Film Director Paul Schrader Calls For “Violence” to Stop Donald Trump
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Film Director Paul Schrader Calls For “Violence” to Stop Donald Trump
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His proposal is acceptable.
Fuck off Moshe.
I'm not sure you're on the right board
The fuck? Schrader wrote Taxi Driver and wrote and directed Hardcore, as well as Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters. Would have expected a little more nuance and not this cucking out. What a fag.
I choose to stand with the white, the yellow, and the rare exceptional shitskin capable of matching wits with a stupid white child. I then stand with the white and the yellow as we watch him go back to Africa afterward.
This is literally exactly what we need
White people are too civilized to start violence. We also just won democratically, so we don't need violence.
But if violence comes to us, well let's just say I don't think I'll miss most of the casualties.
And I choose to stand with the people who actually know how to fire a gun. Checkmate leftist.
Report him to secret service and DHS. Violence in service of political goals is the definition of terrorism. Send him to Guantanamo for torture and correct his false consciousness.
This tbh. I just realised he's advocating sedition. These shitheads think they're untouchable.
Sad to see that both the writer and actor of this great movie are fucking faggots
When he watches his kids' brains explode and stain his suit I think he'll regret this choice of words.
Some one really needs to sit down and ask them what there definition of "oppression" really is.
But before that, they have to sit down and have a hash out as to what there census is for (((The left)))s definition.
I'm sure they would never get back to us about there public definition with out eating them selves alive.
If they did (White folks need to die simply because hurdur) then its clearly, plain as day, war. That should be enough to wake up the fence sitters.
it's eye opening, really.
Kikes always talk high and mighty, but the moment the action begins, they are reduced to sobbing, begging wrecks. Just ask Hungarians - communist heebs were so very comfy in their state offices telling people what to do, when these same people came in, dragged them out and hanged them from the lampposts.
Welp, seems this guy wants to die.
This can be constituted as a threat. If Paul Schrader ever approached me in public I would gladly defend myself.
I think the (((media))) has brainwashed people to be different from the way they were 30+ years ago. If you took the version of this idiot from the 1960s and transported him to today, he would freak the fuck out when he saw all the blatant faggotry, degeneracy and shitskins on display.
all I have to say is bring it. I haven't been training with my gun all these years for nothing you know.
Schrader's been a faggot for a long time. Since at least 2001
Why does he say that we're the ones that swagger violence but libshits are always the ones starting the fight ?
Seriously I just wanted a wife, some kids, and not be forced to pay for burglaricious's 10 kids.
This is one of Schrader's last films, I've watched it some time ago. It sucks, but the apparently the studio released a completely different version from what the director intended.
There is this one moment, 1:02:39, when the muslim terrorist say some repilled stuff and I hoped that Schrader wanted the whole film to be like this, but I guess I was wrong.
It's the Marxist playbook. Dehumanize everyone to the right of them so that they will have no remorse when they try to kill us.
That's a new bot. It automatically responds to the bot that automatically makes the first post (unless someone, like you, makes the first post).
Why would a film director want the internet to ruin his career on purpose?
I can't believe this isn't a jew. You know how fucking rare it is to find some liberal horseshit from Hollywood and it NOT be a jew? Yeah I guess most of you do
If it's not a jew, it's a useful idiot.
Maybe he's going to cry about anti semitism and Trump supporters.
How long do you guys think it's going to take them to start calling us the Trumstaffel since we memed it a little ?
he already has all the slave children and coke he could ever want.
With a beak like that, he's either a Jew or an eagle, and I don't see any wings on him.
That's the thing, you fool - it won't ruin his career.
At all.
Just that he said that will draw him many fans, amongst the traitorous Whites and mudcoloured hordes.
You guys STILL don't seem to fucking get it.
These people want to destroy you, and there is basically ZERO realistic harm coming in their direction as a result of outright saying so, at this point.
They control the media.
They control the academic institutions.
They control finance.
You will not, cannot, hurt them in the ways they can and do hurt you.
Until you are ready to stand up and ensure that those who make such commentary 'disappear' or have 'coincidental accidents', as your enemies do unto you, you will never win this conflict.
I am not trying to motivate you in any way, shape or form, merely to inform you of the reality, which is that in all the ways you risk yourself in even being a part of this movement, your enemies are not at risk, nor will they be any time soon.
He's not a Jew, just an ugly old Shabbos.
well crypto'd
Isn't actually attempting to start a civil war a serious crime?
Look faggot, all we can do is add him to the list rn. Maybe a rabid user will decide to take him out before others get a chance, all that matters is he's on the radar.
How about you lay in the fucking dirt.
Pretty sure it is. He'll find out soon enough.
These fucks are acting brave because they have both the police, private security, and walled fortresses protecting them.
Hell, even their shocktroopers (the paid agitators and stupid kids in the urban centers) have federal and police protection. If they're going to up the ante, they're going to lose that shit real quick to people who have dealt with their ilk consuming their lives and what little future they have left.
They're pushing for a civil war they'll fucking lose, and it's hilarious.
they're brave because there hasn't been an ounce of resistance in the past 50 years. Talk, mutterings, newsletters being sent to PO boxes. That's it.
If Whites could put some steel in their spine, they'd find putting steel in their hands to be much easier. However, as civilized people, we need a permission slip to defend ourselves. We need to be let loose like dogs. We can either hope that we are let loose soon, or that these fucking muds force our hand. If that can happen, no amount of local or state police, no height or thickness of wall will stop this faggot from facing retribution.
Nothing is stopping any random user from going full Turner Diaries on him and many others. All it takes is a t-shirt and a cap.
This guy is asking for trouble.
Oops. Sorry for direct linking.
I did it but thwy may not listen because i am of Canada.
I wasn't aware of us being mentioned in the first paragraph of the alt-right Wiki
They seem to take these threats of violence pretty seriously, I doubt it will matter where you are from. As always the more people reporting it, the better. I'll send one too
Oh shit
Well, then let them come. I am ready to face my destiny in valhalla,
Of course it backfired. But their intention was anti-white.
That was meant to be the point of Taxi Driver?
Holy shit if you're not bullshitting then they did a really poor job of it. I always thought it was just meant to be an interesting story about isolation and social alienation.
Because that's what it is about and you're just bullshitting us
Watch the behind the scenes. Paul Schrader openly talks about how Travis Bickell is a racist and a bigot and how originally the pimp was meant to be black, but he changed it because he didn't want to give anyone any ideas.
nah we would never do that, would we
This. The SA were created in defense from the commies.
as if that whole movie wasnt an agonizingly long "A FUCKING WHITE MAAALE"
They didnt, It's just that as a FUCKING WHITE MALE and a CHILDLESS NEET WHO MASTURBATES TO ANIME (aka a demonic aut-righter) you took it wrong.
Same with American History X, only right wing nutjobs will take it as being in favor of the neonazis.
That movie's just a smear job pointing at white male loners (like JFK's patsy killer) as the source of violence, evil and danger in the USA.
Typical kikery.
That's because you're not a leftist. How do you expect to defeat your enemy if you can't understand his points, see through his eyes? Taxi Driver was blatant anti-white propaganda.
Fucked up Vietnam Veteran that has nothing going on in his life is a pathetic faggot that is desperatly trying to find any meaning to his life. He even goes as far as trying to kill a politician just because some woman rejected him, and latern on goes on to murder people just to feel like a hero of justice. Also he's a racist pedophile, that's why he went for fucking around with young white girl instead of a grown prostitute or a black one.
This is how you see a movie with leftists lens.
lmao, can't wait till the civil war
hope all you anons have lists of your local leftists and their home addresses
while they are out protesting in the streets, they'll have to sleep sometime, then you can go and give them midnight visit
Thank you wikileaks dnc/podestas emails
Nobody on this board would ever support any violence coming to anyone. This board is satire.
I would satirically open fire on a #NotMyPresident protest.
HAHA make it happen
ngl I would defend myself from people who are trying to commit violence against me
This fag hasn't directed a decent movie in his life and he's only ever been mediocre as a writer. Taxi Driver was boring. Rocky was better than Raging Bull and if he's Jewish, why did write the Last Temptation of Christ?
its very infuriating, all these "left wing" celebrities seem to hate the working class and love obama and co
I'd never thought of the movie from that perspective before. It makes it sound like utter shit when you think of it like that.
Leftists really do know how to ruin everything, don't they? Hell, this is probably why they're such miserable cunts if this is the lens they see the world through.
I still think Taxi Driver is a good film that is an interesting look at the human condition. Fuck leftists and their warped and perverted world views.
leftists call for civil war and violence? What timeline are we even in any more?
it would be a shame if he died somehow
holy shit I haven't seen that gif since myspace
I don't know who this kike is, but what he's saying is the definition of terrorism.
FBI/DHS should be informed.
How fast do you think he can run? not fast
How far too? not very far
TFW the Wild Hunt will begin again during your lifetime.
We need not start any violence, but any recived will be payed back with at least 200% interest.
Anonymous Holla Forums User Calls For "Violence" to Stop Paul Schrader
My IMDB page:
The hollywood pushes the dirtiest vice on you, records the evidence of your misdeeds then proceeds to lead you around by the bellend.
Or it just Mel Gibsons you.
Travis was a fucking hero. go fuck yourself
He's just afraid President Trump will take down the infamous Hollywood pedophile ring. And he's right. I hope Trump locks up all of those scumbags.
No. They try, but always fail. Marxists always try to make strong, heroic men into the bad guys. The word they love to parrot is "satire". Starship Troopers, Rorschach from Watchmen, the Judge Dredd comic, etc, etc are all "satire" to marxists. But they fail to discredit any of the heroes because they are all so strong and unyielding that people can't help to love them. That always happens with marxist writers. Ayn Rand wrote about this exact same problem, decades ago.
"This phenomenon, the fascinating villain or colorful rogue, who steals the story and the drama from the anemic hero, is prevalent in the history of Romantic literature, serious or popular, from top to bottom.
It is as if, under the dead crust of the altruist code officially adopted by mankind, an illicit, subterranean fire were boiling chaotically and erupting once in a while. Forbidden to the hero, the fire of self-assertiveness burst forth from the apologetic ashes of a "villain.""
Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto.
We're not the ones arguing with you, autist. The actual writer of the movie is.
Someone needs to edit that shit out
This old faggot is never going to take up arms, he says as much in the comments. He might pay for a bunch of niggers to jump random white people while he hides in luxury himself.
good post
come on liberals do it.. give us the excuse to wipe you all out.
Marxists don’t believe in heroes. They don’t believe in heroism. They had to make up their bullshit term “anti-hero”. Heroes are strong, fearless, determined and have the force of will to get their hands bloody to do what needs to be done. They are the complete opposite of everything that marxists stand for. And the marxists know it.
Marxism and heroism don’t mix. The closest thing to a non-satire superhero they have is Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five. His superpower is that he can travel through time. Cool. What does he do? He mopes around and parrots "and so it goes", for the rest of his boring, useless life. Even with time traveling superpowers, marxists are still depressed losers.
And that's why you call for violence against someone that you disagree with.
I thought that the first post was just an indian/ctr shill using a script.
the yellow needs to go back to asia as well
That person was interpreting the kikess words wrong. You guys don't understand, faggots like Rorsch would be the first to throw people like us into the fire, call us trash, etc. He's a loner that knows better that everyone else, but also isn't open to embrace Nationalistic ideals. He'll work for a country, but he'll never want to belong to a country. It would clash with his style.
Judge Dredd too, you Holla Forums fags need to learn. He's all about the law yes, but he would never serve a man like Hitler. That has been explored in many Dredd comics. When the law turns into Hitler's law, then he goes solo and somehow restores the status quo.
I say, don't consume any media of the last 50 years, and be skeptical of anything from the last 100. If the author is somehow NatSoc or at the very least anti-globalism or wise about the JQ, then give their work a try. Otherwise, investigate first.
Heroes, antis, Villains. None of that shit matters, it's all fiction, most of which was made by kikes in modern times. In the past, a hero was a hero because he was brave, powerful, willing to sacrifice, loyal, inspired others to be great, pure, etc. That's a hero, end of history. Forget about your moral compasses, a hero is a hero if they fight for the innocent and are powerful enough to stand up to evil.
A villain is selfish, greedy, ignorant, lazy (Because they look for the easy way out, cunning is not the same as hard work), weak and degenerate. This is the clasic villain. If an antagonist has none of this traits then they are not a pure villain.
A hero can sometimes be fooled into following a erroneous path, that's why some of you feel like heroes are a negative, because they oppose people like us due to their self-righteousness. You need to understand, almost all the heroes you know of are from kike media. Comics, Televison, Animation, Videogames, Modern Novels. All shit, all kike shit. We are doomed to be seen like pure evil in the eyes of all these heroes. But it doesn't matter how many words you say, how many interpretations of a character you can think of, at the end of the day that character was produced by a kike or a faggot liberal. The brains of those characters has kike shit on them. Even the villains, even they will cuck out because they are just mouthpieces for whatever the fuck the kikes feel like having them say now.
At least we know their true colors now, eh? Just like before; "Suck my liberal dick or I'll threaten you with violence."
Well I, for one, think it would be absolutely retarded for Libs to start going on the offensive. Most libs are overweight, untrained, and are subject to poor physical/mental health. This would cull the fuck out of a vast majority of them. The rest simply can't into tactics.
Either way we win, so why not bring it about quicker?
Listen, i'm gonna give you guys two examples of villains, one that is supposed to be a complete psycho and one that is supposed to be one of us.
The Joker: A pshycopat with no moral compass. He'll do anything that he considers funny, exceot work with Nazis apparently.
Think about the core concept of this character too: He sees no race, no gender, no bias. He hates because he hates. Characters like that would think having a world view where you discrimate based on such things would be terrible, and in fact he has expressed such views in comics before. The Joker would consider us to be worse that him, because he hates everyone equally. That is some straight up liberal shit that only a comic artist could come up with.
And another, Red Skull: The NatSoc of Marvel. Hitler's own right hand in some histories. A man to fear, and yet, he has expressed before that he doesn't buy any of the shit that NatSocs believe it. All he does and says is for his own benefit. He doesn't care about people, nations, or even his own comrades. He's a complete power-hungry selfish man who only cares about climbing higher and higher to power. A guy like this would throw us under the bridge any day to get further into succes.
These two guys, they are complete faggots. There's not a single hero or villain in western media that I can truly support. They are all really inconsistant, selfish or just self-righteous. And none of them hold any views, they're all faggots for multicuturalism and globalism, because that's the way of the future for them it seems.
FBI already knows of the chans, but the NSA probably spends more time here.