Quick rundown:
Current habbenings :DDDddd -> (
Prevoous thread -> -
Libreoffice Mascot Voting 5: THE FIRE RISES
Other urls found in this thread:
I kinda hope that Tyson Tan moves on asap
It's not good for his nerves
Can we get something a little more original for something this iconic?
It's spelt Maff*, Nigga.
It's funny because niggers can't do math
Add that to the collection for Tyson.
He'll get it.
Slightly off topic, but have you guys SEEN what STK did to Tyson's other mascots? This is the most unintentionally horrifying thing I have ever seen.
Let's not show this to Tyson.
T-this is a joke, right? Those are not finished, right?
Nobody can do math, but niggers can't speak English.
Wew... How hard do you have to try to fuck up Kiki THAT bad?
sweet christ, i saw 'kiki' on the kart the other day but this picture is pure nightmare fuel
I mean, I'm happy they added her, but holy fuck, they need to rework that monstrosity.
Why did they not just use this?
Probably because the model wasn't as readily available. But shit, I've been meaning to pick up some Blender and model some cute low-poly stuff. Maybe one day I'll take a shot at it.
If any of us are any good at 3D modeling, we could ask Tyson if he wants to design karts for Kiki and Konqi and one of us could try modeling them.
What board would we to to ask about 3d modeling work? We could also just ask whoever made if he will make his work free to use.
Tyson isn't the one we'd have to ask. Someone would have to make a model and get the STK team to replace THAT thing with it.
No FOSS game is every finished.
user is right. The only FOSS game that has been ever finished is the one that has been abandoned.
Is that model even released and free to be abused?
Battle for Wesnoth is pretty complete.
Couldn't find any license info. Shame.
Anyway, enough with that horror show. What's on out todo list beside these?
1) Get Tyson's present ready
2) Pitch Libbie as the official mascot of Holla Forums
3) See if we can get drawfags back in on this
4) Await LO to make it's choice for the winner so we can start raining memes down on it
That all sounds good to me. Bruh.
You can upload it as a community kart and then work your way up from there.
Libbie makes a pretty good trap.
Libbie is not a trap. Libbie and her male counterpart are separate.
That's not what Tyson says... Remember, Kiki can body swap, so Libbie-chan can too.
Draw libbie isn't wearing any panties
That's a tight black suit
We need more guro fanbase in tech. I'm going to draw guro Libbie, wish me luck.
Rip in pieces and guts, Libbie
Nah it's bad but not nightmarishly.
Better than that. It's naked apron.
Lol They called the entire thing off
I'm still willing to bet they didn't count the votes for the initial survey.
tl;dr: gamer gate did it
That's pretty much what theyre saying. That's got to be a joke, right? They can't seriously think that this wasn't completely one sided, r-right?
Yeah right... They probably want to forget this humiliation. Meanwhile we've got that nice icon set, thank you to the user who put that together!
tl;dr "we made mistakes b-but so did they :(((((((("
Nigger, I'm sure nobody would be up in arms, including Tyson, had Libbie lost fair and square. Getting the rug pulled under his feet and disqualifying mascots with arbitrary rule changes while letting others to change their shitty designs isn't going to win any favors with anyone with at least a double-digit IQ.
And as always they didn't mention the actual vote counts from the first survey. Where are the results? When I first saw the 12 candidates in the "iterating" stage I honestly thought they accidentally issued an ASC instead of DESC order in their sql query or some shit.
I swear to god if they ever try to hold another poll or vote again...
When did LibreOffice become gay? Oh that's right GNU is LGBT outreach.
I can't believe these fags even exist.
Pick one.
Looks like a copypasta.
There is a very wide range of people who use imageboards on a daily basis. I'm in my 40s, I dislike copypasta in general, and I think a copypasta is the stupidest choice possible if you're looking to give your post a wide user appeal.
I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. Not every imageboard user is a teenager. There are plenty of anons here that would cringe at seeing a copypasta affiliated with their anonymous imageboard.
What article is this comment on? How old is the account?
I've seen similar comments with Blender. So called professionals get shit from their boss the splash screen is against company policy.
If this turns out well I might just take a crack at one of those two.
MATH actually looks better than the others.
Sage because lazy attempt at an edit
I want cuckchan to leave.
Gamer Gate: 0+1
Dishonesty: 2
kekkity kek
By 2021 the boomers will begin migrating to retirement, and hopefully they'll take their shit office culture with them. Monkey suits, sexual repression, conformity for its own sake, and merit-devoid authority are not useful to the newer generations.
Jesus Christ horrifying
Japs don't do free, they tend to be control freaks about how their work is used. See the regular MMD community spergouts.
the author retweets lewd 3dcg so I wouldn't rule it out though
It's funny because Einstein's physics is not math.
Do not forget to actually use it.
There is a very wide range of people who use LibreOffice on a daily basis. I'm in my 40s, I dislike voting in general and I think holding a poll is the stupidest choice possible if you're looking to give your program a wide professional appeal.
I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. Not every LO user is from outside India. There are plenty of professionals here that would cringe at seeing anything but a curry colored penguin trace affiliated their PROFESSIONAL program. Buy my painting.
t. Konath Raveendra Das Aneesh
Well, if it wasn't, it is now.
It's okay to be insecure of your own sexuality, user.
We're going to use it.
What does that even mean? Everything is math, especially physics. Einstein's physics in particular does involve plenty of non-trivial math.
If we can get Libbie in as our official mascot, and Tyson his present, I'd call this a happy end.
can anyone gives a tl;dr version of the last habbenings?
There is a very wide range of people who use LibreOffice on a daily basis. I'm a virgin in my 40s, I like anime in general, and I think an anime girl is the only valid choice if you're looking to give your program a wide professional appeal.
I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. Not every LO user is a normalfag. There are plenty of professionals here that would cringe at seeing a mascot that isn't a cute anime waifu affiliated with their PROFESSIONAL program.
This should do:
Nice blog, buddie, but if I wanted to do something "professional" I would used Microsoft's office. LO is for shit and giggles.
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
This is a quote I was thinking about throughout the entire contest.
Going to need some sweet Libbie victory OC for this.
This guy is some middle-aged insipid managerial cunt that posted same thing over the internet
I couldn't help myself but look him up and he fancies himself a designer too, however he can't draw so all his work looks like this, so I assume no one gets upset when his work gets ignored
Agreed. Also great drawing akshully.
Well Michael Meeks known as a bigot christian. He's head of TDF, and that's why we can't have good gui for a very long time. I bet he's preventing this. What an asshole.
Reminder that normalfags aren't happy people either.
what a faggot
i'm out of idea for memes including this sonofabitch, anyone would like to help me?
serves them right
Searching his name brought up a Reddit account, looks like he's very sensitive about being seen as "professional."
Nice try LGBTQWERTY fag
Is that 2nd one him commenting on the Medium LO article?
Forgot to include this earlier.
Looks like our frustrated figueiredo doesn't know the rule of keeping his account names separate. He has a Twitter, Reddit account and, most importantly, Instagram. Take a fucking look at his posts and tell me this Sapiophile is a professional. https://
Like a typical SJW, he berates anime and tries so hard to convince others that he's an "adult" and "professional" because he's insecure about the reality of being the exact opposite.
Seems like a reasonable goal, unlike forking LibreOffice.
true, it would be awesome if we would be able to get libbie as the mascot
meanwhile, we have the replacement script.. idk why so many people call it a fork when it doesn't fork anything
Who exactly do we have to go to about that?
To BO. I don't know if vols can add banners, but I know for sure that BOs can do that.
Ask codemootwheels the Pigfarm Next creator and owner of 2chan
This man is a walking joke.
Mr. Professional
in the next competition, if it will take place. from what i've read, TDF is planning something in middle of december
I seriously think they're just going to let this drop. I mean, they'd have to be retarded to...
Gentlemen, I give you a summary of Paul "too professional for anime" Figueiredo's life.
they might want to do it for a simple reason - by posting today's blogpost, they've proven they're ""sorry"" - or at least that's what it sounds like. They might want to look a little bit better in FOSS community's eyes, re-doing the contest, but fair (kek, even strawpoll will do if only a few images will show up, just anything with public, live results).
they're still fags and i don't want to say that they're "cool", but if they'll redo the contest, they'll show that they are sorry, and this is an important thing.
Fat soyboys and their butch wives?
Fugg, I forgot about Holla Forums's 3 image limit.
by redoing the contest*
Anonz, I think we'll need another thread soon enough
Normies are like that. They are really self-conscious about how they are perceived by others and how they avidly follow their famous role models which are also cancerous.
I'm too fucking glad I'm not a normie.
oh man, what a beta faggot hes too insecure of libbie it must have reminded him of one of those office girls out of his league.
Taking in account that they've told actual few artists among the contestants to fuck off, and generally stained their own image, the new contest is going to be an alien vs. predator situation
He's single because he is unattractive and a coward.
what is the anime in your pic related, i see it popping up everywhere lately
Hitsugi no Chaika
That image makes me think he's single because he's too much of a pussy to even try getting a girl and instead tells himself he has no chance with whatever 3DPD girl he has a crush on. People who constantly tell themselves they have no chance usually won't even try, and will never have anyone.
Boko no haram
The board owner can add banners.
As far as I'm concerned, the official mascot is whatever people use in practice.
Seems our list has gotten shorter since I've been away. So now all we have is:
1) Make the Libbie mascot thing official
2) Get Tyson his OC by the end of the Week.
And so ends the gayest, most pointless conspiracy in the history of Holla Forums.
Either you are salty or you are the actual redditor
you are like a little baby
Spotted the halfcuck
Do you even know how to pronounce sage? Newfag?
why dont we make our own project and use the cute anime furfag thing as the logo?
A better idea would be to make more open source projects aware of Tyson's offer. I could see something like EasyRPG being interested.
The fuck? The splash for Blender is neat because it shows you exactly the kind of power Blender has with 3D rendering...
Protip: Goats don't wear panties ever.
You're a funny guy
Except that The Document Foundation clearly has Open Source as their defining ideology, and not Free Software. Stallman is a degenerate that wouldn't really mind people fapping to software because he probably does it himself.
Libbie's not a goat though. THIS is a goat by Tyson.
True. But the open source camp is a bunch of cucks.
Not even the most hardcore of freetards take RMS 100% seriously though. I doubt even the FSF does.
I like Stallman on software, copyright law, and free speech and not a lot else. He is VERY good about those things, but otherwise, he's a generic social democrat leftist.
As much as I'd like to see his cute mascots more often, I really don't like the idea of people abusing Tyson Tan to do all this work.
If every single obscure library and project will ask him to do a free mascot he will just stop doing it.
Someone give me a quick rundown. Did Libreoffice actually autism out of their own bullshit competition because of anime and furries?
I was saying that as a positive thing. Stallman doesn't care what you fap to as long as you don't hurt actual people in the process.
He made the offer. And it's not like every open source project is going to bite.
His personal views are why people don't take him 100% serious though. Especially with his views on pedophilia and necrophilia
Don't forget nose fucking flowers.
They dropped the competition because evil gamer gator Nazis were winning.
Before we forget: Where are we on Tyson's gift package?
I think he explained his views pretty well and the only people who disagree with him do so out of kneejerk reactions.
Spotted the newfag
Didn't noko become useless back in '09 or so because it was made default on niggertits? I remember at some point I stopped typing it in.
So, I guess in reality, this guy might be a newfag that never graduated because he went to prison or some shit for CP, and now he's here, typing noko like a time-traveling newfag.
samefagging at its finest
You sound like a radical centrist.
I don't say that as a meme. It really sounds like you adhere to the political philosophy of radical centrism.
being a faggot at its finest
I don't really know what that means, but all I know is that I'm open to changing my mind if you make a coherent argument. Stallman seems to consistently make coherent arguments on things other people find too controversial or idealistic.
What's it like to be a complete faggot?
Yes, I guess that does fit the bill.
I mean, yeah, I just hope people won't line up with requests or our chinese boy will burn out and we have to protect him
I actually had an idea of maybe commissioning him a mascot for KDE's wacom tool, as retarded as it sounds, just to slap it somewhere on the configuration panel to see it once in awhile
Even though I have all resources to do that, it's a no go because it'll have to go through a couple of other people and maybe KDE's visual design team, and slapping random images on something that's not a splash screen will probably be rejected
Plus it's just going to be awkward
I do think Tyson's work is actually pretty well suited to more creatively leaning projects. Like art, game, and general graphically related stuff. That said, Libbie was miles better than anything besides the Cockatoo.
Neither is the action of posting samefag. Since you can't prove a negative, it's up to you to prove your accusation.
Guys. Seriously. It's the reddit shit from the last thread all over again. Kindly knock it the fuck off.
Go in >>>/erp/ and make a thread over there
I think we got it mostly together in the last thread. Just waiting for the end of the week for a couple drawfags to add another couple things.
I didn't even know about that board. Thanks for the tip, sad pervert man.
So, who's going to get the OC to Tyson?
I fucking hate this shit so much, at the very core of my being. It's such an empty statement. What is this even supposed to mean?
Uh, it was a fucking vote. We voted for the mascot we wanted. We pushed forward "our idea" by voting. We voted for the proposal we liked over the others. Isn't that how you arrive at a "necessary consensus" during a vote? Oh, wait, of course. Because it was something THEY didn't like, it doesn't count. That's essentially what they're saying. And also because it was a bunch of evil channer nazis voting! Oh, and did LO obtain "necessary consensus" when they threw all of the best designs into the trash and let a bunch of copied designs and clipart make it to the finals?
You see this all the fucking time. "Oh no, they "brigaded" our vote!" No, you stupid fucks, people voted for what they wanted, it doesn't matter the source. You threw the votes in the trash and now you're trying to blame us for following the rules? Democracy was a mistake
It really is amazing how 'corporate' this all sounds.
German (((Democratic))) Republic
(((Democratic People's))) Republic of Korea
((Democratic)) Republic of the Congo
(((People's))) Republic of China
You have to understand: (((Democracy))) is only for the (((people))).
DT, pls.
Yeah, but you didn't vote for the right one. This is how voting in Germany works so they're understandibly confused.
I honestly think they were going to go with the curry nigger's entree from the start. I imagine giving a poor pajeet a free laptop would have been good PR.
In other news: The FRG is without a legitimate government and headed for reelections, because too many evil Nazis voted for the wrong opposition party in this years federal elections.
Didn't Germany shoah all PEGIDA's web presense as "hate speech" despite being the strongest political opposition to rapefugees? Seems this is just how it's done over there.
>We have made several mistakes, but so did those who wanted to push forward their idea, because they liked one proposal over the others, without getting the necessary consensus.
Blaming the community. Really professional.
What a shitty design team.
I'm just surprised they never named *chan or GG or anything. It was almost like it was on the tip of the tongue too.
They probably don't want to make the drama worse if they can help it.
It could be that "those who wanted to push forward their idea [...] without getting the necessary consensus." is aimed at the comity members who refuse to accept the voting results.
They really are awful. Hell, the old Konqi model was better than that.
The more Libbie the better tbh.
I was thinking about it myself. Dead and loving it, though
So some people were worried that Tyson is going to go full David Revoy, but is that really a bad thing. I'm currently reading his "Pepper&Carrot" web comic, and it's pretty good. What exactly seems to be the problem?
We all subconsciously know that this isn't a life you would wish upon anyone else
Other than having to be more careful about the hardware they buy, and getting used to using stuff the GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Blender, and maybe Mypaint, I'm not sure I see the problem.
It's one step away from cutting off social media and all popular websites that everyone else uses, making fun of anyone who uses them, degenerating to using worse and worse software that requires more and more effort to maintain because everything else is botnet, and growing a 12 inches of beard.
I mean, David Revoy has already abandoned Twitter for the most part, hasn't he? I've seen him active the most on GNU/Social.
delete this
Social media is cancer. I'm not sure I see the problem. I think the problem is that you have a lack of commitment to the cause of Freedom. I bet you don't even sport a neckbeard.
I have been going down this path. It is both a liberating and a hellish life. Jokes on you, though, my beard is only 5 inches!
Where's his GS account?
I like that Tyson Tan is not overzealous over FOSS, it usually turns people away. He shows how productive he can be with libre software instead of reeeing at people for using non-free stuff. That's a very good motivation for people to switch over.
He's also giving honest critique to projects that lack something or announces hardware that doesn't work well on Linux. Basically he's being more or less objective about FOSS.
To be fair, I haven't seen David "reeeing" at people much either. He just doesn't colab with you if you don't wanna meet him half-way.
what do?
did we maymay to hard?
im surprised libbie doesnt have a MAGA or a Make Mascots Great Again or something
Not hard enough. I wanted somebodies head to roll.
archive everything!
(Polite sage for offtopic)
I smell a Kiki thread coming in the near future.
fuck, I spent half an hour writing a savagely eloquent essay comparing them to AOO/Oracle but I fat-fingered f5 and lost the entire thing
They'd probably delete it anyway. Cowards.
You should've seen the absolute fucking tantrum he had when one of the krita 3.x point releases broke his shit a few months ago.
That was Inkscape, and that doesn't really have anything to do with FOSS issues. It had to do with the fact that you NEVER break compatibility like that with a minor release.
Could have sworn it was krita, whatever. Point is the guy goes full frog with very little provocation.
I'd have been pissed to. He donates to the project and everything. Again, you DO NOT break compatibility if it's not a major release. You should try not to even when it is.
I think the best way to attract creative types to Free Software is to use cute girls, and David is doing that, but really, I just want a plush of that cat. He's cute.
No, fuck Inkscape. You should NEVER break compatibility like that, especially not in minor upgrades. Not even Microsoft or Adobe are that incompetent.
To be fair, the Inkscape guys owned their fuck up in the end. I doubt they'll do something like that for a LONG time too.
I kinda miss old Konqi.
This went over pretty well. The only Libbie OC Tyson has retweeted that's gotten more likes was by a fairly well-known furry artist that's pretty closely associated with Tyson.
It is really nice that people have gone to efforts to cheer him up after he got royally screwed by TDF.
We still have to get out gift together for him and decide who's going to send it to him come Friday.
All these threads are going so much slower. I hope we aren't all any less pissed about this after that half-assed "apology".
They've been going slow just because there isn't much to talk about, and there hasn't really been a clear focus going forward. Once LO pulled the image board and locked comments and all, there wasn't much more we could do. All that could really be done now is to stoke the flames and rile up the FOSS news outlets a bit (and Tyson's started getting vocal about the whole thing too), but other than that I'm not sure what else can be done. Making more OC I guess? Although at some point or another, somebody still needs to compile it to send to Tyson. I think LO said they were going to try the vote again in December, so, there's that.
It's over, people are going back to cuckchan.
It was all worth it in the end.
Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, we really did crash the plane with no survivors. I wasn't expecting that after they said they were going to pick a mascot internally. That fucking octopus they loved so much didn't win. So, it's clear we definitely had an impact.
Still...if they do end up revisiting the vote in December, this may not be the end. I hope they're not under the impression that autists ever forget.
Not a lot left to be done. LO didn't get away with their dirty tricks (in fact they've taken quite the PR hit); Tyson seems to be in better spirits, and we're free to make Libbie a permanent fixture here. All that said, if LO does revisit this shit show in December... We'll have round 2.
For now though, we need to get Tyson's OC package sorted by Friday. Where are we on that?
Not a bad idea. We have til Friday, right?
You think they'd actually be that stupid?
I mean...given the way they handled the contest in the first place, I wouldn't put it past them, user.
We can only hope and pray.
im making more oc, but on midnight snack break
Bless you, user.
I wish I was a drawfag so I could contribute some OC.
So Stallman fags are also furry pedophiles, what a surprise! Sad little board tbh.
You can go back to cuckchan now.
And you can go back to using all those fantastic open source audio and video editing tools, oh wait
I edit video on Linux all the time with nothing but open source software.
Oh look, they ported Windows Movie Maker to Loonix, but can you make a song using professional quality VSTs.
But I already said audio and video. You only showed me video. Kekekekekekekek
How about casual Libbie?
missed opportunity bro
Even despite your moving the goalposts, have this:
They charge for a completed executable, but if you can download and build the source, it's free.
take your pick
Here you go senpai
good shit
This is why anyone with half a brain left halfchan years ago.
looks like some of the half-brainers left too
Judging by that post, those with only half a brain seem to have arrived here.
Hi same fag.
Before this devolves any further (I swear, it's like these threads act like a magnet for halfchan and Reddit-tier autism), I was just wondering if we were still doing the sfw collage?
This is a thread for autistic worship of a failed mascot, it's not surprising that it attracts other kinds of autism.
Yes, we are.
Get bannd from /g/ again?
Nice. But that chair seems to be missing a leg or two.
Has anyone tried that Only Office thing Tyson mentioned? It seems like it might be a decent Google Docs replacement.
You realize where you are right?
Speaking of which...
Yes sir!
It's just missing lewds
Thank you~
I'll see what I can put together in the next hour or so
Man, after seeing all this cool shit that Tyson, anons, and that french guy put together, it's almost inspiring me to give being a drawfag a try. I was never great, but I wasn't bad. Could I, too, make shitpost drawings on the internet one day?
Dare to meme, user.
Don't let your memes be dreams
Don't do it.
These are very exciting times for drawfags because something's happening and you can draw something fun that everyone cares about. But 99% of the time is going to be lonely nothingness where you have to stare at the canvas alone and try to come up with something to draw, and nobody probably cares unless you're already fairly good at art. You need to really like making things to do it.
Art isn't really a sane professional career, but if you enjoy it you should totally practice it as a hobby. Everyone likes a drawfag (that doesn't suck).
Getting into it solely for the (You)'s is not really worth it
However it's a neat hobby if you enjoy the process itself
Here you go, I'm bad at lighting/colors/anatomy but Its good practice.
The more you draw, the better you will get, like anything in life. You're gonna make some garbage, but after a while, you start to get the hang of it and actually like a few things you make. Keep at it, my friend.
Nicely done, user.
Man, maybe I need to give that a try again.
Scrolling past that thumbnail looked like she was snuggling a dakimakura.
It's like you've been bullied until college
nah, if he looked like some popular boyband singer no one will hate whatever he do
It's called skill because tools don't matter anymore and is just an extension to your skill.
You've probably never been hungry at some point in your life. Those who don't work don't eat.
I'd be fucking surprised if he didn't get upset and you know, talking about other people badly is what faggots or women in real world do so you should calm your faggotry mkay?
you must go back.
Jesus. When and How did these winfag immigrants fucking arrive? Low quality threads and reddit-tier posts keep popping everywhere.
I don't know the details, but I assume it wasn't really a life-or-death situation because he probably could just roll back to previous version of inkscape or something
Do it, user. I've been drawing on and off for well over a decade now and the only reason why I still suck is because I haven't been consistent. I do suck less than how I did when I started, though. It's something that relaxes me for the most part and which usually involves nerdy shit without the inane coding I have to do for my day-job.
If you're doing it exclusively for an imageboard audience, then yeah, it'll get boring unless there's a major happening. Accepting requests and starting your own quests is a good way to keep you entertained and practice at the same time.
Alternatively: throw your ethics and morals away and draw shit for furries. You'll get money this way and a limited amount of practice. It helped pay the bills for a while for me.
Oh boy I love drawing gondolas after gondolas after gondolas and tracing over memes and reaction images to change the character.
Just stick to Holla Forums on saturday night
can you draw this but with gondola pls
To be fair, you don't have to accept every request. Just skip the retarded ones.
Somebody really needs to color this...
I made an attempt.
noice, i see the effort.
I like it!
And that goes into the pile for Tyson~
When aye you going to send that?
Not him, but I've seen many people float around a Friday deadline. I think there may still be a few artists working on things, so the idea is that's long enough for everybody to get finished up.
2 or 3 more days then. Looking forward to it.
That's the plan. Friday we finalize everything going into the archive, and sometime on Saturday we send it to Tyson.
Though, SOMEONE is going to have to get to working on that sfw collage.
Very nice work!
Libbie is already the perfect shade of white.
Well, look at Mr. No-Fun right here.
Oh look a PROFESSIONAL is here
This is your brain as a degenerate. Furries have no place in upstanding society.
Society is not upstanding.
Wow, stop the presses! Those vile furries are at it again!
Seriously, what is halfchans deal with this stuff?
If Microsoft office could have Clippy the paperclip and that stupid fucking dog, I don't see why we couldn't have Libbie.
Do you really have to ask?
Lemme guess... Started with something gay Moot did?
You can tell Tyson is in a better mood when he's fucking around to get Linux working on art shit it was never meant to.
.t Heiko Tietze
richard@fsf:~$ stty olcuc
Tyson posted his thoughts on the LO contest. Kinda hope he doesn't re-depress himself going over this again.
Stop stealing our OC 8cuck
Fuck off, homo. Get aids and die.
You've "stolen" plenty of ours too. You post shit on the internet, and people are going to share it. When did you fags forget that?
Kinda have to agree with him that the LO Design guys saw her popularity as a problem.
He's still got one surprise. Hope Hakui doesn't feel to bad to finish her OC.
Good for him. Wonder, what he'll say if LO reboots the contest.
I wonder if Tyson will draw more Libbie.
Stay mad 8cucks
Success breeds jealousy
Is that why you cucks havent posted any of the best libbie oc because it's directly tied to Holla Forums? you are so transparent in your projection faggot.
Says the guy stealing OC from 4chan.
What is he stealing?
Obvious falseflagging.
For fucks sake.
Oh how the mighty have fallen
Meanwhile pictures created here are full of Holla Forums and/or 8ch references for maximum donut steel protection.
I've acquired the tools to spread the good cause in real life.
Copy machine Libbie would go right on my laptop.
Easy enough to GIMP out in most cases though.
Well, while we're on the subject of Mike Tyson.
Is Krita a good replacement for Paint.NET? I mostly use it for some simple image manipulation and occasional pixel art.
One of those is rule34, you cheeky bastard.
You're actually probably better off with GIMP in that use case.
Krita is probably better in just about every way other than simplicity.
you're a braver one than I, user.
You're so bitter, have a (you)
I guess what we should be doing tonight and tomorrow is getting Tyson's tarball in order. We also need to decide how to get it to him.
There's an e-mail address on his website.
How does Tyson Tan do it
Do it anyway. What if you're actually not shit-tier?
If you don't draw your shit tier drawings, you'll forever be shit tier.
do it anyways , but heres a helpful pic
How big of an archive are we looking at?
Like, 70 MB.
pixel oc
Are you serious, boy? I'm going to be the next Shadman. Prepare yourself for weird anatomy and nigger dicks.
Libbie actuall doesn't look bad in 16-bit.
Optimized you're image for you
Now you can enjoy saving approximately 4kb
thanks, though i may go back an edit the original later.
ikr, i did it to prove someone that she still holds up at ultra low res 40x40. Then afterwords blew up 500%
How about CGA Libbie?
See as an example of what not to do
Threw together an archive for Tyson. Pls look through it and see if I'm missing anything:
Deadline is around 10:00 PM tomorrow, central time.
10 PM on Friday* My bad.
youre missing some, you have some dups, you have some nsfw in the sfw and some I wonder why you even added.
Examples? Just post screenshots of what you mean.
Removed one image that isn't really OC, but I'm not seeing any dups. Also, anything more than slightly lewd goes into the 'nsfw' folder. The libbie making the lewd hand gesture I'm on the fence on.
I dumped an archive of every image from all of the Libbie threads before. I could update it again if anyone wants.
It seems I missed one of the threads the last time I did it as well.
you are not going to add these ones?
Same deal as last time. Only thing I've done is run fdupes over it. Unsurprisingly most of the duplicates were from 4cucks.
Going to post all the oc missing from first up is the memes.
I was thinking of avoiding anything that might upset Tyson. But if you think I should...
you dont have to, but its not like the wound is still fresh
Haven't checked the zip yet but here are the memes I've downloaded.
Not all of the 'gayest, most pointless conspiracy' OC is going in this. Just directly Libbie-related OC.
Already added, but thanks.
It's pretty much unfiltered (which is why it's 300MB) so it'll contain memes, reaction images, lewds and that creepy fucking image of the Konqi and Kiki models in STK
1&3 added, but I'm not sure if I would count 2 as OC except in the broadest terms.
Like I said, the idea is this is a Libbie compilation that we're sending to Tyson, not a 'LO happening' one. A lot of that stuff wouldn't make sense out of contest anyway.
Link to zip though?
id agree with you on 2.
here's the last oc from the same drawfag who did the headpats. and then one WIP
from me i got side tracked from.
Sure but the idea was that someone less lazy then me could pick through the stuff they want. All of the Libbies from every thread should be there.
Another user made this one:
I made this one:
1 added
2 Looks nice; think you could finish it before the deadline?
I'll poke through it.
yeah 2 days should be fine. line is my slowest weakest point, but afterwords i can go through colors fairly quick.
Good to hear. We need another piece or two to round things out.
Alright, gone through it. Got about a half dozen added to the pile.
missed opportunity
random shit in my doodles.
Im not finishing it. whatever.
nice user, only minor quip is there's basically no visible boob connection so kinda looks like a femboy
Into the nsfw pile it goes~
Alright, I'll give the archive another once-over tomorrow, and add any stragglers as they come. Then off it goes to Tyson.
So are you emailing it or posting it on his Twitter?
God damn, user, this is pretty good.
The flat chest only makes it better.
I'm thinking I'll show him some of the highlights (sfw) on Twitter, and send him the tarball over email. Unless you have a different idea.
Though, maybe it shouldn't be me again; the guy's going to think I'm a stalker or something.
CGA, not CGI, dumbass
please use spoilers next time, there may be young anons at play here
It doesn't make it better, it makes it gayer.
no. the need of liking big breast only indicates your insecurity about your own sexuality.
We're way past that point, mate. We have passed the point of no return once LO decided to scrap Libbie. Flat IS justice.
You're in a thread full of cuckchanners and furries mate.
I seem to have vastly overestimated my own body, I don't think I'll be able to finish that pic in time. At least I made it a suck less, and here's the SVG:
Neato, looks fine in my opinion. Certainly good enough to send it to Tyson.
You know that there are other options inbetween?
Who am I going to trust? Quads or some random faggot?
I wonder what Hakui would think about this...
Speaking of:
Have a quick shitty doodle
thats a big dick.
Where are her eyes?
i dont know why i though about a cowboy bebop song when saw that pic, but here it goes anyway.
Y'know, if we could animate some subtle smoke and light flicker...
yeah, good luck with that
update but off to thanksgiving dinner now.
Damn, this one might be one of the best ones. Hope Tyson gets to see this. A bit sad but still beautiful.
If you want, I can show this to Tyson. It's good enough to stand on it's own.
Very good. I'll even share some rare Mokous I have.
libbie eating a corndog
Looks more like a turkey leg.
Where everyone knows it was rigged~
And gay.
seasonally appropriate drawing mistake
Oh give me a break. SOMEBODY was going to make a Cheers reference.
thanks anons
not yet, theres still some layer fuckery happening like one of the shoes looks retarded. just need to find out which layer is causing that.
Then il call it a success, evidently most of the time spent on this was deciding what to do with the colors. so many different ways I liked it, one of the interesting ones was a completely light sorbet colors but with libbie still crying was a juxtaposion of moods. il post that ver to compare. I really like this one too because its all shapes.
user, you're doing us proud. I can bump the deadline up to tomorrow at 12PM, if you need.
Is this level of drawing enough to make doujins?
Possibly. Don't use that as an excuse to plateau. Push yourself to further greatness.
For your drafting skill in drawing i think so, but continual events like doujins or comics are another mountain to climb if you wanna get gud with composition, flow, pacing, planning narration and making sure your speech bubbles are good. but if you want the challenge try it out. I tried and failed to make a libbie comic/doujin
I'm not even that guy. I just happen to know him IRL. Just asking in order to try to convince him or not.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of this.
in that case its a good idea for him to start trying more backgrounds and character interactions instead of solo floating pics. but i think he has a good enough grasp on spacial proportions of the body to try pushing to next level. There's way further he can go before being comparable in level of detail to good doujins but hes good at drawing sexy poses with enough body shape anatomy knowledge to get the blood going from lots of anons around here. And that's with no straight up pornographic drawings from him yet (but if hes guna do a doujin then he would have to go into full porn, which is probably harder to sell to him since he said he didnt want to sell his soul to furry porn yet)
What you should to is try to convince him to make more Libbies.
Someone should archive these threads while we can. Just a thought.
Gee, I didn't know one could "draw art". He needs to work on his English, not art.
Wow, I am such a blasphemer.
Gr8, but in that position the tail is way too bent upwards (just wrong).
I'd say Tyson's English is at the point where it's a matter of smoothing our the rough edges. I rarely have trouble understanding what he's saying, even if it is awkwardly put at times.
Alright. Tomorrow is the deadline. I'll be giving the archive the last once over and adding any stragglers.
Can you link the archive? I'm not sure which one is the current one. I've been pretty autistic with saving everything, so I wanted to give it a look over too.
Give me a minute. And bare in mind only Libbie related stuff is going in it, not general LO happening OC.
Alright, here's the current archive:
Tyson is going to have to stop hanging around other furries.
Seriously, Tyson's stuff is the only kind of furshit I can tolerate.
Seems pretty solid, user, impressive work.
Here's some that I didn't see. One is kinda mean and the other is some random work that has Libbie in the corner, but you might still want to add them.
Oh, and you might not want to include the image where we make fun of the way he drew Libbie's hand in that one image...but uh, I'll leave that up to you.
I tentatively decided to keep the super negative stuff out. This is partly to cheer him up more after all. But the other image is added to the pile.
You might want to remove this one, then. Other than that, good stuff, user.
I feel Libbie's defiant smugness kinda overrides the situation a bit.
tyson's furshit is just pleasing moeblobs cant fault him for wanting to stretch out of his comfortzone i have faith he wont end up like generic furshit
Fair enough. Although, Tyson might not catch onto that.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd say his art is already pretty varied (especially if you look at his older work) without having to devolve into anything resembling god awful western furry art.
That would be pretty awful...
We have to keep him on the pure and Qt, or is going to be the Kiki for Krita 4.0.
OK! Deadline is TOMORROW. Any drawfags waiting in the wings have until 10PM.
Do you have any idea how many different points in time this can refer to?
So Friday 10PM Central time?
already dont really like his newest kiki 4.0 tbh
Tyson hasn't done a the 4.0 revamp yet though.
guess not, it's the "electric hearts" style one he did for a 3d model. too busy in my eyes.
I can draw better and manga pages. also porn
but I'm not doing it soon.
fuck you, Carlos.
I don't understand how people can like this artstyle. is hideous.
I actually like how the geometric shapes seem to flow in this design. Then again I like overdetailed machine designs so it could just be my shit taste.
not him but yeah, furry artists are shit and only few are good at it actually. You'll even understand why theres this patreonfag who earns 50k/mo with just furry shit. The market is small but the demand is too fucking high, there's even stuff like furry art bidding and yeah I'm also an artfag and might do some furry too.
So, did Tyson get the care package from us yet or are we waiting for another drawfag?
Deadline is 10 PM. Then we need to decide how to get it to him, because apparently just handing a Linux user a tarball is considered gauche.
The main drawfag we're waiting for is:
Here is the current archive:
Really? How should we do it, then?
Sorry had things to do, ive been done with it for a while now just couldnt get around to posting it.
It was worth the wait, user. Really amazing work.
You want Tyson to see this separately?
This is really beautiful work, user. And I usually hate furshit.
Sure if you think its good on its own or part of the gift package as a surprise.
thanks, had fun with it
you will never ever get your soul back, user.
The second looks a hentai cover.
Done! I'll post his reply.
Whoops... Are those polygons to the side your watermark?
I'm not the artist but I think it's just supposed to say "WHY?"
There's a signature in the bottom right.
Which says Holla Forums.
Tyson's reply:
And into the nsfw bag 2 goes...
What do the moon runes say?
ABL at the very bottom.
take a guess
Libbie should have won?
Hitler did nothing wrong?
kek. no i went with one that's approp for a real H-title. those would be too long. It says Hard-Light
Why not LibreOrifice?
The push to make Libbs our mascot seems to have died, but she'll always be tech's muse, if nothing else.
that can be a sequel or prequel
need more banners and less lewds then
If anyone wants to open a new thread for non-lewd libbie+tech related memes, that might not be the worst idea.
I like the shadowing on her butt cheeks
We really need more smug Libbies. And various other common reactions too...
wasnt going to do do a shitjob on libbie's ass like that one cuckchanner. now im just havin funw ith it and looking at real H mag cover refs, seeing they fill up the cover with tons of shit.
who's the cuckchanner?
Nice to see these last minute OCs guys. Keep them coming, if possible.
this one. 2nd pic spoiled for courtesy. the drawfag was upset someone shit all over his art before he was able to finish it with line and color.
That is putting it mildly. She's not even the right color.
About twenty minutes from the deadline... So, how are we getting this to Tyson?
carrier pigeon
Ha. Ha. Seriously.
Maybe Twitter DM
anyway we can include the firefox theme that one user was working on?
the drawfag is actually me.
and I wasn't even upset. just... discouraged/disapponted.
I'd be irked too. It looks like someone tried to paint it with lint.
Say, can we get a 'consider the following'?
I didn't understand why gray.
she looked like a rat or something.
hand drawn by tyson?
user, you are a saint. Added to the archive.
VERY nice! But doesn't she need to be on the other side?
user, your Libbie turned me into a furry and a lolicon. Thanks.
alright. after refrencing actual H covers, heres the full weeb version. im blown away at how much crap they put on the covers. I think if a real jap did it, then there would be even more. but it was fun to put random bits all over.
does the meme have a side?
I don't think so.
My autism demanded I make Libbie gesture towards the post.
Saved, thanks.
I can hear the echoing screams of "I'm not a furry" by a dozen anons tonight. Thank you.
user, you can't keep doing this to me. My heart (and dick) can't take it.
Added. And you keep the zero hour OC coming and I'll keep adding it to Tyson's package. As long as I'm up, at any rate.
How about a the same Libbie holding a blank sign like:
Going to have me a little Hollow Knight session. When I quite, any new OC I find goes into the archive and that will be that. It goes to Tyson sometime tomorrow.
The bottom moonrunes do infact say hitler did nothing wrong and libbie won this time, since i had room to spare.
Nice touch.
nice result even if it was not my intention.
I don't think my nickname is that necessary
and it doesn't' look good there.
even for me.
She reminds me a tad of Callie from Swat Kats.
Nobody does Libbie like you, user.
You do have a talent for the loli furs, user. Like it or not.
Added. Keep em coming. (pokes with stick).
the name is just for filler user. jap H magazines practically use every inch of the cover with text.
Am I a furry now?
Hate to break it to you, but the bottom actually says "Libby Uon" and "Hirra is nothing mistake".
Try: "リビーが勝った" and "ヒトラーは何も悪いことはしていなかった"
After seeing , a lot of us are.
now what¿
Put an Indian turban on the polar mammal.
Lil' Libbie is best Libbie.
thanks, anything else you see wrong with it? since im guna fix the text dont want to spam the thread.
Everything else more or less scans. There are some things that don't necessarily make dictionary sense, but a lot of these magazine covers take a little artistic license with their transliterations of words, so it's inside bounds. The bottom to only needed fixing up because they didn't convey any intended meaning.
i havent even posted the original edit, without the hyperpink hentai color filter, which makes Libbie look more like an ayran monstergirl but the snout tho. it's like a different kind of furry trap but not gay for once.
aye aye postin fix
Tyson is going to love your stuff, user.
why not the original green hair?
Doesn't go with pink? Libbs has chameleon powers anyway.
Noice. Tyson's gonna love it.
Love your spin on this character.
oh no.
Actually that was just the filter, its a gradient map. i can add the green. but since she has swappable style i like to play with colors and push how far it can be recognizable as libbie.
works pretty well actually, it's like rainbow sherbet icecream. fucking delicious.
Like the idea here, but something is off about the face. Too short?
not sure either, maybe it's the hair.
Lots better.
hah i wow, yeah, the hair on was floating off her head completely like a wig.good job catching that
is all over yet?
If you mean the LO drama, maybe. LO might reboot the contest in December. If you mean OC submissions, I'll check this thread again before I crawl into bed.
Are you trying to turn me into a furricon, user? (color, pls)
Is it me, or her bra just keeps getting smaller and smaller?
no thats my job. here's the original edits they are much lewder than the H mockup. so once again, spoiled for people who arent ready for fullfurry.
abandon all hope for your dick, if you click these
Wew... into the NSFW section they go~
zero hour shitpost
In it goes. I'll be around another hour. Then I'll check the thread in the morning and finalize the archive.
Really, that sounds more like /g/. It seems Holla Forums doesn't have the same issues with cute mascots.
there's still some stragglers out there like meta user. but as a whole, yes more /g/ denial than Holla Forums
I think we mostly have Kiki to thank for that.
zero hour shitpost followup
What the fuck is this handwriting?
pls forgive my rushjob senpai. the brush is good to sketch with, but ass to write.
thank you kind drawfag, I meant no ill will.
Oh...oh my..
Aww I thought that was a "no way fag" one.
Oh lordy...
Ok. The plan is tomorrow around 4-6 PM central, I'll finalize the archive and send a link to Tyson on Twitter. If he doesn't check his DMs for whatever reason, I'll send it directly to his email later.
Again, I'll check this thread one last time before that. If you have anything left to post, I'll add it.
Getting Slaanesh vibes from that Libbs.
pretty close i admit, but wanted to do something different
So what do you use for your drawings?
I used MS Paint, but you'd probably be better off asking for advice.
lmao, deprecated
get with the times gramps and use the premier default painting software paint can make 3D emojis in it you know?
i looked it up but dont think I cant find anything that might be what youre thinking of. Care to share?
Warhammer goddess of sexytimes iirc.
i-is that a good thing?
That depends. Are you a heretic?
When it comes to Warhammer, no. Because Slaanesh is not only a goddess of sexytimes, but of degeneracy as well. I'd call her a goddess of degeneracy rather than sexytimes.
was everything delivered to tyson???
you need to draw a boner on him
Neat, looks like Libbie related banners have been added (unless pic related has been there for a while already)
Can confirm we have a Libbie banner now.
Finalizing it now. I'll post the tarball and wait for some feedback before I send it to Tyson.
And Slaanesh is usually referred to as a 'he' and a 'prince' despite looking mostly female. There's a reason for that too.
not that im aware of, the user keeps moving the deadline back since more libbie oc gets created
I'll be sending him whatever we have between 7-9PM central time.
Baring any more standout OC before late this evening, this is what Tyson will be getting:
Looks like even furfags have some taste.
Looks pretty complete and well structured. Can't wait to see Tysons reaction.
I'll do the lazy thing first and just PM him the mixtape link on Twitter. Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm sending him malware.
How about setting up an Imgur gallery too?
I mean, anyone who wants to already can. The user did post the archive here.
Maybe a lesser one.
Could you make the horns darker?
A muse is sorta like a goddess, I guess.
aye among other things.
Thank's, user. Added. Another couple hours and I send it to Tyson.
rough job but deliverin
Added. Archive ships to Tyson in an hour.
the hair is not painted
It's only the inside that's green?
write about what you know
Link to archive sent:
Yes. There also seems to be a layer of black.
Alright. With the archive sent, what do we do now? Open a Libbie OC thread? Or just wait and see if LO tries to reboot the contest next month?
I mean this
I see what you mean now...
Well, for now, we wait patiently for Tyson's response.
Beyond that, I'm guessing that now that the archive has been sent, we're probably not going to see a whole lot of Libbie OC anymore. I'd like to keep Libbie alive but I guess you have to be realistic about it. The habbening is over, the plane was crashed with no survivors and there's really no way to stoke that flame anymore, we got our mascot/banner, and sent a care package to Tyson. That being said, if people are still interested in making OC, then sure. Otherwise,
this is probably the best way forward.
we can try to get all the good drawfags to draw porn of her.
as long as she raise the boners she's not going to die.
Tyson drawing more Libbs would help too. That said, we can probably crank out some decent OC with the uber quality PNG file he released for libbie not long ago. All that said, the remaining question is if LO is actually going to reboot the contest.
Technically speaking, being CC0, anyone could enter Libbie now. Hell, you could have multiple Libbie clones.
One thing we could do is use OC like>>827529 from time to time. That is home memes work after all. As long as people use them, they never die. (someone might want to edit a shirt on her though).
*how memes work.
she's not attached to LO anymore not even all the other mascot attempts
they are all cc0 and can be used in anything.
after all this shit, is better for her to stay away from that software
even more when it's UI looks like trash compared to onlyoffice or
any other office suite.
now we all know LO interface designers are not doing a good job in any form.
it would be better having them fired soon.
The only thing about Only Office is that it seems more like a Google Docs alternative. But for that, it seems pretty decent.
Good luck with that. Kinda hard to 'fire' volunteers. That said, I thought LO was adding a ribbon interface?
Tyson has sent me his reply. Seems the guy was even more stressed than his Twitter posts let on:
He's going to kill himself, isn't he?
I get the feeling Tyson has had a hard time for most of his life. Maybe because of his fetish/sexuality, or maybe because he's autistic or something. I dunno if we did a good thing by sending him that archive or not, but I like to think our intentions were good in this case.
He is a real hero ;_;
Oh man. I wasn't expecting these feels...
Don't think too hard about it, I think we did good overall.
Think we should share this with halfchan? They did contribute too, like it or not.
Sure, as he did say it himself, that message is not private.
To give some context for what Tyson meant by his "organization": He had his workplace running almost entirely on F/OSS/. Then comes some new faggot manager and replaces all but one Linux server with Windows and MS office.
What pisses me off more than anything else here, even more than anything LO did, is the bit where he says other artists are giving him shit for working for free and using CC licenses. What the absolute fuck!?
Furry artists are shit like that. That bit about commission prices too? Yeah. I know from experience
You're saying it's worse with furry artists?
Furry artists are petty as hell, especially in the higher rungs. I wouldn't be surprised if his openness has caused upset for quite a while, probably even back from his Extvia days. By itself it's not such a huge deal, but compounded with all the other shit going on in his life...
Damn, I want to give the guy a hug.
Sad to know many artist only work when money is involved. but even when I think on myself and how much opensource/free software I use. I know working for free fro them is not into my priorities.
I hope tyson gets a good amount of happiness soon
Were you the user that mentioned you used Mypaint before?
sai(paid). medibang(free), krita(opensource)
this part stuck out to me as well.
I don't expect artists to always work for no money, but to give other guys who choose to from time to time shit for it is a whole different issue. And from the sound if it, make his stuff CC was the bigger problem for them.
Wish I could have added that to the archive user. Like the shirt too.
i wouldnt share it with cuckchan, more than one of the faggots who tyson is talking about his "friends" was on there and id rather not give tyson more stress if it loops back around to this salty shitter
Really? Details?
user, seriously, your version of Libbs is the cutest. CUTE-EST.
i would have to go through the archives both on full and cuckchan but one of them that stood out to me is there was someone who said tyson wasnt supposed to enter the contest. so my guess is the faggot feels like tyson stole his thunder, and there was others saying tysontan already has foss mascots so give it to someone else
This reminds me, has anyone archived the LO and Libbie threads here?
As a matter of fact, yes.
>Previous thread -> -
You can trace this archive to the first thread by clicking on the link in the OP.
Thanks, user. If LO does reboot the contest, this'll come in handy.
here's one post. it's not ripping on tysontan but does talk about the same sort of environment tyson is mentioning.
The actual story:
No wonder TT is so depressed.
More like T_T. ;_;
Little did we know that Tyson was the most punished of them all.
this actually happened? i thought it was just a meme.
Tech really isn't the place for it, but this shit about the absolute judaism in the artist, and especially the furry artist, community really deserves a thread, somewhere. The current climate seems outright hostile to CC and Free Culture in general.
And normalfags say we are the monsters.
To be fair, there were some of his fellow furry artists on Twitter. But yeah, it sounds like the artists that cater to the furry community are a bunch of jewish dicks.
It might be because Holla Forums feels a kindred spirit in Tyson. I mean, aside form the furry/trap stuff. Then again, I'd bet more than half the people who post regularly on imageboards probably fapped to one or the other at some point too.
(nice trips user)
He IS one of us. Passionate about free software, and only wanting to spread joy, only to be met by spite and betrayal.
How about for the next Krita thread we have another OC drive for Tyson? Not just Libbs either, but Kiki, Dash and Konqi. All done in Krita and source files made available.
I hope things work out for him.