America #2 Return of the One Liners

Greetings you bad ``Hombres``! Well it's finally here the next volume in the classic America (2017), surely a comic that is destined to be remembered for generations to come. When last we left our beloved stronk, queer Wymyn of color, she saved the world by socking Richard Spenc-*Ahem* Hitler in the…*wait it looks like she missed** Well the point is she hit him!

We start this exciting issue back on Maltixa, where Imani, the girl america saved in the last issue, and her amigx are using Beamchat's inexplicable user interface to…Follow? Copy her? Well do something regarding America's Beamchat. Boy these kids sure are hep and cool yo, kids these days will totally be able to relate. Imani's gone full hero worship and painted her hair up with an American motif that looks 100% natural and convincing.

Meanwhile, our heroine just did her civil duty and punched out Hitler, or a reasonable facsimile there of. But wait! Two Nazi's are immediately on the scene to slowly carry their Fürhrer off the battlefield he was on the front lines of, because REASONS!!1! That fucking ``Gringo`` Captain America has the audacity to tell her to move! Even the strongest women isn't safe from the white man's misogyny.

Suddenly, Peggy Carter appears, out off a conveniently placed Bunker just below where Hitler was. Apearently our heronine stumbled on an Ally plan to stop Hitler once and for all, but messed it up by punching Hitler and letting him get away…somehow. But America's not going to stand her and take Peggy's White Feminism, because she's too much of a spicy latinx, and turns the one-liners up to 11. When some Becky tries to arrest America, America shreds her white ass with sass levels that surpass what was thought humanly possible.

This display of dominance over all white people in a 5 mile radius convinces Peggy that she can absolutely trust this total stranger who appeared out of no where and bungled their operation. She takes America down into the bunker so that explain their plan, and no doubt America will end the war in less than a page.

What a hero!

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing like piping hot misery and anger with a dash of hopelessness to really make your night.


Hope you're ready for a little more

Not until your brain explodes taking all Infidels in a 10 block radius! Allahu Akbar!

It appears America's trip to WWII was planned! Someone told Carter that America would be there in order to…teach her a lesson? We're not too sure, but this will pay off I promise

SUDDNLY NAZIS! They drilled into the base and Peggy fucks off after giving America even more praise. It appears American can now punch holes through space AND time, so she punches herself into the van she's been living in back at Sotomayor U. Overwhelmed by how unfair the universe is to her wait how? she breaks into tears.

Meanwhile, the professor of "Intergalactic Revolutionaries and You" is mother fucking floating because "Energy Worship." It turns out she was the one who told Peggy about America, and probably gave America her power boost somehow. She speaks with an unknown women called Madrimar, both of them talking about how absolutely important America is, and how great she is.

Surely all this extolling America's virtues will make it evident to us readers how wonderful she is. They could show us, but that's more than we lowly plebs deserve from such fine story tellers.

A new day begins at Sotomayor U, with a bus full of prep kids, ew! As young kids are wont to do, two of them start horsing around and taking pictures of Sotomayor's halogram. Our beloved hero ain't havin' that shit. She disciplines (read assaults) those rambunctious youngsters before seeing her old buddies from Leelumultipass Phi Theta Betas, you know those characters who got such an amazing introduction in the last volume. They're so cool and hot that they preppies part like the red sea.

Not wanting to stick with the children, America and the Leelus go to see the world renowned Moongirl Girl give a lecture! Oh boy, now we get to listen to a nine year old talk about how unfair rules and common courtesy are because she's the smartest person in the world! Joy and rapture, her words really ring with America, its like they're birds of a feather!

But uh oh! More preppies are there and one tries to take an obnoxious picture of Devil Dino! America won't tolerate such disrespect to the smartest person in the world *did we mention she's the smartest girl in the world? and chides (read threatens)** the lil' shit pickle!

Moon Girl ask the audience to reach down and find that magical part of themselves! I was expecting something overwhelming superficial and I got just that

Whoever gave this shit the green light should be fucking fired.
None of it makes sense, the artwork swings between "average" and "hideous", the characters are completely unlikable and the story reads like the rantings of a drunken, autistic child.

I can barely read more than 3 panels before I feel the need to vomit.
I really hope this hurts Marvel so bad it takes them years to recover, and they're forced to hire in some decent quality control which results in whoever wrote this comitting suicide after being fired on the fucking spot, and having all the master copies of this garbage shredded and pissed on right before their eyes.

I mean for fuck's sake!
"Oh no! Two baseline humans are dragging away an injured man not 10ft away from us - how ever shall we catch them?!"
Every page of this somehow makes me more angry than the one before.

Fuck Marvel.

It took me longer than it should have to realize that this was some bullshit tumblr gender non-binary way of saying "amiga"

X'andria and America get together to make an amazing invention that will go "beyond the system" using Play-doh and Legos. its were that this sounds more like an art project than a science project but that's probably just my white male privilege talking.

Back an X'andria's dorm, America explains that she can jump through time now but can't control where she goes, this makes it totally balance, and will prevent the writers from using it at their convenience later down the line. They decide to invent a device which will help America control that power! X'andria suggest using ancestral knowledge, since that's what she uses when she's coming up with a new dance move, or needs help with Biotech, but America doesn't like to talk about her ancestor. However, their project is interrupted by the preppies who turn out to be spooky, scary cyborg skeletons!
America rushes off to help Prodigy, while the Leelu's stay behind and totally style all over the cyborgs' balls! In a moment of great peril, wherein America is momentarily inconvenienced by a few cyborgs, she prays to Selena to help them. That's right she prays to a dead Tejano singer to save the day and it works.

I'm baffled that the author can't grasp both the absurdity of her writing and that she is making Moon Girl sound like an authoritarian.

Everything she says reads like something out of Hitler's autobiography. It has that bizarre reasoning that I've only found in Mein Kampf.

Not as long as they've got (((Hollywood))) on their side.


Ai no señor user, este comic es demasiado estupido para mi

Are you trying to make this cunt sound reasonable?

Oh wait, turns out it was Profesor Douglas and Moon Girl using their Leet Haxxor skills to shut down the cyborgs. It was easy since the access code is apparently 12345. No need for Chavez to showcase her amazballs skillz!

Anywho, the next day Moon Girl is ready for the follow up lecture where everyone is going to show their amazing inventions! Suddenly, ex-girlfreind girl is in danger! Turns out America forgot to follow Imani on Beamchat. Now Imani wants to ensure America will totally be her idol and lead a rag tag team of underaged guerillas, so Lisa is being held captive, until America follows Imani on beamchat.

But ain't no one gonna tell Chavez what to do, not even a fellow Wymyn of Color! Overwhelmed with anger, America goes to save Lisa. This is such an emotionally charged moment thanks o all that character development Lisa went through last issue, man really can fit a lot of stuff into 2 pages.

Now here are some TOTALLY REAL AND NOT AT ALL FAKED FAN LETTERS! Don't forget to punch some nazis kids, Marvel says it A-OK!

Don't they have to actually learn all of that shit in order to make a science project, i mean, have they actualle teach how to split dna or something? I am guessing America is skiping those classes or something.

boy i tell you, this is the FIRST time a comic makes me feel bad for poor old Hortler

We have seen all of ZERO classes being taught so far.

Being Führer is suffering.

Ok, hard question:
What is the worst part of all of this?
I vote for the dialogue, it is all shit, every part of it, yeah, everyone's personality is garbage but the dialogue just amplify all of that, like a echo chamber of shit. I can't stand it.

Whoa now, I'm being genuine in my comparison. I think her speech there reminds me of Mein Kampf, especially when she says the "system" is broken because it doesn't support her genius. It makes me think of Hitler's heavily embellished story of his youth and how he blamed the Jews for his own failures. The whole "The Jews were to blame for the decline of Germany and the Aryan man" sort of thing.

I'd compare her to other authoritarians, such as Stalin, but they lack of the raw narcissism that Hitler had and what I read of Moon Girl.

The worst part is that there's absolutely no logical structure to any of this. There's no plot or point. Things just happen. Conflicts are there for no reason. Characters pop up for no reason. There's no reason to anything happening here.

Well the legal reason is that you are underage but a better reason is that you are an obvious narcissist.

I want to learn to draw the Marvel way because punching Nazis is neato!

This is what has me scratching my head. How is someone being paid to "write" this exercise in non sequitur? The story is moving lightning fast and I often find myself wondering if we skipped some pages. Take that moment America makes it back from Hitler-land and suddenly bursts into tears. Not to mention I can hardly find any conflict here because every issue that arises is solved immediately and effortlessly.

I just don't get it. I wrote better fucking material making Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction in middle school and these people are actually being paid for this shit.

First few pages and I already want to slit my fucking throat.
Where did that bunker she led her to even come from?

The dialog sounds like something a stupid out of touch executive would come up with while trying to think of ways to appeal to "the young people" made even worse by the constant weird shit they have everyone doing. Twerk fighting. Random pop culture references. Namedropping random shit that the author made up on the spot. A nine year old genius whinging about voting and giving what amounts to a cheesy, by the numbers motivational speech (what happened to Moongirl not even being allowed to be a superhero by her parents?)

But the worst of it, as points out, is that this is a fucking fever dream in comic form. It's nonsensical and impossible to follow. The narrative structure is fucking insane. The art doesn't help, but it's hard to tell where anyone is or what's going on or what we're supposed to focus on.

It's all just so astoundingly bad, I know. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night wondering how a human being can process this shit and think it's the best thing ever. It's awful. Everything about it is awful and amateurish on every level.

What the fuck is even going on? There is literally no explanation here. It's all out of nowhere. What's even the point of bringing out all the stuff from the bunker as the Nazis are invading the bunker, after literally just hiding it all with a flip of a switch? How did she leave the bunker on that rope? How can a superhero get a fucking concussion from a fall on the bed? Why is she even bitching about fighting regular humans with old guns when she's a goddamn superhero? Why did all of this make her think of her girlfriend to the point where she starts sobbing? Doesn't she have Skype or something?

I think this is literally the worst comic I've ever read in my fucking life.

Seriously, what is the deal with Moongirl suddenly being Tony Robbins giving motivational talks at intergalactic college and still bitching that no one lets her do what she wants? Getting real tired of this little shit being shoehorned in every comic.

I can't even begin to talk about how fucking awful this is. The first issue was bad, but this is almost unreadable. And I'm the fucking person who storytimes Moongirl.
By the way, ignore the fact it makes no sense for Luna to be here when her whole struggle in her own comics is that she's a kid that people won't let do shit, so there's no way in hell she'd be talking at a college. (How are there even pictures of the panel of the girls laughing at her in the bathroom, anyway?)
And let's not forget that the annoying kids are all white. Because it's those evil annoying whities, obviously.
And fucking… I know people like America and the other cunt. It triggers me to hear this kind of talk.

Also…. On that note…
What the fuck is America even talking about? She's been able to do whatever the fuck she wanted. She ran off to college because she wanted. She's in this universe because she wanted. What about Luna bitching about rules speaks to her?

We started talking about this in the Moongirl thread, but Marvel fucked up hard with these books and instead of trying to go back and improve them with better subsequent issues, they quadrupled down and started writing them like these were all characters that have been established for decades.

IronNigger shows up and everyone's like "OH YAY IT'S IRONHEART! WE LOVE HER!!" and from the audience's point of view, all I can think is, "Who the fuck is this and when the fuck did it become normal for her to be IronMan?"

Likewise, when every other A-lister shows up to interact with these characters, out of fucking nowhere, you don't think "oh wow, this character must be really cool!" you think, "Why the fuck do they even care about this nobody?" because these are characters that fight cosmic threats and save the planet on a regular basis, but here they are, groveling at the feet of fucking Moon Girl, like we're just supposed to accept it.

She has a job because Marvel is really bad at business. Marvel saw that their hashtag books did better than expected so they promptly flooded the market with that garbage. They were focused on the short-term sale.

We can see the results. Marvel churning out books not worth the paper they're printed on, whatever audience that was buying those hashtag titles long since fled to avoid being drowned in this shit, fans pissed off because the shit seeped into their core titles, and retailers are mad because they're stuck with unsalable trash.

It's a tale as old as the industry itself. Comic companies are profoundly stupid.

This is really what the writer thinks white people do. This is really what they think real life is.

Everything about Moongirl confuses me.

For starters, why is her own book called "Moongirl" and not "Devil Dinosaur"?

I honestly wish that were true.

Because it's all about Moon Girl and her ego, Devil Dinosaur is just there to give her some legitimacy as a Marvel character.

… What?
Hitler managed to escape because some chick punched him a couple of seconds before an allied platoon charged the position?
Hitler was hanging around the front lines with litterally two bodyguards and nothing else?
Captain America just stood by and let Hitler escape despite the guy being litterally a couple of metres away?
None of the soldiers just behind Captain America think to shoot Hitler?
A hidden spy bunker existed just under where Hitler was punched and had hide-able desks/tables put in for no reason?
Ginger was expecting Chavez but is also pissed at her for arriving?
Ginger needs Chavez to to teleport a squad of German soldiers out of her bunker when they arrive but nothing else?

Isn't Moon Girl still in whatever the American version of Primary School is? Why would she still be in that if she has universities asking for her as a guest lecturer?
Why the fuck are the toffs acting like drunken idiots? Wouldn't it make far more sense if they just had massive sticks up their arses and thought themselves superior to everyone?
What the fuck is even happening in that fight scene?
Why would you make cyborg toffs? Not transhuman wankers but kids with robot arms?
Why are the posh kids doing anything they are shown doing?

Why is the solution to the problem not shown?
Why was Moon Girl present in the comic if she didn't do anything?
Why are Chavezes fans some sort of stalker-cult now?
What is happening with the projector?
Why is Chavez shown running when her power is teleportation?

I'm pretty tired right now but I think even in the morning, nothing I've just read will make any sense. I thought the "lets punch Hitler" thing was supposed to be a off the cuff gag in issue 1 but then they made it actually a thing only to drop the WW2 stuff the moment I thought this issue was going to be about time-travel in favour of cyborg posh kids doing enacting some evil plan of acting like drunken idiots on purpose? Reading this comic has decreased my level of intelligence. It's the only way I can explain the ration of questions to answers held in it.


By the way, don't shit-talk her on Tumblr, apparently.

Ask 'em why they didn't buy Alejandra Ghost Rider if that's the case.

Well Jews love to plagiarize

Hold on to that anger, remember why we meme. If we win, we get to have the women looking like super models again and maybe if we win really hard, we might get some good writers back as well! Don't fight for the mediocre Marvel before the SJW invasion, fight for the Silver age Marvel that encouraged men to dream and have hope! God willing, we either Make Marvel Great Again, or we will end the socialist indoctrination targeting the children! Whichever outcome comes to fruition we will change the world for the better.

This has been their response for literally everything I've said.
Even when I only write three sentences.

I'm all for that. But the daily doses of anger I get from here is almost becoming therapeutic. Or maybe it's getting the chance to vent some anger. Either way, dumb shit helps when I get to complain about it. I will truly be at peace when comics can actually be good.

Woa I almost threw up in my mouth, don't do that.
Surely that must be fa


Classic "LALALAL CAN'T HEAR YOU" response. Good catch, my man.

It was a great comic, you guys just turn your nose up at diversity :^). Seriously though the day that bitch got canned and Johnny Blaze came back was a very good one for me.


That Ghost Rider was a LatinO not a LatinA you shitlord! Why would these proud womyn care about yet another oppressive male power fantasy?

Holy shit I just realized! Their being horribly transphobic using Latino and Latina instead of the all inclusive Latinx!

Are you sure this is not a parody?

For a minute I thought that was punished Godzilla.

Burning Godzilla fits the bill better.

Wait that actually existed? When you mentioned alejandra I thought it was Mexican Ghost rider like said.
Was it good?


It's actually funny reading this when you realize she's a 30 something year old adult.

Not in the slightest.

If you are looking to cringe go to Tumblr, this is a fight to get Tumblr out of Marvel completely. Don't be like those questionable content retards who read that shit for the pain it causes them. Hipster scum who enjoy retarded shit to be ironic, counter-culture, or to please their need for cringe should not have a place here. Really we shouldn't even have these threads shitting on Marvel, Cartoon Network, and Tumblr, we already know beforehand it will be shitty and all we are doing is giving it undeserved attention. If we really want things to get better, then we should do more storytimes promoting good comics that are not getting enough attention. Once the people Marvel paid to investigate us see us enjoying stories about D_Cup heroines killing Islamic terrorists in the name of God and Country, then they will try to copy that. We should be the ones to decide their destiny because we are the only ones who even care enough to do it. We have the power and autism to make this happen, so all I have is one question. Are you with me?

Sounds tough but maybe. Meme magic the good shit to get more attention. And let the bad shit fester away in the pit. Well if you're really sure about that then you should help start by posting more good shit instead.


Is it Marvel's secret plan to turn everybody who reads them into a racist? Because all these kinds of books serve is to make gays and darkies seem like the most hedonistic, obnoxiously self-righteous people imaginable.

I can imagine some shut-in reading shit like this and then going out and interacting with actual lesbians in a resigned manner because he or she keeps expecting them to attack the first white man they encounter.

We aren't your personal army user.

i am starting to feel we are the ones living in a parody universe or something

Marvel was Hydra all along

It would be mostly older shit for the DL site that everyone here has already, I'd prefer that we promote more currently printing comics, so that we wouldn't be written off as being out of touch. The problem with that is I'd just be linking good web comics and the DC thread already posts the current DC comics. I've been hearing good things about IDW, are their comics free from the pinko pill?

Yeah? I've had that kind of idea in my head about a character who destroys a city when his powers first manifests, thus making him the enemy of everyone to begin with. The twist would be that it wouldn't be intentional because he a good person but doesn't have control of his powers at the start. People wouldn't consider that and see him as just another evil that needs to be destroyed and he could serve as a good plot device to rid Marvel of it's current problems. They could either all die in the initial manifestation or soon afterwards attacking him all at once while he still doesn't have enough control of his powers to not kill them all. First it would basically make all of their death meaningless and be a gigantic middle finger to the Comics Alliance hacks who fucked Marvel up. Secondly, it would solidify the other hero's hatred for him making it extremely hard for him to mend fences with the other heroes, making another large obstacle between himself and the redemption he seeks. I know erasing an entire city from existence would do that, but having him kill their own would make their justifiable hatred of him more personal.

This is all just a selfish pipe dream.

Posting good shit doesn't mean I own you user. The only way that this would be possible is if everyone would agree to do it. If a mod made it a rule that you could only post good comics and cartoons, people would either leave or troll the ever loving fuck out of this board. It can only work here as a choice, not a rule.

Some of the IDW stuff is free from corruption. Some. Their big problems come from a whole lot of crossovers and stuff. But they're worth looking into depending on the series. Transformers is probably one of the more hit or miss. TMNT being some of their best stuff.

I'll ask the hard question then. Are there any comic book publishers left that are completely free of the cucks and cunts that are ruining comics? If not then I/we would just have to cherry pick the best that we can from the mainstream comic wasteland.

Instead of asking other people to do this, do it yourself.
Don't bitch that others aren't storytiming good stuff, just storytime the shit you think is good.

Though imho it's important to storytime this shit too, to warn people of how bad it's gotten. We can't bitch that comics are bad if we don't know how bad they are.

Step one: Draw all your comics on a piece of copier paper
Step two: Oh shit, that looks like complete ass when it's blown up to the size necessary for print!
Step three: Fuck it, they won't notice.


Completely free? None whatsoever. Even Japan isn't free from some dumb shit. Maybe not SJW's but still shit. European comics have it less in your face but they still have some political cancer here and there.

This could also apply to you. Also, in your attempts to warn people could be seen as just people giving publicity to shitty comics. If people want to read how shitty these comics are, there are plenty of sites that are posting every single shit comic from current year and beyond. I don't see the benefit from promoting shit for the sake of pointing out how shit it is. Also if bitching and pointing out why these comics are terrible is the answer to fixing comics, than Marvel would have changed a looooooooooong time ago, because that's what we have been doing for over a fucking decade! This strategy has not worked and it will continue to do nothing but justify Marvel's choice of writing to piss off fans. And finally, this would have a higher chance to succeed if there were more than just me posting good comics. It's like we have been doing the same thing we were doing on halfchan and yet you are expecting a different outcome. I you have a better idea, then post it or shut it.

I feel like you're arguing with someone doesn't fully disagree with you.

You really think someone in 8ch is going to see this shit and think it's cool? Fag, if that's the case, we have bigger problems than bringing publicity to shit comics.
Still, go do good storytimes rather than complaining.

This happens a lot here. Maybe I got carried away. My bad.

I always thought an interesting character for the Marvel Universe would be a guy who had the power to take other people's powers away. He'd begin to judge other heroes off of their acts and if they deserved their powers, though he would have to delve if he had the right to take other people's powers away. Something would push him over the edge though and he would begin to do it enacting his own justice on the people who are supposed to deliver justice. This in turn would make some of the heroes go evil when they realized they weren't special snow flakes any more and in turn do anything to get their powers back. This of course would end with one of the depowered heroes killing him off.

Of course, Marvel could never pull this off right and wouldn't be able to see how narcissistic most of their SJW characters have become.

…I don't think you know what I'm saying, user.
I'm fucking saying if there's any SJWs on 8ch who actually like the bad comics we torture ourselves by reading, then that's a bigger issue than just not doing those bad storytimes anymore.

Really, faggot. Instead of bitching nonstop about nothing, just fucking make your own storytimes. You got good comics, fucking storytime them for us to see rather than you expecting everyone else to do it for you.

Aspen maybe? They at least had the balls to make fun of FemFreq.

Can this just cease existing? I'd really like that. I'd really like to see the dimension where marvel wasn't a propaganda wing for feminists and cucks.

well there is one mutant who's power is to cancel out other mutant powers.

I'm all for an SJW holocaust here on and of course they are here, they came here from the beginning of Gamergate to subvert and replace us. Also I don't know of any good current year books to story time, which was already being discussed here in this very thread if you were paying attention:

So how about instead of failing to post solutions or derailing it further, try helping out instead of just calling me a faggot when you don't have anything of value to contribute to the discussion. If not, I'm just going to ignore you then.

That does sound interesting. Would they get their powers back if he died? If killing him solved everything, then the story would be as pointless as their crossover event comics with no stakes or consequences.

I'd prefer more escapism with stories independent from our world, but as long as it's not just virtue signaling and white bashing that Marvel is currently doing, then I guess it's a step in the right direction.

I didn't even say anything to you, ya dingbat.

You're projecting.
I am giving you solutions. Fucking post your own good storytimes. If you don't know any, find some instead of expecting others to. You were the one that derailed the thread with bitching in the first place, you goddamn faggot.
And before you bitch more, I should add that I do a lot of storytimes. I am the user that keeps storytiming Moon Girl for the masochist factor, but I've also storytimed Snotgirl, Druuna, and a few others.
Be the change you want to see, user. Don't expect others to do everything for you.

That would be a plot point actually. At some point the "heroes" who lost their powers would be desperate to believe anything that might get their powers back.

Another interesting thing is that it would create a rift in the different hero groups. You'd have the real heroes not giving as much of a fuck about this guy and still dealing with the bigger threats and saving people, while the more self absorbed heroes begin to make him a top priority.

I figured an interesting way to make him take powers is through physical contact, so perhaps at some point the heroes put this together and some become less likely to even save people for fear of having their powers taken away.

Personally I'd have the thing be permanent, but even if Marvel wouldn't allow it it would definitely show a contrast on the characters some people idolize. What would also make it interesting is if Hydra Cap was one of the heroes to continue to save people.

Of course, Marvel would probably make it about white privilege or some thing and have the older generation of heroes depowered.

Of course, I am already reading current comics and looking for good ones to post. Of course I am and would be looking for comics to post and of course I would actively contribute my idea. So no, you still contributed nothing by telling me to do something I am already doing. Are we clear yet? You can make up for your special need to have everything explained to you like a 4 year old by posting a good comic. This, of course, assumes you haven't done this already, so have you contributed anything yet? If not then, please stop replying and stop wasting the time I could be using to read comics to reply to you.

Which post was yours?

The guy talking about how IDW is and the fact that no comic medium is free from bad eggs.

That shit is when you have a cold you fucking gay beaner!

Maybe you and I have the same problem, we both assume that Marvel won't listen to us, sure we are probably right. I don't think Marvel would risk a company wide event on an unpublished author like myself, but you might have the potential that I don't. All you have to do is put in a honest effort and publish a few different comic stories yourself, at least enough to fill a resume, the worst that could happen is they say no and steal your idea. Sure the part where they steal your work would suck, but at least you'd be talented enough to steal from, so there's that.

Then you were replying directly to me. I just stopped posting cheese cake pics.

The writing in general. The dialogue is bad and the cahracters are unlikable but I genuinely have no idea, two issues in, what's even happening. I don't know what the plot is, don't have any sense of who the characters are, shit just kind of happens and then it doesn't. It's the comic book version of The Room if Tommy Wiseau was a dumpy agender Puerto Rican thing.

This is, with no exaggeration, the absolute worst comic I have ever read from Marvel. It's truly repugnant in ever single facet of its existence.


Why is Hitler on the front lines? Why is Peggy? Why is there a bunker under the battlefield? Why is Americunt crying over her lesbo ex when the beaner was the one who broke it off? Why does everyone know who the fuck this spic is and what she can do? Where the fuck is this university? I assumed in another universe, but then why is Moon Cricket there? She ditch school? Jump to another dimension? What's with the fetishizing of ancestry? Does this Rivera pig know her ancestors would be disgusted that she's a fat dyke? How the fuck do they already have letters? Even with email, publishing takes a while and they shouldn't be getting them that quick. Who is this meant to appeal to?

There's not a single ounce of logic in this entire fucking book. Rivera clearly has no idea to how to write, but even less idea how to write a comic.

Im literally shaming right now! I though this was a safe space comic!

Then you're probably better off with DC, and if not them, Image.

I hate this reality

At least they didn't make a cute monkey girl just to become another propaganda spewing insert.

At least the porn would be amazing

Eh, I can't really fap to horrible characters, no matter how hot they are. Case in point, Spider-Gwen.

Not even if it's rape porn? Surely you can do it if it's rape porn, don't be fucking weak, man!

Bruh, the porn generated by Spider-Gwen is the only good thing about the character. Its not too hard to fap to her given she wears a skin-tight costume and is blue-eyed blonde aryan girl. The fact that the porn triggers both her creator and her snowflake fans makes it much better.

Now Jane Foster, that is a completely unfappable character.

Is the Silk comic any good or is she just fap material?

Heh, it was genuinely fine in the first issue, but when she repeated the same joke again it became forced. That is like one thing that didn't need to become a regular gag.

Only if you look up some decent artists that wil draw porn of her.

"Amigx" is so fucking stupid I thought you just made it up but it's actually in there.

Prove me wrong, but didn't America just teleported him here?

First latinx now amigx. They're going to keep doing this to the spanish language aren't they?

Pretty funny that the Mexicans would claim complete ownership of the language since it came from Spain.

Makes me wonder what the other latino countries think of Mexico.

Well, it's complicated. Dealing with geniuses is, anyway, and while the Moon Girl comic kind of acknowledges this, they decide to handwave it in the most stupid way imaginable.

In the USA, bringing bright kids to colleges is seen as something normal and healthy, but thing is, they are still kids. Sure, they are smart enough to probably learn at several times the speed of a normal person (specially elementary years; I am far from being a genius and even I found them insufferably slow), but you are still dropping them into college with no knowledge base to speak of. STEM expects you to know maths up to integrals level, and probably physics up to basic electricity and waves, or chemistry up to whatever level since I have no fucking idea what do they teach in pre-college chemistry. Yeah, geniuses probably can learn this stuff quite fast, but it requires some preparation. Just dropping them in college is going ti do no good. The other thing is, they are children, and you are putting them in a place where all other students are above 18, and they aren't going to be able to socialize as well because, contrary to what modern Simpsons say, IQ doesn't magically make you more mature even if it does put your level of discourse way above peers of your same age. Kids who go to college often end up killing themselves, because robbing them of their childhood isn't healthy.

What's usually done in Europe is sending them to special schools for gifted children, where classes are slightly more advanced, but also where they let them do more stimulating stuff than silly mountains of easy exercises to combat boredom.

It does seem odd seeing the letters page sperging out about a current-year latina/latinx/latin@ superheroine when the cishet white male shitlords at DC already have one with her own comic (albeit shared with another "diverse" character).

Would these weirdos write letters to Green Lantern if they padded out their comic with letters pages?

This series is so carcinogenic it's like smoking five packs of cigs a day.

Someone make me feel better by posting the hilariously low sales numbers.

Comics are written months and months in advance of release. A second issue rarely has a letters column unless it's fake.

So not only are Captain America and Hitler on the same place in no man's land at the same time, but there's also a stryng yndypyndyng Frynch cymmyndyr in a hole at the same spot.

Also, are they trying to imply that her punching Hitler in the face at that exact moment stopped him from being captured?

1930s - 1950s - "The Golden Age"

1960s - 1970s - "The Silver Age"

1980s - "The Bronze Age"

1990s - "The Dark Age"

2000s - "The Iron Age"

2010s - "The Plastic Age"

You forgot the part in the nineties where Marvel ran the entire direct market into the ground in a botched attempt to corner the comics market.

Which is why Marvel tried to appeal to twitter assholes, and promptly fucked that up by flooding the market.

2000s was also the era of annual massive crossover events that killed off and resurrected tons of characters

Seriously, what is is with all her Poirot speak?

The author is a fucking lunatic who thinks niggerspeak is some kind of revolutionary new dialect of the future.

Its probably the worst thing i ever read. Even sonichu is more coherent and has better art. Fuck, my immortal made more sense


Oy vey.

What was that line from Adam Warren's Gen 13?
"But you're a woman of alternate race AND sexuality! How could you possibly be wrong!?"
Jesus, Warren was ahead of the curve there, wasn't he? This is like that, but completely devoid of irony.

1:There are already many latina characters in comics, all of them better than America
2:Why is it "important" for there to be latina characters? Are you so incredibly racist that you cannot relate to anyone that is not your race?
3:Is the race of the character more important than the quality of the writing and the personality of the character?
4:If this shit comic is the "pinnacle of representation" what does that say about your opinion on your race?

It's incredibly important that we get more shitty latinx characters because the more shit like this they publish, the less likely it is that they will be able to continue making any comics at all, and then we'll finally be free from the horror that is Gabby Rivera having any kind of career in mainstream media.

If she really wanted to make a gender neutral version of "amigo" wouldn't amige serve better since "e" is occasionally used in spanish to indicate words that hold neither a male of female connotation like in the case of "ese" and "este"

America #1 and #2 gets my vote for the worst comic because it's clear nobody making it cared. They didn't care about their own politics. They didn't care about writing a story. They didn't care about the character. They didn't take a damn thing about this seriously and invested nothing of themselves in it.

America is so cliched, vapid, and flippant that it makes me want to die. I've read a lot of a terrible comics, and America is the first one to make me feel that way.


Easy, user, don't let go yet. It's just some dumb teenager.

please let this be so.

Same thing happen to me when people on twitter said that the "new" Wolverine needed to be pushed. While I said that they already did it was X-23 and how it is pathetic that they are trying to push her as """""WOLVERINE"""""", got into a major bitch fit, and acted like I told her to quit comic books.

But of course, it was someone from Comic Alliance so I shouldn't be surprise

But my point being is that this generation of Comic Book writers and artist can't take criticism at all. These are the weakest bunch of people I have ever seen. They have been wrapped up so much in there safe places and spaces for such a long time, that even the smallest criticism can destroy their entire day.

Pretty much all the Marvel female characters at this moment.

How the hell do you pronounce latinx or amigx or mexicx? Fucking pendijx.


Any idea how many copies America #1 shipped out? And was this shit also on the freebies list?

But there is no good porn of Energizer or May "Mayday" Parker!

Nah you just haven't looked hard enough.
It exist

It's not real, user

We gotta wait two more months because to tell that from comichron. Only February sales have been revealed so far.

So is this Marvel's Batman: Odyssey?

Batman: Odyssey was terrible, but the fun kind of terrible. This isn't fun at all.

"Ese" and "este"/"éste" are gendered; masculine gendered to be exact. "Eso" and "esto" are gender neutral, but these are pronouns.

Usually, words ending in 'o' or 'e' are masculine, whereas words ending in 'a' are feminine, but it is not a hard rule, as showcased above; for example, "sofá" (couch) ends in 'a', but it is a masculine word which uses a masculime article. Feminine "this" would be "ésta" or "esta", depending on whether it's used as a pronoun or not, respectively. Some words may use masculine articles despite being feminine to avoid awkward spellings, like "agua" (water), which is "el agua" (masculine article, feminine word) and not "la agua" (feminine article, feminine word). Some words only have masculine or feminine forms that may be used for both, like "soldado" (soldier), which doesn't become "soldada" for females.

Spanish usually defaults to masculine form for gender neutral or gender mixed stuff, but SJW have a problem with that so they tried to push for the "use 'x' for gender neutral morphemes", but it sounded so stupid they eventually dropped it. Now they are pushing for "use 'e' for gender neutral morphemes", which can kind of roll out of your tongue but makes the language sound like the retarded cousin if Catalan, so it shows the author is kind of out of the loop in SJW language practices.

With people like Arturo Pérez-Reverte in the RAE, however, I doubt these retarded fucks manage to oficially push their stupid mannerisms into the dictionary.

I haven't read anything in here whatsoever, but I will state that this beaner makes my dick iron.

Thanks for the info, user.

Haven't subjected myself to anything Moongirl-related past her main comic storytime, but while she waa an ugly-looking niglet before, she somehow looks even more hideous in this America issue.

If it makes you feel better, the same site's data showed that Moon Girl is one of the most underselling comics by Marvel thus far. If you thought Hellcat was struggling then, look at Moon Girl's position right now.

Apex Kek.

Holy shit what are Marvel's cancellation point?


They set the bar lower depending on how much liberal virtue signaling and diversity you cram into the book.

Makes me wonder what your average Mexican thinks of this.probably the same way your average American thinks when these SJW types say "herstory" or "Xe/xeir" namely, "what is this retarded shit." Would you as an American, want these SJW types representing our beautiful country. I doubt it, and I doubt your average Mexican likes people like Rivera for that exact same reason.

not with that schnozz.

Marvel's cancellation point is "When it has enough issues for a TPB". If it's selling like shit and hits that magic number, then it'll be shit-canned.

However, looking at the numbers
, Moon Girl isn't selling like shit yet. Marvel's "selling like shit" number is usually around 6,000. You've got another 2000 units left to lose.

Gabby Rivera has about as much common with Mexicans as your average midwestern cracker. She's only "Latinx" for the minority points.

America is more like Puerto Rican thing in how she talks and acts.

I don't believe you. All the porn I've seen them is pretty crudely drawn.

Some decent tastefully covered nudes on Pixiv of May, sure, but no good porn.

Even if she is Latin, that always made me wonder, what part of latin america is she suppose to be from.


Watch out what you say about Moongirl, you cis male hetero shitlord! She's smarter than Reed Richards.

Has Moongirl even done anything that proves this?

No, but the Marvel says she is, so it must be true right? right?


look shitlord she solved a motherfucking PUZZLE how much more genius does it get than that


Can I get the page for that, or at least a description of what happened?

Moon-Boy did nothing wrong.

I wanna fug her in her Ghost Rider form.

oh. my. god.
When given an unsolvable puzzle to solve by Bruce Banner, the greatest minds on Earth all fail to find a way to solve it. Not Tony Stark, not Doctor Doom, and not Reed Richards – but Lunella LaFayette? Well, she’s got a plan.
Her brain is the only super-power she'll ever need! Reed Richards, Victor Von Doom, T'Challa, Amadeus Cho…the greatest minds in the Marvel Universe all have one thing in common: They're not smarter than a 4th grader! That's right, the rumors are true - Lunella Lafayette is the SMARTEST PERSON ON EARTH. It's time to put her unrivaled intellect to the ultimate test. Thankfully her best friend, Devil Dinosaur, is thirty feet of mutated prehistoric muscle making for the prefect combination of brains AND brawns! And they're going to need it to stand up to some of the worst villains the Marvel Universe has to offer!

This fucking whomps. Why would Banner waste his time making an unsolvable puzzle? What was the puzzle, anyway?

Cho Hulk showed up to meet Moongirl out of fucking nowhere (it's not even explained what he's doing in her city) and handed her some device that Bruce Banner made to test intelligence.

It was supposed to be unsolvable (not explained how) and Moongirl solved it immediately, multiple times. This means she's smarter than anyone ever. Mind, this is a device that I don't believe has ever showed up before. It's a total plot device. They don't even explain how it proves she's smart, it just means she's smart. So damned smart that she defies an explanation of what makes her smart.

In execution, she's a "cartoon genius" which is to say that she's pretty much just Dexter or Jimmy Neutron. She slaps her hands on some random junk and it becomes a giant robot. She quotes some random mathematical theory and that gives her the ability to do anything. It's fucking retarded, and there's no reason that a character which Marvel seems deadset on making into an A-lister should be written like this.

You have to go back. Don't ask why, you already know.

What is the context there anyway

ecks deee

Listen shitlords, look at these two pages. This is all she needs to do to prove she is the smarterest persyn ever in the world.

On a more serious note, this is the point the Lunella went from "girl genius" to "100% honest to God smartest person ever". Two pages, at the end of an issue that was otherwise just some random crossover. If you ever wonder why people think she's unquestionably the smartest person ever, just remember that she once solved a techno-rubiks cube made by Bruce Banner.

I don't get it

Are you being ironic or are you really this unfamiliar with history?

Wow, those pages really do a good job of conveying an incredible level of intelligence on Lunella's part.

Bruce Banner made a puzzle with no solution to test people's intelligence. She solved the puzzle. Somehow.

I'm guessing a writer either liked the "Kirk cheated and reprogrammed the otherwise unbeatable Kobayashi Maru" story or heard of those "student thought an unsolvable equation was homework and solved it" and tried to write it into two pages.

On the upside, the pages make Cho look like an idiot more than her look smart and can easily be hand-waved in the future as "it was a toy I gave Cho to distract him. I told him it was unbeatable so he wouldn't feel bad" or whatever.

Honestly they could have had her become obsessed with it and toil over it for a good while before giving it back to him. This just makes her look obnoxious.

Sure if they wanted a good comic with tension and payoff. But who would want that?

Is there a better descriptor? Or should I just state "inserting random expressions in spanish for no reason" when "Poirot speak" got the message across?

If there was a choice between reading this or one of Chris Chan's fucking comics I'd choose option 3 and that'd be the bullet to the brain.

Shouldn't he have spent his time trying to control the hulk?


A character has the entirety of the multiverse to explore/protect and the most interesting place she can think of is a college campus. The villains of the week are "overprivileged" preppy white kids who suddenly/randomly become psychotic maniacs.
This entire comic might as well be a picture of an overweight brown 20 something angrily typing on an over priced mac book in the corner of the student union cafe.

How did you know?!

how much does this fat bitch get paid to do this? Pocket Lint and a reach around.

I would burn my dick, but it would be worth it.

Because no one else on earth would ever consider the monstrosity that is pic related "cool". Even the most edgey neon colored 90s cluster fuck looks like less of a joke than this thing.

Fo Shizzle, Mah Nizzle.

I wish it was allowed to blow yourself up while yelling "viva cristo rey" inside the marvel office were they made this thing.

Gabby River is to Mexican, what diet Coke is to regular Coke. Namely, she is less enjoyable, leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, and has a tendency to cause cancer.

I know that your average taco is a person of class and taste, but it's nice to see tacos actually speak out against this shit. Any other tacos or burgers of taco ancestry who'd like to share their feelings? Also, what are some comics made by Latino's that are worth checking out?

A prototype of what?

So the mestizo is ashamed of her race? I might actually like this comic.

It's good to know that the smartest person in the word is a nine years old female negro. Checkmate, racists, and sexists.

Shouldn't that be "tacx"?

Pronounced tacx, written tac@. I have no idea who came up with this retardation.

Burritx? Quesadillx? Tequilx?

That is actually comforting. It's not cancellation numbers yet, but it-s on its way and I'm glad to see Marvel fans aren't guzzling this faggoty kool-aid.

So some stupid holo-puzzle is supposed to demonstrate her as the smartest in the universe?

Jesus Christ, it might as well be pic related.

Don't their TPB sell like shit too? Some bloggers insist Tumblr characters are more popular on TBP, but I gotta question that statement.

It's pretty damn stupid. How does he know that it's not (largely) luck? How does he know she isn't just a savant?

It's doesn't matter how well the TPB because they've already paid for the work. Reprinting it is pure profit.

Below 30k is okay enough to keep going
Below 20k is hanging on by a thread, and only thanks to crossover events and planned stories, will it hang around.
Below 10k is guaranteed cancellation, unless they've already written and are in the process of finalizing the next few issues.

On the best selling charts for each month, the 20k range is ranked about 100 and lower. 10k is about 200 and lower. Meaning there are hundreds of comics selling better than this shit, that we know of. In a market like that, you don't waste your money on a book that can't even recoup the costs of printing.

You don't understand. Moon Girl, Hellcat, America, they already have the cost of their printing covered. Their top books make enough to finance their continued operation and recoup the printing cost for all of their titles. Books like America are the gravy. Anything they sell is a profit.

It's how the floppy market works, user. You have to produce a lot of titles to get ahead of the losses, which is something only DC and Marvel can do.

Dedicated to the memory of every one of you dopes who actually believed that Marvel (or DC to be honest) would stop doing SJW comics.

They'd give lip service to fool you gullible meaningless little proles, to placate you, so that you'll say "maybe they're becoming good again!"

They don't care. They don't even care if they make these comics at a loss (which they don't due to the low production costs). They only care that they can insult you to your face and you will still support them, either financially or even by pirating their books. If you still read their comics, old or new, you're still part of the problem.

Here, you've earned this Holla Forums

Dear axe wound, if you ain’t punching liberals to protect Jordan Peterson’s or Charles Murray’s right to free speech, you’re not really American, you’re just another foreign fraud who doesn’t respect our (superior, American, better than your) values. We don’t need any more of you in our superior-to-your-failed-state-corrupt-cartel-infested-dustbowl-shitpit country.

Our superior values are the right to free speech, the right to disagree, the right for all opinions to be heard. Your values are the value nacho platter that gives even hardened Mexicans diarrhea so brutal they get internal hemorrhoids like tenk. Even E. coli sees a Mexican’s intestines like a Mexican sees Mexico: a horrible nightmare zone to evacuate like it’s a radioactive wasteland (not a cool radioactive wasteland like STALKER, but a lame one, like the real life Mexico but with radiation, seriously don’t pretend for one second that Mexico is any good of a nation when not one of you cocksuckers actually WANTS to live there). We held back on telling you what your country is REALLY like because we had pity for you. But even pity has to be earned. When the earnings run out, the economy collapses, like your nation’s literal economy, and the economy of our fucks that we have left to give to your little prancing sissy ninny feelings. Go put a sombrero on that.

Yes, it would have to be liberals that you’d have to punch to protect free speech, because liberals are the only people in this entire country who are suppressing other’s free speech. If you aren’t against liberals, you’re not for freedom. This has been quantifiably objectively irrefutably proven a long time ago, so you have to be a real dope to not know this by now.

Liberals have actually been OPENLY GIVING conservatives correctness in the free speech situation, by forcing conservatives to defend free speech somewhat consistently (it’s really libertarians, centerists, objectivists, agnostics, and other non dogmatic types who are doing this, and conservatives are just trying to steal credit and tactics from those smarter than them and smarter than liberals). Milo did nothing wrong, and cuckservatives fucked up by trying to sell him out, but liberals fucked up more by chimping out harder than anyone ever could and deserving to be murdered in self defense. That’s how much of a failed ideology liberalism is: its proponents have to be killed in order to maintain a free society.

Liberals are not true Americans, and they aren’t really in favor of liberty, it’s just one of those cheesy trick opposite names, it’s like a goof, and they’re homegrown invaders who despise the exact constitutionally-granted protections that allow them to despise it, an irony that is utterly lost on all leftists as a people and as an ideology. The Jordan Peterson and Charles Murray incidents alone prove this conclusively, the argument’s already been over, the end, case closed and bar open, but even if you don’t include those two instances, there’s still billions of individual pieces of conclusive proof, each single one permanently ends the argument and proves that the entire ideology of liberalism is diametrically opposed to freedom of speech and human liberty (after all, it was the left who invented the gulags, and even American leftists today find ways to try to put people into them on a more isolated scale). The left was given a million opportunities this year, last year, the year before, the year before, the year before, etc on and on for decades, to prove that they truly support the free speech of those they disagree with, and every single time, the left rioted, chimped out, threw fits, pulled fire alarms, pepper sprayed unrelated people. The argument has been over. The left lost. The case for all of this has been closed years ago; catch up, rest of the world.

Real America is Mike Pence going to a play where the audience boos him, and Pence says to his daughter, “This is what freedom sounds like,” in a defense of the people’s right to boo him. A leftist, on the other hand, is just some university indoctrinated infiltrator with weak sensitive little sissy feelings, who would try (and have tried, we’ve seen it) to get people put in prison if a crowd booed them, they’d feel triggered and oppressed and call everyone racists and sexists and they’d lobby to have laws put in place (because a leftist is someone who thinks that America needs MORE laws) to prevent that from being allowed without punishment, and they’d claim that “free speech must have consequences,” which is a leftist’s way of saying “if you disagree with me, I’ll get laws put in place to punish you for it.” They call it “mansplaning” and “microaggressions” and “macroaggressions” and “othering” and “racism” and “misogyny,” and if you hear a liberal accuse anyone of those things, it’s always a lie, every time, documented and timestamped, no exceptions.

I’m afraid you’re just going to have to go back, and you’ll have to rename yourself back to Taco Thot Chavez. The name “America” is reserved for people who value and protect free speech. Not you, burrito toilet (by “toilet” I mean “woman” same diff).

You're not wrong. Marvel IS making money with it's other high-sellers, but it's not profitable, nor is it smart to burn the money you earned on shitty books like America and Moon Girl just because you can.

Consider, for a moment, that the American comics industry is a fucking shambling mess. Even on their best years, they are still struggling. Even when they get a few books in those coveted top 10 spots, they are still only selling to an audience so small that other media would consider it within a margin of error.

You may be thinking that merchandising and IP rights are keeping them going, but guess who owns all that shit now? Disney. And Disney is only keeping Marvel comics around because it would be more of a pain to dismantle the worthless comics division than it would to just let it keep shambling along.

Prepare to be culturally enrinched!
An user, gave a torrent link with all kaliman comics in the first america thread

Kill yourself.


No way in hell am I reading this. The first issue lowered my IQ by a solid 20 points and I don't so good no more.


Fuck off furry kike.

Something wrong with that guy?

Sergio Aragonés
Carlos Ezquerra
José Antonio Muñoz
Antonio Prohías
Ernie Colón

Ok, let's break this down and get an estimate if it's profitable or not.

Marvel put out 102 titles last month, with each book selling at least 6,000 units. According to online comic book print estimates, each book would cost around $2,700 for 6,000 units, or $0.45 a comic. For all 102 titles, to be printed at least 6,000 units, would cost $275,400. That amount doesn't factor in large print discounts and whatever deals Marvel would have with their printing company.

Marvel sells the comics to retailers for about $2.00 (retailers get a discount in exchange for the comics being non-returnable). So with those 102 titles, sold for 6,000 bare minimum, minus the cost of printing, Marvel would be making $948,600 in profit.

Now consider that Marvel sold around 2,561,202 comics in February.

And marvel has employees to pay and upkeep costs and shipping costs and taxes and lawyers. This shitty America comic alone has 20 people credited with its production. You think they're all working for pocket change?

I work for a machining company with a dozen employees total, and we make more money than Marvel, even with your most generous estimates.

Good to know "the smartest person on earth" is incapable of seeing or caring about others who go through similar problems as her.
And systems are made for efficiency. Sure some of them won't work properly, but that's means you learn from past mistakes and build a new one that's better. Systems are the backbone of human progress. Agriculture, engineering, government all of them just systems.

Really had a lot to get out of your system, eh? Kinda role-playish blogpost, but I can respect your creative energy.

He's a kike spewing a whole bunch of kike rhetoric to mask his hypocrisy and duplicity. Notice how he never once names the Jew. He's defending (((Milo))) for fuck's sake. They're not one of us.

The goyim, possibly. Other than that, the (((Hollywood))) industry always evens out their balance.

Which bits?
Didn't know Milo was a tripple bracket, don't pay that much attention him. How bad is he, besides being an actual fag?

I can't speak for the other Central American nations, but Hondurans fucking hate Mexicans.
They basically look at the as North America looks at Brazil
To hear the virtue signaling retards at my uni say it, Lah-tin echs

The nazi circlejerk board is over there >>>Holla Forums, faggot.

Go back to leftypol, you mudslime loving cuck bunny.

He advocates boy-buggery…

Marvel Comics and Marvel studios are separate corporate entities. Money from the movies doesn't go to the comics.



She talks like a fucking second or third generation cholo taken to an extreme. America is a walking stereotype, and if a book about a Jewish character was written the same way, there would be constant 'Oy Vey!' 'goyim' and hand rubbing. Tumblr would actually had some sort of a case if they would get offended about America.

That would kind of explain it

When I find something good I make sure to recommend it to people and story time it if possible. Not interested in capes and big two, outside of Vertigo and Young Animal books.

Non-big two publishers deal mostly in cretor-owned and licensed stuff. Creator-owned books have little if any meddling from publisher, so whatever you see in them is all on writers and artists. Out of the bigger ones, Dark Horse probably publishes least SJW stuff. Oni Press is probably the worst.

Thanks OP that was terrible.

Jesus Christ, the autism is strong in this one.

In my headcanon you pronounce "Mexicx" like "Mexicucks", which seems appropriate.

I've been trying to find English translations of Condorito, anyone know where I can find them?

Realized something else today which pisses me off even more about this shit.

So this weird Fifth Element reference with the "Leelumultipass Phi Theta Betas" is an assbackwards attempt to get some quirky nerd cred by awkwardly and forcefully shoving in references to a 90s movies… But here's how you can tell Gabby Rivera is a drooling idiot.

It's LEELOO, not Leelu and the line is "Leeloo Dallas Multipass" she never says "Leeloo Multipass" in the movie.

I guess you will need to learn spanish

you also believe in the holocaust and that assad gassed his own people too, hm?

Why are they always in groups of 6 million?


who gives a shit

Latino here. I swear I wonder what the fuck went wrong? Was it the start of the new Spiderman? No I don't mean Gwen but the other kid. Miles 'something' as I can't remember his last name. Just where the fuck did everything go off the fucking cliff?

You mean Miles Morales? Honestly with diversity I wanna say around 2010 maybe? I know we've had black heroes and other minorities in Marvel before but they were usually handled better than this.

Yes! I knew it was something like that but yes. I mean I can understand the whole try a new change type of look and yeah it was definitely handled better than this. I mean when this whole PC/SJW wave came in almost everything just took a fucking face plant into that kool-aid and now finally pull out to see the huge blunder they made. I can't even call most of them reversible anymore as the damage was so severe it was beyond repair.

Is moon girl smart though?

They keep saying that she's the smartest person in the world, but has she ever been shown actually doing something that would validate her intelligence? Or do they just keep saying it?

If Chav hasn't actually ever done anything to warrant her reputation, and really doesn't have any outstanding attributes apart from her ethnicity, does that mean that Storm, Loki and Miguel are virtue-signalling? Wouldn't that be ironic.


Not reallly. She can make gadgets but she fucks up with evolution by saying its not a theory even though it is its just an accepted one among the scientific community.

While it's physically possible that the species we observe living today might not all be the result of natural evolution, it clearly has been an ongoing process while humans have been observing it.
There comes a point at which you have so much supporting evidence it gets really autistic to insist that it's *just* a theory - yes, it is, we all know - just like it's just an accepted theory that the whole world isn't just an elaborate dream and you're the only real person.

Whenever people complain about her saying this shit, the response is always this.
No, faggot, this isn't some creationist complaint.
This is her responding to her teacher asking her to explain the Theory of Evolution, by bitching that it's not a theory.

Okay, misread it, excuse me.

If she is so smart, why does she corner herself in situations that makes everyone laugh/hate her and provoke stress on her?
Couldnt she just give the answer the teacher wants? Get straight A and pretend to be a good student?
And when she is all alone do all that wierd science shit she wants to do?
Or ami missing something?

Aaaand the characters dead. Marvel fucking LOVES "Characterizing" their "Smart" folk with that. I hate it. Its such a shallow substitute for other stuff.

Is she an objectivist? Materialist? Nihilist? Transhumanist? Humanist? Anything?

What's her science a means to? And which branch of science? Engineering? Psychology? Economics? I know I'm kinda stretching the definitions of science here but no more then marvel.

When I think of cool Scientists I think of Dr House, Dr Doom and Mr Fantastic (Well…The one from my childhood pre-intense cucking). Those fuckers felt truly demented in a way. Somewhat unhinged, because they just operated on a different level from others.

Her teacher is kinda hot, book should've been about her

Then what is it? A law? Despite you, yourself, admitting experts are still trying to find the gaps? If you are gonna be pedantic about it, at least get your definitions right.

Then she goes full pedantic verbose datadump mode and starts spewing slightly above popsci tier trivia about the theory of evolution that isn't even directly relevant to the question at hand, without waiting for the other debatant to inquiry more information to back up those bold statements, just to show she knows it and how smarter than everyone she is. They don't dislike her for being a smarter than them, they dislike her because she's an arrogant fucker.

I guess because of her rebellious personality type. Back when I went to high school, many of us used to debate the teachers from time to time, and we weren't even geniuses; but it's okay, they are humans too, and they aren't omniscient, and healthy debate hurts nobody. I remember I had to prove my biologh teacher wrong once by printing some facts about cyanide in almonds the day after a short debate in class, where she doubted almonds could be poisonous. She read the paper, and accepted it. And that's it. We also used to debate our philosophy teacher a lot, but I guess that's to be expected.

Because these retards probably study dumb shit like Gender Studies, realize there were no geniuses in their classes, and assumed all the >110 IQ people were in STEM, because sciencey nerdey people like Bazooper Man all study numbers stuff, because that's what geniuses do, study number-based sciences. All of them, no exceptions. Also engineering, because despite not being a science, it uses numbers so it's genius material.

Phylosophically oriented bright minds? Artistic brains? What's that? That isn't wacky, lol!

I liked that one mad sociologist from Girl Genius. He always complaining about the mad physical sciences getting all the funding.

You know, in comic books, the super-genius operate on level beyond our normal understanding of science. They're able to understand the fundamental forces of the universe to accomplish wonders beyond the thoughts of normal men.

If the character in question was a genius in the Marvel universe, their explanation of the Theory of Evolution would be disproving of it. They might instead posit that human beings didn't evolve as Darwin theorized, but instead were created by the Celestials and our development was guided by them as part of their ongoing mysterious experiments.

Then she would be mocked for believing it.

Smartest person in the world and she can't figure out basic social systems and human interaction. Even the most brilliant minds in history could fake being personable for periods of time without embarrassing themselves and shitting their pants.

She's apparently so fucking smart that no one else comes close and she's capable of truly unfucking the Marvel multiverse according to a recent issue. So smart that even the smartest people in the Marvel universe will be fighting for the privilege of asking for her help.

But dealing with rude teachers and laughing classmates is too much for her.

Reminds me of Mockingbird (the "ask me about my feminist agenda" comic) where the character introduced herself as being a fan of science and how she loves science so much that she collects microscopes… MICROSCOPES. That's what Marvel writers think "science" entails. Doing microscope stuff.. What's a microscope for? Who fucking knows! That's nerd shit!

It's like this Women in tech/STEM meme that they push so hard. Look at this Not only is she holding the tool wrong, but she's soldering a motherboard.. Which isn't grounded and she's not wearing an ESD bracelet.. And there's no solder… and she appears to be resting the tool on that plastic PCI slot.. and that's not what you use soldering irons for. Reconnecting wires? Attaching them to circuit boards, maybe.. But just jamming that shit in there like you can just poke the technology onto it? But who the fuck is going to know? The people who screech about women in STEM don't fucking know anything about STEM because they go social sciences and humanities degrees. They decided to solve the issue of not enough women in STEM by getting a women's studies degree!

Fuck this gay Earth.

I do find that hilarious that Ms Genius here would be laughed out of the Super scientist convention for proposing the theory of evolution.

Man…Marvel threw away all its neat Space Pulp sci fi stuff for short term crap.

Id forgot why I even ever liked marvel. It had such a cool cosmology…All slaughtered for a story with literally no continuity.

Fucking hell.

Story of mainstream comics. Unlimited storytelling potential thrown away for a quick buck.

How in Sam Hell can can someone be this fucking delusional. Remember when comic writers at least tried to add some sense to the science mumbo jumbo. Now a days, you have people who don't even care about science outside of those youtube videos like Crash course, and never bother to do a bit of a deeper study to add some more meat to the story.


Now a days, all we have are faggots who add "Quirky" characters who "love science" and are somehow really good at it, but the author is such a Unfocused, lazy imbecile, that it doesn't make the character look smart, it showcases how dumb the author really is.

I'm an art major myself, but my twin brother studies Biology and I learn a lot of info from him alone. He's the one that told me that a theory in the scientific community is a bit different from the common definition of the word. But fuck, you don't need a brother in a college biology course for this, all you need is maybe 20 minutes on google and you can figure this shit out.

Also, Luna is such an arrogant twerp, that even if she was right, she still deserves to be taken down a peg. It doesn't help that she is the "Smartest Person in the Marvel Universe," even though we are given no decent reason to believe so. All she did was solve a supposedly unsolvable puzzle off screen. She didn't even struggle, she did it multiple times. Maybe this makes her appealing to a small minority of readers (and non readers), but to the rest of us, this is just the makings of a Mary Sue.

If this comic is cancel tomorrow, it'll be too long.


You don't need to. Just think of the most fantastic shit you can imagine, don't bother to explain it, and just call it "science". Real world science will eventually catch up.

Remember, people thought Bizarro's duplicator ray was "unscientific". Today, Bizarro's duplicator ray is theoretically possible, though beyond our current technology.

People have different kinds of intelligence. Someone may be book smart and be figuratively (or even literally) autistic and be really bad at social interactions.

Meanwhile, someone may have really bad grades, but may have high social intelligence and knows how to navigate social systems really well to get the best out of their relation of people.

Or have high emotional intelligence/awareness and not only know how to manage their feelings and thoughts well, but those of others (i.e. knowing when and how to give bad news, managing conflicting personalities, etc.)

If you get someone with a high level in more than one kind of intelligence, you usually end up with a highly successful person (i.e. the guy who can feel the needs of people and has enough technical knowledge to offer a solution, or that guy who has a product no one asked for but and is good enough at convincing people and selling it that he actually creates a demand for it).

You should read The Manhattan Projects, user.

I just realized that the 2 preppies climbed up the arch, then started to fall off.


Exactly. It all goes to their big managers, Disney, who dole it out to the bottom of pyramid.


Here's a magnet link:

Bendis was most likely the biggest factor.

Don't forget that she appears to be doing that in a wet lab too. Doing that is not unheard of, but inadvisable. Especially if you are serious.

I second the recommendation. Atomic Robo has some proper supersicence in it too, but it predominantly focuses on the adventure aspect.

Yeah, Atomic Robo and Girl Genius, they have proper mad scientists.
Atomic Robo gets points for mostly using real mad scientists.

She's mistaking theory with hypothesis. Hypotheses are guesses without evidence and can be proven false as a concept with more data. Theories are more true with more evidence to back it up and protect it from falsification. It's called a theory because it has gaps but new information can help add to it what wasn't there before, or can falsify some data but not the concept or idea in general. The theory of evolution is called a theory because there are still some gaps of data, like the source of evolution or whether there is a specific concept behind evolution. But it's not a hypothesis because it is proven that evolution took place in history.

Does anyone have that screencap of that Wasp comic where the comic kept going "I love science" to the point that they think the concept of robots having joints counts as a complex science fact?

Banning is not a punishment to me, it's a badge of honor. All it makes me do is laugh and take a trophy screencap.

Those faces on the last page are just so fucking ugly.

Lets take a closer look shall we

This is making me feel uncomfortable reading this he he he…. truly it is LOL material.

Ok, not that I like this character or anything, but the girl who just punched Hitler wearing Star-Spangled Spandex and introduced her self as AMERICA Chavez, was questioned on whether or not she was American

That's always been a little confusing.

We know that she comes from the Utopian Parallel but then left after he parents got smeared across the universe like hot butter on toast. I don't even know who adopted her or if she was even adopted. So I don't know if she considers herself American, Latin or Latin-American as they never actually go into her adopted culture other than "muh brown queer girl."

Also, the fact that she's named America only pisses me off. I get the feeling the author has nothing but contempt for your average America straight, white men, so I only ever refer to her as Chavez.

Looks like a bad phototrace job.

The second one is Squirrel-Girl tier.

Everyone essentially hates everyone else. Mexicans see everyone below their Southern border as jungle monkies. Northern Mexicans generally detest Southern Mexicans and vice versa.

Everyone hates chilangos, unhumans that live in DF, northern vs central vs southerm hate thingy changes from beaner to beaner

You faggots are forgetting about online sales and other ways to sell the comic. In case of Moongirl, book is apparently doing well on Scholastic.

Firstly, source. I don't accept "Apparently" as an argument. Secondly, how profitable are online sales compared to physical sales?

Now this… is bait I can reply to.

I keep hearing this shit with no source. How would the Scholastic sales not be included in the overall sales, anyway?
I did find this:

It has a list of the 20 best selling comics through Scholastic:

If Moon Girl is selling well in Scholastic, it can't be selling TOO well. And something tells me it's probably not even in the top 50, just looking at that top 20.
