American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) knows circumcision reduces sexual feeling in the penis, contradicting their public position.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) knows circumcision reduces sexual feeling in the penis, contradicting their public position.
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What, now trying to appeal to feminists and sluts to keep circumcision legal? Genitalia mutilation should be illegal you sick fuck
Circumcision pill is really what me start to hate kikes. I literally had to grieve for myself once I accepted that I'd been mutilated by my parents.
Again Jewish propaganda:
Its total bullshit!
Notice all veins on foreskin.
I am thankful everyday that I wasn't cut when I was a baby.
I am happy my parents made the right call.
I am sorry for the other anons out there that are cut not by their own choice.
cutlets when will they learn
are you saying their are men who intentionally mutilate themselves?
Yeah there was a guy that did it at work.
I really don't know why
no he wasn't a jew
Nice trips
Most guys do it as an adult, because they think it is what women want.
Oh.. Well that is fucking retarded
he was/is still single
Circumcision is the only reason I'm glad I was born in Europe and not in the USA.
I urge all Americans to fight against this clear abuse. Furthermore I can't recall exactly where I read it but it's been proven that the pain and shock of circumcision permanently alters the brain.
Yeah, kill yourself. Can you even comprehend how beta this behaviour is? Do you honestly think women would cut their clitorises off for men? Religion? God made Man in His own image. That settles this angle.
This is pure meaningless savagery. It is abhorrent. It is evil. Oh, and lest we forget - foreskins are used to make makeup. I'm willing to bet even worse things lurk beneath this odd tidbit of knowledge. The fact you Anglo-Saxons adopted this barbarous custom of slaves and shitskins disgusts me.
Fight against it.
Why don't jews cut their cocks off and replace them with strapons? Then they can last all night.
American circumcision has nothing to do with kikes, it was an effort to curb excessive promiscuity and it works.
Yeah, your women are more chaste than ever.
It was effective back when men were promiscuous instead of women. Not that I'm defending circumcision.
How fucking naive are you? It was promoted to mark burgers as the kike slaves, additionally there is the profit to be made from the operation and the profit from the creams, the foreskins are used to make.Foreskin harvesting is a huge profitable industry. The kikes also steal our placentas for profits, the newborn baby is supposed to be connected to the placenta until it naturally falls off, it improves the baby's immunity system and gives the baby blood and oxygen. The forceful cutting of placenta is the reason why babies get often blue and can't breath, and all of this torture just so they can make money from these placentas in the cream and drug industry.
When I was like seven or eight years old the doctor "diagnosed" a phimosis on me, i.e. the foreskin wasn't retractable and recommended surgery to my parents. Fortunately they had the common sense to wait until it become a problem. Turns out that the foreskin is not supposed he be retractable until puberty, when it comes off on its own. My penis is working just fine now, without (((help))). That's when I learned that "medical science" is full of shit and doctors don't know half as much as they pretend to.
Foregen is literally the only thing keeping me from just killing myself right now.
Muslims and Jews get circumsized, so it's easier for them to rape a woman.
Did kike's forget how to hide?
1. Kikes invented it
2. Kike doctor's hugely influential to justifying it medically despite almost no medical benefits
3. Kike's responsible for subverting evangelicalism in order to make Christians into shabbos goys who secretly want to be part of the club
4. Jewish lobby extremely involved in destroying anyone who questions circumcision
5. Jewish media normalizes circumcised dicks and routinely mocks uncircumcised dicks
Gas yourself.
What planet do you live on?
This explains the unusually high level of sexual degeneracy in the USA.
Seriously Americans, it was YOU who pushed it on the rest of the world.
From gays to cucks and eveything in between, it all comes from America.
Everyone always attacks people who make this point, but it's true. Kellogg had nothing to do with jews when he started pushing this garbage, it was just meant to stop little boys from masturbating (and we all know how well that worked out).
If there is anything actually tying the origins of circumcision in the united states to jews, please let me see that evidence.
A moment of silence for all the lost foreskins.
Only a semitic mind could be sufficiently diseased to dream something like circumcision up initially. It wasn't done in burgertown, but the adoption of it by a non-life affirming christcuck does not lessen its semitic origin.
this map is retarded bc it doesn't include muslims who mutilate boys' genitals at the age of 8 yrs.
bullshit, you dipshit. outside of the US, pretty much the only ppl that do it are Muslims (and jews). Pretty much the US is the only non-Muslim nation to do it, and that just started in the early 1900s.
Ok, it's jewish in origin.
But I've yet to see anything linking jews to the widespread practice of circumcision in the united states.
The only evidence on the matter leads to Mr. Corn Flakes.
Then you're blind, you good goy fuckrag.
Okay user, have fun with your dick infections and degeneracy.
and this is bad because?
Who conceived of circumcision and why? It makes no sense. Was there a group of Jews somewhere, so incredibly dirty that they kept getting infections under their foreskin or something? How does one just, out of nowhere, rationalize cutting a penis? It doesn't fucking making sense…
Emotions always run high with this topic. Please be assured we're on the same side here.
I just want a little evidence, is all.
It originated in America from conservatives who saw circumcision as a way of combatting sexual degeneracy. It was discovered later that it actually reduces infection rates. Lord knows why the Jews do it, their purpose is certainly not cleanliness because Jewish circumcision is performed by a Rabbi, with his mouth.
kill yourself tbqh
There are issues that circumcision can solve
I wish I wasn't though and my sons definitely won't be
I'm pretty sure it leads to more degenerate sexual behavior, because you can't get your fix from the regular stuff.
I'm not a homo, but I have a friend who is, and he's circumsized. He says he just doesn't feel much at all down there, and so he had to resort to getting himself fucked to feel anything. It also looks really disgusting, I try my best not to look at it while I'm fucking him, and when it's his turn to do it, it doesn't make me feel very well too.
Do you know about pure evil?
ive been stretching my penis skin to make lemons out of lemonade
Except countries where circumcision is prevalent are the most obsessed with sex. And it does nothing to curb fapping. And on top of that, circumcision negatively affects the development of an infant's brain.
You're either a woman or someone that's uncircumcised.
for the cutfags i recommend "cross taping" so you can see how it feels to have a foreskin that protects your gland and see how your gland (head) gets moist and stays moist
Fuck off degenerate.
kill yourself nigger
Uncircumcised faggot here. When I see a cut dick, I just feel sick, because it actually looks like someone dunked their penis head in acid. Most guys have been ashamed or ignorant of their kikeslave genital mutilation.
I feel like a crusader for this cause even though I'm not even cut. I just can't understand the endurance of such cognitive dissonance and the trance states that relate to all this. But anecdotally, I haven't noticed gay people to be disproportionately cut (actually the inverse has been true), nor did they seem more prone to fetishism. So I'd argue the profound psychological effects of infant circumcision have much more to do with the actual physical, bloody trauma(s) inducing MPD or DID and decreased frontal lobe integration (causing aggression and bad decisions, along with the ability to dissociate into an alternative ego based on certain triggers), which maybe manifest in sexual devinacy, but much more importantly, and devastating for civilization, is the aggression and violence that infantile trauma leads to.
Many researchers consider the profundity of circumcision to be in relation to war trance and psychosocial dissociation en masse in order to rectify or reenact one's trauma abstractly on the world stage. To oversimplify, people let our leaders kill children because when they were children, they were indoctrinated to believe they themsleves were bad children, something established/reinforced through circumcision, chiefly.
sorry that came out pretty obtuse
You don't need verification for this, it's fucking obvious.
how would you know you fucking faggot
t. kike shill
You can't fool me, Juden.
but the west acts like it's no big deal and that its not as bad as female genial mutilation
shut up nigger kill yourself already
Wasn't there some study on circumcision that was banned and the researchers threatened with court action?
Like I said, have fun with your infections and unclean dick.
Well female genital mutilation is an effective curb for sexual degeneracy too, so I'm all for it.
you deserved to be gassed shlomo
I hate these threads because there are always so many pictures of penises. But the (((AAP))) is probably controlled by a bunch of kikes like so much of medicine is
Another urban legend…
I have straight friends and family. Since I talk about this all the time, I would have picked up on any significant difference in the frequency of circumcision among straights compared to faggots. Besides, one leading argument I hear is that women like cut dicks better, which implies a straight justification/contextualization for this abuse. In the gay community, the preference for cut dick is considered a fetish, so maybe that just means less gay people report their circumcision status out of shame, leading to my conclusion.
Even the most ardent supporters of genital mutilation, agree that the health risks offset are small and this procedure is mostly done for cultural reasons.
My biggest problem with it, is that you experience erectile dysfunction at a much earlier age, because of the loss of nerves and sensation.
It is not for nothing that the countries that consume the most Viagra, commonly practice genital mutilation.
So you are a fucking faggot. Gotcha.
No kidding. Isn't it strange how the majority of sexual abuse against children is carried out by "straight" men, though? Why is it that so many "straight" men care about their newborn babies fucking dick and what it looks like? Why is it that they defend this ritual pedophilia?
It's pushed by pedophiles, profiteers and control-freaks.
1. A sadistic pedophile ritual.
2. Trauma-based mind control. Infant trauma encodes in the brain and can cause a plethora of lifelong psychological complications.
3. Marking of slaves. It's a form of human branding.
4. Dulling of the mind and spirit. As eyes are to art, your ears are to music, your mouth and nose are to food, your sexual organ and sexual pleasure are to your masculinity. Genital mutilation diminishes a man's awareness and enjoyment of life. Circumcised men are sexually colorblind.
You get fucked in head because sexual frustration.
Maybe straight men are the majority? Ever think of that?
Let me clarify, I meant to say that "straight" men are largely behind homosexual abuse against children in the form of circumcision.
Why don't people get together and do a class action?
I'm circumcised and I've never once had an issue masturbating I don't even know where this meme comes from. I went through teenage puberty masturbating dry several times a day, didn't even discover how awesome lube was until I was 25 years old.
I'm not saying it's not a barbaric Jewish practice, but what's wrong with everybody else's circumcisions where they can't fucking masturbate?
He's not saying that you can't masturbate just that you can't "properly" basically masturbating with a foreskin is better without one
How many gay men even have children though?
You don't have the gliding mechanism that a foreskin provides.
Very good point, I'm sure they would then be overepresented then. Dunno why that went over my head. It's still appalling that men don't see how they're emasculating their children for their own pleasure by doing this. I doubt it'll stay popular in the US for many more generations.
tfw Trump outlaws circumcision
Same, I had trouble retracting my foreskin when I was 8 or 9, went to the doctor and the guy tried to fucking detach my frenulum. Almost got cut, but thankfully my parents let me make the call and I decided against it. 20 years old and no problems since.
Trump can't outlaw anything. The President doesn't have the authority to enact legislation. Also, the First Amendment's religious clause prevents Congress from making it illegal.
Sounds like your circumcision isn't that tight then. Mine is pretty tight and it's basically impossible for me to fap without copious amounts of lube. Feels bad man.
nigger you know what i meant
nigger they outlawed Female genital mutilation and that's religious, just because some kikes will want to do it doesn't mean shit
I don't really know about that, but lesbians would certainly circumcise every son of theirs if they didn't already despise their male offspring so much that they abort them. With fags it might even be the opposite since they know their shit about dicks.
That's how it goes. Circumcision is a fundamental part of Judaism, Islam, and Judaized Christians.
Female genital mutilation isn't religious. It's a tribal practice and has nothing to do with religion at all.
goddamn it.
i don't care if it is it's a part of religions this is a human rights issue not a religious freedom one
I suppose you support the right of muzzie sto cut off their daughters clits too then.
Jews got it from Egyptian priests. They used it to differentiate themselves from other peoples. In the Bible when king Saul wants to get David killed he sends him out to collect a hundred Philistine foreskins as proof that he had killed that many of Saul's enemies. If he had ordered him to bring for example a hundred ears or noses or whatever he could not have been certain that those were really from the Philistines.
Islam is interesting in that their religion doesn't actually mandate it, they just do it out of cultural reasons because Mohammed was cut as well.
There are also other cultures that perform various genital mutilations like the Aborigines. Interestingly none of the advanced cultures (European, Asian, whatever) have practiced such rituals. I doubt that it's coincidence.
See, there is your problem. I'm unmutilated, I always fap dry. I tried lube once and it felt like shit and was messy. Put that into perspective, what you as a mutilated man consider awesome is what I consider shit as an unmutilated man. You have been crippled.
Sex without foreskin is like walking without kneecaps. You can do it, and if you never knew what it's like to have kneecaps you won't miss them, but compared to someone with kneecaps you are a cripple.
If one needed any reason to hate the jews, foreskin removal is a very simplr one.
Just another reason to hate kikes, I guess.
we should start a list if there isn't one already
I'm starting to get a little scared about what horrors we are going to find after we drain the swamp.
We must persevere, though. No matter what.
I smell virgin.
How many weeks do you go without showering, you greasy Semite?
There's no difference between mutilation and mutilation.
There are 4 different kinds of female circumcision, the fourth being the most extreme as it involved completely removing the clitoris.
Trips confirm virginity. The analogous procedure to circumscision on females would be to remove the clitorial hood though. The clit would dry out and lose most of it's sensitivity, just like the circumcised male glans.
Please kill yourself for defending any form of disgusting shitskin mutilation rituals.
That's not possible. You do realize that the clitoris is more than just the nub at the top, right? It's a fairly large organ that surrounds the entire vagina.
I understand you want to impress us with your knowledge of the vajayjay but everyone knows what I meant.
Sensitivity difference is obvious to anyone with a foreskin, having your dick head exposed just rubbing on underwear etc is painful if you're not circumcised.
No one wants to admit that there's something wrong with their dick, but you have to think about it in an unbiased manner rather than with pride. It's a jewish tradition and people survived without it for a long time with no issues
Foreskin Restoration Via Tissue Expansion
i can't rationalize this no matter how hard I think it over. it just makes me more angry about jews.
images spoilered cause dick pics.
gas yourself kike.
while I'd recommend it to anyone that's mutilated, it doesn't get our nerve endings back.
while I'd recommend it to anyone that's mutilated, it doesn't get our nerve endings back.
true, but it does bring back sensitivity to the glans and undoes Keratinization
there are other methods i have heard about that do bring back the nerves though by growing a foreskin in a lab and reattaching it
A picture says a thousand words. The vermin fall silent and scatter when people start posting pictures. All their lies, excuses and empty rhetoric go up in a puff of smoke.
hahaha this reminds me of some instructions on American products… how fucking dumb the people are that you have to say the most basic of things.
If you remove 20000-30000 nerve endings… Well you know goys, if you cut off your arm you'll still feel it so why not donate a limb to Israel?
ban it so the fucking jews and moose limbs can't force it on their kids.
fucking sick that this is still around in 2016. fuck humans.
I feel sorry for you. Through dick unity.
I'm kind of glad it happened to me. I wouldn't understand just how subhuman the people around me are otherwise. It was like realizing I was in a pack of dogs when I thought to myself that I'd never do it to anyone. Then I realize there are demons in this world when I see it is deliberately pushed on the dogs.
The instructions are for liability purposes so someone doesn't stick shampoo up their butthole and then sue Suave.
I don't think I have enough room on my hard drive for that .txt file
intact is, as a matter of fact, better in every respect by far.
I hope they find a way to deal with the scar tissue, that's my biggest deal. Still have plenty of sensitivity, but moisture issues and too little skin causes rips on the scar. Sometimes, I rip the skin Inb4 self-flagellating kike puppet Christfags
I also hope they hurry it the fuck up, because their cause is more just than a second holocaust. Which is, admittedly, entirely morally white at this point.
It may be for legitimate medical reasons, but that's quite rare. Even then, it's not really by your own choice.
most of those are made up bullshit or pure laziness which doesn't make any sense
phimosis is always one idiots/shills bring up but it can be no different from the degenerates that gauge their ears out but with a different method. steroids can be used too. even extreme cases where it's painful to pee or unable to, a catheter is always an option.
once again, spoilered for dicks
I meant actually legitimate, again those are really rare. God knows when a kike a goy with an uncut dick he has to find a way to fuck him over, phimosis which you mentioned is actually the most widespread way for a Rabbi to get his foreskin and they may even call something phimosis when it clearly is not, like the user at said.
when a kike sees a goy*
yeah I understand, I just think it's important to point out seeing as we're in a newfag boom right now. even Paraphimosis can be fixed the majority of the time.
fucking kikes
what now?
God bless the wisdom od our parents not wanting to hurt their children. I even had this foreskin problem not retracting 100% and they still didn't cut me.
well that's fuckin dandy, but what's that gonna do about my foreskin that's already been eaten by a rabbi? these fucks need to shut the fuck up until they find a way to cut skin off my asshole or something and attach it to my dick so i can have a foreskin like a normal human
few options
yeah, ok
to tight to pull back and such.
What on earth were you trying to fit in that the look of your dick was important? A Jewish gay club?