if that was for bread, then you could call it bread lines. but that's not for bread.
more specifically, the fed has an inflation agenda. it's goal is to inflate debt away. to get there, it needs to raise the quasi-currency-for-X-exchange-point for each X it can. problem is, (1) there are often multi-modal curves for each X, and (2) the set of all X all use the same fractional-reserved-budget-source for each quarter/year, and (3) the political budget jerrymandering for a % of that budget allocation produces wide differentials per subclasses of X, which then (4) have to be divided into the number of players/recipients.
ex: health 'care' (lies, reads: health insurance, but whatever). it takes up a percentage allocation per year that pushes down the percentage allocation per year of EBT. oops. it then must be divided amongst the target population of transactions, which is a lot of transactions. so while the allocation may be high, and % allocation greater, the amount per transaction is much smaller than it otherwise would have been. oops. in addition, obviously this all produces wide real-world discordance: a doctor visit and a bag of food are the same, no matter which doctor, no matter which food, no matter which supplier of either or either's locale finance and property structure. the net effects then introduce modal separations for each X, for each subclass of X-set, for each different percent allocation. oops.
so much for trying to reach a 'target'. for certain, if you do it enough for long enough, you will attain inflation, but more like absolute dyscrasia chaos - with an acute regression to the mean firstly. thus, you produce deflation. instead of inflation. and the more people you have, the more deflation you produce, precisely because all benefits come from the same budget source, are differentially % allocated, and execute inside of different locales of apriori rate claims on each transaction. you'll still get inflation eventually, but you'll have to cause everything to break (aka venezuela) – but since electronic benefits require electronic networks, maintenance, servicing, etc, you can't have everything break. oops.
that is to say, inflation has a cost to attain, ignoring all exchange-points. choosing the cheaper option of e-currency-variant-cards is also incompetence: you still will end up with deflation on the ground.
note that asset classes are experiencing crazy inflation due to the various players drawing from a different source: ESF, IMF, Centrals, various money lenders splitting 0 to +1 and sending the -1 to fannie mae, etc.