Trump provides dinner for cops babysitting Shillary protesters
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Trump securing allegiance of law enforcement. He already has the endorsement of ICE and Border Patrol, and he's no doubt won over the SS by them being around him 24/7 and seeing how much more human he is than the usual corrupt pedos they're forced to protect. Low and mid-level FBI supports or is at least neutral toward him, just have to remove the corrupt at the top. Next will be the military.
Hell, I'd be happy to volunteer and get the free chow to give to someone who really needs it.
The video Black Lives Matter doesn't want you to watch
2 months ago627,442 views
He knows what he's doing; if a civil war does break out then having the popular support of the police and military will be essential for putting down the rebellion. Actions like this cost him almost nothing but could win him a lot of popular support within the police force; his next step will be the reach out to the military and gain support there.
He is going to want to get the military under his belt before the civil war breaks out, which means probably before his inauguration.
I'd love to see the left attempt to provoke a revolution.
Wow, I laughed at this. This is great. That much more toward ensuring that there's no resistance to him.
That's the most comfy fucking thing I've seen in my entire life. Also, this country may get real comfy real soon, and I think I'm about ready to get off mr. shekelstein's wild ride and return to reality.
The civil war is over, it happened in a retracted form over the internet by difference intelligence agencies. Unless they really want to just crash this plane with no survivors, then they're just going to allow the peaceful transition of power to take place.
I'd like that too, user.
Do not leave your post.
That gif is a work of art. So many little details. So many layers.
Considering how well Trump is liked by police, military, and the Secret Service he is developing one hell of a life insurance policy.
He time travelled this scenario quite a few times. I guess he figured once the deportations started, he needed strong police report. Which is why he planted those seeds early on.
*support not report.
Police officers, the beatcops at least, have to be thrilled he won.
Meanwhile in Sweden, cops are resigning every week because the government refuses to let them do their job if the perp is brown
There's a similar issue in France. Not a Frog I just pay attention.
Anyone got a pic of what dinner was?
Anyone else getting a little scared? I'm a Trump man myself, but what's his end game here. I'm starting to get the feeling he's going to Make America Great Again, whether by choice or kicking and screaming.
Not really, he's just doing something for the people who are trying to slap some sense into the children and paid rioters
I really, really hope somewhere someone puts out an article talking about how Trump shouldn't be trying to help police officers. Nothing would make me happier
It happens
I think it's just fucking common sense to have some respect for the people that do their job
He's a good man
I disagree, it feels overproduced in a way that only reddit could manage. an imageboard would've known how to exercise restraint, like a good gondola, the animation would've been limited to the candle by spurdo and the shower. You know in your heart that the gif would be far better in eliminating all the extraneous effects. In fact, I might fix it myself later.
Pure Nostalgia
but if hillary won. no one would be rioting.
I miss the game myself. I actually tried it again today, and good lord it's unplayable. They butchered it, and removed it from the broswerbased format it had for more than a decade. No one was on.
I know this isn't Holla Forums material, but does anyone know some comfy RPGs like Runescape that are mostly F2P? I need to chill out after using all my meme potential to put the Don as the POTUS
Did anyone save the original version of this video set to embed related? It was much better choreographed, you can tell the creator hastily threw this version together when they took the original down for copyright violation.
Stop fucking using copyrighted songs in your propaganda vids, they always get shut down.
Are you degenerate?
If by comfy you mean browserbased, I can't help you. If you mean a good ARPG that is F2P and not P2W, play Path of Exile. Nothing in that game is P2W, and its character development is ridiculous, with a nicely fleshed out endgame.
Try Holla Forumsscape. It's basically RS07 but with 2x EXP boost. You even get all of the member's areas, quests, and items. It's completely free but it's fulled with autists.
Found a reupload but the audio clips a lot.
Nah, I've pretty much accepted the era of broswer based MMO's is dead. I've gotten a beefier computer, and can play pretty much anything. I want a game that I can chill with, and doesn't try to shove some world ending calamity in my face that only I can stop.
Got a link? Double exp sounds good, because I don't feel like spending years again grinding to a max level causally.
I'm joining the military after his inauguration and praying for civil war. I am a trump loyalist. If anyone opposes our president and emperor they will be destroyed.
try making a thread on Holla Forums friendorino
Try PoE, friendo. I think you would enjoy.
An0n:~~~Buying GF~~~~
Cops were treated for so long like animals, that a normal gesture now looks like …
It's not made by a redditor.
It's made by a member of the alt-right.
From TRS, and you have just shilled for them. /polmeta/ is gonna lose their shit because they were banned from there.
Appreciated, JewTube wanted a login for the other one.
You are an idiot, gas yourself
That has got to be a huge morale boost for those cops. Also reassures them that they'll be rewarded for putting those uppity nogs and cucks down.
Pictures or video?
I'm 12 months old and what is this
French guy here. Cops have been protesting every night for three weeks now. In almost any big cities in the country.
Are you literally retarded?
It's a (1) OP.
As nice as it might be, some of us might be caught up in the riffraff by accident.
Don't hang out with degenerates then.
Get a MAGA hat or a rare kek idol
why arent people killing muslims radicals during this no cop period?
i would assume the fbi has our number. maybe they run interference for Holla Forumsacks to some degree. scrub our names off lists maybe. pie in the sky dreams but worth a think.
This gif is beautiful. What a cozy and warm Christmas we will all have.
He's consolidating support incase Soros tries a "purple revolution".
Never seen my SDPD dressed in riot gear, sorry to see rabid liberals forcing them to.
What I'm trying to say is I'm ethnically Jewish
Have you gone to church and apologized for killing Jesus yet?
I intend to be one of the ones doing the catching and fully cooperating with the police. Though, regardless of what happens, this is the same cuck argument that liberals make against Duterte.
Oh. Well, fucking move to israel, then. Or, no, don't. Christ, where could you go? Maybe Russia? Argentinia? Japan?
He can get a free helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon.
Nah, man, I'm fully for it. I just want to know ways how to identify myself as on the right side. I know many of the cops in my town, but when shit hits the fan and you're caught in the middle, what do I do? Talk to the police/Trumpstaffel and offer my support.
I love America, m8. I helped meme Trump into the presidency, I want to continue to support him. Only cowards, left or right, flee from their homeland when times go awry.
I hope you are not practicing the Judaism, are you? I also support Trump because I don't want to die in WWIII. It isn't worth this shits.
t. Aussie.
Excellent question. Probably because Mosques are all armories.
You'll go into the ovens like every other kike then. I don't really care how it's seen, but we are safer if we do not make any exceptions.
"Hey goys, how do I fool you into letting me survive the purge so I can continue to subvert you?"
This. Also, I think he is trying to weed out police corruption through positive reinforcement and having the police aspire to a true civic duty and care about the community.
To us it's common sense, but to our opponents altruism is a mental deficiency. We wouldn't have come this far if they didn't actively hate the people working for them.
They have no guns. Are they going to throw their baguettes at muslims?
Studies have shown that if you take away food, protesters are much less likely to be violent or inflammatory. I read something about the middle east, they forbade food carts to attend to public protests and gatherings and most of the time, violence went way down.
This is why the people voted for him, he went fucking everywhere and people really felt like his heart was in the right place and their senses are honed to this shit cause they have been fucked over their whole lives and now the proof is starting to show
that's the point
Goy-goyim… you're making this difficult… you wouldn't want to be labeled an anti-semite, would you?
Why do images like this make me want to go live in a small wood house away from society (for the most part), bed, shower, reading/sitting room, kitchen, garden, powered by a small wood based generator for emergencies or maybe something with more output used sparingly for lights/heat/computer sometimes, but mostly just relying on candles and a wood stove and fireplace for heat…washing clothes in water I have to gather, chopping my own wood for fire, and so on…
The Trump years will be glorious and I don't want to miss out on them.. but frankly, after the last three years of being roommates with some completely materialistic and hedonistic people (not the "have orgies" kind of people, just the, do nothing play vidya all day live like slobs, kind).. I just.. I dont want anything to do with the modern way of living in general. People keep scoffing at me for not wanting new things, computers, phones, tvs, for still driving my 22 year old truck and having no desire to "upgrade," .. I just dont fit in to this modern way of life.
I'm glad I could help out with empowering the Emperor, but I'm kind of ready to move on, leave the rest to him, and leave society entirely
Goyim means multitude.
As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations[goyim].
Genesis 17:4
Maybe not the military, the entire thing has been a tool of mass indoctrination since Truman.
But if he cant get a significant chunk of local LEOs, then yeah.
That helps massively.
And its the smart thing to do. They have time on their side. We dont. Let Trump and the mass deportations happen. Wait 30-40 years a d restart it all again with new propaganda.
Or lose everything
Who told you that garbage? Michael Moore? The military voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Reality. History. Not being an ignorant retard.
Look up Truman and Desegregation, or better yet, stop jacking off at every hooah.
It never stopped and kept going.and it was only the USMC that truly went overwhelmingly for Trump. The Army only went slightly his way. The other two? Not really.
Take your kikery back to your mistress shill,, your kind is not welcome here.
Got proof for those voting stats? I'm genuinely curious, if they are pozzed then thy need to be unpozzed. We should let trump know.
The female leader of the airforce denounced Trump at one point during the campaign.
I have no doubt that much of the upper echelons are pure shit - but the majority of the armed forces, officer class included (especially) is White people. And White people overwhelmingly supported Trump.
Seriously? I hope she's an experienced air soldier, not the politician or other.
Truth is truth, fuckwit.
The troopers are Trump supporters and lolbergs.
Called it.
How fresh is that, user? I like the ambiguity.
Everything you said is a complete lie. Everything. Your bosses must be terrified of the military waking up. You should be. We will exterminate you.
Fucking weeeeewwwwwooohh.
Johnson was the "I'm totally not voting for Trump bro" answer. He did under-poll basically everywhere.
Course, our military could just be a buncha retarded lolbergs.
I've noticed this little TRS/JIDF Tactic of being the first to say "shill", b20dd0 is right. Gentiles' numbers is our strength.
wall related (((you)))
" you will be astonished at how injured he his, how he shrinks back: 'I've been found out' "
No I am not joking, user. I am surprised that they elected the lady as the commander of the airforce. The women are not good at the commandeering.
Every time I see a post trying to makes us scared or doubt Trump in any way, there's always mention of "his game". Get some new material, you fearmongering jew. The English language is pretty vast and flexible.
you guys are probably rs2 fags but rs classic was the best game i ever played. it annoys me so much that jewgex shut it down. i hope you guys had the privilege to play it at its peak.
pking will never be as good as it was during those times.
Morale must've been high that day in the department.
Webm I made from the original on youtube.
The point that I was tying to make was that the jew vs goyim dichotomy is an artificial one.
Your observation about projection is quite valid, though.
Bretty good vid, just like those dubs.
It would be nice if it is fully subtitled. I am so happy when I see that there are actual few subtitles on your video.
ZOGbots deserve neither respect or food but it was a shrewd diplomatic approach. Some of them might not be too far gone yet and serve well in the RWDSs.
Make America comfy again…
Why is Spurdo in the dark?
Why is no-one keeping an eye on the pan?
The kitty cat might get hurt.
This. You could have fooled some of us into thinking you are a "good kike" but you made your subversion too transparent, Schlomo.
I can't wait for Kekmas.
Keep up the smears, fuckwit, it's obvious that you have no point to make.
If the googlement asks, they can get your actual location from the ISP, so unless you're on your liberal neighbour's wifi (protip: as long as it's not WPA2 with hardware-disabled WPS and the signal is good, you can hack it), you're not as safe as you think.
Not that it matters in this case, is a faggot.
I smell newfags.
Look closer.
All I need to know about arguing with kikes.
I didn't say otherwise, you fucking imbecile.
Not doing you much good, though, is it?
Let the rewards and punishments begin.
Due process.
I don't understand gamergate.
I posted that on the wrong thread.
Yes it is
Due process hasn't existed ever since 9/11 you fucking kike. Bush removed it and Obongo made a precedent which allows assassinations.
There is a spurdo in the image dumbfuck, in the attic
I know we like to exaggerate here, but you know that's not true.
Alright, prove us wrong. Here is the supposition based on Ron Paul's warnings:
They can drone people in the streets completely legally; the only thing they'd have to worry about would be the political fallout, but even that can be mitigated with "muh terrorism."
I quit when they first gave the offer to either keep your character in Classic or the newer one. Whenever that was. Haven't kept up with what they've done since then.
You cannot drone people in the street in America. The closest thing we've had to that is the kang that got pasted in Dallas. Due process doesn't always apply in bumfuckistan, but on American soil it does.
You're arguing using outdated assumptions; the President can order the death of any US citizen if he believes they are a "terrorist" via secret court. While that's technically due process, I don't think any of us really believe that.
A good way to counter-protest these people would be to start bringing the cops food
Please President Trump. Make this happen.
I would be happy to die if I could just have one dinner like that.
Ruby Ridge.
If they can burn people to death, legally, including women and children, then yes, they can "drone" a single man with no chance of repercussions.
The police aren't substitute parent figures, working because of a love for peace and their fellow citizens' safety.
They are system protectors and if they happen to be on your side, it is purely as a result of them doing the bidding of a structure that is CURRENTLY sympathetic to your beliefs.
tl;dr police aren't your friends.
they are vicarious power seekers of the worst sort.
This was pretty hard to watch
And ive seen the worst humanity has to offer
That's what I said immediatly after Trump Won. All the joys of Christmas, but with the extra Gift of seeing /ourguy/ as President the very next month.
Gonna be comfy bros.
welp I thought it was something like this
Good lad. Who do you think the police are going to support? A bunch of whiny cry babies shouting profanities at them for a week straight and making their jobs 1000 times more difficult, or the man who respects them and buys them dinner?
Would have been funny if the kid was a kike.
I guess mandatory sexual harrassments havent been a thing. I guess the gay acceptance bullshit, the forced bullshit regarding women, and the following link, are totally made up things.
And the following quotes people, is what disinfo shills really look like. Like this.
Was that before or after they gt shoved through the indoctrination centers of college and military academies.
Holla Forums used to be filled with threads lamenting the state of the US Military and how pozzed it has become. I guess we know what the new instructions regarding shills is.
Don't stereotypical badgers prefer dark environments?
Nice relativism faggot, my top tier OC mp4 unrelated has nothing to do with it. Restraint is essential to good art, as well as good OC. No one gets points for wasted effort.
What you're feeling is a primal instinct. There are three kinds of societies: The ones you form with your associates and family, the ones you're born into and maintain, and the ones you are trying to leave. I had a recent dream wherein I was a child, whose mother was selecting a new house in a somewhat rural area. There was still some complex technology, but it was stylishly made inconspicuous among the furniture.
The cold eases men into nature, because our footprints and our fathers' footprints are clearer in the snow.
You're beyond clueless. Refrain from posting.
I understand and agree. I think all of us know at some level, (though some might not want to admit it), that having just enough of everything you need is the perfect balance.
Not trying to be that guy but they associate Templars with Crusaders. She needs to correct herself and call it something else other than racist.
Not even the original natsoc wanted to kill all the jews mate, just prove your loyalty by helping in catching the real kikes and/or join the army.
Anyways its higly unlikely that we will experience a real holocaust during Trumps presidency, seeing as he both openly supports Israel and let his daughter marry a jew.
Good luck, I'm behind seven Boxxies.
there neets who believe trump will save a country that is barely half white with a po white military coup. Have mercy on them they are retarded
You've been outed. Why don't you just do us all a favor and gas yourself?
The higher ups are pozzed, so what?
fuck man, that hits hard
So is is he deporting all the ricans, niggers, and italians too?
wtf i love pizza tho
Deus Vult, degenerate
I can indeed tell you that the experience was amazing
Hey OP, I can't find any evidence that this actually happened. The twitter account that the article links to is locked and there are no photos or videos as the article claims.
Does anyone have a picture of this happening? I see other websites posting articles about the same thing but NONE of them had the foresight to take a screenshot of the supposed tweet at all.
I have no sympathy for these apes, I hope they all die horribly.
Well that mp4 is a blast from the past being a 38 year old former demoscene coder. Who is making old scene intros for WN?
on day user.
in this life or the next
The military voted Trump and they do what the president says. Guess who's president.
You just showed everyone you are a buffoon.
Spurdo is playing the role of Santa this year.
That's why he's up there with all the presents.
None of the others yet realise just how many they are going to get…
Said a faggot with no talent.
The effort was not wasted, you just got no effort to waste.
So, seven years of using all that MILSURP to purge the degenerates and retake the cities, then a thorough powerdown and re-localisation of the command structure in the last year. Start working on enhanced redundancy packages for officers who have sore feet from kicking in doors so that much of the purge cohort can set up bait shops and ATV hire rather than being left in place for the leftists to use. Or … in-job IQ tests to control promotion?
You're right of course, whether anyone listens or not. They are professional order followers, having abdicated their own personal authority to the state. People who take orders without weighing it against morality and conscience are truly unconscious (asleep). They are not to be celebrated. If they do good, it is because it is allowed/required by the job at that time, not because they are given free will choices to pursue the best possible outcome for all involved. Use them when it benefits you but never trust that they will go against their masters when SHTF. Few will choose uncertainty over steady pay and routine.
I'm lucky to live in an area where I don't have to face the conditions blacks create. IE. the massive burden on law enforcement, education, welfare, social security, complete disregard for a clean/tidy environment (litter, overgrown lawns, disgusting conditions), etc.
I don't give the slightest fuck about the microscopic minority among blacks who behave themselves. Blacks drag down our civilization & their presence is not welcome. Get them the fuck out, stop feeding/clothing them, send them back the 3rd world shitholes they come from & let them fend for themselves rather than being parasites on white countries. Because we are not equal, 3rd world shitholes are all that blacks are capable of creating. If we had no interaction with them whatsoever they'd be living in mudhuts & dying from treatable diseases as the deserve.
Look in the attic you autist.
Lets fact check that…
High energy.
really? wtf.
comfy feel
It's a nice idea user, but there's risks with food from strangers. Never know if the protesters latch on to it and try to poison them…
What about a "counter protest" of sorts, where a mass of people applaud the police for their hard work - morale boosting for the police, triggering for the protesters.
could be fake, though…
Holla Forums used to be super-sceptical about this kinda shit, but we are somewhat glossy-eyed at the moment
hopefully that'll pass soon…
Considering the intensity of the week-long tantrum they've been throwing I don't see much of a reason to be skeptical.
I am still not tired of winning.
then just order food and have it delivered by a restaurant.
why aren't there more demoscene intro-style vids being made to accompany synthwave/fashwave music, is what i need to know
You mean skeptical?
bong spelling, mah burga
This is kinda like Caesar and his legions
> Holla Forums used to be super-sceptical about this kinda shit, but we are somewhat glossy-eyed at the moment
Not if all the Kek worship and "God Emporer" faggots don't open their eyes and start fighting the Jews snaking into Trump's Admin
Heaven forbid they start looking at the facts now that Trump has won. All we do is circle jerk here anymore don't you know?
I'm scared that they might run out of rope
You almost got me.
Now is the time to invest in paracord manufacturing.
I've moved beyond "Day of the Rope." I'm now at Day of the Guns That Shoot Twirling Black & Decker Saw Blades."
Actually, they lost an election rigged in their favor. 3 million illegal votes isn't nothing.
If someone supplies a nice, somber, holiday-themed song, I'll make a webm out of it and this gif. Bonus points if it's jazz. I'll check back in an hour or so.