Can you imagine it? In their minds, Gamergate went from a few virgin losers to running the entire world in just 2 years. Imagine the demoralization. Imagine the despair.
Can you imagine it? In their minds, Gamergate went from a few virgin losers to running the entire world in just 2 years. Imagine the demoralization. Imagine the despair.
Other urls found in this thread:
These are the same mental gymnastics that got Pepe labeled as a hate symbol.
GG the gift that keeps on giving. Fucking glorious.
can this wimmin gamer fad end,getting pretty tired of these /agdg/ indie game shits.
I think I speak for most of Holla Forums when I say:
Fuck Asian "Americans" and the people who pander to them. You know the kind. The "Asians are allies" crowd.
People like Japanese, this is a Korean gook. No surprise that Koreans are shit when they indoctrinate their children with the fucking talmud.
Trips confirm women who flaunt being "gamers" are fucking attention whore retards..
No wonder they are triggered, with the KKK in the White House.
Gets me every time still.
We're not talking about East Aryans in this context.
When we say that we're referring to Asians in Asia who are nationalists and are sympathetic to our views.
How much you wanna bet GG is taking credit for Trump winning the election like they took credit for taking down Gawker when it was the Hulkster that did it?
They are, just look at the cringey goymergate threads on Holla Forumseddit, they are making it about Trump now like gg had anything to do with it.
This shit pisses me off to no end, literally no reporter did any fact checking, no (((games journalist))) knows shit about the steam api and did any searches to see if BigBro442 even exists. A fucking google search gave one result (it wasn't a steam profile) for that exact phrase before the jew media got a hold of the story. "BigBro442" never fucking existed outside having a gmail registered to spambots before this liar wanted attention.
It's so blatantly engineered so numale cucks and brain damaged feminists would believe it by just looking at the name.
If only they knew how right they really were
Where's the webm of Sarkeesh talking about the continued threat of the patriarchy in America
I don't doubt it, but to be fair it could have been someone's name which they changed after this shit happened.
I was waiting for someone to say this
I don't recall anyone saying anyone other than Japs of the Asians are our allies. The Japs are. That woman is obviously a Korean, who have always been retarded savages. Japs are the masterrace of Asians, the rest of them are a bunch of primitives.
I just have to think back when there was this article about how gamergate would colonize mars, and with how Trump refunds NASA and seeing motherboard putting all together, from their point of view, I think from their point of view, they really will get to see 'gamergate' colonizing Mars.
Fucking hell they are desperate as all hell to keep their gay little 'movement', 'consumer revolt' or whatever the fuck they're calling it this week alive.
I still consider suicide whenever I'm reminded I was part of it.
I left around the time Jim did, so hopefully I didn't absorb too much faggotry from it.
how new are you? Those threads were always full of pro-Trump sentiment, most of them obviously browse Holla Forums. Also, gamergate became pretty much a network of minds alike for months now, they just share memes and talk about current events and there`s nothing inherent wrong with that
It's what they do. The minute something is bad PR though, watch how soon they refuse to take credit. It saddens me these terrorists don't run around in GG t-shirts or whatever shit they are selling. Many laughs would be had.
Jesus, even beyond death Gamergate still haunts and torments its enemies. Gamer rage against SJWs has been successfully turned into an autonomous undying lich.
This wouldn't have happened if only you gave us ethics in gaming journalism. Now it's too late.
goymergate became a leftist co-opt movement only a few months after it came to 8ch
I'd love to see their faces when the rank and file realize GG evolved into the fight against globalism once it became apparent that's what was fighting us and a huge number of the same people involved went on to make brexit and Trump happen via memetic warfare.
And that we keep getting stronger.
They likely started a timeline where they will wind up gassed and dumped in mass graves all because they bullied some nerds over video games.
How new are you? They used to post political surveys and brag about how "left-liberal" they were.
There's people still talking about "gamergate" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Well I'm sure they shitposted and memed like everyone else. If they actually think GG is solely responsible for Trump winning though, then fuck them.
What a bizarre world they live in. It's practically schizophrenic. Imagine the basic premises that you base your life on being so dead wrong, to the point where everything you do in life fails miserably as a result, and everything that happens in the world is completely baffling to you, but you're too deep in the fantasy world to ever see things clearly. What a nightmare.
GG is like the holocaust. Nothing of value actually happened but it's a rallying cry for self victimizers everywhere.
After Mahathir Mohamad, I'm partial to Malaysia.
Hey I was lefty liberal when GG started and by the time it was winding down I had moved to centrist. As of now I'd probably be somewhere in the right.
I'm rather surprised I never came to this conclusion myself. How very true.
I think it's telling that the vast majority of people who were taking part in "GG" have gone or moved on, but we live in these people's heads until they're on their dying bed.
Having slept on it for nearly a week I'm starting to think that gaymergay may well have been a deliberate beta test for Trump's run.
That "right-wing" faggot from kikebart, Thiel versus Gawker, the defeat of Alinsky's "call everyone an asshole" doctrine - it's pretty uncanny verging on undeniable.
Prove me wrong.
PROTIP: You can't.
Haunting their minds, rent free and on auto pilot.
Well I think you two are the newfags, we did political survey at around the second month, way before gamergate reached it`s peek, it was always composed of disenfranchised lefties, we even used as an argument for "literally nazi" arguments coming from antiGG at the time.
Holla Forums insisting on this subversion bullshit is clearly d&c made by shills, sad you guys took the bait, it makes the most important aspect of gamergate unknown to you: Turned people to the idea of making republican voting a valid choice again.
If it was co-opted, then it was too little too late. Gamergate had already long served its purpose at that point. All the leftists got was a spent stage 1 booster rocket, while the main space launch continued uninterrupted.
It could be compared to our Lexington and Concord however. A meaningless battle with major implications.
It's great isn't it we either moved on to bigger more important things or went back to playing video games which ever you picked is fine. Meanwhile these faggots can't get past Misgynistic Games Keeping woman out of video games.
Go back to Holla Forums, kike.
Well, this explains the sudden onslaught of Holla Forumsaggots flooding Holla Forums.
Oh God, I remember that shit. Basically thinly veiled virtue signaling.
Barron: Dad! These faggot SJWs are shitting up muh vidya.
Trump: I'll look into it.
Shut up
Gamergate was kind of like the first time the Mongols emerged from the mists of the east and absolutely slaughtered european armies. Imagine the tales that would linger after that. A completely unknown and unforeseen force came out of nowhere and fucking crushed them. It's no wonder they're still having nightmares about gamergate.
That also makes makes sense.
Trump would never let degeneracy like video games into Barron's life.
Shh, he'll hear you.
Gamergate landed the first real blow against SJWs. Without GG people wouldn't know what "sjw" even means. They were the first push that started shifting the overton window away from the (((left))), so they aren't totally off base acting like they got Trump elected.
They fucked Gawker hard. Source: Gawker
When this shit was first gobbled up I searched steam and jewgle and there was just that one gmail reference. The original medium blog post was made like 10 days after """(((it happened)))""" so BigBro442 would have needed to change their name 10+ times so it doesn't appear on their profile. Add in there is no cached steam profile of BigBro442 nor anything on any steam datamining site. Checking the population of QuiVR there were around 20 or less players at the time """(((it happened)))""". This is dead game figures and you'd be lucky to find another person, add in that same person would need to change their name 10+ times (steam locks you out of name changing for awhile after 5) and be a fucking ghost online. It's obvious she wanted attention yet knew nothing about steam nor gaming so she made shit up, but she made up a unique phrase that could be tracked. If she called her """(((VR rapist)))""" something common it I wouldn't have been able to track this shit.
She could have asked her brother in law for the profile of the """(((VR rapist)))""" since it would have been stored in recently played but of course none of that happened because she lied about everything.
i've been found out!
I can't handle this much winning
This. Trump would be nowhere without the catalyst of GamerGate, which I take to include this place being populated.
No fuckers, you did. Thanks for that though. Kek
Good goy, play the electric jew and be unproductive!
GG converted a ton of lefties. I'm one of them. Once it became apparent we were punching at the fist and not the face, and that the left was cheering on a white genocide, we realized we'd been on the wrong side all along and went nationalist. That's what caused GG's "death" - everyone of value went to Holla Forums and got the poison out of their heads while the faggots and Jews were left behind to shit everything up.
Someone with an undercover SJW twitter account PUHLEEZE meme this.
"gamergate is our generation's holocaust"
Very true revisionist like to forget how badly the right was getting their asses kicked before Gamergate. Gamergate as whole didn't really accomplish their stated objective but the redpills and damage done to the left made it a win.
I share that conclusion actually.
Look to see if Trump made a bid for Nintendo.
Reddit pushed that way more than Holla Forums gamergate ever did. Its a fact that that thread was overwhelmingly pro-Trump prior to the election and easy enough to see for yourself if you go through archives.
Tell the cunt to die of fucking AIDS. Vice needs to go.
agreed, I just wanted to play video games for fucks sake.
Yup. Same here. I was laughing at SJWs on TumblrInAction before GG, but GG was when they were truly exposed as a threat. Seeing the absurdity of the left taken to its logical extremes allowed me to give the right a chance, and it led to me seeing that it really was the more logical path.
Aristotle is rolling in his grave
You are no better than a kike at this point. Take the good AND the bad so you won't repeat past mistake.
Remember goy, it's about ethics. :^)
It only took them a week to mention #GG after trunp was elected, I expected them to be crying about it much earlier.
Muh 6 billion women were raped in VR by Donald Trump. Also they were all jewish women, stop this madman goyim!!
Gawker admitted (with salty salty tears) that we took them down. They could have survived (as a company) the hulgan lawsuit if they had been able to find investors to buy up the company leaving management intact. They could not do that because we made there name toxic. No we could not have done it with out the Hulk but his efforts would not have brought that website down on its own.
That's exactly how it was for me.
As corruption became apparent at every level, and everyone was spewing the same lies ("it's an attack on women! The ethics thing is just a front!") - for awhile I just hoped that eventually the "real" media would hear about it and get the truth out.
Instead, the "real" media started parroting the same inane lies as the gaming media had. At this point, it became obvious that the problem with society went far beyond video games. I think most of us moved on at that point. At least we got lots of fun OC out of it.
I still want to uncuck video games, but clearly we have to uncuck all of Western civilization first.
Between Brexit and Trump, we're off to a good start. Looking forward to what Fire Cock will bring us!
That website is fucking retarded in the way it ranks you. I am full on natsoc gas the kikes race war now and it ranks me left liberal.
Can we dump Vivian?
Gamergate was actually very good for us. That's why tptb worked so hard to subvert it. It caused skepticism of journalism, which led a lot of people to discover that the press is actually the lugenpresse.
That's where it became real for me. There's still GG people out there obsessing over some publisher taking an ass shot out of a game, but the people who could see the forest for the trees moved on to bigger things. GG exposed a much bigger problem.
Both Trump and GG had Homer (the left) vs. us (the colonel demanding satisfaction) and after they came back from their safe space (the tobacco farm) we were still here.
Memes my friend.
Huh, it's strange that didn't occur to me as the reason before.
Gamergate is a pointless circlejerk now because all that's left are the casuals who couldn't level up.
The only Asians worth a shit are Fingolians. Prove me wrong.
GG was a useful tool to wake the average Holla Forums user up but don't kid yourself assuming GG was some force. If it was then kikes would not be able to subvert a huge movement ala OWS. You can be for or against it all you want but the fact of the matter is that the kikes already planned that GG was going to be the strawman that the leftist cucks attack and the shell that still remains is ineffective as fuck. Fuck you for making me spell it out for your retarded ass.
Fucking hilarious. GG got me involved with politics and eventually lead me to fulltime Holla Forums. I went to r/Kotakuinaction just to see what some of the people still in GG were saying. That was a mistake. These fucking cucks have devolved so far. Guess TB wasn't a one off. I would've sworn I was in SRS sub the salt was flowing so badly. Jesus Christ, you would have thought what happened in GG would have woke these morons up but no. It's like that old parable about leading a horse to water.
I also want to point out the reason they started D&C shilling so hard was because GG went after advertisers. The SJWs are largely employed / in control of tech companies that run ad networks or sell info to advertisers. This TERRIFIED them as any belt-tightening due to lost revenue will eject the pink haired 'tech evanvelist' types first. GG was going for their jugular.
Bullying advertisers is a very strong tactic and I hope we start doing it again as part of a multi-pronged effort to push kike propaganda out of the public space.
This has nothing to do with gamergate. What the hell is wrong with these people?
What "right"? The Breitbart right? Holla Forums was targeted by the SJWs for years before gamergate came into being, and the gamergate-lead exodus only occured because the left subverted 4cucks mods.
Reddit was gamergate. r/KiA migrated to GG boards when cultural marxism became a conspiracy theory over there and that's when everything started going downhill here.
Gotta prop whatever strawman they have left. What, did you expect rational arguments and evidence supporting their case? Fuck you, have some virtual signaling and a punching bag!
KiA is fucking cancer. Even the gamergate types on twitter are either celebrating that the person they wanted won or laughing at how Hillary lost and people are still doing the same stupid shit.
Well they memed GG on mars in 50 years. How are shitlords supposed to colonize the solar system without executive power?
Anyone of value went to Holla Forums, or the voat GG pages, which are Holla Forums lite and rarely even mention vidya anymore. Reddit's KiA is all the cucks who never got past the "SJWs are the REAL sexists" stage. I find it funny that these are the people that SJWs continue to cower in fear from.
Gamergate is like the SJW equivalent of MUH SIX MILLION
That was actually an important lesson from GG, too, though. Aside from being an intro-level course in media corruption for everyone, it was an abject lesson in how (((they))) label, co-opt, and destroy such movements from the inside.
I've never ended up on the left side of that thing.
These people are so brain washed into automatically believing what theyre told that they honestly see life as a flat 2d picture. Everyone literally is Hitler to them and there could never be any motivations to do what we do other than muh racism.
No they arent. They need to go back too and stick to making cartoons and fucking their plastic sex toys.
It sure wasn`t this almighty force that paved the way for Trump, but it also wasn`t this contained imageboard thing either. Saying it was designed to failed is bullshit either, considering it changed the status quo, established twitter as shitpost country and made some SJW arguments being identified as what they were. Nigger the term Regressive Left started to be used a lot at the time, when criticizing the left would give you a big fat racist label.
Makes Putin's Gang of Biker/Bear enforcers look like pretty weak.
So you criticise the Left from the left and call that a victory? Liberalism is Leftism.
The salt that comes from fags whenever GG is mentioned is glorious
that includes you, revoltcucks. Just because you failed in that thread, it shows you all the more pathetic when you tried to say that GG did anything. Look at all those greentexts, then look at yourself, blatantly trying to lie in the face of it, you sad bunch of faggots.
>>>Holla Forums11230841
what? you want people to go for immigrant loving to full 1488? What`s your fucking problem?
Elaborate user, I don`t get it
*try to say that GG never did anything*
You are a living example of a faggot who can't see the forest from the trees. Any more than that would be spoonfeeding. Fuck off retard.
The entire right from centrist to far right.
And what did Holla Forums have to show for it other then doom paul images talking about how fucked up everything is.
God it feels like I am arguing with a Jew. Don't read a damn thing I said and then misinterpret it.
what a sperg
you seem jealous of GG. Isn't that the whole reason we all came here?
Not an argument. :^)
Yknow, maybe they weren't exaggerating when they said they had PTSD.
The people know, you fucked up.
Too much dipshittery in here. Gamegate (as a group?) is a loosely-fitting label attached to anybody who wanted LEGITIMATE JOURNALISM AND TRANSPARENCY in pretty much anything having to do with video games and technology in general. The constant digging and reporting on the COMPLETE WHORE SHIT that was being presented to the public opened a lot of people's eyes, and this resulted in people asking what ELSE the press was hiding or spinning, or even outright complicit in.
I did the same as you
You are like Goebels you set the narrative to false. I knew your plan, stop it or you're going to make things really fucking bad.
I haven't heard a single argument from your side. I guess it's not a huge shock that someone who still considers GG relevant would also use circular logic in their non argument.
Don't forget, it's about ethics in video games. :^)
Nobody outside of the radical left is an immigrant lover to begin with, that's the one thing that the election should have taught you.
So the Breitbart right. Gamergate broke through to the net right, but it didn't touch the normalfag media. The decline of the media goes back years before Trump, GG, and Holla Forums.
That Holla Forums avoided deletion, was the only successful force to stand up to the SJWs tinpot empire, and remained an island of sanity on 4chan, while literally every other board was subverted isn't enough?
1. We speak fluent English here.
2. We’re not marxists here.
3. We don’t use trips here.
That user doesn't even need an argument, he can just point at you, call you a cuck, and everyone with eyes can see that as the truth.
Now bend over
yeah It was an is a leaderless headless group that only forms into a solid when it thinks it needs to do something. but check v. fresh bread everyday. write some emails. Con leaks still could be spread a lot farther.
For me it showed me a pattern that I saw again clearly when the media pulled their Hillary rig. The emails leaks proved it.
It also made me ask some big question about how people get hired by media companies and what process did they go through to be able to be hirable?
I think GG was a bridge too far in consent manufacturing.
Some of us were smarter to NOT vote for Hillary, then your mommy and daddy sound-bite her, that Red-Head Fash cuck forever bullshitting his neo-fash bull-crap. Cuckgon of Akkad. You fucked up people are pissed. I hope you're happy, the libs are going to get stifled by evil. You won, now you're going to see shit going bad.
That's probably it. It's just because, up until GG, they had total control of all media and culture. Nobody had fought back. They were an unstoppable, invincible giant.
Then GG managed to inflict a tiny wound. It was miniscule, to be sure - like a finger prick - but it was the first time this goliath had ever experienced pain. It never forgot. The mental scars are everlasting.
So now that Holla Forums, Kek, and President Trump have sliced the giant in half, as it lies bleeding and gasping for breath, its last words are "DAMN YOU GAMERGATE!!!!"
Repeat after me:
Nothing is beyond our reach.
Trump's Inauguration: "I just wanted to play fucking videogames."
Can you give me a real quick rundown of what gamergate was please. I decided to not get into it when it was happening because it sounded like some toonage bullshit - but this fucking thing just won't die, and now I'm left not knowing about something that has had a massive impact.
who gives a shit what they think as long as it demoralizes them
stay delusional, we already won
4. We don't give a shit about e-celebs.
5. Bring it, disabled queer marxist POCs.
Right, too much overselling and underselling of GG going on, probably because SJWs continue to treat it like some enormous shadowy movement when it really was just unorganized hobbyists learning how to recognize bullshit and organize against it. Five Guys and its fallout provoked a torrent of bullshit that forced people to realize what was going on. GG succeeded in teaching people how to spread information about media bias online, which continues to be helpful today. It's basically dead now but there's no reason to shit on its contributions.
The war is coming, you really fucked up, and we're going to make you die hating what you did. You didn't for one second think other types of people still lived. I laugh at you because some people red-pilled and beat the weak little liberal. You're the prize.
r/KiA was co-opted by the trannies, shame, that.
It had FAR more bite to it back when it was under 35k subs, you shoulda seen 'em. They were like ferocious animals, tearing apart other redditor's on their home turf.
It was the first time I've ever seen ledditors calling these corrupt fucks "faggots" and the like and getting shittons of upboats, it was as if the SMT community decided to hang out on leddit for 8 months,
What the fuck is the tripfag even trying to say?
How the fuck did you get to cripplechan/pol/ if you don't know what gaymergate is?
Aug 28th the publication of a bunch of articles that declared gamer dead based on the idea that a recent report that showed a majority of people who played games were women. Games in this case meaning games like candy crush and other non hardcore titles. All the authors of these article were part of an email list called gamejournospro and the articles were coordinated.
Discussion of this was censored on half chan thus creating the exodus to our new home. I wish I had saved that awesome picture of Holla Forums and Holla Forums leading a huddled line of refugees to fullchan.
there is more to it before and after but that is the important part.
You forgot the most interesting part of the story.
The day they got cucked by kikes via DiGRA.
Twitter: @jasonlouv
Some haters out there actually have a grasp of the alt-right goals and methods. Beware.
I love fucking with you pissed me off to where I can shut you down online, and now I am going to give back what you did. It's only fair.
Minor question though
If we ever get games like the matrix (Entire brain wired to character) do you see this becoming an issue?
Would you do it?
they turned an army of gamers into political animals.
i still don't understand what has happened to my sides.
i don't know what would happen if this happened, but i know i would laugh forever.
making it known that he doesn't want to be president, but would it america really needed it is similar.
checking that smug oni
It was lefties the majority from the start and how that reflected the ongoing disenfranchising happening on the left side of the political spectrum and how GG helped to open to this people the idea of voting republican and informing themselves about it`s values, in the end helping the Holla Forums cause of exposing the masses to the truth.
There nigger, what I wrote 5 posts before, all my non-argument condensed, but fuck that that wasn`t or is relevant at fucking all. You even get a moe smug girl as a prize for reading it all.
There is a time and a place for everything, and your antagonism deserves you all the verbal cancer your balls can handle.
This is fucking weird, I had a very rudimentary and uninformed view of the world before GG. I was right-wing but I didn't really understand it for anything beyond religious and family reasons.
GG gave me a reason to care about all this shit,and now I can argue with any libshit easily. its kinda disturbing how much knowledge I've retained from everything that's happened. No normalfags know about Russia's Satan II, and their electronics superweapon, or about Project Veritas's videos, or planned parenthood's grisly affairs, or anything. Its… kinda crazy.
kys mate, you're worse than the filipinos.
checked, that was the only part of gamergate that wasn't dug into that well
there was a video series about this by that S4T guy, but since my gut tells me that he's a certified retard, it's most likely disinfo
Because I spend time reading into subjects - and gamergate just sounded like some pc sullshit that really I really didnt need details on (too many black protagonists in a game or whatever - who cares, I'm deeper than that). I know it effected younger people (because it was soemthing to do with gaming). It just felt like one of the less important things that had traction at the time. But honestly, it's been pissing me off that I realy don't know much about it for a few months, because it's providing context for conversations that I want to follow sometimes nowdays. So now I'm just trying to get a overview.
Also - I was at the chans way before gamer gate. It simply wasn't a entry point for me.
Goebells is not journalism faggot.
Wrong post, friend-o?
You read bullshit, when you could be doing something, come out of your ass.
S4T was out to poison the well of legitimate digs that were going on. There's some stuff on Microsoft connections and DiGRA connections pertaining to gamergate on >>>/thinkserious/ .
Don't reply to it
Everyone knows that already. You seem to have a wild hair up your ass because GG got compromised hardcore. Feel free to argue in circles but the fact remains that GG woke a lot of people up to the kike's scheme and that was the last successful time the lugenpresse and the kikes were able to subvert a movement.
By the way, you should save your smug corean girls for a time you actually are able to be smug. :^)
I am not your friend, eat shit.
Cucks need to burn in their graves now, gas the dead.
why I shouldn`t be smug if you agree with me faggot.
If you can't stand the rape, stay out of the matrix.
Because you have no argument.
and you are a disgusting foreigner. You should not be using contractions, it's a huge give away.
Fuck you user. I have never met a leftist filipino in my life, and I grew up and trained Escrima with them. Fuck, about all I remember the lil old guy saying was "this is how you kill a nigger"
there was a time, a time i believed in anons. i don't know, maybe there is still a little bit hope lurking in my dead soul, something something about hoping to see the fall of digra.
Good job the pain you will have will be legendary.
im seeing it more and more. truly, memes are reality now.
Basically, libshits and SJWs went on a coordinated strike against gamers through their journalistic medium, all at once (showing blatant collusion), all in defense of some whore who slept with a journalist for positive coverage without disclosure.
As you can imagine, this got people furious, as anything concerning their money will.
The libshits amped up their attacks to 11, calling the Gamergate phenomenon and everyone who aligned underneath it "worse than ISIS" and really the cause for everything bad in the world (no, seriously). Gamers wouldn't back down, and decided to fight against it, uncovering corruption at an absurd rate. Basically, it was a huge redpill that the left kept railing against, and the more the left railed against it, the more it opened people's eyes.
And so it goes, the movement gaining more and more traction as the left entrenched itself. Think of Trump's entire election cycle.
In a nutshell, Trump's entire election cycle was a macrocosm of gamergate
Are you an idiot? Pick a thread at random on the board and you'll see most people use contractions.
they called us racists, misogynists, antisemites and such so much that we just became ok with that.
when correctness of outside the scope of political correctness, then we know that we need to leave the matrix.
form public opinion.
the zeitgeist can be a comfy place.
You all have to die sometimes, and think how easy it would be to have a drone blast you from above. Or for that matter an EMP Drone.
They probably want to yell "The system is rigged!", but they can't because that would just justify Trump even more.
The direction of the apostrophe is in an odd direction. Look at it again and tell me that is not at least a tell tell sign that English isn't his first language.
The only classes that matter in the long run are those constituted by race.
And? There's plenty of people on Holla Forums whose first language isn't English.
Class is dead, irrelevant. You don't have any, they don't have any, Holla Forums has none, it's dead, the contract has run its course.
I should be sad or angry now that I know how fucked the world really is I suppose, but I can only find smug
so, you're saying a cock hungry journalist slut that fucked 5 guys for attention lead to god emperer Trump reigning supreme for all eternity?
Fucking this.
I used to be left wing and saw SJWs as a silly non-threat.
Then GG and Holla Forums exposed SJWs as:
I forgot that everyone can comment on US affairs but as soon as the US comments on foreign affairs then suddenly the US is full of retards as far as the thread goes.
Think about why the average US burger is laughed out of a foreign affairs thread and think about how that applies to this exact situation.
I'm going to play video games. It actually depresses me a bit having to spoonfeed this badly on Holla Forums of all places. I could understand having to do this on Holla Forums but this is just sad.
Good goy, watch the Japanese jew and be unproductive!
Shut the fuck up, over 50% didn't vote, you have an empty victory.
You're going to lose the fucking war.
I am going to make sure they rip you apart.
Have fun, maybe it'll lighten you up and get you over whatever bug crawled up your ass and died.
Suffer and die, slowly fash cuck
Oh boy here we go with 200+ more autistic replies
You can`t be serious, this has to be some kind of META shilling
Is it the return of the GNAA?
Come on now.
So when can I congratulate some American on putting this twat in the ground?
Son, your memes are shit, your board is worksafe, and we own all the guns.
Pray, for your sake above all others, that this doesn't turn into a war.
Because you'll end up a hood ornament for some White legion's war wagon.
That's not a threat, its a promise: We will destroy you, utterly, if you continue down this road. I hope you realize that.
What did Gaymergate accomplish or even do?
Last time I posted in the GamerGate thread on Holla Forums they called me a Ralph Shill and told me to fuck off.
I don't know if they got better but I gave up on them.
Yes, but if enough people believe it, it becomes an established belief, like the pay gap is for the left.
Do not underestimate it.
Gaymergate was shit that got subverted quickly and self-destructed.
That's why this twat is trying to create memetic association - she thinks somehow if the two can be compared, that Trump will be subverted into failure.
But that movement died because it was composed of weak-willed, limp-wristed manchildren.
Now they are fighting Nazis, who believe the conflict will determine the fate of their people and of the entire world.
Somehow, I don't think their PR-shilling and what not is going to be very effective.
It got me to call you a cuck.
Guys. Guys. I got this.
I can assure you that these people think GG is very much alive, they see it everywhere daily.
GG served it's porpouse, it threw the first anti SJW snowball that became an anti SJW avalanche on wich Trump surfed all the way to the white house
Remeber when the internet still thought it was nothing but "think of muh children" type soccer moms that bitched and moaned against Vydia?
The term SJW wasn't so popular backthen and it was not used as an insult as it is now
GG was merely the first battle of a much larger culture war, and the reason it went to shit is because any user worth his dubs evolved into a full Holla Forumsac while only plebbitors remained in GG
chiming in, same deal, was leftist-ish, never felt good in sync with the rest though, then gamergate happened, by constant exposure to "Holla Forums is our allies, anyone shitting on /pol is a shill" rule, I finally decided to check it out when the movement finally lost most of its steam.
Now I`m here forever
i have
he's a defeatist wish washy piece of shit who thinks hillary's corruption is ok, that the 1% should get their way and get to screw over everyone else
flips ARE the niggers of asia.
Damn right.
Heard you faggots were talking shit about my groping skills.
We should create some folklore about it.
I'm imagining libshis telling bedtime horror stories to their adopted manchildren about it, and the damage it wrought upon the world.
soumi :—DDD
Fucking #REKT.
Let's take a time off shtiposting and infighting to remember something very important
At least tell me you don't buy that shit anymore, do you goys?
Bah doooo ba boooop baaa do bah do bah do ba dooo
Gamergate was the ultimate rapescapades. It was so awesome.
I can't believe we're still literally raping today.
ever heard of U-torrent m80?
the Holla Forumsacks undercover who guided GG get a lot of credit. All the spergs on twitter and reddit lost the plot almost immediately, but Holla Forums mostly stayed on target.
since gg was a tiny little copy of the lugenpresse machine, run by idiot hipsters, it was a really easy initial redpill for a lot of anons.
Kinda hard to make kids with two-penis households.
Or if you're talking parents… they've probably disowned them already
Its some strong conditioning, user.
Gamergate shifted the Overton window though. I can talk to my jew-loving little brother about kikes, and he respects my opinions enough to not sperg out, and in fact showed he understood my point of view. He's just afraid to hate, which I can understand.
meant for
Also a friend of mine once was gonna kill some of the enemies of GoymerGate and you guys got all faggy with him. I think he was one of the reasons the "MUH PR" meme started. I mean shit, maybe he wasn't actually serious, but he was serious about doxxing, harassing, and sending weird shit to them.
asians are arguably the least threatening out of all invading groups though
this also makes it considerably more diffucult to convince normies that we need to remove them
i think that's why so many of us consider them a lower-priority
low-threat level and highly difficult to remove
japs really aren't all that bad tbh. they need to stay in japan obviously but our nations should have no problems staying allied
GameJournoPros; While being an amateur operation, it provided real insight into MSM collusion.
GG was anything but fruitless. Introductory Babbytier Corruption.
It woke soft-liberals up to just how insane their side is.
Hitler was a virgin loser before almost taking over the world.
Why would he have stopped? GG knew to disavow "trolls" like him, he could probably get away with it anyway.
Your friend is easily swayed.
I think they wanted to call the FEDS on him. One of them got all faggy and messaged the fag he was threatening and was like "pls be safe"
No, the lefties that failed to properly deprogram themselves would do that.
The rest, save a brave few, kept quiet about their politics because only lefties bang on about it. Kinda like vegans.
It's one thing to be so delusional and pre-menstrual that you think the cunts were on the right side of history with gamergate. It's another thing to be so uninformed that you'd rather put PING PONG PIZZA in the white house over some videogame journalism non-story bullshit. I wonder if she is a pedophile or just low-information
its mostly economic
Fuck the nips.
Race traitor.
gamergater here. It was truly an honor and a privilege
oh yeah, we've been leveling up all over the place.
Holla Forums discovered all sorts of collusion between the video game industry, video game journalism, and shady parts of the government.
eventually found that the government is taking over the video game industry and using it for propaganda
right about that time the whole thing was (((coincidentally))) flooded with shills and redditors, and anyone who wasn't a retard either came to Holla Forums or fucked off completely
oh yeah, and in the early stages (((moot))) and the (((hotpockets))) at cuckchan had a damn nervous breakdown over gamergate threads, and it was a major driving force behind the exodus to Holla Forums
The rest you probably know.
They are being good goys and focus on the controlled opposition.
I was always in the blue quadrant closer to the center. All the chart shows is how redpilled gamergate became as the truth set in. Stop being so pointlessly combative towards us. Most of us don't even bother with gamergate anymore. It served it's purpose. But we should be proud of what we accomplished.
You'd have to be blind as a bat, not to think that GG managed to contribute to the place that Holla Forums is today. It was the first palm thrown up in defiance against the leftbound overton window. Yes, a lot of those people were leftists, but that's because they still throught the left was anti-establishment and individualistic, Gamergate outed the Marxism of the online communities that had been growing ever since Anita Sarkeesian gave hipsters a new way to virtue signal.
I still wonder about the origins of both of them: video games with GG, and anime with image boards like Holla Forums. It seems such an silly thing to cause such a large effect, but I have a threoy about why. My theory is that once upon a time people's lives had meaning, but thanks to leftism and postmodernism, all meaning began to be removed from life, and the world became nothing more than factory to churn out more goyim and money for the jew. In such a meaningless vacuum, two groups emerged: The first group, which we can call 'normies' was forced to devise a means of 'meaning' from this meaningless and thus became inebriated consumers, working all week, just for the one Friday night where they can go out and get drunk and fuck themselves into an earlier grave, either that or they fell into identity politics and became leftists.
The second group were the video game/ anime nerds, who found meaning within their escapism. The jews didn't pay attention to this, as it suited their plans, but as these nerds came to ignore the meaningless world around them, it meant that they couldn't acclimatise to it. To the normies they looked pathetic: Fat, fantasists who can't handle life. But internally, by living in these escapist realms, they somehow managed to preserve (mentally anyway) those instincts that lead one to meaning.
The minute the jew got to the point where video game and anime culture had to be subverted as part of the plan, these nerds looked up from their screens blinking and proved baffling immovable. The brainwashing hadn't taken hold.
Thus we have the modern dichotomy, where anons can post on Holla Forums on one day and /r9k/ the next in an exercise in baffling contradiction. By changing the status quo via marxism, the very social outcasts who appeared so pathetic on the surface, became a last bulwark against total jewish victory.
The sheer obscurity of this opened the path for meme magic to manifest (which is always a little bit absurd) and in an act as glorious and unlikely as any Battle of Thermopylae, they managed to meme their own president and sow the seeds of their enemies destruction.
They used to think we just played video games. Well, we're not playing anymore.
Chimming in, I was more of a centrist at the beginning of GG, then went full nationalist as it evolved.
when I saw that stupid Law&Order episode coming out of nowhere I realized this shit was WAY too real to leave it unchecked
True. For starters, 8/pol/ wouldn't even exist without GG.
Keep trying goons.
Gamergate and Holla Forums love Trump.
That's not true. I'm pretty sure 8/pol/ was a thing. not a big thing though. It took the second exodus to make it what it is today.
You already took the frog, what more do you want?!
its kind of a shame that Holla Forums was taken over by shills
The gamergate threads are the only ones now that consistently hit post limits and are filled with people who aren't depressed and suicidal.
That being said, the fact that there remains such a loyal and hilariously fun shitposting contingent gives me high hopes for the future.
Much as I'd like to attribute everything to GG, a lot of boards we've come to know today did exist before GG. GG was just what brought life to Franken(((stein)))'s monster,
are you ok
Do we have any numbers on how Japanese immigrants voted in the US election?
Because I think Asians in general went quite heavily to the Hilderbeast.
how low energy can you be
My boner would like you to continue this summary up until Trump wins the election please.
there you go
its much simpler
anons have souls
normies are cattle
there you go
This board was practically dead before the first exodus in August 2014.
false flag tbqfh fam
That's actually a valid syllogism though. It's more like
p → q
p → r
therefore q = r
which is pants on head retarded.
it me
You know how I know you are a video game nerd?
You completely left out blue collar people. You know, the kind of work you are terrified to do, nerd. Trades people, technicians, they got completely hosed in the post 08' economy. They can't live like normies because they don't make enough, yet they at work before dawn and come home exhausted every night.
It's a forced redpill to realize you are drinking every night because society gave you the middle finger. You are working yourself to exhaustion and every year you fall farther behind. And you realize it's not just you, everyone at work is miserable and hates their lives. Let me be clear, it's not the work or the effort, it is the fact that it doesn't pay enough and doesn't lead anywhere.
Then when you are feeling completely hopeless, some smug hipster making $120k/yr to copy and paste code calls you a bigot racist, for DARING to speak up about your lot in life.
These are the people that put Trump into office.
wymyns logix - What Did You Expect?!
Oh they noticed way before 2007, it's just that 2007 was when the fuckery started going so overboard that even the average gamer plebs couldn't stand it anymore.
But otherwise, breddy gud timeline
how do you even spell that wrong? Just dont do it next time
SIEG heil not SEIG heil
I'm pretty sure you've missed the part about Holla Forums starting to leak into twitter and youtube, (((parentheses))) meme spreading to twitter, TRS-type sites jumping on the bandwagon as a direct result of our continued shitposting, kikes kvetching about Pepe and anti-semitism, liberals getting triggered OVER AND OVER AGAIN and so much more.
I'm a vidya nerd and an electrician, not sure why you seem to think these are somehow mutually exclusive.
subtle bait or mildly retarded
Stay salty revoltcuck
Fuck, I hope this isn't an issue again.
is there a way for a non electrician to learn your job, are there books or smth like that
u-wut mate?
Bittorrent is a protocol.
I don't it it would have been posible without the contribution of both demographics.
They don't have to be.
I was coming from the angle that the guy I was responding to was trying to say that ONLY video game nerds are the ones aware of what is going on, when that is not true at all. I think there is a much larger population of trades people that got left out of the economy and thus had to open their eyes.
Nigga I'm been a tradesmen all my adult life and a gamer even longer. Like pointed out I didn't really care or notice the world around me until they started to fuck with the only decent thing I had in my life.
Fresh salt from neoGAF, the gatekeepers of (((gaming culture)))
Kill yourself fam
Maybe I am weird, I just looked at the fact I was never going to be able to afford a house in anywhere but the deep ghetto. That opened up my eyes real quick.
lol, there are more vidya tradespeople in this thread than I have met in the entire 8 years I have been a low voltage electrician.
In my experience, most are level-headed enough to realize it was a huge effort spanning many places online. They also acknowledge it wouldn't have happened without huge normie support too.
This image needs to be flipped, but you get the idea.
Hits home extra-hard as an illustrator who's worked on games. Does anyone have the "2016 - Gamergate goes to space" image?
Yeah, there are lots of events not touched on there (uncle Holla Forums providing shelter on halfchan, where Vivian came from, CON, dragondragon and the wiki fights, etc.) but I just wanted to present a sufficient outline and timeline to understand how we got here without a lot of extra noise.
You have to be licensed to work in most states, or you can work under someone who is. As far as learning material I would avoid (((textbooxs))) unless you pick them up used. Easy to learn but hard to master; it's a fun and challenging job, you just gotta be able to deal with chads. If you're interested get some books and get a job roughing-in houses. You work your way up the ladder over time and the pay is good.
If you just want to make money, be an elevator mechanic. AVERAGE pay is 80 grand a year.
and then luggage lad showed his true colors by nuking gg and cuck/pol/ in the process
How do I get started? Do I start calling contractor companies and ask for jobs?
I wasted my time in highschool and college dicking around with computers. Only ever took a single shop class where I learned how to spot-weld. Now I'm 30 and I never want to see another computer again, I just want to work outside with my hands. Short of going to some technical school, how do I get my foot in the door?
I've been doing some ditch digging around the neighborhood for people, mostly for the exercise and because it puts my mind at ease. Maybe I should call up construction companies and offer to dig for them?
It wasn't just video games either, it was literally everything. Pic related.
I woud have voted for Bernie if he was the Democratic candidate. He wasn't, so I voted Trump
I think you forget your history.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
sjwmulticult crap was being pushed in the 90s in DOS games.
Just to drive the point home, 99% of the market were White males back then but were pushing "the rainbow" every chance they got, stuck out like a sore thumb.
Used to be a leftist, wasn't too much of a pr-cuck though. When people started telling anyone with a decent attack idea to "go back to Holla Forums" I left and never went back.
Can you elaborate on these?
There's a classic article on this subject in the context of MUDs, which were text based MMOs with a lot of freedom of interaction, exploring the implications of pseudo rape in a virtual social context:
It's a pretty fun read if only for the detailed description of an early internet community.
Future "matrix style" VR games will likely look very much like MUDs - most likely these games will be very open ended in design and be community driven, you'd see communities self moderate against that kind of thing as well as MANY communities explicitly designed around sexual degeneracy, eg second life. One of the most valuable draws of virtual communities is the extremely low cost of exit, you would self select for the server with the kind of community and rules that you prefer. I'm excited for how these future games might act as a sort of virtual laboratory for different modes of political organization, especially if they are built with an indepth (and organic) economic model ala EVE.
A gentleman of refined taste I see.
Here's the digra stuff I've still got. To cut a long story short, shit tied into DARPA, Common Core, vanguard Marxism, feminism, etc. and the idea was that by "gamifying" education they could increase student buy-in to all of their propaganda. It very quickly became the prime focus of GG + Holla Forums investigations and lasted that way until redditors arrived and brought D&C eceleb drama (CHS, TB, Jim, Milo) with them that shut down all digging that didn't involve trawling twitter looking for game journo gossip.
Hit up craigslist, if you live in a major metro area there should be plenty of job postings. Trade work is in high demand. That being said, busy season is slowing down, especially for residential construction. Worst case scenario you can sign on with a temp company and sweep floors for a while or hold a fire extinguisher (20 motherfucking dollars an hour for that shit). If you're a good worker and know how to talk it up dedicated trades companies will come to YOU with offers for jobs and training. I get offered jobs in other trades all the time like "hey, wanna be a roofer?" or "why ya workin' with those guys? Come do HVAC for us."
Temp companies are also good because you'll be working with every trade, maybe you were set on being a carpenter until you talk to the guy installing the keypads and CCTV.
Dont be late or too autistic and you could be working by next week.
Zoe's boyfriend, I think his name was Aaron or something, published a rant where he complained about how Zoe had been cheating on him with several people, her boss and a couple of vidya journalists. People started talking about this, since some of these journalists had written reviews on her Depression Game, this was dubbed the FiveGuys scandal. It's how the entire thing started off essentially, where the first signs of corruption in the video game media was shown.
This, Temp agencies are a pretty cool and easy way to find work
It sounds terrible but i remember the quality of the game were so bad i didn't felt threated by their plans at all.
I remember some terrible soccer game that was supposed to teach niggers not to rape ( HAHAHAHAHAHA ) which looked worst than an early PS1 game, i knew then and there that shit wasn't going anywhere.
We really gotta make a browser extension that alerts the users of all businesses, people, and groups who have signaled against our Emperor.
Tech NEETs get on that shit. Really all you'd need to do is create a database, and modify the coincidence detector for that database(and change the echos).
The military isnt interested in that shit because because of feminism, it is interested in that because of goyim control and strengthening those vectors, new vectors for percetion (as they themselves said), and this is just one part of it.
Society is just like a little bit more diverse hivement than internet forums, internetshit leaks to RL, internet discourse can be controlled very well, RL control is a bit more difficult given that certain key elements are sucking these days.
It is more like combining psychology and information and then useing it to achieve means, and therefore various interest groups.
Breitbart caught on very well as to where the winds were blowing.
Was similar to how Ann Coulter realized immigration was the major issue this election and kept on talking about it when others wanted to mock her.
Breitbart realized that while some of the issues regarding the video game media may seem laughable, it touched on cultural issues that would resonate out.
I was checking out Yikyak today, and noticed liberals complaining about Milo on there. People are now more widely familiar with these figures primarily because of GG.
It's part of what makes it strange that more people like Sean Hannity didn't jump on board with reporting on the story, since it was much like Journolist but with the spin that it would be more understandable to a younger audience.
The mods at cuckchan had been faggots for ages.
What GG did was open people's eyes to the fact that the liberals that wanted to put themselves out as being neutrals willing to hear both sides of issues, were actually incredibly biased and eager to shut down anyone they didn't like.
It helped push people out into social media while they'd previously been sticking to imageboards. You had a slew of people that had been making content on imageboards that people found massively entertaining and would normally only trickle out to other areas, instead getting right up in reporters faces (relatively speaking) and shitting on them where they'd previously only encounter praise.
Seriously this. The key to a normies heart and mind is through convenience.
several spoonfuls of sugar help the redpills go down, and KEEPS them down.
Fun fact, that's a tranny. Arrested for assaulting a police officer/horse. She fucking punched/pushed it in the face.
A nigger president wants laws to force people to allow this thing in bathrooms with little girls.
That screenshot almost gave me cancer.
H-he's everything to me, too
They are talking about Bannon, not Trump, you stupid low IQ subsaharian.
jk newfam
slit your fucking wrists
topkek. No they aren't. They want to see white countries fucked over by diversity so they can take our place as the dominant race on Earth.
Fuck off, cuck. No non-white is an ally. Japs are no exception.
Asians are arguably the MOST threatening out of all invading groups second only to Jews. Asians are capable of competing with whites far more efficiently and effectively, thus displacing our position as the dominant political and economic player in our own countries. They also don't commit as much crime as other non-whites and have strong in-group preference. This makes them an even larger threat.
Can confirm. My first major redpill was the link between "gamers are dead" and common core + DARPA.
Such a pity Acid shut down and banned any mention of Common Core or Digra. GamerGate could have been so much more back then.
Is that why they supported Hitler?
As someone who did roll in from gamergate (I really like the analogy of GH being the first stage of that Mars-bound rocket) I have to say that NOTHING warmed my heart more than normalfags everywhere chanting "CNN sucks!"
It was a magical experience that will last a lifetime.
But muh trades maymay!
This thread isnt about Asians, go make your own
"The Fappening"
and probably a whole bunch of other shit along with Sandy Hook, the Sony Hack and most other incredulous shit
are probably just psy ops managed on both sides to a degree and I think the end goal may have just been to circle jerk promote each other and distract from any criticism over the TPP and shit like that
If you look you can just see politicians and media lying all fucking day, they dont give a fuck about anything they're dribbling, they're paid, they're connected, they know what's really going on, they aren't stupid
The Frog has spoken.
t-thanks doc
Nobody is taking credit away from blue collar voters. What I am saying is that GG was the first assault against the leftist strong holds in the information war. Most people, even on Holla Forums had not realized how much the odds were stacked against us until GG.
Also it gave birth to the muh PR meme. Which proved to be a great move which gave us the edge we needed to out meme the cuckold hoard.
This. People who think GG didn't help Trump, or that the majority of GG doesn't lean right are idiots. The very nature of the movement (railing against the large incidence of cuck collusion in vidya journalism) already configures an attack on leftism. Why do you think all libertarian and conservative sites covered it positively? From Milo to Drudge, they all got what it was about
It all happened as it had to. Political Correctness and leftist immorality will be dealt with
Iron Ann's always hated the beaners. I hope she runs for senate.
It just shows you how these mechanisms work.
For that alone it was worth it.
Not entirely. They supported Hitler because Hitler was sympathetic to Japan's racial supremacist imperialist policy. Japan wanted to create a turn of the century Empire and they saw Germany as a means of achieving this goal. There was no greater unity between nips and the Germans.
Shit. I meant DIGRA, not DARPA. I can't keep track of my alphabet soup agencies.
Anyway, I agree. It's a pity they shut it down when we could have red pilled so many more.
Shin Megaten? Their community is like that?
The "Gamers are Dead" in particular were shoved so hard and so fast (around 11 articles or so within a less than 24 hours of eachother) I actually thought it was a joke or parody when they all dropped. Just look at how the mainstream media did it after election and only used the words "Dark" to descrieb
When I learned it wasn't, I realized how little self-awareness media had and how only their self interests mattered. Like the women in gaming thing, they'd lie and spin anything to death to fit an agenda. It was just games, but it was a subject a lot of us know extensively about so we could easily disprove it.
get the fuck out, cuckchan.
accidentally hit reply
+1 for the patriarchy
Someone who uses twatter twat this at them.
First pic
Was this it?
Sure, I can dump my Vivian folder.
It shows the cracks at a minimum and forces sane people at a minimum to look at everything around them a little more skeptically, even if they don't pry at all.
Wikileaks. I hated Bush, and had many "allies" when I did my best to get my friends and future military out of the Desert Adventures.
Wikileaks current year. Those same "allies" have somehow been programmed to see Wikileaks as fake/Russian and ran by a ruthless criminal rapist (because they dug some honeypot up who said that Assange fucked her later on without a condom after initial sex with condom).
Suddenly Globalism is good. Know actual people who protested and organized in Occupy Seattle and are calling people Hitler for not voting Hilary.
No one cares about illegally handled above Top Secret emails, even military friends, secret servers, shady super PACs and the Clinton Foundation embezzling money, because -
Two last standing Republican nominees worked at Goldman Sachs or had wife who worked at Goldman Sachs. But Trump won't show tax returns.
I don't know what's happened to decades old friends and family. It's like they all became NPCs.
Stop drinking, lower pain meds, cut out sportsball.
Can't talk to any person I have known for years about politics, just get snark and same old talking points I saw destroyed 5 years ago online.
Holy fuck, Hitler arguing with jews jpg. Except it is now everyone around me.
Anyone with an expertise in something doesn't trusts the media, what did it for me was fitness but for others it could be astronomy, engineering, etc.
Blue-pilled normarlfags have no expertise, no they may love it but they don't even know every quote in star wars, the perfect sheep they are.
I really wish more vivian pr0n was made tbh.
You retards keep saying this like there's a war going on between white and Japanese people, which there just plainly isn't. Nor is there any reason why there should be.
But this is the Holla Forums way. Just make an enemy out of everyone you possibly can, fight everyone, destroy everything, burn everything to the ground. But you still have this notion you're somehow better than niggers. You're not.
There's plenty.
Gamergate was also before Twitter retooled their trending (high risk of being the reason why as well).
So everything gamergate found ended up trending for days if not weeks.
It wasn't gamergate. It's Kojima that saved America.
We went from serious/funny to Funny/Serious to plain funny, and really serious
Ayy's soon.
Emotional investment, hillary was perceived as progressive while trump was perceived as a backwards sociopath. Up threat levels at any side and you get this outcome, and it does so by itself or just a litlte push. Basic human psychology.
It is like a juicy meal when you are hungry, seeing these libtards freak out once their bubble burst was a sight to see.
Globalism in itself is a fucking nightmare considering the current trends without any real adaption adaption of politics. Globalism in its current form is just a wet pipedream. But then again it is just a matter of perspective. If the city dwellers want to be some kind of asexual, disfigured poor motherfuckers, it is their dish.
the funny thing about it all is they made a literally wu be a guest when "it" was a chronic liar.
Same. I used to be a civil cuckservative, and now I dream about these traitors being pressed against a chain link fence.
That meme was tremendously valuable as PR-style concern trolling was the kikes' most powerful weapon for social media control. Communities like /r/the_donald which are part reddit normies (other part missionaries) would have fallen to it.
Is that why they love Germanic culture and people to this day? They even have a town built identical to a Swedish village so as to appreciate European existence. Go fuck yourself, Japan had a genuine appreciation for Hitler and the Nazis and your Kike kvetching won't change that.
Anyway, this isn't the thread for this. Go start your own anti-Jap thread and stop shitting this one up.
Sage for off topic.
Basically a coincidence detector that is focused on NeverTrump conservatives so we can see who stabbed us in the back. Fucking brilliant. I hope some techfags get on it.
Plus GG was a ton of fun. How often do you get to group together to name a sea lion just to butthurt a bunch of cultural marxists?
This has nothing to do with today. I was talking about back then. The japs appreciated and appropriated a lot of Prussian style, but as for most things Asian, it was merely a means to further themselves in a European world. Purely self-serving.
That's kinda sad to be honest.
You fucking Redditors are not in good company here. Get the fuck out and never come back.
Yeah, at this point, I don't give a shit. Let the wymyn have videogames. They'll crash the whole industry and it'll just reset again in a generation. Meanwhile, we're concerned with the fate of the western world.
If I wanted to help my family by contributing to my community, the community isn't going to care that my motivation is to help my family. All they care about is that I'm making the contribution. It isn't 'self-serving' to help somebody because it benefits you to do so - they'll likely help you in the future as well, which is why Japan assisted Germany. If you had it your way, nobody would assist anyone except when forced to through coercion or slavery.
Go start your own thread.
I guarantee upwards of 90% of pro-Trump twitter and probably reddit memer accounts can be traced directly back to GG. The chans were not on twitter in any signifigant way before it.
Then i wonder why none of these white genocide is real friends havent advocated for stabilizing africa, because once nigs see that their nig countries are shit they will come here.
So there should be a nice little agreement, nigs get tech and we get resources. Once nigs get tech there will be less nigs, just like the goyim do not breed here anymore, less nigs that come here aswell.
So the not so smart globalists think that "open boarders n shit" will solve their problems, they will only solve problems because it creates a pressure to do so to solve problems not that i will solve the problem itself.
Kikes poison media so generations grow up on it to be self-hating and self-destructive kinda like Kubrick's drugged milk. Games are a hugely popular form of media with kids so we can't just surrender them.
Look at Niggerfield 1 and think what that does to the head of a little white kid, having all his heroes and history taken away from him. It's part of an orchestrated attack where masculinity is only allowed to be expressed by blacks in order to turn white males into cucks.
Bear in mind the "leaders" and the majority of the rank and file in GG were total cucks, and still are.
Seriously during the height of GG they openly proposed going to leftists media outlets, trying to get people like Maddow and such, to talk about it in their terms and highlight their arguments and get people to see their side of things. They openly rejected and despised all forms of right leaning media attention, they despised fox news, brietbart at first, and so on.
Then once the reality of the left bitch slapped them, they STILL rejected all right leaning media and alt-media help. They ONLY accepted Milo because he was gay frankly, shallow but true. And then went into full "MUH PR" mode, and completely and totally shunned Holla Forums and any help we might have offered, anything we suggested was buried, was dismissed as "crazy right wingers that will destroy us / make us look bad," and so on.
Their leading personalities that build channels and follower bases around the entire thing, were as left leaning as you could get. With scant few exceptions. Theres a reason that faggot IA bailed on the entire thing a few months in, because he realized all of this was true, they were still a leftist marxist hive with no real goal for social change, they still openly paraded around being feminists or faggots or socialists and other identity politics labels in their attempts to appeal to a left wing that despised them for going even slightly against their agenda of destroying white males and everywhere and everything they enjoy(ed).
GG was a disease from the beginning, it had a FEW good moments and things to come out of it. But it accomplished nothing of value that wasnt already going to come into begin anyway, it simply sped up that process of undermining the controlled media just a bit more, but Trump did more damage in one rally, reaching more people and spreading the message of the corrupt media, than GG did in YEARS. And his was on point about ALL news media, not just the incestual and corrupt games journalism. Meanwhile those GG faggots are likely 99.9% opposed to everything else Trump stands for, and most of them likely voted against him.
So frankly, fuck GG. They caused a bit of acceleration for about two months, then completely stalled out and let their lefty nature take over and ruined any chance they had of accomplishing anything.
Don't really go for these long borderline-/x/ imageposts, but this one is relevant. Like to right fucking now.
George Soros and other liberal mega-donors are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed-door meeting where they will discuss opposing Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office.
"Counter a populist uprising with another populist uprising". This election was a populist uprising, make no mistake. Trump's election was nothign short of a political revolution.
And where you get revolutions, you always get counter-revolutions. What form will it take?
Some of this gamrgate deviantart is autism distilled into a concentrated liquid
We need to name and shame these people. We report everything like this to (((Breitbart))),(((Drudge))), and Fox to redpill normies on it.
The "gamergate" stuff has many vectors, esp. if you count in the tech and psyducks, alphabet friends and money interests.
The weakest of those is the "cuck vector", means the feminsts, the feminsts are just a tool to be used because they are, literally "Impotent". If you look at the "liberals" and their derivates they are women, and in their wholeness not very smart ones, so no real threat from them, they are a filler, a blank something you guide goyim into so they dont do shit, esp. it is a blackhole for people that have an "idealistic" agenda. So you create a mass big enough and people of that character get sucked in.
Naturally it will rile up the regular gamers since they hate these cunts with a passion. THe alphabet friends are concerned with politcal stability that means potent gamers and impotent cunts stuck in the same box., same as the money friends.
So the smart thing to do here would be use the passion and potency of the gamers to achieve other goals, draw in some of the cucks and either trample all over the feminsts "Liberals" or keep in an idiot stable.
Everyone who isn't a progressivist loser is automatically #Gamergate.
Also friendly reminder that Gamergate is the collusion GameJournosPros scandal, #Gamergate is the hashtag that formed around talking about it and the SJW cliques surrounding it.
Trump is. Better at GG than GG
Na, break them from multiple angles. The liberal thinks he/she is enlightened and loves to throw around bias n shit. What the "right" side lacks in intellectual superiority, remember what that dilbert guy tried is trying to do? Do it this way. Remember, that guy that i cannot recall that switched his hillary shit all the time, do not do it like this guy. Predictive power.
Total bullshit. Most of GG is here or r/thedonald. Just because you where to cucked to join in GG does not mean we did not. I did not join/become Holla Forums until a year of gg had passed. It was the single most important battle for the hearts and minds of shitposters until trump ran for president.
Gamergate? You really even think
Neither does this old ass dude care about some shit like gamergate, he probably cant tell you what the hell gamergate is if you ask him lmao.
Leaders yeah rank and file was probably 50/50. Using this thread as evidence shows a good number are redpilled specifically because of GG.
Yeah and seeing the media blitzs were major redpills.
I remember it being pretty split honestly and Holla Forums telling us all Right Wing media was cucked as bad as the left. Which it was/is.
They helped redpill a ton of people on how fucking insane the left was but yeah their faggotry helped tear apart the movement.
We have no idea if events would play out as you say without GG. GG could have caused all of this to happen as it did or it had 0 influence we just don't know.
You obviously had unrealistic goals for GG. Again using this thread as evidence GG converted or at least alerted a decent number of people to the bullshit that was going on.
Doesnt fucking matter, people have short memories, what in todays world matters is to stir up some shit. And milo is some fancy, stylish, well spoken faggatron.
my response to her would be
"You are and always were in the wrong."
Was going to say this, look at what Holla Forums was bitching about before GG and it was shit games like Gone Home declared 'must play' or mediocre no-talent developers being treated like celebrities by the gaming press.
It really didn't make any sense at the time, hype was a known factor bought by large companies to push their franchises but seeing 'indie' games or developers given the same treatment by all of the gaming press in unison was incomprehensible. Turns out there was collusion behind the scenes.
2007-2014 Holla Forums learned to love the evil billionaire Bobby Kotick mercantile side of the gaming industry and abhorred the underdog hero types like Tim Shafer or Phil Fish the press gave them to worship. Then you had absolute nobodies who wanted to become indie gaming stars trying to worm their way in with the press trying to make it work and the rest is history.
The politics they tried to push is irrelevant in the greater scheme of things.
Good thing a single twitter post from a literal who is worth its own entire thread.
Don't tell me you're actually surprised that a writer for some media outlet would have a bias like this
We ll make a symphony out of complete trash.
They should never have tried to attack games. Now the sleeper has awaken, and those SJWs lives will be hell.
There are plenty of salt threads. We don't need a new thread for each grain of salt.
What the fuck faggots dont stop posting lewds
Gamergate Salt is a very special kind of salt.
Just gtfo this thread if you don't like it, Holla Forums isn't forcing you to stay here.
Like you said, there's plenty of other threads for you to be a cuck in.
Santa Clause is connected to Christmas and Christmas is connected to Kids so therefore, Santa Clause is operating an underground sex trafficking ring involving children. They call him BigPapa.
Over the fucking line.
And i want to see those puzzle, i dont have this data neither do i know what they know. I wonder how smart these fuckers are and all those other little pieces. But i will solve it anyways.
first of all, what the fuck is the second half of that picture even mean? I've never been able to figure it out.
Secondly, look closely and you'll see digra has fuck all to do with darpa unless cross-posting a job opening makes you connected. If that is the case then Holla Forums is connected to darpa too.
Even a threadbare connection is a connection. If there's one thing the last 3 years has taught me, its that there's no such thing as conspiracy theories, anything is possible.
It most likely is, if they have some intelligence, which they probably do.
Didn't they make a Trump episode but then they shelved it for a future date?
This shit has some logic to it. It just uses many factors from many science departments, and they are really smug.
So much cancer in a single post.
It is like you align all that shit and it makes sense, it only depends how smart these fuckers are.
And they are really redpilled i assume , and the other shit comes along naturally. And they have the money, the data, the psyducks, the spergs and the tech. And they want to solve that puzzle too.
they vote Democrat in yuuuge numbers. They the nigger Latinos of Asia.
But all those little pieces do not know the whole picture just that there has to be a picture. Every piece got a little bit of information. And they want to see the little pieces to see the big puzzle.
They slaughtered Muslims and Jews by the dozen when they invaded Baghdad.
Reminds me of the Nigger or Faggot theory where society is conditioning us to act like Niggers, Faggots or both and nothing else
Ask yourself why this phenomenon is prevalent in cities because their minds operate on that state because otherwise they cannot function. Cities accelerate these mindsets because it is beneficial for the individual. See americas voteing.
Cities: Many different "cultures" and different originins, amplify that by that white privieldge shit and you have more cucks than you can count. There should be a new currency: I got more cucks than you do. I want that aids skrillex on a dollar bill.
Na, the city life heavly devides between betas and alphas.
The best shit they ever wrote was "the world doesnt end with a bang but an anime avatar calling you a cuck on twitter."
the fun thing is, they can take credit for it
behold the whore of the trumpocalypse
It's beautiful. They mess with our games, we literally take over the entire world and make it into into a complete living hell for them.
The only good thing she ever did was be at a thing where a fat jew went balistic
The world is a metagame, and we develop it. Sounds legendary, and i want exactly that.
"hey grandpa, what did you do in your time" "developing a new meta".
Cry more faggot. If you don't have the agency to get off your ass to vote, you forfeit your say.
Right now the whole thing is highly voiatile, psychology influences votes and the stock market.
Memes are mass psychology, mass psychology means predictiveness means shekels. Control the memes control the universe.
This just proves that gamergate permanently scarred these people. They're going to be fucking writhing around on their deathbed still thinking about it.
ANd then you need words to make people freak out, just like little meme soldiers, like the sky that sends little soldiers when it snows, to conquer the streets and the rooftops.
My dude, in 2014 when american general election occurred, Republicans got a shit load of seats. Some guy at Techraptor told he voted because of GG, this shit started because of GG, and most people are completely unaware of how people have been flipped and suddenly super interested and knowledgable in politics.
Your welcome!
We literally memed Senator Armstrong into existence!
Indonesians are the Niggers
More like Solidus Snake tbh
hahaha holy shit ITT: Holla Forums still massively butthurt about last night's raid.
Remember that they're upset that collusion and corruption was exposed. They aren't sorry about what they did. They're sorry they got caught. Then they had the nerve to blame the customers.
GG was baby's first redpill in media collusion and narrative control. Have no mercy now, they would have shown none toward us.
What is this nigger shit?
We're gonna get our asses to Mars!
We are appropriating their memes.
Bunch of faggots in this thread naming themselves after an event. Oddly enough thinking that it did anything other than breaking the camels back and then died down like Occupy Wall Street. Then leaving behind the active people who were talking about before by themselves. At least this event allows them to reach a broader audience.
And every fucking person will convey that idea, every fucking person will find this way like a little vessel like a cancer, like a virus. This is mass psychology, you can make it invincible. Remove yourself from the equation and you define it. Self interest and martyrdom, all neatly conpartmentalized, all neatly aligned. What marcus arelius really wished for what he said "join the rankes of the insane", what he really wished was to build an unstoppable force breaking through a gem like a ray of light. Like a little array of experimental society. Like a little sweden.
Because occupy wallstreet is like the german pirate party, a bunch of stupid subject idiots with no stamina and no power, you fucking idiot. And if anything else fails this at least showed some little interesting things, little by little.
>mistakes into ruined lives
That and they got D&C'd by identity politics. Why do you think Wall Street is all for feminism and diversity? Just one more tool of the managerial elite. In OWS they instituted the progressive stack so that they couldn't organize effectively. The White male planners were marginalized and vibrancy couldn't deliver anything. Note I do think OWS was mostly stupid. Socialism isn't the answer, but they were correct in identifying Wall Street as an offender.
Funny thing is this maymay will actually come true.
>the Imperium of Man gets meme'd into reality
That is what i was trying to say, but then again they are much more refined today, they stop it before it got to that point. Never was about socialism, what i want is a reasonable distribution. It incites action and creativity while in todays it would stilfle absuridity.
Like i said these idiots get captured in black hole of idealism. Either you conform or you dont. And now all those cunts are trapped in that, while we orchistraced a a massive power of men that dont give a shit about those cucks. We made them cucks and now they wonder why someone like trump can fuck them in the ass, because they are the bitches, always will be for all enternity and no knowledge and percived bias free intelligence will save them from that.
And what they do not understand is that i fancy their demise more that i fancy the victory they tried to defeat. Because those shekel friends are at least humans and they arent, they are subhumans. Like little castrated cucks with no opinion following group think, and at least the shekel friends have an opinion of their own and they dont.
Initially the protests were just about wanting to have wall street held accountable which is a reasonable enough position to have.
They just had to deal with the problem that because they didn't go in with an organization they wouldn't be able to keep people out or come forth with a concrete message.
So consequently they had those people that love to protest anything head out there to join up since they were getting on the news who could take it over. It's only when you can somehow push those people out that you can prevent yourself getting subverted. It probably helps that these are people used to creating hierarchies for everything and ingratiating themselves into positions of power within those systems.
It is pretty simple: Fucked in the ass by females. The very basic of being a fucking submissive motherfucker. And now think we your shit is a bunch of shit you fucking idiot. As i said it will carry on through your personality, and this is exactly what you represent.
fellow exgoymergayter here, what this user says is completely right.
The ultimate message is that you define a goal, made by male leaders because they do not get subverted by shit and are much more robust. Take females into account your whole idea turns into diarrhea. That is why current goverments want female leaders because they are more opinion flexible fitting the current mainstream.
YOu fucking idiots rotate around the idea that your ideas will stick to people giving it to people that are shaped easily, and that is what human psychology does. That is why the intel friends love that progressive stack idea because it is so much easier to fuck you in the head. That is why persecuted georgie boy loves the idea of open borders and all the shit that comes along with that construct. Because it stifles a certain vector, you utterly stupid fucks.
By shame, you mean terminate.
If any user gets a chance to remove a Soros, you fucking do it.
You push him down the steps, makes some castor bean dust, shoot a bottle of visine in his mouth, savage him with your bare hands - punch the neck.
it's like some stupid comic where the hero always ends up as the president for some reason
Before I go full 1776, what do you mean by "reasonable distribution"?
Get on TOR before you say shit like that. Incitement is still a crime. I have no love for Soros and I hope he gets what he deserves, but I don't want to get imprisoned for threatening him online. Obama still owns the NSA goy.
J-just a p-prank
NSA no bully
Everybody's using a VPN.
At least the NSA won't call your employer, family and girlfriend to tell them that you have been asking for a race war, on a pinoy website.
One to twenty to your lowest worker, something reasonable? Not 1 to 3000. Your consitution shit doesnt work today because when they made the consitution they were reasonable people that knew poor is poor and rich is rich but not rich in the sense that you earned 3000x the amount of your average worker. The marxists want an even distribution along all spheres of society which is fucking retarded but if you think that it is "ok" that half of your fucking goyim are barely making a living and the others can buy 30 cars a day and keep the money to themselves then you are as stupid as the marxists. Society is a balance, there are some principles like free speach, privacy and rights but the government should be slim and effective. You just have to deal with the fact that a lot of jobs will get automated in the near future and it is not beneficial to have all the wealth to people that can pay for the development and maintance of said assets. Otherwise you get an unstable society because tyrone and cletus wont be a rocket scientist leading you to the other dimension over the moneky bridge.
Anybody got her reaction to President Trump?
I love that shit. Check twitter, anime fag calls you a cuck. Perfect.
Interesting read.
But why was it necessary to create and manage a street theatre SJW movement as controlled opposition? Controlled opposition to whom, exactly? Certainly not a budding nationalist movement; we are the polar opposite politically. In what way would a naturally emergent SJW revolution threatened world Jewry?
Because usually the faggot worker rights faggots and all the other leftist shit would ask for a reasonable change in distribution of power an resources, the SJW asks for nothing but knocking down windmills that are created exactly for that monkey brain purpose. Insert shit at the basic foundation of a person, be it sex status etc. Now inser with sex, pit a fucking men against women, which naturally has developed through certain mechanisms to achieve a balance and use that to prevent your interests. If that doesnt work insert "refugees" to heat up the climate.
Usually if you have war, you have a defined enemy using certain skills to succeed, if you use your enemy against you, all that abilities go against themselves. And what is SJWism? Itis exactly that mechanism. And then you cannot lose.
And using that skills is a refined way of using psychology. And in a way that defines "know yourself", like little variables, if you determine your power of defense and offence and compare it to other people to have a measurement, well then you might think you can unleash all hell with your fingertips being the devils best lawyers.
Oh you meant an income redistribution.
Says who? What is reasonable?
Do you have the authority to decide how much is someone "supposed" to earn for taking the risk involved with taking a kosher loan, hiring employees?
Who gets to pay and who doesn't? Is it based on number of employees? Does the business owner start paying that Who gets paid for it: Everybody in a company or those that work full time, part time, the disabled, women?
Do you have any idea regarding laws, economics or anything related to accounting, besides the narrative pushed by Hillary when she memespouts "TAX THE RICH"?
Now ignoring all those questions that arise with a "forced wealth distribution" you have to realize that shit is what got us this far in the first place.
Who wants to earn more money has to take more risks and work for more hours. If he's making way too much money, according to your completely subjective standards, there's absolutely nothing that stops someone else from copying him and making the same amount of money and paying his workers twice as much (and someone working under your shit system that pays twice as much to his employees than anyone else, for the same work, still needs to "distribute" his wealth)
Fuck off, it should only guarantee basic healthcare that allows someone to get into working condition.
No, they want 1 (one) sphere.
Shoulda made better choices than going for a gender studies degree.
Those 30 cars is money going to yet another company's management AND employees.
Everyone should spend money, otherwise it's useless and that means nobody actually has any confidence in said money or their income.
Nobody is stupid as marxists, but here, have a molyneux.
No it isn't, that's your opinion. Society is a group of people.
Reality is unfair and the only balance it's trying to enforce is that the weak should fear the strong.
That's what the constitution is for.
Suggesting that it decides if someone that hires people has to pay them a lot of money isn't a characteristic of a slim government.
If anything it should be transparent and ran by whites and maybe a few token asians.
If you could press a button, shove flour and water into a machine and 5 minutes later it shits a fucking 10/10 bread, then that bread is going to be way cheaper than one being prepared by a human being, as you aren't paying for someone's wage and you'll put any bakeries out of business unless they have access to the same machine.
If they don't want to spend money that they earned, let them, the world isn't going to stop spinning.
Nothing stops you from spending your wealth (inb4 "but I don't have any", yes that's for a reason that you can change) and it's a fucking scientific fact that if you spend your money you will have a physical good or a service performed by someone else, and said provider is going to have money.
>is not beneficial to have all the wealth to people that can pay for the development and maintance of said assets
Again, nobody, not you, not the government, can decide if they have to pay shekels that they earned by using their work and skills, be it by editing 2500 photoshop pictures dont ask or by hiring somebody else with said skills to do said job.
Fuck Tyrone and fuck Cletus, they can starve to death while trying to use their EBT cards for all I care.
tl;dr you're an armchair economist that felt for the wealth redistribution meme
Remember faggots!
GG is the reason you are all here in the first place!
GamerGate threads are full of an admitted pedophile, Val, and people who find Holla Forums triggering. Let's not play pretend here. They only reason you idiots came back here is because Holla Forums won something without you and now you want to be part of it after all the work was already done.
Gamergate is a former husk of itself, it's like one of those things you run into Silent Hill that's staring at a corner, except maybe for the fact that when anything happens, everybody's using to blaming it.
used to blaming it*
Is it because they don't conform to you? Cause that's how Commies act. They conform.
The same question can be answered why i dont slap bunch of boobanimals over the head and drag them into my boobgrowth stable.
You know certain things should be in balance, because there is definate answer to that. How many boobanimals do i keep in my stable and how highquality is the boobgrowth inciting hormone filled food.
If all the faggots have power over all the produciton facilities that means all your bases belong to me, how fair would you judge that.
Fucking got me. god damn that is some funny ass shit
Unions and workers rights have been busted and are completely under the thumb for decades. The traditional "left" that actually cares about workers rights has been crushed by globalist forces, and I have not seen any hint of a resurgence on that front. In fact, this is why Trump has done so well, in part, because he has appealed directly to the white working class that was hurting badly. But Trump was completely unexpected, and caught the kikes off guard. I don't see why it was necessary to create an SJW movement in the first place, to control a traditional left resurgence that was unlikely to occur organically.
I can understand the rationale behind creating an SJW movement to create an 'enemy' for a fledgling nationalist movement; but that is not what the original author was asserting.
I like Ann, but she's a fucking mudshark. Listened to her on Molyneux and bitch was going on about how we OWE niggers. Sad that she's on point about Illegals, but is blind as fuck on niggers.
Holy shit did y'all save the low-res versions of those GG memes, or did only low-res get made?!
Gamergate accomplished it's goal a long time ago. What's left actually is a husk. On purpose. Anyone of any worth moved on.
No, because the thread is made out of nothing but autistic attention whores that do nothing but shitpost on twitter, riding someone's dick for success and then creaming themselves the moment they get blamed for something.
wew lad
m8 that's agenda 2030 that's the marxists' wet dream, with "You can't have meat Timmy, it's not your birthday".
And that is correct, we're talking about what gamergate is @ 11/15/2016..
No, part of being a tripfaggot means that you only have access to low-res versions of the images. Sorry.
Barron is so good with his computers though. Vidya confirmed.
You know that is not an argument since we have technological improvement and improvement of the general population. ANd once some faggot will use this "argument" i will rip him into little tiny shreds. And it has been some time once i made some of those fucking idiots freak out. The current year is a pretty interesting argument if you can use it correctly.
Sounds like the plot of Kojima's new game.
GamerGate the weapon that surpassed Metal Gear
And little timmy should ask why once we live in the year 2016 we dont not have all that good shit, instead we have work life blending and "flexibility" while the general living conditions do not improve at a basic level. But then we tell little timmy that he should get educated since all the little timmies get told that.
Take your meds, kid.
Against sheep, it is.
I hope he plays proper games that develop skills (RTS, FPS or even platformers) and not shit ones like say hipster garbage, F2P assfaggots or even pseudo games like VNs
And once that contract is broken i will enforce it.
And this board is just the right place to do so.
It is a big boys game, little timmy.
/ggrevolt/ was the last vestige of true gamergate, from before the cuckening
Exactly. I've been in here for a long time. Most of the Holla Forums people patting their selves on the back in this thread haven't been in Holla Forums for a year and a half.
Also I'm so sick of GG as a cultural entity. It's cringey as fuck, the memes are tired and worn out and the discussion has basically evolved into a huge echo chamber circle jerk where some autistic fags get brownie points for how often they accuse dissenters to leftist ideology as being shills or "revolt."
Anyone that has read the ultra faggy GG general in Holla Forums for the past 8 months or so could tell you this thing is a husk of itself. They don't do anything anymore other than take credit for things other people do, and when anyone criticizes the thread for it, Acid Man writes a blogpspot sperging out about how his forum failed, and then they go back to doing nothing again. Current year GG has about as much action going on as a stamp collectors convention or something. It's a boogeyman to SJW fags despite the fact it's been completely dead and dormant for over a year.
That's why those colors were chosen.
Few things piss me off more than seeing that shitty anti-GG Vivian recolor "legitimized" in comics and all over KIA as a fucking downvote button.
They can all suck a dick. The recolor represents nothing, and the "other side" is the enemy that supported Gawker and hates games.
Someone screencap this and shove it down those fuckers' throats.
Ironically, Trump is going to turn everybody into wageslaves, although it's not going to be as bad as it is currently is.
Yeah, I tried to care and get them to do something other than complain and post the same fucking images every thread, every day, for months, such as making clickbait sites that bait SJWs into getting ads for dick pumps, as funding is important for any operation since you can't really do anything with NEETs that sit on twitter that may live in poverty if it wasn't for their parents or the estate. It got ignored and drowned in a sea of shitposts.
Only reason they're still relevant is because the liberals keep attacking them instead of the evil monster known as the alt-right. A cartoon of some redhead with a green and purple sweater is more triggering to them (SJWs) than Pepe, a hate symbol according to the ADL.
That's the one, thanks.
By the way, I hope all of you with burner Twitters are taking the opportunity to remind people like this that Trump winning is entirely their fault. Granted that's not entirely true, but they've been gaslighting us for years. Their turn.
Get the fuck out, cuck. No non-white belongs anywhere near a white nation. Asians will get the same treatment as the nogs and kikes - a big fat rope to tie around their necks.
The left have no creativity. Its always a recolor, or trying to re-purpose a pepe to push their shitty message.
It never works for a reason. The left are just empty shells. It reminds me of the chinese who just knock off whitey's designs.
Learn to read faggot.
If a Jap can perform a job that nobody else is qualified for (ie he's a walking computer or jackie chan), employ him until a situable replacement is found, then send him to nippon.
Only the chinks and maybe gooks are as bad as jews. Niggers while still subhuman, aren't as much of a threat without a (((specific catalyst))).
Get real nerd
Despite that, GG is dead. That huge leak with the secret aGGro IRC chat logs happened, and the fags in the Holla Forums GG general did absolutely NOTHING with it. No tactical gains were achieved from those leaks, and I mean NONE, because GG had no operational manpower left at all and the people left in the thread are just attention whore poseurs who don't put work in.
Also this thread is probably its last breath for relevancy ever. The "alt right" has obviously supplanted their position as the liberal boogeyman completely, and GG was completely squeamish about aligning with the right to the point of parody years ago. With Trump to cry about, GG is going to be forgotten, and it's almost completely forgotten now.
What happens to video games now, I don't know. But GG should have taken a harder line on that topic while it still had a chance to do damage. If the SJW problem resolves itself, it will have nothing to do with them either and all to do with corporations realizing their consumers voted for Trump and don't give a shit about political correctness in entertainment.
You sound so fucking butthurt, show us on the dolly where gaymergate touched you.
No, fucking hang yourself. Not a single non-white belongs anywhere near a white nation, end of story.
They're all a problem and need to be dealt with accordingly
you really do need to kill yourself immediaely.
Learn to read, I'm not saying there's no 170 IQ whites at all, just that they may not be available for employment.
I would probably rope the jews, lower tier asians and have the higher tier asians train and teach whites.
As I believe that outright killing all yard monkeys is a waste I would do the following: Kill all adult niggers, geld the children and have them work dangerous areas such as radioactive waste handling.
If anything, by breathing, you belittle other whites by bringing down the average IQ down by a few points. Do humanity a favor and go be a supreme gentleman at a californian college or something.
Then again as you're a literal cuck you'll probably call me a race traitor for telling you to kill yourself, but not before mudrering a bunch of brainwashed faggots with gender studies degrees.
People have been shitting on GG here for over a year. Just becuase Holla Forums faggots are flooding two threads doesn't mean we're going to start sucking your dicks and thanking you for electing president Trump when you had nothing to do with it.
I still see Acid Man around on the backup chan for /k/
I like that now even Mark is saying Acid Man was a mistake. Hey, Holla Forumstards, is Mark part of revolt?
I was never really into GamerGate since I really only play a few videogames every year. I knew Acid Man way before GG, I think it was in like 2010. The other chan exists but it's mostly just a bunch of oldfags from /k/ shaking their fists at this one black chick who riles the place up every month or so by saying stupid shit.
Acid Kike was the worst thing that ever happened to GamerGate. I remember I once posted to the Holla Forums thread about having DiGRA information and he tried to persuade me to sign up to and forward it on to him privately.
Anyway, as we now know was being run by a Goon and was totally unencrypted. Plus their servers were seized by the German authorities. Thank god my Semite-sense started tingling and I abandoned the thread.
I remain 100% convinced he was an alphabet soup plant sent in to stop us kicking over the hive with DiGRA. Long story short DARPA were investing in them to see if genderfludity would equate to a more efficient multirole combatant, i.e. they wanted software to turn the US military into trannies.
That is one nasty infection. We need to cure it.
Funnily enough he went in depth on how to make explosives, how to niggerrig explosives, and even how to make a SAM. So you may be right.
Fucking lol, now i know where the buttdestruction about GG itt comes from.
Fucking this exactly. I'm still Holla Forums (/agdg/ specifically) first and foremost, and my main love will always be video games. I'm in Holla Forums's fight right now specifically because of how clear it is that everything is in jeopardy, and that knowledge and clarity is a direct result of GamerGate. This is the case for a shitton of people, and not just for Anons. The circumstances of the events allowed for the message to be spread far, far beyond imageboards' normal circle of direct influence. GamerGate's biggest win isn't being the straw that broke Gawker's back, but in how effectively a collaboration between Holla Forums and Holla Forums was able to conclusively prove and broadcast information confirming the industry-wide collusion, and more importantly, how it's connected to subversive elements beyond. As a result, it also demonstrated how they acted in response to concrete evidence of their wrongdoing, which was telling. Don't let anyone tell you that GamerGate wasn't a good thing:
GamerGate meme'd proof of progressive/leftist ideological subversion and collusion into the minds of the current and next generations.
The current state of GG doesn't reflect what it was, and what it accomplished. The majority of the people left in the GG thread on Holla Forums are the same people you find in any general thread, which are lonely autists who want to feel like a part of something. Just look at the 4AM thread. You have them here on Holla Forums too, they just look different. This is extremely unfortunate, but doesn't reflect the importance of GamerGate. It might be shit now, but I'm proud to have been a part of it. The only reason I'm not currently trying to make GG great again is because I think the fights here are, for the moment, much, much more pressing. My hope is that, with the changes we've made here, we'll one day be able to return to relative sanity, and I can Just Like Make Game in peace, without my company being destroyed out of the gate for my beliefs. And you'd fucking better believe that we'll make those changes happen.
I just wanted to make fucking video games.
Why do you think everyone who thinks Acid Man killed GG, because he did, it collapsed directly her he was appointed a leaderfag, comes from revolt? Seriously, you faggots haven't done anything for like more than a year now, yet anyone who criticizes the Holla Forums circle jerk's leaderfagging must be a shill. If you were right, GG right now wouldnt't be represented by reddit and two or three faggots LARPing as Gilda Mars inbetween content stolen directly from Holla Forums threads.
Hell, revolt is a bigger boogeyman with that Holla Forums thread than GG is with SJWs, and that really says something about how you let the thing stagnate into something, that you're still talking about autstic board wars that ended after Acid Man pretended to report people to the FBI.
You can't even claim that at all. Hulk Hogan's lawsuit ended Gawker period. Also you didn't even manage to end Kotaku since it survived the lawsuit.
Bruh I've been listening to that band for like a week straight. I don't even like Megaman all that much but damn.
how far can we go?
>>>Holla Forums
Shouldn't have fucked with gamer cunt.
Oh fuck, I almost forgot, the 1 year anniversary of Coleslaw's FBI report is this month!
You're right. It's not the best metaphor. Not the straw, but the mosquito draining blood from them as they were choke-slammed repeatedly. It might be more accurate to say that the other biggest win is getting publications to implement codes of ethics. Of course, that's nothing compared to getting the SJWs to practically tell us outright how far-reaching it is.
Have you listened to both acts? Are you aware of the prose you're supposed to read while listening? A large number of people are not.
You might also like The Megas. They're not the same genre, or as technically skilled, but follow some similar themes.
dude, e knew that from the beginning. the guy that runs it even said so back when he opened @Holla emails.
That guy is delusional. He still thinks that /ggrevolt/, a board that is practically dead, is plotting against him.
Occasionally people will post stuff about his paranoia about this grand conspiracy to end him coming from the back channels of dark/ggrevolt/, and I'll just be like, "wtf, I'm the board owner, how the fuck do I not know about this dark secret 'revolt' hiding spot where we conspire against Acid Man, the grand leader of GamerGate?"
I think this where the miscommunication is, Its my opinion that GG ended well over a year ago. Certainly people still use the name and the thread but its been a really long time since even a large portion of Holla Forums were involved. When people talk about GG I just assume that they're talking about GG when it was actually a thing, I think most other people do too.
We did it GG! We got codes of ethics for shit websites most normal mother fuckers living in America don't even know about or give two shits about!
I've seen both acts in chronological order and I read the lyrics yes. I'll check out the other band though.
2017: Gamergate colonises Jupiter.
The unencrypted part, yes (and what kind of moron would sign up to an email provider without full end-to-end encryption? Total honeypot), the fact he was an active member of SA and in the same Patreon clique as most of the people GG was against, no.
hello, ESL. the saying is "horse shit"
Ggretards coming into Holla Forums general and freaking out that they don't want to end up raped in fed prison by niggers was absolutely beautiful.
You know what they say about playing stupid games.
How the fuck do you type that with a straight face and think your opinion in smart or enlightened in any way?
And that wasn't even their cringiest moment
except for the fact that's not true.
some guys who were feds bought ammo and stuff from him off duty. He was never a supplier to the federal government, the government has contracts for that, they don't go to your local "Bob's Gun Range and Sales" for that stuff.
He was doxed. I posted his home address in this thread. What he claimed is that people "attempted" to have him swatted, which is untrue. Someone contacted his local PD, and there had been no reports made for his home address. What he did do though was contact the police to warn of any potential shit like that.
Then he went to the FBI field office to report people for "cyber crimes"? I don't really fucking know, but everyone laughed at him, and he completely destroyed any trust left in him.
>Ggretards coming into Holla Forums general and freaking out that they don't want to end up raped in fed prison by niggers was absolutely beautiful.
The only one who sperged out was Zan, who has sperged out several times before. Everyone else antagonized Cole even harder. We found his employer and his picture, which is seen in this thread. We talked to his former employer who said that "he lives in a fantasy world online and he has no friends".
It was many keks.
Yup, you're a goon alright.
I can not believe that to this day you people can not get over the fact that someone told you to fuck.
This is some advanced autistic rage right here and i am certain that even a decade from now you salty bitches will go MUH ACID like crazy people.
Get over it kids.
and so its blood has watered the tree of liberty
That's the way I see it, in the same way that it doesn't make sense to judge Anonymous as a whole based on present-day 4/b/, either. While it's "still there," it's truly dead. However, worth-while descendents and mutations exist. What's "still there" is either something else entirely, or elements that weren't worth bringing along.
Be advised that they follow more closely to the original Mega Man storyline, so there's a chance it's not for you. They're usually more "dumb fun" than The Protomen, and their lyrics aren't nearly as on-point, but when they nail it, they nail it. Do yourself a favor and start with History Repeating: Blue/Red, which is a retelling of Mega Man 3.
thats becuse 98% of the non gg posts are made by mark personally.
acid is an anti-white cuck lol
That tattoo on her wrist looks like a modified swastika.
These fucking idiots actually think Musk cares about such petty human-tier shit as "politics"?
The same dumb fuckwits who wasted his time at that conference asking "how do I poop?" "what about muh identity " etc.
You could see it in his eyes. It was the look of a man who intends to keep mars all for himself and never look back at this planet full of retarded husks.
>>>Holla Forums
Dude, as soon as he killed gg discussion on Holla Forums, gg was dead. user discussion was where all the ops happened and shit got done.
GamerGate can't even take credit for getting Alison Rapp fired, that credit goes to Kiwi Farms. Oh, and /gamergatehq/ even censored discussion of Alison Rapp being a whore to show unity with KiA lol!
First we'll kick you out of the white house then out of our video games.
Get it trending by sending thank you notices by president trump. See how many will kill themselves.
"It's everyone else's fault but mine"
t. Ggretard
I for one am ready to behold the ascension of the new god of war
Am I a leader? Do I namefag? What pull do I have with gamergate on Holla Forums or anywhere?
When the self appointed leader on Holla Forums bans discussion on DiGRA and pedophile SJWs, how am I responsible?
Oh, it's my fault for calling out Coleslaw. It's my fault that I wanted to discuss EdTech in the video game industry. It's my fault for saying that we should boycott these cucks. It's all my fault that the gamergate discussion is dead on Holla Forums.
Oh, and it's my fault that when an alternative board was created to discuss all of those banned topics that the Holla Forumsanguard brigade came down to spread disinfo and DARVO.
That's some salty asshole, fag.
I especially loved when they spammed gg drama on other boards and how 95% of their discussion was about fighting the other gg board and its owner. Not that hq was much better, by then the consensus was that gg can't boycott SJW devs and it's all about ethics, with the revolt/acid drama (inflamed by acid because it was about the only thing going on that kept the board from sliding into obscurity for a while longer, seriously, the designated shitposting thread where acid would appear every now and then to write some meaningless comment was most of the board's traffic from that point on) it was a short road to the shitshow that it is today (look at the gg thread on Holla Forums, I fucking dare you, it's nothing but the same 5-10 autists reposting the same pictures, only with updated news in the OP that no one reads, no one actually does anything). Revolt may have been an effort to salvage gg but it was too late and went about it in a way that only antagonized people and divided it further.
Stay triggered goon.
You will never destroy gamergate for your friend Zoe.
I'm bored and I want to make a broad point:
This is a sad squeaky wheel society. We try to prove our individuality in ways that in no way actually show a personality, just mirrored reflections of imitations of duplications of a blank screen. Ever notice how you watch a show and everyone thinks they are "that guy?". You become the screen, the photons basically become the eye and give mindfuck a whole new meaning.
That to me explains more of the special snowflakism than anything else, this existential dread in trying to psycholigically reconcile changing media.
Its the same shit with "reasonable tranny" or "reasonable homo". People lazily look for individuality points by basically sitting around and not being completely retarded. Oh you can navigate and understand media? Wow you are so "based". Fuck you.
You are doing the information-society equivalent of having a pulse, something expected of you basically and you are expected to be lauded for it, its fucking disgusting.
What I mean is typically we can navigate the web with a removed kind of skepticism, without feeling totally intergrated or oversocialized. And that is a main hurdle most people have to go through, one of the main distinctions of redpill from bluepill. And what i see is people expecting a gold medal master of the universe prize for THINKING about making the baby steps towards possible procrastinating an approach to redpilling thesemselves in the future if it is convenient for them.
1: read: shallow antagonisms to prop up the lack of an inner self.
TL;DR people are lazy exploring media to redpill themselves, arent fully commited so they beat up people more bluepilled to prop up themselves. Explaining "Jews are the real racist" style thinking.
As far as I know it was only slavshits BTFO
Have you been to Holla Forums lately? I'm not making excuses for the shitstorm that erupted between /ggrevolt/ and /gamergate/ because that was just stupid spats, but Holla Forums and the Gamergate general is very pro-Trump.
And as everybody replying to this post has said, I was also a staunch liberal until Gamergate took off in 2014, and then I gradually went from liberal to libertarian to conservative.
double dubs of truths.
Seriously underrated post.
Oh, cool, halfway there.
For what it's worth I agree with you.
Low-energy messes like are what killed GG in the end, sucking the cock of worthless e-celebs like Acid Shill.
Boycotting releases from major publishers alone would have vastly changed the parameters of what GG would have accomplished. It's no coincidence that just as it was making headway and really kicking the hive, it got cucked to hell and back.
Thankfully anyone worth a damn seemed to end up here and memed Duke Nukem into the White House.
Elon Mars actually carves a giant face on Mars. His face. It will be scowling with hatred and determination.
Keep trying.
Is that another dick in a box again?
Oven yourself, PRfag.
You may have a folder of smug anime girls but you don't belong here.
Why do you take a Geiger-Müller-counter to your flatscreen?
You do realize that a flatscreen doesn't actually irradiate you, right?
Not necessarily if p = ±√4 for example, as 2 ≠ -2.
I always enjoy these fumbling diagnoses of what GG was by the subjects of it. GG was a bunch of white males getting angry, and other white males realizing they could be mobilized. The entire "point" of it, the entire reason it was given more coherence than a Holla Forumstard raid, was because the reaction of the Left to flaunt their media/opinion control in an area emotionally significant to you was recognized as a vector to convert you. That's what you are; you are the product of a mass conversion social experiment. But unlike the Left, you weren't to just be drones. The information and tools were handed out to all of you so that the smarter ones could replicate the process in another area. A few anons who knew how to leverage these situations used this one to create many, many more anons who know how to leverage these situations, and now the process is unstoppable. This was the transparent intention from day 1, no matter what you believe your reasons for getting involved were. One Operation after the next, one info dump and redpill lesson after the next, you were led out of the cave.
I am part of the universe.
God is part of the universe.
I am god.
Actually, it does.
That kicked the momentum of red pilling.
And the left become a death cult of sorts.
Too useful.
And wasn't soros connected to that too..
I'm seeing a pattern emerge.
Marxism is a spook
But race and culture are relevant now.
We're learning how to treat it like our ancestors used to.
Socialists are realizing you need a goal or an aspiration.
Without one there is nothing but hell.
I agree. And if there are partitions of society into classes. Then, we should partition society into different races, these will serve as the classes.
Only the races are scientific partitions of classes.
Made us think again.
And look at the world with open eyes.
People can see again.
I disagree, I think races need to value their own and stop mixing forcefully, while allowing us to function as cogs of humanity's global race.
t. lost mixed person.
It's not nice being unable to find a group like that, trust me. I want to preserve race as much as I can.
Black people need to make a decision. Do you want to return to the old way? Or strive towards a new way?
Why keeping our cultures uniqueness.
Imagine a futuristic form of the distinct cultures between races. Imagine a modern china that looks like china. A modern india that looks like india. A modern australia that looks like a shitposting hell.
This is what lefties do not see currently.
Like Jesus predicted.
Cue doctor who theme
Soros eh? Makes perfect sense he was behind the whole thing. All he had to do was
I mean just because the MSM attacked gamergate at every turn - just like they did with Trump - while catering to the exact same entitled marxists and their victim fantasies doesn't mean he wasn't behind that too, pulling the strings with an invisible hand. It's all so clear now.
It's it you cislord.
I don't understand gamergate.
That's the funniest part.
We're an odd mix of fascism, national socialism and even libertarianism now.
Also technocratic revitalization.
In fact, we're breaking the identity of social-political movements and bring back a more religious philosophical sense of understanding to it.
But they also were lagging a little with technological innovation. Now my dad, a plumber, is obsessed with the new innovations.
A-america i-is already g-great though.
I'll admit, I don't agree with some of the tenets of Holla Forums's credo, but this I can get behind.
Your position is entirely based on what you are and your need to have some semblance of identity, when in truth you have none as a mongrel, preserve your ego. It is not a rational argument to benefit Europeans, and as long as you keep thinking only in selfish terms of what accommodates your existence the best, you are incapable of making one. As for the meme that somehow each race has its role which we absolutely require, they don't. If this entire planet was exclusively populated by Whites right now it would be superior according to objective metrics, and also optimum from our perspective. Blacks and Asians, in addition to being inferior, do not feature in the reproductive cycle of Europeans, therefore will never be more valuable to us than our own. There is no ecological argument as to why the world shouldn't only be different groups of Whites. Modern transport and communication technology enables the spread and introgression of allele frequencies both geographically and through our populations at rates never previously achieved. Your idea that each race should only breed with themselves has been tried many times in less volatile environments, and has always failed. You are either ignorant or deluded on this point. What you are suggesting is a conscious effort on the part of all featherless bipeds on the planet to not interbreed, in itself unprecedented, which has failed every single time it has been tried on a smaller scale in the course of time, for no reason more profound than "they should exist", which again is related to your need to justify your own existence. There is none. You are a living weapon whose conception was orchestrated by the enemies of Europeans. That is it. There is no ill-will behind these words, and the blame lies with those who created you and those like you without caring how you'd feel about it. We can discuss the population genetics further, but every single comparable case for other animals is dealt with by ecologists destroying the invasive species. The only reasons not to approach human populations in the same manner are pathological altruism, as in the case of cucks, or selfishness, as in your case.
The flood of 4chan in 2007 - 2009 was a pivotal moment in human history.
I'm not even kidding. That's why we're here.
I wonder what will it be called? Militaristic technocracy?
Bernie is a con artist.
Like an actual con artist. He had bills to pay and used the election to pay them.
Trump does it for free. And now the world is seeing that and are enthusiastic about him.
Synchronistic civilization. We reach a new paradigm.
Only if we have the ability to play the fool, the devils advocate or the critical observer.
What a new exciting world for us. I am forward to the new era.
That's a good pepe, need more like that
I'm already worried. We may have created the biggest behavioral sink yet.
Then again, the chans were always like that and somehow began to revert their degeneracy.
Porn is for the fallen.
What do you mean by that?
Socialism is left wing.
You're a fucking idiot and gg has been destroyed by PR and inaction a long time ago. Revolt was a cancer but it was only allowed to spread because gg was already in its death throes.
It's funny how true that is.
Why are they pushing this angel bullshit?
You're not aliens.
You're degenerates.
GG is a corpse on life support, yet it still scares leftists shitless. It proves how broken their spirit is.
I actually like that Holla Forums keeps it alive. It's a good reminder to both leftists and normies that the fight against social justice will never stop and the left can't win.
Remember - that hell is conditioned too.
It's not a real hell, they've just been brainwashed to the point where they think it's hell.
Which makes me want to shine light in their eyes.
So it's like El Cid?
That was the "leddit" GG crowd, I told them off every time they pulled this shit ….until I stopped going there altogether
I have forgotten about GG and move on but the leftists can't move on. You are right about them being broken spirits that are struck on.
Some of us did degrees for this.
Somebody impale soros on a spike.
Putin banned them from Russia but not all countries removed them yet so we and others need to do something that harm them financially because the money is power but the problem is I am clueless about the soro financial matters so I am almost useless. The only way to change the political game rules is to become politicians and alter the political rules to allow them to steer everyone away from the capitalism. Capitalism is a breeding ground for the greed, self-indulgence and corruptions.
user, I think the opposite.
We might tame debt once and for all.
Otherwise it'll be wage "slaves" where everything is automated.
Good song.
Have a bump cunt.
Be careful with complacency user. I think this whole thing got unreasonable publicity.
They are still better at some things user.
All cultures have their perks.
But yes, objectively we are keeping the planet together the best.
When millions of people collect, they tend explore ideas and the perception of "what is right"
It's easy for us now, we have a clear "what is wrong"
I'm telling you now, we may have unleashed the real beast. But for some reason it's fixing us right now.
I guess it's because stupidity hasn't leaked into the chans as much as it should if all people were connected.
As soon as that stops - we'll have issues.
This is why I'm still convinced he simply baits us.
You are the greatest example of "hybrid vigor" I've ever seen, it only took you an hour and a half and a couple dozen shitposts to read through the thread and reply to my post.
Tell me, what breed of mongrel are you?
Why are you such a salty person?
Dis ma land mafugga
this was so sad to watch. he kept trying to shitpost but was unable to do shit.
It's odd. They're controlled by a literal death cult.
And we probably fear death less than they do.
Strange that.
More than he realized.
I wish CommissarGG was still on Twitter
I agree completely. The Holla Forums general circle jerk spends all their effort shitting on eceleb leaderfags, but they rally around and protect their own retards just as hard. They are the same kind of cancer and don't want to admit it. The fact that Acid Man wasn't thrown under the bus after his epic sperg outs just lead to GG ending completely. It's a bunch of fags that think they knew better than everyone else. The "leaderless movement" stuff was less than a meme to them.
That accmoplished absolutely nothing. The SJWs just continued doing the same shit regardless. Kotaku and Polygon doubled down. GG was naive as fucking hell. This is a war against an ideological religion. Notice how GG compromised and then imploded, but Trump never compromised and won. This is why GG can't claim shit in regards to Trump's ascendance. He did everything the pussies in GG were afraid to and didn't care.
Read the replies in this thread, you're just repeating talking points that were already shown to either A) be incorrect
B) had an appropriate response (like GG eventually being compromised, but that's because most of the GGers came here realizing their efforts could be put to greater use)
Nope. I only got involved in GG through finding out about Common Core and its relation to geopolitics. I was always on a road to Holla Forums.
I'm one of these. Was blackpilled and called fowl when hearing vidya journalists investigating themselves and saying they were innocent. Became conscious of SJWs and their tactics and hypocrisy.
I was inspired over the past few months to arrange lore in my games pro-nationalist, which only came about from stuff like Trump and Brexit. This may as well be good as time as any to uncuck the industry before it finishes going the way of TV and Hollywood.
By the way, have any of you seen Vox, Polygon's owner company, since the election? The blowout of anti-Trump articles since the night of our victory was fucking hilarious. They weren't posting anything else.
>yfw goons from every dead and cucked board, be it >>>Holla Forums, >>>/ggrevolt, or >>>/leftypol whenever GG is mentioned
Seriously, the name of the world's most powerful movement until Trump's election campaign never fails to bring out the unending torrent of salt in the whiny losers.
Stay salty, shills and fags.
Holla Forums waifu has an atitude that makes Asuka looks friendly by comparison.
I was Holla Forumspol/ even before gg, but was pushed from banter to action by it
It's those same idiots who claimed Holla Forums and GG should be separate. If it wasn't for Holla Forums, GG wouldn't have accomplished what it did. Right now they're just salty GG ended up benefiting in this election. Peter Thiel wasn't a fluke choice, Trump wants up open up the ability to sue the mainstream media for libel, an Thiel helped Hogan take out Gawker.
You see these idiots crawl out of their holes because they know everything is crumbling down on top of them. The mainstream media will pay for its leftist slander.
Reported for kike shill.
nah m8
are you retarded? /gamergatehq/ is where the "go back to Holla Forums" started when people wanted to discuss edtech and SJW infiltration.
are you retarded? if p = {-2, 2} and p = q then q = {-2, 2} and since p = r then r = {-2, 2} and q = r
/gg/ was when GG was at its strongest. A few cucks who wanted to d&c didn't change that.
/gamergatehq/ lost its wheels because of the massive amounts of shills from Holla Forums d&c'ing, and it still happens today.
Remember their "Christcuck" tactics? You don't think they did the same with the whole "lol you Holla Forumstards/stormfags are crazy gtfo"?
Most Holla Forumsirgins didn't even fucking care, they just wanted to play video games. Fact is, Holla Forums didn't fight against the d&c, and neither did /gghq/. Its a shame, but it happened. Either way, both boards accomplished their goals, and it was overall a massive net positive for this place and for the Trump campaign.
Gamergate literally redpilled a generation of young white men who just wanted to play vidya games.
Those same young men are the ones that memed Trump into office.
Because a generation of young white men finally realized that they won't be left alone if they're apolitical, that they can just do their thing and ignore the political BS, because that very same political BS is hunting them down to wherever they go. A generation woke up, smelled the coffee, and got angry. A generation learned what SJWs are and what cultural marxism is, what they do to them, and (((who))) is behind it. Gamergate was nothing less than the red pill itself.
America didn't put gamerate in the white house. Gamergate put america in the white house.
Stay salty, Holla Forums.
Were Holla Forums the ones that posted a sticky about reporting GG fags to the FBI? I remember autists bragging about the GG board being in "Holla Forums hands" as a good thing to keep it away from shifty people like Holla Forums. How well did that go? This is why I can't take you guys seriously anymore. You protect your own faggots over other faggots and never take blame for anything you destroyed. Enjoy your irrelevant shit posting thread that will never accomplish anything again.
Then why she does not complain to OSHA or whenever-organisation-deals-with-park-safety?
No, because you can always just leave.
It's purely marketing question - does publisher market game as carebear safespace, or all you can rape butt buffet. Both have their users
The past two years have been hard, and we all fought like mad bastards for every square inch of enemy turf, but that one sentence tells me it was not for nothing. We broke their fucking minds.
No shit, sherlock. To say "whore shit" makes it a double profanity, like fuckass instead of fuckface.
Technology is here for 25 fucking years, it's proved and standardized.
Make your contacts install proper mail client and exchange keys, instead of registering at another web-2.9-totally-encrypted-service
This tbh.
Nice disinfo. Have some truth.
GG is what converted me also. I'm not exactly right of center, but GG brought me out of Holla Forums and to Holla Forums and brought me closer to a classical liberal stance. It started my transition to not blindly believe everything I'm told, to despise commies, and to question everything, including the holocaust.
As if GamerGate had anything to do with Trump's victory? That was us. GamerGate could have had a victory just as great, if they had listened to their Uncle Holla Forums.
Best posts ever, shut up idiot!
You know that Holla Forums and Holla Forums are not two separate userbases but share most of their posters, right ?
There has always been and there still is a collective effort from some (((people))) to make us hate each other
it doesn't ever work though, you'd have be ggrevolt stupid to fall for obvious d&c
shilling here on fullchan only serves as something to laugh at, it has never been effective
Add myself to a big list of people who were "soft" around GG time and became utterly hardened after GG brought the SJW problem out in its full imagery.
After GG came to its conclusion, that was around when I went from basically oblivious and forgiving to something far more far right and extensive.
I wasn't even a hardcore Holla Forums regular. I just got caught in the september shitstorm and got permabanned. In here I was a regular of /gg/ but then I moved into 8ch's Holla Forums & Holla Forums.
I spent most of the time in Holla Forums, to be honest.
My whole family is still left-wing. I can only show them small red-pills from time to time because any opposite opinion just makes them go neurotic. After Trump's victory I have to hide my smug-face in family reunions.
I just wanted to play videogames.
you always have posts like
If people had enough integrity and brain power to ditch cuckchan, they are unlikely to fall for that. "You have to go back" is said for a reason.
most people were slightly left or on the left when gg began, a lot that has to do with being from non USA places, countries where their right looks a hell of a lot like our left, and they moved over towards the lesser retarded left when faced with evidence and loosing of their conditioning. GG can spark back anytime, but most of all when a journalist slanders gamers or is caught colluding or taking bribes etc– it's about the only thing concrete they are sure to agree on and be 100% united behind. People have been saying it's dead or over from the beginning, they are always proven wrong.
Armstrong literally says make america great again. If that speech doesn't convince you post your best Solidus hmm…
I wonder how many replies I could get with a lefty twitter sock and a single post.
About 149
its not like nomads can keep up civilisationally past a certain point
I disagree. GamerGate lost. They lost the narrative and will only be remembered to history as the victors write it. Trump is a larger battle, and a greater victory in the same culture war.
The links still exist but basically GG is just used to spread info around now for whatever is going on at the time. Most people ARE still left leaning but not in the current form it represents. Hell if anything that's probably why they butt heads so hard with SJW mindset. We're both left swinging people but the rhetoric from the regressives is outright absurdity based on emotional responses with a complete lack of rationality to it.
Most aren't "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" since left swinging = acceptance. However most did swing hard to nationalism due to political issues of accepting immigrants from syria openly like Germany has and agree on building the wall on the mexican border. Especially if the 3 million votes counted up as illegal votes is legitimate. That's a metric fuckton of people that have no right to be in this country.
So I guess really what I'm saying is the recent election and the way the political climate has gone down most of GG as it stands scattered now are centrists or full blown right wing.
IMO it really seems like the political landscape is switching sides again just like it did however many years ago. It's a fucked up time to live in but maybe it was an inevitability a long time ago.
Lurk more fam
Same here, user.
The Fappening was indeed a psyop, but I still haven't figured out who or why.
Yeah, people on normiebook are so triggered when the start a slap fight with Mike Tyson and end up TKOed.
Oh I remember those days, when SHEX FER FAVERS was on everyone's mind.
What. Were. They. Thinking.
Friendly reminder they wrote a fucking academic journal article because DIGRA was totally nothing, goy.
This. The 2014 midterms told me normies were tiring of the SJW shit. Also, SJWs got a label. Before I would call their sophistry some variation of 'west coast hippie bullshit' which was not always readily understood.
Everyone knows what an SJW is now.
The only jobs left are at timmies.
Hey Sarkpuppet, if you're reading this, you better think really long and fucking hard before dragging Radio Milles Collines into this. The Gamil Gharbi "threat" had your fingerprints all over it, and I know senators who will be right pissed if you try it again. You won't be speaking at the Broadbent Institute but perhaps a court room.
That doesn't contradict his really at all. Both are great reads.
Holla Forums user drew these for the occasion.
Pretty much.
We certainly weren't alone in getting Trump elected, but we helped spread a metric fucktonne of red pills.
Besides, as long as these SJW scumbags are targetting GamerGate, they're never going to hit anything important, so it's in our interest to keep them believing that videogames turned the youth into misogynist racists that voted for Trump.
After all, never correct your enemy when they're making a mistake.
Guys, this thread got me thinking. As many others here GG redpilled me real good. I just wanted to play some fucking videogames and, like many other videogame enthusiasts, felt alienated when SJW started calling us muhsoggyknees, bigots, etc. There is not greater revulsive than being demonized over some crime you honestly don't believe to have commited.
Point is, I'm wondering if there is a way to replicate this reaction with other demographics who share more normalfag interests/hobbies. Like, dunno, baiting SJWs into calling sports fans bigots and racys. Cultural marxism high command would never be stupid enogh to deliberately alienate that areas, but clueless SJW foot soldiers might if baited hard enough. They are lashing out and and throwing at each other's neck right now, maybe some psyop experts here can think how to redirect this anger and redpill normies who felt attacked for enjoying X hobby?
That's the only instance in history that a SJW was funny on purpose.
quit fucking acting like a hall monitor, you insignificant cunt.
SJWs are already trying to infest many 'geek' Hobbys like MTG or wargaming. There is already the same resentment against them, but there wasn't a big enough trigger event to trigger something like GG.
We can't and shouldn't force something like that, it needs to occur naturally. All well can do is wait and observe. Our time will come
The meme magic is too powerful.
The whole "ethics in vidya journalism" meme morphed into calling out the MSM at every turn and going on digging expeditions of the TPTB.
Nigga, I'm already saving for my flight. 500k theorized cost of it? I'll be ready in 7 years. Maybe I can hit 1 mil when the price is 1 mil for a ticket early on. I served in the USN for 6 years to better myself, I'll serve the rest of my life on Mars making Humanity Great Again.
GG was more like a Stalingrad for the right. Who knows how bad things could have been if the breaks had not been put on the media machine. But I would say it helped make a crack for alternative media to take the reigns. While mainstream media descended more and more to the abyss.
And now the media is thoroughly despised for being lying, elitist, smug pieces of trash. Well, I would say that we're smug as well. But when we do it, it's quite charming.
We can check the authors and tastemakers of our own hobbies and support those that stand against SJW's.
I've given Larry Correia a chance, and his books are entertaining. He's also representing Warmachine, which makes me hopeful that they're not going to be faggots, and they're ever so slightly less jewy than GamesWorkshop from what I understand on the outside of the hobby.
I always knew it would.
When gamergate first started, I knew it would end up with us taking over the presidency.
I think everyone believed that deep down once they saw our power.
Nice work Holla Forumsanon. May you spoon with a mermaid.
I know that lacrosse is cultural appropriation. Too bad it isn't more popular.
A lot of the young "alt right" (defined in the broadest sense) Trump supporters would probably, if they had been left alone, have been bluepilled, media-beleiving normies who would have stumbled into electing Hillary because "it's time for a woman".
So, in a way, the causes of Gamergate put Trump in the White House. If only they'd not poked that hornet's nest…
This. I used to call myself a 'virulent Marxist' and hang out at Holla Forums, but I eventually realised how shit they are compared to Holla Forums and went full fash.
It's a well-worn path; after all–George Orwell, C. S. Lewis, Peter Hitchens.
Not so fast kiddo
Guys have a little individuality.
This shit is written by Acid Man to gaslight us.
This is the real shit
Whoever you are I rabu, user, forever.
Nah, Hitchens is full of shit on weed. Lewis is fine.
Gamergate shove 30cm of wood up my butthole.
Oy gevalt, another innocent victim like me. They forced me to put on a VR helmet and play hatred before chucking me into the ovens
This. I have the impression most Holla Forumsacks think that GG was a failure only because as more and more people got redpilled they came here, letting silly games go and focusing on the bigger picture.
GG was a redpill tsunami fams.
If the global elite wants to punish someone for what's happening to them, they can start with Chelsea "Zoe Quinn" Van Valkenburg and her family for being sloppy as fuck with their methods and secrets. She's the one who opened the door to this whole thing, and we cheerfully walked right in with our torches and pitchforks.
What makes you think Valkenburger wasn't doing this as a fuck you for being a pizza joint employee as a kid? She is more to be pitied than laughed at, as are most SJWs.
Or it could be another sympathy scam, who knows. I give at the office, not to her Patreon.