New Grrr Graphics The Party Crashers

The Party Crashers

Apparently many of the ‘never Trump-ers’ including Romney, Kasich and Bush have called to congratulate Trump after doing their best to stab him in the back.
The fear now is Trump will be enveloped by the beltway ‘go along to get along’ status quo statism and start watering down his campaign promises. People such as Paul Ryan are examples of politicians who have done this—much to the disdain of Republican voters.
Trump should gracefully accept congratulations from such people—even from Obama. But he not reward their betrayals with an invitation to his party. He should not grant them an ear or any influence. And in the case of Hillary, he should still lock her up.

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Great one, Thanks Ben!


Yes but where's the unedited version?


support Zyklon Ben you faggots


This is the good future anons.

The media aren't invited either. I'm fairly certain Trump is going to dissolve the white house press corps and talk to the people directly. Lugenpresse will starve to death fighting for scraps of stories on twitter.


Or at the very least dissolved and re-constituted as a credible entity.

Released as the John Bolton trial balloon soars…


They already are. For this whole election cycle 'journalists' have been trying to define a role for themselves. Something to do now that they are doomed to always break the news 3 - 6 hours after your grandma called you to tell you the news. 99.999 % chose to be political tools.

Oh God. Please be Rudy. Please be Rudy.

Isn't secretary of state like 4th in line to be president?

if anybody really thinks he's going to pick fucking Bolton over Rudy.
Just like what happened with Pence when we all know Newt or Christie would have been worse.


Why post a thumbnail?

what the fuck is going on?

Anyone have the original?


Bennie boy is learning.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we have nothing to worry about.


Here Ben, I made an improvement.

Leibniz has been vindicated, we live in the best of all possible worlds.