Once the third temple of david is built all atheist fags will be BTFO

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Mosschia Moschia where are you

>Trump brings temporary, as always peace to Israel

That's pretty Jewish. The rabbis always wanted their Jews in their ghetto. Does Trump doing the rabbis' bidding?

Only a two separated state solution would work.Kikes hate Palestinians with a passion and Palestinians breed too fast for them to keep control, with enough time they will get overwhelmed. Israel will not have a possible Iran ally near their border so i doubt something will happen beside the same fucking bullshit handshake.

Only when it is of benefit to him personally or, as president, of benefit to America.

Mix that shit up with all the "Oy vey I can smell the gas already!" news articles and you get a tasty cocktail.

Nazi fags will be force feed black dick taht they truly crave but are too prude to ask for.

reported for retardation you'll be gassed as well

You are going to bake, Moishe.

Evangelicucks will call him the anti-christ.

According to jewish eschatology, the gathering of jews in Israel is indicative of the end times coming. Same with the construction of the third temple (I think Muslims and Christians also believe this). End times scripture is probably just an ancient screenplay, so it could all just be theater. Occam's razor exists, though.

lolol reported again

The mods are putting you in the oven for a long time, friend.

You must really be autistic you think it's banable to quote isreali newspapers.

The Jews fear this more then anything. First of all if you were a Jew and you did all this subversive bullshit would you trust your own people to not do the same towards you. Second it make it makes extermination as easy as pushing a button (OH NO THE IRANIANS HAVE A NUKE BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND THEY WIPED ISRAEL OFF THE MAP LIKE THEY PROMISED HOW TERRIBLE).

When the anti christ sacrifices a pig in the third temple. The war of apocalypse begins


Because their retarded and dont' know their own scripture.

You didn't quote them you retard, you direct linked them, lol how are you this stupid?

Oh yeah, inbreeding

not even jewish moron

You have to archive links, obviously.

The anti-christ builds the 3rd temple. Jesus Christ denounced the religiosity of the temple. We are the temple, we are the church. You jews and muslims align to the diametric opposition of the christian faith. The anti-christ is the muslim and jewish messiah, the true Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior, not the anti-christ the jews and muslims will welcome back into a peace agreement and rebuilding of a physical temple.

You who are hard of heart will only realise this mid way into the peace agreement. The anti-christ will seat himself down in the temple and declare himself god. You will then know that he is not your god. You will realise your mistake.

The atheist fags and the jews, muslims, etc. playing on the same side of subjective truths. Go away, Holla Forums is still a Christian board.

It will be glorious


It's theater. But the israeli-palestinian is also largely artificially fanned. So what's up now with change of direction?


Christians believed it to the point the tried to fund a 3rd temple.

Can someone even tell me what a palestinian is? because as far as i can tell they mean ancient jewish persons. Or arabs from surrounding areas who mirgarted>>8245120

Don't forget the abomination of desolation.

May as well teach him how to use ebonics in every post tbh fam

go pander to some evangelicucks.


It's peoples who lived in Palestine before Israel and are not Jewish.

Or what? you'll cry?

Atheists don't realize it yet but soon there will be no question if god is real. The question will become if you repent or not.

Why does everyone think the anti-christ is going to appear in their lifetime?

For Jews.


Every generation wants the privilege of being the last generation.

Your attempt at reverse psychology is very jewish.

Because of the very existence of the nation of Israel. Don't you get it? Christ literally said that the generation that sees Israel reborn as a nation will see his seconding coming.


You mean those guys that weren't us because I doubt anyone here was born before the '60s?

Kill yourself christcuck.

Lucifer last sloppy attempt to exterminate the jew's in the second world war was a feeble attempt to stop the recreation of Israel as a nation. He knows his time is almost up.

Or what you'll cry?

Oh boy here we go.

This time it will be real, Shlomo.

[citation needed]

The 3rd temple signifies the end of the world and the return of christ yall niggas gonna get smited for wishing for another temple

Probably large number of arabs were also brought in as Israel was established, also for the reason to create strife. I think there's a quote from Moshe Dayan how the Israelis need to be kept on a war footing through provocations. So in that sense the Israelis are being conned by their own leaders for a long time.

okay crazy guy

Apparently Christ is a lazy nigger, because he's rapidly running out of time. It's been more than 70 years already, he's got what, another 20 decades?

No, he wasn't literally satan. Satan is a seperate being. He may have been acting under his will or one of Satan's lieutenants.

Still a lazy nigger.

Why is it always an American president who has to be the president to these fucking worthless windowlicking goons?
Why couldn't it come from somewhere else?
So stupid.
So anti-American.
So not MAGA material

Biblically speaking if you say that the longest a man can live is 125 years then 1948+125 = 2073 would be the last year.



How does a filthy jew lover like you even find this place?

Nice red herring.

Cause I hunt nazi retard fagggots like you

When will you christcucks realize that the jews, the same people who wrote your precious little book ARE Satan?
These are the people who sacrifice children.
These are the people who encourage sodomy.
These are the people who fucking bathe in vats of excrement.

All anti antisemitism is just you being manipulated

Your mom's bath of excrement.

He could already be alive

Yes which is what they are doing right now. Not only that the Bible also says that they will put the anti-christ on the throne, making people think he is the real deal so the jews and others that are fooled be gathered in Israel for this and then be burned by God as punishment. Or glassed by nukes to put it in modern terms.

One can only dream


You do realize prior to vatican 2 the jews were treated like subhumans as official doctrine

He won't be 'born' for his second coming. He's going land in the valley below mount megiddo

Why do the kikes always out themselves by bringing up their obsession with shit?

That temple WILL be built.

Oh your one of those retarded southern fundamentalist niggers i hear so much about

Why do the shills always out themselves like you? are you fucking retarded…? one of the other commentors wrote that and I replied to him with that

learn to read you dumb moron

Honestly they'd rather die. This is the reason they count him as worse than hitler, at least hitler killed them before he took their money


you guys are incredibly uniformed.

Will it happen dubsman?

Doesn't change the rest of your dumbass posts nigger.

It was a joke but alright

It's the inbreding. the VMAT2 gene is known to be inheritable with a higher likelhood amongst cousine-married couples due to its recessivity.

Yeah, I'm sure you do, larper.

wew lads seems we memed too hard

Wow, did you just use the N-word? How dare you? Thats so offensive. :3

I Am. I am the Lord your God. Worship me if you want Eternal Life.

that guy works in my local kebab shop

You do Human Hunting eh?

You sure you're not a nazi? :3

I have to agree, they really knew how to dress.



Go to bed kek your drunk

CF have you taken your meds recently?


wow not only are you CF but retarded as well.

It's a "leftypol baits replies and newfags oblige" episode

Yeah, Anno was probably just a tad bit prophetic with his understanding of a kabbalist cult conspiring against humanity. He's not too hopeful, though. The gnostic themes and esoteric layers that make up Neon Genesis Evangelion are pretty incredible.

I will never understand why president after president still wastes time (and money) on this middle-east peace meme
it's not going to happen

just imagine if he succeed in making this peace deal and the Jews break it

The juice be tryin to appropriate Pepe as their own too.

Jews have been plotting to rebuild the Temple for over 2000 years now. Its not exactly prophetic if an entire nation is working to do something and eventually succeed. What this DOES prove, however, is that Semitic prophesy is always self-fulfilling. Instead of using Jews to "btfo" of non-Jews (atheists), why dont you work together with people of all non-Semitic belief (or lack thereof, i.e. atheists) in exposing and defeating the Jew?

Yes, we need to not stoop to drink water, but rather have our heads on a swivel.

We don't all think that way, and we don't all listen to motivational speakers that are consumed by a spirit of religiosity or simply a bunch of "live your best life now businessmen".
In fact, many of us don't even attend a building of brick and mortar every sunday. It's a lifestyle, not an action.

As Christians we are called to save, heal and deliver. We are called to observe and follow Christ. This is what it is to be a Christian, to be Christ-like, to be co-workers of Christ's plan. To be the light that shines in a world of darkness that is ruled by the great accuser, appolyon, satan, abaddon, whichever name (for whichever age and geographical mythos is applied to).

We do not think it will happen in our lifetime, but we do use scripture as our compass and no man, nor the Son, knoweth the hour. What we do know, is the season. Transhumanism, the days of Noah, Genetic and Biological breakthroughs + compliments of geopolitical stances and an explosion of hedonism and/or occultism and a sense of globalism all point to what has been shared by us via the scriptures.

We are all made up of flesh, spirit and soul. Flesh (The Body) Soul (Mind, Will and Emotions), Spirit (Your spirit man that fights with the flesh due to us being in a fallen world - feed your spirit man. Kill your flesh man, give glory to God so we may be reconciled with Him)

We do not know that it will happen in our lifetime, but we are definitely given a roadmap to tell the seasons. Timelines, time is not affected in the heavenlies and history revolves in a cyclical fashion. This is why I believe the US have been given a momentary reprieve for their judgement. The shadows were not expecting it and are running scared.

I advise you to think about what i've just said. Give it some thought. Your spirit knows the objective Truth, your mind fights that due to the flesh. Seek Jesus Christ, your Lord and saviour.

I ASSURE YOU. IT WILL BE THE BEST DECISION YOU EVER MAKE IN YOUR LIFE. Draw close to him, so that he may draw closer to you. After all, true love means you have free will. So use the free will and allow him to set your captive heart free. We are in a fall world and Jesus is the truth, the way and the light.

God Bless you.

Pray to God, not Jesus.

I'd agree with my little knowledge of religion. Jesus was a human sacrifice by the same cult we're up against now. Worshiping his sacrifice seems a bit, well, counterproductive.


If you read the protocols, you will know that the Jewish endgame starts with a mass influx of immigrants into Europe (which the jews started in September last year during their Shermitah).

As far as jewish reckoning is concerned we're coming to the end of the millenia-long plan.For those who believe in anti-christ theories and things like that, it's easy to see why they would tie it in with current happenings.

The Jewish prophecy in the least, doesn't appear to be coming true, like they would've imagined. So who the fuck even knows. Maybe the antichrist was born years ago, decided that it wasn't worth it and swallowed a shotgun shell.

I actually think Trump is trolling the kikes into more infighting. They can't very well wage war against their 'own messiah'.


maybe he died on his way to Europe


Did you forget? We're living in a non-canon universe. We have killed that fucking monkey.

topkek whats with that jew lover faggot?
I seriously hope nobody here replies to that obvious b8

Straight from a Christjew missionary pamphlet, hah.

All gods are extraterrestrials. Not all extraterrestrials are faggots LARPing as gods on some backwater planet, fucking with the humanoid species and playing with them like toys. Wake up from their deception.

The antichrist got bored and decided to shitpost instead

Fuck off kike.

No this is not what He says in Matthew 24, he's talking about two different things. He was asked two different questions and he gives two answers, first when the second Temple would be destroyed and what it would be like, and what the end of the age would be like.

Learn to read you niggers.