Video of SJW ttriggered by pro-Isreal sign

Kike sells booze, has a pro Israel sign SJW gets triggered.

Getting a taste of their own medicine.

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Gotta say, the jew handled it quite well. Very balanced and reasonable dialogue. But that was probably just because she took him by surprise.

our enemies are turning on each other. its funny that these libshits hate everything with strength. if someone/nation is stronger than another they support the weakness. how can you hate beauty so much

We really need to push this angle more, imo. Getting SJWs to be associated with hating Jews would be priceless.

This is a good site to spread to SJWs and leftists since they care about muzzies so much.
Apparently SiteLock is being jewish about it and it doesn't even have SSL

Is that really a good idea though? All it would do is confirm to the conservatives that the "SJWs are the real nazis!".

You know, it's amusing. Jews put on whiteface and turn negros and the like against us with their wrongs, and hide in the masses of white people and use us as a shield. Meanwhile they undermine our cultural and social norms with these sick Leftist ideologies. These Leftist ideology culminate into what we now know as the SJW, which, through extreme identity politics, divides everyone of every group into strict blocks, and the Jews whiteface thus exempts him from minority privilege and makes him a target. The irony is hilarious.

I don't know whether this is a win-win or a lose-lose situation.

It won't do anything. It's weird, "racism" is their ultimate weaponized concept, yet it seems to be entirely useless against them. I don't know if it's because their opinions of themselves are just so high that they think they're inherently right all of the time, or if it's something else. I don't get it. You'd think it'd be a great weapon to use again them, but it's not, unless it's coming from their own kind. Then it works as kind of shit-flinging contest. But a Leftist never believes itself racist, no matter if the actions they take can objectively be proven to be so, as they seem to be under the delusional that morality bends to their will.

Lose-Win. Remember the brownshirts. Trump will need something like that, if he's ever to actually shake the jews off of his administration.

This is why he's been pushing unity, and (((Soros))) has been opposing that, with paid protest and media attention to said protests. The Roth's last stand to claim the country, and Holla Forums wants their chaos to succeed, if not for the sake of purging.

Don't really give a shit. This guy is running a business. Stupid, sheltered girls like this this bitch need to be working on getting a job instead of annoying adults with their SJW signalling videos.

This is because racism is only a bad thing when the world is viewed under an essentially left wing moral view: that the weak are morally superior to the strong. The problem is that the right has spent the past 70 years arguing strategy instead of morality, and so the world has accepted the leftist moral structure as the correct one.

Our victory can not come from exposing them as not following their own morality, but from exposing their morality as immoral. Fortunately, this is easy to do, because all of the things they hold in high esteem are things that are harmful to the survival of themselves and others.

Any morality that does not promote the survival of those who hold it can not, by definition, be moral, because it will allow a different philosophy to prevail over it, and a truly moral philosophy must also be one that ensures it will remain in power.

this is where you are wrong, normies don't give a shit about morality, normies thinks only of their wealth, and Trump is the one to restore that, stop, any other toughts are mental masturbation.

Trump is a means to an end and I am not concerned about the lemmings who will follow whoever is strong. Trump is a small victory in a large battle, and securing the permanent victory requires converting the masses to our mode of thinking being default.


Yeah, I'd say it's a good idea.

Then we can slowly get them associated with hating more and more groups. You sir are brilliant.

pperfect, soon they're triggered because someone said hi

That's already happening. I remember an article where a SJW called the cops after someone said hello to her lel

Odd times when Holla Forums makes me stand with the Jew. What an annoying, bitchy whiney voice that pretend intellectual has. Urrrghhhh!


I side with neither. The asshole immigrates here, probably from Israel, then advocates for a foreign power while selling booze to our college kids. Fuck him.

Typical leftist. Textbook example. I mean, fuck some kike booze merchant, anyways. But this cunt waltzes in fresh from the sewer (U Mich, from what she says), starts spouting off about some random nonsense, and gets irate when her demands aren't immediately and completely capitulated to. You have to wonder how a significant portion of an entire generation ended up like this - believing that their wishes and demands give them dominion over all they see.

That holier-than-though patronizing VOICE that all these sjw college girls have.


Just how many (((1)))'s are going to come out of the wood work??

Daily reminder that jews are and will always be our primary enemy. If anybody's fighting the jew, regardless of who they are or why they're doing it, you side with them.

All this pro Israel talk I could swear I was in a Trump thread.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Racism, is in fact, Tribalism, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Tribalism plus Patriotism. Racism is not a belief unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully natural behavioural pattern made useful by the unification of similar individuals together, distrust of aliens and a strong desire to work for the better of the community, natural instrincts comprising a flocking pattern as defined by Neo-Tribalism.
Many western goyims run a modified version of their natural instinct every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of threat establishment which is widely used today is often called White Guilt”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the CUCK system, developed by the JEW Project.

But jews aren't a virus, they're a parasite.

SJW have become so powerful they can make you sympathize with your enemies not really. But seriously, I will go further than I did before. Look how well the kike handled himself against an attack on his culture on people. If only we could get whites to be so proud of their own kind, we wouldn't have this mess of kikes and SJW poisoning their minds and manipulating them with guilt tricks.

And yes, I think alcohol and drugs are degenerate, so I'm not really enamoured with his business choice either.

Wow dude can you like be even more racist? Typical trump supporter hmpf smh.

fuck off kike

The old Alinsky "do as we say or lose your business."
The (typical American millennial female) probably spent days writing her script and planning the "operation", will be lauded as some kind of "brave heroine" for threatening the old man.

Confirmed for proxy kike.

I also see this is the new mod-approved psy-op against Holla Forums right now, along with this shit thread


Someone's salty because this thread isn't worth my time to return to.

Kike shill doesn't want you fucking goys to turn their useful idiots against them.


How can people get triggered over diversity and at the same time support diversity?
you can't have both.

Jews are unapologetic and give no fucks when others kvetch about this kinda shit, gotta admire them for that.


the conspiracy story is that Israel was supposed to be the final solution to the Jewish problem, but the Frankfurt kikes came over to the USA and started shitting it up.

The majority of American Jews didn't want to go to Israel, they liked the freedom of the USA. So, they invented the holocaust to scare them into Israel.

Just throw out Palestine, the liberals eat that shit up. On a personal note, I too support Palestine, simply because fuck the kikes.

You can hate both at the same time you know, I am not going to support one enemy just to spite another, when I can simply spite both.

It's still a disdain for them. I want them over there.

I agree and hold mutual contempt for both parties. Neither displays the ability nor projects the desire for peace. Leave them both to it (after taking Israel’s Nukes from them). Should we cut them and check back on them in a thousand years I am confident they would still be blowing up each eithers children with just as much enthusiasm.

Inferior cultures that have dragged us down to their putrid level. Sad!

Poetic Jewstice.

Reported for Judeophilia.

The Muhammadans will never be our allies, reported for civic nationalism. You can hurt both the Jews and the Muslims at the same time: interdiction of ritual slaughter, religious signs, religious juridiction, double-citizenship, sex only buildongs (swimming pool) etc. Then let them rage and declare them an ennemy of the state and deport them alongside every circumcised faggots.


That's true in general, but the reason that this is such an effective wedge issue is that leftist rhetoric and thinking fully supports both sides of the issue, and adamantly and emotionally so on either end. Muh poor persecuted ews the whole world hates them they deserve their own country on the one hand and muh patriarchal white supremacist imperialist Israel on the other. It means that if either side of it uses doublethink, this will antagonize the other side.

underrated post


And then you end up with r/The_Donald, where everyone is fiercely pro-Israel because "Hating Israel is what the SJWs do, Israel is good!".

No, your idea is shit.

Gas the kikes, but not my kike.

How does that make sense? If you get people not to like the Jews or Israel, how does that lead to people defending Israel?

If you cut the dicks off all your soldiers, then the future belongs to weak men. You want to promote positive sentiment among the enemy, which will and does lead to those you seek to bring around to your way of thinking to adopt anti-thetical stances.

You know the answer, but I'll bite: You want to give your enemies positive traits. Lesser men are going to want to differentiate themselves from the enemy, so they will adopt negative traits in response. Similar to how the enemy of the left is strong, masculine men, so they become feminized beta cucks. You will create a generation of alt-righters who go down a path that does nothing for the cause.


I mean why even come here buddy if you're gonna tell lies on the internet?

You're just being a kike trying to prevent anyone from turning their useful idiots against them.

Says the kike trying to change hosts now that the winds of change blew through. The right-wing is the future, and now you want to co-opt it to serve Israel's interests as you did the left. It ain't gonna work Chaim.

Pretty much this, leftism antisemitism is particularly useful especially on campuses the only problem is that they tend to love Muslim dicks after that. So you have to develop at the same time a leftist feminism specially opposed to Islam.

isnt that a good thing?

Not really, because it galvanizes pro-Israel conservatives. Leftists have no concrete position, so convincing them to do something is only useful so far as it affects the people you're referring them to, and the people you'll galvanize by doing so. Israel-loving cucks are a bigger voice than ever now because the kikes managed to switch sides in the middle of the Obama administration since they knew the right would be the next dominant force.

No, since it still demonizes nazis and racism. It's anti-thetical to out goals.

True but now that they are feeling the burn of the right antisemitism they have nowhere to go. It is really important to spread antisemitism in every party.

They are carving out the alt-right, which is their new jew-friendly haven. This is why it's just as important to convince these alt-right cucks why anti-semitism is legitimate as it is to spread it to normies.

Nobody wants, nobody likes, kikes kikes kikes

Would jew kindly stop or at least try to be subtle?

You'd have a point, had I not provided an example of that exact fucking thing in my first post.

I remember when shills used to at least put the effort in, yours is one of the lazier attempts i've seen.

Your subplebbit example which gets flooded with (((alt-right))) bullshit doesn't prove my point wrong, you dirty fucking kike.

It does exactly that thing.

I get that you've been caught out and you've got nowhere to go, but you could at the very least just re-group and have another go at the summit tomorrow.

I don't think you understand how logic works.


Forgot to switch IDs there, schlomo?

Lemme walk you through this one lad. I provided an example of the thing I said occurs. You said it didn't make sense. I explained it, and you've been shitposting without making a point ever since. You've provided nothing, and have given no opposition. Your pilpul is poor, and you should leave.

Kek I don't even feel bad.

Is your only argument and you're trying to prevent people from turning the kike's useful idiots against them.
>doesn't understand saging for double post

One example of a kike-subverted subplebbit on a pozzed website which praises the gay jew Milo is not adequate proof btw.

its a free country, you have your opinion and i have mine.
i guess this means we can stand outside his store with a sign that says GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW