Video of Sandnigger bitch chimping out over 'Reverse Racism'
I feel bad for the guy presenting.
Video of Sandnigger bitch chimping out over 'Reverse Racism'
I feel bad for the guy presenting.
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Cuck should really be bringing up the moors.
Talks in ebonics, like a regular sheboon. Dunecoons don't talk like that.
You hadn't heard that argument before? That's exactly what's being taught to kids these days.
Kike talking point. Racism is prejudice+power and since whites have the power they can experience prejudice, but not racism.
If it sounds like sophistry, that's because it is.
You know, I like to think that if I had a nog chimping out on me I'd walk away but I don't think I would actually, I'd probably get my belt and start whipping. You don't get to come in my civilization and shit it up.
And you wonder why no one at all is hiring kids out of universities anymore. lol
I'd walk right up to her and stare her in the eyes without blinking or saying anything
Why ?
Non-whites are literally incapable of being racist against whites since they're uhpressed and whites are their oppressors.
Take the Rotherham scandal. To leftists, the thought of "increasing islamophobia" by reporting paki rapists was worse than the gang-rape-and-torture sessions on children those pakis were committing.
Is this really worth a thread you fucking faggots? You could've had this illuminating conversation on cuckchan OP, stop shitting up the board.
Is there some good counter soundbite you can spout at this retarded garbage?
So it comes from the school system ?
No, you have to submit to it. Now stop sliding.
A dictionary and thesaurus
Go home Holla Forums it's done, you lost.
I'd tell her she is playing with definitions to feel better, but maybe something about the muslim slave trade would hit harder.
Adjust her attitude.
This is not a sand nigger this is an average common nigger turned moslem, that is why she talks like an average nigger and not a ME arab.
Come to detroit and you can see 100's of them they grew up amongst whites and was baptist then changed because of muh homeland and NOI or whatever.
Interesting. A bit off topic, but today on my campus there was an sjw get together where they put up a bunch of exhibits and models and shit. There was one labeled "Privilege Lane" where you would grab an ethnicity label out of a glass jar and you'd be given various amounts of points that you would put towards getting rid of various "bad" things, such as high incarceration rates, and being confused/grouped for/with a different ethnicity. I got Asian and laughed.
I thought citing the actual definitions and concepts was racist.
"By saying minorites cannot be held accountable for their actions, you're saying that they aren't the intellectual equals of whites."
"The only people who aren't accountable for their actions are children and the mentally retarded- are you saying minorities are like them?
I dare you to do this to anybody
You risk getting headbutted.
Discredit themselves on video. It's a show of dominance, self control, and power.
Losing your shit, bitching out, or giving pussy body language are all fails.
In Canukistan they adopted negroid thug culture while also keeping their sand nig culture. it's bizarre
I told someone who I was saying only whites could be racist that I identified as black, I'm transblack, so now I get to be racist too right? They just called me a fucking idiot and I walked away.
When engaging with leftists, it's only worth doing it for you're intending to win over an audience. If it's just them, just ignore them or mine salt/mock them, there's no point trying to debate them.
The school system is what made me hate niggers.
Reverse racism is not a thing. Don't let them trick you into using that term.
So is getting your nose broken.
When I was a kid I was living in a sand nigger neighborhood, and one kid was pissing me off all the time, I tried the "Go ahead, fuck with me" stare down, didn't work, he would give me that sand nigger smirk. So I went to him wrestled him down and kicked his head until I was satisfied and asked his friends if they wanted some, I never heard about him again after that. You just need to put your foot down and beat one to an inch of his life, give them welfare they chimp out, gives them the whip they respect you.
it would show dominance and scare the ever living shit out of her user
she'd start stuttering and trembling about racism and islamophobia, but if he stood tall and strong and stared her right in the eyes, she'd buckle down until she started screaming. if he stood through that, then she'd break
Making an archive means you don't risk them deleting the post, faggot. You almost weren't a faggot by reuploading the video, try to be more autistic you fucking plebbit/cuckchan faggot.
"That's racist." then you get expelled for racism. How fucking new are you?
It's not acceptable to redefine commonly used terms in order to fit with your political agenda. The term "racism" has been in widespread usage for more than a century and it refers to all types of racial bigotry, regardless of its origin.
He should have answered "Maybe thats because they are lmao"
They're both low IQ apes, its not bizzare in the slightest.
The only difference is the sandniggers preach all these muslim values like respect for the elderly and charity from their ivory towers built on literal slave labor while the nigger niggers preach about equality and oppression while on the ground profiting from slave labor via gibs.
Non white men cannot rape white women. In order to commit a "rape" the man must have power+privilege over the victim. White women are more privileged than men of color therefore men of color cannot rape them. It's possible for men of color to commit "sexual assault" or simple assault against white women, but not rape.
Muh professor said so therefore it must be the case. You're obviously uneducated on this topic. lol :^)
Look at my answer here
You can say that many racist white people are considered by and sometimes are poor hicks, meaning they have no power in society so they have no power over a minority. So by the same logic they apply to themselves those same white people cannot be racist.
but i voted for trump
Show me one instance of a student getting expelled from a public school "for racism".
Go on, do it.
You can't make this shit up.
peace be upon you my son! make your people great again and then take them back to the holy land.
taqiyya is for shias dude i hate shias
Took me 4 seconds LARPer.
but i came here legally after my dad killed commies in russia with the help of america!
Lot's, but to a good counter is saying Muslims had been the cruelest to those they discriminate which is fucking everybody
Leftists were calling for these girls to be expelled, denied entry to college, and even raped.
IIRC they were denied graduation.
Is that even legal? They went to a public school after all.
In the US if you do anything that generally brings shame to the school your senior year they just deny giving you your certificate until you do X or wait Y, or both.
Reminder to report all rach posters
Reminder to moderate the moderators.
First off, that's profanity. Second, no proof of expulsion solely due to "racism".
I'm stilling waiting for evidence.
If you just put those goal posts on roller-skates you'd have an easier time.
I bet you're secretly one of the mods, or at least they suck up to you.
Ni**er could be anything- nifter, nilter, nisher, nicker, etc. What's profane about that? :^)
Drown yourself in semen etc etc
Islam has some pretty based tenets, other than the whole no-bacon, no-beer, and no-dogs thing. I wish Christians were as Jew-wise as Muslims. Honestly, if there weren't millions of you guys in Europe screaming Allah Akbar and demanding Shariah in countries that aren't yours, there wouldn't be any problems. Hitler thought you guys were great.
Here's your proof, xir.
Still gonna kill them all. They work for the Kikes and became their favorite toy. You can't spare them.
checking the correct answers
Fun mocking options is comparing privilege to the existence of god and getting them to kvetch about which is more likely to exist, bringing up the white slave trade (and if you dont want to claim you are a transnigger claim you are transirish which is almost as bad. Claim nameless invisible discrimination identities (agender aneurotypical antideluvian) and then start talking about NOT RACISM the exact same way and have everyone understanding your meaning and if she bitches about that start talking about how NOT PRIVLEDGED you must be to interrupt someone elses lecture and how NOT MUSLIMS are the problem for the modern NOT EXTREMISTS.
Fuck me, if nothing else end it off with how all women's opinions matter
Something tells me that rach might be from Pottsville PA, Camarillo CA, Port Charlotte, or Waterford in Queensland.
Iranians might be jew wise, but your average sunni dog only hates jews because muh Palestine
Polite sage for something that should already be done
So, how is your role model Maddow doing nowadays?
I think one of these are rach's :3
It's yours shlomo.
Where's that?
Oy vey, am I the Schlomo?
What if the schlomo is inside all of us ?
Young guys without supervision is a different game than a woman yelling in a university setting. I agree with your actions in that setting, it obviously wouldn't translate to the one depicted in this video.
Thanks for your politeness, but I'm a womyn, not a xir. And your link gives me this message:
Do you have an archive, screencap, or an alternative source?
Nice "Gets"
Have you tried wayback machine?
I think I can figure out where you came from.
is she going to get the rope or just get deported?
I brought up the moors when people tried to pull that shit on me and I was still in college.
its an east nigger from somalia/ethiopia
kill non whites
Oh my god, are you a Chechen?
tell them youre not white, but infact jewish
That thing should look in the mirror.
our future if we don't start getting violent with these savages. The only language they know is blood.
welp. i'm a fucked up person i guess.
Brutal but how else you gonna get rid of the druggy shitheads?
Also, just bring up quotes by Ibn Khaldun.
I never understood this "prejudice+power" argument. 1.) We just got finished with a black president. Is leadership of the free world not enough for you? Or are you admitting that he did nothing for you? 2.) What about in countries like Mozambique or Saudi Arabia? Doesn't get much more powerful than dictatorships and absolute monarchy. 3.) I'm not a powerful person, yet I'm racist. Is being white some kind of superpower now?
Because I don't find that wholly disagreeable.
Can you imagine being a professor these days, and a fucking negress student treats you like that and you can't do a goddam thing or your ass is gone?
What jobs are even left for White men these days? Other than the dangerous, dirty shit no one else wants to do and they can't AA their way in?
Tell her politely that her definitions are wrong and to kindly STFU. People in the class are trying to learn, and she's not the teacher.
No wonder we won.
It was always bullshit regardless. The term has been long established to mean prejudice and prejudice alone. You can't just go changing the definitions of words to better suit your world view.
"yeah but why are you here?"
If i was there id jusy say:
"Ok, here and now, for example how can I exert my 'Power' over you in a way you could not rebut. Give me an example - now, here, of what I can clearly do"
She can't really give one, but if she did I'd fucking do it.
This sums up everything.
Let's be real for half a second here; King Nigger was a poster boy for Globalism. Niggers are used as a paramilitary. They do not have power. They will never have power. As for the sandnigger in the video, we have always been considered superior because we are superior. Breathe it in, bitch.
"You are anti-White." Just call it what it is.
I've been thinking about doing this whenever the bitch shows up. You'd only need to repeat it a few times and check which ones match up. Figure out the service, make a friend at the appropriate ISP, and boom, midnight firebombing of that relentless shitposter's house. No more idiotic comments or autistic pics.
The true left and right both recognize white supremacy, the difference is whether they are pro white or anti white.
I would agree that the hard left are undoubtedly racial supremacists. The far right or at least third position believes in truth and the truth is that there exists a racial hierarchy.
The observation and appropriate response to racial hierarchy is not the same as the racial supremacist behavior of the left.
Consider that hard left ideology was almost entirely developed and promoted by people for whom open racial supremacy has been at the core of their character since their inception. Third Position ideology was created by those who simply wish to preserve the order of nature.
Somebody find who this whore is
I like this model. But it might be even better if we can somehow jump to their side of the argument and run off into absurdity.
I think that those observing are going to watch to see who backs down or concedes ground to judge who wins the argument.
Since the opposition believes us to be literally everything that's wrong in their world and they want to kill us, they'll never concede, if they're even willing to allow us any room to speak, at all. So by seemingly agreeing with them, we should be able to stupefy them into at least shutting up and allowing us sway over the crowd.
Our methods should begin by acknowledging and repeating their initial premises, while mirroring their body language, and probably shaking our head up and down in agreement. Then we begin to transition some of their premises and similar ones into subtle absurdities, and then patent absurdities. These beasts are incapable of reason, or they'd never hold the beliefs they currently do. We must hypnotize them and win over the crowd. That's all that matters.
Use the phrase "racial hatred" instead of "racism" to avoid this tangent.
"don't ever mix those two together"
It's probably just a WE WUZ niggress.
There's plenty of good muslims. But I agree with you, they need to stay in their own countries and stop fucking up Europe and the US.
I just really want the people who support subhumans to hang with their pets.
I tire of the facade of civility I must present to them while they pepper us with derision, hatred, and call US beneath them for ALLOWING THEM TO COME TO OUR COUNTRIES.