You know it was funny to me at first, too.
Tfw I'm starting to get agitated by the left's kicking and screaming over Trump
Neat board there, too bad it's dead.
I know other people here wanna vent about this horseshit, though.
No shit, faggot, nobody cares about blogposting.
It's brand new.
Post your thread there instead of complaining about it being dead.
Alright, I'll do that.
It's just going to keep on until January 20th when Trump can order a nationwide crackdown, by then everyone in the country who isn't a fucking Marxist piece of shit will cheer the pepper spraying and head cracking the rioters will get.
In U.S., 84% Accept Trump as Legitimate President
http: // com/poll/197441/accept-trump-legitimate-president.aspx?g_source=Election%202016&g_medium=lead&g_campaign=tiles
People already don't side with these rioters, as they continue with their violence and disruptions, the number of people against them and standing with Trump will only increase.
if you are annoyed think of how many normies are being pushed right. And you know what we have seen this before. They can not stand losing at all in any capacity and when they do they double down to the point of no return.
Now I have been saying we should be pressing the advantage and kick them while they're down. Are you all ready for the 2nd Media War?
This. That said, it would be a good idea to push any videos or anything that shows how violent these protestors are and how full of shit their arguments are.
They're trying to scare the populations of other countries that haven't yet gotten a sizable amount of nationalists to not embrace nationalism.
Trump can't order a crackdown on people saying mean things about him. I know he has a very thin skin and can't handle the bantz, but the First Amendment guarantees us the right to speak out against the government.
Trump is now the government. Deal with it.
These next two months is basically last call at a bar.
You don't need to shut someones mouth to silence them you stupid kike. Also nice Holla Forums argument it really bring me back to simpler times with brown and heh pills.
This, we can just kill them all.
Wew. That said, the "protesters" set shit on fire and outright rioted so he could come down hard on many of them. If they protested peacefully as they should, then no one would care save for the lugenpresse and idiots like Holla Forums.
You didn't realize this back in 2015?
There is a reason we've said that November 8th wasn't the end but the beginning. We won the battle, now we have to win the war and wipe them from our lands.
He can order crackdowns on rioters, tell police departments the DoJ won't fuck with them for doing their jobs like Obama's did, get Democrat mayors and governors in line to shut these things down before they start by threatening federal funding. There is no right to riot.
The protestors are like trolls: they feed on combative energy. The protestors are like trolls: don't feed them. Let Soros drain his coffers busing these people around from protest to protest.
The only people deserving of our attention is the (((media))) who otherwise wouldn't acknowledge that we exist. When you get upset at the protestors making asses of themselves, getting paid by the likes of Soros break things and piss people off, when it gets to be too much, don't go after the protestors - that only makes them stronger. Instead, go after the source of their strength, through the (((media))).
The newest thing I've been seeing is libshits bitching "omg he's flip flopping already he's said he has no problem with gay marriage"
They are actually complaining that he isn't the monster they stupidly believed he was.
It's hard to believe soros pays for that shit, all of these protests have been lower energy than Jeb!
Except we were kicking and screaming because everything he did was worse than what ever was before it. Trump is proving that he doesn't exactly want to round up fags and niggers and have them shot and they are actually complaining about that.
Still is to me
He's not paying them very much. It proves the axiom: you get what you pay for.
Don't let it bother you. There's not a damn thing they can do. Remember, if they're annoying you, they're annoying normies too. They're just turning more people against them. Let them cry.
Did you watch the RNC? Of course he doesn't. But he will make them respect the country and its laws.
Nice blog post faggot.
Holla Forums needs to get to work on memes to get these crazies put under Normie's fire. Why it hasn't happened yet is beyond me.
You lazy fuckers think that just electing Trump was a victory? This was merely the declaration of war. If you aren't ready for the long fight stop whining and get to the back of the line.
fuck off pinko we have hate enough for you and your masters