Joss Whedon making vague threats towards Trump

Whedon fans are a bunch of obsessive fags, so there is the potential of one of them going all REEEEEEEE FIREFLY and making an attempt.

I reported just for a laugh because I fucking hate Joss Whedon.

archive. is/7Z1u3
archive. is/p8H5J

tips.fbi. gov/

Hack fraud needs to be removed from the ecosystem.

Other urls found in this thread:


The SS investigates threats to POTUS, but reporting it to the fbi will get it to them.


It seems Hollywood really wants to start a civil war, it seems. See also

ze eS eS iz inveztigating ze trets to ze fuhrer , but eef ou repoort them to ze gestapo zey will get it to zem

It's still based on the popular vote thing.

Has that vote been fully counted yet or what? Sick of this kike bullshit. I'm hoping Trump actually wins the popular vote just to fuck with them.

Learn to break a link properly you absolute faggot

Does anyone have a screenshot /archive of Whedon's tweet about "mansplaining'? It was one of the most cringe worthy things I've ever seen.

more celeb bullshit being spammed here, still no talk of US congress even though they have 95% of the power


You're unbelievably stupid.

95% of power

Um, no. Congress only has total power if it is unified, which it isn't, and moreover, it doesn't want to make any decisions. They want the president and supreme court to make the rules, so they can grandstand.

why did add spaces to the url? faggot.

nice hat fag

This was his twitter avatar.


It sucks so much, because it was Firefly that got me into science fiction and loving space.

Then I find out that he's some liberal dick whiner. Shame really.

What was your first clue

Reported for being a fucking retard who breaks archive links

>archive. is/p8H5J

Fucking kill yourself


His fans are also incompetent manchildren, so the attempt will undoubtedly fail.
And in its failure, we will have the justification we need to come down on these people.

May Kek make it so!

Same here, I loved Serenity. When it was all I knew of Whedon, I thought he was great.

I used to be a retarded teenager who thought he wanted to be involved in media. I liked the idea of contributing to the culture of the country in my own small way. Then I actually got there and… holy shit. I was surrounded by cucks and Jews who hated everything that I held dear. I admit I was naïve. I wasn't prepared to hold my power level every moment of every day and I burned out in a couple of years and quit.

Over the years since, I've slowly lost any last additional bit of hope that I didn't know I still had. Whedon, JJ Abrams, Bryan Singer… every one of these guys is a far-left asshole. I have to work so hard to find anything to watch that doesn't try to push its shitty Jew morality on me. I've basically given up on film entirely at this point.

Is that you, Sam Hyde?

nah bruh his writing is too good to be me


start working on season two you faggot
World Peace is the only decent thing on the TelmudVision

Requesting caps

Firefly is a shameless rip-off from an obscure show called Star Hunter:

Literally who? Is he related to Star Wars or something?


I honestly never understood the appeal.
Firefly/Serenity was fucking garbage in pretty much every respect.

buy the book b4 it goes out of stock you nerd virgins i spent four years writing this shite (unless you dont live in the US of A then u just have to wait 4 int shipping which may or may not happen i'm still talking it through with Vapes)

we havent been renewed yet, also an actor who was a friend of tim & eric just left [as] partly because of us so i don't know how that will effect the show tell him i said hi ;)
blockhead joe is still trying to sabotage us because he can't get over the fact hell never work at NYT

I'd buy it if not for the fact it's like $34 you fucking kike.


this you fat faggot. who the fuck decides a massive 800 page coffee table artbook is the way to go for paperback shitposting? who's going to buy that? fucking hipsters, that's who

upload the pdf

hahahahah this fucking cuck

It also (shot for shot at times) ripped off the anime Outlaw Star,

sam you should have used your time at AS to fuck with those jewish fatfucks Tim & Eric. And also that faggot Andre.

Holy shit this is too real, fucking legendary.


I could never get into firefly

the writing, the pacing, I'm not sure what but something about it just pissed me off, much like the way Walking Dead does. It just… feels so forced.

and the worst part is everyone around me loves that shit

Hey champ, you ever feel like doing any more tacticool talk?

Sam, how do I be happy like you? The kikes are making my life fucking hell.

Somebody's screencapping this, right?

Walking Dead is utter trash user. Anyone who likes it is literally brain dead.

props fucking that marky bitch, I still laugh on occasion knowing that one autist is still boohooing about it.

It's quite amazing how shit flies over their head.

Well, no shit OP.

Fuck off


Sage for knowing nothing about imageboards.

what meme is this

It also draws heavily from some obscure German sci-fi tv show. Somebody posted a detailed analysis once but I didn't save it.

There's also some Cowboy Bebop and Captain Harlock in it.

This was meant for , sorry for the faggotry.


Outlaw Star is fucking awesome.

One of my favorite animes, and I'm not by anymeans a weebaboo

outlaw star, cowboy beebop
feels within memories, within feels


Firefly ripped off a lot of things. Blake's 7, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star.


understand what is in your control, and what is not, and that things beyond your control have no power over your emotions.

have you always been around sam?

top stuff m8

He's salty because he blew through all his money. What a mook.

I keep forgetting to. I'll get one next month.

No idea who this faggot is, OP. If you want to talk about celebs, get on the hunt for kid fiddlers.

Fuck you faggot. You are not Sam Hyde.


It was his assistant.

Charls is top tier what the fuck are you talking about. Boy has energy.

Ching? Oh, carry on then.



Sensitive Joss Whedon is a little clunky. We should use an acronym.



I hope Trump starts an investigation on voter fraud. I bet the illegals who have stuffed the ballots in commiefornia alone made them "win" the popular vote.

Also secret service pls visit that guy.

Daily reminder that Joss Whedon blew half a million on his own PAC for Shillary.


smh(shaking my head)

You should make a twitter for Star Hunter and then follow all the Buffy/firefly fans and troll Whedon. Nobody knows this and I tried looking it up last time you said it but forgot the name of the show. It was impossible to find any reference to Canada and Firefly

Try looking into older and european stuff, though you will find a lot of garbage there too.

Sampai I will give five whole dollars if you call Eric Andre a niggerkike and upload it to twitter.

Wash… you're going to have to present a case there. He was fiercely defensive of his wife, about as far from a cuckhold as you'll get from Whedon. Dude was a ninny about a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them.

LUCKILY he dipped his name in poison long ago, so now I have something even easier to explain when somebody questions my distaste of the man.

Yeah, honestly, I doubt the illegals did more than vote for the candidate they were informed would not "have you gelded and forced to pick oranges." Don't get me wrong, that's bad enough on its own, but it was probably only one vote each. If anyone was stuffing ballots, it was the cunts who were supposed to be ensuring that very thing did not happen.


Dude, Sam Hyde has posted here before, it's no big deal, be cool and stop making us look like dweeby fanboys.

Why do gifs like this exist?
They might as well be a still fucking image.

I know it's tumblr

I don't know why you'd expect me to believe that's actually Sam

I loved that show as a kid… no one else did, I think it was the spacships having big retarded arms that put them off.

I think it gave me a catgirl fetish as a kid too.

Grappler ships make a lot of sense when you think about it. Having multiple arms to grasp other ships/asteroids/misc. objects would be exceptionally useful in space. That these tools would be weaponized is only natural, especially as they'd complement ship-boarding actions (which are the objectively superior way of taking out an enemy craft, as spaceships are expensive and a successful boarding operation gives you a free one).

Between Outlaw Star and Escaflowne it was easy for kids to develop along those lines