I've noticed there's a lot of resentment and frustration toward women here. This stems from a lot of you holding onto kike lies about equality. When you expect someone to be equal and they are not it is angering. Once you accept they are not equal then you can enjoy them for what they are. That being said I'm going to share some wisdom with you that was shared with me on how to properly nurture a woman.
Lesson One
Women are like dogs.
This is not meant in any derogatory sense whatsoever (dogs are great!), it just means that just as there are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners, there are no bad women either, just bad husbands who don't have a clue how to treat a woman.
To have a happy dog, you need to spend some serious quality time with it. You need to enjoy doing things with it, and to show it lots of affection. You also need to truly appreciate its willingness to assist you in all the ways it is capable of. If you aren't all that interested in dogs and don't really enjoy the company of a dog and don't even have any use for a dog's assistance, why would you even get one in the first place? It will only make the dog feel unfulfilled and miserable, and a miserable dog will soon do its best to make your life miserable too!
Replace the word "dog" with "woman" in the last paragraph, and realize every word still holds perfectly true.
Some men think a woman can be treated like a TV. They believe they can turn her on in an instant when they wish to utilize her entertainment functionality, and expect her to stay off and out of the way when they have other things to do.
Sorry lads, dogs don't work that way, and neither do women.
If you get a dog because you think it would be nice to have someone who is happy to see you when you come home, but don't otherwise care one whit about it, then you'll only end up with a miserable and frankly quite useless dog that is not even happy to see you, because it has no fucking reason to be!
Meanwhile, a happy dog who has a fulfilling relationship with Master will sense telepathically when Master leaves work and instantly gets ready for His imminent return. The dog gets visibly excited, because the most important event of the day is at hand - Master is coming home!! Ho boy!!!
Once again, all of this applies equally to women. She has no tail to wag, but a truly happy and fulfilled woman will always greet her Master with a lovely smile and a sammich, which is even better.
So, how do you get yourself one of those happy and fulfilled women?
Most men think there must be something wrong with the one they currently have, she must be malfunctioning or something, because she doesn't perform as expected. They started out with an adorable specimen who looked upon him with moist eyes, but now she has turned into an evil nagging frigid bitch for some reason. It must be time to return that cold fish to the ocean, right?
WRONG! Nothing could be further from the truth! Your current woman is working precisely as nature intended, it is YOU who are not working correctly! It is YOU who turned an adorable creature into a shrew by not reading the fucking manual! If you fix YOURSELF and change YOUR OWN BEHAVIOR, your woman will start functioning correctly again, automatically! The fault lies 100 % with YOU, and so does the responsibility for fixing it!
Please contemplate this statement until you have accepted the truth of it. Then you'll be ready for the next lesson.
You are a man, and the root cause of all your relationship problems, is that you have no fucking clue just how much power you truly have over a woman. This is because men are stronger than women. Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.
This does not mean you are necessarily any smarter than her, or wiser, or more adept at anything. It just means that you are firm and unwavering in your spiritual essence, whereas she is soft and pliable in hers. You therefore have the power to mold her into any shape you desire, and she will easily bend to accommodate your every whim.
So, what happens when an unstoppable force made of fierce willpower (a man) meets a fluffy cloud made of selfless love (a woman)? Why of course, the unstoppable force tears right through the fluffy cloud without him even noticing any resistance! She on the other hand, is deeply affected by the encounter. Her whole existence is thrown into turmoil!
There is nothing she can do against such overwhelming power as yours, and if she is not enjoying the shape you are molding her into, she has but one recourse - to physically remove herself from your circle of influence.
And that's why the majority of divorces are initiated by women. Not because "too much feminism has poisoned their minds", but because their men have all but destroyed them (usually just out of simpleminded carelessness), and they are forced to use the only defense they have: escape.
Are you beginning to understand the sheer depth of RESPONSIBILITY that weighs on your shoulders for holding such immense and terrifying power over another being?
Every word that falls from a man's lips is to a woman as the word of God himself would be to you! She may disagree with you completely, but she cannot undo the sheer power of will with which your opinion is delivered, and thus she will remold herself around it, even when she hates doing so. If you tell her to dance, she will dance, but if she really didn't want to, she'll soon hate herself for it. She won't hate you, she will hate herself, because you are recreating her and molding her into a shape she doesn't want to be in. No-one likes being what they do not wish to be, but you are doing just that to her, over and over.
And that is what eventually turns her into an evil nagging frigid bitch!
Men are normally blissfully unaware of the powerful disruptive influence they can have on a woman, at least until it reaches the point where she is no longer capable of having sex with him. She just can't. Then he at last notices something is wrong, even though he usually has no clue what.
I'll tell you a little story to hammer home the point:
I recently talked to a little old lady, and happened to mention I was building an aquarium. This made her see blood red, and she went into a frenzy like she was a devout Christian and I just announced I was really into putting my penis in other men's assholes. The whole idea of aquariums was obviously as deeply wrong and sinful to her as if God himself had declared them to be of Satan, that much was clear.
So I took on my therapeutic hat and talked her through her emotions on the matter. Eventually we reached the core of it, the root cause of her deep aversion towards aquariums.
As it turned out, she had wanted an aquarium herself many years ago, but her late husband had disapproved of the idea. I nudged her to penetrate deeper, and had her remember the exact moment as it happened.
They were having breakfast, and she had suggested that it would look nice to have an aquarium in the living room.
He said nothing in reply, and looked out the window.
That was all of it. (!)
He never expressed an opinion on aquariums whatsoever, and quite frankly I'm not sure he was even listening. He was probably lost in his own thoughts, she said something bla bla bla, and he looked out the window to avoid being disturbed.
But to her mind, the all-powerful Master of her heart and soul had just shown the utter contempt he held for aquariums.
Owen Reyes
Lesson 2 contd.
What can a woman do at that point? Well, she can decide, this is it, I will NOT change my opinion on aquariums! And then she can take out a divorce over it. Or, she can do what a woman always does until she can bear it no longer, remold herself around her husband's will and change her opinion until it fits with his. She did the latter, and reprogrammed herself to hate aquariums for the rest of her life. That way, she saved the relationship, but at a terrible cost to her own sense of self.
Women do this kind of thing all the time!
Every time a careless word falls off your lips, every time she spots a frown on your brow, every time you curve the corner of you mouth. Every single time, she draws some kind of conclusion what that was all about, and remolds herself around what she perceives to be your will. It sounds completely insane from a man's perspective, but she is a woman, and you did want one of those, didn't you?
Then learn to deal with it!
You do this by taking extreme caution with what you say and how you react around a woman. Correction: she can see through all your clumsy attempts at pretending, so you better take extreme caution with what you actually feel around a woman, because she will always notice your true feelings (if not necessarily the true cause of them).
The husband to the old lady I just talked of did feel uncomfortable and disturbed by her suggestion to get an aquarium, probably just because he was attempting to have some solitude and drink his morning coffee in peace, but he reacted negatively nonetheless, and she picked up on it instantly. Women always do.
You cannot react negatively to a woman without horrendously bad consequences, not even in the most subtle way imaginable. Your opinion is a huge deal to them!
You have to realize that women are emotionally vulnerable beings that need protection, and there is no greater danger in your woman's life to protect her from than YOU. No-one else can hurt her as badly, because you are the guardian of her heart. So you must be very careful with how you treat her. Be her Hero, by holding your own inner villain at bay at all times.
The short of this lesson:
There are three phases in an unenlightened man's married life:
1. Everything seems to be just fine
2. She suddenly refuses to have sex anymore. WTF?
3. Divorce
The relationship can still be saved and transformed into divine perfection, even years into phase 2, if you start doing things right. More on that next time.
Owen Jenkins
Yeah, nobody's gonna listen. Good luck pandering to weebs who are actually jews pushing another type of "don't breed, goyim" propaganda.
Tyler Taylor
Lesson Three
Women want to be used.
This is one of those things men have great difficulty understanding about women, because it is so alien to their own perspective on life. But the thing is, women really do want to be of use to others. They crave the opportunity to serve. It is as if there is a hole in them that needs to be filled, and YOU fill that hole whenever you find them useful or pleasing. The greatest gift you can ever give to a woman is validation of her existence, it's as if you possess the power to give a woman a deep sense of purpose she cannot easily attain on her own. Your validation strengthens her sense of self, and she'll love you to bits for it.
That's why a happy wife does so much for her husband and children and expects so little in return. It is never about striving for equality in the sense of a "balanced equation" for her (as it would probably be for you), it is about her feeling fulfilled in her role. If she is fulfilled in her role and feels appreciated for her service and feels deeply loved and respected as a wife and mother, then the "equality balance sheet" can be waaay out of whack, and she'll never even notice!
So what if her husband is a fat jobless slob and she has to support him by working full time, and then come home and cook and clean the house for him to boot? A woman does not mind such things, AS LONG AS SHE IS FEELING FULFILLED!
This feeling of fulfillment stems from her being seen and appreciated. The amount of work she has to perform has nothing to do with it, the only limit to a woman's capacity in that regard is the number of hours in a day.
Unhappy women may often complain about a lack of equality in their relationship, but that is simply because they are unhappy and do not feel appreciated, it has NOTHING to do with keeping track of who provided what service to whom, and in return for what!
Women simply do not keep score of such matters! They only keep score of how things make them feel, and fiercely so for that matter. But if their life feels good to them, then it is good, end of story.
Let your wife "slave" away for you if you want to, but never ever look away in shame over your own lack of contribution. Meet her eyes, not ashamed for yourself, but proud of her! Watch her work and admire her openly for her fortitude and skill and creativity! You can certainly offer a lending hand from time to time, it will be appreciated, but it is actually optional.
It's very important for you as a man to realize this, because the worst thing you can ever do to fix your ailing relationship, is to attempt to do whatever she says you should do. She has no idea what she wants, she is a woman!
If she knew what she wanted, she'd be a man!
When your woman is nagging about you never doing the dishes, then you can do as much dishes as you like, it won't change squat. She'll probably just nag twice as hard about the laundry. This is because the words "you never do the dishes" might sound in a man's mind like "you have to do your share of the dishes", but it really doesn't mean that at all. Instead it means "you don't appreciate me! I'm working my ass off for you, and you don't notice! Waaaaah!! You don't love me any more!"
It's your lack of noticing that is the problem here, not the lack of fairness in an objective sense. If you start doing the dishes half of the time instead of fixing the real problem, then you will likely show even less interest in what she is doing for you, because you think "you're even" now, so she has no right to complain!
Male thinking…
What does she care about being even? She cares about serving you, and being appreciated for it!
Appreciate your woman when she is doing the dishes, and she will not mind doing them, whether you do your part around the house or not. What you do or don't do has NO relevance whatsoever to the issue of her happiness, no matter what she says!
In fact, it's useful to NEVER take what a woman says at face value. She is expressing her feelings, that is all. If you approach everything she says from the perspective of trying to understand and validate her feelings, more or less ignoring the usually misleading surface content, then your marriage success probability just leaped 10,000 %!
Men often think "to serve" means to be a slave, but that is a very distorted perspective. It is a very male perspective on a very female virtue, to be exact. The female perspective is different, because while you as a man are largely lost inside your own inner Universe, and mostly annoyed when you are forced out of it to connect with others, a woman is always deeply connected to everyone and everything around her.
Carter Evans
lesson 3 contd…
It is not wrong for you to be cut off and isolated in your own mind as you are, that's the way you have to be to fulfill your purpose and be a man.
But a woman is always part of everything around her in a way you can scarcely fathom, and you need to understand this.
To a woman, the phrase "to serve" really means "to be a part of all that IS and know and live your purpose". She is always acutely aware of being part of all that is, but she is not necessarily aware of her purpose, unless a purpose is given to her. She has a hard time making out her own thoughts and emotions from those of her surroundings, and that makes life confusing.
The consequences of this intimate female interconnectedness with the Universe are twofold:
1. A woman has access to deep innate wisdom, and has an inherent potential of effortless artistic self expression and creativity you could never dream of matching. Don't even attempt to compete with her, allow her to use these wonderful gifts to serve you instead!
2. She is like a ship without a captain, she is severely lacking in the ability to steer her own course, so she needs YOU to fulfill that role. A ship without a captain isn't sailing anywhere, and a ship that isn't sailing anywhere is not feeling fulfilled, because it knows it was built for the high seas.
P.S. I was intending to describe how to be a positive leader in your relationship in a more hands-on fashion, but that will have to wait for the next installment. Sorry about the detour!
John Rogers
Lucas Carter
It is not wrong for you to be cut off and isolated in your own mind as you are, that's the way you have to be to fulfill your purpose and be a man.
But a woman is always part of everything around her in a way you can scarcely fathom, and you need to understand this.
To a woman, the phrase "to serve" really means "to be a part of all that IS and know and live your purpose". She is always acutely aware of being part of all that is, but she is not necessarily aware of her purpose, unless a purpose is given to her. She has a hard time making out her own thoughts and emotions from those of her surroundings, and that makes life confusing.
The consequences of this intimate female interconnectedness with the Universe are twofold:
1. A woman has access to deep innate wisdom, and has an inherent potential of effortless artistic self expression and creativity you could never dream of matching. Don't even attempt to compete with her, allow her to use these wonderful gifts to serve you instead!
2. She is like a ship without a captain, she is severely lacking in the ability to steer her own course, so she needs YOU to fulfill that role. A ship without a captain isn't sailing anywhere, and a ship that isn't sailing anywhere is not feeling fulfilled, because it knows it was built for the high seas.
P.S. I was intending to describe how to be a positive leader in your relationship in a more hands-on fashion, but that will have to wait for the next installment. Sorry about the detour!
Ethan Young
Lesson Four
Create Your Own Jane Birkin! (or how to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear)
Now we are finally getting to the beef of this little series of essays!
You want your woman to be beautiful and talented, and your woman definitely wants to be beautiful and talented too, so why not make cunning use of your innate power over her to make both your wishes come true? Remember, she is already constantly remolding herself to your demands as she sees them (by interpreting all the signals you give off whether you know it or not). This is already happening, and you can't change it, so why not take conscious control over the process and send out signals that are actually conduicive to some desired goal?
Why not, indeed!
Realize that there is practically NOTHING a woman will not do to please her man, once he has communicated his desire effectively. Some men are naturally skilled in this, and some of them take so much selfish advantage of it it's frankly heartbreaking to see. Just think about what hoes will do for their pimp…
But male power is not intrinsically evil, you can use your power over your woman for good if you so choose!
You see, you have already torn down your woman over the years by not being sufficiently aware of how you affect her. I'm only suggesting that you reverse this process and start building her up again. It is easier than you think, precisely because a woman will do anything for her man. Think about it: If a hoe can pick up Johns every day to keep her pimp living in style, then - by God! - your woman can become pretty and start feeling good about herself again for you! Never doubt your woman's ability to accomplish anything you set her out to do!
Now, let's make her pretty again!
I assume your woman wasn't half bad looking when you first got her, after all, there was something about her that caught your eye. I also assume she has since let herself go completely, because that's what usually happens. Since you now know that YOU are actually 100 % responsible for this sad state of affairs, let's do a quick recap of how you managed to send her signals that instructed her to stop caring about her appearance:
-She asked you which pair of pants to wear, and you grunted unintelligibly and didn't really look. That signaled to her that her appearance is of no importance to you.
-She showed off her new haircut and you failed to comment positively on it. That signaled to her that you don't find her attractive anymore.
-She wanted to buy some piece of jewelry, and you grumbled that it was a waste of money. That signaled to her that she is worth very little to you, and you don't think she's pretty enough to deserve to wear nice things.
-She asked you to zip up her dress when you were going to a party, and you didn't take the opportunity of kissing her in the neck as you used to. That signaled to her that you don't want her anymore.
I could go on and on adding 500 more examples (as could your woman if you were to ask her…), but I'm guessing you got the point already!
So how do you reverse the damage you have inadvertently caused through a lifetime of being a complete doofus?
Simple! You just use your remarkable male brain power to come up with a bunch of little things you can do that will send the correct signal, and then you DO them when opportunity strikes! A few examples, just to get your imagination going:
Aiden Richardson
Lesson 4 contd.
-Notice something she is wearing. Act spontaneous, as if some detail just caught your eye, and you just can't help commenting on it. "Oh, I haven't seen that skirt on you for a while!" It doesn't even have to be a glowing positive compliment, you are just signaling that you notice her appearance here. This tells her that you do pay attention to how she looks and what she is wearing. That's all it takes, really.
-Buy her a necklace and drop it in her lap with a casual "I just saw this thing, and I thought it might go with those ear-rings you used to have." This sneaky statement is just loaded with juicy information for a female brain to chew on! (1) You do value her after all. (2) You do appreciate her wearing jewelry and dressing up. (3) It has not escaped you that she's not been wearing ear-rings lately. (4) You have noticed she's been looking like crap lately, and it definitely bothers you. (5) You do actually believe she could be pretty again if she tried. (6) You are considerate enough to tell her all of this in such a veiled and convoluted fashion to not hurt her feelings, etc, etc. She's going to lie awake at night and think up many more hidden meanings, be sure of it! And no, it doesn't matter if the necklace doesn't actually go with the ear-rings. She already knows you're hopeless with such things! Besides, now she got a reason to get a new dress that goes with the new necklace, and perhaps a pair of matching ear-rings too!
-Grab her butt playfully when she passes you and exclaim "hey sexy!!" Then let her go immediately and just smile disarmingly back at her when she feigns her protestations. This is not to be repeated often mind you, it is the surprise effect you're after. She will get the signal that you still want her, and the casual and carefree nature of the "assault" will help defusing sexual tension, making her trust you more. You were just acting playfully, not making any demands or expecting anything from her sexually, which makes her able to relax better around you. Did she get all of that information clearly? Why yes, of course she did, she's a woman!
-When you are cuddling with her, stroke her thigh and moan "mmmm, so smooth!". Don't be surprised when she starts shaving her legs again, because that's clearly going to please you very much. You said so loud and clear.
You should come up with many more similar ideas yourself! Remember, it is not hard to communicate with a woman, she is a natural at picking up any subtle clues you throw at her and figuring out what they mean. And she enjoys doing so!
In fact, it is much better to use subtle signaling to make your desires known than to explain them in detail verbally.
You may sometimes feel like you are being a manipulative asshole when you do these little exercises, that is perfectly normal for a man. But your personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant here, because she absolutely loves the mystery and thrives on the drama this little game creates! She loves the attention you are giving to her! And while she understands fully that you are playing games with her, consciously creating little hints on what direction you want her to move in, she doesn't mind at all! To her, it only shows how much you care. And -get this- she actually WANTS to go in the direction you are steering her: you're her Captain after all!
Keep this up for a while, playing a new little "mind trick" on her every other day or so, and she will look absolutely stunning in no time!
Next time, we'll address the matter of unleashing all her dormant talent and creativity. There is no limit to what a woman can accomplish in these areas, but she needs her man to give her green light to be able to pursue her interests and express herself. You can easily do that.
Noah Jones
Lesson Five
Women are creative!
Men are all totally different from each other, some are smart, some are dumb, some are into football, some prefer golf, and some even hate sports altogether. There are lots of typically male special interests, but no two men are into the same things.
Women are much more similar to each other: They all share the same basic female interests. You will certainly find some oddball woman who is into math and dry stuff like that, but I'm going to just ignore such outliers and speak of your basic, everyday woman. The kind you're most likely to be married to, that's the kind we're talking about.
Such a "normal" woman is a sucker for ART and CREATIVITY in all forms!
First (and often foremost) she greatly enjoys the traditional womanly creative arts: cooking, knitting, sewing, home decoration, beauty and makeup, having and raising children (don't forget the last one, to have children is in many ways the ultimate creative act - you're creating new people, for crying out loud!).
Second, she enjoys all the more "highly respected" creative arts as well: painting in oil or water, singing and making music, dancing, writing poetry or fiction.
If your woman currently seems to lack interest in, or aptitude for, any of these arts, it simply means she has low self-esteem. Build her up and stimulate her courage, and you'll soon see she's just like the rest in this regard - a naturally gifted artist!
Why would you want to stimulate your woman to express her artistic side fully?
Many reasons.
First, she will create some truly awesome stuff that will enrich your life immensely. Second, it's likely to improve your sex life. Third, to make the neighbors cry heir hearts out in envy, because every man wants to have an exciting talented woman, and every woman wants to be one!
But most of all, because it will make your woman happy and content on a level that is impossible to achieve as long as her natural artistic side lies dormant.
If you love your woman, let her be an artist, it's as simple as that!
Now, I happen to be something of a Master in the sacred art of letting your wife be an artist, if I may say so myself, so I feel quite confident in giving out advise on the matter.
The outwards signs of my Mastery are many:
My wife has hand-painted every wall in the house, and designed and sewn or knitted every piece of clothing she and I am wearing (you can't buy better pants for money!). She cooks amazing food, and makes up new exciting dishes all the time. And there's usually dessert! She bakes our bread too. She paints in oils and water color. She sings songs that she writes, and she accompanies herself on guitar and piano, and records her own music with synths and so on, about 40 songs so far I think. She started to write a novel.
And she does all these things brilliantly! As I said before, the only thing limiting a woman, is the number of hours in a day!
But the thing that is important to realize here, is that even though she is 100 % responsible for doing all these things out of her own volition and in her own way, she wouldn't be doing any of them if I didn't know how to support her psychologically. Especially not if I were instead counteracting it and suppressing her by giving negative signals towards her creative output and messing her up psychologically. Then she'd be the typical dull and uninteresting woman less enlightened men end up being married to, no matter how promising their woman might have been before he married her. Or she'd get a divorce. Or she'd fucking cut my throat when I was asleep!
Well, if you kill a woman's soul, what do you expect in return?
Your role as a man, is to give your woman the confidence boost and (positive and thoughtful) feedback she needs to do her thing, nothing more. Leave the rest to nature, sit back and be amazed!
Austin Adams
Lesson 5 contd..
Let's say your woman writes a few verses, and hands them over to you a little hesitantly. You read them and open up your heart to truly absorb the essence and resonate with what she wrote, and then you express whatever comes into you mind without filtering it too much through your male logic. This kind of feedback is most helpful for her, not only because you are showing keen interest in her work and thereby validating it (green light from the Captain!), but because she is in a way always "channeling" when she is creating. She does not fully know where that came from, and there is usually hidden wisdom in it she didn't think of herself.
You can help her pick out that wisdom! For some reason, it seems to be easier for a man to spot the pearls of wisdom and greatness in a woman's work. When you do so, you make the act of writing even more profound and rewarding for her. So she gains more courage and writes some more.
Soon she has written a novel, and before you know it, it's a best-seller. She wrote it all by herself, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't encouraged it!
A few words of encouragement and a little honest interest in her work, that's all it took!
Brother, that's the easiest million bucks you'll ever make!
I'm going to end this section by telling you a little dark secret my wife doesn't even know about. I said she "started" to write a novel. She didn't finish it, and it is just lying around uselessly in a drawer. Some months ago, she said to me, "I really ought to finish that novel, it's quite good, I don't know why I don't do it!" And she is right, it really is quite good, well the parts that are written so far that is.
But I do know exactly why she doesn't finish her novel - I stopped her.
Yup, I did. I usually support everything she does like a champ, but in this case I read her work and gave her a perfectly good "supportive" feedback on the surface, but without attaching that supportive emotional undercurrent, that "you go girl!"-energy that must accompany all feedback to make it useful for a woman. I consciously withheld that energy, because I felt uncomfortable about her writing a novel!
Aren't I a nasty piece of work?
When I ask myself WHY I would withhold that validation, all I can come up with is that I fear she would be rejected by the publishers no matter how good her novel is, and I don't want her to be devastated. Because then I'll have to pick up the pieces.
Totally egotistical from beginning to end!
It's hardly my place to decide whether she will succeed in something or not, but that's exactly what I did. I limited her. Did I mention men have a terrifying power over women, and with great power comes great responsibility?
I'll have to undo the damage I caused and unleash her novel writing eventually, but not right now - she is busy painting for an exhibition she has booked this autumn. I'll let her focus on that work first.
Julian Gonzalez
Lesson Six
It's all about SEX!
This is going to be the hardest part to write… I am about to tell you something you probably have never heard before, and many readers may not like what I have to say. Be warned, even if you think you like what I'm saying at first, you may not like where it goes from there! But it cannot be helped, I set out to share my hard-won wisdom on the relationship between man and woman, and I'll stick to the plan and speak until I have spoken. Where you take it from there is up to you.
The thing I'm going to say first, which you might think you enjoy hearing, is that what we might for simplicity term "feminist ideals" lie at the core of all sexual dysfunction. There is actually much good to be said about striving for lofty ideals of equality in many aspects of life, but there can not be even a trace of such ideals in the bedroom, or your sex life will go to crap!
The fact of the matter is, sex is about the Man fucking the Woman, and the Woman being fucked by the Man. One of them is Yang (active/initiating), and one is Yin (passive/responding). Where's the equality in that? Nowhere! They are two completely different energies! The cosmic magic comes from the interplay between the different energies, but they are not, and will never be, the same kind of energy! Their roles in the interplay are distinct.
Sex between a man and a woman is thus inherently unequal. Sex MUST BE ALLOWED TO BE unequal. If you wish to compromise on this point and experiment with gender equality in any form or shape in the bedroom, go ahead and knock yourself out. I just hope you'll remember what I am telling you here a few years down the road, when you're wondering why life sucks and why you have such a shitty sex life. Perhaps you'll reconsider then.
I had 20 years of a miserable sex life going from borderline acceptable to bad to worse to a joyless stroll through a minefield, and the root cause was the tiniest splinter of feminist ideals that I had lodged in the back of my head. When I finally managed to remove it, and accepted, FULLY ACCEPTED, that I am the Man, and my wife is the Woman, no ifs and buts about it, then things took an instant 180 degree turn, and our true sexual journey together began at last. There is no other way to state it. Sex was utter misery for us, then - sudden perfection arose out of the ashes like a Phoenix!
Just like that!
Just because I stopped believing a sugar-coated lie I had been fed, the lie that men and women are, or should be, equal! (It's the "should be" that really gets you… We all KNOW men and women aren't equal, but we can still cling to the idea that they should be. That thought is pure poison.)
I offer you this most hard-won wisdom in the hope that it will spare you many years of sorrow. Ignore it at your own peril!
You must thus exorcise the demon of gender equality from the bedroom and cast shim back into whatever hell shim crawled out of! Call a Catholic priest if you must, just get it done!
Now where might those pesky gender equality ideals be lurking? In your woman's mind? Possibly. But they're actually just as likely to be contaminating YOUR mind as hers! And that's actually a much bigger problem. If SHE is the one having feminist delusions about sex, it's not a big problem, because she is Yin and will as we have already seen naturally respond to the correct point of view and adapt to it. And since the correct idea will make her feel better, she will not mind.
But if YOU are the one having feminist delusions about sex, oh Brother, you are in for a rough ride through life!
You don't think you do? You're a big boy, a real stud, you know this shit, right?
Well, now we're getting to the part you probably won't like to hear…
Many men have the idea that the ideal sex life should include things like the woman sucking his dick, and enjoying it, hell she should practically worship it.
That is pure feminist delusion.
Why? Because that would be the woman doing stuff, and the man lying there and responding. The roles of Yin and Yang have been inverted!
Juan Russell
Lesson 6 contd…
Many people actually do things this inverted way all the time and refuse to see a problem with it. It's just the modern and enlightened way, where the man and woman take turns fucking each other. They never stop and consider that this "enlightenment" was copied from porn in the first place. Some even go as far as to putting a strap-on on the woman and having her fuck the man in the ass. They claim they enjoy it and have a grrreat sex life.
This is a lie.
How do you know it is a lie? Because you can easily see the symptoms of the dysfunction of inverted gender roles. The first symptom, is an escalating "kinkyness". This is because all that "grrreat" sex is actually deeply unsatisfying to both parties, and there is a constant search for that "magical special spice" that will make it as good as they instinctively know it should be.
The only magical spice is to revert the gender roles back to their natural default values; man as yang, woman as yin. Then the journey towards a fulfilling sex life can finally begin.
You wish to cling to the idea that your woman should suck your cock like a porn star? Or more generally, that she should feel the same way about sex as you do? That the two of you should "take turns"? Go ahead, waste as many years as you like on your delusion! Hell, I wasted 20 myself on this downhill slope to nowhere, so who am I to judge!
It's true it doesn't matter which way you do it sexually on a purely physical level, it tingles nicely in your sex organ either way. But that's not all sex is about. Sex is a deep spiritual bonding and energy exchange, and if you don't believe that matters, then I can't help you. A truly fulfilling sex life in a life-long relationship will stay out of your reach.
If you don't want to believe it there will be little more I can say to make you change your mind. Life will teach you in the end though. It just takes a lot of time and suffering.
I suspect I just lost quite a few readers by saying this unpopular truth (she's not there to suck your dick), but for those men who are still with me:
You have gotten this far, which means you understand what sex is about. You understand that the woman is the violin, and you are playing her, she is the field, and you are plowing her, she is the sex goddess, and you are pleasuring her, only thereby pleasuring yourself. You understand that the glorious and most holy centerpiece of your sex life is not your dick, it is your woman. All of her, mind, body and soul! You are already far ahead of the crowd, and I salute you for your wisdom!
I do not need to tell an enlightened man such as you how to pleasure your woman, you already know what you need to know. But I am going to offer some quick advise on how to make her ready to be pleasured.
Acknowledge that your woman has the most difficult role to play.
Sure, she's "just lying there", but that's the superficial perspective. What she is actually doing, is surrendering her entire being to you, mind, body, and soul. Have you ever submitted so totally to anyone?
No, you have not. You are a man, and you are not even capable of such a wondrous feat.
Thus it behooves you to have great respect for just how precious and delicate her act of surrender truly is, and understand that she cannot do it when she is not feeling emotionally balanced and have the fullest trust in you.
And if women have one weakness, it is that they have a hard time fixing their own problems, as a man would see it. She needs your assistance to cleanse the emotional debris a day at work has left her with. You need to listen to her, you need to massage her, you need to soothe her and take care of her until she is ready to surrender. All the time without a trace of expectation of an eventual "payoff", or the whole exercise will be in vain.
You need to do this for her, not ONLY because she needs to be in a balanced state, but ALSO because you need to gain her trust once again. To gain a woman's trust is not a one-off affair, it is something you must do anew every time, because her surrender takes place in the eternal now where only the present moment exists.
You don't gain audience with the goddess any other way.
Samuel Edwards
Bump for this first line alone. Exactly what I was thinking, most of the generic anger being directed at women by MGTOW types and so on is frustration that a square peg won't go into a round hole. Women are not, and are not supposed to be like men.
Julian Fisher
Jace Ross
Lesson Seven
Nice Guys Suck Smelly Goat Balls!
Consider the giraffe. Here you have a creature with a six foot neck that can hardly reach the ground. Do you think nature gave this creature a brain that dreams of grazing in the field with the cows?
No! Nature made sure this creature got a brain that thinks "oh boy, those fresh shoots in the top of that tree looks yummy! Let's see if I can reach them!"
Now consider another creature, one that nature gave the capability of having seven orgasms in a row. Do you seriously believe such a creature would come with a brain that actively tries to avoid sex?
No fucking way! Nature would make sure such a creature want nothing more badly than to have its brains fucked out! It craves it, it yearns for it, it is instinctively drawn towards the one that can make it happen!
We call such a creature a "Woman" (that's Wuh-Man to you, Grok, please try to keep up).
This creature was created one day when God was trying to come up with the perfect birthday gift for Adam. This is what God was thinking when he made her:
"I'm going to make something really special for Adam this year, a real treat! I'm going to make a creature so dazzlingly beautiful he can't take his eyes off it, so soft and cuddly he'll want to play around with it all day, and I'm going to give it a mind to serve him and pamper him and treat him like a King! And it will demand nothing in return, just seeing that Adam is pleased with it will be its greatest reward! Knowing Adam, he's definitely going to want to hump this one, so I think I'll make it want nothing more badly than to have its brains fucked out as well!"
When Adam unwrapped his gift, he exclaimed:
"Oh my God! This is the best present EVAR! It's even better than that "Dog" you gave me last year! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're the Man!"
And then he played with her all day and fucked her brains out until he passed out from exhaustion, happy as a pig in slop!
But that was then, and this is now. Now Adam refuses to play with the toys God made for him anymore, instead he sits in the gloom of a new synthetic man cave he built for himself in mommy's basement, and whines on the internet all day long about how much women suck.
What the fuck happened to him?
I'll tell you what happened: Adam played a little too much with himself. And he didn't do it like a man either, fiercely and with power of intent, he did it like a girl, gently and sensually, for hours on end every day. He sat there and explored all the tingling sensations he could induce in his body until he had blown out all his Man circuitry with girly energy, and then he was reduced to a quivering lump of self pity.
His favorite toy, woman, abandoned him. She was imprinted to respond to his Man energy, and he didn't give off any such energy at all anymore, so she naturally lost all interest in him. Instead she was fucking his former best buddy, Mr Ass Hole, who Adam wasn't friends with any more since he had begun to act a bit like an ass lately. His ex-friend couldn't help it, the fact he was getting ALL the pussy these days, including Adam's share, had sort of gone to his head.
Wallowing in self pity, Adam created a self-serving mythology to comfort himself. In his delusional world, Adam himself was now a Nice Guy, and the whole Universe around him was Evil and out to get him. And the worst of all his imaginary enemies was woman. She was an evil backstabbing bitch who never appreciated him for being the Good Guy who was always rolling out the red carpet for her. She was the root cause of the rotten state of his entire Universe. And to add to his misery, she was fucking the Bad Guy, just to spite him! The same Bad Guy who Adam thought he had to smile falsely at all the time so he won't beat the crap out of him, that's how afraid he was of him.
This is of course just what a lot of girly energy swooshing around aimlessly in a man's body will do to his brain, but Adam didn't know that. He didn't realize how much he fucking sucked either, that's how lost he was.
Enough Biblical travesty!
Brayden Gray
Lesson 7 contd..
Let's talk about something useful instead. Let's talk about how female sexuality really works.
A woman has a little compass in her brain that senses the special kind of magnetic field that a man sends out (Well, a man with properly operating yang circuitry anyway). When she walks into a room and a man sends out a particularly strong such man-gnetic field, her sexual instincts kick off immediately. She thinks "That guy over there, he will fuck my brains out! I can just feel it!", and then she starts moving in his direction. As she is walking, her brain sends a signal to her pussy to lubricate itself in preparation for the pounding it is going to get.
When she reaches him she will unfortunately have to push aside the rest of the women who are already gathered around him, desperately trying to get his attention. It's as if they're all jumping up and down yelling "Pick me! pick MEE! Take me now, I'm yours! Oh God, fuck me!!!" It's going to be a fierce competition tonight, but the woman is going to do whatever it takes to get her pussy pounded by this man! She needs it badly!
The man in question is in no hurry to make his picking though. He's eventually going to pick some woman he'd like to fuck tonight, as he does every night, but right now he's just enjoying his beer.
This is reality. This is how things work. And more than that, this is how God/Nature designed it! It is a glorious and wonderful design indeed, except of course if you are that other guy who desperately wants some pussy but can't have any, because you can't seem to get any woman to even notice you exist. Then life kind of sucks. For you.
I know you are a nice guy, and the guy the women are flocking around is a certified asshole, but don't make the mistake of thinking that's why they're flocking around him! On the contrary, women like nice people as much as you do! The asshole is not attracting them by being an asshole, he is attracting them by sending out energy that attracts women, and you don't.
It's really as simple as that! The fact he is an asshole is mainly because he can fucking get away with it, and he's not wise and enlightened enough to behave well when he doesn't really have to.
But please realize most nice guys aren't any better! They're not behaving well because they are more enlightened, they're doing it because they must - rolling out the red carpet before the feet of every woman is their only hope of ever getting to interact with one!
Things aren't supposed to be like this. Both the nice guy and the asshole are supposed to be attracting girls. And if they were, they would be sharing the pussy fairly. And if they did, none of them would become twisted into either assholes or nice guys (both are abominations of equal order), they would just be guys, they would be friends, and all would be well in the world! There would be no more wars, because no man on Earth has time with that crap, when there's enough beer and pussy to go around!
I want to help make that utopian vision come true, and that's why I'm telling you these things.
Because you can make it happen for yourself! You can learn to be a man such as nature intended, and naturally attract women. It's not rocket science, you are just relearning to be what you truly are, and how hard can that be really?
But when you do make this change, please don't abuse your new-found power! Don't become an asshole! Don't trample down the whole field of pussy that is waiting to be harvested, leave some for the other guys! In fact, I urge you to just pick one woman you really really like, and then love her with all your might until the day you die. You will die a very happy man indeed!
This is getting long, so I'll have to wait with explaining exactly how to do this until next time. If I'm not showing up, that just means I got stuck in an IP range ban again. Then it will take however long that might take, you never know around here.
I'm not saying this to complain about the frequent bans of my IP range though. This place is unstable like that, it's laced with nitroglycerin and has the kiddie safety switches set to "off"! And that's exactly why we're all gathering here and not somewhere else: because we're not a bunch of wusses! We take the good with the bad.
Carson Peterson
Lesson Eight
Sometimes She Just Doesn't Want to Fuck You, Stupid!
This is not what I was intending to write about next, but the following was lodged inside my keyboard and had to be typed out first:
Many men hold impossible and unreasonable expectations on life in general, and especially on women. These unreasonable expectations must be purged from your mind if you have them, or you'll never see things straight and gain control over your life!
Here's a little thought experiment to show what I'm talking about:
Let's say I put a woman before you, and she's yours for the taking if you want her, no questions asked. She's kind of plain, but cute in her own way, at least if you put your mind into seeing her that way. She's certainly not a ten, not even a six. But she has a nice warm body and a perfectly agreeable personality. And she seems to like you.
Would you be interested in fucking her?
Of course you would! On a scale from OK to amazing she may just be OK, but what's not to like about OK pussy, when compared to no pussy at all?!
Now I put another woman before you, and you can have this one instead if you wish, you'll just have to choose. This woman is much better looking than the first one, she has more charm, and is talented too, and has a more exciting personality and makes great conversation, she moves with more feminine grace, and has a more inviting smile. She is a real neck-turner, a 9.5 at least! And she lights up like a candle when she looks at you, it's clear as day she just adores you!
Which one would you pick?
I'm guessing you'd pick bachelorette number 2, every day of the week! She's just worth far more as a potential mate according to your brain's calculations. The only reason for you to EVER pick number 1, is if you can't have number 2.
The humble number 1 is actually plenty good enough for you, a perfectly fine woman that could become a wonderful wife, but as soon as number 2 walks into the room you'd still want to drop her like a rock, if number 2 would just have you!
Is this fair? Hardly! But it is the truth! It is how you are wired, and nothing can be done about it. Sure, you can marry number 1 and prove what a good and faithful husband you can be by sticking to your vows, but you'll still secretly desire the sexy number 2 more! And if you could have had number 2 and didn't leap at the chance, then she'll haunt your wet dreams forever!
The only place I was going with this long-winded thought experiment, was to point out that men are not exactly fair towards women, so why would anyone expect women to be fair towards men in return? Why would anyone think men have some kind of "right" to be treated as if they were just as sexually attractive to a woman as Mr. Stud, when the plain fact of the matter is that they just aren't doing it for her?
And yet that's exactly the kind of delusion many men suffer from, they think women owe them fair treatment in matters of sexual attraction - and react negatively when they don't get it. Such men keep complaining about the unfairness of women who are not giving them the time of day they think they deserve, but the truth is no being has any claim on any other being in this Universe.
A woman is free to be sexually attracted to whomever she will, just as a man is free to prefer any package of T&A.
The underlying cause of these unreasonable expectations on women, is that the man has not set things straight when it comes to his own self image. He has self-esteem issues, and NEEDS VALIDATION by a woman's attention. That's why he simply can't accept not getting her attention. So he cries about it like a baby. I smell mommy issues.
This kind of attitude makes a man about as unsexy as he could possibly be in a woman's eyes.
Low self-esteem + Needy = Gross
If you are suffering from this particular psychological malady (Be honest with yourself here!), then you simply must fix it!
A man's self esteem must be firmly anchored in his strong belief in himself, nowhere else.
Sometimes women notice you, sometimes they don't, but that should never change your opinion of yourself. You're only a truly empowered man when your self-image remains unaffected by what others think of you - and that includes hot women you are trying to bang. Women do not decide your value as a human being, not even the really hot ones!
You determine your own value. You steer your own ship. Please take the time and put in effort to adjust your thinking until you truly see yourself this way, it will make a world of difference in all aspects of your life. Not least your prospects of a fulfilling sex life. Or any sex life at all, for that matter.
Consider it your first home assignment. And yes, it will be on the test!
Sebastian Lopez
Learn to format your thoughts into a concise message in the OP instead of *reddit spacing for 14 posts**
Benjamin Russell
Ethereal Nature of Sex
I'm actually glad you brought this up, because I wasn't entirely satisfied with what I wrote about sex. It felt like it might need a little clarifying. Someone might get the impression I have some kind of psychological issues with oral sex, or that I have some kind of religiously motivated hangups about it or whatever.
And that's definitely not it.
If you allow me the time, I'll explain the matter more thoroughly. And I'm afraid I must begin with some esoteric mumbo-jumbo, so please bear with me if you have short patience with that sort of thing!
OK, here goes:
We are spirits having a human experience. The spirit is actually sexless and 100 % identical in nature for men and women. It is only the bodies that have different sexes. But we do not just have a physical body, we also have an etheric double of that body which exists in another "dimension", and a set of other such "higher bodies", but we don't need to concern ourselves about the details here.
These bodies have energetic structure, and this energetic structure is different for male and female bodies. Think about it as a network of fine electrical wiring. And the energy flows in a certain pattern through this network, a pattern which is different for male and female bodies.
This subtle etheric energy flow is ESSENTIAL for the health and proper functioning of the body, and the maintaining of a strong connection with the embodied spirit (your spirit essence).
Next it is important to understand that the energy flow surges when you are having sex. It goes through the roof when you orgasm! In fact, it is precisely this etheric energy peak that IS an orgasm, and the high level of energy is the fundamental reason an orgasm feels so amazing!
But remember that I told you the male and female bodies are differently "wired". The male body has circuits designed for yang energy flows, and the female body has circuits intended for yin energy flows.
So what happens if you push high levels of non-compatible yin energy through your male body's energy system, for instance by having sex in a yin state of mind (and especially if you orgasm while doing so)?
Pretty much the same thing as when you insert a battery the wrong way in an ordinary electrical device. Unless there are protective diodes in the electrical pathways, this will damage the electronic components!
Remember, your (male) body is designed to withstand high levels of active yang energy, but high levels of passive yin energy will damage it.
How does such damage show up, practically speaking? Can we notice it, and is it worth worrying about?
The body is strong and it takes a lot of abuse to cause serious damage, but what WILL happen over time, is that your yang pathways will be weakened, and the level of yang energy your body can hold will diminish.
We call the visible effect "pussification". You become a wuss, a doormat, a pussy whipped weakling. You have seen such men, and now you know exactly what is wrong with them! And if you are honest with yourself, you might observe some level of symptoms of yang pathway damage in yourself too.
When your yang circuits are damaged, you will become a man who has a lowered capacity to do typical male things like taking initiative and making constructive decisions. Your entire life will suffer on all levels.
And this most emphatically includes you sex life!
Jaxon Jones
With damaged yang pathways, your sexual stamina is diminished, and your ability to pleasure your woman is diminished too, because she is not mainly excited by your dick pounding her pussy, she is actually sensing the surging yang energy in your energy body. This vital energy is activating the yin energy pathways in her energy body, causing it to orgasm. This is how sex actually works!
Physical friction is the least important part of it, bro!
I hope I have made it clear to you that a man does not wish to damage his yang circuitry. He really doesn't.
So why do I claim that a little innocent sucky sucky will cause precisely such damage? Is there something inherently wrong with putting a hard dick in a woman's mouth?
Of course not! In fact, you can do this as an integral part of your sexual practices, as long as you are doing it with activated yang circuits. This would mean that you are feeling strong and active and studly while you are fucking her mouth (yang, yang, yang, yang!). That is perfectly fine and healthy, as long as she is enjoying the feeling of having a dick rammed down her throat of course. This will probably vary from woman to woman (mine wants no part of it).
But what is not perfectly fine and healthy, is you lying on your back receiving and responding while being fucked by your woman's mouth (yin, yin, yin, yin!). This means she is forcing strong levels of yin energy through your system, and that is dangerous for you. It is bad enough if you just do this as foreplay, and it's even worse if you allow her to push so strong yin energies through your body that it actually orgasms.
Now I'll finish by explaining WHY you, a normal heterosexual male, feel such a strong desire to abuse your body and taking the female role. Is there something wrong with you? Are you bisexual?
No! You are simply being homesick!
Remember I said your spirit essence has no sex. It is neither male nor female, or both at the same time. This is your inner essence, this is who you really are. But you are now living trapped inside a male body, and this feels limiting for you, because you can now only express part of yourself. And you are missing the other part!
It's the same thing for women, they are missing having yang energy. And many of them try to be dominating and pushy to compensate. You know how annoying such women are, and how absolutely worthless they are as women, sexually speaking.
That goes for you too, if you insist on pushing yin energies, in spite of having a male body, then you'll become sexually useless for a woman. Yin energies from you don't do it for her, sorry.
So how should you handle your perfectly natural urge to be a little yin too, if just for a little while?
Allow yourself to rest in a soft and calming yin state from time to time. Put your head in your woman's lap, and let her stroke your forehead. You will be experiencing yin energies, but on a safe low energy level that will not harm you.
But never, NEVER, NEVER!, allow yourself to use yin energies sexually!
Brandon Flores
nigger just stop noone's gonna be reading this shit
Charles Hill
Special Extra Lesson
Money won't help you!
I'm never going to compare women to dogs again in my life, promise, but allow me to expand on the idea that women are like boats for a while, just to dispel the myth that it's all about money.
As you know, wealthy men seem to always get all the best boats.
There you are, completely crazy about boats, and you can't afford one! Life is just so unfair! And boats are stupid for only going with wealthy men!
Do you recognize yourself in that line of reasoning (well not about boats, but about women)?
Then I got news for you! All those wealthy men couldn't handle a boat properly if their life depended on it! Sure, they can just waltz into any marina and wave their wallet around, and then they'll sail away with the fanciest boat there, all while you are just standing there drooling over her fine bow lines and feeling like a total loser.
But do you know what usually happens later?
The wealthy fool tears up her rigging in strong winds and rams his price into a reef. After just a couple of seasons of his blundering stewardship, she is a total wreck, and the only thing he can do is scrap her and take his wallet for a ride to the marina once again. The new boat looks as stunning as the first from where you're standing, but if you were to look more closely at her, you'd see it's all just cheap plastic. The wealthy guy is being taken for a ride.
Money can't buy seamanship and good sense!
Now what if I were to point you to another guy, someone who doesn't have a penny to his name, and tell you that he is the proud owner of the most stunning boat you'd ever see? He has sailed and cared for her for years, she's in better shape than ever, and she's the envy of every other penniless would-be mariner in town. If you saw her, you'd think she was waaay out of his league, and yet she is all his!
What if I were to tell you his secret, and how you can do what he did? Would you listen?
Well, you're in luck, because here is what you got to do:
You look around and locate some torn-up wreck no-one wants. But you are smart, and you are looking beyond the superficial surface blemishes, you are scanning for quality that might be hidden under a botched paint job. You check the scrapes and scratches, and find that she is made of seasoned Honduras Mahogany! Remove that hideous layer of plastic paint, and her true beauty would shine as a beacon! Sure, the railing is broken and the rigging is shot, but that can be fixed! You found yourself a real keeper!
So you ask around with a beating heart to see if she is available. Someone scoffs "oh, that knocked-up wretch over there? Haul away her rotting hull, and she's yours!"
Yesss! You are now the proud owner of a very fine boat, and she even came with the coolest little dinghy you ever saw! She just needs some work. Strip the paint, sand down the blemishes, apply some clear epoxi coating, find a quality rigging someone didn't need for her, repair the railings, buff the brass…
It takes years, and it's a lot of hard work, but the end result is so worth it.
One day, YOU are that guy who doesn't have a penny to his name, but who is sailing a stunning beauty that is the envy to every other penniless would-be mariner in town! And how she handles! An old sailor sees you beat her against the stiff wind and mutters approvingly: "Aye, that's a ship that reads her Captain's mind if I ever saw one!"
Ethan Smith
What anime is this slut from?
Aaron Wood
Connor Rogers
Thanks retards
No idea I just like smug pics. I don't watch anime.
Landon Martin
Kike detected.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Your thread is bad, your replies are bad, and you should feel bad.
Jayden Morris
Dominic Baker
dubs confirm
Oliver Ross
effa35 35651b 9f6cba
Oh no three people don't agree with me! No arguments just low energy shame tactics. What ever will I do?!?! Also you're still forgetting to sage so thanks for the bump.
Adam Miller
But they can be trained to do exactly that through operant conditioning and traumatic one trial learning.
Anyone less intelligent than you, or just unaware of psychology can be trained this way.
Isaiah Davis
I was thinking of doing a similar thread, but a lot shorter, so I will just take a swing and say you must be a fag.
Easton Evans
I like this thread. It's just that the people have short attention span so can't read the bigger post. I wonder why.
Landon Russell
Too much masturbation. That's lesson 7.
Austin Butler
I will never want a woman unless she has one less dimension than the rest. Although since I want children I'm still waiting for dem artificial wombs. Maybe even android waifus
Jacob Nelson
The fact that he can't tell what he has to tell more compactly implies he might not really know what he is talking about.
Ryder Rogers
Yeah, you didn't think your plan all the way through.
Nicholas Perry
not reading this shit nigga'
Bentley Turner
I don't understand these tl;dr faggots. Tame your nigger-tier attention-spans and read.
Carson Bennett
It's copy paste from another forum. You'd realize that but your reading speed is below 20 wpm.
Dylan Sanchez
Brayden Moore
Go back.
Bentley Green
No archive of source? Is this just all armchair theorizing?
There is some truth to it from how my own few experiences with women fit into what you've just explained; but some citations would truly benefit your premises' validity, OP.
Benjamin Taylor
You are making the jews's malfunctioning penis hard as diamond. Don't be a traitor, user.
Aiden Price
I think he copypasted them to share with us.
Can you give me to link that you copypasted?
Xavier Hall
Not gonna read all that You must be a dirty-ass Muslim You wanna know what I do? I pour bacon grease at the doors of the local mosque and on every copy of the Qu'ran I can get my hands on I also throw them into the trash afterwards
Charles Parker
It's been purged by now. I had it archived locally.
Ryan Scott
No time for so much crap.
Nicholas Ramirez
Okay, what is the name of forum?
Nathaniel Myers
Thomas Reed
What happened to this place?
Luke Richardson
It is a copypasta, not the blogpost. He said that he saved them locally.
Jonathan Jones
>>>/polblog/ Take your faggotry there
Dylan Green
the fucking influx of newfags after Trump won is destroying this board with some heavy duty autism
Nigger do i look like i give a shit? Does anything he posted here has to do with politics? No.
>>>/polblog/ you faggots can go and cry there how you can't get pussy because you surrounded yourself with degenerate filth.
Michael Ross
Fair enough.
Jason Garcia
Op, you should read the book series "Chronicles of Gor", it is heavily focused on the exact stuff you wrote.
Be warned that the author has a severe tendency of being redundant and repetitive, and it can get quite annoying… but if you can withstand that, the books are good (the story itself is also fun).
Daniel Hernandez
Same, these posts are well thought out and thought provoking
Leo Torres
You seem to have mistaken us for halfchan
Sebastian King
You speak the truth, OP. Thanks.
Carter Collins
The declining white population I would argue is a part of politics, wish more anons posted threads like this
Hunter Foster
This is actually pretty good advice, OP. I think the whole thing could be summarized by saying "Once you have a woman, you need to pay attention to her. Neglect at your peril." If you're not truly interested in her as anything but a fuckpuppet, then the relationship is doomed to failure. The only way you keep a failed relationship going is if she's financially dependent on you, but she'll probably wind up fucking the poolboy.
Sage because this doesn't really belong on Holla Forums
Logan Barnes
Go on then. Show us your women that you've trained so well. Let's see them.
Kevin King
Seriously this.
What the fuck did you rip this off some blog post or something OP?
What kind of funky copy pasta shit is this?
Nathaniel Miller
I'll make one addition: If you want to know how you should treat women, watch anime. The nips have way more insight into the female mind and psyche than any pozzed western media. There's a reason why we call anime redpilled.
James Morales
Consider suicide.
Jordan Myers
*unzips katana*
Christian Hughes
Not an argument.
Ryder Harris
nigger detected
Aiden Gomez
we're past the point of argument
Asher Peterson
Not an argument
Cameron Jackson
yOU obaka gaijin have insulted my waifu honor!
Anthony Lee
Jaxon Taylor
yeah, no, sage and fuck you for making me waste 2 minutes reading all that shit
Parker Torres
So why a repost from bodybuilding.com from some kike with a contradicting attitude of "Nice guys suck, but you have to completely change yourself for a woman to show her how much of a man you are." In 20 long winded posts that read just like a phony self-help book.
I don't disagree with the idea that you should give your woman attention and key into what she's lookig for to be successful, but this is a piss poor presentation that isn't going to be digestable for your average Holla Forumslack hardened by the worst of liberal female lunacy. Especially when it gets to the "She just doesn't want to fuck you, Dude" part. It's unpalatable.
Eli Bell
ITT: Holla Forums tries desperately to understand why they never get laid and blames it on women instead of their own fat, greasy selves.
Elijah Gonzalez
OP might be a bit of a fag but people getting pissy are just retards who want to obsess about happenings so they don't have to realize they're going to be childless and miserable.
maybe you do things a different way, but if that way involves remaining childless and without women you might want to reconsider
Jose Jackson
You've noticed wrong then. Vast majority of white women voted Trump and everyone here knows that.
Brayden Gomez
That's like the opposite of what he said though.
Adrian Scott
Back to plebbit.
Joseph Ward
Brody Perry
Liam Carter
I fucked that up
I thought women liked being dominated by men? How would you keep her nailed down to your way of thinking if you let her walk all over your opinions and rules?
this is my point; irrational. How do you know she wouldn't want a divorce over something so trivial, from a man's perspective, if they, inherently want and not want to be molded?
Carson Adams
Incorrect. Although some what you say rings true, a dog is a horrible analogy.
Women are not naturally loyal. Unlike dogs, her primary goal is to get her needs met no matter what. Dogs are a lot more forgiving. This has nothing to do with feminism and all to do with the fact that women have no loyalty and will always leave you for a better deal. They are selfish by nature. This is not a bad thing that men need to get butthurt about. It just is what it is.
Also, although your wife can be your best friend that is not her primary function. Her primary function is to be the feminine energy in the relationship and the mother/caretaker of the family. Together you make a cohesive team out of necessity. It's called natural order faggots, get with it.
WOMEN EXIST IN A MENTAL SPACE BETWEEN CHILDREN AND MEN More capable and developed than a child but not as logical or reasonable as man.
Here is some supplemental material for any of you faggots who are still confused on gender roles.
The fact that the the OP even thought it was necessary to make this threadI is proof of how much newfaggotry has infected this board. I honestly hate every single one of you.
Kevin Hernandez
Long, but entertaining enough of a read. And as a bonus it causes lots of butthurt. Have a cap.
Jackson Phillips
Holla Forums here.
This is the most glorious yet cringeworthy example of the Holla Forums thirst for a waifu I have ever seen. Holy crap the autism.
Saved, but you really need to go outside once in a while user.
Jeremiah Jackson
Joshua Jackson
This is a decent thread about the redpills on women. I'd say we have more than our fair share of "voluntary" incels and the like here. People willingly redpill themselves on the media, kikery, but for some reason really, really hate the idea that women *love* being subservient and submissive to strong willed men. I think its because it means to the men reading this advice that they aren't strong willed men …
Blake Diaz
Where's the autist killing newfag threads with sagespamming when you need him?
Ian Howard
Faggot cuck moderators are dismissing reports on this thread. It's probably one of them that posted this.
Adam Stewart
Your and idiot. This was clearly written by a woman. But then again, why would I expect Holla Forums to know anything about women?
Wyatt Hill
Landon Wright
Cripes, it's even making lefties and christcucks butthurt. Better shit than I thought.
John Miller
Ryder Price
This is almost as good as the lib tears last week
Chase Taylor
If you seriously think this cooypaste was written by a woman you are delusional.
What to expect from a community that thinks a jew-loving billionaire will "drain the swamp". Stay cucked mate
Blake James
This behavior creates numales you faggot OP. This was clearly written by a woman,it sounds cute and shit.GTFO.
John Cook
Joshua Jackson
you have to go back
Henry Martin
Hi sinead nice to know you are still stirring up shit
Kayden Collins
it was actually 58%. why are you focusing on the women who voted for Trump vs. who didn't? It's quite obvious to point out feminists and SWJs, so why is this even something to talk about?
Kevin White
forgot to sage
Justin Gutierrez
This was clearly written by a woman and is wrong because woman don't know anything about managing women as a man.
Angel Kelly
this is Holla Forums not /pua/ and gammas dont give a shit
Justin Stewart
- Women are extremely selfish and manipulative - They are also completely irrational, so you can't even barter and reason with them - They are NEVER happy for long, give them a castle made of gold and they will still find some reason to be frustrated and angry at you - They are biologically wired to be annoying and mentally unstable (there are studies proving this) - They drain a lot of your energy with their stupid shit
Your best options dealing with them are:
a) To outjew them, making them think that they have gotten much more from you than they really did. Women love the sense of getting more from the relationship than they are giving.
b) To play on their sense of social justice, they don't really want to be selfless and helpful (lacking any sense of true morality), they want to be PERCEIVED as such, even in private settings. Even the most egoistical, psychopathic women don't like being seen as evil.
c) To dominate or scare them. They are both physically and mentally weak, and some even like being dominated. Just be careful not to overdo it and to actually be in a position for it.
d) To pamper them, if you have the stomach for it. Buy her flowers, look at her with puppy eyes, tell her how much you love her
Most other options stem from these, or a combination of them.
Thomas Wood
Weeb here, he's not pandering to ME with all this 3DPD bullshit. Completely disinterested.
Asher Hughes
Just unplug their TV.
Dominic Flores
You don't blame the current owner of a dog for what the original owners or anyone since fucked up, when a dog misbehaves. Most importantly there
These two often overlap, obviously. Most of the time when a girl grows up with no father it's because her father would have been shit any way.
There are also bad teachers. You have to blame the people who raised a woman first and foremost. You're clinging to delusions if you think you can take a degenerate slut and turn her into a good wife by being le perfect 1488 alpha husband.
Evan Morales
Holy fuck leave your basements for once in your goddamn life
Josiah Morgan
Oh yeah, this totally seems like something a beta faggot sitting in the corner masturbating to his lady being fucked by Tyrone, has as his creed.
Thomas Williams
imkampfy, just an hero already
Liam Jenkins
Actually it sounds like something a beta faggot who has never actually met a woman besides his sister that slides his daily tendies under the door would say
Xavier Rogers
It sounds like the same old tired "pickup game" shit that's constantly floating around MGTOW circles. They will never learn, Holla Forums doesn't want to pick up and fuck random chicks every weekend. Holla Forums wants to find a loyal loving wife who will bear many white children and help raise them into a bright strong future.
Mason Bell
Of course not, anything but the furtherance of the white race for the sole purpose of the furtherance of the white race with no higher ambitions or goals is MUH DEGENERACY
Ryder Carter
I hope you faggots just copy pasted that from somewhere else, because that is some autism.
Dylan Lopez
The worst part is that OP is right.
Speaking from experience (11 years in a happy relationship).
Nurture your woman emotionally and be the leader of the relationship and you've done 90% of all that's needed from your part.
But there's one thing wrong with OP's theory: women will not tolerate that you don't provide. They can withstand that for a couple years at maximum. But they'll leave you if they still need to provide for the family in your stead, and that's a very generous amount of time considering any woman.
They'll "invest" in you and wait for you to be more successful than they are, which will allow them to work only part-time or not work at all, and once that's happened, the remaining 10% was achieved and you have a relationship that'll endure the test of time for decades, probably until death.
What's Holla Forums's vision on the matter? I'd risk saying they'd think women want freedom, equality, etc., in the relationship.
If that'd be the case, Holla Forums'd be wrong. Women do not want that. That garbage 50 shades of grey book+movie wasn't a success because of soft BDSM or because the protagonist is a billionaire.
It's simply because it's about a man that dominates his woman in her daily life, showing her how much attention he dedicates to her, how much she's present in his daily routine and his mind. Makes her feel important all the time and essential to his well-being, but without being submissive to her or depending on her. On the contrary.
This is what most women want (I'd risk saying an overwhelming majority).
Kayden Rogers
This thread is imkampfy's doing. He's a nigger faggot. Just look at him:
Angel Parker
fuck off (((cuck))) shill
Jose Allen
Let me sum this thread up in two words, "GO LIFT". Women want to marry Hercules. So become him.
Charles Lee
Bump for the buttmad "incels" that can't accept its their fault for not having a nice, submissive woman as company.
Jeremiah Stewart
Sorry fam, but this thread is pure bullshit because it forgets the most important thing in a relationship: love.
Julian Jones
You're right. Promiscuity and disloyalty IS degeneracy.
Jaxon Reed
50 shades of gray was a success because women get off on the idea of being dominated by a high-status man. Especially one whose entire fetish revolves only around one singular woman.
Absolutely right. If you'd read the advice in this thread you'd find that to be the commonality. Leadership is and will always be the truest form of love.
Logan Watson
Ignorance is bliss it seems.
To nurture a woman emotionally is to love her user. But not just act like you do. I guess you missed the point.
Xavier Jenkins
If you read the blogpost you'd realize that it's not about money at all but making woman feel important. If your dad looked into her eyes with gratitude that was all she needed.
Hudson Brown
If you are not gaining as much out of life as you can for yourself, you're cucked, plain and simple. You've let Holla Forums dominate you and deny you pleasure while it exploits you, that's the definition of a cuck fam.
My wife told me this herself: it's to be dominated by a man. To have illusion of freedom, but to know she's safe because of him.
She'll expect her man to be ambicious and want to improve the family's status though. At least in regards to her circle of friends and family.
She'll be by your side while you do your best in that regard. But she'll remain with you even if you're not achieving it, if you remain a good husband by the terms already mentioned.
Jordan Johnson
Matthew Ortiz
Adam Gomez
Lol, you're fucking retarded.
Levi Jones
Holla Forums the post
Jeremiah Barnes
Ignorance is bliss not in regards to how mods are acting. In regards to the pov provided in the thread that is an information people should really consider. Attack the information and debate if you will, but derailing the threads and resorting to strict ad-hominem shitposting and derailing isn't proving much of a point.
Easton Sanchez
Your OP is shit and you don't know how to collate your thoughts.
Gavin Peterson
What level of the chess board are you cucks on right now?
Brandon Diaz
This is a good thread. I recently destroyed a decent relationship because I didn't know any of this.
Why our fathers don't teach us to handle women is beyond me. I guess they don't know themselves. How did this knowledge slip out of our hands?
Kevin Foster
You're not really disagreeing with me, though. Women love being dominated by high-status men. A low-status man is risky for reasons of safety, can't provide, etc. The real take away of the thread is that women respond well to leadership and willpower because they are naturally submissive. And if they aren't submissive to you then that means you are lacking in leadership ability or willpower.
Carter Hughes
The woman - flower metaphor is not a perfect one. They are similar but not equal.
A woman will seek things in you that you'll need to "pick her up" and make new roots with you, which'll become the new family.
You're mistaking what's being said about "dominating" a woman as a form of posession. It's only partly that - about as much as a woman should take possession of a man to be his wife. It's a question of commitment, not about owning.
Logan Miller
I could bet anyone could see OP is a different IP. And I'm not using a proxy or anything. OP is autistic, but not wrong.
Christian Ross
Haha this blogpost triggers the fuck out of leftpol lurkers. Leftcucks confirmed for low-T betas.
Hunter Martinez
i see the message you're trying to convey - and it is a good one, but most of that seems like it was pulled out of your ass. you've ingored things like compatibility (a dog also has to fit in with your life style); the fact that a lot of women these days seem to have personality disorders, women who spend a lot of other time with other women tend to be catty and demanding, and probably the most important fact about people in general - they all want something; something that may not even be companionship or fufillment.
no matter how safe it makes you feel to believe you have control in such a way as you described - it is intellectually dishonest to believe that there isn't more to human interaction.
Christian Green
the one where you get gassed, commie edgelord
Gabriel Nelson
I completely agree with you. Now I see your point.
John Mitchell
Ah, I see.
Henry Torres
Noah Edwards
I think there's one point where you're a little off. Status != ability. It's completely worthless for you to have genius level alpha made leadership ability and willpower IF YOU DON'T LEAD ANYBODY. Status is the application of ability and the recognition of ability, it is not the ability itself. It's not enough to just study leadership and improve willpower because that doesn't increase your status at all. At the end of the day you have to take action to gain status.
Aiden Martin
I blame common core for low reading speed and comprehension.
Matthew Howard
Do not take this fool's bait for he is with the enemy:
>>>Holla Forums1053157
Julian Long
m80, your entire diatribe is based in lower density perception. the key to finding a true love that will last is finding someone who you respect, and vice versa. You want someone you can trust in their judgement, as much as they trust you. It's a partnership, not a master/servant relationship. Keep in mind that while maintaining this partnership, you must also continue with your purpose, or seeking it if you haven't found it already. Sex is a bonding experience that can really help you and your partner meld minds and souls. Sure, it feels good. I wont argue that with you, it'd be pointless. BUT please understand, sex is a bonding exercise, and a method of creating life. As good as it feels, please be sparing with your encounters. If things are really going well between you two, you both will know when it is right. Reaching the sex plateau too early always ruins a potential relationship. If you meet a 3dpd and think you may want to get to know her or maybe more, for the love of god, keep the thoughts of fucking to the minimum. Or, learn to spot them when they appear and stem it as they come. Let the feelings between you two naturally build up.
Logan Williams
HOLY SHIT late stage capitalism everyone.
Carter Martin
Jason Sanchez
If it personally gives you pleasure, go for it. If not, don't let other people pressure you into unhappiness.
I'm not projecting, I just know Holla Forums is very much into uniformity.
Tbh I came here because everyone at leftypol is laughing their asses off at this thread. Don't think anyone's triggered on our end.
Wew lad we're not capitalists, we're anarcho-individualists who want a stateless society where the profit of our labor goes directly to us not some fat jew on Wall Street.
Mason Turner
Love is and partnership is what this blogpost is about. It's not about equality though. It's about active/passive roles. If you see the passive role as pathetic or bad then you're projecting that onto women and you'll make them miserable. To be happy you need to respect the passive role and permit your woman to play it.
Leo Young
This is what we get for inviting Holla Forums to our salt threads.
Camden Turner
thanks for confirming
Nathaniel Sullivan
Only FBI user can convince me to read anything this long and clearly you're not FBI user.
Adam Jenkins
I'll just stick to 2D, thank you very much.
Jaxson Peterson
I'm more attracted to your boat section than the woman part. I want my own sailboat and restoring one sounds like a dream.
Jacob Moore
You didn't read the whole thing, and/or have never been in a relationship that lasted more than a year. I've experienced all these small signs personally.
Keep pretending men and women are equal. Maybe YOU personally are equal to women because your masturbate too much and drink too much so you argue like an emotional faggot.
I've never felt on par with women. Even when they are the ones paying the bills, I still felt the relationship was uneven. I've done the whole equality thing and it's pure bullshit. I reversed the gender roles and it was a disaster.
You're talking about finding a woman that already agrees with you on everything. That's not someone you "respect", that's just someone who already agrees with you. If you really pry at the edges of women you'll never find one your truly respect because they don't think logically and all of their principles are fluid. They never make the same decision on anything twice.
Open your eyes you faggots.
Owen Lopez
I don't remember being invited, I just invaded cause I felt like it
Whatever gets you off famalam
Carson Jackson
Eli Hall
Good thread. Enjoyed and saved the caps.
There is good points here. On the energy point it reminded me of no fap. And I'll meditate today on how my energy levels affect people on a subconscious level.
Also on how I need to stop fapping as it doesn't serve me.
Colton Mitchell
Those trips confirm, and actually, you won't even have a gf or wife if you don't act. A woman will become interested in you and fall in love if she sees potential and if you show her you love her. If you don't fullfil that potential, she will stick with you if you still make her feel loved, useful to you, and if you don't make her have to stand through hardship together, unless it's temporary with a real way out back into sustenance.
But she'll always want to you to try to improve the family status. Which goes back to what you first said about ability.
Tyler Carter
This guy is a lot more correct than OP and his gigantic wall of text. Schopenhauer got it right. Women are half adult, half child.
Samuel Cox
It's easier to just push artificial wombs and waifubots at this point because women can still fuck you over if they find a better deal in this climate. So long as this current cultural climate exists and the laws that give them advantage, they're just going to do the cock-carousel over and over, and no amount of appreciation will fix that. Simply devalue their status and remove the absurd laws then everything will fall into place.
A dog has more loyalty. nailed it.
William Clark
Grayson Cooper
Jackson Perry
This, he says with a heavy heart.
A few words of advice:
a) just pretend every woman is 15 years old maturity-wise
b) any girl who accuses you of "mansplaining" actually wants your cock
c) No means yes, sometimes, maybe. Learn about the hamster. Accept you are dealing with irrationality. Don't be a fucking rapist, just remember "slutwalk" is code for "cocktease."
Ethan Rodriguez
Why are so many people shitting on this, this just sounds like psychology 101. It would honestly work on anyone, man or woman.
These would work on anyone.
Dylan Harris
Remember to filter someone any time they admit to being a lefty.
Carson Stewart
Respect isn't an equal phenomenon to women and men. Each gender sees it a bit differently, and power has a lot to do with it.
On the regards of sex, from personal experience, the most healthy balance is to make sex 6 to 8 times a month. That's not too little and not too much to banalize it. But focus entirely on it, and, as you said, make it a bonding experience every time you make it. Though I'm saying this from the pov of someone that's already far into marriage and building a family already.
Who exactly is presenting MGTOW mentality here? You, trying to derail a thread discussing relationships with the opposite sex, or the people discussing it?
Benjamin Wilson
Now I see why the sudden Holla Forums raid.
Jordan Allen
Are you still booty blasted about last night?
Henry Rodriguez
Not even surprised.
Blake Long
I thought she wanted an aquarium?
Joshua Carter
Because it should be transmitted organically through functioning families. My parents hate eachother and unsurprisingly I'm a mess.
Aiden Anderson
No she wanted something beautiful. Instead of getting annoyed at her desire for aquarium or fill in the blank just use some jujitsu. i.e. "Yes the ocean is so beautiful. You should really do an ocean painting. We can put it over the bookshelf" Then she forgets all about the aquarium and makes something beautiful for you while radiating happiness.
Jackson Collins
She wants to feel good.
Asher Hughes
Linguistic jujitsu! So you can fumble and tackle people with words, and fill in what they should like since they have no sense of independence!
Yeah, might as well get a fish tank, put a fish and a bicycle in it.
Jaxson Baker
How much? How much is enough? I'm under the impression that it's never enough. And how does women being in the workforce play into this. I make 12.50 an hour. How could I provide for anyone?
Parker Butler
This is tiring and cringe worthy. Nobody is going to read all this and all of it could have just as easily been summarized.
Pic related was from a recent thread from some reddit fag that thinks all women are mentally ill.
Basically you should be a respectable alpha man and dominate, remind the woman that she needs you but don't abuse her like a sand monkey and you'll be fine.
Hunter Walker
Thanks for your advice, user. I didn't really need it but I felt like thanking you anyway because these fucking niggers forgot what Holla Forums was before Trump shitposting reddittors.
Kayden Baker
and she would call it expressing her artistic form.
Dominic Nelson
I can't figure if you're just shitposting or missed the point.
She thought she wanted specifically an aquarium. But what she really wanted was the participation of her man in making the house more beautiful (in her eyes). The fact he ignored her hurts her more than not having the aquarium.
Women do this. They pass the blame of things to what's not the true cause of it, to preserve their idea of the person they are with and how they think they perceive her. So she blamed the aquarium for not being good decoration, incorporating a self-convinced hatred for it.
We must be cautious with how we exercise our influence on our gf/wife, because it often develops in something out of the scale we first intended, or never even had any idea was becoming an influence on them in the first place. That's the point. So you help her be molded into something she'll also like to be, not just what you'd like her to be.
Women do this to men as well, but it's just not as effective. They think they are changing their partner more than they actually are, but they are more than happy to try.
Lincoln Cruz
You're a woman aren't you?
Tyler Davis
Enough is when you aren't stressed out supporting another person. Half of this is determined by how you handle her and her criticisms as well. The less of a leader you are, the more she will nag you and demand of you. It is entirely on you to determine what is enough and what isn't. You need to be able to shut down her wants reasonably well while still providing.
Jonathan Harris
shit board you have there
Anthony Murphy
What, can't make fun of them with the material they started with?
Jayden White
Girls just want to have fun, user.
Caleb Carter
Go back to 4chan. People read things here you nigger. TLDR is the reason "reddit spacing" exists in the first place.
Looking back, when I was working everything was fine. There were complaints but, I took her shopping and out to dinner frequently. Shit only hit the fan once we switched roles, and I admitted to feel inadequate and dependent on her for my self worth.
I could go back and fix all of it for sure but there is one problem. Sex.
Women want constant sex to feel validated or whatever. This drains men. How am I supposed to be mindful and in control when I'm having my balls drained near constantly?
Answer the question.
Blake Lee
This is thread is underageb& newfag garbage. Everyone not saging needs to lurk another 2 years. Holla Forums's hivemind has developed an understanding of femininity far beyond this base, plebeian PUA drivel. Though it does happen to be somewhat on the right path, it's an idiot feeling around in the dark.
This user has it right
Not the crap video, but that women are between children and men in responsibility. Read Schopenhauer on women. But more than anything: Carl Jung, he's all you need.
Also this
Jack Sullivan
Jordan Roberts
Just don't cum. It's an old yogi technique. Just learn to fuck her until she's exhausted, pull out, and go about your life.
Evan Reed
It's from Holla Forums you stupid nigger.
Lucas Long
Have sex on your terms only and quit jacking off and draining your sexual energy into bullshit other than your woman. Refusing to have sex with your woman (if early in a relationship) can be a huge blow to their world view. They are used to having sex whenever they want and thinking guys always want it when that's patently false. By actually valuing your own time and not having sex all the time, she will learn to appreciate it more. Especially so when you master spontaneous sexual moments, or if you learn how to sexually build them up over the course of a day.
Logan Lopez
This is absolutely deficient understanding. What is important is that women are different, inherently, mentally and spiritually different. It's not just a matter of being less mature, it's a matter of having a totally different mode of interacting with the world. You need to appreciate this in order to maximize your relationships.
Liam Bell
I've heard about this, pic related. Do you do it?
Benjamin Richardson
I'm 27 you fuck. Get out of here if you have nothing of value to say. I've experienced every facet of what op has written in my life. This shit only comes out in long term relationships. Stop being a fucking numale and try to have one. You will see.
But what about blue balls? I thought I'm supposed to be enjoying myself here and I cant even ejaculate? Why must everything be an exercise in torture and temperance?
Landon Cooper
As a matter of fact, mine provided for our house for a couple years.
As I said:
It's not exactly about how much. It's more about making her feel secure.
Provide the necessary so that you can have a small family (2 kids) and it'll suffice.
It depends in part on the references she has with friends and family. The richer they are, the more she'll pressure you to improve family social-status.
But I must repeat: what you need is to show her you're doing your best to improve it, while effectively providing the necessary for her to feel secure. She'll stick with you even if you don't succeed that way, and do lots of mental gymnastics to picture a world in which your small family is way happier than those richer families.
She must feel she's above others in some way (usually this is done by mental gymnastics), while being part of the team family with you, and that you love each other and depend on each other, and not feel afraid of the future.
That's a false impression. My relationship is proof of that, it works exactly like old families in which people didn't have luxuries but were happy. And we're not children of poor families. Both our families are richer than we are. But we are, indeed, improving through hard work and getting on the same level… but not quite yet.
As long as you are a good bf/husband to her, faithful and dedicated, showing you love her and directing her wishes and actions in small ways, while respecting the idea that's behind those particular wishes, and never letting her dominate the relationship, all you have to do is try to improve economically. At least sincerely try, and she'll stay with you and you'll be happy regardless of being or not rich.
Logan Butler
Fathers used to be the breadwinner. 9-5, enough income for house/cars/2 kids/insurance/leisure/yearly family vacation/weekends off.
Mothers used to be mothers. Could work part time IF THEY CHOSE when children entered school. Family unit, support from large families on both sides.
Fathers used to have time to spend time with sons on weekends, sports, hobbies (car maintenance, shooting, camping, billiards, boating/fishing).
TV was limited to 2 hours-4hours a day.
Grandfathers could hand down life lessons due to free time when not volunteering at veteran's organization. Family friends, male role models, could hand down life lessons as there was no faggotry/pedos.
Marriage could happen after senior year of high school. Homogeneous neighborhoods since lifetime employment with pensions was reality - could marry girl next door. Could actually meet and marry college sweety and not be a "loser", cock carousel not celebrated and encouraged.
Manliness and tradition eroded. Priests fuck kids, Scout leaders fuck kids, teachers fuck kids, coaches fuck kids, kids fuck kids, anti-bullying laws, one strike rules in education for fighting, parents can sue parents for kids fighting, gym/recess reduced from daily to 3 times a week. Competition is too masculine, no more losers, everyone gets a trophy.
Soda machines in schools. Children eat chicken tendies with no vegetables until 45. Processed foods pre-packaged in plastic appropriate for pre pubescent children as mom no longer cooks/gardens/parents. Girls hit puberty earlier, boys later, water/food/drugs changing hormonal chemistry of everyone.
Single mothers are to be worshiped, raising another man's children is "manning up", all men are rapists and never get benefit of doubt in domestic disputes, divorce or custody hearings.
Did I miss anything?
Henry Ramirez
Well the frustation is that the awful majority over the age of 16 is stray dogs with WAY too many owners for any man with any type of standard to enjoy.
Landon Butler
Superpowers are not free.
Noah Adams
Yes I know, that's why I pointed to Jung. The description in OP's pasta of a male essence penetrating to the female vessel etc. or whatever yin yang nonsense is a dumbed down version of his thinking.
Schopenhauer is about dealing with women in practice, framing your interactions with them. It's a first step to stem any damage you might be doing in your relationships until you undertake a study of Jung
Logan Morales
Is this book any good? From what I did read about it, without actually reading it since I can't find the pdf anywhere, and I'm not going to download priority malware to read a book, but it seems similar.
Nicholas Lee
This hit me on the wrong way too.
Carter Fisher
you don't have to exhaust each other every time you have sex. in that regard, all you have to do is make her cum first through oral sex or hand masturbation. only after that you penetrate her, and in this case she won't bother if it's a quickie or not. she'll be satisfied already. If you don't make her cum first, then you need to perform to exhaustion…
Cooper Phillips
Yeah, women has slept around like hell being unable to bond with anybody and won't settle for less than the hottest guy she ever fucked.
A vast majority men being perma-single due to bad teachings and having to compete with immoral pretty boys who's only goal in life is to fuck (with condoms which only leads to nothing and bonding-experience and standards being fucked up).
You also missed if you're a white male you're the devil. You're a rapist, you're a racist, you're a male-chauvinist and goddam you're only existing to suppres every exotic kind of "creature" of the human race has. And don't forget, you got a small cock compared to niggers according to ((media)).
Christian Scott
You really need to lift and no-fap m8.
Eli Carter
No you Nu-male cuck. You don't have to make sure to give your woman and orgasm. It was NEVER like that before, you fuck to make babies. That's it.
This is just another lie of equality that women need to cum to enjoy something. Fuck sex isn't even that important, women can get it anytime they would like.
Enjoy your throat cancer Cuck.
She lives to serve your needs when it comes to sex, not the other way around. Get it?
Ryder Williams
This. No one said you should underestimate women. As a matter of fact I disagree with OP in likening them to dogs. Or to that other user making the children analogy. Women are just different: less rational, more esoteric, emotional, dependent, insecure and in some ways, more competitive than men (in ways and areas other than men). Anyone in a long relationship will tell you that it makes one hell of a difference to have a woman by your side through life's and work's hardships, but exactly because they won't act like any friend would, nor any relative. It's something only your gf/wife can provide, and she expects you to provide that something that only you can for her. This is why it's so complex and challenging - different sorts of people, different needs, who can and should build a two-way symbiotic relationship, which is easy to disrupt or break, but is really worth the effort of maintaining.
Xavier Barnes
Well said. And people wonder why blacks are so fucked up. It's not because of single mothers pumping out kids like a factory, it's the evil white man not giving them enough money. It's hard to sit down with a feminist or even your average person on this because they have been conditioned that all the things you spoke of that can make a family great and prosperous is an old outdated even "oppressing" system.
I think it's mostly the fact that these people came from single mothers or just broken family's. If you have strong mothers and fathers, you can build a strong nation. But this means completely nothing to them. Which I will never understand. In the end I think it's their programming towards hedonism and hiding behind a false sense of moral high ground which leftists for some reason blindly follow, almost like a religion.
Asher Gomez
You have to be a virgin. The knee-jerk is telling on it's own, but the stuff you used as arguments are worse.
Enjoy your divorce. No one said you had to waste your seed, but I surely am saying you should have sex periodically (again, at the very least 6 times a month). It's both an emotional and biological need, for both parties.
Jose Powell
The path with the least resistance.
Aiden Green
No no. He's right. I've done this before. If you make them orgasm, even with your hand, not only will the sex afterwards feel better (for both of you) when it's over she will be exhausted. To the point of not bitching at you about anything for a good couple days. Not kidding.
It's hard to pull this off if you have no will power and just want to ejaculate. Because you are a man, this is pretty much all you really want. And because she wants to serve you, she also wants this.
I had a hard time doing it because I had no self control. How could I with this creature on top of me? Never let the woman win. She will tear you apart.
Maybe i'm a beta, who gives a fuck? Not everybody in this world can be leaders. I'll be the alpha of the family, but not having to behave like a goddam chimp against other men.
But where in that statement of my arguments was i wrong?
Yes, modern women are. Try and find a virgin woman at the age of 18. And the vast majority of the women at the age of 18, will never marry the man she lost her virginity to. Instead it leads to the inevitable cock-carousel. Because our parents and society as a whole just let teenagers do whatever, "here let us educate you into sex, let us make it attractive through tv and music, let's shame anyone who doesn't have sex and let's see what happens". Shall we just ignore the statistics of the amount of sex-partners women has had and how that correlates with divorce-rates?
Back in the day, women never slept around and those who did was cast-out. Called whores, skanks and the worst of the bunch ended up in brothels. Now we cherish it, even amongst fucking traditionalist circles like /pol.
Well, yeah. That's what ((they)) call us. In ((media)) and through ((education)). Where have you been the last century? We are the devil in media's and school's eyes. While at the same time they hype up "exotic" races as something cooler, something more exciting. You don't think this has an effect?
Or are you yet again going to attack me personally even though we are fucking anonymous here and it serves no fucking purpose.
John Jackson
You can skip past those limitations you posted and just take what you want.
You are worth exactly what you think you are worth, and women can smell it. You better get to work you faggot.
Colton Nelson
For all the low-quality troll posts here, you actually make sense.
The MGTOW bullshit was obviously wrong. This makes sense because we don't live in some libratarian heaven where everyone is equal, but slightly different.
If you have an assertive (but not) mean behavior, shit generally works out for you. Speaking from experience.
Xavier Flores
Get back to reddit you fucking degenerate Nu-male. You don't get it do you? Sexuality was introduced via ((them)). I'm going to do you a favour, read up on the sexual revolution and it's affects on western society.
You're just another one of these fucking morons that take this modern society for granted as it is the be all end all of how relationships and women should be like.
You don't seem to understand one iota, women form after what is expected of them. That's part of their survival-mechanism, that's how they survived back when times were rougher and their lack of strenght and ability to hunt for food and defend themselves made them vulnerable.
But you're way of argumenting and needing to fuck for any other reason than to create your offspring, clearly shows your lack of understanding of your history and how it used to be. You clearly don't know a thing besides you need to fuck, because it feels good and that's what society and media has told you, you need to do to fit in. Anything else is weird, anyone suggesting anything else, even out of principle suggesting that we should live a somewhat different life and it worked better relationship-wise, oh they must be a virgin.
Tyler King
No, you're a hedonist who live to serve your woman because the only reason you do it is so that she will quit nagging on you. What makes you so different than the fucking Nu-males who pretends they are homo-feminist-antiracist-shemales baking cupcakes with her to avoid the nagging?
Don't you see it, you're letting her control you. That's not how things should be, you're the one being submissive, not the other way around. Make a fucking family with her, or choose a better women (which is the hardest part, so many of them are complete basket-cases.)
Benjamin Phillips
IQ tests show women having statistically higher scores. Make of this what you will. Assuming you are smarter than ALL women is just going to set you up to look really dumb.
Nathaniel Davis
Thomas Nelson
Faggot, respond to my arguments instead or shut the fuck up.
Prove it.
Prove it.
Dylan Hughes
Yeah because this thread is full of slut worship as is all of Holla Forums. If you directed your beta rage towards something useful like improving your conditions you might be able to attract something that isn't a cumdumpster. A man is surrounded by the women he deserves.
Michael Watson
And the single mothers. But it is a nice frame to work from. Sounds like its from a self-help book.
Elijah Rodriguez
Never been there, but I see I hit a nerve.
Making sex with your wife in a monogamous relationship and making her as satisfied as you as often as you can (no one can 100% of the time though) is not the problem with sexuality in western society.
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
You're not coming from a historical pov. You're coming from a religious one.
People didn't have big families back in the day because they wanted to multiply as God commanded. They wanted to fuck pal. Sorry it took you an user to tell you this.
Chase Bailey
TRS punching to the right again
Tyler Rivera
You didn't read/comprehend what I wrote. Women, AND MEN, used to be encouraged to pair bond, marry and reproduced. Promiscuity used be to shamed, mocked, discouraged and hidden. Marylin Monroe used to be viewed as a tragic figure (whore) & not a role model.
It's a matter or bad teachings and NO teachings along with (((society))) warping players/horndogs/playboys/fuckbois into an alpha status lifestyle instead of a phase that men use to test their own status before choosing a mate.
Men/Women used to be pressured into marriage from society and family. If you wanted the house/estate/land/trust you chose a wife your parents would approve of to carry on the family name/crest. There was still choice and love, but poor decisitons (pregnany out of wedlock/multiple children by multiple partners/niggers/miscgeneration) were punished with real consequences.
Carrots and sticks.
Once again, you did not read or comprehend what I wrote. I know this, you know this, everyone here knows this. We have identified the source and methods of this attack on us/western civilization, we just have to make ourselves the best versions of ourselves, support each other, and fight back vocally/publicly.
Any woman who is brainwashed to fuck chad after chad to validate her worth is already garbage and not worth your genuine time. Make yourself great Make your family great Make your neighborhood great Make women great again THEN We can make America great again.
We might lose a generation of women by shunning/shaming and ignoring them for their inability to reject their (((programming))), but remember this, women age like milk and men age like wine. You can get keep getting older, but somewhere out there, there is a 20 year old wife for you - she just doesn't know it yet - and you don't know what year it will be.
Carrots and Sticks.
Andrew Hall
That's called an "MGTOW faggot"
Henry Long
That could be arranged, but you'll have to sign a waiver first.
Nolan Ward
Both of those things are true.
You just have to enact your will and step around them. Consider reading schopenhauer, nietszche, and plato. Any philosophy really. You think you're being held back, but it's really just you.
What part don't you get about ==making her orgasm before penetrating her makes the sex better for both of you==
The grip increases, the fluids increase, her reactions to your every movement increase. There is nothing to lose.
Owen Harris
Was wondering the same thing. learn to use google image search.
It's Kyou no Asuka Show. A 20 episode short. Looks pretty ecchi.
Ryder Brooks
The part where he's never had sex before.
Joshua Wilson
The more I read your posts, the more you sound like someone who's given up on even trying to have a decent relationship. You think it's no good if you don't find the perfect woman.
Although it's true that the ideal is to find a woman with no to very little experience sexually, as long as she's not outright promiscuous, the relationship has a chance. Find a girl that's from 18 - 29 years old, that has had at most 4-5 partners in her lifetime, and invest in her, but also be a man in the relationship.
And for God's sake, do not avoid sex like the plague as you say. It'll just bite you in the ass.
Luis Jackson
Nicholas Reed
I tamed my wife by fucking her literally every single day for years now, aside from when she's sick and pregnant, and calling her daddies good girl as i gently caress her cheek and mark her face with my semen.
Adam Ross
Pretty much yeah, life is all about pleasure
What are you talking about? I must have missed it.
Degeneracy is a spook
We have tons you're just not on Holla Forums enough to see them or intelligent enough to get them.
Austin Myers
It really just depends on how you look and your confidence.
Maybe if you didn't look like that dog you posted, it would be easier for you. Consider lifting and not being a faggot.
Wyatt Diaz
And just like a plant, you need to be careful when you transplant. Indeed, women are like flowers in many ways and on many levels.
BTW, this is a good thread, fuck the cucks.
Ryder Gonzalez
good thread an will read again. also, you guys seriously need to stop fapping. it isnt even that hard because if i can do it, you can aswell.
Dylan Thomas
Woah woah woah slow the fuck down buddy boy, where did I say I had difficulty in it? I haven't bothered with dating once for years, it just isn't something I enjoy, and I sure as hell aint gonna start trying to be someone I'm not to chase pussy.
Owen Reed
Just the seat, it already smells like fish.
Lincoln Richardson
See, we are equal.
Liam Roberts
Holla Forums was shitposting IRL in Portland, even shut down a candle light vigil by telling two people that a crowd of Trump supporters was on the way with ARs and the rumor spread like wildfire. Holla Forums got triggered and I shit you not an anarcho-communist called the cops to tell on us then sperged out in the thread. He also handed out condoms and told the protesters not to reproduce and told people he was from Holla Forums when they asked where he was streaming then told us to spam it with gore. To top it all off he got punched in a shoulder by a nigger and the nigger got arrested, Holla Forums is physically making America great again. Wish I could put you to the stream but he had to shoah it because they were trying to dox him.
Ian Phillips
Sorry, I'm not reading post ID's and assumed you were some other fag. Let me address what you wrote instead.
Yes, because by choosing not to participate you're flooding the market with betas and sluts. Someone has to put these people in their place. Everyone bears some personal responsibility for what is happening.
Levi Green
This post is cancer.
Bentley Scott
Yeah, wtf was that all about…
Zachary Allen
That's it? Damn son you sure rekt us how will we ever recover oh no
Jacob Brooks
Gavin Cox
Not every woman fantasizes about being raped. Some fantasize about being ravished. These are the same thing, but the word "ravish" is much more polite.
Benjamin Miller
You'll have to forgive me when I say I'm not really feeling up to the task.
Ryder King
Jones is our man, m8.
Leo Martinez
Oh yeah sure we're so butthurt an exploitive warmongering liberal corporatist didn't win waah America's not going to the SJWs and the Porkies boohoohoo the TPP didn't get passed we're all doomed time to commit seppuku ;_;
Please, as far as capitalists go, Trump is amazing by comparison to his opposition.
Chase Smith
fuck this convoluted nonsense I'm too autistic for this shit. I guess my only choice is to become a martyr.
Levi Bennett
Nigger I never implied you voted for clinton, your butthurt is clouding your vision.
Adam Ortiz
I like how Holla Forums is always on lockdown because you faggots can't handle the bantz.
Zachary Scott
Nope. They have less outlier scores, either high or low end. There are less retard women as there are less genius women.
Joseph Thompson
Shouldn't that be:
Shit son fine I'll go down a level for ya
Joseph Garcia
Well, that was the most autistic thing i've ever read
Angel Hernandez
I liked reading your blogposts user. My wife would likely even agree with all of it, but then again, I have a mind control fetish so I unconsciously applied much of what you say in roleplay sessions and now I have a very pliable girl.
The fact she's more "mysogynistic" than me says a lot. I don't complain.
This resonates with me a fucking ton. I only follow what you've been saying because I have a fetish, but I always end up feeling bad for being so manipulative. Gotta work on that.
Also to all the fags saying this doesn't work, you guys have girlfriends? Try some of his advice. It is sound, even though you might need to hide well the fact that you're doing it. Modern women have been told they can only be happy if they're equal, so baby steps it is.
Evan Morris
Holy fuck, this thread.
If you have to think this much about getting laid, just get your balls cut off. You aren't fit to reproduce.
Parker Parker
Perhaps its a good thing to get a dog so that you learn how to deal with women.
Isaiah Evans
If this isn't proof that we are having a newfag problem I don't know what is.
Anthony Rodriguez
Joshua Wright
Brandon Ward
Aren't all fetishes degeneracy though? Under Holla Forumsish law, isn't anyone who thought about sex for any reason than the furtherance of the white race supposed to be gassed?
Zachary Lopez
Why are you talking about higher ideals anyway? You're a fucking materialist. If we're just atoms and void, higher ideals don't factor into it faggot.
Cooper Harris
For shame.
Dylan Smith
Gabriel Martinez
It is a fetish and it leaks in my daily life but hey, it works.
Nicholas Jones
How long until the article on the evil 8ch and how Anime is now misogynistic?
Please let us know.
Aiden Thomas
Sounds like a lot of work for very little reward, a reward that could still potentially run away and take half of my shit after I've earned it. I'll just stick to 2d.
Dylan Davis
Life is about pleasure, and I derive pleasure from many things. One example is sex, another is the creation of a post-scarcity society so humanity doesn't have to labor so hard just to survive and the conquest of space becomes a very real possibility. No cognitive dissonance here.
Shit you got me there
As opposed to being the slave of others?
Xavier Long
Dubs confirm
Jack Jenkins
It's alright, we already know Holla Forums can't meme, we've come to expect it.
Kevin Bennett
If only the nature of a female human was as simple as a dog, that would make things easy, but unfortunately this is not the case. Lao Tse compared the female nature to Dao. It is often translated as "the great mystery" or "the dark void". You think you figured it out, but I guarentee you will be surprised in the future about how wrong your beliefs are.
Also shit thread, too many words. Sage.
Nicholas Fisher
Choosing to participate with the FOLLOWING NEXT GENERATION while ignoring and shunning the current bad actors is not irresponsible.
If every sad faggot on internet dating sites put this sentence in their profile.
AND we shamed our fellow man for being thirsty traitorous niggers, we could turn this shit around in a few years.
Sometimes generations are lost.
My trainer told me that one of his clients is an immigrant from Sweden and he actually cried when he asked him why he left and if it is really as fucked up as I told him.
Sometimes you have to cut your losses and re-direct your energy to an endeavor that will yield the appropriate results for the appropriate time/action.
Dylan Phillips
k whatever u say fam
Jayden Mitchell
It's not an ideal then, it's just what you siphon cummies off of. An ideal is an absolute totality unto itself; they exist spiritually, not materialistically. Your worldview only stands upon your own desire to cum.
Mason Flores
This thread is proof 8ch.net is dead.
Hudson Peterson
Quick, use more adjectives to tell us how not butthurt you are.
Julian Nguyen
Except the guy in that shitty movie/book had more women.
My wife read the book just to cringe at it - not because it's demeaning, but because it is clearly written by the female equaivalent of a fedora-tipper. Pic related is the author.
Zachary Morgan
My ideal in humanity becoming a space-exploring race should be evident.
I wish to keep consciousness, the way the universe is aware of its own existence, from ceasing to be. I want to find a way to keep the universe from both the heat death or the big crunch, and if either of those are impossible to avoid, a way for consciousness to leave or transcend the universe so it survives.
We're not going to get there in the shape the world is in. There's a good chance we might not even leave the planet alive. I want humanity to follow the best future so the universe is not so empty and alone.
Christian Rogers
(fedora-tipper as synonym for virgin with no experience in sex)
Ryder Anderson
Good thread. You always have to remember that you're in control and in the dominant role with a woman. She's not gonna bend over like your cute anime grills and say "Fuck me user-kun~~~", you have to take that role, my best success has been through trial and error, but you have to come to it on your own through (much regrettably) socialization. Yeah, being around normies and developing a public persona.
t. married to an Aryan waifu
Adrian Walker
Tell me more Moisha
Lucas Butler
Do we really need +3 of these threads per week? This obsession with women is the reason they don't want you in the first place.
Bentley Cox
This is the most terrifying of it all. As the last line of defense letting this one slip is terrible, terrible.
Nicholas Thomas
No one it taking lessons from some beta male faggot who posts child anime porn.
Go back to Spirit Cooking
Jack Ward
But again, the way you rationalize that is with your own dick. An ideal stands alone, it's absolute. It doesn't need to be affirmed by your pleasure. The fact that you don't see how being a materialist and a idealist is inconsistent is fucking laughable.
Wyatt Miller
She read it because you're bad in bed and don't understand sex. I bet you dress up and shit too
Leo Lee
She read it because she loves to cringe. I could hear her laughing from across the room and she couldn't avoid sharing how bullshit it was.
She also watched the source material (Twilight), but that was when she was 15. And even then she didn't find it all that good (it was a fad back then)
Jackson Brown
I aprove of this thread.
Noah Gutierrez
Nathaniel Clark
Ryder Davis
Truly Holla Forums is terrible at everything.
Easton Powell
That's the best part about being intelligent - you can see how it all intersects with itself.
Kayden Jackson
Dylan Hernandez
That's what she told you. Because you're bad in bed and she's seeking outside stimulation. She was laughing because it was embarrassing and she knew you were monitoring her in an off way She watched Twilight because she was 15.
Gabriel Watson
Lincoln Jenkins
Reports were dismissed on it all day long.
There's no reason why this shouldn't have been deleted immediately and the OP banned for this pathetic psy-op.
Brayden Hughes
marxism is a mental disease >>>Holla Forums
Juan Evans
Pearls before swine: the thread
Tyler Nelson
Ok so I'm colorblind, I tried to greentext but got btfo by my own genes.
Here's an improved version.
Brayden White
If memes are created from butthurt, what does that make Pepe, god of Holla Forums?
Colton Parker
Sin will put you in chains not set you free. Of course degenerate behavior will be nice in the short term, if it wasn't it wouldn't be able to ruin civilizations.
Christian James
Grayson Rivera
Sin is a spook used by organized religion to control the masses. Religion has historically always been used by the ruling class to sedate or intimidate the peasantry, and even often to levy taxes and tributes from them.
Enjoy your cucking m8.
Michael Hall
Changes IDs and replies to me. Calls thread about how Holla Forumsocks can make their relationships stronger with women a psy-op.
Freudian slip mein juden?
Xavier Flores
wew lad
Ethan Cook
Has Holla Forums ever actually studied the political spectrum?
Brandon Gomez
Blake Perez
What? And there are odd instances like it all over this shit. Did you just copy-paste this from somewhere?
Camden Lewis
Guess I'm stealing from Trump then because Fidel here is also doing the hand meme
Henry Morgan
lol this feminism post da fuck. i hope people arent responding to this as if there's any logic. using dogs at first was just to make you think a feminist would never use dog even if they plan on changing it. this shit is lols and gross
Andrew Jones
I don't enjoy browsing Holla Forums, so I can only imagine you're here out of butthurt.
Shouldn't you be enjoying your girlfriend's strap-on at this particular moment?
Ryan Johnson
Are you banned from Holla Forums or something?
Lucas Rodriguez
I'm just here having quality family time with my retarded cousin Holla Forumsio, it's the least I could do since no doctor on planet earth could treat his ass burgers.
No thanks, I dildo myself just fine. :^)
Jackson Wright
Gavin Gutierrez
You'll learn, or you'll die as a dumbfuck.
Juan Green
And if a man does that ten times he'll get blue balls so legendary, people will sing heroic songs about it.
Michael Ortiz
that's where you lost me, cuck
Michael Rivera
Oh wait you're right, dogs are always loyal
Matthew Perez
If this happened anywhere else, people would be crying shill. What went wrong?
Ian Thompson
Gavin Turner
man you fags are the biggest tools in the world.
Anthony Rodriguez
Or maybe, just maybe, humanity figured out over the course of its massive history a few universal truths.
Monogamy begets happy family and power.
Sisterfucking leads to bad shit… etc.
Not everything is a construct m8.
You guys are your own caricature…
Austin Cruz
I'm a lesbian and I'm here to tell you, the essence of this guide is basically pure gold for a majority of the people you will encounter. There are definitely exceptions, but this pattern fits with enough accuracy that if enough people learn these lessons, net happiness and productivity for both sexes would be at a high point for the first time in probably 60+ years. I would add that you should take care not to set yourself up for failure on the offchance that you find yourself in a fulfilling relationship with a woman who does not fit this pattern- there have been remarkable women throughout western history who break this pattern and who, with a "partner in crime" of equivalent intellectual status, can pair up to do amazing things. But I guess that point doesn't really matter since anyone who can match their wits with an intellectual equal doesn't need to follow Holla Forums's advice to lead a successful life and anyone stumped by a woman who doesn't fit the pattern is probably better off looking elsewhere for emotional companionship.
All men should strive to be magnanimous leaders in their personal lives. THAT is the most important thing you can ever learn.
Aaron Cruz
Lol, what a gay.
Jason Hernandez
Stopped reading there.
Hunter Williams
This is why you "educated" commies always fail. Do you think the average person is going to read your pseudo intellectual say-nothing platitudes and somehow be moved by your cause? The workers you say need to start the revolution give less of a shit about some holier-than-thou mouthpieces have to say. All of your revolutions are started by the people you despise, for their own gain. Communism is dead in the water, and it's even more impossible now that the entire world is undergoing massive disgenic shifts.
If you're wondering why the right is rapidly gaining number and success, it's because it appeals to normal people. Normal people see their countries becoming shittier, because of racial displacement and a globalist conspiracy. In these times, they are not likely to give up the last bit of agency they have in hope to bring about some communist utopian fantasy. Especially when they have to share it with people like "new Americans".