Sick new movie cucks for "muh poor innocent Mooslims" by (((mark WAHLBERG)))

please give a dislike to this bullshit,

The movie seems like an innocent "muh terrorism" film but it shows "le innocent Mooslim womyn being o-pressed on".

Watch the entire thing, this is some sick shit and obviously has a political agenda.

Other urls found in this thread:

The director is Peter (((Berg))) don't act surprised. It's the same faggot that directed Lone Survivor aka #NOTALLMUSLIMS the film.

Only good movie this year was Hacksaw Ridge.

looks like it's another one, but it's like a hidden message

the kikes are getting smarter, they are making it less overt, now, but it's still just as dangerous.

Well they kinda ARE oppressed. The thing is they WANT to be oppressed so gives a fuck? Oh right whiteknight morons who think muslim women will actually fuck them instead of cutting their dick off for being infidels.

No, by WHITE PEOPLE. The movie is claiming they are oppressed by LE RACIST WHITE AMERIKKKA

No one on Holla Forums is dumb enough to think that, hopefully. Muslim women are fucking cunts, and they should have zero sympathy from anyone.



What a coincidence!

But haven't you heard goy, White men are the biggest single source of terrorism in the USA.

The White media just covers it up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen the movie?

STAHP USING FACTS user! WE HATES THE FACTS! Said every sjw fuckwit ever.

Wait what I thought the crusaders were over fetch me my cross we have beatings to dispense!

…WOW is that legit? Eitherway I laughed my ASS off. Did some blackman jump on Holla Forums see our shit and decide to rip it off like they did the egyptians?

lol have another this shit is timeless

100% real wewuzkangs shit


Holy shit, this is the funniest thing I've seen all day.

here is their new page I think it might be the same group

Wasn't MarkWahlberg part of the New Kids on the Block?

Someone should post quotes from actual Moors on blacks on their page.

his brother donnie was… mark was marky mark and the funky bunch

Jews are such talented artists, aren't they?


…Wow. And people call US insane. At least we base our batshit insanity on factual evidence and rational thought. This shit is so out there I feel like I'm reading a more awesome version of MAD magazine.

dead blacks can't claim to be kings

lol check this one out

Mahk Mahk is the one who beat a Viet.

*Mahky Mahk

My boston accent has failed me this time

d-don't they know?

I did.
It was shit tbh fam.

Lackluster slop, starring a Jew (in the role of a White man), and directed by a man who destroyed himself after stating he would convert to Judaism for the woman who destroyed him.

Congratulations - you are a cuckold.


Wiki says Wahlberg is Swedish though


What a great plan.

Almost tricked me, you trickster you

my bad he's just an actor not the director, also not jewish… oops

no seriously it's real check out their page

Just goes to show how fucking lost they are. Can't even tell jews from whites. Their monkey brains just don't get it that when someone called (((Tim Wise))) pretends to be white to act as a cuck, then quickly revert to being a jew when needed, something is not quite right.

They just don't fucking get it. Racial tension makes the jew slip away unnoticed. If the mud races fully awakened to the jewish question, 99% of the worlds problems would be solved overnight.

Wow, it's almost like it's the same person.

they would still demand to live in our homelands and resent us for being smarter, but yea it would help if they hated kikes too

but of course them hating kikes to them just means hating another group of white people, in their minds.

They ain't lost they've been lead exactly where you know who wants them.

No thanks, film is degenerate escapism.


so is anime

Yes, the protocols stated the purpose for bringing blacks to America is to instigate communism.

Jews had to make an effort to instigate communism elsewhere, because whites wouldn't voluntarily accept it. Therefore they had to kill the Russian czar family for instance. Asians made some resistance too, and it took a lot of subversion.

But in Africa, the blacks welcomed it. Ooga booga kill whitey. Then, when whitey is gone, they pray for apartheid days to return.

Blacks are used for the same purpose in Europe: destabilization and communism. Communist parties in Europe are now using a lot of the same black power symbolism as we have seen elsewhere. It's a disaster waiting to happen unless it's stopped.

Bread and circus is white peoples gibsmedats. People are fed a diet of judaism through the televi-zion and kept numb with sports, alcohol and other mind-numbing shit. The only difference is that it's in a nicer wrapper and some people actually work for it.

But it's the same mind numbing shit when push comes to shove. Niggers don't work though, so they directly collapse society by being an economic drain. It's fast track to destabilization, crash and then, the jewish emergency solution to the jewish created problem: communism.

Straight outta protocols, and we see it manifest before our very eyes.

What's with all the movie threads lately?

I did. It was okay. Mel was better in Blood Father but that movie makes a neo-nazi group out to be traitorous niggers.

As one user did a couple weeks ago, I recommend Hell Or High Water. A non pozzed movie, they bring the bank robber/Robin Hood tale to the modern era in a way the aryan minded can appreciate. so you don't have to give your shekels to hollyjew.

I did my part, there's not that many comments so put thumbs up on all the good ones.

Hello fellow white people!

Sure thing shlomostein

Wahlberg isn't Jewish nor does he have Jewish acnestry though. Peter Berg, however…

Mark Wahlberg is catholic. Not that it means a whole helluva lot anymore…

Wahlberg used to be redpilled.
He got in trouble for beating up Jews and/or niggers when he was younger and it almost cost him his career. Now he just does what the kikes tell him and he makes money.

Pretty sure it was a chink or gook or some flavour of slanty-eyed subhuman.
Sage for slide thread.

Islam means to surrender to God. Of course they want to be slaves.

As always, don't give these kikes any shekels. Downvote everyone and leave some redpill comments.

Meaning don't barge in there screaming "HURR CUCKOLDRY D:

The real enemy secular humanism. Btw, for anyone who doesn't know, there is a book called Straw Dogs that neutralizes progressives. If you can get a liberal to read it, it will destroy their world view. It's truly like wiping their mind clean.

Are they going to show the multiple shooters like we have on pic and video … fuck no.


Oh, so I assume the movie is about about the Israelis oppressing the Palestinians and Arabs in their country with their apartheid policies, right? Right?



Do you know what shows more than anything what the Jews are doing with the movie industry, and why it's not about shekels? Look at "Passion of the Christ." Imagine a movie about "Lepanto" or The Siege of Malta that genuinely showed muslims as evil and the Europeans as the protagonists. It would make billions. The Jews will not do it, even for the money. If the goyim ever wake up, the Jews know they, individually, are finished.

No such thing as bad publicity. Thanks for the help Goy. ;b


pools closed due to aids

What the fuck do they want us to call it, freedom fighting?