Hi Holla Forums thought you might be interested in this.
Congrats on best election ever.
Hi Holla Forums thought you might be interested in this
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Why do they bother using the word "fascism" anymore? No one know what they mean other than that everyone is supposed to instantly disapprove of the fascism.
Because it triggers negative feelings in everyone reading it, associating things like fear and hate with you or your message.
Aren't there still a few salt threads up?
because to normies, facism = Hitler, and Hitler killed 6 gorrilion Jews using gas chambers, disguised as showers.
It's a fnord. People are trained to have a knee-jerk response to the use of the term.
who /establishment/ here?
Keep saying it cunt, you just might get your wish.
She will have no place in the new design.
Over the past year I've been comparing everything that isn't 100% cum guzzling commie to Hitler to see if I can break some conditioning in friends and family. I'm Hitler, you're Hitler, Trump is Hitler, and have recently been moving onto things that are lefty, but not sufficiently so. My idea is that if everything is Hitler, then nothing is Hitler to prime for asking the question "was Hitler even Hitler"?
Some sucess with people laughing and joking unironically. Doing Roman salutes and whatnot. The judenpresse constantly spouting it off and looking ridiculous helps a lot. In addition I've been cultivating the old fashioned, casual anti-semetism that l grew up with. We have a boardgame night and gold is now shekels and we "jew" each other over. It's bled over into normal conversation.
Because using words that invoke feelings is a powerful persuasion methods for these fucking idiots.
The establishment is only bad when it works against the people, though. That's why we're anti-establishment. Not because we're hippie fucks who want anarchy. Putin is the very definition of an establishment candidate, but you want to know what else he has?
An amazing approval rating.
I would have thought David Simon would be more sensible than this. I suppose not
what does he mean by this?
This is pretty much what the left has been doing for 10 years straight…
Except they stop at everything is is Hitler to keep the stigma. Break it with humor. Make it a part of normal conversation.
Hillary won something like 15% of all counties
She might have set the DNC back 20 years with this flop. She barely even won blue states. Minnesota and Illinois are 80% red
Will these retards finally learn this is what happens when you put womyn in power?
I've just been openly telling people I'm fascist.
Most of the time they don't say anything because they don't actually know what it means. The word only has power when you tip-toe around it versus using it nonchalantly. Yeah, I'm a fascist and so what? Most people have never had someone actually say they were a fascist so they have no clue how to deal with it because 98% of people have conditioned views on everything never stopping to actually think about their positions and how they arrived to them. I swear man, lefties are just brainwashed zombies they can't ever put together a rational argument for what they believe in (Hint: it's because any logical person would never be a lefty)
Normalfags would embrace fascism in a hearth beat if they weren`t conditioned otherwise.
NOW you're sounding like a liberal.
Always a dumb white woman. Send her dumb-ass to Nigeria to be raped to death please.
source for your map? this is the one i found.
Most of them don't see Clinton as anti-establishment either. They think of a socialist kike as the anti-establishment candidate that got screwed out of being president. Trump and Clinton = wall street stooges in their mind.
wiki but unfortunately it came out in ant-size
pic related is Nixon's '72 win, you'd need a laser pointer to pick out the Dem wins. there's tons of great election data on wiki, it's really quite revealing to look at the state-by-state breakdowns, and the country-wide map is especially sobering
Love how these faggot kikes just use the word fascism like it's meaningless. To them, America 40 years ago was fascist. To them, the America that fought against fascism in wwii was itself also fascist.
Never change, liberals.
Just kidding. Get the fuck out of my country.
Nope, I'm seeing them pushing for Warren to run in 2020.
Except that Bernie is the establishment. It was apparent in the first devate when he dismissed the emails as a non-issue. If he were really anti-establishment, he would have attacked her on it instead of cucking from the start.
Nixon's "Southern Strategy" worked extremely well to turn Democrats into Republicans, leaving the Dems as the "left wing" party.
They will not learn from their mistakes until it is too late for them. Good for us.
Moore is suggesting they run Oprah or Tom Hanks.
Eh, why not? Wouldn't be the first celebrity in the White House.
I like this question very much.
This is why voting is a mistake.
2012 for reference
They got cucked pretty hard.
The God Emperor would destroy her
The God Emperor has already destroyed her
Feels bad man
They use it because they know everyone will instantly disapprove even though they don't know what it means.
Monica has confused establishment with establishers.
Something that Holla Forums often fails to realize is that those on the radical left actually see the radical right as being the establishment and the system of power within their realities.
Just as we see the left as being the dominant ideological power in the world.
It's a double illusion maintained because it benefits the system to divide us against each other.
The best way to destroy your enemy is to redirect its power and effort (or even better add it to your own).
The system destroys every movement that opposes it by creating a counter-movement for it and hiding the true mechanisms of control (for example, the FED) from the public eye.
Ted was a genius ahead of his time, but he never understood memetics.
They use it precisely because no one knows what they mean other than they're supposed to instantly disapprove of it.
Because even they don't know what they mean.
'Fascism' has become progressive shorthand for 'political stuff that's icky'.
If we achieved fascism would the socialists go away?
white women voted 53% for Trump you MGTOW faggot
not the fertile ones ;_;
They'll come around.
the young and women are always more liberal. its just a process of nature. it'll probably always be that way.
once these women get into the real world and/or start hearing their biological clock, they'll become much more conservative very quickly - in their own unique way, of course, bc women and men are different, but the pink-hair, bra-burning feminist shit will be out the window and they'll be embarrassed they ever participated in it. Believe me. I'm older than I'd like to admit
Feels fucking great, mang.
This is why I think Trump will bring charges against Hillary. A trial could reveal all of Warren's dealings with Hillary and tarnish her image considerably along with many other democrats since many democrats threw their hat in with Hillary and colluded with her and all the shit she was up to. This is the real reason why the press keeps trying to meme a pardon. If trump brings charges, he could quite literally bring down the whole democratic party, leaving no one viable to run against him in 2020 and possibly an electoral sweep.
Kek those would backfire. Oprah is still connected to Obama in people's minds. Both are Hollywood and a lot of people hate Hollywood celebs these days.
Leftism relies on being oppressed in order to function. It simply cannot exist as the "dominant" ideological or political force since, in its very essence, leftism is a rebellion against hierarchy and natural structure. For leftism to become the establishment, it would negate itself and its own principles.
tl;dr leftists are unable to accept that leftism is the establishment, since it would negate the very leftist principle of fighting the "oppressor", or dominant power.
Get the fuck out.
wtf is going on with Michigan?
considering who is probably counting the votes in places like Detroit it's a miracle he was even "allowed" to win but this is just ridiculous
are they so salty about Trump getting over 300 EV (highest for republican since 1988) that they refuse to declare?
Well, you heard the nigger…. we need to MEME SIX FAZILLION MORE state legislatures in order to get real change done around here.
Was McGovern just a massive piece of shit or something?
A friend of mine and I have been wondering about that ourselves.
Yes, but he lost like he did because
1) The candidate democrat voters actually wanted was murdered.
2) The bosses fucked over their hippie base at the convention.
But most importantly,
3) People were pissed the fuck off about the Vietnam War and President Johnson was incredibly hated by the end of his term.