Can we have a measured an intelligent discussion of Trump's potential cabinet? I assume most of us know, there is a power struggle right now going on between the establishment, #nevertrump cuckolds like Ryan et. al and some people with different ideas.
Priebus seems like a mealy-mouthed little tool who can be easily run over and controlled by Bannon. Now, we have people here who don't like Bannon. I don't have any great love for him, but compared to what else we could get?
who would you like to see in Trump's cabinet? I'd like Dr. Scheuer, we know never will happen. Paul was a dick to Trump and, TBQH, seems to be getting a bit old ad senile now and in need of shekels.
Who could be reasonable put in that would make people happy? I don't want Gingrich, maybe give Palin something with no power to make the womeynz happy. Carson as the Token nigger in charge of education, fine with me. Even the other nigger, Clarke, being given..maybe "homeland Security" (which should be abolished) I'd be fine with.
Flynn cannot speak for shit and his book was lousy, but is a great intel guy who basically ran MacCrystal's operation.
Who am I missing that people would like to see? user, this is not a "slide" thread because I have nothing to "slide" and I don't see any threads on this topic anywhere near the top after looking through first few pages.
Trump Cabinet Discussion
Other urls found in this thread:
Also in defense of Bannon…I'm…divided on kikebairt, but the Jews are already trying to force him to kick Bannon out.
Bannon is a:
-Georgetown Grad
-HArvard MBA
-Naval Officer
-Worked for (((Goldman-Sachs))) until the Jews made him too sick.
-Tried his hand in hollywood, made a few shekels
Give us your ideal cabinet? Bolton is the scum of the earth, on that I agree. Carson can be the token nigger and give him..secretary of education. Gen. Flynn can't speak or write for shit, but he was MacCrystal's Intel guy so must be smart.
Everything you are hearing now is Jewish spin as they try to force their way into power positions after they tried their hardest to sabotage him. Trump is overwhelmed by the enormity of what he did. Give him bit of time to settle, the first 2 are not too bad.
Once he gets comfortable in the position, he is not going to take any shit. Of that I am confident. Once bad shit is confirmed, then I will rage with you.
right now, we should be on twatter (made 11 accounts today) to express approval of Bannon and try to make sure the Jews don't kick him out.
No, he is not perfect. But a fuck of a lot better than what we could have gotten. Also, please, if you could pick the entire cabinet, what would your ideas be?
Hey you're that poster that always puts indents at the start of lines. Why do you do this? It looks fucking retarded.
*forgot– Bannon is Jew-wise, and insisted to his ex0wife he would not pay for his daughters to go to school with a bunch of Jews.
If someone is going to call Trump out on being a phony because of who he appoints you better have a name of someone that would do a better job to back your shit up. USA has been invaded by traitors for decades, there are almost no non-establishment people to choose from.
Scheuer would be excellent. The kikes would never stop crying. Flynn is based af and definitely needs to be major part of Trump's team.
Carson should be given a good spot for his loyalty.
Because I literally don't post on any other boards (others make that claim, I genuinely don't) and I don't know shit about formatting. I just write as I would if writing an email.
Ironically, when I first began posting here (and I posted often), Was certainly one of the people to change the usual format from double to single space, simply because I'd never posted on a board before and knew no better.
And you have to remember that Trump needs guys on the inside. You can't get anything done in DC without connections. If he just flew in a bunch of outsiders they would be easily sidelined by establishment. That's why Trump using Priebus is actually a smart move as long as Trump can keep him on the leash, which I am mostly confident he can.
gop. com/survey/cabinet-survey/
They would be side lined and out smarted. The common man doesn't have 40 years of being a bullshit artist and stabbing others in the back.
this. This is why I think a thread is appropriate, because people are flinging shit but not making suggestions. People here are saying they want Bannon out– look at the MSM, the Jews are shrieking for his fucking head already because he "runs a hate site."
As already stated, Dr Scheuer is a man I'd fucking love to see there. Ron Paul…let's face it, has gotten a bit senile in his old age. I'd like to see Buchanan with some role, even if mostly symbolic simply because the bastard earned it and Trump took 905 of his platform from Pat's book "Suicide of a Superpower."
I see a lot of complaints but no one offering other ideas.
Bannon is already reaching out to Marion Le Pen. He is a very good pick and probably the closest thing possible to a full white nationalist, and given a very powerful spot.
They're already trying to gas-light us into accepting John fucking Bolton as Secretary of State. Even Rudy Giuliani would be a better choice.
These people will be on a leash. Trump has shown consistently that if he doesn't like how someone is performing, he just gets rid of them. That alone means that any choice Trump makes is very disposable should they fuck up and not do what Trump wants.
Just remember what happened with Pence. People thought he was a terrible choice for a variety of reasons, and it completely fixed Trump's Evangelical problem. Only thing is we need to be careful of gas-lighting like the shit in this tweet But seeing how shitty Bolton is is obvious, he's establishment, neocon shit.
Women don't like Palin, and the type of women who like Palin don't like her just because she's a woman.
Conservative women don't give a flying fuck about tokenism. Just pick who can do the job best.
it's a mess and he can't just throw people there without experience because that would slow everything for months and he wants fast action and results, which means he need a good mix between experienced and newcomers resulting on Establishment trash getting in. Newt, Bolton, Krispe and Mnuchin is a no to me. that said, so far Trump has not disappointed and maybe JUST MAYBE he knows more about those cucks than we do, got to wait and see, but at least we have a chance since it's not Killary there.
It's important to keep in mind that the President can fire any and all of these fuckers at will.
Replacing them is not so easy but a man who gave 10 rallies and 7(?!) speeches in the last two days of his campaign can surely stand-in for 100 cucks while congress debates replaces replacements.
Le Pen is a very strategic ally, because it takes all those liberals who were bitching about Trump supporters and shits all over their argument. If they were actually misogynists, they would hate Le Pen because she's a woman, even if Le Pen agrees with them. It's a good chance for salt, they'll basically go "but you support Trump and you're fucking a white male you hate women!" and you just say, "not really, I support Le Pen, I just didn't like Hillary because she's corrupt and has bad policies"
Are you socially retarded? You can see what other people are doing and imitate them. Don't indent. If you're starting a new paragraph, double space. You're breaking your anonymity by posting in a distinct way, this will result in an ego developing around your posts, which will mean lower quality contributions as you begin to censor yourself to match the perceived identity, aka cancer.
Make sure to tell Trump what you think
He needs to play them off against each other. Get them competing for his favor.
So far I think he's playing it well. Priebus is a good choice for Chief of Staff: by all accounts he's a very good organizer and knows how to run a tight ship. His appointment appeases GOP old-guard and keeps him busy with logistics rather than big picture policy. Meanwhile Bannon is the closest thing to a white nationalist that he could get away with in a senior position and his appointment indicates that Trump is serious about keeping to his campaign promises.
If he keeps the neo-cons away and Flynn gets in as Sec of Defense and can get a non-neo-con sec of defense, it's a win.
I've heard Gingrich's name, though that seems to be kill now. Don't really like him, but at least he's not a TRUE kike's kike and wasn't there for the Iraq clusterfuck. Would take him over bolton.
For newfags who don't understand neocons:
Bannon outranks Reince. He answers only to Trump. That said, I wonder now what becomes of the Chair position of the RNC that Reince once held? Will someone else fill it? Maybe someone more sympathetic to Trump? If so, then this was a clever move by Trump.
I'd really like to see Pat Buchanan brought in somehow, too. The neocons would be shitting their pants.
Who else could be sec. of state that wouldn't be a fucking war monger but would have the credentials? If we eliminate wet-dream ideas like scheuer and ron paul, what's a realistic choice to keep the Jew's fangs out of neck while still not playing into the interventionist "win one for Israel," nation-building bullshit?
No fucking Neocons at State or Defense
Bannon is a civic nationalist not a white nationalist. USA will never be a white nationalist country. We will have a higher birthrate sure, but we will always have minoroties. This isnt a problem with a healthy white population and proper integration.
The one position I'm really worried about is Sec. of State. I could stomach a neocuck in some other positions, but having one there would totally sabotage the international reach of Trump's policies. The State Sec. has a lot of freedom of operation when dealing with foreign dignitaries, and the last thing we need is another interventionist warmonger going around the world spewing globalist filth to world leaders.
No. People spend time on a message board because they are social-butterflies with a clear and ingrained grasp of social norms.
No, no you can not (posting this for an user from >>>meadhall).
pls no bully
How much is healthy? We need to be at least 80% white I think.
Singapore is the only successful multicultural nation really, but they are still 75% Han Chinese, plus they fucking run everything. They also have no niggers and impose racial segregation.
Of course it's a fucking problem; multiculturalism does not work. No multiethnic society has ever survived historically, and if the USA doesn't expel/segregate non-whites it will eventually either collapse or turn into a mestizo dump along the lines of Brazil.
imagine the butthurt and confusion if Trump puts a Democrat as Secretary of Defense
Stop indenting faggot
His thread was D&C disinfo and got saged to hell and back before being deleted. There are already two existing threads:
This. If someone could come up with a workable name maybe we could bombard them with it on twaater. Anyone know anything about Jeff Sessions?
I know he's good on immigration, which kind of makes me wish he'd stay here to help with that. Is there a single senator (past or present) that could fill the job? God, if only Buchanan were a few years younger, he'd be fucking perfect.
Is there anyone left from Regan or even nixon era who was young at the time and isn't a neo-con scum of the earth?
Shut up virgin. As long as we have a healthy white population, minorities do not matter. I'm not suggesting a full fledged multicultural society.
thanks for the advice, but my methods are my methods are my methods. I was one of the ones who changed how how people space on here, eventually people will change the other way too.
And no, I don't have to automatically do anything bc it's the way everyone else does it. I just don't give a fuck. I usually have something of substance to add here and I read 7-8 newspapers a day.
If People can't deal with with my autism, so be it. but thanks. Now go fuck your mother.
I trust Trump knows what he's doing on his cabinet picks and will pick the Sec of State that best reflects his policies on the world scale. Every pick he's made thus far has been strategic, and not always apparent as to why at first, but they've been calculated blows from the start, look at Pence, completely unified the ticket while the Dems were still kicking and screaming about Bernie loosing, neocon kike lover for sure, but he brought the GOP vote that he knew he needed together, he's also very good at pissing off lefties with his anti-fag stuff but thats more of a side effect than anything
Either way, I'd have hope anons, he' knows what he's doing thats what's got him this far
Got eem
Its a huge fucking problem, we aren't going to outbreed shitskins.
I'm convinced we could have at least a minor impact if could reach a discussion here and then someone carries it to the the useful idiots at 4chan.
We just need to come to a consensus and then put as uc twaater pressure on Trump as possible. It's not a certainty, but we do have a chance to at least have some influence.
From looking at the long list of topics the OP posted, it appears that there are many ideas in the OP that are not the two that you linked. One of those threads you linked is shoahed too. Are we going to start banning duplicate threads about the Jews? There sure seems to be quite a few of them. It was a quality post full of facts and concerns. I see very few OPs with as much effort and information provided in them in the catalog right now. I highly disagree with you and have a suspicion that you were triggered by said post. I have met that user in person. We get together for beers / target practice about once a month. I can guarantee you he isn't a D&C Shill. Anyway, just wanted to chime in. We have to stick together with those we can.
I'm kind of shocked Trey Gowdy isn't the AG pick. The guy is very hardcore on following the law.
Ron Paul for treasury is all I want.
Webb isn't really qualified for such a high position as he never went beyond lieutenant, VA would be good though.
I want to hang myself now.
With virgins like you we won't. Trump can't make you breed, faggot. He can secure the border, limit immigration rate to historic levels, and the rest is up to you. Stop being a third reich LARPing faggot, it's useless and moronic like your existence.
Do you believe in r/k selection?
You realize they have voting rights and influence rules we all must abide by, right? In what way is that not a problem?
how do you make an account anonymously?
What part of healthy white population implies a substantial non-white population you low IQ mongrel. If we get white population from 60% above 80% we will be fine, while still enjoying the benefits of brain-draining other countries.
user, he does commercials on Faux Jews now about economic investment shit for old people, he must need shekels. He also never really backed Trump at all.
Best hope for a Paul in the cabinet is that his son uncucks himself for 2nd term. Treasury–let's face it– will probably be a kike. But the bigger problem is State. Does anyone have any ideas?
Are there any good governors or senators from obscure states that maybe we've never heard of? Christ how I'd love to see Scheuer get that post. To where I'd give my left nut.
Just afraid if the public (meaning us, then using cuckchan as useful idiots to spread it) don't pick someone and meme it, a neocon will get in there like a maggot into a rat corpse.
Try getting outside of your house you cucklord.
Posting reddit memes even ironically isn't well looked upon here. Adapt or die.
Western Euro countries are about 90% white and they have endless problems with their minorities.
This guy is delusional, he keeps saying the neoncon hate their blood brother John Bolton
The immigration policies proposed do not do that. Also look at demographics of children right now where majority of citizens under 10 are non-white, I don't think you actually understand the magnitude of the problem.
Which Western Euro countries are you specifically referring to? The ones with the problems are most certainly not 90% white.
Feels good man
Trump clearly stated that immigration would be scaled back to historic levels. I vividly remember that speech. Chill out, stop sperging out you Nazi LARPing fuck. People like you make me sick, because i know in real life you are a virgin faggot. I just got back from the gym to shit on you NEETS on this board.
Breitbart is an imperfect news source. Their jewish connections make me uneasy, but I cannot deny that they're one of the few who consistently defended Trump when virtually every other media source like the JYT colluded to slander Trump and pretend that people actually liked Hillary Clinton.
The best way to judge who we can trust is to gauge how kikes react to them. Jews have been in a frenzy over the Bannon appointment and have been calling him a "white nationalist" and claiming that he's supported by "the KKK and Nazi party". Look at the melt Elizabeth Warren was having on her twitter. If jews hate this man so much then I definitely want him in the White House advising Trump.
UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Italy etc.
This is suicidal. Whites can never and should never attempt to beat blacks and mestizos in their race to population collapse. If we get into that race it only ends one way: with our societies expanding beyond sustainable means. You're proposing a cyclical r-selection reproduction until we're packed into our own country like sardines just to outnumber the foreign hordes.
Or we could just remove them and live a peaceful, stable life without excessive population growth.
He's pretty obviously trolling.
Yea, because the Media knows they are so feverishly hated by the right that anything they oppose the right will then embrace. How about instead of basing your reactions on what the mainstream media says(for or against), make up your own mind?
I'm not remotely sperging and you sound as if you are the angry one. Scaling back immigration to historic levels does not address the problem of our current demographics. Deporting illegals does not address this problem either. Pretty funny how you're trying to act like a tough guy on the internet though.
this. that Israeli firster scumbag will have us at war with Iran in 2 years. Need to make sure it isn't Bolton.
i magine Trump knows a good deal about Nixon. For all the bullshit and filth the Jews have spread about him, he was actually a great president and very Jew wise.
Highly recommend torrenting "Nixon: In His own Words" where you get to hear him name the Jew (over and over) and, whenever he makes an appointment (SCOTUS or anything else else) he asks his Cheif of Staff to throw up "a bunch of Jews and women just to keep it confused and get them [the papers] off this women kick." He did same for Sec. of Treasury.
so bottom line, I don't think it's bolton, i think Trump is just trying to keep the lügenpresse confused. But then who could it be? fucking Kirspy Kreme and bridgegate really did himself in. would have been good as AG.
Hey retard, if we secure the border, and limit immigration to historic levels, we are 60% of the population, and we will easily outbreed them. Jesus fuck, may it's not readily apparent to you as a virgin how white babies will be born, but they will.
Actually we are 87% white.
If Nixon was redpilled on the Jews, what's the story with Kissinger then?
Mexicans don't use birth control because of cucktholicism, also they are subsidized by the government while whites are not.
Because many of those ideas are trash that leftypol has been shilling for the last week, offers no outlet for discussion, no sources for the disinfo, nor any method of action. The OP is telling you exactly what to think - just like the media headlines and standard shill threads - not offering an avenue for debate. Finally, it's formatted in a way that's obviously not by a regular poster.
If he was acting sincerely, he would've delivered his concerns in the appropriate thread. He created a new thread for express sake of getting his blackpilled concern trolling frontpage traffic.
Yes I was triggered. Shills will not be tolerated.
False equivalency and attempt to degenerate community standards. Nice kike sophistry, if you aren't one yourself, you've certainly been spending too much time with that kike "buddy" of yours.
Actually you're a faggot
He doesn't believe in r/k selection I'm beginning to think that JIDF is engaging in deradicalization tactics to promote civic nationalism.
true, my Thresa May(be) has done shit so far other than letting Hollande cuck you with 38 year old "child refugees." And even let the fucking libs (who don't even have an actual party at this point) dictate that dental exams would not be allowed. WTF?
Farage should be leading, and to not even give him a place in the transition… at least with all the Trump attention, Farage is now guaranteed an MP seat if he wants it.
I think we need to discuss Jim.
By your logic, we should have supported Hillary Clinton because the media virulently slandered Trump while refusing to say anything negative about their anointed candidate.
Kikes aren't nearly as subtle as you think because they genuinely believe us goyim are stupid cattle. You're asking me to formulate an objective opinion about a man I never have met. I can only draw inferences based on how others reaction to him, and seeing how the jew media is giving him the David Duke treatment, I feel more confident that he's sympathetic to our side.
Got me good; 9/10.
Securing the border and scaling back immigration to historic levels DOES address the problem of our current demographics. Offering a New Deal to African Americans and Hispanics, allowing them to be lifted out of poverty, does curb their birth rate as well. In case you're too retarded to know, poverty is correlated with a higher birth rate.
I was talking about the UK as a whole, not Londonistan, faggot.
Farage will be an unofficial contact at least, though I wouldn't be surprised if it was made official, should Trump put pressure on May.
We are dealing with coinciding vectors.
you have to watch that show. He goes crazy that Kissenger was talking to the NYT ater he told him not to, and then goes into a rant about how Jews are born spies and "you can't trust the bastards."
He dealt with Kissinger by basically excluding him from his real "inner circle." I think the Jews made this HBO thing (if you have HBO you don't need to torrent) to embarrass him, but Nixon comes out looking great.
BEcause of their own hubris, the Jews cannot conceive how such things will look to normal White people…
The problems are in Londonistan, faggot. Clearly you are trying to conflate reality to fit your Nazi LARP.
Poverty is correlated with birth rate only because shitskins are unsuccessful. They reproduce at higher rates because of evolutionary forces. In order to fix the demographics issue the white children now would have to have a higher birth rate than non-whites, you aren't suddenly going to reverse millenia of genetic pressures with economic policies.
I'll check it out, thanks.
You were implying that the UK doesn't have a high white majority. The UK, not London. You are legitimately retarded.
All Western nations have a demographic issue since currently none of us have laws specifically designed to protect our ethnic homogeneity. Obviously some are worse than others, but there's no point in pretending we don't have a problem – even the UK. The problem must be identified before we can solve it.
Shitskins who are brought to London can interbreed with British humans and further negrify the population, or even move out to surrounding areas. London's problem is the problem for the rest of the UK.
If you guys thought every pick was a going to be a 1488'er you are a complete dumbshit. Trump is going to put together a moderately conservative cabinet and focus on his campaign issues: immigration, defeating ISIS and restoring the economy. If he can do those things, it doesn't really matter who he picks, as long as they get the fucking job done. Stop picking this or that pick apart so much. People did the exact same thing with Pence and he helped win the election by bringing along basic bitch Republicans. To enact a broad agenda, Trump is going to need populists, conservatives, alt-righters, and yes even a few neocons.
kissinger was looking for his next appointment in the new administation when the watergate scandal blew up in Nixons face, he hedged his bets at the beginning of the presidency and that was him cashing in. Nixon always pursued power for powers sake, thats why he betrayed Nixon. did you notice this year that hillary made a big announcment how shes listens to Kissenger? its because hes deeply entrenched in the the global power stucture. just look at his honorary memberships, hes a honorary member of the goddamn harlem globe trotters. he has his hands in EVERYTHING
The endless problems are within Londonistan, which has a 44% white population. Im clearly saying that we will get white population back up to 80% in America, and there's no reason to have a fully white ethnostate. Not only is it undesirable (no benefits of brain draining other countries), it's not practical.
Jesus Christ, do you have a fucking stick up your ass. Wild guess– YOU created one of those other threads that no one gave a fuck about because you are a poor writer?
Thus the reason you've been harassing me for this entire thread? whenever I think my life is miserable, I need only come here for a while to meet a TRULY desperate and pathetic faggot.
Nice try chaim.
The problem will be solved within a few generations.
And now one of their agents has infiltrated Trump's administration. It was all part of the plan.
I don't care about America, I'll leave that to the Americans, they know what they're doing. And yes, while most problems are in London (though some towns in the North are problematic too) you didn't mention London to start with, so there was no need to sperg out.
Fucking sperg.
did you mean Kissinger here? If so, I'd but that in spades. Who the fuck else has ever insisted on being called "DOCTOR" other than him and maybe Rice at times?
He is far from the only fucking PHd in that administration or many others since. Egotistical Jew bastard. And the fucker still breathing, like evil never dies.
Wtf? Shitskins are the ultimate drain on our society. Sweden is about 80% mudshit and they went from being the closest thing to utopia on earth to the rape-capital of the civilized world.
A nation is not a tract of land but a homeland for people of the same blood. This is why Zimbabwe can never be Rhodesia – all of the Rhodesians were killed or fled. Shitskins hate us as is blatantly evidenced by their weekly riots and disproportionately high rates of murder and rape. One could argue that a country can have some marginal shitskin population which is a non-issue (not 20% – more like 1%), but in no way does having a non-white component of our population benefit us at all.
Even besides the JQ, Bibi and his crew have enacted some far-right policies like ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, rigorous profiling of Mudshits, indefinite detention, etc. So even if you think Jews are generally shit people, a strong US President can make the Israelis his total bitch like we used to do in this country.
Your bosses really should give you a better script. While its possible that people on halfchan or nationalist libertarian sites might actually listen to your drivel you're not going to convince anyone here by arguing in favor of immigration.
Like we used to in your mind.
Ineffective immigration and accepting low quality immigrants is not desirable, I agree.
However, securing our border and having quality immigration is beneficial. You do not need a 100% white ethnostate, not only is it impractical it is undesirable. Sorry sperg, you have too low IQ to see past your "le edgy race realism"
You are obviously cognizant of the notion that the sins of the father should be visited upon his sons, much like how the German tax payer should shoulder the burden of nuclear attack submarines. And his son, and his son after that, unto perpetuity.
Applying logic.. why should we not deluge ourselves (hitherto not a verb) with a vast deluge of men accustomed to the way of war?
Don't feel bad that you have low IQ, it's not your fault. Even Hitler accepted minorities you total sperglord. You are not enlightened, you are trash.
You don't say…
Sage, filter and report the anti-white shill
If you can offer a single argument why a white ethnostate is "undesirable" then maybe you won't get thrown into the gas chamber.
>gop. com/survey/cabinet-survey/
I did that, put "No neocons and never Bolton ect" in all of the rest
I already have given you reasons. I support a >80% white population, but stealing the best minds from other countries and pledging them to the American flag is beneficial to our country. The benefits of Civic nationalism far outweigh a 100% white ethno state. If you cant see this, you have low IQ. Sorry.
According to Jew Snake Crimes, this si his shortlist. If I had to pick one, I think I'd take McCrystal. YEs, his entire COIN idea was bullshit, but I think he knew that. He was just climbing the ladder in the army bureaucracy.
Even though the wars were total wastes for the Jews, he did orchestrate amazingly well (see book "Relentless Strike: a History of JSOC.") I say we start memeing Mccrystal. What do people think?
John R. Bolton Former United States ambassador to the United Nations under George W. Bush
Bob Corker Senator from Tennessee and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Newt Gingrich Former House speaker
Rudolph W. Giuliani Former New York mayor
Zalmay Khalilzad Former United States ambassador to Afghanistan
Stanley A. McChrystal Former senior military commander in Afghanistan
There are none.
Hitler did mass deportation, entirely froze immigration, and put the vast majority of minorities in work camps. Him allowing a few that were already residing in Germany and had proven themselves as exceptions to the rule is far different than allowing immigration to brain drain other countries.
Yes, McCrystal 100%. At least he's smart and loyal. Every other name is a fucking disaster, including Giuliani, who is a low energy, one-balled scumbag who made his name by keep his nose up under the Jews' coattails.
It has to be Stanley. Also a nice "FUCK YOU" to Obongo since he fired him…
Shitskins will never feel kinship or loyalty to us. It doesn't matter how productive or intelligent they are – east asians and jews are highly intelligent minorities, and look at how they vote. They overwhelmingly opposed Trump or any forms of immigration control or white nationalism.
Shitskins, regardless of their talents, will always be alien to us and advocate for their own interests at our expense. We cannot co-exist in the same nation because to allow shitskins would undermine the very concept of a nation. What is Germany if you've imported the population of Syria and North Africa and there's no more Germans left?
America was founded as a white ethnostate of European settlers and that identity cannot be compromised. Any shitskin who comes over here will always oppose the interests of American whites because they have their own racial interests at heart.
Alright well I had fun with you guys. In the interest of full disclosure I was born in India and recently became a U.S. Citizen and voted for Trump. You guys are alright, and in real life, we would actually get along.
P.S. This is my country now LOLOLOL. Bye.
Goddamn, legal immigration should be our next goal.
Civic nationalism transcends race. Cya sperg.
Sorry, I actually like Bolton in that role compared to the others. Gingrich would also be okay. I say Bolton is okay because he's a proven radical and hate international institutions (besides NATO which is a military alliance).
Bolton is overly fond of proxy wars.
Bolton is bad because he embodies the Hill's strategy on foreign policies i.e. bombing and more bombing.
No, it isn't. I don't think you understand just how different races are. The reason we have the problems we have with Chinese industrial espionage. the way AQ Kahn stole nuclear technology in Europe and then sold to North Korea, built a bomb for Pakis, etc..
Only Whites are dumb enough to lose their ingroup loyalty since the Jews have neutered us. Others do not. If you ever have kids, you want them competing for Uni spots with 2+ billion chinks and another billion plus indians?
So they can set up small tech companies that employ about 50 (many on H1Bc visas) people and bring in tens of billion a year, on which they pay shit in tax?
how does this help "America" exactly? I went to my "professional school" which was aligned with a very reputable med school and Hospital in the South. Advice from med students? Never let a chink or indian operate on you if you ever need an operation.
They have a totally different worldview and their belief system impacts even how they operate.
doctor I see now for check ups, who I've known since birth? Tells me same thing about his 2 kids experiences in med school. The idea of America as "melting pot" is a Jewish scam, which culminated in the placing of the peon by the Jewess Emma LAzarus on the Statue of Liberty.
Which was put facing Western Europe directly for a reason.
Bolton is a pussy. It is time a real force capable of besieging a megacity is put together.
I think Pat's still got a few years left in him. He's my pick for SOS for sure.
He's an Indian which really exemplifies the point that they'll always lobby for their race's interests.
Same for me. But if the NYt shortlist is correct, I'd go with McCrystal. The others are fucking awful. At least we know Macystal is loyal, didn't like Obongo, is organized, and can handle classified info,while also wise to the JQ.
That's enough for me, esp compared to others.
The real way to deal with these people is to just start firebombing their houses and the office buildings they work at en mass.
You have to go back
Oh, that makes sense. Here's here to steal jobs.
Hahahahaha I called it way in advance. Who would've guessed that is an Indian and SHOCKINGLY opposes the idea of America as a white ethnostate.
Its also particularly funny that he kept using virgin as an insult considering how "successful" Indian men tend to be with western women.
do you know how many qt scadinavian/danish women made their goybooks private (this was back506 years ago when I used to have one) because fucking Indians couldn't just look, they had to send "Friend requests," love letters, etc..?
They also just naturally fucking reek of curry of curry through their skin.
Palin's demeanor makes her come across as a complete goofball. I don't know what Alaskans think of her but I think a governorship is about as far she needs to go. I think she'd be a liability to Trump as she just doesn't seem to have the brainpower to stop acting like a ditz.
she was loyal though and still has a fanbase in lots of rural areas, which might be needed for 2nd term vote. Just throw her somewhere that she can't fuck up too badly and won't really have public exposure.
Yeah, the gookslayer would be a good fit for the VA. Would fully support that.
Then we will marry her. And make arcane sensuous love to her. And MAKE 'MERICA A LESS SLEAZY PLACE
I've seen Sec. of the Interior mentioned for her and historically that's been a pretty low-key position publicity-wise but I dunno. Perhaps a non-cabinet position doing something environment related.
Its really not necessary, Trump obviously has the rural vote regardless. I read that her name is being rumored to be in the running for Secretary of Interior. She's far from a top pick of mine but I'd rather have her than some neocon.
Only if it is required by force and there is no cultural differences between groups.
If you think shitskins won't revert to racial tribalism when it looks good then you don't belong here
He's been mentioned for Health and Human Services, Surgeon General and Education. I'd rather see him stay on the medical side of things.
But you're correct in that Dept. of Education needs to be either abolished or reduced to a shell.
No Paul?
No Duke?
No Sheriff Negro?
No Webb?
These must be (((their))) choices and Don must be playing the game now, these people were all once his enemies, it doesnt sound like they were his choices at all.
If anyone is interested, this is the Jew Snake Crimes shortlist of Trump's cabinet positions (although you probably can trust them about as far as you can throw them):
Off to rewatch "Nixon In His Own Words." highly suggest watching it.
He might want to keep on clinton's case since he is the main guy.
if you ever seriously thought Duke had a shot at his cabinet, you are insane. his political experience consists of 1 term in louisiana state senate.
the sheriff negro? Webb? still possibilities. Paul (the elder) shit on him entire campaign, cannot see how that will happen.
Whhaaaa?! You mean that Drumpf isn't the all-powerful dog emperor you thought he'd be? Social construct me surprised.
Yeah, the NYT is smoking crack right there.
Look, man. we're dealing with warrior peoples. Warrior people! These are Pashtun people god damn it! You gotta go in there with a measure of respect, you know? They will cut your balls off as a measure of courtesy!
CNN sure is mad.
The asshurt has been flowing from major news outlets all day long.
Giuliani for AG, I could support that as well. Not the best but he put in serious effort on the campaign trail and at least has a record of locking niggers up without mercy.
Why does op keep shilling sleepy carson for education? He's a surgeon, wtf i cant even. Op a fag once again.
Giuliani for AG. Carson for SG. Would love to see Ron Paul for treasury but he's too old. Rand would be good but he just won re election in the senate so im not sure how that would work. If KY has a rep govenor i believe they appoint the seat? Yes i know rand was a bitch but he probably has some of his dads beliefs when it comes to the fed and sound money.
How about Buchanan for secretary of state? Is he too old yet? I havent seen his name yet in the thread.
People like Carson for education because one of the main reasons he entered politics was to crusade against common core.
Pics unrelated.
Open up and take that fucking scum in your mouth. How does it feel to be on the "wrong side of history?"
Globalism was so 2015. It's the current year. Really, get with the times hymie.
Yes 1000 times, ann should be interior or WH press secretary. If guiliani doesnt get AG Coulter would be okay for that too.
Can we get Crispy Kreme to be secretary of transportation? *Stifles laughter*
He also got sued fucking 8 times for malpractice, including leaving a sponge inside someone's brain. And he's so zonked on benzos he can barely keep from slurring his words.
He needs something with high visibility (because Nigger and diversity) but little or no responsibility. American education is a failure anyway, he can't fuck it up any worse.
I wasn't aware of that. Im ok with that, then Communist core needs to go, including the dept of edu. As a whole.
I'm convinced that 99% of (((journalists))) just make up their anonymous "KKK source" everytime they want to discredit a right-wing politician.
I wish the (((NYT))) or (((Wash Post))) would simply hire me to tattoo a Hakenkreuz on my forehead, and whenever they want to slander Trump/Bannon/whoever, just get me on camera saying "Hi I'm le Grand Wizard of le KKK and I endorse Donald Trump for Prez." If they're going to invent these boogeymen out of thin air I might as well get paid for it.
Dude this cabinet position isnt actually performing surgeries, just like the commander in chief isnt in a trench polishing his rifle.
I could see Patrick Buchanan as some kind of advisor to the president but I don't think he's really suited for any type of cabinet position. It would be a nice end to his career to get something.
Rand on the other hand was viciously bitch-slapped by Trump in the primaries so I seriously doubt he's under consideration for anything.
Then who is attorney general?
my filipino fam in hawaii and new york voted for trump
My money is on Rowdy Gowdy
A. she has no experience in that shit
B. what makes you think she'd want the pay cut?
She was sort of pretty when she was younger, she's decent in arguments, but once the routine settles in, the greasiest of Jews are going to be trying to gnaw away at his credibility every chance they get.
I don't think she's qualified for that. He needs an actual "journalist" rather than (((journalist))) who can do it. All that shit will take care of it itself.
If he does well with no neo-con scum for Sec of state, I'll be happy. Everything else he or Bannon can keep under control.
better than Bolton but still reason for worry if true.
I don't like Bolton (neocon, was in bush cabinet) , but he seems good at getting things done. He'd have to be on a short leash.
Buchanan for anything tbh.
You are a fool. Go get a job creating software solutions for the US government on teams that are 100% Indian. You won't, because they won't hire anyone else.
Liberal faggots are still freaking out and that's a good sign. They still lose their minds over the stop-and-frisk.
Gowdy was a bit disloyal after the tape leaked and Trump rewards loyalty. Not saying its impossible but its definitely a mark against him.
Heard on fash the nation that some politician wanted to restart the HUAC, who should be on it? and can we apply on
Liberal faggots freak out over Bushes, that's not really an indicator of anything.
Oh and Kikepedia is already saying Rudy is SoS.
kek, he is an Indian.
Moon Man, Ben Garrison, David Duke, Sam Hyde
Yeah, just saw that. That's how those fuckers are. They seem nice, but they only care about their own interests. It would be nice if whites were the same way.
Lel what the fuck are you talking about? No one types like you, that's why you're identifiable.
People have always typed like they do here since 4chan, they've always used uncapitalized text when greentexting (unlike you), always double spaced when breaking a paragraph (unlike you), always not added a break between the number quote and the text (unlike this faggot ), etc. the only that that's changed is people use periods at the end of posts and capital letters these days.
I've seen your posts around. Your rambling shit almost never get replies. The only reason this thread is alive is because you've been spamming it.
Wasn't talking about your OP, retard.
Why? He seems like a decent guy.
It's so funny. I get webms but when I try to play them.. just doesn't work!
Giuliani is for military interventionism so having him as secretary of state isn't the greatest sign. I wouldn't have had an issue with him as AG but I do for SoS.
SoS: Michael Scheuer
AG: Chris Christie
SoVA: Jim Webb
Homeland: Sheriff Arpaio or Sheriff Clarke
SoD: General Flynn
Treasury: Pat Buchanan
Health: Ben Carson
Energy and Labor seem like pretty important spots, but I can't think of anyone I'd want in those roles
That was Chaffetz.
You're forgetting someone.
Something I like is he seems close with trump, and experienced from 9/11, and a practical guy. Being so close to the president, trust is really important, more than policy.
Blow your brains out.
Well its like Trump said about Clinton its bad experience.
Not everyone follows your formatting. I'll place greentext under a link, but I typically put an empty line when I'm not quoting something.
I could do this. Iron Ann is the obvious best choice for press secretary.
Someone got the original of this?
I prefer it.
I really hope they keep Chris Christie way the fuck away from the white house, The don doesn't need that bad press anywhere near him right now
Also Rowdy Gowdy for AG
It's a tough position to fill since you need both trust and tons of experience. What's a better and realistic choice?
I think McChrystal would have been better even if there wasn't quite as much trust there. He was on the short list supposedly.
Michael Scheuer or Pat Buchanan. Hell even Rand would be a better choice
Is Scheuer possible? He looks really good, just like Buchanan. Both would be criticized by Jews about Israel but trump supporters no longer seem to care about that.
Flynn's a nice guy. He's kinda mental and spergy, but we loved him for a while because he thought disarming Israel of their nuclear arsenal would be a good idea. Don't know if he went back on that.
I don't know why some anons think Crispy Cream is a good idea. He reeks of another Nixon tbh.
Fox News just reported via the AP that Rudy Giuliani is the favorite for Secretary of State.
It's preferable to Bolton, but I would like Richard Black as Secretary of State and Rudy as Attorney General.
Rudy Giuliani for Attorney General? That man is forever tainted in the 9-11 false flag. Don't ever forget that 9-11 was a false flag and Giuliani was up to his neck in it, along with the Bush Administration and many others. This the kind of corruption we are trying to expose and purge. There is no way he should be rewarded in any way with a Cabinet appointment.
Maybe Trump sees Giuliani as a way to weed out State Department corruption. We all know who's going to be doing any actual negotiating. And Rudy's already 72, so he's not going to be around forever.
I fucking love that pic.
Stephen Miller would be good somewhere, maybe press.
This, almost forgot about Goebbels
Fund it.
Bring Heydrich and Mengele back in anime form while you're at it.
Good ol' Duke would be so nice, just to trigger the left into a a perpetual vaginitis.
Don't know Guiliani that well but of the list he might be the best.
It is pretty pathetic list. SoS is a position for the smartest strategic thinker in the country who is planning the global Pax America not Giuliani who enjoys cigars and drinking brandy and is probably half senile.
Hopefully Trump has some hidden 3D chess move like Pence, who will suddenly come out of no where.
Bolton gets a lot of shit for his neocon ties, but he talked about disbanding the UN almost two decades ago. It wouldn't exactly be the end of the world.
I want more good people that other people have never heard of. Anti-establishment please. Not too bad though, I suppose.
"Iron Ann" Coulter at Atty Gen. BRILLIANT!!!
Why the fuck would he put Giuliani at State?
Bolton has nationalist views on UN and Brexit, but he's also crazy enough to claim the Iraq War was a good idea. He's not a true neocon but he agrees with them on almost everything.
There was a big discussion in the Richard Black for SoS thread ( ). Dumping general consensus/considerations here.
Secretary of State: Richard Black (VA state senate, supported Trump, gets his foreign policy)
Attorney General: Trey Gowdy (was huge for the Benghazi investigations)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Jim Webb (same as here. Some anons expressed serious doubt over Christie)
Secretary of Homeland Security: David Clarke (same)
Secretary of Defense: Michael Flynn or Bert Misuzawa (both good options)
Secretary of Treasury: Ron Paul or Dan Pena (You should know Ron Paul, Pena is )
Secretary of Labor: N/A
Secretary of Energy: Joe Sestak (ex-military, enemy of the Dems, advocated thorium in congress)
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Ben Carson (same)
Crap meant to mention Christie in the AG field.
You need to cool it with this Mattis stuff.
Seriously. The Mattis meme needs to end, there are better military figures. McChrystal is an excellent alternative.
Joe sestak is a democrat
Georgetown grad here.
We come in all shapes and sizes, from liberal (Clinton) to rock hard conservative (Scalia).
Can't speak for the other things.
kek, you sure fucking seem bsessed with me asshole. I couldn't pick out anyone here based on how they "space threads" if you paid me.
Your asshurt that you can't form a coherent fucking sentence and thus they pruned your thread is amusing. Keep it up. Needed a good laugh.
Even morning Jew was calling him "the original neocon." On libya, he wanted to go in "harder and longer."
Not a "True neo-cohen?" He's the fucking embodiment of the word. Go to Jewtube and look up Morning Jew from this morning, even they fucking savaged him as being the "neocon's neocon" who wants more intervention in Syria, Libya, you name it. Anything that will Israel "Lebanonize" the Middle East and their original "Clean Break" paper for the ISraeli government called for. All that's left on their list is Iran.
tl;dr- Bolton is the epitome of kike's kike, a real piece of filth.
The last project I was involved in writing cleared $800 million in box office. Not counting DVD sales, blueray, streaming, HBO deal, or merchandising.
But yes, I really need "replies" to validate my ego re: my writing ability. I come here to blow off steam and be truthful. I don't give a fuck what what you think of me idiot.
Don't like how or what I write? You clearly spend a lot of time studying my writing style (I can't say likewise). So who is the nigger standing and holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read anything I write?
fake email
Don't want Miller and Iron Anne competing for the same spot though.
Obongo and the Dems tried shutting down the Senate to host a fundraiser for his opponent when he was running in his senator election. He's as much of a Dem as Gary Johnson is a Libertarian.
All old white men? As a negro college aged transgender two spirited Muslim woman I feel unrepresented.
Maybe there was a method you weedman's pussy pandering.