Trump tells Holla Forums: STOP IT

I'm sorry Holla Forums but it's time to face the music. You've been had. Trump is not going to make America the glorious white nation you dreamed of.

Here it is straight from Trump's own mouth. He doesn't want minorities to feel afraid, he doesn't want any of his supporters to attack or harass them.

What changed him so suddenly?

Mods don't you dare delete this, Holla Forums needs to see it.



No one should feel afraid of deportation, returning home is great for everyone.

>>>Holla Forums

im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not a paid shill which means you're a retard and a newfag and should commit suicide as soon as possible

You guys misunderstand. The interviewer asked Trump what he thought about all of the supposed Trump supporters who were carrying out alleged racist attacks, leading to people rioting in the streets. She then asks, should they stop it, do you want them to stop it. Say it to the camera…

When Trump says "Stop It", it's actually a secret message to us to stop the people rioting, to stop Soros and Hillary from staging a coup. To activate our RWDS and start disappearing people on the down-low without bringing any attention to ourselves or Trump.

What are you talking about, Holla Forums is a board of peace, it says it right in the banner.

Please clap.

Nothing. Find an audio where he says to to harass or attack minorities, and i'll give you 50 bucks. He is against anyone who is against America or damaging America, which are a lot of Blacks and Latinos, but he has nothing against Blacks and Latinos that support and help America. It was known from the beginning that he isn't going to be the next Hitler, only there to shift the overton window. Go back to where you came from or lurk more.

Great post, OP


omg I h8 Turmp now

you haven't been paying attention to reality have you. Obviously you've fallen for the media bullshit from one side or the other and think that Trump truly is a reincarnation of Hitler.

Trump is a moderate at heart and a nationalist to boot which is a poorly understood position in this two party world.

OMG i know rite? It's like he literally isn't hitler Dx

What is he supposed to say? "I love my supporters beating up niggers. It's fantastic! High energy!" America sadly isn't a dictatorship. Even as President he still has to play nice. It isn't like Obama encouraging nigger riots, if he is going to help us he has be subtle. But he still has our backs and we have his.

Wait, so is this like you Holla Forumsacks saying all the nazism was just a prank, bro?

He has had a long week and couldn't be bothered rejecting the framing present in the question. The argument that "we" are responsible for all the civil unrest.
Knowing that none of his supporters are actually out there provoking this shit and accepting the frame for the sake of getting the damn interview over with, he acquiesced and gave them the soundbite, a safe move given that unity and peace will help him get his job done quicker and more efficiently.
There is nothing to see here, you're just baiting the rabid RWDS who wanna fuck shit up but haven't even started.

Trump should totally declare 14/88 and tell everyone to start the race war and gas the kikes.

In fact he should totally shout that out to the whole world.


I'd apologize for not using sage, but the board is dead anyway, and desperate shilling is sort of cute.

Kill yourself newfag

I'd be willing to give $100 to the one person who can bring me an unedited video in which Trump ever gave a sign that he was a white ethnonationalist. He has always been a civic nationalist. Only the media tried to make him out to be an ethnonationalist, or in some cases a white supremacist, and they based it off on who his voter base was at the very early stage and the support he got by a few who are publicly leaning that way. Even drooling retards from cuckchan and reddit and a part of people here fell for the lies of the media, really believing he might be some kind of a new Hitler or a "God Emperor". He is far from it, even though he did create a populist movement. He masterfully adapted it to the multicultural environment of the 21st century US. Is his plans bad for the future of the world, if unaltered? Not at all. Is it remotely near gas the kikes, race war now? Absolutely not.



He brings up how bullshit he thinks their false accusations of this happening are, and follows up with "if.. if it helps…" He knows the media is trying to make him look weak and he is playing them like fools.


Yes. Simple as that. Nazism on Holla Forums is a /new/ thing, shilled by tripfags on dark days of 4chan. Most of us are actually liberarian, conservative and capitalist.

Die hard (((nazis))) will have to create a new board now.

The only ones at fault here is Holla Forums for thinking that a moderate pragmatist would try to create a New Dawn of White Humankind. You can meme him into presidency, but you can't meme a 70 year old into completely changing his ways and opinions.

That interview was pretty bullshit, though. Tried to portray the rioters as being Trump-supporters or because of Trump-supporters. She kept trying to throw wenches in the wheels of the Trump Train, and it's obvious he's dropped some of the rhetoric that drove him into power. Hillary Clinton will never get put in jail, guys, the Podesta scandal will not get the federal investigation it deeply, deeply requires and the next four years of Trumps Presidency will be a clusterfuck mostly due to media being biased as fuck and people believing Trump is literally Lucifer incarnate. Get out your popcorn, boyos, the show has only started.


He doesn't hate minorities, he never did.
He hates criminals (and most of those happens to be niggers and spics) and he will remove them throught legal ways.

We and Trump all know that the whole "evil white supremacists attacked me because I'm brown" thing is just another medias lie crafted specifically to bait fence-sitters into believing that he's ok with it and he's literally hitler. He did the smart thing.

Your point being? One of the very first qualities required to be a businessman or a manager is to have confidence. Of course, Trump is not gonna risk hiring someone who sees himself as "white trash". If one of those nogs would have called themselves as a nigger he'd have done the same thing.

What the fuck did you expect, that he'd urge his supporters to take their ARs and start killing the communist protesters en masse?

sage for shit demoralization thread.

Anyone who's against Trump needs to leave, simple as that. We are empire propaganda force, not opposition anymore. Anyone who continues to be opposition to government must be taken care of.

everybody but the newest of newfags knows Trump is much more moderate in his nationalism than most Holla Forumsacks. back in the primaries we were on his side for The Wall and getting rid of TPP, and it looks like one of those already happened. We'll continue pushing the overton window, though.

yeah, the interviewer broke out every female manipulation trick in the book and he was totally nonplussed. Bullshit interview, clearly hostile, but he sailed through it.


Back to r/the_donald fucking useless piece of shit.

Shitposting aside maybe it's good that he isn't a literal copy of Hitler, because he lost.



Let me ask you this:

Do you shave your hair?
Do you have nazi flag in your room?
Do you draw swastika on buildings?
Do you sieg heil on the streets?
Do you have nazi related tatoos?
Do you go to the neo-nazi meetups?
Do you beat niggers and jews with your boots?
Do you kill people?

If you don't do any of this you are moderate conservative supporter too, not a nazi. You can be blamed for being a cuck by neo-nazi idiots too. Here, we have Trump now, no need for Hitler. Hitler is definitely worse than Trump.

That's a reddit cuck trying to poison the well, report, hide and filter.

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

I got banned there for agentsmithism, what do?

Sage and report. SJW detected.
Curse them! Praise Kek!

reminder Holla Forums is a national socialist board because every other ideology has been BTFO.

Why you cling to dead nation and dead tyrants so much, when you have Trump alive, well, and in presidency?

Trump nation, not Hitler nation. Capitalism, not socialism. Justice, not tyranny. Americanism, not nationalism.

That's what you get for not checking his doubles.


nothing. You fell for the media lies if you ever thought Trump would "make america white again"