When President Trump cut off funding to Chicago Completely, will it become another Detroit? Where do you see Chicago Going?
We Need to talk about Chicago
Why do you start a thread like a faggot
sanctuary city = slave plantation
Aren't the niggers the first affected by illegal immigrants? And they did not vote for Trump, fuck them.
If Trump shuts off EBT to Chicago, every black person will immediately go broke. The result: mass chimpout on a South Africa level. The mayor will have no choice but give in and deport all the illegals, otherwise Chicago becomes a war zone.
Trump will find a way to fix Chicago.
Don't doubt the god emperor.
I wish Trump would be that much of a player.
Not without federal funding, you piece of shit mystery meat cocksucker. Even if you could somehow maintain being a place for illegals, you have no funding. Unless you raise city taxes, where will funding come from? How will they earn money when federal laws will fuck their employers in the asshole?
Bottom line, you fucking piece of shit cocksucker? Trump is going to shove his dick into your mouth and you're going to thank him for doing it. Or your city will be the next South Central LA in 1992 forever and then you'll see radical change.
You can't do shit. You ARE shit and your beautiful colony of spics like the Latin Counts is getting sent back home.
Can't you just arrest the mayors for defying federal law?
Not nessecarily. In IL food stamps are called a SNAP card, and the program is ran by the IL Dpt. of Human Services, which i can only assume is reimbursed in part by the federal government.
Before it's fixed, it needs to be cleaned. Trigger chimpouts in Chicago and ruin it in the next 4 years, it would go blue anyway. Meanwhile focus on red states, make them great again. After you win next election, rebuild ruined blue cities, get their vote for the next Trump.
I don't know how that works, but all public officials can be impeached or investigated.
I don't think it would ever come to actual arrest, but Trump would fuck Chicago pretty hard if Emanuel didn't comply. Chicago would literally be in ruin in just a few years if he wanted to make it so.
But that's a good thing. Kill the uppity niggers and remove illegals.
Just barricade the city and wait until they all destroy themselves. It will be like a negro neutron bomb, where the infrastructure remains intact after the population is decimated.
When it is all over we just go in, mop it up, and repopulate it with patriotic legal immigrants.
There's an easier way. Basically shut off all funding to Chicago for a year and the spics and niggers will take care of each other. Just deport what's left and you also put a dent into the nigger population after 2 years.
I hope you mean white immigrants
from South Africa
I mean, didn't the mayor say: sanctuary city ?
it wouldn't be hard to pull of either, just force the press to cover the horrors the white south africans are going through, or just say "we are bringing in african migrants" the leftists would eat it up until it's too late
Yea because we need more white liberal immigrants from Eurocuck.
Typically, the white liberals would want to stay in their sand nigger paradise while Abdul fucks their wives.
The Euros that would want to come here, I would guess, would come because they see how multiculturalism fucked their own homeland. I would guess that, after living here a few years, a Euro would swing to the right on most issues as an alternative to making their new home like their old home.
oh SNAP! gibsmedat card
kill niggers
The only way to secure a future for white people is reducing the voting privilege.
Deport illegals.
Demand identification.
Yeah let's see how long that last.
I can't find any numbers, but I would be money that Chicago gets a hell of a lot more federal funding than most
Why suck up to people who 1) aren't American, 2) are criminals, 3) don't pay taxes, and 4) can't (legitimately) vote for you? What is the point?
I live near Chicago, you know it actually used to be nice here until the neighborhoods became infested with niggers and spic families packing the houses full of illegals. Drug Dealers and Criminals soon followed. I have pretty much lost hope for my city and nothing I would like better than to move somewhere in the country or in nice white neighborhood. Let's hope all of this college pays off.
Destabilize the country, and let them vote for you illegally in other states you bus them to.
barry is trying to raise 500 mil to start his foundation, whose HQ'd be in chicongo
Doesn't Bad Odor have a crony organization already, you know, the one called Acorn? Or did that shit go defunct and I'm living under a rock?
I was in Chicago a few years ago as a tourist. LOVED the Magnificient Mile, Navy Pier, park near lake Michigan and area around the futuristic car parks (forgot the names). Also, Deep Dish Pizza was pretty nice.
Really too bad about all the crime, without it Chicago would be an incredible city.
Chicago here. The police are on our side, so there's that.
Pic 1 archive.is
Pic 2 archive.is
Not all of Chicago is filth. A portion of it is the pinnacle of civilization.
Here is a map that shows the level of civilization for the different areas.
Green/Red = High standard of living
Yellow = Sub standard living
Blue = Violent, shit tier, tribal war-zones
Hope this faggot likes going bankrupt when the fed money for his "sanctuary" is cut off.
you're off a lil there user
Please happen
Why do liberals insisting whites are racist when asians are obviously worse?
Lol, make them choose between illegal aliens and riots. Get the word out these are the options, and the illegals will vanish in a week.
This thread should not neglect all the accomplishments mayor (((rahm)) has brought to the city.
idk, you're not talking about the ACORN that O'Keefe shoah'd are you?
They generally associate white and asians in the same group. Only when it suits them are asians a minority, have you not learned this yet?
asians are objectively better in racism than whites, but they are below whites in the oppression scale
yeah I would rather live around white leftist faggots then "conservative" niggers
Frankly if we could just establish martial law and absolutely
all these fucking niggers, Chicago and the entire region would become Great Again. I hope to god that it happens within these next eight years because I don't see any other way to solve the Chicago Question.
pick one and only one
Isn't Chicago home to Obama and Hillary Clinton? Shouldn't they be doing something
Obama should move in a black neighborhood
You're living under a rock. O'Keefe made them go bankrupt
What all could be shut off if Trump cut off the funding? I gotta know how bad this will be.
The race war is going to end up being blacks vs hispanics in Chicago. How the hell is anyone fine with this?
No, those loudmouthed kikes steal tax dollars from the rest of the state while also deciding all of our affairs.
Bikers are fucking pussies though. Tell me this guy didn't deserve what he got
I thought it was LINK
the only way to fix chicago is to remove niggers
I want to say it's the 4th most likely place in the U.S. to get hit by a car while on a bicycle, but it's likely higher now thanks to everyone being strung out due to the protesters. Charging people fines for not riding in the street isn't helping things either. You either get fined or ride in the most dangerous streets in the U.S.. If you're riding a bicycle in Chicago you're fucked no matter what you do.
Chicago is going to be Detroit 2.0 regardless of what Trump does. I can already foresee Democrats blaming Trump when their city completely shits itself even though it's their liberal policies that are the root of all their problems.
Or even worse yet, Trump somehow does fix Chicago temporarily and the leftist local politicians take all credit and they elect liberal mayors for the next 100 years.
he'll fix it with a squad of m4s
I like this idea. We could deploy this tactic nation wide.
Yet we need to modify it.
We need to deport all wetbacks to Africa so they can't return. Somalia is my choice of destination.
In a very quick search i couldnt find specific numbers for how much chicago receives but they were hundreds of millions in deficit for the year 2014 and id bet its the same now. Cutting federal funding will kill them.
That is such an idiotic thing to say. If every street in every city in a white nation had bike lanes, productivity would drastically skyrocket.
You're talking like some kind of Lolbertarian.
Up to $1 billion.
SF is about $1 billion as well. Their total budget is $9 billion.
I'm guessing they are all similar, with 10% of the budget being from Federal.
I don't know if he can specifically just cut off EBT, but he should cut any general funding LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD.
I don't think Hillary has any ties to Chicago. I know Trump's built a few buildings there.
She was born in Park Ridge, a suburb of Chicago.
It won't turn into Detroit because we already figured out what Detroit had to learn the hard way: segregation is the only way to survive. Detroit failed because the whites didn't establish white enclaves within the city and simply moved out to the suburbs. Here in Chicongo we do our segregation within the city limits. Other pics related.