Oh boy, here we go!
Monkey Trouble!
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So sorry you had to see this.
t. crossposter
Always archive and breaklinks to the source
And then if white people come back and fix it, niggers will just steal it again, kill Whitey again, break it again, and then cry for Whitey to come back and fix it. Again.
It is beyond me how any country could still have the political will or capital to keep helping these violent ingrates. Once the Jew is removed from power, it is absolutely vital that all food and financial aid to Africa be ceased permanently.
We need some sort of.. final solution.
You weren't even living there, you stupid fucking wogs.
Fuckin' Bantus man. Kill'em all.
Niggers never even inhabited South Africa. They only migrated south because of the apparent wealth of the White colonists
i don't see why there are any whites even left in S. Africa. i wouldn't want to live in that nigger-ridden hellhole. just stop investing in real property and as things become run-down, just move out. strategic withdrawal is the only option.
What countries allow S. African whites refugee status? The US needs to get on this.
The government prevents them from leaving. Dumb niggers they might be, but they realize that if there is mass exodus of Whites, SA will hit Zimbabwe levels overnight. To leave the country for good, a Boer must sell almost all of his property for peanuts and pay exorbitant prices for paperwork - something most of them cannot afford. Others do not want to leave the land tamed by their ancestors and hope to survive the nig tsunami. The rest are simply too poor and destitute to care about anything but everyday survival.
None. Boers' skin is not the color of shit, you see.
Hope so, although it is not a huge upgrade when compared to SA.
t. lots of Boer friends
This has serious red-pill potential if we can dig up some statistics for those countries then arrange them all in a clean, presentable infographic.
Okay, let's see if this 4cuck refugee can actually be useful in his new home- going to try my hand at this.
Even kike sources say that there were only some tribesman who migrated there a few decades before the whites started settling.
We take in all the Boers. Send all our niggers to Africa. Problem solved
I support this notion
they are going to do white slavery stating "you did it to us" as their reasoning. this will be enough reason for a little liberty and justice for all
Shouldn't accepting white refugees from South Africa be one of our most time-sensitive priorities in getting the God Emperor to act on?
We could send this suggestion to the Emperor. It would end the racial problem in South Africa. Good for everyone.
These people could be settled in the cities that today are of Latin majority.
If you want entertainment, why not watch South Africa parliament in action: youtube.com
Everyone is fucking crazy, it's hilarious!
You have no idea how happy I am that SA destroyed all of its nuclear arsenal before 1994.
You're probably happy to hear that Constand Viljoen argued vehemently to include "the right for self-determination in South Africa for any group of people", before it was ratified. Constiutionally speaking, the Afrikaners and Boers could get their own homeland, though it could be near impossible because blacks will block the vote by any means possible.
Holla Forums must be creaming their pants
But Africa is very resource rich, it would be a shame to just give it to the niggers, lets just genocide them instead
They won't do anything with it. Let's free all the whites from Africa and then eradicate what remains. Actually, the bigger issue is the presence of fucking Pooinloos and Chinks.
What are these called? Any more anarchist ones? I've mostly seen the lolbertarian ones.
Let the niggers have it. I've got a US visa now :^)
t. SA white devil
The spades are territorial about their resources and want to maintain their grasp on things, despite doing nothing to provide value with what they have.
The chinks are struggling to get anything done because the spooks don't want to sell out, but they're not putting in any effort to utilizing what they have or collaborating beyond lip service and empty promises.
It's a mess.
It doesn't even stop at the actual valuable resources, either. Even regular gravel quarries have ridiculously low and unreliable output, thwarting any attempts at cooperation and business.
If you've seen Empire of Dust, that's just the tip of the iceberg. That shit extends to almost everything run by the locals.
Or, you know, until they find someone willing to sell out, outsiders can't really make any decisive expansion in the area.
A minute in and they're having a sing song.
Anarcho-capitalist memes. Or Ancap for short.
I have no idea what their ideas are supposed to be about, something about half-feudalism half-blowing shit up.
Why not get a whitehouse petition started to help the Boers settle in America.
Then redpill the normies by meming the fuck out of it.
Watch SA crumble, it'll be hilarious.
It's so site owners cannot trace traffic coming from here and page views are not given to shit sites.
maybe trump will let white refugees from Africa into the States
The white legislators are so despondent.
It's an edit of the "Don't give a heck" smiley with a completely accurate not exaggerated at all for humor whatsoever portrayal of Ancap societies.
I guess now we have to add whites coming back and then being chased away again.
Time to buy stock in companies that sell paper to SA because they're gonna be printing a new magnitude of banknotes each week
So Mugabe didn't learn his lesson.
Oh well, starving niggers are quite entertaining to watch. This needs to be a reality TV show
Strange, liberals say that borders only exist on lines.
Is there anyone else who has noticed that the only group of people who liberals attack for using superior technology is whites?
[b]ack to reddit.
If I may correct the record, Whites landed at the Cape late in the 16th century. They expanded east and north, and they only came into contact with the blacks around 150 years later. The Bantu-speaking blacks were also migrating to the south and west. They met near the Great Fish river around 1715.
Whites have as much of a claim to South Africa as they do to Ireland.
Do you think niggers and especial south african niggers know history? THey are though that what happened in the americas happened in sa.
smh newfag bbcode is older than imageboards
Couldn't this groid problem be solved by bringing back Apartheid? My uncle lived in Apartheid-era South Africa most of his life and immigrated to America a few years before Aparthied was abolished in 1994. He recently visited his old hometown (Durban) this year and said it's unrecognizable; everything went to shit, especially with the niggers in charge of the government/economy.
Instead of white South Africans leaving their home, maybe Apartheid 2.0 could put the groids back in place?
Enjoy the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) troops invading your country to protect the poor niggers from the evil whitey. Look at how saffers were treated while apartheid 1.0 was in place, then magnify it tenfold.
Any country that will declare a strict pro-White policy will be first boycotten and then crushed by kikes running the globalist show. Even if this country's right to do so was completely within the law.
No need to waste one penny in bombing these stupid apes or anything, just cut off all aid and watch them self-genocide because niggers are that fucking worthless
God damn it, it fucking sucks that whites are constantly getting fucked over by ((them))). It's even more disheartening that millions of white South Africans are kicked out of their rightful home. Fuck.
how did you fuck up the quality on this image so bad
Totally toothless without US backing.
Isn't going to exist much longer. Also, see above.
I fucking hope. I so fucking hope for that. The world has gone long enough with armed Judeo-thugs policing it. Claws of that evil have clung to flesh of Whites worldwide for too damn long, it is high time we ripped them out.
With the right pressure, it is now an inevitability.
Its our job - YOUR job - to apply that pressure.
So do it.
Deutschebank is about to collapse. Their derivatives exposure amounts to more than all of the money that exists in the entire world. I'm hoping that once that Jewish abomination dies - and it will die - that will be enough to break all this stupid fucking bullshit the Jews have saddled us with. No more money for anything means no more NATO, no more gibs for Ahmed and Zehra, no more American troops occupying Germany and preventing Putsch-chan from doing the job she signed up for.
silly goy, why do u think (((they))) are trying to fast forward the EU army?
Those niggers arrived in SA after white settlers did. Niggers cane from the north, slaughtering (and eating) San people, and at one point they met white men. South Africa does not belong to niggers.
We could start a campaign as if we were south african blacks wanting Trump to take the whites and free the African land to create New We Wuz Paradise.
Double trips. This cannot possibly be inaccurate.
Thank God Britain got out while the getting was good. . . oh, wait, they haven't. Maybe light a fire under that kettle, eh boys?
And of course all the oppressed POC's in America could escape the racist terror and migrate to Nigland
come home white man
I give them one year.
what's even left?
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't South Africa fucking empty before whites arrived there?
Cheers mate.
Orania, some gated communities and poor devils who are stuck on their family farm because they have been deprived of all ability to flee or regroup.
Bushman territory, whites left them alone but the Zulu treated them monstrously.
gibs me dat n shieeet
You don't own anything, you only have things the kangs let you keep for now.
Trump MUST take all the SA whites into the US
Think about it. He can frame it as making sure SA "rightfully" belongs to niggers then laugh as it ends up worse than Zimbabwe levels of inflation and making America whiter again. It's a win win win situation.
Fuck you, you killed that territories only hope when you ousted the Rhodesian government, you die in that stye.
win win
We need more well armed white men than babies tbh.
Send all niggers back to Africa.
Send all snow-niggers in America or South Africa back to Europe.
I'm sure that western SJWs will totally be up in arms over this blatant threat of genocide. :^)
Why is this allowed but nazi parties aren't?
Fuck me, these people are stupid.
I don't understand why white people choose to stay in South Africa, can someone please explain this to me? Are they too poor to leave, farmers? We need to help whites flee that country.
Reminder all of them are just as much colonizers as the Boers were. In fact, the Boers were there before even the Zulu.
just shows you how important it is to have proper borders, ie high walls, armed guards, mine fields, german shepherds. Full north korea style.
It wouldn't piss me off so much if they had won it through conquest. But no, they're being handed the land.
This is what angers me. I want a war and if they win, at least they've earned it. This isn't earning the land they're taking from us damn it.
I have a better idea.
Let's wipe out every non-white race in existence, and then slaughter anyone who is even slightly darker than a predetermined level of whiteness.
And torture all race traitors to death with fire.
According to my 1993 encyclopedia this started in March 1993. . .
What's the Boer word for Haavara?
We need to help South Africa with its ethnic cleansing.
The Netherlands & The UK both have a policy of not accepting citizenship of white South Africans. So they cannot return home.
Where the buffalo roam, don't go there.
When Cape Town was founded, and for even hundreds of years after, there were no blacks for 500 miles around. The south coast is much too cold and unpleasant for Africans, they prefer to stay in areas where food falls off trees and the only skill necessary for survival is running fast.
The author of the petition asking for white Saffies to be taken as refugees has written an update:
MY take is that if there are only 60.000 signatures so far, WHERE THE FLYING FUCK are all these blanco fugees?
If the Boer and the 3rd generation englishkin can't be bothered to sign a petition, its a poor show.
We need a period of "outreach" to our distant suntanned kin, to determine what % of them think EFF is a real threat, and would rather start over and what % of them just want to pretend the good blacks they know will stand in front of the mob for them.
I don't give a shit about some crusty Boer who would rather die than give up his land. Good 4 u mate, get a few for me, but practically not my fight. The dispossessed poor whites who are feeling the brunt of slow genocide policies implemented by blacks who somehow think they are getting "even" are more my concern. Not least because they are not going to turn into trophies for the gated enclave eloi as soon as they drop their suitcases.
Bantus are the good guys, South Africa has zulus.