Are there any feasible alternatives to the physical infrastructure of the internet?
Are there any feasible alternatives to the physical infrastructure of the internet?
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satellite and dial-up
Satellite is hopeless due to having 1s latency.
Point to point neutrino transceivers. Max latency of 43 ms to anywhere on the planet.
Some discussion here for radio alternatives.
Station wagons full of backup tapes barrelling down the interstate.
Those radio networks are pretty neat. Too bad though hat you have to be licensed to use it, and that you can't send encrypted data.
While fantastic for latency, such communication would actually be worse for anonymity, since you no longer need to do any routing, just have a point cloud of every other neutrino detector/transmitter saved.
No routing => no online or garlic routing.
For point to point communication between trusted peers, it would be great of course.
I don't care much about latency tbh. Actually it wasn't very good anyway in the dialup days. Used to get around 250-300 at the very best to nearby Quake servers, back when I was heavily into online gaming (1996-98).
Could be a problem for ssh though, because I don't think the OpenSSH client has antying like telnet's linemode. Type "mode ?" at telnet prompt to see what I mean, but basically it lets you switch between sending every single keystroke over the network, or operate more in a line-editing mode such as is common with IRC clients. But there's ways to get around that by using front-end program of some kind. I used to script a lot of ssh stuff anyway with e.g. Expect (the tool written in Tcl) or just some custom Perl shit I cobbled together. Worked good enough for my purposes even in shitty network conditions. Allegedly the Putty client has line editing option, and this thing too:
I'm a low-level network guy. Congestion control algorithms shit themselves at high latency. We have to break TCP connections and send them through hacks known as PEPs to try to cheat the math over satellite which does disgusting things to other aspects of the connection. As this doesn't happen (obviously) to UDP/IPSEC traffic, it usually performs extremely poorly on satellite. So existing internet ovet satellite = SHIT.
If you could rewrite every network stack in the world you could use some of the satellite-oriented algorithms but these still do unspeakable things to jitter and are totally unusable for VoIP and things with similar reqs (gayming).
If you want things to work well over satellite you need a completely redesigned internet that reserves channel capacity like is done by telecom networks. That won't happen in your lifetime, although the various 'interplanetary TCP' projects will eventually admit they need to do this so you'll see it used on probes.
Regular people can't own or deploy their own satellites
You can do whatever goofy placebo indirect routing on top of that you want, user.
WiFi mesh networking
Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.
BBR+fq for endpoints, CDG+fq-codel for routers. This stuff is a solved problem.
You're adorably ignorant. BBR is based on probing and is basically juggling who is the bottleneck on the path and has terrible characteristsics as a result. And Codel cripples burst so severely that it breaks most servers (yay getting EAGAIN after a burst of 30 packets) and makes zero sense on a router anyway, it's meant for endpoints.
They're algorithms that were intended to improve devices like iPhones.
There is nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel, if you don't own said wheel.
If you try you'll be lawyer'd straight into the fucking shadow realm.
If that doesn't convince you to stop, you'll mysteriously commit suicide out of the blue by shooting yourself in the back of the head three times.
Good luck user!
You can establish a community network without charging people for using it and leaving burden of tech support on themselves and volunteers, this is legl in most countries. like sending files over bluetooth or setting up a lan, plus commieshits will support you legally.
Or you can go to small euro/poor 3rd world country and start from there.
And yet, a couple decades ago it wasn't uncommon to have analog modems on both endpoints of a connection, which also creates high latency. But the traffic still got routed, and I used to telnet or ssh to friend's home network well over 1000 miles away without problems. Actually it was better than the shitty wifi I've been forced to use in some places.
You do realise what internet is an abbreviated term for interconnected network, that the digital infastucture is not owned by any one entity and if you're want to create a packet based network infastucture you would have to go through the FCC.
No good at hiding your identity. Secrecy and anonymity are two separate issues. Anonymity is for a large part about metadata.
If the message is coming from your house it's a reasonable guess that you sent it, even without looking at the content.
p2p templeos shipped on all chips by end 2020
I have satellite internet and its really not as bad and everyone makes it out to be.
thats breddu gud m8
t. audsfag with 0.5 m bits and 500 pingats in c0d1
pic related is my mode m
No. But that's not what you want to hear, so you're going to dismiss this post.
The postal service.
it already takes seconds to display any modern web page anyway. but yes you are right for certain applications such as FPS gaming
the postal service is 100% pozzed. it's not possible to legally receive mail without government ID
PBM (play by mail) games used to be a big thing in the 70's and 80's (and to some extent even early 90's). Old RPG magazines like The Dragon always had ads for such games.
Here's example game:
Do you still have 90s internet? They're literally optimizing TLS 1.3 so it takes one packet less to establish a connection just so that websites load faster.
He has botnet JS choking all his cores, and Firechrome sucking all this memory. Note: all JS is botnet. Web 2.0 is botnet. W3C is botnet. They all exist to force you to upgrade hardware so you can stay on the botnet with extra hardware botnet.
Wireless mesh networking but with a network of autonomous open source hybrid airships using encrypted laser communication to serve as a mobile Internets backbone of sorts.
Is that even possibru?
Flash drives carried by pigeons.
Yes that's possible, but it will also be slow as is the nature of all mesh networks. Enjoy your latency.
I'm ok with that. I'd even use UUCP over dialup. I used FidoNet and Usenet in the 90's, and it was pretty sweet, a lot nicer than Web 2.0 shits that needs botnet hardware.
Packets turned into sound signals memorized and carried by pidgeons which are then converted with dedicated chirp-to-chip circuits which cut (chip) wood and are read by a chipcard computer.
You fags are living in the past
Quantum communication is the way of the future.
You could just do the same thing with satellites and thus not be applicable to
You forgot
Quantum communication is nearly useless for internet traffic.
High gain directional antenna + High power wifi router board. Can run OpenWRT/LEDE. For building local mesh-nets, a couple of these pointed at each other will go a few miles if you have line-of-sight. Or one by itself with a good vantage point looking down on a big city will let you jack into countless wifi networks (but I wouldn't know anything about that, personally).
Make the antenna a phased array and then we can talk. You get higher gain by losing "width", but if you make the whole thing electronically steerable you can just rig up some software to automatically scan the entire area for strong signals and adjust when they crap out without ever needing to get out of your chair.
You have no idea how hard I laughed at this
Geostationary orbits are a long way out. They introduce a minimum of around 250ms latency, which makes them pretty shitty for internet.
Disrupt all electric and electronic technology with recurrent EMP bursts and rebuild modern civilization on opti-mechanical computers.
You'd have better luck lobbying the nearest political party to nationalize the entire wifi spectrum and adopt a encrypted mesh standard.
A DIY Yagi-Uda antenna
Okay, great, but that's only the easy part, user! Now tell me how to assign subnets on a global scale without authoritative instances, and how to route between these subnets.
If one were to strap these to a fixed-wing low RCS drone of sufficient size with solar panels, how big an Area could be serviced with pirate WLAN at 120m altitude?
Assuming the FAA or some disgruntled strelok don't shoot it down, and the Anons on the ground use >>829885's phased arrays.
everyone has their own personal server and everything is P2P
That only works for permanent point-to-point communication. You can't build a network on quantum entanglement alone.
B.A.T.M.A.N and a distributed hash table?
Ham radio.
Could you please elaborate on "a distributed hash table"? I know what that is and how it works, but how does it solve the routing and address assignment problem?
So you'd shoot neutrinos between transceivers? How will you be able to aim at such a tiny target over any reasonable distance? Even if you had it calculated perfectly the constant vibration of the earth would offset it enough for you to miss.
Satellite signals are sent in a giant wave, not a single particle.