How did a silly kids comic like Archie Sonic ended up being pretentious and dark...

How did a silly kids comic like Archie Sonic ended up being pretentious and dark? EARLY Archie sonic were just fun adventure comics.


SatAm fanboys


Because they hired a fuckwad like Penders. He was an edgy, DA-tier SJW Sonic assburger through and through. He had no originality whatsoever and only attracted a worse breed of assburger to the fanbase.

Also this.

I wouldn't mind the pretentiousness and darkness if it was well written to be honest.

Everything bad with this comic can be traced back to Penders.

Well, the comic was going great when it was retelling the story of SATaM and gave it the ending fans wanted.

Then Ken Penders came in. He knew the right people and he turned his work in on time, so he got a chance to weasel in and start turning the comics into his grimdark edgy ego masturbation fanfic.

Then he got fired, tried to sue Sega over assets he didn't own, ended up only getting the shit he actually made, and when it was removed the comic improved by about 5,000,000%.

When its a story about cutesy little multicolored animal characters with sneakers fighting a funny-looking fat guy, its best not to write it seriously. Look at how shit Shadow the Hedgehog and 06 turned out because of it. Their stories and gameplay were utter shit.

Too bad even that was stupid. One of the key points in the ending is that the cat lady almost kills Sally because some glasses she's wearing make her see Sally as Snively? And then the epilogue follows up with Sonic's dad telling everyone that Sonic is not Sonic's real name? Fuck that. Sure, if you take out some key stupidity, I guess its an okay ending.

Shadow the Hedgehog was okay, and 06 just needed more time for it to be worked on.

Someone needs to make a /cow/ thread on penders

I've been saying it for years on many sites and even in that faggot hole Kiwifarms, but no one seems interested.

He isn't a tranny or a sick fuck so none of those sites care about him.


Kiwifarms are way behind on their lolcows, they don't even have a page for Phil Elmore.

They only care about Dobson, Wu, Yanderedev, Movieblob, and Chris these days.


Better question. How did it end up being so good?

Fuck off Penders go back to work on the Lara-SU Chronicles.


You were a kid and most kids are stupid and have no taste.