Treacherous kike tries to switch sides

cuck sanders sees which way the winds are blowing, and now he's backpedaling, trying to be pro-white. In reality, it's all a political ploy to maintain a stable voting base
what a fucking weasel
at the very least we could trigger some bernouts hard with this

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Didn't he mock poor white people in his campaign?

nah, he said "when you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" in that weird Jew accent


This commie Jew was unemployed until he was 40 when he decided to be a "public servant". To be a part of the working class you actually have to, you know, work.

I will say he is actually right about the Dems need to appeal to their traditional base if they actually want to continue being relevant. If all they're going to do is be the neoliberal globalist elite warmongering poz party who only appeals to minorities they're done, especially after at least 4 years of Trump deporting their would-be "new American" base.

Ohh yeah that's right. Like always a kike is trying to play both sides now, whatever is more convenient for him at the time. If he knew what was best he would take his "donations" and keep quiet in his little state

Go to 14:08. He's pushing the narrative that the only reason anyone wants Hillary locked up is because she and Trump have a "difference of opinion". He's not trying to switch sides at all. He's looking out for his own political future and trying to come out of the wreckage of the Hillary campaign smelling like roses, but he isn't remotely trying to switch sides.

The nose knows.

Bernie actually did speak out against mass immigration during his run, until the lugenpresse bullied him into backing down on that issue.

Well, even if he always has downplayed Hillarys incompetence, he has a point. Trump would probably never even paid attention to Hillary if she endorsed him at the beginning.

And as a matter of fact, if he's smart, he'll put her as a Secretary of State anyway. Since 30 years of experience cannot be neglected.

nice try Holla Forums

Which is a terrible sign of weakness. If you know in your heart that something is wrong, but the jews can intimidate you into backing down, then you weren't meant to be a leader in the first place.

White people will not forget what that shriveling jew said about them. You don't get to shit on a huge swath of the people you hope to elect you and actually get elected. Not anymore. Get his arse packed and sent back to Israel where his kind belong.

Ironic coming from him, since he's not white and he's never worked.

He doesn't have a political future. He will be dead in a few years.

Well yeah, that's because Bernie is a total slimeball.

Bernie pls, I can only laugh so hard

Even before his run he expressed concern on the combination of immigration+socialist policies and the effect immigration has on minimum wage/worker rights.

In the end he has no backbone as we saw with the BLM protesters taking his mic at his own rally and his endorsement of Hillary.

are you retarded?
he'll lose well over half his support overnight if he did something like that
fuck, he'd lose people if he didn't full-on lock her up
hillary belongs in prison, there's no way to get around that, especially with all this new satanic pedo shit coming out

I thought he did though. Anti-illegal immigration was pretty much the left's issue with the right championing the pro-illegal position because 'muh jobs that no one else would do' corporatism. Just look at Slick Willy's position on illegals.

Politicians are always neurotically obsessing over their political future whether or not they actually have one.

He was unemployed 99% of the time until his late 30s where he proceeded straight into a job in politics. It's definitely weird how people seem to think he's a people's champion. Trump may be rich, but at least he's had some experience working with the working class

Correct, which is why niggers are not part of the working class. They are lumpenproles in classical marxist terminology: Just parasites basically.

All of the useful working class jobs (miners, craftsmen, machinists, etc) are performed overwhelmingly by whites.

White men built this country, white men ARE this country.

Blacks are already triggered.

The left also used to be opposed to globalism. Back in the 80s and 90s they argued against the WTO and similar globalist institutions all the time. Now they cuck for it because if they don't it means they are racist or something.

Who would have guessed.

Comrade Sanders was never even part of the working class though.


He will be 80 years old by then. I guess it's possible. Some of these kikes are unusually long lived.

All the more reason why Trump should come down hard on Hillary. If she is found guilty, all the people who endorsed her and made deals with her will look like dirty by association like Bernie. That said, we should start early and start tearing down bernie for the hell of it.

He's jewish and never fucking worked like the working class does. What a lying shit

Actually they still protest the WTO and WTO summits and all that jazz, but it's just pantomime. It is a giant, pantomime affectation of being opposed to globalism, when in reality shitlibs are one hundred percent behind it.

Look at Trudeau, elected on a tidal wave of leftard support and is even more neo-liberal economically than Harper was.

Look at Trump. Virtually the only candidate in the past 40-50 years who has pledged to fundamentally change US foreign policy doctrine and they opposed him in favor of a woman who made creating chaos in Libya and the Near East her pet project, all because she didn't say off color things about victim groups.

Shitlibs are not motivated by any wider concern for principles and never were.

Since the coast looks almost clear now, this nutless cuckold starts out safe talking shit to the big, bad, whiteman in power. Just like his Japanese animes.
Instead of naming names and admitting he was coerced or bullied into submission. He just picks up with the empty platitudes again and his idiotic hordes will rush back having learned nothing.
I think this is the feeling most commonly explained as "I can't even"
He had the backing to contest Hillary's fraudulent nomination and didn't. He doesn't have the spine to be a leader. His glassy eyed adorers don't have the cognitive capacity to see him for what he is.

On the "ghetto" argument, if you lived in a shitty house or apartment with a single parent, and got fuck all outside of basic needs, you lived the ghetto life, sans Rick James's romanticization of it.

it's no one but his own fault for caving like a faggot. he never actually would follow through with it anyway.

Signing people up for foodstamps doesn't count as work. He's never worked.

Guys, Bernie can still win this.

burn in hell, kike

Kek, funny thing is that libshits still believe this. Even when he fucked them in the ass. Yuri was so right about fuckers like him.

I don't know how to read posts everyone look at me I'm being a retard
.02 shekels have been deducted from your account for that shameful display.

>be the only brown in a group of white "poor" friends

Sadly, those are some of the happiest years of my life.

Yep. The liberals are 100% virtue signalling and partisan politics. Basically cheering on their football team, that's the depth of their political understanding. Bill Clinton signed off on removing Glass-Steagall, which was the biggest gift to the ultra-rich and helped lead directly to the 2008 recession. Libs don't care.


I meant the sanders quote not you, retard

Dems are just trying to split whites again. Trump winning the white vote for men, women, and every socioeconomic level scared the shit out of them

Holla Forums on suicide watch.

It's so Rewardibg seeing them ditch all of the propaganda and morals they've been pedalling the last 70 years to desperately try and survive by latching on to the New World Order, even though it's completely against everything they are.
Gonna be even Better seeing them realise that they aren't Welcome and are completely fucked.
What A Time to Be Alive.

by poorly pandering to the % of the white working class that DIDN'T vote for Trump?

That's not how it went down. He just happened to tweet about the white working class.

Oy! He's a jew though? First Jewish President remember? Whites don't understand poverty.

Wow, hadn't seen this. I had been saying this since his first debate with Clinton, but there was no real evidence.

when do we get to oven these fuckers already


I don't even think that the majority of the Berners are that stupid to fall for this traitor again.

He deserves this. Yeah it was Hilary's cheating that ultimately fucked him over, but he still endorsed her, the embodiment of all the corruption he preached about fighting.

I'm sure if I didn't smugly tell him over a year ago about this he would have either voted for shillary or that retarded write in that twatter tried to push.

considering a lot of them probably already forgot who he is, yeah. but I wouldn't chalk that up to basic pattern recognition.

Sanders is from that class of old leftists who actually were concerned over unions and the working class of America, which is mostly white.

It's good he's throwing his supporters (which are SJW's) off track with his NOT anti-white statements. He's however, fighting a losing battle.

O I am laffin', Chaim


should've used pic related for hillary

The meme about the left having betrayed the White working class is very painful for the real leftists, since they know that it's true.

This line passes way over /leftycuck/ heads more times than you believe.

"When you're white you don't know what its like to be poor" - Bernie Sanders

Fuck off kike


It's funny watching the left try to reign in years of anti white rhetoric. That genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back in because it's something the Democrats need to happen strategically. You can't just undo decades of indoctrination. Even if they put up a candidate that's not going to shit on whites they can't control their base.

Satire is dead. Parody is reality. I would laugh but they have taken even that from me.

Trump may not have won poor whites but there was a massive shift his direction.

Wait I'm retarded, that's just poor in general.

They should have thought about that before attacking that plurality

'No war but class war.' triggers entirely too many people on the 'Left' in the US these days. Because they know those words lead to bankers swinging from lamp posts.

The only difference between a Neolib and a Neocon is the color of their power tie.

I knew all along that he was a good-for-nothing fraud. Don't trust anyone who promises you free anything but doesn't explain how to obtain it.of course it's economically impossible, but just hearing that he wanted to give away free things and bump the min. wage without giving concrete specifics made me suspicious when I first heard him speak. Then looking over his voting record, he actually voted to go to war in Iraq and he voted in 2000, in favor of the globalist bullshit that we're in now

Those numbers include minorities.

honestly just one second of his kermit the frog sounding voice is enough to tell me he's a weaselly yid.

people will never forget

Anyone who claims they can fix things by raising the min wage is a scam artist. The very fact that people are trying to live off of wages that can't support them is indicative of a much greater problem with the economy. Simply raising the min wage is nothing more then a band-aid on a festering wound. Anyone interested in doing so is an idiot or knows that to actually fix the problem would reveal all their corruption.


I was gonna say a majority of Trumps white voters were poor and middle class. Funny enough Hillary had more votes from whites who made over 100k a year.

Didn't this cuck say something to the tune that if you're white you can't live in poverty? Fuck him

user says, as if we don't all know why that is.



Eh, my great grandpa is still going at 103.

No, I mean the TINY fraction of working class whites who didnt vote for Trump.
IF any.

i've had relatives live into the 100s too
i was halfway joking


I'm not sure about that. The Trump supporters are smart, they know he needed to hit her hard to get to the presidency. But Hillary is known to serve her president with loyalty, once she becomes the secretary. If he does this, he will do something his opponents didn't expect, and he will also get alot of the Hillary supporters on his side. It's not like he is giving her control, he is still the one with the last word. Trump still controls Hillary. But cutting her off completely is a mistake with nothing to be gained.

His support know that keeping her is good for administration efficiency. As a matter of fact, if he is really smart, he will put Obama in his administration as well, and Ted Cruz. The more heavy hitters he has on his side, the stronger his organization will be.

But of course, this strategy is 2deep4 Holla Forums.

or other inane accusations. I'm a fascist, but I know superior strategies. His superior strategy is to put all the strongest people on board, and there's nobody like Hillary or Obama out there. He should make them bend the knee, and get a role.

the only reason ANYBODY votes dem is for gibs and SJW bullshit

What a historic day this is.

wow the meme about when you pretend to be retarded you get actual retards to feel okay posting is true. the only thing Trump should do with hillary is put her in prison.

x1000 THIS! So let's stop with defeatist attitude.

Bernie is admitting he needs our help and the least we can do is answer the call!

Fire up those phonebanks and donate whatever you can. I know times are tough for some of you, myself included but you can make an omelet without breaking some eggs!

*Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Very Shiny, Much Appreciate! However you should focus that generosity toward Bernie's campaign, he's a got world to save lol!

Do I need to be brown to qualify? Because my life is exactly like that except for a second-hand $250 laptop that I use for school work.

Sanders is the among the most disgusting pieces of shit I have ever seen in the political arena. Fucking jew.

fuck off
we need to purge all kikes and kike supporters
you don't work together with your enemies
trump isn't a politician playing the political game, trying to win in the (((polls)))
he's trying to MAGA


This fucking piece of shit holy fuck.

I'll lampshade this old motherfucker with my bare hands.

You can't pin anything on that sneaky jew can you… no sense of responsibility


Fuck off kike. Were not playing the dumb political games of you hooknosed devils.

Remember what Hitler said.

You are the only kike in here. Kill yourself you subhuman intellectual inferior.

Politics is all about strategy and position. But you are too mentally retarded to be reasoned with, so enjoy getting filtered.

The holocaust will happen

Nigga said WHAT?


Holy fuck, jews really can't help themselves with inflating numbers can they?

The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement.

What's new? Jew senses danger so he puts on whiteface and blends into the crowd.

You almost convinced me, however, you failed to address one big issue:
'''She carelessly transmitted classified information with multiple people, including but not limited to a saudi agent, daughter of an insane islamist.

god damn literally sentences apart
he didn't flip-flop months or weeks down the line and try to be a sneaky subtle jew
he literally says one thing one second and another the next
what a giga-kike

How does a person even do that? That's insane to see it so bluntly.

It's always "tapped into the anger".
It's never "Trump's policies are what is best for the rust belt whites"

You'll notice that they NEVER admit Trump's economic policies are good, even Sanders who agrees with him wont admit it.

I've seen this video countless times already, but ever time I watch it I am amazed at the audacity of that kike.

it's like he wants people to gas him

Killing off whites and minority grievances are their #1 priority now. Nothing else matters.

Again with the experience bullshit.
Experience doesn't mean shit if you are incompetent, or even worse a criminal in Clinton's case.

These idiots believe they can take the model of a high trust Scandinavian nation, which only worked because they were homogenous, and transplant it into America. It could not work. It is even beginning to fail in Scandinavia because of mudslimes. Sweden's quality of life is projected to be third world tier in two decades if current trends continue.

You're a fucking retard.

And of course the "solution" to America being a "racist" country is to emulate countries which are almost exclusively white and Christian. Brought to you by the guy who "doesn't give a damn" that his opponent is a treasonous criminal funded by the very institutions he decries. Anyone who thought he was even remotely serious about winning the Presidency needs to skip the next election cycle at the very least.

This is the new party line for the democrats. They are already positioning really hard for 2020. The media will hit Trump viciously, the kikes and cucks in government will block him at every point, and celebrities are memeing for unity and understanding of the plight of whitey. It's so obviously coordinated, it's laughable.

You're too obvious moshe. Go back to organizing protests so rumors of an armed mob can run you off again.

Race is only a social construct, goy :^)

Bernie White People “Don’t Know What It’s Like To Be Poor” Sanders

The audacity of this kike.

Yeah and when you're a Jew, you don't know it's like to work. You don't know what it's like to get a paycheck then be ripped off by the federal reserve.

But Bernard, i thought white people couldn't be poor !

Nice joke Bern !

They won't be able to get it together though. It's not going to be "I'm sorry for trying to demographically annihilate you, for supporting an economic model that only enriches major cities at the expense of everything else, for putting boots on the ground in defense of Israel to no possible benefit for you, for fucking BEGGING to import terrorism and for calling you a racist if you disagreed with any of the above."
It will be "I'm sorry you're so stupid."

This is why they'll try many kike tricks along the way, such as rebranding and renaming the party, adding new political faces into the mix, and pushing a narrative with complete disregard for truth. I think it'll be wise to apply some of their own medicine to the problem, and go full Alinsky on prominent democrat celebrities, besides doing what worked so far (exposing their lies through the online medium).

Easy to share as a compiled image.

Should have compressed it though. Here it is.



Get this on the front page of reddit. Also since when are jewish me NOT white males??

Low quality bait.jpg

The kike working class more like, amirite?

oy vey goy counting shekels is hard work

The gall of these kikes never ceases to amaze me




Is that Nate Silver's second form?

Typical kike playing both sides. Literal parasite. Previous host is dead, drained etcetera. Now, they move to feed off a new one.

fuck off lame-o


So like all jews, hes a spineless coward with no actual moral ethical or ideological beliefs other than what benefits him the most at any given moment in time, and all for the attempt to gain more power fame and wealth for himself and his ilk (but mostly himself)

Sounds about right. Sanders proved during the primaries that he will say whatever he thinks will get him support. He peddled his $15/hr crap, his free college, free medical care, "attack the rich/successful," stop damaging trade agreements, etc lines and even went so far as to try to attack/demean whites because he thought he needed more of the "minority" voting base to be relevant in the democrat party

If he had ANY convictions other than "whats benefits ME," he wouldn't have attacked whites, he wouldnt have backed shillary, he wouldnt have tried to get the black vote by pandering to them and meeting with the likes of sharpton… if anything, he would have backed TRUMP, because he was always anti-establishment, wanted to reform washington, was anti damaging trade, and wanting to do what Sanders claimed, which was improve the quality of life for Americans.. sure he blunders and is a bit dumb in the things he says at times, but he means well and wants to improve the lives of US citizens across the board and stop the things that are driving us into poverty. He would have worked with Trump if at all possible, as an independent, and rallied what he could of his base to back trump over the incredibly corrupt Shillary

But naturally, he didnt, and his supporters (some of them) know it to, which is why he is now irrelevant and will never be relevant again. He backed the embodiment of everything they were fighting against in the end, and he could not reach them nor could hillary, because they know she would make their lives worse for HER own gain as well

Sanders, by his own jew nature, did a lot to wake up a large segment of the democrat base. In time, they'll see reason and bail on the democrat party entirely - specifically if Trump can improve the USA rapidly over the first two years with a full republican congress. If he can do that, and keep them off the social issues liberals freak out about like muh gay marriage and such? Then whoever he faces in 2020 will have zero chance.


On the bright side, the smarter ones will realize in time how hard Boinie jewed them on top of the biblical heebing they got from Shillary and the DNC once Trump does the good Glasberg promised them.


keyword is smarter, and even then i'm not holding my breath
anyone who is STILL a bernout is either seriously retarded or they've been in a fucking coma and missed all the shit that's come out on him

no one will remember this cuck by 2020


Obama shuts down completely whenever his teleprompter breaks, Chaim

How does a kike switch sides? They're always a kike.

Holy Shit! He just fucking goes for it, doesn't even blink…

This kike really thinks that everyone's forgotten what he said about whites. Why do jews act like people won't remember their lies?

Can you guys not see that he's trolling?

Only for economic reasons, many of which demonstrate a poor understanding of immigration economics.

Culture >>> Muh shekels.

Does anyone have a link to the full interview? Can't seem to find it.

Anyone have the image showing that Bernie was controlled opposition for Shillary? It has screencaps of WikiLeaks e-mails and a few other things, l think.

Bolshevik Boynie Sandahs strikes again.

The GOP establishment is a retarded dinosaur.

of course he has never worked he is a jew, work is only for the "goyim". It is funny as shit he stole all the money from his supporters and campaign, got rich, then betrayed them all and now openly advocates his (((elite)))kike brethrens wishes. Any berniebois on here take note, this is the way of the marxist jew.


Bernie just told CNN "I-if Mr. Trump i-is serious about going after the elites I-I'll be his ally."

I never liked Sanders' politics, but at this point he's becoming legitimately annoying as a person. He didn't even win the Democratic nomination (even if he should have). His time in the spotlight is over and I want him to leave.

I can confirm this. He did bring it up a few times. Never really had much conviction though and we all know he is a spineless kike.

Gas yourself faggot. Nobody here is going to become a #BernOutMissile just because Bernie spoke out against Immigration before he fell over like a wet noodle.

Not discussing facts and ignoring truth is cancer. Anons doing this need to cut the shit.

How can fucking faggot berniggers be all pro-Sanders NOW when he blatantly took their money, sold them out and fucked off leaving them to Clinton's people who told them to grow up and stop being ridiculous?
Case in point the emails which he told everyone to ignore, clearly he was controlled opposition or he would've used them to attack Hillary.
Even Jill Stein who was opposed to a lot of Trump things took the stance that wikileaks showed Clinton was involved in criminal activity.

Fucker already got his thirty pieces of silver.

Oh boy this is rich coming from that cuck.

No reason to stop at mere 30