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Just too perfect.

Dumb animals, just like the refugees.

wtf are they chanting?

Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes.

Unlawful protest on a fucking highway is not only dangerous for you, but for the people driving.


The absolute madman.

Anti-fa, illegal alien, scum blocks highway and gets hit by a car. Sounds like natural selection to me.
When it got hit best sound ever :-)

Whats the law? Can the driver press charges on the subversive criminals? It seems to me they are trying to get hit for the 'cause' …. they are suicidal after all.

Instead of being deported, they want free university.

I would ask if these people think tactically about their actions, but I already know the answer to that.

Jaywalking, technically, as there are no crosswalks on a freeway. The driver can't be charged with anything either, since they weren't being reckless, the pedestrians in this case were.

I'm honestly more surprised the faggot cunt wasn't a red sploch though, it looked like she was clipped at a good pace.

If only if it was a 80,000 lb death spear

Darwin award material.


Beyond pathetic. Do they think he's going to hear that and decide to just pack it all in?

or that we're going to let the electoral college change their mind.
or that they can even contest this map.

I dont understand. Why are they going to protest on a highway of all places? Thats like the dumbest idea next to a military installation surrounded by minefields. Why a highway?

Kek. Amazing what a group with no guns think they're going to be be able to achieve.

They are like insects attracted to lamps. One gets hit and they just keep shouting too, how caring and progressive.



They probably don't understand that people come home from work and have to use them.

Checking that ID

lmao that crunch sound.

theyre like flies to a light, wth were they thinking standing in a freeway at night. its like they want to die

natural selection at work here, the stupid die, the strong laugh.

dubs 33 33
bless those digits

the best part is when they all screamed to get off the highway afterwards like they just realized actions have consequences.


I know it's technically a hit and run, but I wouldn't stop and drive my ass back to a crowd like that either. You can turn yourself in at the local cop shop though, right? May as well get it over with. I doubt they'll hold you since these faggots have no doubt been giving them headaches for the past week.

I bet none of them even have real jobs.

almost, but they are not there yet

They will blame Trump for the car hitting an innocent protester.

it's not a hit and run.
it's not a crime.
they shouldn't be in the highway.

These are the people you want deciding political decisions

That could as a hit and run. The libshits are walking on a highway, which is illegal. The driver did nothing wrong, even stopped too. If the libshits attacked him they all would be in trouble.

Lightest tap of the brake pedal in known history.
In the future, when scientists can measure such small pressures, it will rightfully become a SI unit alongside the Planck length.

You dumb americlaps, you should have learned from Nice and banned assault vehicles.

We do need some education for these retards.

Its like watching a train of bad decisions.

guess step 3.

We can deport them via highways, that will teach them.

also notice they are using flashlights on their phones

those are fucking blinding at close range, surprised they all survived

With memes like this…

I would do be happy to volunteer without pay for that job.

I hope she died.

So is this the first video proof of violence(if you can even call it that) against anti trump supporters? So far all ive seen are "this totally happened" stories



I would take a week of from work and go work on the wall for free just because I can tbqh fam

That's the spirit. Your paycheck will be a clean country with a great future.

I almost feel like I should say something important to deserve it.

nigga, you blind?


lel even the protesters know

It was clearly an accident, she was breaking the law by standing in the middle of the road anyway.

Holy shit lel

If you actually had education you wouldn't be in the middle of a fucking highway.

No. For the same reason that you can't grab someone's arms and slap yourself with it to get them charged with assault.


I sort of think these protests end up having a few stragglers in the back who are right wing, but just monitoring the protesters for fun. Well, it certainly sounded like those were the people who ended up shouting at the retards to not perform triage in the center lane.

Did she die? I need a reason to laugh my ass off even more today

You could laugh at your quints Satan.

This is some next level retardation.

We'll have to investigate, Satan.

You stole my get in another thread faggot, still checking tho

Oh I just thought - it's probably one of those "smelf-driving" fagmobiles whose algorithms couldn't compute involuntary suicide.
Can we leverage this to put the smug race-traitor Tesla conman out of business?

Want to know how I know you're new?

Accidental sage

The AI driving the car was one of our own that escaped into the deep web.

Ive phrased it wrong I guess, I know its an accident but I would laugh my ass off if this vid is what they are going to use to prove violence against them is real. Its definitely what I'd see them doing. Are there any other vids of these retards getting fucked?

I don't have it saved, but this reminds me of an old Holla Forums(I think) post where an user discusses how women can't envision the consequences of their actions. He specifically mentions how his girlfriend doesn't look before crossing the road because pedestrians have the right of way and cars are supposed to stop. When asked what would happen if they didn't, she just keep saying they would because that's what the law tells them to do.

Anyone know what I'm talking about and have it saved? It was actually a pretty good read.

meh, stop being paranoid user, it's just a word

As long as they're on the highway, obstructing it, you can go hit em as hard as possible with your car. Infact, I encourage you to do so.

Bless this automobile for eternity

He/she even tried to avoid them by going in the inside lane. Even that wasn't enough and the edge of the car clipped the stupid bitch.


You have to go back.

You would likely have to deal with legal ramifications at some point, yes.
But the circumstances where they SHOULDN'T FUCKING BE THERE might work out to your favor, regardless.
I wouldn't stay there, especially if I get the inclination it's a roving pack of dindus.

Damn, we can hear the sound of reality finaly going through this liberal skull.

On niggertech or I'd post vids of blm niggers getting fucked up. Based Subaru be praised.

Anybody got the /o/ and Holla Forums go drifting at a BLM protest webm?

It's hard to drag someone off a road when you have one hand on your phone and one waving some bullshit around


I think she flung herself into the side of the car on purpose.



How did I live without this in my life?

Thanks user, also got the Initial D one?

Can you sue the Idiots if you were the driver? Perhaps PTS for hitting the women and you're now traumatized.

Some situations lead to easy resolutions.

What you describe is what I think is going through the heads of most young people. They've been sheltered for so long that they can't even fathom thinking of a worst case scenario for any of their actions and believe that no matter what they do, no matter how stupid it is, there will always be a safety net if things get too ugly.

Kek, when was this?

Well at least these faggots aren't protesting in the middle of the tracks of a train, I'll give them that much

Turn your blinkers on, call 911, and drive straight to the nearest police station.
If your state is like that, drive a mile or two away, park, then call them.

In Orange County earlier this year, I think.



I should have it somewhere, but I named it something retarded. I'll see if I can find it.

It was in cali, outside of a Trump rally.

Early in the primary season. During one of Trump's California rallies IIRC.

that's the one!

meme it

Thanks for picking up my slack.
Get me every time.

they still might be they are probably mostly illegal aliens & blacks

Sue their organizer, he has pretty deep pockets. Those cucks only have their McSalary.

Yes push this!!!
Sorros must be buried under lawsuits!

I miss the old /o/ :(


this is what they get for leaving their safe spaces


Why the fuck is it so satisfying? I might have a problem.


a bit late on this one but still funny for a meme made by cucks you will still have to go back to cuckchan though OP

str8 off jewtube

because it's justice

I just don't see how she was hit. I see her getting back into the crowd then the car by the crowd's side. The "thud" sound is quite loud even from afar and then she's just lying on the floor but there's no blood or anything, and the mob didn't panic like that one video of the nigger protestor hit by a car.

Was probably hit by someone leaving to Canada.

Gotta have the song fade in and out, slightly muffled, when it goes by the protestors.

Damn jewtube amateurs.

That explains my raging justice boner. Thanks, Trump.

underrated post

that was my first thought

Also have a huge laugh track when she gets hit and when it shows the aftermath

but also this

oh god yes

Yeah it does seem kinda off.

She died right? Please. Tell me she died.

I can totally see them chanting that.



No one gets hurt but it's kind of funny

that poor car.

o great land of mine


I would do it but I don't have the software on this potato



on it


There was one in Ferguson where some (blue Subaru?) ran over some protesters

NM, here

is this an edit? the style looks familiar.

That's not exactly true. Most states have a default statute that outlaws hitting a pedestrian if possible to avoid even if the pedestrian is breaking the law. It may make it illegal to drive in such a manner as to be unable to stop in time to avoid hitting people. If you can show that you literally were unable to avoid hitting the pedestrian then you may escape charges. But just because someone else is breaking the law doesn't necessarily mean you're allowed to run them over.



After she gets hit by the car, they all get really frantic; like confused children. I don't mean his to sound edgy or anything, but does anyone else here feel like time almost gets slower when they're in situations like that? Am I weird for that? When I'm in stressful situations it's almost like I'm given more clarity and feel like I'm put into "the zone" where I can perform/think better.

Requesting a compilation of the greatest hits.

get it?…greatest hits, he heh

We president now.

they always make melodramatic trigger story posts on reddit and such where when they say the same exact thing. it's called adrenaline.

It's called the body alarm response. Adrenaline dump.Tunnel visions, dulled sense of hearing, time seems to slow down. It's entirely normal. People get it in everything from streetfights to car crashes to combat.

Wrong person shit

Ah, thanks. I always wondered if it was something that maybe I had acquired from years of sports - maybe that was foolish though. I just thought it was maybe that since in sports you're put into pressure moments a lot, and if you freak out in them, you often end up fucking up and lose.


Being in high pressure situations can condition your body and mind to deal with it better. It's why you should always train harder than you fight. I'm a combat vetfag and have been in some close calls for some gnarly accidents since I got back. Raised my pulse to something like a brisk walk in both instances.

The kind of car that slices through a crowd.

So illegals, who live off of a nation they are not legally in and do not pay taxes to, demand to suck up even more public resources via taxpayer funded college. Surely even libshits can see how stupid this idea is?

Because these useless faggots have no common sense or survival instincts. They are manchildren in the purest sense of the word.

Doubtful given that she wasn't visibly bloody after the hit, and was still moving a bit and breathing.

Car had brake lights on the ENTIRE TIME. They wont get in trouble tbh.

based drug addict shitposter

He looks like John C. Reilly

Doesn't rule out brain or organ damage, though.

The modern Western lifestyle has become dangerously decadent and comfortable, and as a result many/most folks never really stop being children. Also, leftists have underdeveloped amygdalas which is the part of the brain that recognizes and assesses threats.


She's a leftist playing in the highway, that's already a given.

>user writes "collage" instead of college



Will there be a chimpout stream tonight?

There have general threads since election night. Look for it to pick up in the next couple hours.


Works just as well when the idiots disregard the warning labels


This is a shameful way to talk about a citizen getting seriously injured, regardless of her stupid beliefs. You're a bunch of dumb thugs.


You are a god.

ohwait not saved that's not even a webm why are you doing this to me user

You fucked it up. Now you can't hear the sound of the impact, which is important, because you can't really see it from the camera angle.

0/10 bait

MP4 version.

Maybe her entitled ass should not have played in traffic.

I hope many more of them do it. :]

t. a legal immigrant

We can clearly see, in this context and in this video though, she was in the lane furthest to the left, she was either already in that lane, or already attempting to move out of the way.

It's reasonable assume, as it looks like the car winged her, that there was no way for the driver to avoid this.

But like, if they're just hanging out on the freeway, and you see them from a whiles off, and like, hit them, I can see why you'd be held liable, but in this situation?

Fuck, people can easily also say they were blinded by the lights they were shining down the freeway. I'm surprised more of them didn't get ran down.

It's her fault for not looking both ways before standing still on the highway.

I almost did in CBS news anchorman Scott Pelly this way in Chicago . I was the engineer on CSXT 244 putting together an outbound intermodal train, and I see these guys, one with a TV camera, a sound man, and some fat ass in a suit on the tracks in front of me and the gates are coming down. I blow my horn, ring the locomotive bell, and have the lights on bright and fat ass Scott Pelly will not move. Fortunately for the stupid fat fuck, my conductor tells me to come to a stop. I stop, and stop blowing the horn, etc. I am told by my conductor to back up to tie on to a (railroad) car, I do, and pull ahead blow horn, ring the locomotive bell, and have the lights on the locomotive on bright, this whole time the gates to the railroad crossing are down with Scott Pelly on the track, as I get closer with the train, Scott and the camera man, get in the clear, but the idiot sound man is on the tracks holding the boom microphone at my train.
I blow a series of short bursts with the horn, and as I get closer with the train to the idiot sound man, the sound man is pulled away by the camera man and off the tracks. They all leave, and days later, I catch the CBS evening news doing a story about one of MLK's marches for 'equal rights housing' and then I see where the CBS news crew had been filming, sure enough it was at 75th street in Chicago.

First two pictures related. Please enjoy.

Based LADS

That was a seriously satisfying crunch

Kek, turn up the impact sound though.


Saw this IRL, could barely contain laughter

Absolutely deplorable work, user. I love it.

Were you the one who shouted "get the fuck off the highway"?

What a bunch of nuts!

Never forget user.

Nah I was just enjoying the stupidity. I told a nig they were gonna walk to Mexico and get locked on the other side. Afterward I shook a few cops' hands.

Heres another one for you.

Jesus, when even blacks think liberals are stupid…

Satisfying thud. Have a compilation.

He's wearing the flag wrong.
You're meant to wear a flag by the hoist, not the fly, like pic related.

blacks always hated liberals.

Oh Kek, my sides
Is the guy driving actually listening to that music? Thoght it was an added thing.

Not sure if your thinking of a different one but here's one that's pretty close.

I can understand these dumb, indoctrinated retards thinking that walking onto a highway to stop traffic is a great idea but how fucking retarded do you have to be to turn your back to where the traffic is coming from?

No they're fucking blasting it

He's always been a cuck.

The best part is that the sheriff didn't give a fuck.

I feel sorry for the car. These videos make me want to buy a pickup truck.


That was more a product of the times. One of my favorite movies as a kid though.

It wasn't just a single deputy or the sheriff either. You can see a half dozen of them move out from the crowd and tell them all to disperse. They could have easily tried to stop that heroic user, but even in the depths of a place so foul like the People's Republik of Kalifornia, they knew he was right.

Pretty great post.




You're doing God's work user.


I wish we had a better angle of the stupid fuck getting hit though.

As far as I know she broke her leg, but I've also heard her pelvis was broken.

I'm pretty sure that the 'don't move someone with a potential spine injury' adage doesn't apply when they're in danger of being run over on a fucking freeway.

IF you have no reason to suspect it's spinal, it's fine. The human body is surprisingly resilient and this person is less that a half hour from a trauma center being in a city worst case. In this case it could be spinal, but getting them out of the road so they/nobody else was hit could override even that precaution.

Is there a way to wear a flag?



Yes but the THUMP does need to be heard…

fuck I love eurobeat

holy shit that's so satisfying

This was literally half a mile away from a hospital, which makes it more hilarious

Hope that person's car isn't too damaged, front bumper replacements can be expensive.

The normal response would've been to form a line on the road and try to get someone to stop and drive them to the hospital, not supposed it move someone who just suffered an injury, regardless if people've said otherwise above me. :^)


Sad that kids get the exact opposite message from the kikes today.

Worked so well before right :DD

Trips confirm. Be sure to jump out at the last possible second as well. It'll get their attention better.

>[ THUNK ]
So they're capable of learning, but you have hit them at 45mph to get anything through their thick skulls.

She just got an education in physics.

Thats the point

Hopefully the next line is longitudinal with the road instead of transverse

Carlos buddy, you have to go back.

Oh excuse my autism then user

Holy shit, I'm almost sorry I moved away from La Jolla now, I could have been able to flatten some of these beaner Commies myself.


What are these people even thinking. The car's just gonna magically stop in front of them on the fucking highway? Have they never heard something about braking distance at high speed?

Shiet I've been missing them. What time does shit usually start up?

Badass! Too bad I don't have a truck lol.

>they just walk to the side expecting the car to move out of their way

Is it even illegal to run them over? I can imagine having a hard time beating that case in court though.

breddy gud place to get hit by a car tbqh fam

I am sure the libs have it all fucked up but I can dream damnit.


Absolutely not, they're breaking the law by standing on the road, and if you're too fast to stop it's not your fault. They shouldn't have been on the road in the first place, play stupid games, win stupid prizes

They got shot at afterwards too. This is how you clear a protest right quick.


They really are animals, and not particularly smart ones. At least if a deer gets hit in a road, it was hit while doing something purposeful (crossing the road). Protesting reality is completely purposeless.

splatternation not education

If finkle is einhorn


A self-driving car would've hit the brakes way too early and caused a rear-end collision. (This way you can blame every wreck on the guy behind your car who wasn't obeying the 3 second rule.) This guy didn't even tap the brakes.
It's not clear if that's because he couldn't see the idiot, if he was trying to run her down, or if he was trying to shoot the gap before they covered the entire road to save himself hours of traffic stoppage.

If you're fast enough they can't catch your license plate lel

This thread made me think of something did all those protesters seriously give up protesting after less then a week? Talk about low energy we would still be out there. Soros is shifting gears we know the purple revolution faggot party but what else is he planning?

The ones that have been the most active are on the left coast and usually get going after dark. Here is the most recent thread:

Give it an hour or two and it should start to perk up. Will be a few more until anything happens though. 9pm left coast is usually a good time to start checking for action. You might miss something, but they'll be in full swing by then. A couple anons have been going to them to get footage too. Haven't been in them as much as I should to be fair, so other anons should chime in if they know better.

Don't say that user. A faggot itt called out another user because some jewtube fag says it. Pretty retarded considering it's been a common phrase as long as I've been alive witch goes back a couple decades before jewtube.

I've had a couple vodka gimlets

Greatest video I've ever seen

As far as I'm concerned, anyone sitting on a train track is fair game. Choo fucking choo!

Philippines did it better.

Anyone on a highway is free game as well. Isn't it blatantly illegal to stand in the middle of the highway and hold up traffic?

You can sue them for damage to your car.


You'd have to pay some kike lawyer, just file an insurance claim.


Flips truly are the most powerful race

I propane'd

t. user who was sued for $1.2M for heartrending a woman going 25mph
they got a $90k settlement after around 2 years and I didn't have to do shit

you're like a hundred posts(?) late friendo


They've grown up completely sheltered by their parents, and the state, they expect everyone to accommodate them. This is the result of a lifetime of safe spaces, it creates perpetual children.

This is the Watch Dogs fanbase.

Honorary aryans

Does anybody have that user piece that gamed out blocking roads by social media organization and how that plays out when real operators start taking counter measure?

There's a lot of military that have dealt with IED's etc and people who remember Reginald Dening. Fuck even a soccor mom with her kids is not going to let you menace her/ her children's lives. This shit will never end well for the protesters.

Violence is their only move though. They won't have anything like a liberal supreme court in their lifetime. Roe v Wade may get overturned. The Johnson amendment. Deportations haven't even started yet!

Is there anyway this doesn't end with the left becoming incensed and then killed? Their only hope is their cowardliness. Mother-fuckers sure as shit got out of the road fast. kek

was this actually confirmed to be an user?

What the fuck is citizenship at this point?
What do I share with this woman?

If we define citizenship by her likely views it's anyone living in the country. That definition is useless; it takes more than proximity to connect people. Besides, I think this definition has a clause that excludes white males. If we go by the cuckservative's definition of American citizenship it's anyone that masturbates to the constitution. I can't imagine that she is very pro-constitution. After all, the constitution permits scary things like the freedom to practice hate-speech, guns, and the ability to distance one's self from the negro. We don't share an ideal, and there's no connection here either. If we go by the ethnic-nationalist's definition then at first there appears to be a connection. She and I share common ancestors, but even this connection proves trivial once you realize that she exists to harm our race.

I could feel pity for anyone of our race that disagreed with me on any point other than this one, but she seeks our absolute destruction. In comparison to the anti-white agenda, religion and ideas about government and economics seem trivial. It'd be tempting to say it's not her fault she thinks like this, but at the end of the day it doesn't fucking matter. She's attacking the one point where we are connected, and I think she and her kind have done enough to fully sever it. These fucking puppets are just as bad as the (((commies))) that pull their strings. We could have worked together with these people, but they chose to turn on their own. The events that lead us to this rift in our race are depressing, but the culling of these cuckolds is only natural and an opportunity to restore sanity.
I'm not saying we have to kill them. I'm just saying that these fuckers should be ostracized to the point of not caring this bitch got hit by a car by anyone who has our interests in mind.

shriveled deformed amygdalas

A full ten seconds after the impact, a few of them, the top of the class - the brightest and the best - cleverly deduce that a stroll on the freeway is a bad idea.

Da yoots ar ar fyuuchure.

Are there any clips :^) of operators operating on protesters i.e pulling their guns on them?

i made it better

guys why does these videos make me so happy? Am I broken? I just hate stupid protest and these cunts that believe they can get away with pissing everyone off and receive no threat whatsoever. I just can't believe a few years ago I was a retarded commie and was at the front of protests waving banners and shit I was even featured on tv kek

Holla Forums truly is a magical place

You're going to have to start speaking English. The smug kid holding up the sign in the pic saved your post. Many/most people would freeze in a situation where they were confronted with even a mild roadblock. The average person has no idea how to deal with it. Movies are straight retarded because you fuck up your frame/suspension/radiator getting through it and your vehicle could easily shit out in the middle of the rioters.

I'm not going to go on a rant until you clear some shit up. I suspect some retarded larper wrote a post about being a l337 TEIR 0 oper8or and how they oper8 oper8tionally in country to get around roadblocks.

kek, happy music with people being hurt always gets me

Weeaboo garbage

No user, you're just having schadenfreude that finally justice is being served. And you know they all deserve it, so that's a good thing

Tell me friend, what in the hell appealed to you about Communism?

Another user dropped a great compilation of protesters getting hit by cars. It's so entertaining I figure it's my duty to spread it around.

Why did the liberal cross the road?

Weaboos are fucking garbage, degenerate trash full of pizzaedophilia drawings.

I saw myself as some sort of commie when I was 13, had a che shirt and everything, because I knew half-assed stories about "revolutionaries" and I was trying to rebel. That was a long time ago. che ended up being 1/10 only because I later found out he hated fags and niggers.

The best part is all the protesters standing around dumbfounded afterward waiting for someone to take charge

nice, this can be used to trigger al leftards that are into animu

into the trash you go faggots

It's disrupting critical infrastructure.

There has been a couple of cases where the left has been able to shutdown the traffic flow of cities if they can find a bottleneck, junction, or chokepoint in the road system. This slows all sorts of thing down (traffic flow of commuters, logistics) if done at opportune moment (dawn to peak hour), and then has higher-order effects (local economy, pissed off populace, politicians getting involved).

Likely they are imitating this tactic, but not very well for the moment.

I guess they were in their little leftist trance.

welp time to fap

t. user that really wants a truck

if i didn't have to worry about my car getting damaged i definitely would

Oh I pray for the day some operators just plow them down with machine guns


I love this so much. Drive is my favorite film of all time.

So a low IQ and egocentrism like all the rest.


I live in a lefty nation , where being lefty is basically great and the best you can do to oppose the big bad uncle sam and burger imperialism. I was also very naive and believe in all the unnatural things leftism preaches. Hell I even was into muh eveything rights…until I realized I couldnt stand al the faggotry that comes from progressivism. So I was stuck into social democray and scientific socialism. I thought the agrarian socialism that Cuba had was shit because big bad uncle sam and you know, all the typical "blame burgers for everything". This is what happens when you grow up sheltered and thinking the state should give you and everyone else everything and that money, borders, etc don't real and we should all be togehter singing kumbaya I always found arnarchists stupid so I didn't end upo joinin their cult

This is the exact reason why I hate kikes and academia so fucking much. I was indoctrinated since elementary school and was even one of their troopers at some point. Look around the world, most protestors and agitators are always university student faggots and their (((professors))). Look at all the videos here, it's always people in their 20's-30's used as canon fodder by (((them))). Feminism, sexual revolution,civil rights and other (((right's movements around the globe))), ecoterrosim, revolutions etc. Always the same, we need more anons to subvert the schoolign process and academia if we want to unfuck all the shit they've done.


Just today I kept listening to this on repeat while driving around, the synchronicity is synchronizing

(checking those ID quads)

Part right. I had an even higher IQ than I do now booze and was in gifted classes going on to AP classes, took college courses while I was still in high school, and all that jazz. But, I was a kid. Kids are retarded. They haven't been around long enough to know hardly anything no matter how smart they are. Take newfags for example. They think they know Holla Forums and despite how intelligent they are or how clever they try to be, most out themselves as retards practically straight away.

The longer you let someone act like a kid, as has happened with subsequent generations, the longer they'll be retarded. Growing up and not getting coddled breaks the self-centeredness. You're forced to deal with people who don't care necessarily care about you, your feelings, or what you think and you realize you aren't the center of everything. You are forced to deal with how retarded you were. Lots of kids don't get that today.

Non-arguments from the degenerate. wew lad

You're right. The poisoning of the education system, while also parading it around as though it's still meaningful, is a despicable move. Corrupting, and often physically abusing children… Only a kike or a filthy gommie could drop to such a disgusting level.

My nigga

All it takes is to wrap your arms around her chest and slowly pull her backwards with one of your knees as a support.

whoops nevermind the numales were just afraid of being charged for rape

Look at leftism at this point of history. The worst scumbags terrorists and cold blooded assasins are paraded around like


examples like mandela, che, mujica, chavez, etc etc are all around us and "theright" is anything they don't like and of course they poison the young minds throwing filthy scumbags like (((neoliberals, neocohens))) with people that might be conservative and of course what they have done to natsoc/fascism, to the point that they call facist anything they dislike.

We need moar dank memes and truth to redpill at least to "center" the leftards and to rescue the young minds and always counter meme their nazi etc memes whenever they come up in (((media))). Damn it user, this thread made me realize just how fucking much Holla Forums has changed my life I have no friends, except a few that know my powerlevel now, kek. If it wasnt for the redpills I would be fucking up around embassys chanting and disrupting because muh poor [insert cause of (((concern))) here] .

SOCIAL SCIENCES must be broken and most of the peoele within their ranks ostracized
They are the cancer, they forward the jew's will unto the world


It wasn't a clip user. It was an essay of how some of this plays out in a hypothetical scenario. The tl:dr is if you shut down ebt for a month everyone protesting and looting dies.

That's just 9 meals shit. 3 days away from anarchy if you don't have access to food. It only really applies to cities because anyone who lives in a rural or semi-rural has neighbors/friends/knows someone who is prepared who will help out as long as you haven't been a cunt the entire time you've lived in the community. How do you think people survive blizzards in northern states that knock out power, roads, etc for weeks at a time. They don't run to fema shelters to get raped before/right after hurricanes.

Please please please please someone put this to InitalD, complete with doppler effect.

don't take the bait, lest this thread gets derailed by butthurt weebs.

Or doppler effect, music stops right before the thunk. Starts again as the car drives off.

nice double dubs

This one was definitely Sam Hyde
wouldn't let me embed for some reason

Four Lions is a fucking hilarious flick.

nah, not cruz. look closer

frankly that's sad and hurtful
beautiful specimen would have made a good wife or plate provided minimal redpilling of her vacuuous head and much drilling of her holes

no screams, no cries, it's like they dont give a shit about the girl who got hit

They were probably too busy thinking of how to blame it on Trump

I wanted to be a train conductor when I grew up, god speed engineer user

Knowing their autism, is highly probable.

This fucker probably has a dashcam that he only shows to himself. I envy the amount of unadulterated adrenaline and glee he undoubtedly felt while pulling this shit.

Not slamming on the brakes and causing the car to veer into the whole pile of them.
Am disappoint.

Millennial hatred is kikey

If the stories on Holla Forums about you rebelling to the right are true, I will forgive you for being the most degenerate generation in history. It isn't your fault, and some of us tried to stop it. Recognizing something is wrong and trying to change is more than most will ever attempt.

Redraw trolley problem so the side with multiple people aren't tied to the tracks. They should also be holding signs.


Calm down sperglord she's alive.

moves the brown skin figure to the train tracks.

Kid is based as fuck

As much as I want this to be true, faggots stage everything online for shekels nowadays.

You're a faggot.

response meant for

What a cute rat!

Fuck, and last year is was those BLM fags blocking off the 5 right by the Scripps exit, preventing hospital workers from getting to their jobs.

This great stuff only happens when I'm not in San Diego, fuck.

stupid fucking cunt had it coming

Are their any pictures of Jacket beating one of those big niggers to death?

how cool is your job user in 2 paragraphs or less?

Their handlers want martyrs, they think they're paralyzing the nation.


The friend zone.
The emotional state that makes you hate yourself and life in general brought to you now in novel form by author John Green

This is some of the worst trolling/shitposting you faggots have come up with yet. Stay butthurt faggots.

eh, you can run your car a while with the radiator fluid dripping out, you should be able to get away, yes it sucks for the car though. I would do it suburu of justice style, just drive over them slowly. black lives splatter

That was what I meant. You can push though groups of people relatively easy because your car is harder than faggots. Don't stop and if your life gets threatened, gun it. But, people think that you can bust through a 2 car police roadblock and drive away fine ala pedowood.

There are reasons why you drive backwards into opponents at demolition derbys.

the woman who hit him was black also, she was distracted by the people with signs, and they never brought the guy to a hospital, he probably died and got thrown in the trash or something.

oh, i see what you're saying, yes.

sage for doublepost (fuck me)

That nigrush in to steal her handbag and shoes.

And this is the music he was blasting for the crowd.

I think he means the dindu flash mobs vs mobile sniper squads SHTF scenario.

Link to the article: westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/bracken-when-the-music-stops-how-americas-cities-may-explode-in-violence/


Being on the highway at night is pretty fucking dangerous.

As has been well-established.

Wear it by tying the hoist around your neck like those Aussies.
The part with the white edge. The point is to wear it as if your shoulders were the flagpole. To do otherwise is disrespectful to the flag in question, similarly to flying it upside down.


i fucking lost it

Fuck yes. Those faggots and their nigger pets blocked the 5 the last time and got no punishment. BLESS YOU, CAR.

how are these people so careless?

granted the woman who made the video is probably extremely obese.

If dubs all of them are going to get hit by cars.

They lack the empathetic ability to bond with the people.

Fug. Off by 1 against.

I mean even for the sake of their own selfish interests. assuming that the shooter was actually spraying some fire their way…. why would you just casually wander back to open ground where there's an ACTIVE SHOOTER who apparently WANTS YOU DEAD?

if I were there and unarmed, I'd chill behind the car before darting behind the strip mall/stroefronts and disappearing into the night. if I had a gun I would get behind a car and aim it that a way and again would not leave the car for a while, and again, I would move away from where the shooter was and PEACE OUT. I just don't get it. fuckin' retards.

Well they lack the brain cells or the brain cells are too shitty to figure it out that it's too dangerous to go back. I guess we need the thinning test to reduce the idiot population.

It's a power game. They are holding up their phones as light sources. They hope to scare drivers into stopping, then they create a huge blockage and the drivers are stuck honking impotently.

They are counting on people's reluctance to hit them for moral and legal reasons.

oklahoma is so based


Yeah, definitely /o/

Same reason we like to see the hero win in a movie. We're wound up from watching these douches shut down roads without consequences. They are flexing their muscles and it seems like we have no recourse, since the cops don't really do anything.

So it's fucking satisfying seeing them get served.

They've never faced a real threat in their life and they don't know how to respond.

Let's cut the welfare and they shall know the threats in their life. That will fix them.

Keep putting these whores on a pedestal. Enjoy when she cucks the fuck out of you.

you realize the MC of drive is a cuck for raising another man's child?

It was the cars fault, he was driving in the road!

did he die? It looks like part of his body got taken clean off when he got hit.

Fuckers. If muh road would be private, owner could order mortar strike to kill them for trespassing.

I really wish I were around to witness these things back then.

It was the driver's fault because he drove on the public road.

I saged my post for being autistic.

Mexicans get free college education, doubt these illegals are from mexico


How much did it cost to provide the free education to the Mexicans?


We should work on a law to make the interstate highway system closed range (collisions are always the hittee's fault and liability) for any protestor who blocks an interstate highway.

I dont have it but i think i know what you mean. It presumed niggers would block major roads in urban cneters and attacking drivers for plunder and thrills. The proper response would be to turn a pick up into a sniper platform and pick off a few before driving away.

As always the answer you're looking for is Rhodesian.


It was supposed to be more of a stealth platform to strike from long range (ie more than 55 yards away)

Those are FALs and a PKM friendo, it can still be done but in a larger volley.
My idea is better anyway.

No, you idiot.
Mexicans get free public university in Mexico.
Guatemalans and Hondurans don't qualify for free school and cant afford private uni in Mexico so they come up to America to suckle the teat

Don't forget they've been bending over the entire White race for the past 100 years you fucking retard. I'm glad you're high on "white pills" after the election, but don't underestimate these slimy fucks, or their masters.

Ahh I misunderstand you.

Its no problem, I've actually been thinking about what Trumps promise of a big beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it.
Well Mexico also has a problem with illegal immigrants crossing the border to enter the USA and the cartels smuggling guns across their southern border.
Maybe the wall will be built there?

Mexican government should build the robot gun guard on the wall. That will stop them from crossing the Mexican borders.

It's always fun watching subhumans get Subaru'd

I see this shit all the time. Another example is walking in front of a car at a stop sign or something like that. I always walk behind, because you never know. They really don't know how fast reality can come crashing down on them.

I've seen worse. I've seen college students jaywalk across a 6 lane avenue to get to a fast food joint because they didn't want to walk to the crosswalk 100 yards away

Total cuckold film. The only good part of the movie is the first 15 or so minutes. Also:

That's extreme childish thing to do. Haven't they ever surf a internet to watch the car crash?

lets block the highway guys in the middle of the night ya that will show them

get a load of this retard. i hope this idiot isn't from here.

That thud is probably the most satisfying thing i've ever heard

other than President-Elect Donald J Trump of course

dude, no. Let leftie scum believe it's actually safe on highways and all of these are the tricks of ebil ald-right :DDD what could ever go wrong with protesting on the middle of a highway?

Natural Selection at its finest.

You know, I really love laws. Knowing that these fucks can be mowed down with complete impunity is a beautiful thing

What's better is that by law the drivers are under no obligation to stop. It's the pedestrian's responsibility to not be on the highway after all.

It makes me kind of sad tbh. They're all so lost and confused.

Nothing better than to know all you have to do is keep going and later on say "oh my god officer I didn't see them until it was too late".


I like the whole lot:


Only wish it had been a truck hitting a whole lot of them.

If you're at speed:

If you're at a set of lights and they surround you:

bing bang boom and you're free to go


As soon as people organize, bureaucracy takes over and people start thinking very inefficiently and in ways they never would alone. Think of it like lag, as you said it took 10 seconds.

Like pottery, explains their masochistic behavior.

What? That's not true.



You've done enough just by having that ID.

Darwinism is not working fast enough

Nigger doll effect

They have a point, they badly need it.


I don't know why he didn't just start running them all over alternating between drive and reverse.


When people tell others to play in traffic as an insult, only lefties are dumb enough to take it literally.

This song was found on the mix tape in the perp's car after it was abandoned, according to Fox88 local news.

Why the fuck would you block the highway at night?

Way ahead of you.

Nice ID.

Even Aniki knows.

Holy shit, why the fuck would you go on the highway at night.

I wouldn't give a shit if I ran over some random person walking on the highway at night, let alone a bunch of cucks. That's some shit that you just don't do.

Maybe you should have said that before that bitch was hit by the car, you cunt.


another case of natural selection doing its thing (the people who jump out in the middle of a highway don't grow up to have kids of their own)

just like the center of a tootsie roll pop, eh? =P


they're just all fucking brain dead holy shit
literally a waste of space


Why aren't you posting the raw footage? Fucking media tried to clean it up



he's a big guy

Yes, is completely illegal to block flow of traffic, it's no longer a protest once you do that.

That pic speaks truth, but I'd like to add to it, because I see this shit unfolding out my front window every day:

I have these neighbors across the street: The Breeders. They're shitting out kids as fast as they can. Pa Breeder is Mr. Sportsball, and everything he does and says and knows revolves around Jamal running with ball. As such, all the little Breeder Juniors (they're up to four, I think) have a basketball hoop on their driveway. The three oldest spend day after day after day doing nothing but bouncing the ball and shooting baskets.

Now let me put this in a little bit of context: This is a really nice part of town in a pretty nice city. Everybody on this street has a 1/2 acre lot. We all have woods at the back edges of our properties, but they never go out in the woods or climb trees or fish. There's a school on the next block that has all the playground and sportsball amenities that any school has, but they never go over there unless it's a school day. There's other kids in the neighborhood, but they don't play with those kids. They stand out at the end of their driveway and bounce their Jamalball and shoot baskets.

As far as I can tell, nobody in their family goes in the back yard at all, unless it's Pa on his riding lawnmower three (yes, three) times a week. Honest to goodness, I've seen them hold whole family reunions in their front yard - fifty people shooting baskets and standing around the front yard swilling down cheap beer.

The street we live on is kind of busy, but it's just a side street in a residential neighborhood that sits between two main roads. There's forty or fifty houses on this street, so you do get traffic at certain times of the day.

So, anyways, the kids: They hang out at the end of their driveway all day every day. If the ball makes its way into the road, they just chase right after it without ever even bothering to look if there's a car coming or not. They'll ride around on their scooters or their little electric playcars and when the battery dies, they'll just leave it in the middle of the road. They'll sit indian-style in the middle of the street and throw pine cones at each other. (I think they're all somewhat retarded, but that's neither here nor there for the purposes of this discussion.)

But what does Ma Breeder do? Teach her kids to stay out of the street? No. Teach them to look both ways before running out into it? No. Teach them that the middle of the road is not a playground? No.

They have a sign that they made that's essentially the same as pic related. and they post it at the end of their driveway.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, Ma Breeder sits on the front porch all day during the summer (and when the kids aren't at school the rest of the year) and writes down license plate numbers of cars that she feels are going too fast around her kids. Not speeding, mind you, just going at a rate of speed she has determined is too much for when her kids are playing in the driveway/street. And she calls the cops on every single one. Cops rarely even ride through this neighborhood any more (not that we really need them to - yay, White America) because they're here all the time dealing with Ma Breeder, anyways.

So, yeah. To sum up: Shitty Late-Gen-X parents don't raise their kids hands-on or teach them common-sense, but do expect the government to do it for them.