End of the Current Year

>It… It can't end like this! Its the CURRENT YEAR!

John Oliver snaps and goes on a fit of irrational fury and mindless fear-based propaganda.


It's a damn fine time to be alive.

webm nigga

these people dont even think we should have a right to feel one way or another about our own lives.

Holla Forums - John Oliver Viral Marketing. Might as well post Anita videos while you're at it.




Unless we can kill Hollywood and gas the Jews, it isn't even close to over yet. People are still being force fed with Jewish memes 24 hours a day.


What do you mean? John Stewart build a fucking career out of 8 years Bush-administration.

For a leftist comedian this couldn't be better. Unless his show gets cancelled he has four years of shitting on Trump ahead of him.

Trump mentioned creating libel laws to sue the media. Can someone smarter than me explain what this means and possible implications on hollyjews?

He was talking about the fact that currently celebrities have to prove a wrong or defamatory Article was published with "actual malice", meaning the paper knew it was not factual, which is obviously fucking difficult to prove.

How he wants to change that, and even IF he can, since these are state laws, is open.
The guys from Popehat for example already said that it's doubtful he can change anything meaningful.

what about suing the media for defamation / purposeful missinformation? is it possible?

The ending of the video is pretty great though.
Still, you burgers made the right choice. Hillary was WW3 for sure.

True. It'll be very good for him.


I can't wait until I have to talk to some dyed in the wool lefty and I get to inform them that it's 2017 already, come on.

Yeah, I didn't mind the wombat joke either.



Nice dubs.

The next four years we will witness a media onslaught the likes of which will make the media's smear of the Bush Administration look like child's play.

His anger is just an act for his delusional audience, because no matter who won he will always be making money.


They have no memes, they have no original material anymore. How long will people keep laughing at, "That's racist!"

What the world needs is someone who does to Oliver what Colbert did to Bill O'Reilly: basically do Oliver's entire schtick in parody. If it's well done, then people might begin to see the seams on these bozos' clown costumes, and it could break the conditioning. Of course, to combat the initial wave of accusations of racism, you would need someone really charismatic, really slick, really funny, really articulate. (And actually, we had someone like that, but we memed HIM into being the 45th U.S. President, so we'll need someone else).

polite sage for cancerous talking head


(And you should probably remind John Oliver of this too, repeatedly)

There were good reasons to attack Bush and his neocon lackeys.

All the media have to against Trump with is "waaagghhh my fee-fees!"

We need to stop playing at their childish level and start running for office. Comedians don't do shit but entertain while people in power actually effect things.

If we mock them from positions of power, like adults, we'll make them look like a bunch of immature punk rockers.

Trump has laid the groundwork for us to infiltrate the system and change it for the better.

Using the same materials as "racist, sexist, misogynist, antisemite, islamaphobe, warmonger, wall street puppet, russian plant, anti-science" will still work for their hugbox, to the neutrals and people around the world? wew laddie, the happenings will continue.

The neocons were globalists all the same, Trump isn't. My point being is that they'll do everything in their power to make it fashionable to bash Trump.

Or you can remind the leftists that are beyond saving and make them think Oliver is trying to cash in on Trump and is not truthful in all the shit he says. They will turn on him since he is a white male and they need one to kick around.

Good. We didn't have the internet in 2001 like we do now.

The more Trump succeeds at the nuts and bolts (i.e. clean water for Flint, job creation, replacement of Obamacare, etc), when the media attacks him we can drop redpills and make them ever more irrelevant and despised by the common man. They're already bleeding money over this, we can eventually kill them with one thousand small cuts.

Oliver has to be one of the least funny comedians I've ever seen. No wonder being British I'd never heard of him prior to Holla Forums. Nobody over here even knows who he is. His entire schtick is catering to American low-information bluepilled libtards with "lel so fanneh XD" random humour and shouting.

Pretty sure he's Jewish, so getting the golems to attack their master might be challenging.

Thanks for pointing that out, made me laugh like an idiot for some reason.

Yea Trump has an army of shitlords ready to take it to the next level. No safe space will be safe, no echo chamber shall be left unpunctured, no cuck left un-shived.

I didn't think this year would end with me unironically worshipping a frog god, but he's absolutely earned it.

The problem is that Donald Trump is funnier than Jon Stewart. Not the George Bush kind of funny. Like the funny and I know I'm being funny kind of funny.

Make sure to remind them that they are on the wrong side of history.

The difference is Trump will body slam these faggots.

CURRENT YEAR 2: Year of the Current

i nominate fallon. he's a faggot but he's better than nothing, although he did recently just mourn hillary's loss or smth like that. fetid little irishman.

He actually tried and managed to stay impartial, and took a lot of shit for it.

He did, but apparently the clip I posted was from the wrong Jimmy.

All you need is a 3-minute parody showing how his hypnotic pacing, overuse of analogies and non-sequiturs barely mask an obvious agenda that mocks anyone for wrongthink. Don't be a jerk like him and declare anyone who isn't a white aryan Christian male to be trash, like I know you're aching to do. Good parody tackles the subject in such a way that's agreeable from both sides, like classic Simpsons.

Furthermore, you could do a parody of Bill Maher as well.

Trump's got bantz. Trump would destroy rat face and their contingent

This is my first time actually watching his shit.


Whig history was a big meme used to promote leftism. Hopefully 2016 leaves it dead and buried in the minds of this generation.

lefties often conflate propaganda with humour.

We need 8 more topics on this faggot and 6 more on Lena Dunham. Make it happen CTR

I know right? Lefty humor is all about swearing and acting higher than thou, it's complete trash.

There is one…

These anons put it really well I think

Current year was not a year, it was an age. An empire carved out of the zeitgeist of the west. The empire has fallen.


is this not the 19th Oliver thread?







This right here is my primary concern. As long as the mainstream media stays an SJW shill and controlled by jew shits like Spielberg and lib betas like Whedon, we aren't close to winning. They will do everything in their power to take us and Emperor Trump down.

We must fight back to free the media of biased political bullshit and keep that shit contained on debate shows where they belong, not on entertainment shows, animation or educational programming.



Kek, you LOST. We won. Keep the salt coming, it sustains me

Welcome to current year +1, can I see some proof of citizenship?


I lost my Sides, my Brother lost his Sides and many more were lost

In loving memory of our sides

His noses keeps growing and growing.

did thumbnails get smaller for anyone else here?

They can't lose money forever and this shit has run its course as far as being effective propaganda (if it ever was to begin with). Sooner or later, something will have to give.

Personally, I would be absolutely stunned if Colbert was still on the air this time next year. Poor ratings, dwindling credibility and no real path forward in Trump's America. He'll be doing some podcast about "the good ol' days" while advertising signings at local book-shops.

He's austistic to be our jon stewart.
Imagine if we had a black redpilled woman at our services kek


if they couldn't make a profit off of this election they have no chance to survive.

Nah we'd be relegated back to being just a shooting the shit board if the media changed a bunch after trump. Normies need to get redpilled on so many things and one of the easiest is the (((mass media)))

He isn't funny, leftists laugh along with the laugh track because they're afraid of being excluded from the herd

I hope he knows we'll be coming for him, having him stew in fear for a couple of years will make his end even more delicious.

they'll keep doing this. You know they will.

Why hasn't Holla Forums turned their sights on proving this guy is a kike. I need official verification.

Welcome to literally every piece of normalfag media ever.

We'll be here if you need tips on resisting the urge to kill yourself.

I was debating this liberal faggot about a month ago and casually asked "Where do you get your information from, CNN?", and he said No l watch John Oliver and The Daily Show. They're not biased, talks about the issues, and adds humor to the news. Regular news outlets make everything sound depressing."

So not only is it a propaganda machine, it is becoming their news source.

Because it's not very hard?

ahaha as if CNN wasn't bad enough.

By his appearance I'd say yes but I tried to find out if he was and had no luck.

the right is the right side of history