I think we haven't seen things heat up like this in decades. Is this how the second American civil war begins?
I think we haven't seen things heat up like this in decades. Is this how the second American civil war begins?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post the tweet faggot
lol no
They are scared shitless
Are you retarded?
And you know, the army will just stop these rats if they try to disrupt the inauguration ceremony.
Well at least the odds of this plan succeeding are zero. Not that we shouldn't guard against it anyway. Trump is too important.
Can't wait to patriotically hunt them down.
Don't allow me to interrupt your cocksucking OP, just posting an archive like you should have.
When will we start auto archiving these links?
Then webm it faglord.
its already a webm
check the OP again you fucking tard
Already alerted the SS after the first thread
Please please please do it, give us the excuse we need to go full hitler.
top kek I look forward to seeing the SS blackbag these fucking cretins and drag them to Gitmo for life
Zombie apocolypse is underway
Good its what ive always wanted
holy fuck finally, seeing Holla Forums's faggot writing style they wouldn't stand a day with bullets flying above their heads
It's in the OP you faggot Holla Forums kike.
What time is it again?
I have twitter scripts blocked so it was just an image for me.
You know it user
OP is such a fucking faggot, someone please make the thread again properly.
Ahahaha, rise up? Oh boy this is going to be great!
Hey shill.
Quality bait but too many of those clips are quickchanges from Holla Forums propaganda when leftists are about to get skulled with telescopic batons.
t. very afraid :^(
no guns no discipline no dead feds no resources
No they won't. Maybe the cops will though.
I can't wait to fight in the coming civil war. I hope it last more than 24 hours.
Do they realize they'll have to go through about a thousand Hell's Angels?
God bless those glorious Harleyfags.
Pocks can't into DI.
they do create the tastiest of tears though
t. post left anarchist
This is how the UN and Global Government plan on controlling nations
Importing spics and niggers and then if the national government does not comply, activate the hordes to burn down the country.
Do these faggots even realize what will happen if he's killed?
They'd have to kill a LOT of the government to get someone they didn't hate to take power
all the money in the world and this is the best soros can come up with?
Soros is fine with Pence and the useful idiots are too stupid to think one step ahead.
this is utter crap
normalfags cant fucking meme.
and this leftist garbage is just that, garbage.
we'll get a week tops, and the last 4 days will be stragglers.
Very likely soros funded.
What I don't understand is don't these leftists realize they demanded their guns be taken away? How do they expect to fight a violent revolution? Fucking Henry shut down an entire anti trump 'vigil' just by awkwardly telling one guy there was a counterprotest coming armed with one whole assault rifle.
they think they can get their niggerspic shocktroopers to do it for them.
Except niggers and spics don't have any resources and are massively outgunned by whites in the heartland. Any civil war here would last about two weeks and result would be millions of dead brown people.
Same fuckers said he wouldn't win, they are so wrong they will be terrified when armed WHITE people shoot back.
Nobody has specified what the real threat Trump represents is.
With machetès.
We Rawanda now.
Pretty much this one.
we Kaiserreich now
America First Legionnaires butting heads with faggot commiecucks when?
But I agree. I could see these far lefties trying to do it but instead need to head to their safespaces. Hopefully the SS will put em down in front of the cameras. Trump should really have a citizen backed body guard force. Federal agents are too easy to corrupt.
they must think right wing death squads are just a meme. get violent cucks, justify your own genocide.
OP, you are a monumental faggot.
Rip the fucking WEBM and post it, you useless cocksucker.
In DC, there isn't much practical difference.
This doesn't seem that important. It's just a video. That being said, whilst liberals are usually just talkers, with a Soros funded group spearheading they can probably be convinced to start something. It's okay though, it just means they'll lose that much faster.
Read the OP again, you sucker of a thousand niggerdicks.
The style of this video has "Telecomix" written all over it. Are they still active? Has anybody kept tabs on them?
bump for interest
Seems better made than your average leftypol, liberal OC, I smell (((money))).
Also What's up with all the faggots claiming OP doesn't have ripped video it's right fucking there
It's not as wrong as bad trouble or untrouble but twice as double good as wrongthink trouble.
Yes they do, that's why he was elected.
Swear on me mum, these fucking retards don't even think when they speak.
No, no. You're doing newspeak wrong. You're supposed to boil down the language until only the most basic pro-party words and terms remain for any party-approved situation. Why keep trouble as a suffix when problem is not only ingrained in party culture (Problematic), but also applicable to more uses than trouble?
Fucking end my life you Orwellian sacks of shit.
I wonder what it's like to be that stupid.
the underlying message is that White middle America is da devil and their votes shouldn't count, anyway, because MUH KKK AND WHITE SUPREME-ISTS like Trump
Silly user. It's assumed that all of those 40% of the people who didn't vote don't support him either.
That video is full of shit
And as said, everyone who didn't vote, is assumed against him, and are expect to go crazy, even though they couldn't be arse to vote.
I'm sure the glorious SS are already working on this case.
But he wants to deport people who are illegally in the country despite how he has all legal right to do so :^((((
The threat is in sunlight. He will deport the illegals, thus making the chances of an election win for the anti-white left near zero.
even the robot voice lady can't believe the shit she's being made to say
Well pic related guy did say this would happen
Gee they sure showed them Amish folk. Many Juden deaths when?
Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Ingsoc.
what the hell are you doing newfag kike?
I don't know how that happen…..It's supposed to be one video.
it doesn't even have sound, i will ask again what the hell are you trying to do?
I want to save the twitter video so user don't have to go to there.
nigger it's in the fucking op you double herp
The portrait on the wall honestly looks like an older bannon. Are the japs memeing future presidents already?
It is not a webm.
so what?
That reminds me, when we go unpozz UK and EU, we're going to need the all arms veterans. They're a real serious bunch.
The mental gymnastics these kikes go through are fucking hilarious.
The vast majority of those buttblasted enough to make threats are also those who scream for help when someone answers their bullshit with appropriate force. Nothing will come of this aside from possible arrests, but, as always, stay prepared.
So all we need to do is find a way to kill Soros's funding and we kill the protests easily, right?
Needs to be lower and would like to see more camber in a pepe mobile.>>8248708
Gotta find the fucks making the money organizing it.
every time i see that picture i fall in love again
lmao this faggot is talking hard in grand rapids, go live in the black parts of the state if you want to status signal faggot.
Counter-movement preparations, yes or no?
Fear not Brother.
Kek is with you.
This is why we were born. This is why we exist.
Honestly joking aside, never not have a plan for shit like this. I had a plan in case Hillary won and initiated WW3 and Nuclear Winter electric boogaloo.
Its common sense.
These faggots have been waiting their whole lives for this. The ideological subversion that Yuri Bezmenov described has reached its final stage. They are being activated. This is a very dangerous time.
Oh God please, please, PLEASE let them instigate civil war. They have absolutely no idea how utterly outgunned they are in every conceivable way, especially now that we have government backing.
So this time they are actually using the guns for literally real? They lies too many time so I don't believe them.
True socialists/far leftists are progun as a means for the working class to fight off their masters
Luckily the left these days is comprised exclusively of cuckhold faggots and the only one's holding guns of value are probably >90% trump supporters. Fuck we have more guns than the military.
If 2016 is this good I can't even fathom what 2017 holds in store.
This is the EXACT same shit they tried during the 20's which is what helped the normies support the Fascist party, It's also what the anarchobabbies/socialists did in Spain which caused even cuckservatives to support the nationalists. They also were burning churches and stuff too though.
Thank you leftists, you are such a big help!
I hate the idea of actually going to war with them, as easily beaten as they may be. But if they're this fucking brainwashed, will we have a choice? These are the craziest of the crazy, they are fully subverted, and they will never be functional in society. They will be working to sabotage all of us until the day they die.
If they ever come knocking here looking for shelter during a happening, I will beat them to death with my bat. Honestly ever since Trump won I've been more and more politically incorrect now, I'm tired of being a good goyim.
It is nice to know that they are helping the nationalists rise even faster.
It's like "anarchists" and "commies" are a facade for something more sinister.
Not even death cults.
But literal pedo cults.
Precisely, don't forget there were violent confrontations in the streets between Nationalists and Communists running up to Hitlers election. These idiots are playing right into our hands but they're so inundated with propaganda they can't perceive reality. It also helps that most of them haven't opened a single history book that wasn't written by some Marxist cunt.
Most people like law and order. Most people just want to get on with their lives. Normies are going to get fed up with this shit pretty quick, and they won't be bothered if the authorities are a little rough. By the time Trump is sworn in, people are going to be begging him to clear the leftist trash off the streets.
oh wow this shit that happened almost a century ago is surely relevant to contemporary society
That better be satire user, because history is cyclical and there are an abundance of parallels between things happening now and the late Roman Republic two thousand years ago.
They can't stop it at this point, just like jews they always cause their own demise.
I accidentally opened to other tab. Can please you explain to me about the cyclical history?
History doesn't repeat - it rhymes.
Like a clock, right.
It's a fractal, subs
nigga wat? vast majority? lol.
Seriously though, Our side should probalby wait until Trump is officially sworn in before doing anything against these fucks.
I agree, it is important to bleed the normies's heart dry so there is no pity for the idiots in the end.
Is it Sunday Funday already?
Everyday is funday in Holla Forumsand
Damn. I loved HG Well's books. Didn't know he was such a fag.
You don't want to wait, do you? The idiots should be first to pull the trigger so we can blame them first instead of them.
The thing I don't like about this whole thing is it made "the right" extremely passive, even when trump supporters are assaulted they don't really defend eachother like the leftists do.
If these faggots will even do anything, I'm all for it. I was under the impression most lefties are pretty squishy and have cooked noodles for spines. Besides, most of them are slacktivist pussies who, beyond retweeting or sharing on social media, wouldn't lift a finger to stop their own mothers from burning in a house fire.
Too bad I will miss it out.
I mean, previous experience tells me this is bluster.
I know but I am saying that If the civil war is actually happening then I wouldn't be there and plus that I am not an yank so that's that. Antifascists are willing to use the weapons. They are more violent than the faggots but I never meet a yank antifascist that are like Aussie so I would be wrong.
So are we going to mount up, and flood dc for j20? Have a nasty surprise waiting the commie hags.
sauce on that mongolian moving picture?
With all the illegals gone the prisons will have enough room for these terrorist.
might as well have a "George Soroes production" slapped on it
I don't think 3 million fake votes constitutes a vast majority
I really hope that girl grew up really modest because of her disgusting mother. Maybe the next generation will be super modest and reserved in rebellion to the degenerate slags we have running around now.
So we meet again, bolsheviks.
You're fatter this time.
And what's wrong with that, Mr. FBI man?
Fucking traitorous scum.
there's nothing funny about that jojo edit
get that shit outta here
Watch this
It does exactly repeat. And if it doesn't, then you didn't learn it well enough.
The wars in the Middle East, the economic crisis, the refugee flood etc on macro level happened to at least 3 empires.
On micro level we are experiencing a standard paradigm shift, which occurs now and then when the intrasocietal tensions reach a certain point.
Trump isn't Hitler, sadly. Trump is Diocletian. Although he has a potential of becoming Hitler.
Mosley was a pussy and got beat by commies, ultimate homo-erotic cuck, look at that mustache.
No one says he wasn't. He was detached from the masses, afraid of violence and couldn't harness the fire that has been rising. But the commie resistance resembles pretty much what is happening now.
Okay, I'm legit getting worried now. It's probably nothing, especially since I'm in Canada, but if shit hits the fan I have zero stockpile. Should I start putting something together? I'm on an extremely limited budget, and I live with my landlord and his family. I don't want to freak them out, they already think I'm weird enough.
It's too late for that anyway. Even if you stockpile, you can't defend it. Better to off yourself now than witness what's to come. I mean, shit, the arctic is now 36 degrees above normal. It is coming to an end.
fucking ricer
What's extra sad is the Fuhrer knew this about history, so wanted to design a system that was in alignment with constant progression and evolution, to avoid the stagnation and decadence that always comes. I'm one that believes history doesn't have to repeat itself if done right for once, and on the opposite side is Lee's vision, which is basically the end if evolution and any meaningful life.
Jew's vision***!!
I know. Just one HA chapter would start piling up the faggot-bodies like a scene from 300.
In what fucking reality is that better?
The thing that bothers me most is if a civil war did break out how would we tell the difference between our sides? How will we know who's the RWDS aside from writing that all over our gear.
There's a certain card from a regular deck of cards you can paste to your gear that signifies you're from around here.
Okay I was just checking if that was still the plan. Already got it lined up and ready to go. Thanks, brother.
Perhaps some sort of…armband? Maybe a blue–NO! Red. A red armband?
World fucking dumbest nigger tells user not to upload webm, b/c video is in OP.
Now Twitter user is banned, and OP video is gone.
Don't be fucking fags.
You dress in their clothing. Wear hippie fag shit.
Carry a giant bag of weed. Talk about kumbaya shit.
Once you blend in. You assassinate their officers and generals. Anyone with any military training is a target.
DO NOT APPEAR SMART. You will NOT blend in
What are you going to do when the hoards of us come to take you from your homes fucking stormweenies. NOTHING! you'll do fucking nothing.
We're out on the streets while you're just sitting here with cheetos stained hands.
yeah yall run those streets, those cesspool city streets until the cops bring out the tear gas. bring that shit out here boyo. come march through working class white areas since we're the evil ones. plenty of woods and escape routes round here son, you just might get put down.
I'd like to see you fucking try you dumb bigotted idiot
Retards are only good as cannon fodder.
& for the record, dubs trumps all.
Fucking white niggers man.
Or, if you find a cell, wear a bright red hat.
Something tells me it won't be hard to figure out whos who
ideally, you wouldnt see me.
post pic or archive, shits suspended.
"Hello! I'm Safe Space Facilitator Waldo, a first among equals! Welcome to our theater of war…AND PUPPETS!"
You'll be able to spot these liberals with military training by the way they ride a chariot pulled by unicorns, which are also mythological.
canadians stick out like a sore thumb
There's literally videos of Al Qaeda crying after his victory
BDUs don't cure diabetes
Kek, just weed pipes and EBT cards.
Interesting. There are a few accounts active, but this could become something. Worth watching for sure.
Pretty sure Russia would come to help Trump's side of a Civil War.
No, these idiots still haven't figured out that the war is largely in rural areas, not in their cities. They ain't gonna do shit but cry for now.
Why don't you do it now? I'm sick of this shit about le day of le rope is coming just wait. FUCKING DO SOMETHING already fuck.
[Citation Needed]
Please, I need this for… purely archival… reasons.
The ones running are liberals, the ones not running are well disciplined liberals
Not necessarily any need to. If a revolution happens, there will be casualties.
In any case, shooting people in the streets in nigger shit. Don't do that. Destroying infrastructure is the way to go. Blow up pipelines, blow up railways, hijack cargo trucks, do whatever you can to keep the cities from receiving food, water, energy, and whatever else they need to sustain their dense populations. Nigs are gonna burn down their own communities anyway. It's better that we act precisely to maintain disorder within them and throw a wrench in any attempts to rebuild.
Killing civilians should be avoided whenever possible, but often unavoidable if your target always has people around/in it. Instead, kill mid-level bureaucrats and those providing logistical support. Killing congress members can be extremely effective too, as they don't have immediate successors lined up. Though this may obligate Trump to react against us, and we don't want to evoke the wrath of Trump.
If a coordinated effort is required, communication would need to be maintained and a uniform probably wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Show me your arms you limb dick.
You gave me aids already. In my fingers.