So I'm story timing Power Rangers from boom since we left it to issue 13 as its still pretty decent.
I personally invite writefags due to issue 10.





Now that's how you make a reference to Billy's actor homosexuality and its problems without jamming it to your audiences face while still making it related to the plot as main context.







I don't see it.









Where pink haired stronk womyn of color are evil and go to die.



Y'know, I'd like to see them make original tokusatsu comics after they're done with the Power Rangers stuff. It's a whole new medium they've shown can work even better than the spliced up frankenshow.


That's all for couple weeks guys.


Thanks OP, did you get PR Aftershock?

Actually good comics, full of color, movement, lack of political commentary, faithful to source while expanding it and no one in the board pays attention to it.

I'll post it, it's long, and to boost only the "Prologue and First Chapter" has the writer of the main series.
Also you guys must remember that this is based on the characters personalities from the movie, not the other comic which as far as I know isn't related.

You know what?
With those neon blue lines and the blackened helmet, if that was really a sentai instead of Iron Man armor it could be some really neat original suit.

I think the fights are way too static, like posters, at least comparing them to the main series.
Also, Zordon is creepy.

Wow, Zordon is really a dick and also Jason, I expect them to be gritty and edgy but good lord.
Also I thought the black kid was Zack and not Billy by reflex.

Forgot pic

1° I'm sorry, that wasn't Jason, it was asian Zack, I'm not used to this characters.
2° This just turned into Smallville.
3° Jason x Kim, wow, they're just preparing the landing track for some nice Tommy cucking aren't they?
4° What is the adoption system?

Villain motivation; They hate power because they didn't had any and that's why now they wanna kill Power Rangers
Make sense of that.

Did Kim just admitted to wanting to kill a normal human?

If this is Goldar's origin I'm killing myself.

I'm really getting bored.

It's quite funny, Jason is a fucking dumbass, idk why but it rustles me beyond belief that he looked up those moves on the internet and doesn't know what they mean, as if he couldn't bother himself to look that up.
Is also funny because I'm a writefag and had a character say something similar to what Jason said in way less dialogue.


So this was the first half, gotta start my day, posting the second half later.
Not saving this one.

Thanks OP


The Mighty Morphin' comic was actually legitimately great. I'm positively surprised.

Which one?

I'm just really bored of Mighty Morphin' power rangers.
It's not the best series, it's old, it's dated, I don't know why we have to revisit it so often.

Unless there are some SPD/RPM/Whatever comics out there somewhere

Nobody knows SPD, I also would love an SPD made from the same guy, and we don't revisit it often, last thread only reached Issue 8, this is all for 2 weeks and then a month.

I see. It's still a shame. A cop based thing would be so easy to adapt. My issue is the fact that they're giving loads and loads of depth to characters who lacked depth. Like Rita Repulsa.

Well, "Aftershock" comic is mediocre at best, the recent movie being only better than Megaforce, Samurai and Overdrive so its probably on Turbo tier + nostalgia bonus points for normies.
As for the main line of BOOM MMPR I think the characters are being handled great, they do get more depth but they don't break out of character to do so.


Well there goes my interest.

I still think they should try making their own comic exclusive tokusatsu like property.

Ok, we continue with the second half, and while Aftershock isn't awful it really has some shit stepping it into mediocre, my main complaint is that characters don't seem to have personality and "Smallville mutants"

Now I really liked the dialogue in this five pages but the Zord fight was… it wasn't there.

Did they… kill them.
I don't know what would piss me off the most, if they killed them or if it turns out they didn't.

Oh, it ends here, the rest of the pages are the first two issues of
It was mediocre 5/10.


I feel sick just from looking at this basic ass bitch art.