we need to stop this guy at all costs: He is a complete neocohen and would be disastrous for the white race

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Roger Stone says most of the people the media is currently listing as "being under consideration for positions in Trump's cabinet/administration" aren't really under consideration at all.

Although they're now suddenly saying Rudy Giuliani is going to be Trump's SoS, so who knows.

If Rudy wants to be SoS, he'll be SoS. He's been Trump's loyal ally from day one. The Donald rewards loyalty

You kikes sure are pushing this Bolton concern hard.


It *is* a concern because John Bolton is the kind of kike lover who would gladly send white Americans to die for >muh greatest ally in a war against Iran.

Secretary of State.

Secretary of State

He just got destroyed on Morning Jew, which was funny. Called him "the Original neocon" and "bombs away bolton."

We don't want another war for Israel. Not now, not in five years, not ever.
Fuck Israel. It's a fucking parasite.

Bolton, while he's been based, is an Israel-firster. What the hell is he even doing in our government at all?

nice canned line there but that makes no sense in this context

Israel is a poisonous fucking parasite.
Israel is a fucking parasite that poisons everything it touches.
Israel is the heart of institutionalized evil in this world.The world would be much, much, much better off if Israel ceased to exist.

Hey leftist. One of the things that lost you this election cycle, and will make you suffer more losses in the future, is the fact that you always lie. You have no capacity whatsoever for truth or facts. It's time for you to grow up and stop lying.

Fuck off, leftist trash. Post evidence that Trump is picking Bolton. You subhuman leftists have no evidence and just want to try to trick people into believing that Bolton is Trump's choice. Again, you need to grow up and stop lying. You leftists never tell the truth about anything, and people are waking up to this. You'll suffer more and more humiliating losses in the future if you continue to deny reality.

It's being reported on every MSM media outlet, that's down to Bolton and Jew-li-ani, including WSJ and Jew Snake Crimes. Which, we can hope means it isn't true, but doesn't mean OP is wrong to try to make SURe it's not fucking true.

You're picking on the wrong person, user. Why do people come here without even looking over the papers to see what the Jews are pushing? I'd never make a post here without reading a paper from JewSa, uK, France, Asia, and South Africa before running my mouth.
The guy isn't pulling out of his ass, every big jew paper is reporting it and we should fight it. At least I am with all my twatter accounts.

Bolton is a dual citizen.

viewzone. com/dualcitizen.html


When we try to tell normies we might just focus on dual citizenship. He can't be trusted to put the US first.











I have been telling you niggers all the time every president in modern times has been to war to show they are not weak,like it or not Trump will attack Iran.

can you tell us your credentials and give examples please? That is, what you mean by "modern times?" Are you counting Ford? Carter? Trump's entire platform was to stop the bleeding with wars we can't afford.
And Persians and Hezbollah are not pushovers like Iraq, they aren't arabs, they can actually fight. Not only would it be a bloodbath there, they'd also take a considerable pound of flesh here.
Forget it. Not a chance in hell of an Iranian war. Under shillary, it was a good chance, thus why people fought so hard against her.

He already said he's going to murder ISIS off the map m8

Alot of businessmen have dual citizenship, its no big deal dont be retarded. It just makes the travel easier.

twitter com/cvpayne/status/798494268243513344

Please God no.

Even if you normally hate Morning Jew, it's worth watching today. They are absolutely ripping Jew-li-ani and Bolton as necons and pompous scumbags, it's been great so far, worth watching.
If you need a link (I still have electric synagogue) sure they have it on cuckchan.

Hezbollah are Shia Lebanese, so they're Arabs.

Sounds like they're testing the waters again by dropping names.

technically, most of hezbollah are arabs, but I have my map of tribes somewhere, they are nothing like saudis or Iraqis in terms of fighting ability. They are motivated and the actually know how to fight.
To quote US JSOC "you don't want to mess around with Hezbollah, they make al-queda look like a joke." (See book "Relentless Strike: A History of JSOC") They also beat the shit out of the Israelis in 2006.
Before it starts, no, not a muslim or arab or any other shitskin, but so long as they sty in their deserts, I don't give a fuck and wish them well against the Jews.
Hezbollah and the Quds force were the toughest fighters against the ZOG in Iraq, and JSOC would not even fight them because they were focused on Sunnis, so they pulled off some amazing operations.

Won't you sponsor a child with autism today?

friendly reminder that poo-in the loo-stan trains nearly every single arab country(and provided iran with nuclear documents)

true, sold the documents by AQ Kahn, who stole them from a nuke plant in the Netherlands. Of course, his motives were never checked because, of course, that would be racial profile.
Interestingly, Kahn offered his "nuke in a box" to the Iraqis, and Sadaam turned him down bc he thought it was a ZOG trick. It was real. It's a shame he didn't take up Khan on the offer, would have prevented the neo-cons Jews from invading Iraq.
I don't mind Iran having them, not really do I mind the pakis having them (the saudis also supposedly got about 50 warheads as part of the deal). North Korea was where Kahn really fucked the world, since no one has any idea what fatboy will do.
But for the others? If they fired one against the US or France or UK (although having a nuke hit paris might not be that bad right now), they'd all be dead 100x over.

>Mike Rogers has abruptly left Donald Trump's transition planning committee, sources say bloom bg/2f0mVKq

twitter com/business/status/798509558536617985

good. he's always been a bag of shit. Good sign that he's showing the neo-cohens/establishement the door.

Morning Joe can be pretty based on some topics. I'll try and find a video later.

Trump has already said that he wants to end dual citizens being able to hold office. We just need to remind him, not that I think he forgot, that dual citizens holding decision making office on the national level whether elected or appointed is a huge conflict of interest

corporations are not the government you filthy kike. A dual citizen running a company is no where near in the same league as someone with ties to any other country being able to affect American policy.

Sure, Hymie. Men like Rahm Emmanuel (former Obama Chief of Staff), a dual citizen who deserves our respect since he was a brave veteran– of the Israeli Defense Force.

Are you trolling? I'm still amazed a Jew would try to push this bullshit here of all places. This isn't led-tit. There is a long collective memory here.
Funny enough, every "due-ditizen" in government–literally EVERY one– is a Jew. when the Vatican has a bunch of "dual citizens" in the Us government, come back and talk. You greasy kike.


muh free movement

Dual citizenship should not exist, least of all for people who work for the government. If one of Pepsi's janitors wanted to moonlight at Coca-Cola, they'd tell him to fuck off. Dual loyalty is no loyalty.

If he breaks up AIPAC, I will literally die for this man if he asked me to. the US would be saved.

sage slide jews forcing neocon maymay again pretending you aren't a jew is pretty fucking unkosher, OPchaim

Jewgliani is pretty shit too. Not as bad as Bolton, but still. He favoured a no-fly zone in Syria up until very recently.

It's more the kikes that are pushing Bolton, since it's the future well being of the Jews, that concern him, and not a future for Whitey.

Bolton has never been based.

Rudy's skill set is more oriented to AG, maybe DHS, than Sec of State.

I can't wait to see how much you faggots flip out when he actually gets inaugurated. The next 8 years are going to be awesome.