lied to me.
It all fell into place, like a flow of logic from the heavens. You must look at the facts and ONLY at the facts. I was encouraged to do so and I did. I cross referenced shit and ideas posted here by some kind anons that called me a faggot shill. It got to me, I started digging and digging until I was staying up until 3am lurking for more information, information that wasn't kike'd to shit. Everything about History, race, IQ, society, ideologies tought in school is so corrupted that I went full 1488 in the span of a couple of weeks. This isn't an imageboard for nazis, it is a logical thinktank which collects ideas from intelligent free-thinking individuals wanting a better future for their children and themselves. It's about the facts and nothing but the facts. Facts lead to Fascism and national socialism. Logically speaking democracies, republics, can only last for so long before they collapse under the weight of their (((masters))). I really hope Trump opens up the Mars program in our lifetimes, we need to start the 4th reich very soon. Earth is too far gone to save it. We need to start anew.
This webm really hit me in the feels and started to get my gears turning.
On average, US blacks are 20% European by admixture.
See image 3 here:
Ben Carson had his genetics examined for a television show - 20% European genetically.
And would you know it by looking at him?
Mild black admixture is visibly noticeable in majority-White genetic samples, while the opposite is true of White admixture into majority-Black genetic samples.
It's a combination of better nutrition during development (childhood and in the womb, better education, and a percentage of white genetics mixed in with them.
As for how to stop them from chimping out, you don't. The majority of them are functionally retarded, no matter how many programs and charities are established for them, no matter how much money you throw at their schools and neighborhoods. Even a deep cultural shift would not totally fix the problem, because there is a strong genetic component to intelligence, and low IQ correlates strongly with violent crime.
Best you can do is try and provide opportunities for what few intelligent blacks exist, but even then - they should go back to Africa.
My guess is actually being able to eat enough to have the calories required both to develop a brain throughout the lifespan from conception to whenever a brain stops developing (I don't know I'm not a human biologist) and also the power to fuel a brain day to day.
One thing that's worthy of note here: Disproportionate Population Size
While US blacks are, on average, ~20% European by admixture… Very VERY little of the US White population has non-White admixture.
Bring up Liberia and that definitely will make niggers not want to step foot in Africa since going there is a death sentence and they know it.
Does it make a difference where the genetic dilution comes from? Say a black with 20% white European versus a black with 20% white American. I imagine that this could be an interesting topic
If their genetics are poor then the brain could develop in a non ideal way. This means intelligence is a physical characteristic that is nurtured the same way muscles and fitness would be … though I'd say it's less understood because brains are fucking magic.
Do these libs really want us to go out into the street and preach and more importantly act upon the knowledge? This place is a double edged sword: it gives truth to those who seek it but also acts as a steam valve. If this place were to go down, I can imagine a lot of capable anons would be hunting and preying for shitheads like him.
The thing that keeps anons and other redpilled people from openly preaching aren't empty threats from progressives and their pet niggers, but the law in many western countries. If your life is going to be ruined by laws, why not go all the way. If anons in Euro countries were getting vanned just for posting here, why wouldn't they seek out guns and openly brandish them and threaten leftists? They are going to jail anyways, after all.
These libs are signing their own death warrants by not understanding the problems we present to them. And they are afraid. You can see it where he calls for the cops in his second comment. The hard truth is that nothing will happen to an user that uses proper OPSEC, and these leftists are dangerously exposed.
That sentence is kind of weird since white "Americans" are European. Not sure if you were implying something tho.
I know Americans have a European lineage but some families have kept "American" for 200 or more years without pulling from the European stock again. Think of it as an offshoot branch of whites
But these whites have not deviated genetically at all, so the distinction is retarded.
I see what you're saying but America hasn't been around long enough for there to have been any significant evolutionary difference between white populations in America and in Europe. Only difference might be that American whites have interbred more between various ethnicities of whites, while Europeans have mainly bred among similar white ethnicities.
Despite what the media tries to convince people, race-mixing is not a common thing in America and the vast majority of American whites are pure white, and many have even retained specific European ethnicities, like Germanic or Anglo.
No fucking way a spic would call itself a spic, they don't do that shit only nogs do
What the fuck is that?
Well then, disregard my posts if you havent already
For all intents and purposes, European Whites are genetically indecipherable from American Whites.
If you look at the first image here
and check the first cited source, you'll find they basically say as much. Most American Whites are, quite simply, heavily-admixed in the context of European genetic lines… And guess what Europeans are? Heavily-admixed in the context of European genetic lines.
Of course it is.
Very simple stratum:
Genetics → Physiology → Psychology → Behavior → Culture → Society → Civilization
The arrows signify influence, and it must be understood that there is backflow, feedback mechanisms, etc.
IOW: Most traits are physical characteristics, to varying degrees.
Thing is, there are baseless which vary between racial clades.
The hard fact is that all men are not born equal - we do not start with the same traits, and we do not have the same potential in any given trait (say, cognition).
So, yes, in the context of cognition, one CAN 'nurture' via nutrition and exercise and other such mechanisms… But there are inherent limitations. IQ, for example, is largely pre-determined, inherent - your IQ may vary slightly with better quality of life, more specificity in behavioral patterns, but your baseline for cognitive potential is largely an inherent, inherited trait.
And the baselines can be traced along racial lines, fitting a normal curve with great regularity and accuracy, and the variation between those baselines is what we're talking about: there are certainly IQ 82 Whites, and IQ 130 Blacks… But, due to the variance in our baselines, the proportional representation at each cognitive tier are hugely variable between racial clades.
Offtopic question.
One drop rule, yes or no?
I have native savage blood in me from my great great gram gram. Otherwise all Nordic and Anglo blood. Blonde/blue eyes very white skin.
Is that considered mixed? I don't think so imo, dominant genes will remain dominant, I think we can outbreed misshaps in our blood as long as the desired traits remain dominant.
Its chinese for baby it seems
Really wouldn't worry about it tbqh
Isn't it ironic how only people who live with blacks hate them?
You never hear anything bad from the guys whose only interaction with blacks are from fucking movies and TV
Yeah but poland and russia had more jews than germany, not the same situation
You gotta love that projection tho because going around recruiting angry, frustrated young permaloser people is what sjws do
You never find a sjw who was successful, self-made or respected. If its a richfag thats because their parents are rich
Way I see it, if you're ethnically 1/8th Jewish (or 12.5% - I'd lean towards 1/16th, or 6.25%, but I'll give the Fuhrer the benefit of the doubt) or more, you're a Jew.
So, if you've got 1/8th or more non-White (ie non-European) admixture, I'd say you're skirting the edge of what I could consider "White" (ie "European").
(1/8th means, effectively, that one of your grandparents was a non-European)
What's that, 1/16? Personally I'd say that's fine. Maybe if you met a girl and found out that she was purebred of some European ethnicity then maybe don't go for it, but aside from that I wouldn't worry about it.
Experience really shatters a lot of idealistic worldviews, and racial equality is one. Nothing wakes up a liberal like living in a ghetto - there's a reason most of them are at least middle class, and usually upper middle or better.
I think there is something wrong with amerilard nogs tho because a recent study showed that actual african immigrants who just arrived to murrica did better, work harder and study more than "native" nogs did
So basically even real africans have a better culture and more principles than amerilard nogs do which given the situation in africa is not saying much
It could also be these africans are not from the part of africa from where niggers in america come from which were mostly from the area where sierra leone and ivory coast is today
Respect. This is what "radicalized" me as well. I was a die-hard democrat for a long time. I was one of the organizers of my local chapter of OWS even. I just got pissed when Obama did things like bomb Doctors Without Borders, suddenly none of my friends wanted to protest with me.
This whole election cycle really opened my eyes to a lot of new perspectives.
Bear in mind that the ones that can make it over and legally immigrate from other countries are skilled workers, higher intelligence than average for their own countrymen even.
1/8 kikes were considered fully German by Nazi law, so if it's acceptable for them, then it's acceptable for me.
Probably but those that aren't still have the willingness to improve, unlike niggers born here who never had to worry about getting a green card for example
Keep in mind sjws fucking hated that study because it destroyed all their bullshit about race privilege and evul white males: africans which were blacker than niggers had no issue being productive members of society and respecting the law which proves niggers are their own worst enemy by keeping themselves down on purpose
Almost all of my family is from the Netherlands/Germany. My great grandfather even had Aryan papers before he came to America. I got wrecked tho with 5' 7" Dutch/German dwarf genes and my father is like 6' and his brother is like 6' 6" and 300lbs hell my sister is taller than me. feels bad man
Chinese for hugging
expat fag reporting
No it's saying I want/need a hug
You sure? I thought 1/8th was the cutoff, you're implying 1/4th was effectively the cutoff.
Could have sworn it was 1/8th.
Nope. 1/8th kikes were the first level that was considered fully German.
The tiers were:
Full Jew (both parents are ethnically Jewish, or only one is ethnically Jewish but the child was raised with Jewish identity/culture)
First degree mischling (one parent is kike, and child was not raised with Jewish identity/culture)
Second degree mischling (one grandparent is Jewish, and child was not raised with Jewish identity/culture
Fully German (one great-grandparent is Jewish, and child was not raised with Jewish identity/culture)
here are the actual nuremberg laws.
To add onto my other post, there's also the fact that blacks have higher estrogen levels than whites.
The idea that blacks have higher testosterone is a myth. What they do have is higher estrogen, which makes them more emotional and more prone to "chimpouts".
Only successful because nobody is allowed to step out of line.
Well fuck me.
I'd probably lean toward more stringent tbh, but the married restrictions make that less of an issue really.
God Speed swede bro.
Congratulations, you’re literally WORSE than nazis! (and also correct) Amazing the scope of what we’ve been lied to about, isn’t it?
What the hell have I been doing with myself?
What if I told you that both women and jews are the problem?
Oh, its the fucking Jews, you nigger.
Don't confused symptoms and cause.
That said, women are women, which are not men, and not the equal of men, in just about any regard.
But only White women produce White children.
Considering the nature of the Nazis, that's not saying much - most are worse than the Nazis.
This is what one user put together.
Hahaha. We're going to make ISIS look like Shirley Temple. These niggers don't know what's coming.
What's it like to be this bitter and resentful towards women?
Threads like these, while valid, always have people like you. There is no doubt in my mind that you're one of those people who posts those absolutely beautiful images of white women, smiling, flawless skin, standing against sunny backdrops of rolling fields of green, hair braided and wrapped like a crown. You sit there and you bemoan about being unable to find the right woman, how "all women are sluts". You wonder why you can't find a nice woman to be with you, and then you go on to post crap like this, and defend it with questionable sources, no doubt selectively chosen to support only your views.
Obviously men and women are not the same. There are biological differences that cannot be denied. But posting just plain bitter, hateful crap like this makes it crystal clear that you're not looking at this from the perspective of "thousands of years of human social dynamic have made men generally stronger physically, and women generally better nurturers". You're just looking at this from the perspective of "all women are sluts because I never got laid in high school". And it's posting crap like this that makes you look like an idiot, and pushes impartial observers of Holla Forums away from us and back into the arms of leftycucks.
Fucking matters, you autistic kissless cuck.
Third Reich didn't have knowledge of modern genetics. We can do better. Any detectable Jew taint in the bloodline will be grounds for execution.
Uhhh, women are subhuman, retard. They will need to have their rights taken away and legally be treated as property of the nation.
So basically any kind of traditional value in which a child is raised to be independent yet confident in themselves, to present themselves with pride in their appearance and the likes makes them bad somehow.
Fucking hell the ride never stops does it?
fuck off and hang yourself.
Yes, this accurate.
Biological differences which translate DIRECTLY to psychological differences.
Look at what you posted above, and ask yourself: "Do I have any grounds to accuse anyone else of being bitter and hateful, when I project this hard onto others?"
This is how I know you're a cuckold, because you assume everyone around you are also cuckolds, and you project your cuckoldry onto others, in a most accusatory manner.
I got laid just fine in high school son, that's why I say the things I do and view women the way I do.
You didn't, clearly, and now you're a cuck, and you cry when the bull talks real-shit about women.
Until you accept that women are physically and psychologically inferior to men, you ARE the leftycuck.
You are pathetic, and I'm laughing at your impotent hatred and bitterness directed at your betters.
Men like you are why our women have franchise, which is why our civilization is dying.
I guess they're scared that the right is utilising the rules for radical because they cannot any longer
You haven't been around women much if you don't recognize the ==THOUSAND COCK STARE==
This girl is into rough shit and hates the guys who fuck her and never call back.
I notice all you did was post irrelevant shit regarding STDs, greentext "lol projecting", bring up gamergate for some reason, and attack me rather than any of my arguments.
Good job, "son", many people were swayed to your views by your A+ arguments.
This to be honest.
Growing up, I lazily adhered to certain aspects of leftist thinking, on account of its ubiquity and the shame attached to literally any alternative ideas. Having said that, I always had an instinctive hatred of halo-polishers and an awareness of innate differences between individuals and groups. I believe most people are like this. Therefore, 'redpilling' for the majority will not be a massive, decades long, multi-billion dollar enterprise, like the propagation of leftism was; but a swiftly realised reversion to sense that will be met with overwhelming relief: like an abusive spouse has dropped dead after years of psychological torture.
We shall naturally become proud again - no learning required.
The leftist paradigm as a whole can accurately be compared to modern art - one of its most putrid products - inasmuch as it requires reams of explanation, and its audience being amenable to sophistry and threats of intellectual ostracism.
Yes, let's!
1. Why has it taken us this long?
2. Why do you consider it a bad thing when you motherfuckers have been encouraging radicalization in blacks, arabs, women, etc.?
Methinks someone's been aiming these relentless faggots at us in revenge for our part in the Trump ascendance.
Whats with all these stasi faggots?
Is this revenge? are they buttblasted because west germany won and their shitty soviet puppet state is over?
I really don't get why more swedes don't go full brevik
Nah I mean it, you guys have jails that look like 5-star hotels and the maximum time they can throw you in is 20 years, and that if you are a total psycho all the time and they don't let you out sooner for good behavior
So basically you are already live in a jail, except you have to work to pay the bills and taxes while as a deluxe prisoner you would actually be a huge drag on the faggots that oppress you
Just saying, in murrica you would get the chair or several life sentences without parole for shooting up a place which is why almost all shooters commit sudoku
But over in swedencuck between the lax laws and extreme cultural faggotry is like they want you to go full-loco enter a place and kill 100 people
You think this is an argument dumbfuck?
How dank are we talking about here? Regular dank, newbie dank or mega autistic levels of dank memes?
I don't think I see what you're getting at here but if they run with inane shit then Trump gets re-elected. Which is a good thing.
If this was 2014 and you showed me this and claimed it was my future I would've called you a fucking retard
But here we are, in CY+1
Partly that. Mostly though, I think it's because Germany caused such a hiccup in their plans with WWII and they're deathly afraid of it happening again.
user, your dick was typing when you weren't looking
GG has mostly died out, but we are still their boogeymen, every single article mention us, every sjw that i bait on twitter goes full sperg when they see #Gamergate on my profile
So im dating this girl, and I kept being told before I did that all she ever wanted to do was talk about herself, that shed be ungrateful and selfish.
Literally took me two dates before all those qualities I was warned of disappeared, because I didnt ignore her, I engaged in the conversation she wanted, and I related, now everyone that cast doubts before is asking me how I did it.
This isnt going to work for all women (certainly not feminists, they will only get worse if you engage) but this idea that they are only there to have someone to talk at just isnt true, Try being a better communicator, like the god emperor. You are feeding the problem by assuming a woman exists to annoy and abuse you.